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Jesus God, Leah!!

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  On 10/22/2015 at 3:52 PM, Mkay said:

Let me add what I posted was wrong.  http://theashleysrealityroundup.com/2015/10/21/teen-mom-2-star-leah-messer-has-reportedly-lost-custody-of-her-twin-daughters-more-details/Says the Addie incident happened a month ago.  Sorry for posting that.  I'll make sure next time.

I wouldn't be surprised if it happened more than once and led to confusion in the tabloids.

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  On 10/22/2015 at 5:32 PM, ghoulina said:

Right. And I think a lot of him allowing it for so long was because it allowed him to keep better tabs on the girls. Without the cameras, he would not be privy to half the crap going on under Leah's "care".

How can it help him to keep tabs on the girls when the show is filmed like a year in advance? Whatever he sees on the show would be long over with by the time he sees it.

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What kind of job will Leah be able to even get? There really is no reason for her to not work if she only has the girlses on the weekends. But she's so stupid. Very dumb. I can't really see her working any kind of job. Can she make change? Tell time? Read? I don't think she can do any of those things so what jobs are out there for her?

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Didn't Leah have some kind of job when she filmed 16 and Pregnant? If she were to get truly clean and sober, a job would be the best thing for her self-esteem. However, I agree with others that Corey getting primary custody may only reinforce her "woe is me" perspective and lead to continued addictive behavior-- whether it be men, drugs, or both.

For the children's sake, I do hope that Leah gets her act together. They do love their mommy, however flawed she is.

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  On 10/22/2015 at 7:18 PM, poopchute said:

What kind of job will Leah be able to even get? There really is no reason for her to not work if she only has the girlses on the weekends. But she's so stupid. Very dumb. I can't really see her working any kind of job. Can she make change? Tell time? Read? I don't think she can do any of those things so what jobs are out there for her?

She could be a cashier at the grocery store where Jermy served her divorce papers. The cash register makes the change, the date and time is displayed on the checkout monitor and there are pics of the produce she needs to get the code for when it's on the scale. 


But, my prediction is that she'll find another sucker to support her. I still say the perfect man for her is one on 100% disability for something that causes chronic pain. He'd be around 24/7 to bang her and tell her she's awesome and would come with a regular, monthly supply of pain meds. Hell, he could help her scam her way into disability for herself! I see litigants on Judge Judy all the time on disability for headaches or anxiety with umpteen baby daddies and pregnant with another baby from another guy. A lot of them don't have custody of their kids, either. It's perfect, I tell ya!

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In honor of Cory finally getting his girlses, I changed my avatar. I included Jeremy because it is only a matter of time before he too has his child in his care and custody.


It seems the things we have wished for, are coming true. Not that long ago, about two weeks ago, I posted it was going to take something bad where the kids would be affected before Leah would get herself in trouble.  I mentioned CPS. I hope they are going to be involved with the Addie matter. 


If wishes are coming true, please, please allow Jeremy to get full custody of Addie. I also bought a lotto ticket. I hope I win!!

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  On 10/22/2015 at 9:18 PM, GreatKazu said:

In honor of Cory finally getting his girlses, I changed my avatar. I included Jeremy because it is only a matter of time before he too has his child in his care and custody.


It seems the things we have wished for, are coming true. Not that long ago, about two weeks ago, I posted it was going to take something bad where the kids would be affected before Leah would get herself in trouble.  I mentioned CPS. I hope they are going to be involved with the Addie matter. 


If wishes are coming true, please, please allow Jeremy to get full custody of Addie. I also bought a lotto ticket. I hope I win!!

I love your avatar. Life without Leah looks so good on both of them! The police are mandated reporters, so CPS should have been called when they found little Adderall wandering around at 2:00am. Maybe she was hoofing it down to the local bar to walk her mom home at closing time.

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  On 10/22/2015 at 8:09 PM, Adiba said:

Didn't Leah have some kind of job when she filmed 16 and Pregnant? If she were to get truly clean and sober, a job would be the best thing for her self-esteem. However, I agree with others that Corey getting primary custody may only reinforce her "woe is me" perspective and lead to continued addictive behavior-- whether it be men, drugs, or both.

For the children's sake, I do hope that Leah gets her act together. They do love their mommy, however flawed she is.

