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I always felt Farrah heard the adults around her as she was growing up, but not really grasping the structure of how to form sentences, and how to use words appropriately and in what context.  I once worked with someone who constantly used the word "however." They would use that word when it wasn't necessary. This person also used the word "sincerely" when they meant to say "sincere".  They said a boatload of other words that were used incorrectly, but those two are the ones I remember.

I just read what @CofCinci posted. Interesting to read she could use a speech pathologist.

Edited by GreatKazu
It would help if I made my post clear.
  • Love 4
6 hours ago, AirQuotes said:

FroCo is not doing well at all!  {I'm not surprised.}   It has a 2 star yelp rating, and of the 40 reviews, 30 are 1 star. lol


Her reviews are really tanking.  When it first opened, she had her friends and family (including herself, Simon, and Michael) post 5-star reviews.  Now the real customers are being heard from.

  • Love 6

Her Yelp reviews are very bad. I'm a little surprised that people describe the place as dirty, with sticky floors and tabletops. I picture Farrah as being fairly neat. Although she probably relies on the little people, her employees, whom she screams at. Several reviews mentioned witnessing Farrah going ape shitty on her employees.  

Not at all surprised that people described the celebrity owner as rude.

  • Love 10
12 minutes ago, CofCinci said:

I don't want to defend Farrah but some of the negative reviews are written as the sole review by a new account.  When you look at the reviews written by those that have written 20+ Yelp reviews, Froco is rated 3-4 stars.  Fair guess that some of these reviews are written by people who never even visited the shop.

Yep. The same people who go to Farrah's pages and call her Sophia as being ugly, are likely the same ones who go to the trouble to make fake Yelp reviews. It is not unusual for a business to have negative reviews based solely on how people feel towards to the owner or an employee(s) or just to be assholes.

  • Love 6
1 hour ago, Snarky McSnarky said:

Farrah claims she's pulling Sophia from the show because of the violence at the reunion (this will never actually happen).


She'll probably pull Sofia off the show for the exact same amount of time that Maci pulled Bentley off the show because of Farrah and her porn.

  • Love 12

And I'm sure tell end up just like Maci pulling Bentley, with her filming 2 weeks later.  And just like her vowing to never film with Dr. Drew again... also, why does Farrah's camp keep throwing out that Amber missed her, I feel like they are lucky because Amber could do some damage if she had gotten contact off of Farrah, I would place bets on Amber any day over Farrah (not that I condone violence I'm just making a point).  So the fact that they keep mocking that Amber missed is a little beyond me. 

Count me with those who don't make a habit of defending Farrah... but I have a feeling a lot of the reviews are out of spite and have not even actually been there. TBH the porn thing is not my cup of tea, but I don't really see what that had to do with the froyo.

  • Love 9

also, why does Farrah's camp keep throwing out that Amber missed her, I feel like they are lucky because Amber could do some damage if she had gotten contact off of Farrah, I would place bets on Amber any day over Farrah (not that I condone violence I'm just making a point).  So the fact that they keep mocking that Amber missed is a little beyond me.

Amber is lucky if she missed hitting Farrah because she is on parole. She is not supposed to be violating any laws. If she had hit Farrah, we know Farrah would have been on the phone with 911 in a heartbeat. I am sorry that Amber missed punching her only because I'd love to see Amber go down in flames. She deserves it.

Reading that article, if it is true that Maci and Catelynn "cheered" on Matt for going after Farrah, that just makes me sick. They would not tolerate Matt hitting Amber. I would hope they wouldn't tolerate any guy hitting any female. These two dumb shits are cheering on this bastard? Do they hate Farrah that much that they condone abuse upon her by a guy who may be abusing their co-star?

Maci is dumber than a box of tampons if all of this hate is worth cheering on Matt. A guy who has abandoned children all over the place. We know how Maci feels about Bentley's father not being there for him.

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 10

In comparing Farrah to Jenelle, I find Farrah more unlikable because she doesn't seem like a real person with any humanity. She never seems genuine or happy interacting with anyone else. She flips out on a dime, for any and every reason. It is so tiring, but entertaining at the same time.

On the other hand, I feel like Jenelle is mostly dead inside, but she has shown moments of being a real person. A seriously fucked-up one with serious personality disorders, but I find myself feeling sorry for her sometines despite her issues. She just seems so damaged, and it's sad. I never bad for Farrah because it's like she doesn't even try to be happy or have any true connections with other people. There is such a disconnect there..

