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On ‎2‎/‎15‎/‎2017 at 5:31 PM, raven said:

Thanks SnarkyTart.

Those spoilers are a whole lot of nothing going on.   TWD has some good actors and could generate interesting plotlines but they are just going in circles it seems.

You're very welcome!   The new Q&A spoilers from The Spoiling Dead Fans Army facebook page show a whole lot of not much for this week's episode: 7.10 "New Best Friends":


Q&A Episode 7.10 "New Best Friends"

Here we go, buttercups! Huge thanks goes to our source!!!

What can you tell us about this new group at the junkyard?

I almost would classify them as leeches or locusts. All they seem to do is take, and their leader's motto is, "We take. We don't bother." They claim to have been at that location since the beginning, but I'm not sure yet how well they can fight. For example, Jadis says all they did was wait for a very long time for someone else to come along to get those supplies off that houseboat. They didn't even try to get the supplies themselves. Then they got pissed when Rick and Aaron got the supplies, which is why they took Gabriel and forced him to loot the pantry.

Does Rick make an alliance with them?

Yes, they will help Rick with the Saviors, but first Rick has to bring them guns, and lots of them and very soon.

What's going on with that spiky Walker?

We don't learn much about him except his name was Winslow. Also, it appears that these people have used "Winslow" before to have people prove themselves, because Rick sees at least one other corpse down in the pit. Obviously that poor schmuck didn't fair too well against Winslow.

Does Morgan start changing his mind about the fighting Saviors at all?

Nope, not a bit. However, he does defend Richard when one particular Savior attacks him at the beginning of the episode. The guy gets pretty pissed about that and ends up taking Morgan's stick.

What's Richard's plan?

Richard has a stockpile of weapons in his trailer as well as chemicals to make Molotov cocktails. He tries to recruit Daryl to use the guns and the Molotov cocktails (as well as a bow Richard gives to Daryl) to take out Saviors when they pass on a road they frequently use. Richard then says that if they're caught, he purposely made a trail from the trailer to Carol's little house (at this time, Daryl doesn't know Richard is talking about Carol). That way, the Saviors will think Carol did it. Needless to say, once Daryl finds out the woman Richard is talking is Carol, it all hits the fan pretty fast.

What happens with Daryl and Carol at the house?

Carol explains why she had to leave. That if the Saviors killed anyone she would have no choice but to kill them, and if she did that there wouldn't be anything left inside of her. She then asks Daryl if the Saviors came and if everyone at Alexandria is OK. She's crying pretty hard by now. So Daryl lies. He tells her Rick made the same deal as Ezekiel with the Saviors, and that everyone is OK.

Does Daryl interact with Shiva?

Oh yeah. Great scene. He pets her. After leaving Carol, Daryl goes to see Shiva, and Morgan shows up. He says that Daryl is good with Shiva and that Ezekiel would be impressed.

How does the episode end?

Daryl leaves the Kingdom to go to the Hilltop to get ready to fight.


* Winslow VS Rick scene:

Rick is thrown into the fighting arena and is forced to fight the spiky walker "Winslow". Rick gets a little cut up in the fight. He cuts his leg and when he is pushing the walker's head away one of the spikes go through his hand. To defeat Winslow, Rick grabs an old computer monitor out of the rubble and smashes it on the walker, knocking it down. Then Rick pulls down a heap of trash and pins it to the ground. He makes a weapon with glass and is able to sever Winslow's head. Jadis seems impressed by Rick. They make a deal to fight their fight in exchange for guns and half the goods they stole from the pantry.

* Michonne gets a new cat sculpture from the junkyard. Rick finds it and gives it to her.

The new group sounds kiiinda meh.  The reveal of why Gabriel absconded with the supplies is uninspired. Morgan is still a pacifist.  Poor little victim, Carol, is still so broken, boo hoo'ing so hard about wanting to be alone and not kill anyone, that Daryl doesn't even tell her about Abe and Glenn.  Rick is forced into a death match with a captive walker, which is what's now become the predictable FX trick of the week.  Nothing actually happens in this episode, though still no Negan so I'll probably watch it.

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So Rick was smiling because of Fr Gabriel?

I don't get this, Gabriel is the boots guy? and they told him to loot the pantry?


which is why they took Gabriel and forced him to loot the pantry.