*Snort*...no Leah didn't work during her 16 and pregnant filming. She didn't go to school either. Now, in her defense, she did have pretty severe morning sickness in the beginning and after going into labor at 6 months was put on bedrest, but there were a few months in between those periods where she could have worked or gone back to school and instead wiled away the days eating slushies at DQ and sitting at picnic tables with her friends talking about their cheerleading glory days. Also, once she was on bedrest she mostly looked at Facebook on her laptop and straightened her bangs instead of using any of the million online resources people have nowadays to keep up with school.

Not that it mattered since her clearly impeccable standards having high school gave her a diploma anyways despite missing 60% of the school year without making any time up.

All this is to say that in the 6 years she's been filmed, she's never shown any work ethic, initiative, or ever demonstrated any commitment to her education.

She'd do pretty well though waiting tables at a townie bar. She could flirt with the middle aged drunks who believe me, tip A LOT to a 20 something bleach blonde with a nice body. She could find her next meal ticket that way.

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I have a feeling y'all are right. That while now Leah will have plenty of "me" time and time to get a job and get in her feet, but she will probably use it to mope and cry about why Corry is so mean and took her babies.

I kinda feel like if she is ordered to pay any child support to Corey while he has the girls, I doubt Corey will pursue it, to me it seems that he is genuinely more concerned about the girls well being and not the child support check.

Honestly I find the silence from Leah's camp slightly humorous, only because if it had been the other way around they would have already had a 5 page spread in US weekly about Leah bring brave in the face of adversity. The tabloids would have been tipped about the court date and would have been waiting while Dawn went down the line making statements about what deadbeats Corey/Jeremy were.

I agree with the the person upthread that Miranda is a much better person than me because I would have been the "source" the day they left court.

As hard and sad as this situation must be, especially for the girls... It was all kinda best case scenario in a way because as stated previously it was going to take something big for the courts to change the custody, and the way things were going that could have resulted in one or all of the girls being seriously hurt or even killed, so the fact that they are all safe to me is the best possible outcome for everyone involved.

I personally hope Corey pulls the plug on MTV for the girls completely, I said it before, but I think obscurity would be the best thing for Leah right now. She has had more resources than the average person for years now and that clearly hasn't helped so I think it's time to try something else. I get that IF they were filmed it would give a little more security when he can't be with the girls, but we've also seen that MTV did not step in when she was driving with the girls and could not keep her eyes open, if I was a parent that is not a chance I would be willing to take.

  • Love 7

We shouldn''t be shocked. An addict is not about caring for anyone in a proper manner. It was just a matter of time, right?


Cory should receive child support from Leah and I hope he pursues it. Clearly going to court to acquire custody would also bring up that fact. There would be another court hearing for that matter, but I cannot see the attorney not mentioning it to Cory. Leah received a good chunk of money for 3 days of custody time per week. Cory will have the twins for five days. Regardless if Cory doesn't want to go after Leah, the twins do need support for their needs. Those same needs that Leah cried about constantly when she pursued Cory for more money. If Leah is doing much better and is no longer "in treatment" then, she can get herself to working and paying what is rightfully owed to the twins. I can see Leah claiming to have a breakdown and claim disability simply to avoid going to work and to paint herself as the victim of Cory and Miranda.


As for the Messers, they are all getting their stories straight before they throw out there how Leah was fucked over by the police, Cory, Miranda, and anyone else they can point their fingers at.

  • Love 5

Well first, for the sake of humanity, I hope the idiots who defend Leah are infertile


Secondly, this isn't going to change Leah, if anything, it's only going to make her worse, and that's mainly because of enablers. What should be happening is her family telling her that if she doesn't get her shit together, she's going to lose her kids forever, but what's actually happening is everyone in the cornfield is gathering around and telling her that it isn't her fault, it's Cory's fault, and it don't make no sense. Their need to constantly play the victim and ignore reality will kill Leah.

