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Married To Medicine - General Discussion

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She's twerking for BRAVO coins just like Toya is. 

Yes and managed to keep her dignity intact. Imagine that.


 I don't see Toya thinking she's better than the other wives or the the doctor's wives.  But I see a lot of the other wives looking down on her.

Every time there's trouble in a marriage or when the group goes on vacation she demonstrates her utter lack of tact, compassion or charity. She and her wack ass husband wouldn't have got into tax trouble if she weren't desperate to live like Mariah. 

ETA: I think @ZaldamoWilder articulated why Tessa looks down on Toya better than I but I'll leave this here for a minute.

Edited by Drumpf1737
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6 hours ago, byrd said:

Heavenly has a lot of issues. God Bless her

I am convinced that Heavenly isn't as fucked up as she comes across and believe me she comes across pretty fucked up.  I believe she wants to be that "breakout" star to get her and her obnoxious little girl and daddy their own spinoff.. I mean all her assholishness comes with this little grin on her face that is very insincere and screams, this is a calculated act.  This makes me feel she is really just full of it.

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4 hours ago, walnutqueen said:

Sorry, not sorry.  The SECOND fake pastor pretended to be a mental health specialist, I was O.U.T.

You on you're own, Hellishly.

First of all, Hellishly - that’s awesome and more appropriate.


i agree with you about the “mental health” specialists,  but when Hellishly asked, isn’t that how you’d react and he said only if I had low emotional intelligence - that was brilliant and shut her up for a few minutes.

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19 hours ago, DrSparkles said:
On 9/24/2018 at 1:30 PM, queenjen said:


I may have missed something, but I do remember CONEtessa's dad as having some chronic illness (maybe not SA tho?)?? Chron's?? Something

It was Crohns and substance abuse. This is from last season (I think) and what she said last episode. While she was talking to her husband. i got the impression that her mother raised her and that her father was mostly gone with SA. She was crying when she talked to hubby about it. i applaud her for recognising that her Dad was/is sick, with the SA: this is the reality, but a lot of people don't get it and as a doctor, Contessa knows addiction is an illness and she kept the emphasis on Dad being a sick man. Cos I think Scott (?) would have supported her if she never wanted to see him again for the abandonment issues his wife has had to come to terms with. And he now has protate cancer also which he doesn't seem to want to get treated. Possibly because we learned Contessa's mother had 5 or 6 rounds of chemo and both father and daughter looked like they agreed it was hard on her. 

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16 hours ago, ZaldamoWilder said:

One of you lovies said you thought they might be faking this discord for their storyline because in their THs they look/act like different people.   Because I'm a nerd, I really studied that last night and I'm finna agree with it.  Like in those moments, they laugh and have chemistry and there's an ease and friendship that seems really organic.   I don't remember which poster said it but babe I see it too.   Are we trippin?

Love your work, Z, i've been watching the same thing and i think they're tap dancing for a cheque. I saw a blind item where a lot of the commenters believed it was Simone and Cecil. The reunion was just too dramatic. They're body language is so comfortable and familiar and I could really see them doing this. I've seen rumours also that Quad hasn't been in the same bedroom as her husband since very early in their marriage, and I can see that too. The reason I bring Quad and Greg up is that I don't think the rest of the cast would stand it was just  Simone and Cecil that were all for show. But possibly they see it as a necessary drama guarantee should things be slow. That cheque has gotta help, why go without it if you don't have to? I do love Dr Jackie and I'd be extremely bummed if she is revealed as a massive fake also. My only doubt comes from whether Jackie would agree to their kids going along with it, because we've seen Simone discussing it with both her sons. 

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5 hours ago, queenjen said:

Love your work, Z, i've been watching the same thing and i think they're tap dancing for a cheque. I saw a blind item where a lot of the commenters believed it was Simone and Cecil. The reunion was just too dramatic. They're body language is so comfortable and familiar and I could really see them doing this. I've seen rumours also that Quad hasn't been in the same bedroom as her husband since very early in their marriage, and I can see that too. The reason I bring Quad and Greg up is that I don't think the rest of the cast would stand it was just  Simone and Cecil that were all for show. But possibly they see it as a necessary drama guarantee should things be slow. That cheque has gotta help, why go without it if you don't have to? I do love Dr Jackie and I'd be extremely bummed if she is revealed as a massive fake also. My only doubt comes from whether Jackie would agree to their kids going along with it, because we've seen Simone discussing it with both her sons. 

I just giggled.   Thanks lovie, this is what I do to avoid work lol. 

