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Jesus God, Leah!!

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15 hours ago, Lm2162 said:

Airlines actually break and lose wheelchairs A LOT. It's so common that we always take photos of it before and after. Once, they left my husband's just sitting out at baggage claim unattended for days. 3 out of the last 6 times we've flown, we've had parts broken--footrests completely broken off, the entire joystick broken off and dysfunctional, things bent and snapped in half. 2 of those times it's made it less or totally unusable. Airport employees are often not trained at all on how motorized wheelchairs work, and they aren't very careful with them.

I'm actually kind of surprised at the responses--it takes a LONGGG time to get approved for another wheelchair even if you're buying it outright, so she couldn't just 'go buy another one.' That's totally impossible even if you are paying out of pocket. You have to go to all the appointments all over again and there's a lot of red tape and back and forth in between each one. It took my husband a year and a half, with a great insurance plan, last time he needed another wheelchair. I've cried because my husband's wheelchair has been made less functional and we were in a desperate situation or stranded because of it...I don't think it would be 'whining' to cry about that. I don't think there's anything wrong with crying about something you need and that you spent months and tons of money obtaining being broken. If they lost my wedding ring, I'd cry too, and I don't NEED that, nor does my child (but of course this is all pretty hypocritical because Ali only 'needs' it when Leah decides she wants her to need it). It's really awful what people in motorized wheelchairs have to go through at the airport. Every time you fly you wonder if you'll be able to go to work or even get out of bed when you get back. That said, I'd have a lot more sympathy for Leah if she actually FUCKING MADE HER KID USE THE DAMN THING. United is the worst, though--we never fly on United. 

Seems like she wants to use her kid's disability to get attention for HERSELF. But complaining about United (or any airline) and disabilities, yeah, that's totally legit. I don't have any doubt in my mind that they broke it. Happens often enough that there's no need to lie about it.


That is heartbreaking that airlines are so careless with something so necessary to their passengers, and I agree if they broke it, they should fix it, regardless of Leah's own careless history with it. But I do think Leah's carrying on has much less to do with an honest dismay over Ali being without a wheelchair for the time being, and more for attention and her never ending martyr complex.

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Airlines have never given us trouble about paying for the parts they broke, but mostly because we always document it at this point--it's very clear that they did it. And they know it happens a lot and they don't train their employees.

But yeah, I agree that while I have NO doubt the airline broke it, Leah uses Ali's disability very conveniently whenever *she* feels like it might look good for *her*. Ali should be using that constantly. *sigh* Both are definitely true. She doesn't act responsibly about her disabled child, but I know United has an especially bad time with it; they've been sued and lost several times for violating the ADA. The only one losing out in all of this, as usual...is Ali. I wish Leah and Corey could go to some kind of 'parent of disabled child' classes. I'd pay for them, lol.

18 hours ago, ChocolateAddict said:

I completely agree that airlines can be crappy with wheelchairs.  One of my friends had his wheelchair twisted and although the airline paid, it took 6 months to get fixed. The thing that grates on me is the hypocrisy.

Poor Leah loves her daughter so much that she is outraged about the wheelchair that sits in the corner for most of the year while Ali runs around water parks, going up and down hills, doing yoga and playing tee-ball.  Pull the other one, she doesn't care about the wheelchair for the other 29 days of the month and more to the point she lets Gracie and Other A climb all over it like it is park equipment.  IMO she can't play the "distressed mommy" card when 99% of the time she doesn't have Ali use the wheelchair against Dr's orders

Even if it does take 6 months or a year to fix, it won't make much of a difference for Ali anyway cause she only uses it once a month.  

Right, I totally agree. I was just shedding some light on 'did they really break the wheelchair' and 'why can't she just get a new one.' The approval process is TOTALLY ridiculous. None of this makes Leah any more of a responsible parent of a disabled kid...she's just factually not one and it's abysmal. Just giving some info on those questions in particular.

