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S15.E04: Momma Knows Best


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I love the married Alex / Jo dynamic, and I love Alex as the interim chief. It's been one of the biggest privileges of watching this show for so long to watch Alex mature as a character and find some happiness. For a few seasons in the middle, it felt like the writers didn't know what to do with him - but Vernoff writes him as the complex, nuanced character that he should be; he's a great doctor who will do whatever it takes to help his patients, he's a loyal & loving husband who isn't always perfect, and he's a remarkable friend to those that he's close with. Vernoff writes him as mature and admirable but without losing the edge that makes him interesting and fun to watch. 

I like that Meredith isn't being tied down to any one person. There was flirting with Koracek, the dreams about (and awkwardness with) DeLuca, the run-ins with Link, and now this date, which I actually found quite fun to watch. It's refreshing that she's actually playing the field rather than the writers just throwing in an obvious suitor and calling it a day. It's nice to see her putting herself out there again - the idea that she can have it all and is open to love is a nice thing to see onscreen for a woman of her age. 

I feel like Richard is headed for a relapse. I appreciate that they're not rushing into a ton of stories at once but rather sort of spreading out seeds for each character that will likely blossom later on. It's the same thing Vernoff did early on last season and it worked well to make an overall satisfying season. 

Amelia post-tumor is so much more bearable. I can actually stand the character when she doesn't spend every episode giving awful speeches and yelling at everyone. This more vulnerable side of her is endearing, especially coming out of so much darkness. I feel the same about Owen. I really enjoyed his character when he was first introduced, but eventually his constant misery got so tedious. I'm glad that since last season we've gotten to see a less tortured Owen - the drama works much better when it's not constant, but rather built up to. I'm eager to see how things play out when Teddy finally drops the bomb. 

Maggie is... Maggie.  I don't really blame her for blabbing, and it's hardly the worst thing any of these docs have done. Watching Amelia & Owen (finally free from the above-mentioned darkess) build a life while knowing that Teddy has this huge bomb to drop would be eating Maggie up. She was bound to tell someone eventually & Meredith was probably the best person to tell.

Edited by BaseOps
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20 hours ago, statsgirl said:

Maggie shouldn't have told Meredith about Teddy. But why did Teddy go to SGMH in the first place?  She knows how incestuous that hospital is, she worked there herself. There are other hospitals in Seattle.

Teddy went to the hospital to tell Bailey she wouldn't take the job after all, and on her way out, she got sick and needed treatment. 

Remember when Arizona told Jackson about April's pregnancy (also, remember Arizona? Seems like nobody at GSMH does) and Bailey called it a fireable offense? Well, what Maggie did was much worse, because unlike Arizona, she actually learned someone's medical information in the capacity of a doctor. There won't be any consequences, of course, and God knows people have done much worse things on this show and got away with them, but I don't have that much sympathy for her situation either. Sure, we all know Teddy is going to drop the bomb at the most inopportune time, because this is Grey's Anatomy. But since Maggie is a character on the show and not a viewer, there was absolutely no reason for her to freak out like that because like people have already said, Teddy gave her no indication she was ever going to tell Owen about it. 

I didn't really understand the blind date. Was the other woman's name also Meredith? I mean, what are the odds. And then in the end when the guy started bitching about single mothers, I was like "Woah, dude!", but then it turned out that all that time they spent talking about whatever, Meredith hadn't mentioned she had kids? Seriously. 

Fifteen seasons on I still don't care about people yelling about their sex lives for the entire hospital to hear. 

Edited by Joana
8 hours ago, BaseOps said:

I love the married Alex / Jo dynamic, and I love Alex as the interim chief. It's been one of the biggest privileges of watching this show for so long to watch Alex mature as a character and find some happiness. For a few seasons in the middle, it felt like the writers didn't know what to do with him - but Vernoff writes him as the complex, nuanced character that he should be; he's a great doctor who will do whatever it takes to help his patients, he's a loyal & loving husband who isn't always perfect, and he's a remarkable friend to those that he's close with. Vernoff writes him as mature and admirable but without losing the edge that makes him interesting and fun to watch. 

I like that Meredith isn't being tied down to any one person. There was flirting with Koracek, the dreams about (and awkwardness with) DeLuca, the run-ins with Link, and now this date, which I actually found quite fun to watch. It's refreshing that she's actually playing the field rather than the writers just throwing in an obvious suitor and calling it a day. It's nice to see her putting herself out there again - the idea that she can have it all and is open to love is a nice thing to see onscreen for a woman of her age. 