Edited by piequinn35
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On 2/16/2017 at 10:42 PM, SnarkyTart said:

Then they got pissed when Rick and Aaron got the supplies, which is why they took Gabriel and forced him to loot the pantry.

How could they force him?  I guess there will be some kind of explanation but once he's back inside the walls, why bother giving them anything? 

So there'll be talking, talking then a cool walker fight (spike vs Rick) but thankfully no Negan. 

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Here are the detailed spoilers for Episode 7.11 "Hostiles and Calamities"

Courtesy of The Spoiling Dead Fans Army facebook:


Q: What does Dwight do when he discovers Daryl is missing?

He basically freaks out, but then when he finds the note someone slipped Daryl that said "Go Now," that stops him in his tracks. It's as if he recognizes the handwriting and knows who wrote it.

Q: Why does Dwight go back to his old house and what does he do there?

Sherry has escaped, and they had an agreement before that if they ever got separated, they would meet back at that old house. When he gets there, Sherry's not there, but she was and left a note. It basically says that she couldn't wait for Dwight because she couldn't be sure he wouldn't take her back to the Sanctuary or even kill her. She also confesses to helping Daryl escape.

Q: Is Sherry in this episode at all?

Q: How is Eugene handling the Sanctuary?

He is doing great at the Sanctuary! He's given a really nice apartment with all the amenities, including a videogaming system which of course he loves. He also seems to be truly respected by Negan and recognized for his abilities, which Rick never really did. This makes Eugene start to feel like he belongs there.

Q: Does Negan put Eugene to work? What's his job?

His official job title is "Chief Engineer" of the Sanctuary.

Q: A couple of the Harem girls have a request for Eugene. What is their request and does he do it for them?

Apparently Amber can't take it anymore at the Sanctuary and being one of Negan's wives and decides she wants to end it. The 2 girls asks Eugene to make some pills so that she can commit suicide. At first, Eugene doesn't want to do it but finally agrees. He later backs out after he finally figures out that the pills aren't really for Amber, but for Negan instead.

Q: Does Dr. Carson take the fall for Daryl's (and Sherry's) escape? How is he punished?

Dwight blames Dr. Carson and completely throws him under the bus. He does it by cutting the "Goodbye, Honey" ending of the letter Sherry left Dwight at their old house and plants it in Dr. Carson's office. As punishment, Negan beats the crap out of Dr. Carson and throws him head first into the furnace, burning him to death.

Q: Is the scene with Eugene and the Harem girls and the fire in this episode? What's going on there?

One of the girls jokingly asks Eugene is he one of those really smart guys who can make a bomb out of just a couple of household products, and Eugene admits that he might be. So he gives them a demonstration by making a couple of small bombs using balloons, hydrogen peroxide, and some bleach. The girls are thoroughly impressed.

Q: How does the episode end?

The episode ends with Negan paying Eugene a visit at his apartment. Negan then asks the question, "Who are you?" and before Negan can even finish the question, Eugene quickly responds, "Negan." Yes, Eugene has officially drank the Negan Kool-Aid!


* Easy Street is back! And Eugene totally digs it.

* Sherry's letter to Dwight:

D- We always said that if we got separated I should come back here and wait for you. You'd show up with beer and pretzels. You remember that? I know. You probably don't. You always said that when we started dating you forgot to tell me you had a shitty memory. You used to get so frustrated by it. Knowing you wouldn't remember those good days. Those special days. I felt bad for you. I remember there was so much you wanted to hold onto and then it'd be gone. But you're lucky you don't remember things, D. I wish I could wait for you now, but I don't know if you would come with me or take me back or kill me. You didn't want to live in that world and I made you. I did what I did because I didn't want you to die. But now you've killed and become everything you didn't want to be and it's my fault. You were better than me. Most people are. I let Daryl go because he reminded you of who you used to be. And I wanted to let you forget. I don't think I'm going to make it out here. But you're wrong. Being there isn't better than being dead. It's worse. I hope you realize that. I hope you get away. I hope you remember the good days. Even just one of them. But I don't think you will. I don't think you'll ever read this. I loved who you were. I'm sorry I made you into who you are. Goodbye. -Honey

(Dwight brings the beer and pretzels...)

As if they haven't pissed me off enough by making me have contempt for Carol, now they're going to make me detest another former favorite, Eugene!.  Plus this episode has plenty of Negan.  How close am I to checking out?  TBD

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Why is Eugene whipping out his expert professional skills?  Did he ever do anything other than filter water and make Rosita a bullet before?  All down time at Alexandra, and haircut does squat?  