Edited by Lm2162
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She wrote this with that photo:

leahdawn92mtvMascara, lipstick, and a Norvell Organic Spray tan! I love it, and I sure don't miss those tanning beds either! #BeYOU #BeNatutal ? #Happy #Healthy FYI: My spray tan will be much lighter after I shower!☺️

Be natural? (or "natutal") Yes, spray tans, peroxide, all that makeup and a photo filter are reallllly natural. I'm sure there are thousands of comments such as "YOUR so pretty, Leah."

Not sure about the odd smile. It's always either her impersonation of the Chatterer in Hellraiser and she's showing all her teeth but without joy, or her mouth is twisted up in a pouty kissy smirk thing.

And AGAIN with the "happy and healthy". Sure, Leah.

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I've had spray tans before and they can often look kind of blotchy until they set. So maybe that and the bad lighting is the reason Leah looks so terrible. Plus the fact that she's fifteen pounds underweight and it's making her face look saggy and drawn. 

I'm chuckling at this new self-help kick she's on, though. Between the endless quotes and "one day at a time" memes, she's really grasping at sanity. It reminds me of Seinfeld's Kramer when he was doing "serenity now" until he completely lost his shit and trashed his apartment. I feel like Leah is going to have a melt down sometime in the near future.

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13 minutes ago, BitterApple said:

I've had spray tans before and they can often look kind of blotchy until they set. So maybe that and the bad lighting is the reason Leah looks so terrible. Plus the fact that she's fifteen pounds underweight and it's making her face look saggy and drawn. 

I'm chuckling at this new self-help kick she's on, though. Between the endless quotes and "one day at a time" memes, she's really grasping at sanity. It reminds me of Seinfeld's Kramer when he was doing "serenity now" until he completely lost his shit and trashed his apartment. I feel like Leah is going to have aNOTHER melt down sometime in the near future.

fixed that for you...

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Y'all I can't. Who does this?! I can not imagine myself as a grown woman with a kid posting a picture of my bare belly to complete strangers!!  "Ya know, I think I'm gonna go take a picture of my naked belly and post it on the Internet!"

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14 hours ago, Mkay said:

Y'all I can't. Who does this?! I can not imagine myself as a grown woman with a kid posting a picture of my bare belly to complete strangers!!  "Ya know, I think I'm gonna go take a picture of my naked belly and post it on the Internet!"

Does she think anyone else cares about her belly button?? Of all the things to lost online, this is the dumbest. Even things like weddings and babies, which are big important things to many people, well no one else cares about even those things as much as you do. So a belly button???! Why would anyone care????

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Love that you show women that yes you are a human being, you carried 4 babies and your body shows it, but guess what!? That's HUMAN NATURE!

 Has Leah given birth to another unfortunate A and it has since been lost in the craptastic horror show that is her house? Or is this superfan remembering the miscarriage?  Because if it is the miscarriage 1. kudos for remembering, I'd forgotten and 2. way to remind people.  

I'm leaning more towards can't count since she follows Leah although I am impressed with the spelling (not so much the grammar!). 

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So Delta Dawn is younger than forty-three and already a grandmother four times over? Maybe five times, since I'm not sure whether or not Victoria had her baby yet. How long will it be before Dawn becomes a great-grandmother? Hell, she could very well see one of her great-grandchildren have a kid or two. I really, really hope the A girls get a decent sex education so they won't repeat these kinds of mistakes. I know Leah said she would put her daughters on birth control as soon as they hit puberty, but what really helps is if she sits down and explicitly talk about the consequences of having sex at such a young age. God speed, A girls. God speed.

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Dawn's boobs, stomach, and necklace kind of look like a face in that pic.  Her floppy boobs are the eyes, the gut looks like a mouth, and the necklace is a nose.  Why did she choose to wear something so unflattering? She looks like 10 pounds of shit in an 8 pound bag.

