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LSSC: Season Four Episode Talk

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On 1/17/2019 at 10:44 AM, partofme said:

Gillibrand is my Senator and I've never really liked her.  I didn't like the way she kept talking about bipartisanship, it was her answer to everything. 

I have no personal opinion about her, but I would advise her against referring to herself as a "young mother."  She's 52, which isn't old, but it's not young as US mothers go.  Her younger child is 11, so she is the mother of a relatively young child, but mothers in their 20's and 30's are not going to consider her one of them, and she shouldn't try to be.


On 1/31/2019 at 11:50 AM, bilgistic said:

I can't stand him. Stop booking him, LSSC!!

Stephen said it was the first time he'd appeared.  Christie is really a glutton for punishment with regard to Trump. He's like the unpopular kid who'd rather be beaten up by the head bully than completely ignored by him.

Stephen missed a huge opportunity when Christie was complaining how long it took him to drive around during the snowstorm, and how the current Governor needed to think of other NJ citizens.  I thought for sure he'd ask him: "How long did it take you to get over the Bridge?"

Edited by ItCouldBeWorse
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2 hours ago, partofme said:

My dvr cut off 39 minutes of Sunday's episode and my stupid cable provider(Spectrum) apparently doesn't have The Late Show on demand.   I did watch Steven's interview with Conan on youtube.

The entire show is on YouTube. Each segment is posted in order under the day it aired--in this case, February 3. I had the same problem and just watched the show on YouTube.

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10 hours ago, newsjunkie said:

I have Spectrum in NY and definitely have the Late Show on demand. It sometimes just takes a day or two for the latest episode to be there.  (I skipped yesterday on purpose because I don't care about the Super Bowl.)

I'm in nyc and it wasn't listed in my on demand for CBS.  The Late, Late Show is listed but the Late Show isn't.


9 hours ago, possibilities said:

CBS.com has it.

CBS.com says I need to subscribe to All-Access to watch it and I'm not doing that.

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10 hours ago, bilgistic said:

The entire show is on YouTube. Each segment is posted in order under the day it aired--in this case, February 3. I had the same problem and just watched the show on YouTube.

2 hours ago, partofme said:

I'm in nyc and it wasn't listed in my on demand for CBS.  The Late, Late Show is listed but the Late Show isn't.


CBS.com says I need to subscribe to All-Access to watch it and I'm not doing that.

19 minutes ago, possibilities said:

That's strange. I don't have All Access and I can get a week's worth of Colbert's show for free on CBS.com. I'm not even signed in or anything.

My experience: YouTube has it about an hour after it airs, whereas CBS is the next day--and sometimes (seemingly randomly) I run into the All Access paywall.

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3 hours ago, partofme said:

I'm in nyc and it wasn't listed in my on demand for CBS.  The Late, Late Show is listed but the Late Show isn't.


CBS.com says I need to subscribe to All-Access to watch it and I'm not doing that.

That's weird. If it's not just that episode, if you never have the Late Show listed, I would complain to Spectrum/have them reset your signal or something, I've always had it on demand.


This is what's supposed to be available on Spectrum.

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I love when Colbert does live shows.

For anyone who has some time to spare, this is a fantastic interview from August 2018. The whole thing is great but at around the 2:30 mark he walks us through a typical day for him leading up to the show.

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Big, big kudos to Stephen and the writers for coming up with some hilarious material mined from the SOTU, then putting it all together and Stephen performing it in the opening live on tight notice. That's why he's easily the best late night host on television (with all due respect to Ollie with his Emmys).

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On 2/5/2019 at 5:20 PM, opus said:

I have Spectrum in NYC and the Super Bowl ep is available on demand (says expires 2/10)

I checked again tonight and I definitely don't have The Late Show on demand at all.    I should probably call Spectrum and complain but I'm too lazy to call and find out if I can reduce my cable bill.

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Meghan McCain... whew. I really, really dislike her and if any of you post on 'The View' thread you're probably very well aware of that.