Actually, this episode sounds pretty good.

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Hmm, as I recall, in Episode 514, "Spend," Eugene was trying to fix Alexandria's solar power system when he went with Glenn, Tara, and the soon-to-be-gruesomely-departed Noah, along with Aiden and Nicholas, to find parts:

Eugene: It’s a dozen of these. (Holds up micro-inverter) They are consistent in appearance across manufacturers. The shit will be right. I will install said shit. Then the grid will be fully operational again.

Since Alexandria still appears to have power, it's likely Eugene indeed solved that problem.

In Episode 601, "First Time Again," there's this scene:

(A road map is spread on a table on Deanna’s porch. At this meeting: Rick, Michonne, Heath, Deanna, Eugene, Morgan, and Carter.)    
Rick: Marshall and Redding. We force them west here.
Deanna: How?
Rick: We block it off so they can only go one way, west, away from the community.
Carter: Block it off with what?
Rick: Cars. We’ll use the RV, some of the bigger trucks, park them end to end.
Michonne: We’ll be drawing them away. (Looks at Rick) They’re gonna keep moving.
Carter: Yeah, but that many? Just bouncing off some sedans? And then when they start slipping through and the ones that walk away start distracting the rest and you stop drawing them away?
Heath: Man’s got a point.
Eugene: We got plates. The big-ass metal ones from the construction site. We can use them to fortify the whip wall. It’d help disperse the force of impact and direct the walkers clean. Like a pool table. Eight ball, corner pocket.
Carter: That’s an army out there. And what happens when this doesn’t hold? And they push on through. The curve in this hillside is gonna send them right back east. Right back here. You seriously want to risk that?
Rick: No. So you need to help us to make it hold.
Morgan: These walls, you built them. So you’ve already done the impossible.
Deanna: Carter. Please.

Eugene might not have done the work, but he contributed to solving that problem as well.

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Yeah, I think I'm out. I might check out an episode if it sounds like Carl might do something interesting, but otherwise, I've got no reason to watch the show at this point.

The only character I would've been interested in in this whole episode would've been Eugene, but not any more.

Thanks for saving me the trouble @SnarkyTart.

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8 hours ago, nodorothyparker said:

And it means we won't have to see Eugene naked and eating dog food sandwiches.  So there's that.

So we may never know if Eugene is dolphin smooth.

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18 hours ago, Mu Shu said:

I would do the same as Eugene.  Don't be a  suck up, but be useful to be  respected and safe until you figure a way out.  Beats sitting in your own ball sweat in a dark cell. 

I could understand that, (though not enjoy watching it).  However, it would seem to belie the previous spoiler from the finale episode: 


* Eugene tells Team Family they should surrender. Appears to be siding with the Saviors. (Come on, man!)

If this was only about Eugene protecting his (maybe dolphin-smooth) ass from being killed or tortured by Negan, he probably wouldn't go this far.  Unless, as someone commented earlier, Eugene is truly Breaking Bad.

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40 minutes ago, SnarkyTart said:

I could understand that, (though not enjoy watching it).  However, it would seem to belie the previous spoiler from the finale episode: 

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* Eugene tells Team Family they should surrender. Appears to be siding with the Saviors. (Come on, man!)

If this was only about Eugene protecting his (maybe dolphin-smooth) ass from being killed or tortured by Negan, he probably wouldn't go this far.  Unless, as someone commented earlier, Eugene is truly Breaking Bad.

I'll give Eugene the benefit of the doubt.


He may think CDB has no chance against the Saviors, and is trying to help. His social skills were always lacking.

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Here are the Spoiling Dead Fans Army facebook page spoilers for episode 7.12 "Say Yes"


Q&A Episode 7.12 "Say Yes"

1. Do Rick and Michonne run into any Saviors while on their scavenging journey? What happens?

Yep. They run into a small group of Saviors playing golf. Because they're distracted, Rick and Michonne are able to steal their shit, which includes more batteries for the walkie Jesus lifted from the Sanctuary.

2. What happens at the school Rick and Michonne come across?

Apparently something very bad happened there a long time ago. A carnival is in the back of the school. There are tons of soldiers there as well as civilians, with the soldiers still wearing their guns. So, there's the big gun stash Rick has been looking for! Then, when they get on the roof of the school to get a better view they fall through, but then we hear them laughing. Another jackpot! Inside the school right where they land is a gigantic stash of ready-to-eat/military food.