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25 minutes ago, poopchute said:

Dawn's boobs, stomach, and necklace kind of look like a face in that pic.  Her floppy boobs are the eyes, the gut looks like a mouth, and the necklace is a nose.  Why did she choose to wear something so unflattering? She looks like 10 pounds of shit in an 8 pound bag.

****dying**** :-D

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I will be 60 on my next birthday and I look younger than Dawn. And, I'm not a granny yet! My daughter would have never made it in the Messer clan. She graduated from college, has a great job, married an awesome guy when she was 29, they just bought a home and NOW she's trying to get pregnant. Totally ass backwards from the Messer way of doing things.

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Is anyone in that witch coven remotely concerned that Leah is losing weight by the day? She is thinner in each successive picture. I'm not sure of her height, but I'd guess 90 to 95 pounds in that latest picture. That has to be a good 30 pounds below her weight (non pregnant) from a few years ago. I wonder if Dawn is cheering her on as Leah is clearly starving herself. 

Edited by Tatum
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20 minutes ago, Tatum said:

Is anyone in that witch coven remotely concerned that Leah is losing weight by the day? She is thinner in each successive picture. I'm not sure of her height, but I'd guess 90 to 95 pounds in that latest picture. That has to be a good 30 pounds below her weight (non pregnant) from a few years ago. I wonder if Dawn is cheering her on as Leah is clearly starving herself. 

I've been pondering that myself. Even if I don't like a person I'd hate to watch them destroy their health. 

Her arms are so veiny with no meat to them. I know she's always been a tiny girl but we've seen pictures of her before the twin pregnancy and she looked healthy. 

Even though she brought it on herself, I think she's the type to not eat when stressed or depressed and not intentionally trying to lose weight. In a short period she's lost two great husbands (actually one great husband, Jeremy was lacking in a few areas) and gets to see him have the "perfect" marriage with Miranda and their kids. That's a lot for a girl her age to go through in a few short years regardless if caused by her own stupidity.

All of the court cases, divorces, three kids at a young age, one with disabilities - I'd be too emotional to eat. The girl needs to get off this shit show and tend to her kids and be a mommy in private and take a few years off from ANY drama and catch her breath. By golly I'm stressed watching her life. It's always filled with drama or court cases (again, her fault). 

MTV needs to cut the cord or seriously enforce professional counseling for these "stars" throughout filming to help them process everything happening in a healthy way. 

I'm rambling. #FeedLeah

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Yeah, the thing is, Leah actually DOES have a super stressful life. She did bring it on herself, but she's encouraged by everyone around her...and it took two to make each of her babies. Really Leah's trajectory just shows us what happens when poverty and lack of education are passed on through generations. Corey is lacking in some major areas (cheating on Miranda, his and Leah's neglect of their disabled daughter) but is overall a pretty good guy. I'd only say 'great' in comparison to Leah. Jeremy, as far as I'm concerned, is a POS. And Leah is too. But then again, neither of them had to carry the children or have the hormonal/physical changes of pregnancy. I can't imagine so many hormonal upheavals, divorces, and moves before age 23 or whatever she is. She's kinda the worst, but I'm more horrified by the culture that produced her--to be a skinny cheerleader who gets pregnant, marries whoever asks her, and not much else at all. It's incredibly toxic. Women are clearly only valued in her family/culture for looks and ability to get guys. And she's not overly bright or motivated (though literacy isn't a strong suit of anyone around her either---if I have to read one more Mama Dawn or Jeremy post I think my own IQ will drop) and was skinny and blonde. This was all pretty inevitable.