I feel like Richard is headed for a relapse. I appreciate that they're not rushing into a ton of stories at once but rather sort of spreading out seeds for each character that will likely blossom later on. It's the same thing Vernoff did early on last season and it worked well to make an overall satisfying season. 

Amelia post-tumor is so much more bearable. I can actually stand the character when she doesn't spend every episode giving awful speeches and yelling at everyone. This more vulnerable side of her is endearing, especially coming out of so much darkness. I feel the same about Owen. I really enjoyed his character when he was first introduced, but eventually his constant misery got so tedious. I'm glad that since last season we've gotten to see a less tortured Owen - the drama works much better when it's not constant, but rather built up to. I'm eager to see how things play out when Teddy finally drops the bomb. 

Maggie is... Maggie.  I don't really blame her for blabbing, and it's hardly the worst thing any of these docs have done. Watching Amelia & Owen (finally free from the above-mentioned darkess) build a life while knowing that Teddy has this huge bomb to drop would be eating Maggie up. She was bound to tell someone eventually & Meredith was probably the best person to tell.

Maggie is such a headcase. Trivial news is too heavy for her to handle and she freaking obsesses about it. We saw it with her mother when she overreacted to her mother simply coming out to visit her before she found out she had cancer. We saw it when she was banging DeLuca, and acted like high school girl obsessing over why he was avoiding her. But breaking HIPAA takes the cake. Because Owen and Amelia are happy again, she can't stop obsessing over Teddy's pregnancy and what it will do to Owen and Amelia, and breaks her oath. IT WAS NONE OF HER BUSINESS. Grow the hell up and respect the confidentiality of your patient. Owen and Amelia are grown ups, and they should be able to handle the news when it comes, from Teddy. There is absolutely no excuse and in any real hospital, she would be fired. And of course, because she told Meredith, nothing will happen to her, which is the Grey's way. Like cutting LVADs or sabotaging clinical trials. Meredith will sweep it under the rug because, of course, it's her sister. And now she knows confidential information about Teddy.

Really, who did she help by violating HIPAA and disclosing Teddy's confidential information to Meredith? Definitely not Teddy. Definitely not Owen or Amelia. Pretty much to make herself feel better because keeping that information private is just too hard for her to handle. I would love to see Teddy just straight up deck or slap her once she finds out about this.

1 minute ago, marceline said:

Cece must be a pretty crappy matchmaker if she doesn't screen clients for their attitudes about kids. We saw all of the questions she asked Meredith, but somehow she didn't ask this guy whether he would date a single mother?

That wasn't the guy Cece chose for Meredith though. He was supposed to be on a blind date with another woman - the one who eventually ended up with the guy Meredith was supposed to meet. 

Although I'm really not sure how that confusion arose in the first place, unless both women were named Meredith, which is unlikely, or the guys didn't know the names of the women they were supposed to meet (or anything about them, really, like their jobs etc.) which is just stupid.

On 12-10-2018 at 11:55 PM, chitowngirl said:

Linc called Jo “ Brooke”, so he knew her “before”.

Minor nitpick-when Deluca was looking for the boy (and not real well since he was just looking down the hall and not into rooms and under things), the boy crawled out from under a gurney and ran the other way. A hospital employee saw him, but didn’t call to Deluca or go after the boy.

Maybe the hospital employee also found the boy obnoxious and would rather not have him around.

On 13-10-2018 at 1:58 AM, PepSinger said:

For me, what’s frustrating about Maggie breaking HIPAA is that there will be no repercussions. I know; I’ve been watching this show since day one. However, if this had happened on a show like ER, it wouldn’t have bothered me as much because I know there’d be consequences. This just makes me roll my eyes. I say this as someone who likes her, btw.


On 13-10-2018 at 3:10 AM, deaja said:

Maggie is the worst. She’s really awful. She’s unprofessional and so immature. HIPAA IS A THING.


She could easily ignore it. Teddy has made no indication that she is going to involve Owen at all, and for all Maggie knows, Teddy could have chosen to terminate. If she can’t handle sensitive information, I feel she has no business being a doctor, let alone head of cardio.