If Jackie's faking anything, I officially quit, she's the realest thing here to me.   I didn't know if you meant somebody else but Jackie doesn't have any kids.

Quad and Greg - genuine in their misery.  I honestly can't tell by looking what's in it for her anymore.   It can't be golddigging or she'dve had that baby.

Jackie and Curtis - she's a gentlewoman and a scholar and she doesn't deserve what she got.  I know I should probably get over it but everytime he comes up to her acting like the perfect husband and being all lovey dovey and a relationship expert I want to heave.    Forgiveness is easier when your man's gorgeous.  Dr.  Walters is truly a woman of God.   Lol.

Toya and Genie - if he likes it, I love it.

Simone and Cecil - through my new nerd prism, they're the most comfortably, chemically attached of all.   They might rival Toya and Eugene, I think the only thing I don't dig about them as a couple is how forgiving he is of Toya's insistence upon acting a complete muffucin fool.

Mariah and Ayden - I don't really pay them any attention.  I forgot how sweetly she handled the conversation she had with her daughter (Lauren?) about growing up, that was lovely.  Ayden seems like a fun dude, they'll be alright as long as he doesn't cheat again.

Heavenly and Daddy - also seem to genuinely enjoy each other, but he doesn't check his wife's messiness either.   Aside from not running a drop of water over those dirty patio crabs, she's domestic and a good income generator and a submissive freak so I guess he has no complaints.   I do want him to stop with the magical negro speeches and I'd like to see Mariah's receipts and invoices.

Contessa and Scott - are the most normal to me.  I don't get hotness vibes but they look like they're still really good friends. 

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That wasn't well written: I had doubts that Jackie would cosign Simone and Cecil  bringing their kids into it, if they are indeed faking matrimonial discord. Dr Jackie is a damn saint. I can even put up with Fitni because I know she's coming from the heart with her concern for everyone's health. Hmmm, maybe they had to give her Fitni to go along with any fakery on the others behalf

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Episode 5:


"Heavenly Homecoming"

Quad has a heart-to-heart conversation with Jackie over her marital issues; the guys have a much-needed night to themselves during which Greg tells his side of the story; with Simone and Jackie in tow, Heavenly travels to her childhood home in Miami.

Airs September 30, 2018.

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I guess Toya & Eugene can throw themselves a Foreclosure Party or a Short Sale party in a year or two.

Quad should've just blocked Greg if she didn't want to talk to him.  She had no problem blocking him or sending him to voicemail before.

Curtis can always be quiet at all times.

Greg, your wife does not desire you.  You know this, which is why you went to the hotel with some girls.

Cecil needs to log on to Amazon and order up some books on programming apps.

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It kind odd on these "going back home to your roots" trips , the women stay in 5 star hotels - where someone still has to share a room - when their "roots" is closer to the Budget Inn on Hwy 5 and Capitol Blvd. 

Heavenly is still a little street  - she may never lose that. She just one of those people who curses so much with a  free-flowing carelessness, you just have to translate in your head. She has learned to check her language in a professional environment, which works for her. 

Jackie is sitting there with a cloth napkin draped over her knees eating wings with a knife and fork. It must be tiring being on point 100% of the time. I was kinda hoping Heavenly would serve her a can of OE or a twist off and see how Ms. Jackie would do with that....  :) #LetLooseWoman.

I kinda wish we could visit her roots.The rest of the women have visited, or made reference that they came from very modest beginnings. Jackie ? wingsKnifeFork.thumb.png.e724e01b379e7160c0ce72b26f9b5c5d.png

Edited by sATL
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On a serious note - prophylactic total mastectomy ? It doesn't decease the risk - just lesson the risk ??? One night stay in hospital ?

only 10% people w/ BRCA have breast cancer ? So where does that leave the 90% ? Abnormal mammograms for 10 years - every 6 months?

OMG !!! This was informative. Scary.

I feel bad for Contessa (and Scott) but she seems at peace with doing the procedure. I had to chuckle too when she said "the breasts have served their purpose" - meaning she's had her kiddies.

Not that I wish illness on anyone but I wish it was more of the medical (male and female) in the show and less marital problems. 

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39 minutes ago, sATL said:

On a serious note - prophylactic total mastectomy ? It doesn't decease the risk - just lesson the risk ??? One night stay in hospital ?

only 10% people w/ BRCA have breast cancer ? So where does that leave the 90% ? Abnormal mammograms for 10 years - every 6 months?

OMG !!! This was informative. Scary.