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  On 10/22/2015 at 11:51 PM, WhitneyWhit said:

Well first, for the sake of humanity, I hope the idiots who defend Leah are infertile

Sadly, most of them have kids in their profile pictures. One of them said Leah feeding the girls at midnight was no big deal because as long as five year-olds are in bed by ELEVEN, they'll be okay. I don't know what's considered normal now, but when I was little I think my bedtime was 8:00 or 8:30. Another poster told me I shouldn't judge Leah on her drug use because "we're all addicted to something." Oh, and she also called me a hater! If this is the level of stupidity pro-creating these days, I think I'm going to flee to Canada. The Jenelle leghumpers are even worse. Edited by BitterApple
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  On 10/22/2015 at 11:05 PM, SPLAIN said:

We shouldn''t be shocked. An addict is not about caring for anyone in a proper manner. It was just a matter of time, right?

Cory should receive child support from Leah and I hope he pursues it. Clearly going to court to acquire custody would also bring up that fact. There would be another court hearing for that matter, but I cannot see the attorney not mentioning it to Cory. Leah received a good chunk of money for 3 days of custody time per week. Cory will have the twins for five days. Regardless if Cory doesn't want to go after Leah, the twins do need support for their needs. Those same needs that Leah cried about constantly when she pursued Cory for more money. If Leah is doing much better and is no longer "in treatment" then, she can get herself to working and paying what is rightfully owed to the twins. I can see Leah claiming to have a breakdown and claim disability simply to avoid going to work and to paint herself as the victim of Cory and Miranda.

As for the Messers, they are all getting their stories straight before they throw out there how Leah was fucked over by the police, Cory, Miranda, and anyone else they can point their fingers at.

You are very right, I completely agree that Corey can and should get child support, I just meant that I kinda think Corey is a nice guy and I wouldn't be surprised if he didn't pursue it, because he's not vindictive like Leah, Sorry I don't think I said it right the first time.

I don't have kids or a baby daddy, so I don't really know much about how child support works, I only know a little because it been discussed a lot in the Kail thread, but at this point would it even be in Corey's control? My thinking is that since this all went through the court system, regardless of how Corey feels would the state pursue it? Even though she doesn't have a traditional job, she does have the MTV money, could the govt potentially garnish that?

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  On 10/22/2015 at 10:16 PM, Tatum said:

She'd do pretty well though waiting tables at a townie bar. She could flirt with the middle aged drunks who believe me, tip A LOT to a 20 something bleach blonde with a nice body. She could find her next meal ticket that way.

Yes, she would have to settle for what she can get in the townie places. Charleston is the state capital with politicians and executives eating in some of the nicer restaurants there, but those places would be too picky to hire her.

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  On 10/23/2015 at 12:03 AM, BitterApple said:

Sadly, most of them have kids in their profile pictures. One of them said Leah feeding the girls at midnight was no big deal because as long as five year-olds are in bed by ELEVEN, they'll be okay. I don't know what's considered normal now, but when I was little I think my bedtime was 8:00 or 8:30. Another poster told me I shouldn't judge Leah on her drug use because "we're all addicted to something." Oh, and she also called me a hater! If this is the level of stupidity pro-creating these days, I think I'm going to flee to Canada. The Jenelle leghumpers are even worse.

So how does that work? If the kids are in bed at 11, it's no big deal to feed them at 12? Are they eating in their sleep? Does she drag them out of bed and feed them, or give them canned ravioli in their beds? Like you, I went to bed at 8:30 until I was about 10, and it was a big deal being able to stay up until 9 after that.


  On 10/23/2015 at 12:42 AM, Schmoopy said:


(from IG @babsevanstagram)

Straight bangs, crispy curls...it's like Leah from high school, with an extra fifty pounds.


  On 10/23/2015 at 1:50 AM, cheatincheetos said:

Yes, she would have to settle for what she can get in the townie places. Charleston is the state capital with politicians and executives eating in some of the nicer restaurants there, but those places would be too picky to hire her.

Nicer restaurants? Like what? I think I remember one nice restaurant there, it was in a pink building. I ate there once and it was pretty sweet. Other than that, the nicest place they have is that Fifth Quarter place she always goes to. I went there before prom in high school, and it looks a bit more haggard now. Maybe I just never frequented the "nicer" places in the area, but I remember thinking Olive Garden was "fancy" growing up there. Maybe there is a country club or something?


Of course, I do think Olive Garden IS too fancy for our girl Leah. She'll end up at Roni's for sure. Hell, she's there half the time anyway. Maybe she can arrange visitation and knock out a shift at the same time!