On 13-10-2018 at 6:08 AM, statsgirl said:

Maggie shouldn't have told Meredith about Teddy.

Clearly Maggie or Meredith will now tell Owen and/or Amelia or manipulate the situation in another way for Owen to find out about Teddy's pregnancy. Hopefully, he'll then go confront Teddy who'll know it was Maggie who blabbed and she'll report Maggie to the medical board (or whatever?) and her license gets revoked and Maggie is fired!

27 minutes ago, Joana said:

That wasn't the guy Cece chose for Meredith though. He was supposed to be on a blind date with another woman - the one who eventually ended up with the guy Meredith was supposed to meet. 

Although I'm really not sure how that confusion arose in the first place, unless both women were named Meredith, which is unlikely, or the guys didn't know the names of the women they were supposed to meet (or anything about them, really, like their jobs etc.) which is just stupid.

No, like someone else mentioned up thread, Meredith conveniently didn't mention her own name. She just said "Oh you must be..." (I'm not even sure she said his name) and they deduced the other was their intended blind date. And like I mentioned previously, it is odd that John didn't know anything about NotMeredith because otherwise he would have commented on something Meredith mentioned (like her work, lifestyle, etc) about how whoever set them up had told him differently about her. Or maybe he's just a douche who didn't listen/read the info he was given about his date?

I'm actually more confused about how Real John and Other Meredith hit it off. Cece had obviously told Meredith her date's name, so I assume she told him hers too. And Other John had seen the picture of Other Meredith, which must also mean she saw his, and all those people didn't really look like one another, so... What gives?

Or maybe Real John and Other Meredith both thought their respective dates had stood them up so they started talking to the first single person near them? But then again, there doesn't seem to have been enough time for that, since by the time Other John and Meredith realized about the mix-up, those two were already very comfy talking to each other. 

Also, I can guarantee that we're all putting much more thought into this than the writers did. 

3 minutes ago, Joana said:

I'm actually more confused about how Real John and Other Meredith hit it off. Cece had obviously told Meredith her date's name, so I assume she told him hers too. And Other John had seen the picture of Other Meredith, which must also mean she saw his, and all those people didn't really look like one another, so... What gives?

Or maybe Real John and Other Meredith both thought their respective dates had stood them up so they started talking to the first single person near them? But then again, there doesn't seem to have been enough time for that, since by the time Other John and Meredith realized about the mix-up, those two were already very comfy talking to each other. 

This is starting to sound like a Grey's Anatomy / Coraline crossover. (Which would be much more interesting than the Station 19 crossover this episode actually was.)

24 minutes ago, Efzee said:

Clearly Maggie or Meredith will now tell Owen and/or Amelia or manipulate the situation in another way for Owen to find out about Teddy's pregnancy. Hopefully, he'll then go confront Teddy who'll know it was Maggie who blabbed and she'll report Maggie to the medical board (or whatever?) and her license gets revoked and Maggie is fired!

It would really be hilarious to me if Alex as interim chief fires Maggie and pisses Richard off really badly. Richard would regret giving Alex the advice about not quitting.

I cannot stand Maggie.  The half sister story is too far fetched and after watching Maggie for several seasons- I feel nothing.  I just don’t care about her, partly because of the SL and partly because of the portrayal.  I don’t care about the sisterly relationship and I don’t care about her love life, or lack of one.  Please no fireman crossover.  Just a dreary character.  

Big, big mistake in cutting April.  Loved her Avery centric storylines.  Now we have lost her spark and energy and we get non stop Maggie in every scene.  

19 hours ago, WinJet0819 said:

Maggie is such a headcase. Trivial news is too heavy for her to handle and she freaking obsesses about it. [snip] Because Owen and Amelia are happy again, she can't stop obsessing over Teddy's pregnancy and what it will do to Owen and Amelia, and breaks her oath. IT WAS NONE OF HER BUSINESS.

HIPPA is not an oath, it's a workplace regulation

Amelia is the closest thing Maggie has to a sister since Meredith isn't inclined in that way.  Owen is a friend. Two people she cares about are solidifying their relationship and she knows there is a time bomb ticking to blow them up. Technically it's not her business but she'd have to be made of stone not to worry about Amelia and Owen.

10 hours ago, deaja said:

Blaming Teddy for Maggie breaking the law is a little close to victim blaming for me. You should be able to tell your doctor anything without worrying it will cause them to violate your privacy. If they can’t handle that part of the job (which is what it is) they shouldn’t have the job.