That's why I refuse the stupid exam.  No cancer in any side of my family ever.  When men put their scrotums between glass then maybe I will.

I don't want anyone preaching to me because I don't care.

I am so done with this show.  Any Bravo show off my list.

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7 hours ago, drivethroo said:

I guess Toya & Eugene can throw themselves a Foreclosure Party or a Short Sale party in a year or two.

Quad should've just blocked Greg if she didn't want to talk to him.  She had no problem blocking him or sending him to voicemail before.

Curtis can always be quiet at all times.

Greg, your wife does not desire you.  You know this, which is why you went to the hotel with some girls.

Cecil needs to log on to Amazon and order up some books on programming apps.

You already know they're going to go overboard on that house. Also, just because they HAVE $2M (and do they really?) doesn't mean they need to SPEND $2M, particularly in Atlanta where you can have the kind of luxury they want for less than that. How far apart are Alpharetta and Atlanta?

Mariah's daughter seems like a nice kid. So do Simone's boys - I've always thought so.

Why are they sharing a room in Miami?

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1 hour ago, Empress1 said:

You already know they're going to go overboard on that house. Also, just because they HAVE $2M (and do they really?) doesn't mean they need to SPEND $2M, particularly in Atlanta where you can have the kind of luxury they want for less than that. How far apart are Alpharetta and Atlanta?


It was Toya whiplash for me - at first I was applauding that she was firm on sticking to their budget.  But then her insistence on a 2 story master closet (?!?!) as a must have, and trying to make it sound like that was on par with having some fancy built in grill for the backyard - no.  Just no.  Not even close.  Plus, to Eugene's point, you know that means she will have to buy more stuff to fill said massive closet.

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9 hours ago, drivethroo said:

Quad should've just blocked Greg if she didn't want to talk to him.  She had no problem blocking him or sending him to voicemail before.

Then that would ruin the entire scene!


9 hours ago, sATL said:

Jackie is sitting there with a cloth napkin draped over her knees eating wings with a knife and fork

I was lmao at that! She is just too prim and proper. Loosen up, Jackie. In fact, the only time she loosens up is when she's involved in some kind of sports competition and even then she has to be in control. I wish I could learn to be one of those people that never, ever yells or raises their voice. I come from a loud Italian family so that's never going to happen!

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Simone and Cecil were on Dr. Phil the other day! My respect level for those two dropped to 0%. What in hell are they doing on that show? They just had to let the world know about their marital troubles once again. Oh, and Cecil had a perma smirk on his face the entire time trying real hard not to laugh. I don't know if he was just nervous or what but it didn't seem authentic to me. 

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Simone was on Andy Cohen's show last night and Cecil was in the audience. She says they are in a much better place, but it didn't really seem like it. She seems to belittle Cecil. Andy asked him a question about Greg and Simone was kind of chiding him--go on, tell the truth. I thought Cecil looked pretty miserable. 

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15 minutes ago, Pickles said:

 I thought Cecil looked pretty miserable. 

He probably is somewhat miserable. The man was RIFed in his late 40s/ early 50s. He was in IT and lost $25k, money he sneaked out of the joint account,  to some startup to do an App. Now his little business of putting teens to work is at best on hold. He wife belittles him and is keeping the divorce papers warm. He oldest son is having a good time in college. He youngest is having a good time in high school and learning to drive expensive cars.

Edited by sATL
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11 hours ago, sATL said:

Jackie is sitting there with a cloth napkin draped over her knees eating wings with a knife and fork. It must be tiring being on point 100% of the time. I was kinda hoping Heavenly would serve her a can of OE or a twist off and see how Ms. Jackie would do with that....  :) #LetLooseWoman.

LOL!  Now you don't see that she has processed meat, covered in some dubious baked on sauce on that plate?   That IS loose.  Lol!

You did not just say OE.   Come through Class of '89.  Now you know good n' hell well Jackie Walters has never drunk from a can in her whole life, never mind some OE, which for the record, authentically, comes in a 40oz bottle  ;)   She's made mention of it before, but she didn't grow up with her pinky out.  The Google says she was born (and presumably raised) in a town in Mississippi (I have to say the diddy to spelll this correctly lol) called Port Gibson.  It's also where she attended undergrad.  I say all that to say that 30% of the residents of Port Gibson live below the national and state poverty lines.   I'd love it if she took us on a tour back home too, but honestly judging by the pics online, that trip would be 5 minutes long.   I don't know if this is either here or there but she's an AKA.   She definitely carries herself like a "lady of distinction" 

Heavenly only means bitch affectionately lol!! 