When she appears on shows with hosts who are left-leaning (Stephen Colbert, Van Jones, Bill Maher), she's very different and by that I mean... if someone were to watch her guest appearance on this show without first seeing her on 'The View,' they probably wouldn't have any issues. As a watcher of both shows I can assure you all: she's not always this composed and calm. On 'The View,' she shrieks, rolls her eyes, huffs and puffs, and is just hard to watch, period. 

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I have no idea how to get to this show besides browsing for it...hopefully it'll be back up in Topics soon (since right now I get an error message)?

Anyway, I laughed out loud at Up Close with Glenn Close. I loved the situations Glenn and Stephen gave to each other and thought their reactions were hilarious! The Lord of the Rings mistake one, the passenger on an airplane identifies with your Fatal Attraction character--just the whole thing. I needed that laugh!

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I loved that segment, too :D. I wonder how often the "You're in the restroom right at the time they're announcing the category you're nominated for" situation has happened at an awards show? 

And you just know that Stephen has been in that very LOTR situation at some point :p. 

Edited by Annber03
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17 hours ago, BookThief said:

I have no idea how to get to this show besides browsing for it...hopefully it'll be back up in Topics soon (since right now I get an error message)?

This is what I did: Go up to your icon and click on the down arrow next to your name. Select Manage Followed Content. The default is by show and you can change it to Forums for shows you follow with busier threads. You can filter the order to most recent reply.  And then you can bookmark whichever list you prefer, or both.

Edited by ABay
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On 2/11/2019 at 1:58 PM, ABay said:

This is what I did: Go up to your icon and click on the down arrow next to your name. Select Manage Followed Content. The default is by show and you can change it to Forums for shows you follow with busier threads. You can filter the order to most recent reply.  And then you can bookmark whichever list you prefer, or both.

When I tried that I got another error message. I don't have any options at that Manage Followed Content page. Anyone else have the same issue? I'm sure it's a work in progress so hopefully I don't have to keep trying too long before it's fixed. Also, I hate change.

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Here are all the TV Shows listed alphabetically     https://forums.previously.tv/shows/

When you select a TV show (I like of right click and select a new window) go to the top of the page and select the blue flag/banner like object that asks you how you want to follow the TV show.  Then I close the window and repeat the process.

After selecting all the shows you want to follow go to     https://forums.previously.tv/

There will be 2 buttons near the top that say "My Homepage" and "PTV Homepage"

Clicking "My Homepage" shows all the shows you are following

You can also go to the very top right icon (3 horizontal lines) click on Account > Settings > Default Homepage Tab (last button at bottom) select "My Homepage" and when you go to     https://forums.previously.tv/     it will always show "My Homepage" as default.

"My Homepage" shows any of your followed TV Shows that have added new content highlighted Yellow then click on them and the new content will be placed at the top (based on how recently updated) and will be bold highlighted.

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I was taken aback when Henry Louis Gates was talking about "book of life".

Each year for Rosh Hashanah, Jews ask to be written (by God) into the Book of Life for the following year. It's a traditional prayer and even a greeting used during the period between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur: May you be inscribed in the Book of Life. It's actually a major part of the entire religious tradition, basically the most sacred part of the year and the most serious.

I understand that he was taking it from a different context, but it still seemed quite insulting to appropriate it for something as mundane as a geneaology report.

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I understand Stephen's frustration over government negotiations to prevent another shutdown. But I wish he wouldn't bring up the Both Sides™ meme when assessing blame. One party wants to run the country like adults, and the other, by way of their babyboy in chief, really couldn't give a fuck if they wanted.

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They slipped up with the Bradley Cooper interview yesterday. They obviously taped it earlier in the week and Bradley Cooper forgot that it was being aired on Thursday. Yikes!

I got to go to a taping last year and we ended up sitting through Stephen doing the interviews for two shows.