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Leah is the type of parent that will lost custody of her kids to the state. She sees no problem with her behavior and doesn't need to own up to it because nobody forced her to. She has people coddling her and telling her it's not her fault. This chick can actually go to school even online school or get a job but is lazy. She wants a man to support her.

Thank goodness that these kids have food fathers in their life. I hate when people always think mothers deserve custody at all costs when the child's needs aren't met. No fathers are good parents too. Leah is a hot as mess right now and could use some tough love. Unfortunately she's chasing penis and drugs

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Secondly, this isn't going to change Leah, if anything, it's only going to make her worse, and that's mainly because of enablers. What should be happening is her family telling her that if she doesn't get her shit together, she's going to lose her kids forever, but what's actually happening is everyone in the cornfield is gathering around and telling her that it isn't her fault, it's Cory's fault, and it don't make no sense. Their need to constantly play the victim and ignore reality will kill Leah.


You are exactly correct. All this is going to do is feed Leah's persecution complex. Everyone is out to get her and life is just so darn unfair. 


One of them said Leah feeding the girls at midnight was no big deal because as long as five year-olds are in bed by ELEVEN, they'll be okay. I don't know what's considered normal now, but when I was little I think my bedtime was 8:00 or 8:30.


On the one hand, everyone is different and some people are just natural night owls. I have a friend who is quite the night owl and her daughter takes after her. But she's a SAHM and homeschools her daughter, so it doesn't really matter if they stay up closer to 10-11 and get up closer to 8 in the morning. However, Leah's girlses are supposed to be in school, which starts at a certain time and does not revolve around Leah's late night, drug seeking schedule. We know for a fact that girlses were habitually late, and I'm sure that was in large part due to no one getting to bed at a time which allowed a full night's rest. Children need more sleep than adults. My kids are 4,5, and 7 and they still all sleep about 10 hours at night. So if you're getting the kids to bed around midnight and they have to get up around 6-7 in order to be at school on time, that is NOT enough sleep. 


Her fans will excuse anything, it's so gross.

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I'm new here, and I'm sure anything I say will not be anything that hasn't been written before, but...


Without a doubt I believe that any upcoming trouble Leah gets into will fully be blamed on Cory "stealing" her kids, not unlike Jenelle when she claimed that she STARTED using drugs only because she was so upset that she "lost" Jace. If Leah gets caught this afternoon with eleven pounds of meth, she will claim that Cory's latest meanness drove her to it. And, disgustingly enough, so many people will be on her side and agree.


Leah fascinates me the most on this show, mainly because I can't believe the stuff she gets away with. She is not held accountable for anything. To me, watching her is like pulling globs of hair out of the drain. It revolts me but I have to do it.

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  On 10/23/2015 at 3:51 PM, AhFillAck said:

Thanks, Great Kazu!! Glad to be here. I feel like (or as Leah says "Ah fill ack") this is one of the few forums where people make any damn sense.

Good username! I wasn't sure what it meant. That is funny!


Yes, it seems for the most part, common sense is what we have here. Going by the comments on articles and Facebook, the ignorant and the stupid run rampant.

Edited by GreatKazu
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  On 10/23/2015 at 12:42 AM, Schmoopy said:

When you eat a fruit...

(from IG @babsevanstagram)

In that family, only if it's an orange and Jeremy is around to pick up Addy, so he gets allergies.

  On 10/23/2015 at 5:27 PM, SPLAIN said:

"“She is a dedicated mother,” he said. “If you saw the last reunion show, which is the last time I had contact with her, I believed she was making some progress.”


Tell me why anyone considers this guy an expert, again? The "teen" moms aren't the only ones overpaid by MTV.

  On 10/23/2015 at 4:00 PM, GreatKazu said:
Yes, it seems for the most part, common sense is what we have here. Going by the comments on articles and Facebook, the ignorant and the stupid run rampant.

The forums more critical of Jenelleah seem to be people who keep up with the episodes as well as publicly available news like Deercamgate. The social media minions fawn over Jenelleah and then don't even know basics like Jeremy's reason for divorce.

Edited by cheatincheetos
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"“She is a dedicated mother,” he said. “If you saw the last reunion show, which is the last time I had contact with her, I believed she was making some progress.”