Doctors are human. I would not tell my doctor anything I didn't want discussed in rounds or passed on even accidentally,

The whole situation is typical Grey's.  Teddy should have seen an OB or a cardiologist, not the head of cardio-thoracic surgery.   Maggie shouldn't have said anything but Teddy, knowing that Owen is Maggie's colleague, shouldn't have given her enough information to figure it out and be conflicted like that. It's the Grey's soap opera.

34 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

The whole situation is typical Grey's.  Teddy should have seen an OB or a cardiologist, not the head of cardio-thoracic surgery.   Maggie shouldn't have said anything but Teddy, knowing that Owen is Maggie's colleague, shouldn't have given her enough information to figure it out and be conflicted like that. It's the Grey's soap opera.

Exactly.  I expected Maggie to spill the beans to someone sooner or later.  This is Grey's - no way that would stay a secret. 

5 hours ago, statsgirl said:

HIPPA is not an oath, it's a workplace regulation

Amelia is the closest thing Maggie has to a sister since Meredith isn't inclined in that way.  Owen is a friend. Two people she cares about are solidifying their relationship and she knows there is a time bomb ticking to blow them up. Technically it's not her business but she'd have to be made of stone not to worry about Amelia and Owen.

Doctors are human. I would not tell my doctor anything I didn't want discussed in rounds or passed on even accidentally,

The whole situation is typical Grey's.  Teddy should have seen an OB or a cardiologist, not the head of cardio-thoracic surgery.   Maggie shouldn't have said anything but Teddy, knowing that Owen is Maggie's colleague, shouldn't have given her enough information to figure it out and be conflicted like that. It's the Grey's soap opera.

It doesn't matter if she feels conflicted about it. Teddy saw her and gave her information in confidence, protected under HIPAA. You're basically victim blaming Teddy for providing information about her pregnancy, that she should feel free to give to her doctor, in confidence, and not expect them to blab about it. Yeah, doctors are human, but they are held to a higher standard when it comes to protecting patient confidentiality. Disclosing any patient information is a fireable offense. And Teddy never told Maggie it was Owen's. She just said she was so and so weeks pregnant and Maggie recalled Owen went to Germany around the same time and pieced it together. 

Maggie worrying about Owen and Amelia is commendable. Doesn't excuse violating HIPAA because she's so worried. It's HER problem she can't deal with it. But it's not information that she should be sharing.

Edited by WinJet0819
4 hours ago, izabella said:

Exactly.  I expected Maggie to spill the beans to someone sooner or later.  This is Grey's - no way that would stay a secret. 

This isn't a trivial spilling of beans. This was confidential patient information that she blabbed about. That's a serious violation. And on this show, it seems everybody can skate on serious violations without any repercussions. You can cut LVAD wires or tamper with clinical trials and still keep your job. And it's kind of old when nobody is can get in trouble for these types of violations. Even Webber keeping his job after working on a patient while drunk and knicking the bile duct.

On 10/12/2018 at 8:10 PM, deaja said:

Maggie is the worst. She’s really awful. She’s unprofessional and so immature. HIPAA IS A THING.

That story was not nearly compelling enough to make me tune into the ridiculousness that is Station 19.


She could easily ignore it. Teddy has made no indication that she is going to involve Owen at all, and for all Maggie knows, Teddy could have chosen to terminate. If she can’t handle sensitive information, I feel she has no business being a doctor, let alone head of cardio.


On 10/12/2018 at 8:47 PM, thewhiteowl said:

It's always been true on this show that HIPAA has been treated a more of a suggestion than an oath. Sure, no problem, unless it's super important then it's fine, spill your guts. I would be shocked if Maggie or anyone on this show experienced any blowback for breaking it.  What bugs me is that Maggie of all of them acted as if she had never heard of such a thing as an oath. The difference in competent, professional Maggie knowing she couldn't tell the boy about his mom against his dad's wishes and her unprofessional behaviour about Teddy 's condition was annoying. She apparently knows the rules but doesn't believe she needs to follow them, if she doesn't want to. As another poster said Teddy is not and has not made any indication that she intends to involve Owen in whatever she decides. I may think that's a mistake but it's her decision to make, not Maggie's.  

The "One Thing" was funny and I liked Alex for the first time in a long while.