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57 minutes ago, PikaScrewChu said:

They slipped up with the Bradley Cooper interview yesterday. They obviously taped it earlier in the week and Bradley Cooper forgot that it was being aired on Thursday. Yikes!

I got to go to a taping last year and we ended up sitting through Stephen doing the interviews for two shows.

I didn't even notice that Bradley's yesterday and Stephen's Sunday were the same day because they switched between talking about the BAFTAs ("yesterday") and the Grammy Awards ("Sunday") and I just imagined that Bradley Cooper might have had to be in England for several days. 

Whenever Stephen gratuitously mentions the day of the week it's supposed to be I just assume he is ironically alluding to the fact that they were taping on a different day. It doesn't often come up in interviews but every once in a while Stephen will say something to adjust whatever the guest said to match the broadcast date. And I feel like the implication is that it's okay if we know that they must have taped on a different night as long as within the show they say all the Thursday words even if they wink while doing it.

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13 hours ago, WonderWuman73 said:

I'm so excited for tomorrow, Im finally going to my first live taping with my sister. I've been attending a few The View shows and finally got in. I love Colbert. 

Girl you are so lucky! First 'The View,' and now Colbert! I'm jealous, lol. Have fun and please tell us how it went!

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Hi everyone! 

Today’s show was fantastic. It was my first show. I was kind of disappointed though. We had to stand in the freezing cold for 2 hours before they let us in. Once inside, we used the restrooms and waited another hour. My sister and I got there at 1:30 and were let in lobby around 3:45. 

But it was worth it. We were 5 and 6th on line. When they finally let us into the freezing studio, which is done to keep the audience alert... we sat in the 2nd row, seats 2 and 3 in.. I’m wearing a green turtleneck right in clear close view of Stephen when he does his monologue. 

The studio is smaller but bright and colorful. Loud music is pumping throughout as you wait. Then the warm up comedian came out Paul. He was great. He chose a few members of the audience to come up on stage to rag on but all in good fun. We were given directions then John Baptiste and his band came out and played for 10 minutes. They’re incredible in person. I really dig the horn section. Then Colbert came out. The audience went berserk!!!!

We were very loud. Lol he was taken aback, I’m sure every audience is like that but he said we were a really great audience tonight. He was really sweet off camera. He took some questions from the audience. Then the show began. 

It went pretty smoothly with just a few adjustments and retakes. A really funny show. McCabe interview was interesting and he even crack some jokes, and the musical guest had a catchy song. The band moved the show along in between breaks which usually lasted about 5-7 minutes with solos from the the horn section. 

And like that the show ended. I had a blast and would go again!  

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21 minutes ago, WonderWuman73 said:

My sister and I got there at 1:30 and were let in lobby around 3:45. 

But it was worth it. We were 5 and 6th on line. When they finally let us into the freezing studio, which is done to keep the audience alert... we sat in the 2nd row, seats 2 and 3 in.. I’m wearing a green turtleneck right in clear close view of Stephen when he does his monologue. 

Thanks for sharing, @WonderWuman73
Just wondering: 

  1. How long were you seated in the studio?
  2. Does it have the awesome looking ceiling that we see on our TVs?
  3. How did you get seats up front? Is it first come, first served?


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44 minutes ago, shapeshifter said:

Thanks for sharing, @WonderWuman73
Just wondering: 

  1. How long were you seated in the studio?
  2. Does it have the awesome looking ceiling that we see on our TVs?
  3. How did you get seats up front? Is it first come, first served?


I'm not the OP but I went last year. I was there for the taping of two shows back to back.

I was in the studio itself for around 2 and a half hours. I didn't have a watch and you're not allowed to take out your cellphone once you're in the actual theater so I can't tell you exactly how long I was in there. I was getting antsy by the time we got into the theater and wished I had brought a book. Once you get into the lobby you're there for quite a while with not much to do. I was chatting with the people around me and playing on my phone.

If you're in the upper tier you get the ceiling. If you're in the lower tier you don't get to see the ceiling.