Greg has only just come to the stage where he can admit the circumstances that drove him to cheat.  He's an entire plane ride away from a) being contrite about it and b) throwing himself on Quad's mercy with a full on apology, acknowledgement of how this must've made her feel, gratitude for covering for his sloppy ass so his side chick couldn't blackmail him and asking her what he can do to make all of it right.  That shit where these fragile ass men sit around nodding at each other tambout mmhmm, I see how you got there and I hope yall work it out.......ri-fuckin-diculous.   At a minimum, two of you are reformed hoes, get your weight up and tell this behavioral psychologist fool exactly what he needs to do for her to even want to have a civil ass conversation.   Sheeiiit, you wasn't too proud to cheat.  Ole beluga whale head ass muffucah.


Toya is wearing me out with all these grande delusions.   Raggedy ass Sonja Morgan has a whole elevator in her 3 story house.  Lisa Vanderpump has a gottam flamingo that shares water with her backyard koi pond .  This?  this is your trapping of wealth?  A two story closet....?  In a house 40 damn minutes from the center of town?  Girl, goodnight  Contessa ain't done clowning your life.   

I like how conscious Mariah seems to be of Lauren's impending life experiences.   That's nice.   Um, {{raises hand}} I wanna know what the full buffet is.  Lol.   I laughed when Simone told Lauren stay away from boys, they're nasty!  I was like dang, I thought only mothers of daughters said that.

Scott reminds me that (kidding or not) men stay selfish as fuck.   Had 3 of your babies, still look like this and bout to take my body through it again and you can't get your shit binder clipped?   

Real quick, run down the names of some clubs in Atlanta where you can wear scrubs, I wanna see where Damon wound up.

Edited by ZaldamoWilder
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45 minutes ago, ZaldamoWilder said:

Ole beluga whale head ass muffucah.

You gon' need to send my people condolences because I'm typing this from the great hereafter. Do you know I just looked up what a beluga whale looks like? You're not wrong.

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5 minutes ago, Empress1 said:

You gon' need to send my people condolences because I'm typing this from the great hereafter. Do you know I just looked up what a beluga whale looks like? You're not wrong.

Shitty right?  you know where I got that from?  Insecure - Issa's hoetation - Neighbor Bae.   


There''s wifi in the upper room?  Impressive!  

why ya'll entertain my antics though Lol!! 

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1 hour ago, ZaldamoWilder said:

Sheeiiit, you wasn't too proud to cheat.  Ole beluga whale head ass muffucah.

Oh, Z!! I am LMAO. Dying. Dead. I just can not with you. Actually, I can! Every single post of yours has some hysterical words of wisdom but this little gem is just what I needed on a crappy Monday afternoon!

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1 hour ago, ZaldamoWilder said:

You did not just say OE.   Come through Class of '89.  Now you know good n' hell well Jackie Walters has never drunk from a can in her whole life, never mind some OE, which for the record, authentically, comes in a 40oz bottle  ;)   She's made mention of it before, but she didn't grow up with her pinky out.  The Google says she was born (and presumably raised) in a town in Mississippi (I have to say the diddy to spelll this correctly lol) called Port Gibson.  It's also where she attended undergrad.  I say all that to say that 30% of the residents of Port Gibson live below the national and state poverty lines.   I'd love it if she took us on a tour back home too, but honestly judging by the pics online, that trip would be 5 minutes long.   I don't know if this is either here or there but she's an AKA.   She definitely carries herself like a "lady of distinction" 

Y'all need to give my girl Jackie a break. You know that napkin was all about not getting grease stains from the devil fried food on her nice silk outfit!!! And as for OE, while she's been at parties where it was served (along with Cisco, MD2020 and some Thunderbird), not nary a drop has ever crossed her lips. Now was she drinking the grocery store Chardonnay at the Omega Drip? Absolutely. But she drank only out of a clear plastic cup and never set her drink down.

Seriously, she reminds me a lot of my mom and her southern-bred (NC) sisters. All of them could and did set a formal table for a five-course meal on Sundays, and would correct your grammar, writing and manners in a second. They always brought to mind that Stevie Wonder lyric "...when you say that you are in it but not of it..." Just real down home women who wore their mantle as a Lady as both a sword and a shield. I'm not mad at her and wish that just a tad little bit of that could rub off on Heavenly. Not enough to make her plain, but enough to stop her for talking about everyone's mama and calling random friends bitch.