Exactly. It's like HIPAA is given lip service on this show. There's no excuse for violating it, even if she is worried about Owen and Amelia. It's a Maggie problem. Owen and Amelia are grown-ups, and they can deal with it when, and if, Teddy tells them about the baby. It's not Maggie's place to blab that information.

14 hours ago, deaja said:

It would really be hilarious to me if Alex as interim chief fires Maggie and pisses Richard off really badly. Richard would regret giving Alex the advice about not quitting.

Yep, this might bring the show a dose of welcome reality, to show that rules do matter. My only wonder is if Alex will be conflicted, since "invented" a trauma to a kid could have surgery to remove a bleb that was a pre-existing condition.

Not that Teddy needs to be defended, but anyway:

1) She didn't know Maggie was Amelia's "sister" when she asked for her services

2) She never mentioned the name of her child's father

3) She never indicated she's planning on getting the father involved, on the contrary, if anything she made it seem like she wasn't

4) She explicitly requested that Maggie not tell anyone about her pregnancy


Of course I understand why Maggie would feel uncomfortable about the whole situation and why she'd worry about Amelia. But her obsessing over it to the point of losing sleep and then breaking her profession's most basic code of ethics is just typical Grey's drama for the sake of drama. 

Edited by Joana
On ‎10‎/‎12‎/‎2018 at 4:37 PM, Emily Thrace said:

As a battered wife though her husband would have kept her isolated its a pretty standard part of the abuse. So she might not have a lot of pre Seattle friends left. I do think Linc ties into that part of her backstory though. The he new her on medical school. Didn't he saw where he graduated from in the premiere?

I should have phrased that differently--she would have plenty of people who knew her in medical school (maybe not actual friends). She couldn't have graduated if she never attended class and did no rotations, so there should be quite a few people who know her as "Brooke, the medical student I had that ER rotation with."

You guys are so funny.  Maggie isn't getting fired, everyone violates HIPPA on this show.  As soon as Teddy told Maggie, I knew it was coming out.  This hospital is full of violations, if HIPPA was real thing on this show...Seattle Grace would be shut down.  This is writing Grey's style.  Shonda could have very well wrote Teddy telling Owen, because Amelia or not...it's his kid.  But no, on Grey's this is how secrets come out EVERY SINGLE TIME.  Maggie and Meredith will tell Amelia...she will wrestle with the secret and not knowing if she could risk Owen...then she will blurt it out months later during a fight....Owen will be mad because everyone knew but him.  He will be can I trust Amelia?  Do I still love Teddy?  Why didn't anyone tell me?  He will go to Teddy and confront her betrayed...then he will go to Amelia and confront her betrayed.  Both the women will have a conversation where they agree to be mature for the baby and be cool no matter who Owen chooses...Then Owen will choose Amelia as long as she doesn't lie to him again and she will do it for one whole season.. 

12 hours ago, statsgirl said:

Amelia is the closest thing Maggie has to a sister since Meredith isn't inclined in that way.  Owen is a friend. Two people she cares about are solidifying their relationship and she knows there is a time bomb ticking to blow them up. Technically it's not her business but she'd have to be made of stone not to worry about Amelia and Owen.

On 10/14/2018 at 11:12 AM, deaja said:

Same. I guess is Maggie went around beating the shit out of people, that would be more forgivable. As I stated earlier, I am sure there will be some blowback but she is far from the first doctor to break HIPPA on this show yet I don't recall the reaction being so intense that the character who broke it must suffer intensely. 

12 hours ago, Ravello said:

Big, big mistake in cutting April.  Loved her Avery centric storylines.  Now we have lost her spark and energy and we get non stop Maggie in every scene.  

This point is perplexing to me cause I get that some people love April but I think it's weird to blame Maggie and hate on her - seriously, there's some OTT misogynoir out there aimed at Maggie that I find very troubling esp in the current political climate - because she had zero to do with Japril breaking up or TPTB cutting Sarah Drew loose. I don't buy that April had to go cause that was the only way Jaggie would succeed. They could've continued writing Jaggie on the show and kept April on. Heck, they could've had Jaggie have sex in front of April and it wouldn't have changed that they decided to finally conclude Japril and move both characters on to other relationships. If the show can kill off McDreamy and that was the show's premiere pariing for over a decade then Japril aren't going to be more special than that. I also don't believe that SD was cut cause they ran out of story for her. I firmly believe she was cut due to budget. Folks don't have to like every character. I certainly don't but some of it is really ugly conspiratory commentary, not just double standards, and it's troubling IMO.