The tickets stated that the line ups start at 3 pm. However people get there much earlier to get to the front. It's first come, first serve. However the bathroom break is on the honor system. You're supposed to go back to your place in line. There were people who didn't. Additionally you have to go through security searches so if you're someone who comes with next to nothing then you get through the line up faster and get ahead of those in the front.

I went to both Colbert and Last Week Tonight last time I was in NYC. I would go back for tapings of both but LWT was a much better experience overall.

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2 hours ago, WonderWuman73 said:

When they finally let us into the freezing studio, which is done to keep the audience alert... we sat in the 2nd row, seats 2 and 3 in.. I’m wearing a green turtleneck right in clear close view of Stephen when he does his monologue. 

I was on the lookout for you as the show aired tonight-pretty sure I saw you :D! Very cool! So glad you had a great time, freezing weather and long wait aside. Thanks for sharing. It's especially nice to hear about how Stephen and Jon are off camera and whatnot. 

@PikaScrewChu, thanks for sharing your experience as well. Some good advice to keep in mind there for anyone hoping to go at some point. I'd love to hear about your LWT experience at some point, too :).

As for tonight's show, I quite liked the interview with McCabe. I totally respect the reasons why he has to be careful about some of the things he can and can't divulge, but judging from the answers he did give, and the stuff he was able to share, I get the feeling that when all is finally revealed with this investigation, we're in for one hell of a story. Will have to give that book a read at some point. 

I also loved his descriptions of Mueller. Makes me feel even better knowing somebody who's that dedicated to his job is on this. 

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6 minutes ago, Annber03 said:

As for tonight's show, I quite liked the interview with McCabe. . . Will have to give that book a read at some point. 

McCabe was quite witty even if he didn't have the comedic timing down. I wish Stephen had given him a little space to land his lines. 
McCabe is 50. He might have had a little face lift, but what I was really trying to figure out was whether he had botox or if it is just his expressionless Fibbie face. Yes, I can be as shallow as the rest of you, heh. 
Anyway, I will at least request the book as soon as my library consortium gets it.

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5 hours ago, shapeshifter said:

Thanks for sharing, @WonderWuman73
Just wondering: 

  1. How long were you seated in the studio?
  2. Does it have the awesome looking ceiling that we see on our TVs?
  3. How did you get seats up front? Is it first come, first served?


We were Seated from

4:45 to 7:15pm.  

Yes it has a awesome ceiling and we were able to see the ceiling from where we were sitting all the way up front but if if you’re sitting further in, you can’t see it. The ceiling  had a kaleidoscope of coffee and macaroons. 

We got to sit upfront by getting there super early and being one of first people on line. They seated us literally by how we are were on line. VIP took the first row but after that, we claimed our spot from 130pm  til we sat down in the studio audience. You must be standing outside with your guests or else risks moving to the back. That’s what happened to this poor guy who was before us and was waiting for his GF to arrive. When they started scanning our tickets she hadn’t turned to yet so he had to step out of line, so my sister and I are able to move up. We stood in our place, went through through  detectors, then waited another hour in our same spot. We were ushered in order all the way to the front to the 2nd row center. 

You’re able to take photos after the show is done and everyone is leaving, I took a few of the stage and ceiling. 

Loved the experience. Just wish the theater was bigger inside to accommodate a larger waiting room. At the View,before taping  they have a large waiting room cafeteria with  tables and  chairs as well as a Starbucks as you wait. 

Edited by WonderWuman73
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9 hours ago, shapeshifter said:

McCabe is 50. He might have had a little face lift, but what I was really trying to figure out was whether he had botox or if it is just his expressionless Fibbie face. Yes, I can be as shallow as the rest of you, heh. 

I'm 61 and I don't have many more lines than he does.  I think that's just how he looks.  A life with a deadpan expression cuts down on the laugh lines later in life.

Speaking of laugh, the best line of the night--Stephen asking him if anything that's happened in the last two years that has made him less suspicious of POTUS, and his immediate response, "No...did I answer too quickly?"  And never cracking an expression.