Which leads me to curiosity getting the best of me. I just watched clips of Farrah's porn tape. And I must say even as a gay man, it was pretty damn hot. It is also the most likeable I have ever seen Farrah. She really seemed like a natural, almost to the point you could believe that it was a private video with her actual bf (if you if ignore the production qualities lol). Shit, I'm impressed.

I'm not even sure what this all means except it explains why Simon stays around, if it can be believed their whole relationship isn't fake (which is highly possible). I must say I find Farrah incredibly fascinating regardless..

Edited by delicatecutter
  • Love 5

Comparing Janelle to Farrah...both are vile. That said while Farrah does not know how to relate to Sophia or spend true quality time with her, if anyone ever tried to hurt her, Farrah would kill them. Janelle is the type I can easily see letting her boyfriends abuse her kids and come up with reasons to justify it. Uncle Bad Touch told Jase he acted like a girl and called Kaiser Roll a bitch just like his dad. Janelle did nothing. Can you imagine what Farrah would do if anyone dared to speak about Sophia that way? Farrah has also not brought anymore kids into her messed up life. I have to say Farrah is the better piece of trash.

Edited by mscav
  • Love 12
2 hours ago, delicatecutter said:

Yes, Farrah has good instincts. She wisely wanted to have an abortion, but Mama Debra wasn't having it.

I have always thought 16 & Pregnant should be named Which Way to the Abortion Clinic? That show is incredibly depressing.

This series has changed my opinions on abortion (now for it) and adoption (wouldn't suggest it).  Examining Carly's adoption from the viewpoint of each person involved. Holy moly. What a mess. A painful mess for years and years to come.  If I ever write a novel (if only I had the dedication to the craft like Tyler) or win the lotto, I'm giving all the money to whatever organization can use it provide birth control to the most teenagers and young adults possible.  There is a special place in hell for those parents who make their teenagers continue with the pregnancy (Farrah's mother) when they clearly didn't want to be parents. 

Ps. There's also a special place for me in hell because I want to call Sophia 'Batboy Baby Goo."

  • Love 16
15 hours ago, Snarky McSnarky said:

Farrah claims she's pulling Sophia from the show because of the violence at the reunion (this will never actually happen).

Yea, just like Maci pulled Bentley because a porn star was on the show. 

It's not like Sophia is on all that much anyway. She's like a prop in the background, to remind people that Farrah is a MOM. 

  • Love 9
5 hours ago, CofCinci said:

This series has changed my opinions on abortion (now for it) and adoption (wouldn't suggest it).  Examining Carly's adoption from the viewpoint of each person involved. Holy moly. What a mess. A painful mess for years and years to come.  If I ever write a novel (if only I had the dedication to the craft like Tyler) or win the lotto, I'm giving all the money to whatever organization can use it provide birth control to the most teenagers and young adults possible.  There is a special place in hell for those parents who make their teenagers continue with the pregnancy (Farrah's mother) when they clearly didn't want to be parents. 

Same here, CofCinci. 

  • Love 5
On October 25, 2016 at 1:50 PM, ginger90 said:

Simon has a funny response under one of his tweets


Talk to the wall, Farrah!

I'm still laughing at his comment a day later. I can totally picture Farrah arguing with a brick wall and think it's totally legit that she won.

  • Love 4

The wall was jealous of Farrah's effortless (plastic surgery based) beauty.  The wall was a hater and had it coming.

This last episode was the first time I thought Farrah looked like Debra and then I realized their procedures are morphing their features into weird wax doll mode and that's why they are looking similar.

Simon is a plant hired by producers to say the things we all want to say.  We know the producers totally baby these girls...all efforts about this show taking a look at the horrors of teen pregnancy have been scrapped.  Now, it is just another trashy reality show.

  • Love 7
7 hours ago, qtpye said:

This last episode was the first time I thought Farrah looked like Debra and then I realized their procedures are morphing their features into weird wax doll mode and that's why they are looking similar..

Farrah pre-surgery looked so much more like Michael than Deb. But recently I've noticed that as she has more procedures, she looks more like Deb. They must share the same plastic surgeon(s). Maybe he's trolling Farrah by slowly morphing her into a look-alike of the person she seems to hate the most - her mom. 