Edited by Lm2162
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1 hour ago, Lm2162 said:

Yeah, the thing is, Leah actually DOES have a super stressful life. She did bring it on herself, but she's encouraged by everyone around her...and it took two to make each of her babies. Really Leah's trajectory just shows us what happens when poverty and lack of education are passed on through generations. Corey is lacking in some major areas (cheating on Miranda, his and Leah's neglect of their disabled daughter) but is overall a pretty good guy. I'd only say 'great' in comparison to Leah. Jeremy, as far as I'm concerned, is a POS. And Leah is too. But then again, neither of them had to carry the children or have the hormonal/physical changes of pregnancy. I can't imagine so many hormonal upheavals, divorces, and moves before age 23 or whatever she is. She's kinda the worst, but I'm more horrified by the culture that produced her--to be a skinny cheerleader who gets pregnant, marries whoever asks her, and not much else at all. It's incredibly toxic. Women are clearly only valued in her family/culture for looks and ability to get guys. And she's not overly bright or motivated (though literacy isn't a strong suit of anyone around her either---if I have to read one more Mama Dawn or Jeremy post I think my own IQ will drop) and was skinny and blonde. This was all pretty inevitable.

I agree. Dawn is not physically or verbally abusive to Leah, but in some ways, she does seem abusive to me, in that she, directly or indirectly, eggs on every single one of Leah's poor life choices. And every time Leah shows a glimmer of insight or self awareness, or has even the faintest suggestion of good judgement, mama Dawn is there to quash it. I don't doubt mama dawn is gleefully pointing out to all the patrons at the American Legion that Leah is a size double zero after three kids and gets her vicarious kicks that way. For someone desperate for approval and validation, that only encourages Leah to do what she can to remain small. Her mental health was already shot, and now she's sacrificing her physical health. I don't like her, but feel very sad every close relation she's ever  had except for Corey and possibly Victoria has failed her so completely. 

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22 minutes ago, Elizabeth9 said:

Eating disorders- if that's what she has- are about more than how someone looks.  I can see Leah feeling desperate to control something in her life, so she turned to losing weight.

Yes, I don't think it's purely a vanity thing. But I do think Dawn encourages her for vanity reasons.


I would bet Leah's original weight loss was unintentional- stress led to loss of appetite, maybe her pills also suppress her appetite, etc, and that's when she started losing weight. Leah probably got a ton of positive feedback, not just from her mother, but also from complete strangers. Losing weight is, in my opinion, just like the drugs and sexual attention from men- a way for her to deal with all her stress, anxiety, and depression.


I will give Mama Dawn a slight pass for not understanding and recognizing that Leah is depressed and probably has been for years. My father has a masters degree and at the top of his game (he's now retired) earned in the top 1% in a professional white collar job. He's well read and very smart- and he did not understand clinical depression until he unfortunately became afflicted with it in his late 50s. He is the type (and I used to be the same way) that would say something like, Leah's depressed? Huh, maybe she should go hang out in a third world country and meet people with real problems, then come back and say she's depressed. So I can easily see Mama Dawn thinking Leah just needs to "shake it off" and "cheer up". Mental health issue awareness is still not where it needs to be, even in 2016.


But Leah's physical appearance should be apparent to anyone that she is not healthy. And even if Leah puts on her dog and pony show where she eats in front of her mom to reassure her- it still should be obvious she's not eating well. You don't just lose a third of your body weight in one year unless you've developed an illness or pissed off a gypsy by driving over his daughter while getting an HJ from your wife. And Dawn can't force Leah to eat, but I suspect one way or another, Dawn is encouraging this behavior.


I've said it before, but if MTV gave a shit about these girls, mandatory counseling would be a requirement of getting paid.

Edited by Tatum
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Yikes. I see "being all natural!" has gone spiraling down the terlet. And again with the #soblessed #sohappy #sohealthy  I guess she thinks that if she types it enough times, it will be true.

Remember that moment in the perkin' lot when Jeremy told her she can't love anyone until she loves herself? She responded with a weak "I love myself!" and then she looked down, frowned and repeated "I love myself" in the most pathetically unconvincing way imaginable. It was like a parody with someone repeating something that they knew was a lie, in the most obviously affected tone for the sake of comedy. Sad.