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2 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

Simone and Cecil were on Dr. Phil the other day! My respect level for those two dropped to 0%. What in hell are they doing on that show? They just had to let the world know about their marital troubles once again. Oh, and Cecil had a perma smirk on his face the entire time trying real hard not to laugh. I don't know if he was just nervous or what but it didn't seem authentic to me. 

I just saw this information on another thread and was so disappointed. I also really wish I'd never read it and cannot fathom why on earth they would do such a ridiculous thing. Their boys must be mortified'

Toya and Eugene are totally ridiculous. Why do they need a 2-million dollar house? And they keep calling it their forever house to justify spending all of that money. She really is a vulgar woman and Eugene is a fool to indulge that nonsense. No one else has to be as fancy as she's trying to be and they all have more money that those two. Heavenly and Damon have a nice house with a pool, Maybe as someone else said she really is trying to compete with Mariah. Can't wait to hear what Contessa will say about that.

I cannot lie, I have a total soft spot for Heavenly. She's crude and vulgar, too, at times, but deep down has a good heart. This "spiritual journey" is going to be interesting.

I love Jackie and also would be interested in learning more about her roots. I get the feeling that she may have a similar background to Simone's, which while not abundant wasn't po' as the saying goes as Mariah's upbringing with a mother who called her bitch was, but no matter how much money they had, Jackie's mum taught her to be genteel. 

Mariah is a good mum, but I still don't like her. She's as mean as a snake and her addition to the opening song has screwed up its rhythm. 

With that, I'm going to try to unlearn that Dr. Phil story.

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Not to put Eugene down - but just how much money does he really make ? Did he an Toya sit in a "how much mortgage can I afford" webinar with a reputable bank or credit union ?

I think Toya heard a number, based upon what they been paying rent, or they forget to factor in other bills, or they focus on what Eugene grosses and not what he brings home. Yes - an ER do can bring home good money - but I'm sure he has loans, car pmts, school tuition, everyday life expenses like food/utilities/upkeep and not to mention Toya - his biggest expense

Toya should be putting her Bravo money aside for the boys future - not adding into the monthly house payment. And maybe making sure they have 20% down .

 Experts state " states that you should spend no more than 25% of your income on your mortgage ".  And that also means you DON"T HAVE TO SPEND 25% - you can go less.

So, if $13468  (net) is 25% , that mean Eugene makes ----> $646, 464 (net) yearly salary right ( 53872 mth * 12 )?



mortgage calculator used ( link )

Edited by sATL
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14 hours ago, sATL said:

Not to put Eugene down - but just how much money does he really make ? Did he an Toya sit in a "how much mortgage can I afford" webinar with a reputable bank or credit union ?

I think Toya heard a number, based upon what they been paying rent, or they forget to factor in other bills, or they focus on what Eugene grosses and not what he brings home. Yes - an ER do can bring home good money - but I'm sure he has loans, car pmts, school tuition, everyday life expenses like food/utilities/upkeep and not to mention Toya - his biggest expense

Toya should be putting her Bravo money aside for the boys future - not adding into the monthly house payment. And maybe making sure they have 20% down .

 Experts state " states that you should spend no more than 25% of your income on your mortgage ".  And that also means you DON"T HAVE TO SPEND 25% - you can go less.

So, if $13468  (net) is 25% , that mean Eugene makes ----> $646, 464 (net) yearly salary right ( 53872 mth * 12 )?



mortgage calculator used ( link )

My assumption is that they'll do a 30 year rather than a 15. That will drop their monthly by about $3k right off the bat. I'd also assume a slightly higher interest rate something closer to 5% (since I'm sure both their credit is compromised by the IRS debt). Look at it this way -  Toya's salary from Bravo will cover the mortgage. $10k an episode for 13 episodes means every season is a year of mortgage payments. So that would mean that Eugene covers everything else. We're also assuming that the kids go to private schools throughout. 

I'm not saying that what they are doing here is smart, but its not an impossible number. Should they be making better choices? Probably. But they are keeping up with the Joneses kinds of folks. Toya's not going to be in a smaller house at an affordable rent with a little yard near a busy street when she can be an hour outside of town in a gated community with a pool and a mortgage that keeps her cracking the whip over Eugene forever. She's already shown that. She's going to make the choice to floss even if it kills Eugene.

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At this point, you can't blame Toya, you also have to blame Eugene.  Flossing, stunting and being able to show off a big booty wife is the payoff for Eugene.  If Eugene put his foot down and told Toya no, she might pout, she might cheat, but she ain't going anywhere (Neither is Eugene).  If Toya could get somebody else making more money than Eugene she could have and would have.  She's in her 40s now and I would assume most of these Atlanta ballers would be going for somebody younger (and slimmer everywhere but the big booty).  They are not trying to pick up a middle aged hoodrat from the 90s.  So Eugene could put his foot down, but he wants to floss too. 