3. Does Rick have a close call with death? How?

Oh yes. He climbs a Ferris Wheel to get a better look, but then falls off. Michonne comes racing to help. When she gets there she sees the walkers devouring something and assumes it's Rick. She just freezes, and when it looks like Michonne is done too, Rick emerges and saves her. It turns out those walkers were chowing on a goat from the carnival.

4. Does Tara tell Rick about Oceanside?

We don't hear it directly, but the episode ends with her meeting Rick and her saying, "I have something to tell you." I think we can assume she probably told him.

5. What's going on with Rosita in this episode? Does she end up at the Hilltop?

Same old, same old. She's pissed. Frustrated. Impatient. Tells Tara off again. She does eventually end up at the Hilltop, and she and Sasha make a pact to take out Negan. She even brings Sasha a top-notch sniper rifle that Rick and Michonne got from that raid at the school.

6. Why do they go back to the junkyard? What happens?

They go back to the junkyard to deliver the guns that Rick and Michonne recovered at the school. 63 guns in total. Yet Jadis says nope, it's not enough. She insists that they must bring them at least double that (basically at least 63 more).

7. How does the episode end?

The episode ends with the Rosita/Sasha pact to kill Negan.


* Tara gets babysitting duty for lil Judith. She gives her the bracelet she got at Oceanside and carries on a one-way conversation debating whether or not to tell Rick about Oceanside.

* After hitting the RTE meal jackpot, Rick gives Michonne some chili mac and cheese that he found and she really digs.... It leads to a nice evening on a gym mat (and more sex).

* Rick tells Michonne the story of how he met Glenn, how Glenn saved his life but he couldn't save his. Michonne cries.

Garbage Pail Kids unsatisfied and demanding more.  Only Rick would be surprised by that.  Rosita going off on Tara...again.  I hope she dies soon.  Michonne first  "freezes" when she thinks Rick is being attacked by walkers.  Later she "cries" when Rick tells her a sad story.  Remember when Michonne used to be a badass warrior woman?  Yeah, I almost don't either. 

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There's more.


After  telling Rick that he didn't bring enough guns, Jadis tells him that he must also bring  her......a shrubbery!

Edited by Gobi
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So the scavengers who are too lazy to scavenge for themselves want more scavenged for them.  Who could have seen that coming?

I can't believe I'm at a point where I find the notion of a Richonne heavy episode tedious but here we are.  The writing for Michonne especially just hasn't done her any favors for awhile.

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12 hours ago, SnarkyTart said:

Here are the Spoiling Dead Fans Army facebook page spoilers for episode 7.12 "Say Yes"

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Q&A Episode 7.12 "Say Yes"

1. Do Rick and Michonne run into any Saviors while on their scavenging journey? What happens?

Yep. They run into a small group of Saviors playing golf. Because they're distracted, Rick and Michonne are able to steal their shit, which includes more batteries for the walkie Jesus lifted from the Sanctuary.

2. What happens at the school Rick and Michonne come across?

Apparently something very bad happened there a long time ago. A carnival is in the back of the school. There are tons of soldiers there as well as civilians, with the soldiers still wearing their guns. So, there's the big gun stash Rick has been looking for! Then, when they get on the roof of the school to get a better view they fall through, but then we hear them laughing. Another jackpot! Inside the school right where they land is a gigantic stash of ready-to-eat/military food.

3. Does Rick have a close call with death? How?

Oh yes. He climbs a Ferris Wheel to get a better look, but then falls off. Michonne comes racing to help. When she gets there she sees the walkers devouring something and assumes it's Rick. She just freezes, and when it looks like Michonne is done too, Rick emerges and saves her. It turns out those walkers were chowing on a goat from the carnival.

4. Does Tara tell Rick about Oceanside?

We don't hear it directly, but the episode ends with her meeting Rick and her saying, "I have something to tell you." I think we can assume she probably told him.

5. What's going on with Rosita in this episode? Does she end up at the Hilltop?

Same old, same old. She's pissed. Frustrated. Impatient. Tells Tara off again. She does eventually end up at the Hilltop, and she and Sasha make a pact to take out Negan. She even brings Sasha a top-notch sniper rifle that Rick and Michonne got from that raid at the school.