9 hours ago, Annber03 said:

I get the feeling that when all is finally revealed with this investigation, we're in for one hell of a story. Will have to give that book a read at some point. 

I get the feeling that screwing someone out of their pension just for spite might come back to haunt another someone.  Not to mention this book tour's going to make this guy rich.

9 hours ago, shapeshifter said:

I wish Stephen had given him a little space to land his lines. 

I wish Stephen had let him answer the "great" question about whether as an FBI investigator, he would have had a problem with his own tell-all book.  Instead, Stephen interrupted him so he could be funny again and they never got back to the question.  You'd think that with a political interview, which is right up Stephen's wheelhouse, he'd do a better job than he does with starlets.

12 hours ago, WonderWuman73 said:

we sat in the 2nd row, seats 2 and 3 in.. I’m wearing a green turtleneck right in clear close view of Stephen when he does his monologue. 

I rewound it a couple of times but it was just too fast for me to catch.  Wish there was a slo-mo button on the DVR.  Anyway, thanks for giving everyone the scoop on your experience!

12 hours ago, WonderWuman73 said:

He was really sweet off camera. He took some questions from the audience. Then the show began. 

Does that mean that there's actually a break between what we see, Stephen running out to a delirious audience, and the start of the monologue?

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1 hour ago, meowmommy said:

Does that mean that there's actually a break between what we see, Stephen running out to a delirious audience, and the start of the monologue?

Yep. Several breaks. He spends a lot of time explaining things between the monologue, the intro segment, and the guests. An intern goes to the desk before he interviews every guest and fills him in on the guest and what to ask, etc. The audience Q&A is before taping starts. Then he explains that he's going to watch the cold open with the audience. He goes backstage once the cold open finishes and then runs out to the audience.

I didn't find him as personable when I went. He only answered three audience questions (mine was one of them). Granted the woman took way too long to say her question and he ended up just responding with "Yes". He interrupted myself and the other gentleman who asked questions. 😕 I had gotten the first few words out and he started talking over me. Thankfully I was able to finish my question and get a complete answer from him but man oh man. I was a bit disappointed.

@Annber03, John Oliver is amazing! If this isn't the place for it I'll move it.

He chatted with the audience for a really long time. Granted the studio is tiny. I think it can only seat about 150 people max. Their process is much faster. You go to the studio and they take you up in groups of 10 since the studio is on one of the upper floors. There's a woman who is constantly yelling at you though. They're a bit more lax though. If you have 4 tickets and there's only 3 of you there they will seat you and then you have to notify a staff member once your friend has indicated they are downstairs in the lobby. Seating isn't first come, first serve. It's basically to the discretion of the yelling woman. I ended up in the front row right by the camera because I was alone even though I was nowhere near the first to show up.

They do not notify you if you have tickets to the taping until around 9 am the day of though. I had requested two tickets beforehand but the person I was with decided to go home a day early since we both assumed I didn't end up in the lottery for tickets. I called him immediately to see if he could turn around to get back to NYC by 5:30 but he wouldn't have made it in time. It's his favorite TV show too. He will never live that one down.

John Oliver does a Q&A too before the show starts. If the show is delayed airing on HBO it's because there was something behind the scenes that delayed the taping. The day I went he was in a meeting with the HBO legal team over another potential lawsuit so he was delayed coming out to do the audience Q&A and taping. The show is exactly as you see it on television. You can see John laughing at the jokes before he's about to make them though. They had to re-dub some of the lines because the audience was too loud laughing and cheering. Otherwise the entire show is done in one take.

I haven't had a chance to watch Conan's new format but I wonder if Stephen would be suited to going back to a half hour format. His body language was very interesting. He was never fully confident when doing the monologue or the interviews. I watch the show but I'm still not convinced he's suited for the typical late night format. Going to a taping reinforced that.