There's a valid reason Sarah Drew had to actually address her/Japril  fans regarding how ugly people were being to and about Kelly McCreary about Jackson & Maggie and ask folks to knock it off. 

4 minutes ago, Chick2Chic said:

Same. I guess is Maggie went around beating the shit out of people, that would be more forgivable. As I stated earlier, I am sure there will be some blowback but she is far from the first doctor to break HIPPA on this show yet I don't recall the reaction being so intense that the character who broke it must suffer intensely. 

This point is perplexing to me cause I get that some people love April but I think it's weird to blame Maggie and hate on her - seriously, there's some OTT misogynoir out there aimed at Maggie that I find very troubling esp in the current political climate - because she had zero to do with Japril breaking up or TPTB cutting Sarah Drew loose. I don't buy that April had to go cause that was the only way Jaggie would succeed. They could've continued writing Jaggie on the show and kept April on. Heck, they could've had Jaggie have sex in front of April and it wouldn't have changed that they decided to finally conclude Japril and move both characters on to other relationships. If the show can kill off McDreamy and that was the show's premiere pariing for over a decade then Japril aren't going to be more special than that. I also don't believe that SD was cut cause they ran out of story for her. I firmly believe she was cut due to budget. Folks don't have to like every character. I certainly don't but some of it is really ugly conspiratory commentary, not just double standards, and it's troubling IMO.

There's a valid reason Sarah Drew had to actually address her/Japril  fans regarding how ugly people were being to and about Kelly McCreary about Jackson & Maggie and ask folks to knock it off. 

UGHHH Japril was the worst...way worse than Jackson and Maggie...which was also pretty bad.  The real victim is Jackson whose great but keeps getting put in zero chemistry relationships...Remember when for like a hot minute he liked Christina...Jackson and Christina would have been HOT

2 hours ago, dmc said:

You guys are so funny.  Maggie isn't getting fired, everyone violates HIPPA on this show.  As soon as Teddy told Maggie, I knew it was coming out.  This hospital is full of violations, if HIPPA was real thing on this show...Seattle Grace would be shut down.  This is writing Grey's style.  Shonda could have very well wrote Teddy telling Owen, because Amelia or not...it's his kid.  But no, on Grey's this is how secrets come out EVERY SINGLE TIME.  Maggie and Meredith will tell Amelia...she will wrestle with the secret and not knowing if she could risk Owen...then she will blurt it out months later during a fight....Owen will be mad because everyone knew but him.  He will be can I trust Amelia?  Do I still love Teddy?  Why didn't anyone tell me?  He will go to Teddy and confront her betrayed...then he will go to Amelia and confront her betrayed.  Both the women will have a conversation where they agree to be mature for the baby and be cool no matter who Owen chooses...Then Owen will choose Amelia as long as she doesn't lie to him again and she will do it for one whole season.. 

You forget the part where either Owen's confronting Teddy or Amelia confronting Teddy will cause Teddy to go into premature labor and it's all drama and through the contractions and blood loss and more drama and tears and yelling they make up, then some other complication will occur and Teddy dies in/shortly after childbirth and Owen and Amelia will raise the baby together. Possibly naming it Theo (although that sounds a lot like Leo) or Teddy...

10 minutes ago, Efzee said:

You forget the part where either Owen's confronting Teddy or Amelia confronting Teddy will cause Teddy to go into premature labor and it's all drama and through the contractions and blood loss and more drama and tears and yelling they make up, then some other complication will occur and Teddy dies in/shortly after childbirth and Owen and Amelia will raise the baby together. Possibly naming it Theo (although that sounds a lot like Leo) or Teddy...

Yep this will also happen!

40 minutes ago, Ohwell said:

A couple (?) season ago, Maggie hauled off and slapped a woman in the hospital and suffered no repercussions whatsoever.  That's Grey's for ya.