6 hours ago, delicatecutter said:

We are moving and I found the third season of Teen Mom on DVD. I think Debra looks much better now thanks to whatever cosmetic procedures she's had done.

I also think it's great that these shows have caused people to become pro-choice.

I also think she looks a lot better too. (Maybe a little too shiny and she should probably stop here and not do any more plastic surgery, but better.) Her eye area looks so much better. Maybe one day one my kids will grow up to be a reality star turned porn star and I can get some free plastic surgery, too. (I kid.)

  • Love 3
15 hours ago, CofCinci said:

This series has changed my opinions on abortion (now for it) and adoption (wouldn't suggest it).  Examining Carly's adoption from the viewpoint of each person involved. Holy moly. What a mess. A painful mess for years and years to come.  If I ever write a novel (if only I had the dedication to the craft like Tyler) or win the lotto, I'm giving all the money to whatever organization can use it provide birth control to the most teenagers and young adults possible.  There is a special place in hell for those parents who make their teenagers continue with the pregnancy (Farrah's mother) when they clearly didn't want to be parents. 

Ps. There's also a special place for me in hell because I want to call Sophia 'Batboy Baby Goo."

I am for adoption. I think any sort of open adoption is questionable.

Yes to the birth control. Let's add condoms to that, please. We want to keep diseases at bay.

10 minutes ago, MyPeopleAreNordic said:

Farrah pre-surgery looked so much more like Michael than Deb. But recently I've noticed that as she has more procedures, she looks more like Deb. They must share the same plastic surgeon(s). Maybe he's trolling Farrah by slowly morphing her into a look-alike of the person she seems to hate the most - her mom. 

I thought she was pretty before the surgery.

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 6

I think Farrah was beautiful before she had her surgeries. She was not a traditional or classic beauty, but she was definitely beautiful and had a really unique, exotic look. Now she looks like any other overly-plasticized celeb (and a bit like Deb.) I just think she favored Michael more pre-surgeries and now she's kind of morphing into Deb in the face.

  • Love 13

Farrah had a very exotic Persian look before she started chopping away and injecting.  If I was a 3 on the Kinsey Scale instead of a 0 and I had to make a choice of all the TMs. I'd pick that pre-surgery Farrah because she was gorgeous (until she opened her mouth).  She had that unique face made for runway modeling.

Farrah now?  Yikes. Like @MyPeopleAreNordic wrote above, Farrah and her mother now have the same face from all the cosmetic surgery. 

Did anyone watch the sneak peak for next week?  What is Debra wearing?!!

Edited by CofCinci
  • Love 4
1 hour ago, CofCinci said:

Farrah had a very exotic Persian look before she started chopping away and injecting.  If I was a 3 on the Kinsey Scale instead of a 0 and I had to make a choice of all the TMs. I'd pick that pre-surgery Farrah because she was gorgeous (until she opened her mouth).  She had that unique face made for runway modeling.

I know a lovely Persian woman who looks exactly the way Farrah looks now minus the breast and butt implants.  The only difference is that this woman is fifty years old.

  • Love 4

I was always highly pro choice and for abortion. This show has definitely validated and reinforced that long held worldview. 

I am pro adoption as well, though it has more long term emotional consequences in many cases. Like it or not, there is going to be some degree of trauma for someone in that situation. However, it can also bring a great deal of joy. I don't think Cate and Tyler are at all a good example of adoption. 

The hatred due to Farrah's porn in those reviews is super ridiculous. There are a lot of reasons to dislike Farrah greatly. Making porn is not one of them. She's the only one who hasn't or doesn't do drugs in front of her child, hasn't had another kid, and hasn't gone through multiple new "fathers" for Sophia. Is she mother of the year, no, but all the other TMs and TM2s could qualify imo as straight up neglectful or abusive except for Chelsea and Kail (questionable but can't think of anything done directly to the kids), with Maci questionable due to heavy pregnancy drinking. 

Edited by Lm2162
  • Love 6

I think the problem is not that Farrah did a porn, but that she never admitted to it.  She tries to pass it off as a sex tape and still will not admit she lied about the whole set up.

She claims her costar James Deen fell in love with her and that is why he is lying about it being a porno and later she claimed to be among one of his victims after several women came out with rape and assault allegations against him.  I found her trying to put her situation with that of real victims kind of disgusting.