6. Why do they go back to the junkyard? What happens?

They go back to the junkyard to deliver the guns that Rick and Michonne recovered at the school. 63 guns in total. Yet Jadis says nope, it's not enough. She insists that they must bring them at least double that (basically at least 63 more).

7. How does the episode end?

The episode ends with the Rosita/Sasha pact to kill Negan.


* Tara gets babysitting duty for lil Judith. She gives her the bracelet she got at Oceanside and carries on a one-way conversation debating whether or not to tell Rick about Oceanside.

* After hitting the RTE meal jackpot, Rick gives Michonne some chili mac and cheese that he found and she really digs.... It leads to a nice evening on a gym mat (and more sex).

* Rick tells Michonne the story of how he met Glenn, how Glenn saved his life but he couldn't save his. Michonne cries.

Garbage Pail Kids unsatisfied and demanding more.  Only Rick would be surprised by that.  Rosita going off on Tara...again.  I hope she dies soon.  Michonne first  "freezes" when she thinks Rick is being attacked by walkers.  Later she "cries" when Rick tells her a sad story.  Remember when Michonne used to be a badass warrior woman?  Yeah, I almost don't either. 

When does Michonne get to tell HER sad story?  Is this one-sided bullshit supposed to be the love story of the century? 

I know some people think that being with Morgan or Ezekiel would be the worst thing that could ever happen to Michonne, but I'm fucking positive that neither man would have his head so far up his own ass that he wouldn't take the time to find out SOMETHING about the woman he was fucking.  But that's just me.

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Did't Michonne have an episode a few seasons back where she talked about her baby and the two guys and why they got their arms cut off?  Wasn't one her brother and the other one the baby's father?  Wasn't she a lawyer?  I know it seems like a long time ago show wise, but I'm assuming she hasn't told Rick any of this stuff.

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18 hours ago, Ohwell said:

Did't Michonne have an episode a few seasons back where she talked about her baby and the two guys and why they got their arms cut off?  Wasn't one her brother and the other one the baby's father?  Wasn't she a lawyer?  I know it seems like a long time ago show wise, but I'm assuming she hasn't told Rick any of this stuff.

Michonne told that story to Carl in an episode where Carl was the main focus and Michonne was there to support his story.  It was a good episode because it showed the strength of the friendship between Carl and Michonne.  It also showed that there was absolutely nothing romantic going on between Michonne and Rick, but that's another story.  Since that day, Michonne has never confided another morsel of information about who she was before the ZA or how she feels about the loss of her child and lover.  She certainly hasn't revealed anything about who she is to the man she's fucking, but then he's never expressed the slightest bit of interest.  He knew more about Jessie than he does about Michonne.

I don't think it's ever been revealed that Michonne was a lawyer.  That's from the comics, but since TV Michonne has lost almost all her connection to Comic Michonne (other than the dreads and the katana), who knows what TV Michonne did before. 

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An episode focusing on Michonne and Rick, I am so there. The review of the episode also was positive. First episode that I will watch live this season. I am a bit torn because I have gotten into Homeland which is heating up, but I will watch TWD for old times sake.

Edited by SimoneS
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Hey Rick.  Takes your 63 guns, your MREs, your crew, and leave.  Even if you defeat Negan, you still have the mouths to feed at Alexandria, and now probably those idiot junkyard fools too.  Plus all the Negan gray serfs.  Must be 100 of those sad sacks. 

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Detailed spoilers for episode 7.13 "Bury Me Here"  from The Spoiling Dead Fans Army facebook group:


Q&A Episode 7.13 "Bury Me Here"

In the sneak peek, Carol is marching through the Kingdom gates and asks for Morgan. Why is she looking for Morgan and what happens?

Carol finally has an epiphany and begins to question why Jesus brought Rick's group to the Kingdom in the first place. So she goes to the Kingdom to ask Morgan straight up what happened in Alexandria and whether everyone is ok. However, Morgan refuses and tells her if she wants to know, she'll have to go to Alexandria to find out (and he offers to go with her to Alexandria). They don't go, and she leaves.

How does Ben die?

A conflict is caused because the Kingdom comes up short during a supply drop. They were supposed to deliver 12 melons, and there's only 11. (#melongate). That's because Richard hid 1 of them, hoping to cause a fight that resulted in his death. Richard gets into it with Jared again and just when Jared is about to shoot Richard in the head, he turns and shoots Ben in the leg. It ruptures his femoral artery, and he bleeds to death.