Oh please! I saw the reunion show, and the entire season. I watched all the seasons beforehand. Did you, Drew? Hell no you didn't!! I also read articles linked to this topic and members supplied us with information that the show won't show to the viewers. The only progress being made was Leah not having become pregnant again. Give that time.

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  On 10/23/2015 at 8:11 PM, AhFillAck said:

Of course Pinksy has to add "it's been a terribly painful and stressful time for her."

Isn't everything??? Everything is always about poor, poor Leah. Gahh!!!

Ikr? Forget the two dads and the paternal extended families having to worry sick about the incompetent mess of a mother doing who knows what while the kids are in her care. Only poor Leah suffers because she is just too delicate to live.

Then again,Dr Drew lost me when he tried to reason that Leah's stress is greater then Corey's because of her "mental illness". Never mind that Corey could be dealing with mental issues, just because he doesn't use it as a go to excuse for his behavior doesn't mean his feelings are less valid then Leah's. Dr Dumbass should stop trying to play "doctor", he sucks at it.

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  On 10/22/2015 at 9:43 PM, Maharincess said:

All of a sudden, I'm getting notifications every time somebody replies to this thread. Would anybody know how I can make it stop? I use the mobile version. I haven't done anything different so I don't know why its happening. It's not a huge deal, its just a little annoying.

Thanks in advance.

Maybe one of the Messers hacked your smartphone...

  • Love 1

I can't make it stop! I get a notification every time somebody posts in the Leah thread. It's driving me crazy!

I'm on an iPad but this might help. Not sure though!

At the top of the forums page click the little person by the envelope and bell.

Click my settings

Left side of page click Notification options

Make sure all notification boxes for what you don't want are unchecked. Save changes.

Good luck!

Eta: aw, sorry.

Edited by whydoiwatchtv
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The thing with what Dr. Panda is saying about Leah being a dedicated mother, no one is questioning that or that she loves her kids. It's obvious she does. I think that's what gets missed in the point, Leah assumes that the comments from people she doesn't know or Corey and Miranda are questioning her love for her kids and dedication, but that isn't what is happening. Like I said, I see that Leah cares about her kids, but I think she needs help because she seems to have a problem, but like many addicts she can't admit it and she doesn't really want help. The old saying is, 'You can lead a horse to water but you can't make the horse drink' MTV can provide these girls all the support they can but until Leah wants it, she won't do much with it.  And sadly, "rock bottoms" are different for every person and probably more so an  addict, so this is what a normal rock bottom would be for a non addicted person but for an addict, they probably can go have many things I would consider a rock bottom and still not get it. 

  • Love 9

Leah's rock bottom hasn't happened because everyone is there to pick up the pieces for her. Whether it is her family, a new guy, MTV, someone is ready to catch her and fix it for her. Leah going to rehab was a joke because she made it a joke. She couldn't admit where she went and why. It was a "go to rehab or kiss your MTV checks goodbye" kinda deal. Where is the incentive to get clean and heal?


I am so beyond fucking sick reading about Leah's stresses in life, she is so young and dealing with so much. Why is no one asking the question, "Why are you NOT stressed out when you are out finding a new boyfriend?" She not only finds another guy so quickly, she moves in with him and starts taking care of his two kids!!

Edited by GreatKazu
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  On 10/23/2015 at 5:27 PM, SPLAIN said:

Dr Drew is a quack. A quack, a fraud, and a charlatan. (I googled synonyms for quack and I really like the word charlatan). I know it's been said time and time again but this guy clearly knows nothing about anything. "She is working very hard"..... Hard at what? She's probably only conscious for two or three hours a day- long enough to get some dick, give Addie a juice grenade, yell vague threats at the kids, and fall into a drug-induced sleep. Hardly the life of a mother who's "working very hard"

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  On 10/23/2015 at 11:01 PM, GreatKazu said:

Leah's rock bottom hasn't happened because everyone is there to pick up the pieces for her. Whether it is her family, a new guy, MTV, someone is ready to catch her and fix it for her. Leah going to rehab was a joke because she made it a joke. She couldn't admit where she went and why. It was a "go to rehab or kiss your MTV checks goodbye" kinda deal. Where is the incentive to get clean and heal?