It would be one thing to "overlook" it from a regular surgeon if they're really talented or something, but you'd think they would hold the head of a department to a higher standard (this goes for all of them, not just Maggie). And while Maggie or Jackson is always the first to list off why she's so fabulous and/or accomplished at her age, we rarely see her actually do impressive surgeries these days. None of them, really. I get that they're now all supposed to be these great surgeons so nothing is too difficult for them to overcome and there won't be as many dire situations in the OR as in previous seasons when they were still interns, but a few seasons back we at least had Meredith getting a reputation for her "winning streak" (I think it was 22 surgeries in a row or something?) and way before then we had accomplished surgeons like Webber and the other attendings worry about the standing/rating of the hospital but none of that happens anymore. The last impressive thing was probably Meredith's abdomen transplant? And that didn't really seem all that impressive. I rarely see any teaching either, despite someone reminding someone else about it being a teaching hospital every other episode.

Can you imagine their/the hospital's reputations in the medical community? 

To make matters worse, as I recall, the other doctors who witnessed the slapping (I forget who they were, maybe Meredith and Amelia?) basically said "Yeah Maggie!  She deserved it!"  Which she didn't, not that it mattered.  But nooooo....Maggie is a genius so how dare anyone call her on her behavior?  At least there was some acknowledgement that what Alex did to DeLuca was wrong even though he wasn't punished either.  

Edited by Ohwell

Teddy was already at Grey-Sloan when she began having the heart trouble. She had no idea who Maggie was or her relationship to Amelia when she had her treatment. When she realized it, she regretted it. Plus, she didn't tell Maggie that Owen was the father. Maggie figured it out.

Take the HIPPA out and Maggie was still wrong to tell. It's not her business to share. It has nothing to do with her.

Also, it's the Dad's decision not Maggie's on what to tell the little boy. I gave a side eye when she talked to him the first time while his dad was talking to Bailey. As a parent, I didn't like that at all.


I agree with the others that the little boy had to be on the spectrum. 


Couldn't stand her or Amelia this episode. 


Loved Mama Hunt and bring back Koracik.

Edited by Court
On ‎10‎/‎12‎/‎2018 at 9:06 AM, mytmo said:

I like the story line of Meredith and Deluca especially for the age difference and gender change of a female resident dating a male attendee.  I don't know who Meredith's blind date was but disliked him from the beginning.  Deluca is the dark tousled hair eye candy Derek replacement although I still miss Derek.  Miss Sloane too.

I really miss Sloane, Lexi, George and Izzie, I don't care much for Deluca, but he is ok, just not as good as some of the originals.

12 hours ago, Ohwell said:

At least there was some acknowledgement that what Alex did to DeLuca was wrong even though he wasn't punished either.  

Meh, for an episode, everyone was like, "Oh, Alex beating DeLuca almost to death due to his own very wrong assumptions wasn't a very nice thing to do."  By the next episode, they were like, "It's fine, DeLuca's fine, everything's fine, Alex shouldn't face any punishment whatsoever and should go on operating on children."  By about the episode after that, they all forgot about it.  Even DeLuca.  Because they retroactively realized what a completely horrendous storyline it was and how it made a fan favorite (never mine, I always thought Alex was an asshole, but still) irredeemable and thought if they pretended like it never happened that that would redeem Alex.  I, however, have not forgotten it and would find karmic justice in Alex getting the shit beaten out of him by someone, too.

5 hours ago, NUguy514 said:

Meh, for an episode, everyone was like, "Oh, Alex beating DeLuca almost to death due to his own very wrong assumptions wasn't a very nice thing to do."  By the next episode, they were like, "It's fine, DeLuca's fine, everything's fine, Alex shouldn't face any punishment whatsoever and should go on operating on children."  By about the episode after that, they all forgot about it.  Even DeLuca.  Because they retroactively realized what a completely horrendous storyline it was and how it made a fan favorite (never mine, I always thought Alex was an asshole, but still) irredeemable and thought if they pretended like it never happened that that would redeem Alex.  I, however, have not forgotten it and would find karmic justice in Alex getting the shit beaten out of him by someone, too.

here here--not to mention them pairing Alex with Jo, a person with a history of being in an abusive relationship, which makes it even more cringe worthy (especially the scene with Bailey telling Jo, no worries, Alex wouldn't hurt a fly unless it was hurting you; sure, that's reassuring (sarcasm)). Anyway--sign me up on the team of people who HATED that storyline. It would only make sense if Alex was leaving the show and that was your exit storyline.