Do we see Morgan regress back into "crazy" Morgan?

Oh hell yes, and then some! Morgan goes completely apeshit after Benjamin is killed and has a crapload of flashbacks from not only the "Clear" episode but also from the Pilot when Duane was still alive.

Does Morgan get his stick back? How?

Yes. After Benjamin is killed, apparently Jared dropped Morgan's stick. So when they return to the scene to retrieve Benjamin's stick, they get Morgan's too.

How does Richard die?

Morgan finds out that Richard sabotaged the drop for the Saviors in an attempt to enrage the Saviors so that they would kill him. This is all in the hopes of causing an event to get Ezekiel to move to war. But it only gets Benjamin killed. So Morgan attacks Richard and strangles him to death.

What's going on with that grave with the "Bury Me Here" sign?

Richard digs the grave. Later in the episode after Morgan kills Richard he buries him there and finds that "Katy" backpack of Richard's that we have seen a couple times.

Does Morgan tell Carol about Abe and Glenn? What is her reaction?

Yes, and also about Spencer and Olivia. So she packs her bags and goes to the Kingdom and tells him they need to get ready to fight.

How does Carol try convincing Ezekiel to go to war?

She doesn't really have to do any convincing because when she tells Ezekiel they have to get ready to fight he says he knows.

How does the episode end?

The episode ends with Carol at the Kingdom. She helps Ezekiel and Benjamin's little brother plant a new garden. There's also a flash of Morgan sharpening his stick.

Welcome back Carol and Morgan.  Finally. The show has been infinitely more dull in your absence.  I may actually watch this one in real time. 

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Borrowing a line from someone else, I see Carol has finally finished her book.

I know I've found more amusement out of her self-imposed time out than a lot of people have, but these spoilers make me happier than any I've read all season.  I'm sorry for the losses that get them there, but welcome back, Carol and Morgan.

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Welcome back, real Carol and Morgan.  Leave those sad pod-people personae behind - ASZ and TF have need of you.  Can you see the bat-signal (aka "look at the flowers [in the sky]")?  Times a-wasting. 

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This upcoming episode is nothing more (yet again) than gathering the troops. This is tedious. Wake me when we get to the good stuff...if we get to the good stuff...if there is good stuff.

Edited by JackONeill
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I have to say that I'm sorry that Morgan breaks his vow but I understand why.  Benjamin is such a sweet boy and he must have reminded Morgan of Duane.  I do wish that he didn't strangle Richard though; that makes me concerned for Morgan's mental health.  Daryl should take care of Richard since he knew Richard was plotting something.   It seems that either Morgan isn't killing anybody or he's killing EVERYBODY.

Looks like Morgan and Carol are going to be the 'Dynamic Duo'.  Does that make them Morgol?  Or Cargan?

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Detailed spoilers from The Spoiling Dead Fans Army facebook for episode 7.14 "The Other Side"


Thank you to the most dedicated source in the fandom!

Q&A Episode 7.14 "The Other Side"

What is Maggie up to in this episode?

She pretty much is taking over the leadership role at the Hilltop right under Gregory's nose, and he knows it too. She's teaching people to fight with knives, visiting with everyone and gaining their confidence.

Does Jesus reveal his sexuality? How does that scene play out?

Yep. He and Maggie are having a conversation and he says that he never felt like he belonged before until now. He used to live in a group home and never really got close to anyone. "Neighbors, friends, boyfriends," as he puts it. Maggie smiles and says he should try it sometime.

Do Maggie and Daryl have any kind of talk about Glenn?

Yes, they have a pretty emotional talk while they're hiding in the cellar from the Saviors. Daryl starts to cry and says it was his fault. Maggie says it wasn't and that Glenn thought Daryl was one of the good things in this world. And Glenn would know because he was one of the good things too. Maggie then hugs Daryl. #feels

When the Saviors show up to get Doctor Carson, what happens?

Simon basically tells Gregory that "a certain somebody of his now needs to be a certain somebody for Negan." Then he announces they're taking Dr. Carson. It is revealed here that the 2 Dr. Carson's are actually brothers just like in the comics. Also, apparently the extra-crispy Dr. Carson may have been an asshole by nature because the Hilltop Carson asks, "What did my brother do? Piss off somebody?" when he finds out his brother is dead.

What do Simon and Gregory discuss?

