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Jesus God, Leah!!

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Leah has said before in one of the Dr. Drew shows that Corey cheated on Miranda (Leah didn't say with whom), and neither of them denied it that I recall.

Leah calling out Cory a cheater is akin to her calling out Jenelle for being a drug addict.


Did anyone else notice how much Leah looked exactly like Ali during that scene when she was telling her children goodbye? When Leah was in her SUV I also noticed how much they resemble each other. Same messy hair, their noses, everything was identical. All that was missing was Leah wearing glasses. I never thought Ali looked like Leah, until last night.

Edited by SPLAIN
  • Love 5

Did anyone else notice how much Leah looked exactly like Ali during that scene when she was telling her children goodbye? When Leah was in her SUV I also noticed how much they resemble each other. Same messy hair, their noses, everything was identical. All that was missing was Leah wearing glasses. I never thought Ali looked like Leah, until last night.



Yes! I absolutely had that thought! Something about the way they hold their jaw (tight), but there was also a certain angle that made me really see it - which is interesting, because I don't usually see much of either parent in Ali (especially compared to her sisters). 

  • Love 1
Did anyone else notice how much Leah looked exactly like Ali during that scene when she was telling her children goodbye? When Leah was in her SUV I also noticed how much they resemble each other. Same messy hair, their noses, everything was identical. All that was missing was Leah wearing glasses. I never thought Ali looked like Leah, until last night.


I saw it.  I also think Ali kinda looks like Dawn, only with brown hair. 

She was also a cheater very early on, and showed little regard for preserving the family she claims to care so much about. 

And yet she smirked in that scene to Corey that he should have "fought for his family". The irony and stupid, they burn.

I'm an attorney, and recently had a conversation with my boss about getting letters from other attorneys who include Esq. in the signature. It's 99.9% of the time the signal that this is about to turn into a cluster. In my experience, attorneys who include that are either douches, have incredible chips in their shoulder, or both. Not surprised that both Leah's super lawyer and her daughter would include that on their names.

They probably live in sloppily done new construction in a development with a pretentious name like Gilded Versailles Palaces, too.

  • Love 6

I just finished telling my daughter the same thing. I swear. I kid you not. She was showing me Davis' mugshot and I said to her how she resembles the mother of one of the Teen Mom girls.

True Kazu, though Dawn likes snug outfits that show her assets to advantage whereas Mrs. Davis seems to be following a different beloved character's fashion sense:



  • Love 6

I need to order that book. I can just imagine the chapters......


CH 1: When it Don't Make No Sense

CH 2: Divorce and the Kidses

CH 2: Deer Cams and Other Recording Devices

CH 3: Those Are My Shorts! Dividing Property

CH 4: I was In The Grocery Store! When and Where to Serve the Papers


CH 5: Pacific Things to Axe for in the Settlement

CH 6: Hotels, Motels, Holiday Inn: Places to Stay Prior to "Therapeutic Treatment"

Edited by SPLAIN
  • Love 14

Go check out Leah's Twitter quickly! (Before she deletes it) She is on a rant about the upcoming "prescription pill" scene between Cory and Jeremy.

1) I love that she actually calls him "Jerm" as in a germ. She does know that Jeremy has 3 syllables, not 2...right? It's Jer-e-my, not Jerm-y.

2) if Jeremy hates Corey, why was he hanging out with him in LA? Maybe he hated him at one time, or maybe he even hates him right now. But I don't think he has continuously hated him. I think that there might have been a period where they were working together against her. Well, Jerm was probably working against her, and Corey was working for his children.

  • Love 2

Go check out Leah's Twitter quickly! (Before she deletes it) She is on a rant about the upcoming "prescription pill" scene between Cory and Jeremy.

I've never looked at Leah's twitter before. It's .... interesting. She needs to just stay off social media. I don't doubt the producers set up the scene between Corey and Jeremy, but I hate when reality stars start blaming everything on editing. We know the show is heavily edited. However, the show didn't edit Leah into a walking zombie addict.

If she doesn't want to publicly admit to a prescription pill problem, fine, but I don't have much faith in her staying clean when she's the same old Leah, making excuses while Mama Dawn and her "fans" tell her what a great mom she is and attack anyone that says otherwise.

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Leah mentions she will be in trouble but, she doesn't care. Leah sure loves her Twitter.