I have always appreciated Farrah's hustle and am actually a little proud of her for opening a yogurt store, when none of the other Teen Moms have accomplished anything.  I think if she tones down the arrogance, she will be just fine.

  • Love 10

I'm halfway thru this weeks episode and Farrah never fails to entertain with her madness. ' Horrible Bosses 3 ' starring Farrah Abraham ! I've had a couple of shitty bosses in my lifetime but I cannot imagine what it would be like to work for this delusional monster. She will have huge employee turnover before that shop finally has an OUT OF BUSINESS sign in the window.

Ive been Meh about Simon but his Twitter posts have me seeing him in a whole new light ! Keep it up Simon! The ONE good thing I can say about Farrah is , she's not on the couch like a lazy sloth like the other TMOG . Sophia sees her Mom being a go-getter , trying to make a living for them. Of course , her style of communicating with others is PTSD inducing ... Lotsa therapy ahead for Sophia. 

Michael TRIES to offer constructive criticism at the shop ( he's not an ass kisser like Debra ) but Farrah shuts that shit down per usual .  " I DONT ARGUE!!! " ...while she's arguing .  This chick needs meds. 

  • Love 10
33 minutes ago, DNR said:


Ive been Meh about Simon but his Twitter posts have me seeing him in a whole new light ! Keep it up Simon! The ONE good thing I can say about Farrah is , she's not on the couch like a lazy sloth like the other TMOG . Sophia sees her Mom being a go-getter , trying to make a living for them. Of course , her style of communicating with others is PTSD inducing ... Lotsa therapy ahead for Sophia. 


I wonder how Farrah feels about his loose lips

  • Love 2
4 minutes ago, DNR said:

@teapot.  Yes! I'd love to know that as well . Sometimes I think and it would be hilarious if Farrah is totally normal and has been trolling us this whole time  on TM lol And Simon is in on it and they're laughing all the way to the bank. No one could keep that insanity up / she's insane I know lol 

there was a SNL sketch about Being Bobby Brown a million years ago.  Whitney & Bobby are looking at their checkbooks saying "we really need to go over our financials and...oh wait?  what ?  rolling?  *throwing things at eachother*  wooo-weeee!"

maybe that's what Farrah & Simon are doing!  Really  I think they're both just opportunists, and maybe she likes that he throws the shade that she "can't", so that she won't alienate her three or four fans.

  • Love 6
On 10/26/2016 at 1:20 AM, delicatecutter said:

In comparing Farrah to Jenelle, I find Farrah more unlikable because she doesn't seem like a real person with any humanity. She never seems genuine or happy interacting with anyone else. She flips out on a dime, for any and every reason. It is so tiring, but entertaining at the same time.

On the other hand, I feel like Jenelle is mostly dead inside, but she has shown moments of being a real person. A seriously fucked-up one with serious personality disorders, but I find myself feeling sorry for her sometines despite her issues. She just seems so damaged, and it's sad. I never bad for Farrah because it's like she doesn't even try to be happy or have any true connections with other people. There is such a disconnect there..

Which leads me to curiosity getting the best of me. I just watched clips of Farrah's porn tape. And I must say even as a gay man, it was pretty damn hot. It is also the most likeable I have ever seen Farrah. She really seemed like a natural, almost to the point you could believe that it was a private video with her actual bf (if you if ignore the production qualities lol). Shit, I'm impressed.

I'm not even sure what this all means except it explains why Simon stays around, if it can be believed their whole relationship isn't fake (which is highly possible). I must say I find Farrah incredibly fascinating regardless..

I have to agree with this. I watched most of it as well and was surprised to hear her laughing and even giggling. She came across as a normal person. That was weirder than the sex stuff.

  • Love 2
4 hours ago, DNR said:

Michael TRIES to offer constructive criticism at the shop ( he's not an ass kisser like Debra ) but Farrah shuts that shit down per usual .  " I DONT ARGUE!!! " ...while she's arguing .  This chick needs meds. 

I think Michael IS an ass kisser as well, but he's not as committed to it. Debra has full on Stockholm syndrome. At this point, she legit believes everything that comes out of her mouth. Michael is still just paying lip service in order to keep the peace and stay in Sophia's life. During that conversation, he told her - "Just be professional, like you always are". ALWAYS? Hah, good one. But when she got all defensive anyway, there was this smirk on his face, like he thinks she's lost her damn mind. 