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1 hour ago, AhFillAck said:

Yikes. I see "being all natural!" has gone spiraling down the terlet. And again with the #soblessed #sohappy #sohealthy  I guess she thinks that if she types it enough times, it will be true.


If that's true I'm gonna start typing mine like #iamamillionaire #iwillwinthelottery. Hahaha

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2 hours ago, butterbody said:


I'm not going to pretend I know much about dentistry, but I don't think it's overly common to have TWO of her front baby teeth pulled at age 6-7, when they should be falling out relatively soon. My instinct (knowing nothing about dentistry) is that if they were really unhealthy and decayed, it could cause the incoming teeth to be decayed too.

I saw a show once where there was like a volunteer dentist who went to West Virginia in a traveling dentist office (like a food truck, but for dentistry). There was a disproportionate amount of tooth decay and rotten baby teeth in the poorer communities, and they all raved about their love for mountain dew.

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9 hours ago, AhFillAck said:

Yikes. I see "being all natural!" has gone spiraling down the terlet. And again with the #soblessed #sohappy #sohealthy  I guess she thinks that if she types it enough times, it will be true.

Remember that moment in the perkin' lot when Jeremy told her she can't love anyone until she loves herself? She responded with a weak "I love myself!" and then she looked down, frowned and repeated "I love myself" in the most pathetically unconvincing way imaginable. It was like a parody with someone repeating something that they knew was a lie, in the most obviously affected tone for the sake of comedy. Sad.

.i felt so sorry for her at that moment

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The legit, understandable reason would be if the child damaged the teeth in some way. My oldest hit one of his bottom teeth badly when he was 4. It started to go a little grey, so we were going in to get it pulled. But then it actually came out on its own. 

Of course, with Leah, we all assume it's from copious amounts of canned frosting (eaten at the table, of course). 

Who really knows, as Leah will likely not reveal the reason. 

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Papa Randy addresses what he thinks. My guess would be all the sweets. ? 


Ignore the middle tweet of Jeff Gutt.  I just took a screen shot and didn't edit. 

Edited by Mkay
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26 minutes ago, spidermiss2426 said:

So I've been gone from here for awhile.  I'm back to catch up and I see stuff about Leah's witchy nose!!  I guess my avatar is true then. :)


On a serious note (not that the Witch Nose isn't serious bizness), an infection in her baby teeth that was threatening to damage her permanent teeth?!?! DEAR GOD, LEAH! And she says "She didn't fall or anything." like that would have been worse?! I'd rather hear about Grace having a nice playground fall on some healthy, cared-for baby teeth.

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So Randy tried to help her out, saying that extractions at that age are quite common when adult teeth come in before baby teeth fall out (which is totally true), but then Leah doesn't let him rescue her? She flat out states it was an infection. Infection as in infected tooth! Now, my kids have had cavities, and they've never eaten a can of frosting, even at the table. Sugar packets and Mountain Dew aren't in their diets, but they've had cavities, sadly. We had them filled, didn't remove the teeth. I wonder how common it is the get an infected tooth in the front like that, though. Generally that seems to happen with the rear teeth. 

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9 hours ago, ghoulina said:

The legit, understandable reason would be if the child damaged the teeth in some way. My oldest hit one of his bottom teeth badly when he was 4. It started to go a little grey, so we were going in to get it pulled. But then it actually came out on its own. 

Of course, with Leah, we all assume it's from copious amounts of canned frosting (eaten at the table, of course). 

Who really knows, as Leah will likely not reveal the reason. 

That happened to my sister. She fell when she was like 18 months old or something, and the dentist let her keep the tooth in for a couple of years, since it would have taken at least 5 years after that for it to fall out on its own.

The fact that Grace is like 6 1/2 now, and the teeth would be coming out on their own within the next couple of years made me think that her existing teeth would be in the way of/harming her adult teeth and gums. Randy tried to help Leah save face, but she made it plenty clear that Grace had some rotten teeth.

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