That matter with the police, Leah is now denying it ever happened and claims that she always has her girls in their car seats. The Ashley tweeted to her evidence to the contrary:



The Ashley, you rock!  I wish I had a Twitter account. I would let Leah know how the editing monkeys have also painted her as someone in need of therapeutic therapy and forgot all about the deer cam incident. I would also tweet to her how is it her hair grows overnight.

  • Love 3

Haha, Leah and her rantses. She does need to sit down and shut up, after all the editing magic MTV has done for her. I hope karma bites her in the butt and MTV shows us Leah in all her glory. Biting the hand that feeds you doesn't pay off.

She said something on her twitter about not speaking up enough for herself. I figured Mama Dawn and the rest of the Messers did that for her. Dummy is bringing more attention to her drug use because of her social media tantrums.

  • Love 4

Is it wrong that I'm more irritated at Karl pretending she's on the show "property brothers," with her "open concept" comment (coming from the girl who mooches off of section 8) than I am with Jenelle or Leah?

This girl clearly forgot where she came from and is trying to sound like an upper class wife Instead of the girl who "won the lottery" for getting knocked up!

It wouldn't bother me so much if she showed some type of appreciation...if that were me I would be all like," I can't believe I'm finally getting a beautiful home I'm so happy" instead we hear, "it's too hot i'm not even going to bother to look at the pool I'll TAKE IT and buy a new one in 6 months to show off my money some more," lol clearly not verbatim but you catch my drift.

She's unappreciative of the life MTV had handed her when she was living a crappy lifestyle--instead she mooches her fans for trips to Australia for a book tour.


Edited by Calm81
  • Love 8

I would love for an interview with the twinses.  Imagine the gems that little Ali would come out with!

"Mommy is a piece of fudge"

"Are we on time for school? No."

"Mommy doesn't like cooking, that's why Gracie does it" 

And OtherTwin can sit there and throw some serious side eye when she gets asked about Leah being "tired" all the time.  

  • Love 7

I'm an attorney, and recently had a conversation with my boss about getting letters from other attorneys who include Esq. in the signature. It's 99.9% of the time the signal that this is about to turn into a cluster. In my experience, attorneys who include that are either douches, have incredible chips in their shoulder, or both. Not surprised that both Leah's super lawyer and her daughter would include that on their names.


The attorney I worked for before law school said similar things. And, frankly, because the United States doesn't recognize titles, it is legally meaningless. You can't hold yourself out as an attorney, but if you want to call yourself esquire, as long as you never attempt to give legal advice, there's nothing that can stop you from doing so.

The attorney I worked for before law school said similar things. And, frankly, because the United States doesn't recognize titles, it is legally meaningless. You can't hold yourself out as an attorney, but if you want to call yourself esquire, as long as you never attempt to give legal advice, there's nothing that can stop you from doing so.

My second cousin's grandfather (big Italian family) calls himself "Sir Esquire"- he is in no way, shape or form, an attorney. Just a goofy old 90-something-year-old who sold a lot of property to the strip mining industry in the '50s.

  • Love 2

In responding to fans Leah says she was at Sierra Tuscan not for drugs but anxiety and depression. She also claims the scene where she was passing out with her brothers baby was highly edited and that they were shocked. Hahaha keep talking Leah.

As far as I'm concerned, as long as Leah denies, covers up and cries editing, it's just further evidence tbat she's not better and she's not receiving help. Amber has totally come clean about how she was high on pretty much the whole show.

  • Love 7

In responding to fans Leah says she was at Sierra Tuscan not for drugs but anxiety and depression. She also claims the scene where she was passing out with her brothers baby was highly edited and that they were shocked. Hahaha keep talking Leah.

Lol... The only shock I saw was the shock he had that she was literally falling asleep while holding his baby in the middle of a conversation.

She can cry and scream about editing all she wants, but I feel like I say this twice a week on her thread, they can't edit what doesn't happen. How exactly can she explain the editing her falling asleep, short of literally pasting her head on someone else, at some point she was falling asleep while holding a baby, you can even hear her brother telling someone to grab the baby... So he saw it happening.

Quite frankly, even with all the crap that has been shown about her this season, I still feel like she is getting a good edit considering what we know happened in real life.

I have no doubt a lot is edited, which is evidenced by her wonder hair, but I think it's funny that we all know a lot has been heavily edited in her favor, but all of the sudden she is obligated to speak out when something negative slipped out... Like we all actually believe you go to rehab for anxiety and depression!?

  • Love 9

Leah has now tweeted her grandmother died. She posts she wishes she had spent more time with her while she was alive. Well, my dear, if you hadn't chosen to chase around finding new bed partners and doing drugs, you could have spent that time being with your grandmother.