I just hope their new house isn't on the bus line.

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Just a little more perspective on the Toya/Eugene situation... we may be seriously low-balling the MtM salaries. There was just a public report that Southern Charm cast made $425k per season. If we assume Toya is bring in half of that, looking at a $2M house might not be a huge stretch for them.

Now, will they be able to keep it once MtM is over? That's the real question...

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Episode 6:


"A Room Without a View"

Heavenly continues her spiritual journey in Miami; Contessa goes through with her double mastectomy; Quad turns to old friends for comfort; Toya and Eugene appreciate the progress of their dream home. Mariah and Aydin explain the birds and the bees.

Airs October 7, 2018.

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Mariah filming with her child and husband seriously humanizes her so much more then filming with her beyond crazy mother. I actually was enjoying her sitting at that table talking with her daughter and husband she was like a real actual human being still a little over the top but much more relatable 

Edited by Keywestclubkid
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Lots of good - real - storylines with these ladies! 

(Hope they thanked the guy who is living in Heavenly’s old house - they filmed it as if they all just ran out of the house.)

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11 hours ago, Keywestclubkid said:

Mariah filming with her child and husband seriously humanizes her so much more then filming with her beyond crazy mother. I actually was enjoying her sitting at that table talking with her daughter and husband she was like a real actual human being still a little over the top but much more relatable 

Her daughter seems like a great kid. I laughed when she asked why Mariah had to make everything into life lessons when they were cooking.

Hey marital focus group zaddy!

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Simone sleeping in the back seat with her mouth hanging open while Heavenly is driving and pouring her heart out about her sad childhood was EVERYTHING!

Jackie was sweet but I don't think Simone cares much for Heavenly. There was not much warmth coming from her. It felt more like a producer driven obligatory trip to Miami that Simone had to do for the show.  

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I actually think out of all the ladies, Simone & Jackie are friendlier with Heavenly than she is with the rest of the group.  I think both of them respect Heavenly in a way the others in the group do not.  This could be because Jackie & Simone have medical educations just like Heavenly.  The only other person in the group with a medical education would be Cone Tessa and I don't see Contessa & Heavenly gelling because of Heavenly's abrasive personality... Contessa wouldn't tolerate it.  I don't think Simone has a serious problem with Heavenly.

I wonder if Aydin's family accepted Mariah, being that 1) she is black and 2) he rejected an arranged marriage.  I had a high school classmate whose marriage was arranged.  She said she was lucky because she liked her husband, and her parents didn't pressure her to get married before she wanted to.  So she was allowed to attend college and get her education before marrying.  She is still married to her husband and has at least 2 children and I wonder if her kids will also enter into an arranged marriage.

I also had a college classmate who rejected being in an arranged marriage.  I think she married outside of her race and I don't know if her family rejected her or what.

Heavenly has a sharp tongue as a defense mechanism because she was overweight & had the coke bottle glasses and was probably in all the "smart" classes that some of the other black students weren't in.  I generally think the "black kids don't like other black kids who are smart/talk white etc" thing is generally a fallacy but there are some crab-ass losers (the ones Heavenly's mom was trying to keep her away from) who may have expressed their displeasure at Heavenly excelling in school and Heavenly needed quick come-backs against people like that.

Also, I do believe Heavenly's mother also has/had an acid tongue and she needed to protect herself against that.  I do believe Heavenly's mother called her all sorts of bitches based on how Heavenly described how her mother wanted her to focus on schooling but of her sister "Let that woman just run the streets."  Who says that about their child, let that woman just stay in the streets?

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It almost seems as if Heavenly doesn't understand what the disconnect between her and her sister is/was caused by.   How weird.    

I thought Tessa's dad said he'd be back when she had her surgery.  Did I hear that incorrectly?  Not enough notice, what?    I'm not even sure why it bothered me that she was driving but I said damn cant she get some chauffeur service today please Scott?  iowkno maybe that's their arrangement it takes her mind off stuff.   I do love that while we see all the other couples flossing around town in maseratis and benzes and ranges, these 2 drop the kids off in a Honda Odyssey minivan.  I was like ayyyy!!! that's what my life looks like lol..