12 minutes ago, RedbirdNelly said:

here here--not to mention them pairing Alex with Jo, a person with a history of being in an abusive relationship, which makes it even more cringe worthy (especially the scene with Bailey telling Jo, no worries, Alex wouldn't hurt a fly unless it was hurting you; sure, that's reassuring (sarcasm)). Anyway--sign me up on the team of people who HATED that storyline. It would only make sense if Alex was leaving the show and that was your exit storyline.

As much as I hated parts of that storyline too (mainly the parts of Alex not suffering any consequences) I have always thought that the shared abusive pasts is what could make the Alex/Jo pairing interesting if the writers did it the right way, it is certainly realistic that people with that kind of history would be drawn to each other for better or for worse. I really wish that the had explored Alex's anger (Jo's too) because it has always been part of his character and even when I don't like it I can usually find it interesting, but they just never do. This storyline was pretty much crap from beginning to end, so now I am fine to just pretend it never happened, as I do with most of seasons 11-13, because Alex is still my favorite character and pretty much the only reason I still watch the show.

As far as Alex getting the shit beat out of him, I would venture to say that he has been on the receiving end of more punches/slaps than anyone else on the show, and often doesn't start the fight or reciprocate.  George, Izzie, Jackson, Cristina just off the top of my head.  And in nearly all of these instances those hitting him are cheered on (you can argue that he deserves it some of the time I guess).  I'm not absolving Alex of any of his violence or bad decisions, and I think that what he did to DeLuca obviously goes way beyond a slap or random thrown punch, but he has definitely been on the receiving end of plenty of violence himself.

4 minutes ago, Deanie87 said:

As much as I hated parts of that storyline too (mainly the parts of Alex not suffering any consequences) I have always thought that the shared abusive pasts is what could make the Alex/Jo pairing interesting if the writers did it the right way, it is certainly realistic that people with that kind of history would be drawn to each other for better or for worse. I really wish that the had explored Alex's anger (Jo's too) because it has always been part of his character and even when I don't like it I can usually find it interesting, but they just never do. This storyline was pretty much crap from beginning to end, so now I am fine to just pretend it never happened, as I do with most of seasons 11-13, because Alex is still my favorite character and pretty much the only reason I still watch the show.


I agree with this--they could have made that connection the right way and the bond would make sense. In my opinion, they never have written Jo/Alex well and I'm just now warming up to them as a couple. Before, really couldn't care if they broke up or not.

1 hour ago, RedbirdNelly said:

here here--not to mention them pairing Alex with Jo, a person with a history of being in an abusive relationship, which makes it even more cringe worthy (especially the scene with Bailey telling Jo, no worries, Alex wouldn't hurt a fly unless it was hurting you; sure, that's reassuring (sarcasm)). Anyway--sign me up on the team of people who HATED that storyline. It would only make sense if Alex was leaving the show and that was your exit storyline.

I've always had trouble buying the Jo being abused/battered woman storyline, considering what she did to Pecwell or whatever the guy with the allegedly impressive pecs was called. TPTB really should just steer away from physical abuse storylines because they cannot handle them properly.

2 hours ago, Efzee said:

I've always had trouble buying the Jo being abused/battered woman storyline, considering what she did to Pecwell or whatever the guy with the allegedly impressive pecs was called. TPTB really should just steer away from physical abuse storylines because they cannot handle them properly.

I agree. Jo has not been written consistently at all, besides frequent mention of living in her car, and that has very much taken away my ability to be deeply moved by her storylines.

On 10/12/2018 at 3:05 AM, dmc said:

I don’t have much to say here other than I don’t like cross over events.  They are basically a blatant ploy to get people already invested in one show to watch another.  Zero interest in Station 19.


How I met your Meredith? Nope. If they brought in this guy to make us more amenable to Delucca, it worked.  No to Josh Radner....


Jo knows Linc...I’m going to be honest.  Jo isn’t my favorite character.  I don’t hate her the way people hate Maggie.  I just have no interest in her or plots concerning her. In addition, her pairing with Alex has made him less interesting to me.   


However I will play possible links to Linc:

He’s related to her abusive ex but he’s the good brother that she sort of liked 

He was also homeless and they met in a shelter.  

They dated in med school.

He’s part of an underground resistance to help people flee abusive relationships.

It's like you are in my head. I agree with everything! Even the part about Jo bringing down my Alex interest.

Haha! especially to the bolded parts. Nope. Never gonna watch it. I can't turn the channel fast enough when it comes on.

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