And OtherTwin can sit there and throw some serious side eye when she gets asked about Leah being "tired" all the time.

I hope Evil Twin bashes Leah upside the head with one of those booster seat pots.


The Twinses should write a book:  


"Flowers in the Laundry Room"

"Children of the Corn Shucking"

"Life on a Pot"

  • Love 3

The face that many once adored
Twenty years gone maybe more
Somewhere you lost the dream


Mama watched your every move
But now you're all alone
Yeah she's been gone for awhile


Daddy left some time ago
Fading years pass too slow
He's the only one, could make you smile, smile


All the ads and people say, beauty lets you get your way
Tried your best to prove them right


Fill your tin can with life, summer days tend to slip away
Like your men you couldn't make them stay
Hard to choose, whiskey or a wife

Happiness seems so hard to win

Most never care to find
Della Brown sees it all the time
Looking for that man to make her smile again

(excerpted from:


Edited by cheatincheetos
  • Love 1

Leah has now tweeted her grandmother died. She posts she wishes she had spent more time with her while she was alive. Well, my dear, if you hadn't chosen to chase around finding new bed partners and doing drugs, you could have spent that time being with your grandmother.

Wait....is the grandma who died Grandma Sandy of Facebook fame????

Also, in this week's episode when Leah showed up at the picnic her cousin Chasity (again, not misspelled or a typo) and the girlses, Leah was the highest we've ever seen her or coming off of her pillses. Cause she looked rough. Rougher than when she was nodding off while talking on the phone about dye for the baby's head and when she nodded off mid-conversation while holding her niece. I'm going with she was coming off her pillses and was whatever the equivalent is for being hungover from pillses. Her nose was all wrinkled up, she looked like she'd been kicked in the head, she was so painfully thin that I wanted to force-feed her, her hair & clothes were more of a mess than usual, etc.....

It sure did seem like she was clenching her jaw a lot in the episode.....particularly in the car when driving herself (?) to the hotel before her flight and at the picnic.

I think Gracie was screaming and crying so much when Leah left (for the second time) because she probably thought she'd be left to do everything alone at Leah's. She was probably thinking "oh no, I can make toast and dry hair, but how am I gonna get myself and my twin to school? Who will Addie stay with while we are at school?" Poor child probably thought she'd be left in charge since she seems to be the twin doing the most when Leah is (physically) present.

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
  • Love 6

Wait....is the grandma who died Grandma Sandy of Facebook fame????

Also, in this week's episode when Leah showed up at he picnic her cousin Chasity (again, not misspelled or a typo) and the girlses, Leah was the highest we've ever seen her ot coming off of her pillses. Cause she looked rough. Rougher than when she was nodding off while talking on the phone about dye for the baby's head and when she nodded off mid-conversation while holding her niece. I'm going with she was coming off her pillses and was whatever the equivalent is for being hungover from pillses. Her nose was all wrinkled up, she looked like she'd been kicked in the head, she was so painfully thin that I wanted to force-feed her, her hair & clothes were more of a mess than usual, etc.....

It sure did seem like she was clenching her jaw a lot in the episode.....particularly in the car when driving herself (?) to the hotel before her flight and at the picnic.

I think Gracie was screaming and crying so much when Leah left (for the second time) because she probably thought she'd be left to do everything alone at Leah's. She was probably thinking "oh no, I can make toast and dry hair, but how am I gonna get myself and my twin to school? Who will Addie stay with while we are at school?" Poor child probably thought she'd be left in charge since she seems to be the twin doing the most when Leah is (physically) present.

I thought the same thing...I checked Twitter, and it was not Sandy... I think the grandmother passed yesterday, so I'm glad to see that the grieving didn't get in the way of the Twitter rant this morning.

  • Love 2

I thought the same thing...I checked Twitter, and it was not Sandy... I think the grandmother passed yesterday, so I'm glad to see that the grieving didn't get in the way of the Twitter rant this morning.