I am so beyond fucking sick reading about Leah's stresses in life, she is so young and dealing with so much. Why is no one asking the question, "Why are you NOT stressed out when you are out finding a new boyfriend?" She not only finds another guy so quickly, she moves in with him and starts taking care of his two kids!!


  On 10/23/2015 at 10:34 PM, WhosThatGirl said:

The thing with what Dr. Panda is saying about Leah being a dedicated mother, no one is questioning that or that she loves her kids. It's obvious she does. I think that's what gets missed in the point, Leah assumes that the comments from people she doesn't know or Corey and Miranda are questioning her love for her kids and dedication, but that isn't what is happening. Like I said, I see that Leah cares about her kids, but I think she needs help because she seems to have a problem, but like many addicts she can't admit it and she doesn't really want help. The old saying is, 'You can lead a horse to water but you can't make the horse drink' MTV can provide these girls all the support they can but until Leah wants it, she won't do much with it. And sadly, "rock bottoms" are different for every person and probably more so an addict, so this is what a normal rock bottom would be for a non addicted person but for an addict, they probably can go have many things I would consider a rock bottom and still not get it.

I think that's one of the most detrimental things in this whole situation, Leah gets so defensive anytime the issue is brought up. Corey can say something about the drug rumors, and Leah gets mad and says he's downgrading (I hadn't used that one in a while) her as a mother, but he didn't say anything about her as a mother. I don't know if she truly feels like that is what they are saying or if that is her way of throwing the argument off of what is really going on, but either way the best thing she could do for the girls at this point is to get better so she can be there for the girls, Corey didn't get custody to hurt her like I'm sure she will say when she does make a statement, it was because the girls were in a unsafe environment.

It's like when she was talking to her friend and they were saying her leaving (I think this was before the second time) was going to be really hard on the girls, and Leah immediately cut her off and started saying it's so much harder on her. She had to put herself in front of even her own children, and how she wanted to call them everyday, she didn't care that it could be more upsetting to them, she missed them, so she wanted to talk to them. She needs to get over whatever it is that is keeping her from admitting there is an issue, and just get better for her girls. I wouldn't even necessarily care if she didn't go public with whatever it is, I just ask that she not lie about what the issue is... If she can't tell the truth then don't say anything at all.

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  On 10/24/2015 at 12:23 AM, leighroda said:

I think that's one of the most detrimental things in this whole situation, Leah gets so defensive anytime the issue is brought up. Corey can say something about the drug rumors, and Leah gets mad and says he's downgrading (I hadn't used that one in a while) her as a mother, but he didn't say anything about her as a mother. I don't know if she truly feels like that is what they are saying or if that is her way of throwing the argument off of what is really going on, but either way the best thing she could do for the girls at this point is to get better so she can be there for the girls, Corey didn't get custody to hurt her like I'm sure she will say when she does make a statement, it was because the girls were in a unsafe environment.

It's like when she was talking to her friend and they were saying her leaving (I think this was before the second time) was going to be really hard on the girls, and Leah immediately cut her off and started saying it's so much harder on her. She had to put herself in front of even her own children, and how she wanted to call them everyday, she didn't care that it could be more upsetting to them, she missed them, so she wanted to talk to them. She needs to get over whatever it is that is keeping her from admitting there is an issue, and just get better for her girls. I wouldn't even necessarily care if she didn't go public with whatever it is, I just ask that she not lie about what the issue is... If she can't tell the truth then don't say anything at all.

Both of what I bolded are textbook addict behavior. Deflect, deflect, deflect when someone says anything about your addiction. And, the addict and their feelings are more important than EVERYTHING. Even their children. The fact that Leah won't even admit that she went to rehab for drugs is all we need to know about her. In her mind, she doesn't have a problem. It's all everyone else's fault and if they'd just leave her alone, she's just fine.

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  On 10/24/2015 at 12:23 AM, leighroda said:

It's like when she was talking to her friend and they were saying her leaving (I think this was before the second time) was going to be really hard on the girls, and Leah immediately cut her off and started saying it's so much harder on her. She had to put herself in front of even her own children, and how she wanted to call them everyday, she didn't care that it could be more upsetting to them, she missed them, so she wanted to talk to them.

UGH! This x 100.

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