I think Gregory may be trying to set up Maggie to be killed by the Saviors. He tells Simon that there are some people who may try to take over the Hilltop and that they may not be as cooperative with the Saviors as he has been. Simon wants to know who, but Gregory doesn't tell. However, Simon does tell him that if he ever has any trouble like that to just come and let him know and they'll take care of it. Simon then gives Gregory directions to the Sanctuary.

What happens to Daryl and Maggie when the Saviors arrive?

They hide in the cellar with the help of Enid. The Saviors don't find them.

What happens when Rosita and Sasha carry out their plan? Does anyone get captured?

Rosita and Sasha are able to cut through the fence surrounding the Sanctuary, and Sasha goes through. Then, at the last minute, Sasha bolts the fence back up, and tells Rosita to run. We don't see Sasha captured, but she does run inside one of the buildings and we hear a crapload of gunfire.

Does Eugene turn down a rescue attempt?

Yep. He's with the guy on night watch duty explaining to him about the walkers, and then all of a sudden that guy is shot in the head. Sasha and Rosita appear, cut through the fence, and tells him to go. But he doesn't. He just starts crying and says he didn't ask anyone to rescue him. Then he goes back inside. Dammit, Eugene!

How does the episode end?

It ends with Rosita running from the Sanctuary, crying all the way. Then when she stops she sees a shadow figure with a crossbow. (Daryl? Dwight?)

It doesn't look like much happens that actually advances the story.  Wow, it only took 13 episodes for a heartfelt conversation about Glenn's death.  But it's Negan-free, so that's nice.

Edited by SnarkyTart
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I see we're continuing to paint the strong arming of the Hilltop with all the subtlety of a bucket of red finger paint.  Tell me again, why should I be rooting for Maggie over Gregory?  It may not be a particularly good personality but at least Gregory has one.

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5 hours ago, nodorothyparker said:

I see we're continuing to paint the strong arming of the Hilltop with all the subtlety of a bucket of red finger paint.  Tell me again, why should I be rooting for Maggie over Gregory?  It may not be a particularly good personality but at least Gregory has one.

I like Gregory.  Maggie, not so much.  

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The problem is we are heading to a conclusion we know will come (next season). We know how it's going to go and that Rick's team will win. No, we don't know the details. Yes, there will be some surprises. But WE KNOW the ending. But they're just dragging it out.

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Christian Serratos is pregnant in real life.

Maggie is pregnant on the show.

And Sasha may be written off the show since she's going to have a featured role in the. Ew Star Trek series.

Are they going to write in Rosita being pregnant as well?  Or write her off the show?

Impact of regular cast members dying this time around may be diminished if it's due to external circumstances of the actresses.

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Or she can hide behind all the kitchenware like Tara did last season.

The way this season is paced we're probably going to end with all the good people marching off to confront the Saviors, right?  The action won't occur until 8.1 or later.  Terrible.

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The Walking Dead: 'Working Together' Sneak Peek Ep. 715
Published on Mar 19, 2017, by amc


The Walking Dead Season 7: 'Only Two Episodes Left' Official Teaser
Published on Mar 19, 2017, by amc

Edited by tv echo
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11 hours ago, scrb said:

Christian Serratos is pregnant in real life.

Maggie is pregnant on the show.

And Sasha may be written off the show since she's going to have a featured role in the. Ew Star Trek series.

Are they going to write in Rosita being pregnant as well?  Or write her off the show?

Impact of regular cast members dying this time around may be diminished if it's due to external circumstances of the actresses.

From what I've read regarding spoilers for the last episode this year, Rosita ends up


getting shot, but nothing life-threatening.

If so, that will make it easier to shoot around her being off-screen for the first couple of episodes next year, if she hasn't delivered before the start of shooting.  Or they could just have her in an infirmary somewhere and have her in bed, hiding her stomach that way.  There's so many way around it.

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44 minutes ago, Ocean Chick said:

If so, that will make it easier to shoot around her being off-screen for the first couple of episodes next year, if she hasn't delivered before the start of shooting.  Or they could just have her in an infirmary somewhere and have her in bed, hiding her stomach that way.  There's so many way around it.

She can have Tara's wardrobe.

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Just the fact that Christian is a lot smaller framed than Alana makes me think her pregnancy will be easier to hide, and that she'll have less post-pregnancy weight to lose (she seems to keep her weight gain/loss to a minimum when she's not pregnant, so I could see her really working at keeping the weight gain "all baby").

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