  • Love 12
On 10/25/2016 at 8:08 PM, CofCinci said:

I don't want to defend Farrah but some of the negative reviews are written as the sole review by a new account.  When you look at the reviews written by those that have written 20+ Yelp reviews, Froco is rated 3-4 stars.  Fair guess that some of these reviews are written by people who never even visited the shop.

agreed, any time a business is on TV you will have tons of fake reviews, either negative or positive. not a surprise these are negative since Farrah isn't well liked.

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, Katt said:

I'm leaning towards Farrah's TV persona -and some SM- being fake AF. I'm not sure about the word salad, though, lol. 
Anyway, here's a review of her yogurt shop from a TM board poster: https://m.reddit.com/r/teenmom/comments/5a2cm8/i_visited_froco_today_and_saw_farrah_and_sophia/

i;ve always said Farrah might be smarter than most of you think. She knows how the reality TV thing works. Maci & CHelsea dont get much attention because they are too normal. and i wouldnt be surprised if her parents were in on it. the fact that she actually seems to be there regularly and actually putting in work seems to go against her TV persona.

Edited by EDTV
  • Love 4

I've been saying to my husband for a while now, Farrah knows exactly what she's doing. He doesn't agree and says she's simply a bitch. I don't hate her at all and yeah, she's actually AT the yogurt store working. I'm sad to hear the store was empty because she IS trying. I also think the "employee" she fired was an actor. I hope she treats her staff better than that. 

  • Love 3

Nope. Not falling for it. There have been videos posted on Youtube that show Farrah being the bitch that she is to people in different settings. Farrah is not going to go after customers in her store because if she did, she'd have no business. She has been shown to be kind and sweet to people at her book tours. Of course she is, because they are buying her books. If she was nasty to everyone who was there to shell out money to her and her business, she wouldn't make money. Money is the key issue here. If she is going to earn it, she knows what she needs to do. She doesn't have to be nice to Deb and Michael because she has Sophia as her pawn. She throws that child into their face and likely threatens them they won't be seeing her anymore if they fuck with her in any way.

Who knows who wrote that comment on Reddit. That could have been written by anyone, including one of Farrah's porn friends. Even if it was a legit customer, I will just refer to what I posted above. Farrah is in her element, not MTV's. She needs to make this business work. It is not about being smart as much as it is about common sense. Farrah knows if she is there are the yogurt shop, people will be more inclined to want to go there. Farrah also has a big ego. She needs it to be stroked constantly, just like Tyler. They can't be too far from their "fans". Part of that explains her need to be there to get that from the customers.

In the end, the people going there are probably going there out of curiosity more so than to check out a new yogurt place. It is more like Farrah's Freakshow.

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 9
1 hour ago, Katt said:

I've been saying to my husband for a while now, Farrah knows exactly what she's doing. He doesn't agree and says she's simply a bitch. I don't hate her at all and yeah, she's actually AT the yogurt store working. I'm sad to hear the store was empty because she IS trying. I also think the "employee" she fired was an actor. I hope she treats her staff better than that. 

The thing is, if she's trying to make her business work, it was a really bad idea to "act" out firing an employee on national television. Most people in the United States have worked a service job at one time or another and can relate to being treated badly by an employer. I would stop patronizing a business if I saw an employee being verbally abused. 

  • Love 11
41 minutes ago, Katt said:

I'm probably totally wrong. But I wonder what her attitude is like when someone DOES tell her to fuck off. Surely not everyone she meets will put up with that shit.
I just don't want to believe someone is that horrible all the time. And why would you feel the need to be like that? That's got to be tiring. 

I imagine she just starts spewing that garbledeegook she calls English at them and severances herself away in a huff.   All the while telling get them they're a negative person.

  • Love 11

I also see lots of exaggeration but at the core there is more negativity than warmth.  Do you all remember that first?second? season of TM where Farrah worked/went to school/live in the apartment/scammed on Craigslist?  I think that was a fork-in-the-road for Farrah. If she would have stayed away from her sick mother, Farrah would have developed into a better person.  Instead, the series/MTV money tied them together for continued dysfunction and rewarded her for that insane behavior. 

  • Love 8

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