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I got my tickets 2 weeks before the show taping. I saw myself on camera 4x. That was neat.  Stephen  comes out before the show to greet the audience and answer questions. He answered about 6 audience questions. We gave  him such a huge applause and chant it lasted a long time and he was very moved. He told us that everyone is to pretend that we are just meeting him for the first time lol and that we are very important to him and the show. They edited out a lot of applause in the opening segment. 

I have no complaints. And would definitely go again. I have tickets to The View on Monday again my 5th show!  I went to Conan show back when he was at the old late night show in NY and we got to chat with him and Max. 

Edited by WonderWuman73
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11 hours ago, Miss Dee said:

For those of you that were there: How did the interview with Dan Levy (Schitt's Creek) go? Or was that taped on a different night?

It went well. What you saw on the taped  show was exactly what we saw. No retakes or edits. He came on right after McCabe’s interview. 

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Ana seemed off the night she was on. It's not like her to umm and ahh like that when she commenting or responding to questions. I'm not sure what was up with her because she's usually pretty quick witted. She was on Seth Meyer's show earlier in the month and acted fine. Stephen came across like he wasn't sure where to direct the conversation so he was trying whatever he could. I felt for both of them because it was an awkward segment all around.

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I should go watch the interview with Seth (who is next when I go back to NYC). It seemed so awkward because she stated from the beginning she was an adamant Republican but hated Trump. But she was still an adamant Republican. Stephen was trying to direct the conversation about why she's still standing behind a party with a leader she can't stand and Ana wanted to take the conversation elsewhere. I thought Stephen was going to get the nail filing treatment. I was waiting for Ana to pull out a nail file there.

The interview would have probably worked better in his Colbert Report character.

I looked it up because I was interested in her background and why she's so staunchly Republican. Ana has stated that she has voted Democrat since Trump became the GOP nominee. I'm surprised that didn't come up.

It can be difficult when you have two talk show hosts from different backgrounds who are overly political. I've noticed that talk show hosts have to work harder to step back whenever they are the guest on another talk show. It's a fascinating dynamic to watch.

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2 hours ago, PikaScrewChu said:

It can be difficult when you have two talk show hosts from different backgrounds who are overly political.

Does Ana have a show?  I've only seen her as a guest on CNN panels, including her epic takedown of Scottie Nell Hughes in 2016.

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1 hour ago, meowmommy said:

Does Ana have a show?  I've only seen her as a guest on CNN panels, including her epic takedown of Scottie Nell Hughes in 2016.

ana is part of the view on fridays. this past week she has been there everyday because whoopi goldberg is out sick.

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On 2/18/2019 at 8:49 AM, MoreCoffeePlease said:

Loved seeing Trevor Noah. He was totally stylin' (loved the pants, shirt, jacket) and he is just so cute to begin with. I really should check out his book.

Trevor Noah's book is AWESOME!   He's had an incredible life.  A poster on the Daily Show site suggested listening to it so you get his voice and the many, many languages he speaks,  so I did and it was much better than reading it.  

I'm going to buy the audio book for my adult son. ..it was that good. Trevor is especially devoted to his mom. 

Stephen has been a favorite since the Daily show also along with Jon Stewart and Steven Carrell.  

I am sick of the overemphasis on Trump/political  jokes, and I know it's the main news,  but I don't even  watch the news any more either.  It wd be nice if Colbert cd minimize the Trump/political  stuff every other night or so for a break.

  The ridicule is fine,  but  I find the reality depressing.  I know Stephen is taking a break from politics on his vacation this coming week,  and I may do the same. .....until 2020. 🙂

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When Stephen asked Ana about working on 'The View' vs. CNN, she brought up discussing the Kardashians on 'The View,' and said something like, "I think there are 5 of them." (For those who don't know much about Ana, she admittedly doesn't keep up with pop culture).

The short banter between them about how many Kardashian sisters there are and Stephen eventually saying, "I don't know. I don't care" - totally relatable, lol. I don't keep up with anything Kardahsian-related, either. 

Edited by Alexis2291
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