She said something like "I wish I spent more time with you as a child," which makes me think it was her dad's side. Something makes me think Mama Dawn didn't really make it a priority to make sure her kids knew their paternal family after the dad walked out. (And to be honest, that's one thing I don't really fault that dumpster fire for. I mean, it's not ideal, but I really have a hard time believing anyone in that family was a great influence)

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More from Leah's rant:


Stephanie Krueth ‏@StephanieKrueth  Sep 12
@erikalane07 They are divorced. She's already dating and living with another dude

Erika ♡ ‏@erikalane07  21h21 hours ago
@StephanieKrueth lol fair enough haha

Leah D. Messer ‏@TM2LeahDawn  21h21 hours ago
@StephanieKrueth @erikalane07 I'm living with MYSELF AND MY DAUGHTERS

  • Love 1

Is it wrong that I'm more irritated at Karl pretending she's on the show "property brothers," with her "open concept" comment (coming from the girl who mooches off of section 8) than I


Can I sit with you? I feel the same way. Kail is the white, gutter trash version of The Jeffersons.



As far as I'm concerned, as long as Leah denies, covers up and cries editing, it's just further evidence tbat she's not better and she's not receiving help. Amber has totally come clean about how she was high on pretty much the whole show.

True, except Leah and Amber are both on the same path now. Amber gets all pissy whenever anyone tries to discuss with her the choices she is making in her life, especially with the new guy who has no job, no home, a check that he is waiting on (sounds like Nipples), just a shady vibe all around. Leah and Amber don't seem to be doing anything post-rehab that would indicate they are truly on a path of sobriety. Neither one has indicated they are in therapy. They are both lying and in denial about certain aspects of their lives. They are very similar, sad to say.

Someone posted that Leah's sister Victoria is pregnant. Looks like she is going with the "A" names.  This is on facebook with multiple pictures of her nasty pregnancy test.


Victoria Jones
Yesterday at 9:50pm · Edited ·
Jones Baby in the oven! Adrianna Jean Jones or Joshua Eugene Jones


The Replies:


Leah Dawn Messer: Joshua !??

Leah Dawn Messer: Stop it you have plenty of time to name this kid

Dawn Spears: Leah Dawn Messer HUSH

Edited by Mkay
  • Love 4

Delta Dawn gets the trifecta Oreo is going to be a mommy. The Messer clan must have thought it was never coming since she made it to 20 before reproducing.

Now c'mon, Oreo! You're supposed to get pregnant, *then* married.

Leah D. Messer ‏@TM2LeahDawn Sep 12

Don't care if I do get in trouble this is BS .. I should open my mouth way more


"That's what Robbie said!"

Edited by cheatincheetos
  • Love 3

Is it wrong that I'm more irritated at Karl pretending she's on the show "property brothers," with her "open concept" comment (coming from the girl who mooches off of section 8) than I am with Jenelle or Leah?

This girl clearly forgot where she came from and is trying to sound like an upper class wife Instead of the girl who "won the lottery" for getting knocked up!

Nothing says upper class like buying your guzzler from someone with a Twitter handle like @longdongmcschlong or whatnot.

Edited by cheatincheetos
  • Love 4

I thought the same thing...I checked Twitter, and it was not Sandy... I think the grandmother passed yesterday, so I'm glad to see that the grieving didn't get in the way of the Twitter rant this morning.

I could have sworn that her other grandmother passed in 2012 as the tabloids mentioned it, but after checking, that was Lee Spear's mother, not Gary Messer's.

1) I love that she actually calls him "Jerm" as in a germ. She does know that Jeremy has 3 syllables, not 2...right? It's Jer-e-my, not Jerm-y.

In fairness, one of my former colleagues is married to a man named Jeremy. She uses all three syllables when she says his name, but he's saved in her phone as "Jerm." I think it's just her nickname for him.

Victoria Jones

Yesterday at 9:50pm · Edited ·
Jones Baby in the oven! Adrianna Jean Jones or Joshua Eugene Jones

The Replies:

Leah Dawn Messer: Joshua !??

Leah Dawn Messer: Stop it you have plenty of time to name this kid

Dawn Spears: Leah Dawn Messer HUSH


I'm laughing at the fact that Leah seems to dislike Joshua, but has no problem with Adrianna. 


Why does she care when her sister picks names? She's probably jealous of the attention Oreo is already taking away from her. 


Does it speak to how obsessed with Walking Dead I am that I immediately thought the boy name was a tribute to Josh McDermitt, who plays Eugene?

  • Love 1

Joshua is a classic, Biblical name. It doesn't have that white trash, Toddlers and Tiaras flair of featuring ten extra consonants and vowels. How will little Joshua compete with all the Destahneigh's and Mah'Kynnzeighs that run rampant in their little holler?

Maybe they'll spell it Joschyoua . Then he'll be pageant ready! 


I agree that Leah is probably jealous that her sister is getting attention for being pregnant. I hope it doesn't inspire her to get busy working on A4.

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