Toya telling Genie that what she heard from Quad was very different than what the guys heard from Greg was annoying.   Um, girl you've seen Greg lie.  To your face.  On tv.   When they flash to Quad talking to the group, to me it sounds like she is referencing a time when she was going to the effort before the affair was revealed and he couldn't be bothered.  My baby cousin fresh from South Africa is staying with me for the winter.   She asked me what the show was aboout, I said hang out for a couple minutes and watch.    When Quad was onscreen she said why is she so devastated?  I said she's talking about catching her husband cheating for the first time.  It was public, so she's humiliated more than anything else.    She looked away from me back at the tv and said it might be public but this isn't his first time.   Chile I slumped.  Lol.   


3 hours ago, Empress1 said:

Her daughter seems like a great kid. I laughed when she asked why Mariah had to make everything into life lessons when they were cooking.

Hey marital focus group zaddy!

I kinda love the blackadeshis Lol!!!   They're too cute.  When he said in our culture then later in the TH what I want for my daughter......yo I see what she sees in him.   A little piece of my heart broke off and floated down the Tallahachee.    Ahhh Mariah lol.  I meannnn.  Damn sometimes a lasagna is just a lasagna.



You know we can't ever go out together right?    I appreciated the hell out that man for looking like that at, I don't know, 50? 60?   ::JackiePrayer::  Father we thank you for your grace, mercy and hope Lawd, we thank you for being a provisional God and if you should so happen to have any more inventory like this one right here.......... 

Edited by ZaldamoWilder
just smooth left out an entire thought process
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I think Cone Tessa and Scott have the youngest set of children in the group.  The hell if your little ass drops juice boxes, leaves crayons on the seat or spills crumbs in my Maserati.  You will mess up this Honda Odyssey and you will like it!

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4 hours ago, ZaldamoWilder said:

It almost seems as if Heavenly doesn't understand what the disconnect between her and her sister is/was caused by.   How weird.    


It certainly couldn't have been anything that Heavenly said or did.  She's clueless.

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20 hours ago, drivethroo said:

I think Cone Tessa and Scott have the youngest set of children in the group.  The hell if your little ass drops juice boxes, leaves crayons on the seat or spills crumbs in my Maserati.  You will mess up this Honda Odyssey and you will like it!


I think Toya/Genie's kids might be as similarly aged.    I know why I like it - they have no qualms about looking down to earth normal.   Watch, now that I said that the next shot of the garage, we'll see a Maybach parked in there lol.  I don't know but I have a feeling Toya or Mariah would die twice before pulling up someplace in a minivan.

20 hours ago, TexasGal said:

It certainly couldn't have been anything that Heavenly said or did.  She's clueless.

I started to say maybe it was cognitive dissonance but I doubt it's even that concrete.   I think she feels absolved of anything said or done to her sister because she's the younger one and if she sees her as victimized at all, the victimizer was their mom.    It feels very Antwone Fisher to even imagine the kind of household scenario where you encourage one of your children to be a doctor, the other to do what she wants because she's an uncontrollable hussy anyway but they're both "bitches" on a regular basis.   She's leaving a big chunk of her experience out.  Alcoholism fits. 

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So am I the only one thinking that Heavenly's mama might have had some mental issues? Sleeping with ALL the lights on. Letting the "pretty" daughter run the streets while the "ugly" daughter was protected and sheltered. Locking your kid in the damn house 24/7. If I didn't know any better I'd think maybe that woman was physically assaulted at some point in her life and was suffering from PTSD or something. Also, where is everybody now? Clearly her sister is in ATL, but what happened to mama? Why did they move? 

As for who likes Heavenly, I think both Simone and Jackie have a lot of respect for Heavenly's ability to not only negotiate the academic side of dental school, but also having made it successfully through navigating what had to be a completely foreign social world. Heavenly didn't grow up with doctors around her, know any doctor's kids, etc. She wasn't a Jack & Jill kid, didn't hang out or spend time around middle-class kids outside of the limited time in school. The fact that she was able to make friends, participate in study groups, and establish the relationships necessary to make it through a medical program is even more intriguing given her obvious lack of social skills. I think the women see and understand that and exactly how hard she must have had to work to make that all possible.

I think Contessa sized Heavenly up from their first interaction and determined she wasn't gonna $^@K with her. Heavenly came out the box with some mean girl stuff and Contessa said "Not today Satan and not ever", and has never faltered from that position.  

Edited by Rlb8031
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On ‎10‎/‎6‎/‎2018 at 9:05 PM, OnceSane said:

Episode 6:

Airs October 7, 2018.


On ‎10‎/‎1‎/‎2018 at 11:50 AM, ZaldamoWilder said:

LOL!  Now you don't see that she has processed meat, covered in some dubious baked on sauce on that plate?   That IS loose.  Lol!

You did not just say OE.   Come through Class of '89.  Now you know good n' hell well Jackie Walters has never drunk from a can in her whole life, never mind some OE, which for the record, authentically, comes in a 40oz bottle  ;)   She's made mention of it before, but she didn't grow up with her pinky out.  The Google says she was born (and presumably raised) in a town in Mississippi (I have to say the diddy to spelll this correctly lol) called Port Gibson.  It's also where she attended undergrad.  I say all that to say that 30% of the residents of Port Gibson live below the national and state poverty lines.   I'd love it if she took us on a tour back home too, but honestly judging by the pics online, that trip would be 5 minutes long.   I don't know if this is either here or there but she's an AKA.   She definitely carries herself like a "lady of distinction" 

Heavenly only means bitch affectionately lol!! 

Greg has only just come to the stage where he can admit the circumstances that drove him to cheat.  He's an entire plane ride away from a) being contrite about it and b) throwing himself on Quad's mercy with a full on apology, acknowledgement of how this must've made her feel, gratitude for covering for his sloppy ass so his side chick couldn't blackmail him and asking her what he can do to make all of it right.  That shit where these fragile ass men sit around nodding at each other tambout mmhmm, I see how you got there and I hope yall work it out.......ri-fuckin-diculous.   At a minimum, two of you are reformed hoes, get your weight up and tell this behavioral psychologist fool exactly what he needs to do for her to even want to have a civil ass conversation.   Sheeiiit, you wasn't too proud to cheat.  Ole beluga whale head ass muffucah.


Toya is wearing me out with all these grande delusions.   Raggedy ass Sonja Morgan has a whole elevator in her 3 story house.  Lisa Vanderpump has a gottam flamingo that shares water with her backyard koi pond .  This?  this is your trapping of wealth?  A two story closet....?  In a house 40 damn minutes from the center of town?  Girl, goodnight  Contessa ain't done clowning your life.   

I like how conscious Mariah seems to be of Lauren's impending life experiences.   That's nice.   Um, {{raises hand}} I wanna know what the full buffet is.  Lol.   I laughed when Simone told Lauren stay away from boys, they're nasty!  I was like dang, I thought only mothers of daughters said that.

Scott reminds me that (kidding or not) men stay selfish as fuck.   Had 3 of your babies, still look like this and bout to take my body through it again and you can't get your shit binder clipped?   

Real quick, run down the names of some clubs in Atlanta where you can wear scrubs, I wanna see where Damon wound up.

TOO dam Smooth !!!!!!!!!!! Lol !!!!!!!!!

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On ‎10‎/‎9‎/‎2018 at 1:25 PM, Rlb8031 said:

So am I the only one thinking that Heavenly's mama might have had some mental issues? Sleeping with ALL the lights on. Letting the "pretty" daughter run the streets while the "ugly" daughter was protected and sheltered. Locking your kid in the damn house 24/7. If I didn't know any better I'd think maybe that woman was physically assaulted at some point in her life and was suffering from PTSD or something. Also, where is everybody now? Clearly her sister is in ATL, but what happened to mama? Why did they move? 

As for who likes Heavenly, I think both Simone and Jackie have a lot of respect for Heavenly's ability to not only negotiate the academic side of dental school, but also having made it successfully through navigating what had to be a completely foreign social world. Heavenly didn't grow up with doctors around her, know any doctor's kids, etc. She wasn't a Jack & Jill kid, didn't hang out or spend time around middle-class kids outside of the limited time in school. The fact that she was able to make friends, participate in study groups, and establish the relationships necessary to make it through a medical program is even more intriguing given her obvious lack of social skills. I think the women see and understand that and exactly how hard she must have had to work to make that all possible.

I think Contessa sized Heavenly up from their first interaction and determined she wasn't gonna $^@K with her. Heavenly came out the box with some mean girl stuff and Contessa said "Not today Satan and not ever", and has never faltered from that position.  

No you're not the only one that feels this way . I thought from the moment I heard Heavenly's story that something was off with her mother, that explains so much for me regarding Heavenly's behavior.

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Episode 7:


"Out of Commission"

Simone welcomes her son home from college; Contessa recuperates from her prophylactic mastectomy; Jarret invites all the ladies to her new home for a housewarming party; Quad debates revealing her big news to the ladies.

Airs October 14, 2018.

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