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Catelynn (and Tyler)

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Just now, ghoulina said:

I guess I just think Nova's body is her own and it should be up to her whether the world sees her vagina. She is too young to consent, so it's not cool of Cate to just make that decision for her. 

Oh you're totally right. I just meant from a safety standpoint of posting naked kids. I absolutely do not think naked pictures of kids should be posted for privacy reasons, and really- who needs to see that? I would be uncomfortable having a naked shot of my kids saved on my phone, even if no one saw it.

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Ah. In other words: I'm not racist; I have black friends.


Her tweeters are pretty split- half saying she just made a mistake and it takes a big person to apologize, and the other half saying she's only apologizing to look good and that she's trashy and stupid. It's worth noting that the ones who are calling her trashy and stupid use the correct form of "you're" and correct punctuation. Coincidence?

Edited by Tatum
  • Love 12

Catelynn's such a frigging moron. Seriously. "Let's post a naked photo of my daughter, then insult the person who reported me because it was inappropriate!" She's not sorry at all for using the word "retard". She and Tyler are both masters of fanning whatever fire they started, then trying their damnedest to do damage control when they've realized they went too far. Tyler used to do it all the time whenever he insulted Brandon and Teresa, and the fans went after them with pitchforks and torches. 

And speaking of Brandon and Teresa, does Catelynn not realize they may see this or at least hear about it? Does she not think that this kind of questionable behavior will give them pause and lead them to consider restricting even more access to Carly? Catelynn has already shown herself smoking pot and driving. Now she's pulling this kind of shit. I know C&T only physically see Carly once or twice a year, but I wouldn't blame B&T for not wanting these two trash-heaps being around and influencing their daughter for even a few days. 

  • Love 10
23 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

I guess I just think Nova's body is her own and it should be up to her whether the world sees her vagina. She is too young to consent, so it's not cool of Cate to just make that decision for her. 

Totally. What Cate did is uncalled for. I don't think any of us here are condoning it. 

Edited by mamadrama
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I hadn't seen the retard snap, but I did see the "apology" tweet (with almost no comments so I'm guessing some deleting has been going on) and it didn't seem sincere to me at all... I have people in my family with special needs!? So that makes it ok!? Any shred of remote sympathy/empathy I had for them is gone with this stunt. I can't fathom that they don't understand why that picture was inappropriate, and the response is downright disgusting.

  • Love 3

It makes it even worse that she's trying to excuse herself with that special needs shit. So you have people who are mentally or physically challenged in your family, but it was still okay for you to say "retard"? Give me a break, chickadee. Honestly, though, I find Cate sharing Nova's naked self with the public even worse than her saying the word "retard". She also took the second Snapchat down relatively quickly, but left the Nova one up for hours. She has such poor judgment when it comes to this child. 

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I see she replied to some moron who said people are dumb and the video is cute and she said "I thought it was cute too" frowny faces.  How is she this dumb? She still doesn't understand why it's not okay to post your nude daughter to hundreds of thousands of people?  How many people follow her on snapchat, does anyone know? She has over a million followers on Twitter.  Why would she ever think she should show her nude daughter to a million strangers?  Is this her mental illness ruining everything again? 

  • Love 5

I watched her snap, yeah sure it is a cute video to privately send her husband, parents, or another close family member. Sharing that to millions of strangers is completely unacceptable. There are screenshots floating around I'm sure. That's exactly what pedophiles want, they'll ogle over it and say disgustingly adult things regarding it. Not only that, how is Nova going to feel when she's a teenager and finds out? She's not going to think kind thoughts about her mother, that's for sure.

  • Love 9

To touch upon the previous topic about Butch, yeah I was and still am rooting for him.  He has a disease. Addiction is a struggle. He is fighting his disease one day at a time. I sure as hell wasn't rooting for him when he was at his worst. He put his entire family through hell and back. I was wishing April would leave his ass. Thankfully, she did.

Butch is working on being clean and sober. It is called baby steps, something Catelynn and Tyler know nothing about. Butch has a job, something Cate and Tyler know nothing about. Butch was an abusive dick to April and his entire family.  I don't see, read, or hear anyone making any claims that he is still abusive. It might be just me, but in my world, apologies do not mean a thing if the person is not making strides to make changes in their lives. I'd rather see action and progress than to hear, "I am sorry". Why say sorry if one continues to still be a dick? Those three words are empty if there is nothing behind it to show me they mean it.

Butch mentioned therapy. That's called aftercare.

With all of that said, the dude fucked up. Twice. He was speeding. He needs to remember how he can lose it all in a heartbeat. He is now back in jail. This may be the consequence he needs to understand that the rules of the road apply to everyone. Next time, he may hurt or kill someone. You better get your shit together.


8 hours ago, CofCinci said:

Don't worry about Nova.  There's always a Cheeto in the carpet somewhere.

Ritz crackers. :-)  If all else fails, she can grab a roach or cigarette from the ashtrays.


Her latest Snapchat features her saying "so, to the retard who reported my video of my daughter dancing and singing in the shower, you're retarded." April is in the background giving the middle finger to the camera. The tone of voice and language she uses seem really unlike the Cate we usually see. I can't believe she thinks that video was okay to post on the internet!

Cate did post on her Twitter that what you see on the show is not how it is in real life. She's been trying to drag as many people into believing she is this poor victim. Spare me.

I have long been gone from the Cate sympathy and love train that I don't find this at all outrageous. This is Cate. She is just like her mother, raunchy and vile. April, other than being a victim of DV, has never really come across to me as being some nice person. Butch doesn't have the monopoly on being a douchebag.

I fucking hate that Cate put her child out there, naked to the world. Good job, Cate. Now, some pedophile or someone who can grab that video will now add it to their child pornography library. Fuck off Cate.

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 10
37 minutes ago, geekamonggeeks said:

So according to the "Teen Mom" subreddit, the cops were at Catelynn's house this morning. Some people think it's because of the Nova video. Thoughts? 

I hope they find all the weed that is all over that house. Next thing we will hear, is how CPS is now involved. Cate will then claim that Nova lives with April!

  • Love 4
7 minutes ago, leighroda said:

Oh man, Twitter gold, Jenelle has put her 2 cents in on the video scandal, and threw a punch at Aprils hair

Jenelle is also enlightening us to the legal aspects of posting nude pictures of children, I guess if nothing else she is an expert on illegal activity

Is it distribution of child pornography?  You hear about teenagers who are charged with that for sending pictures of their boobs to each other so is this different?

  • Love 2
2 minutes ago, poopchute said:

Is it distribution of child pornography?  You hear about teenagers who are charged with that for sending pictures of their boobs to each other so is this different?

I think jenelle is just talking out her ass and trying to be relevant in a situation that doesn't involve her... I don't know that there would actually be any true legal implications... I was just joking that if anyone knows the legal system it's Jenelle.

  • Love 6
On 10/17/2016 at 9:29 PM, mamadrama said:

I actually love the hat and have one similar, but it is the way she wears it that is not doing her any favors; I look like a quirky flapper elf and she looks like my great aunt Bertha.

   Maybe Cate also thinks she looks like a "quirky flapper elf" when she wears it.   

Edited by Maharincess
  • Love 2
1 hour ago, DangerousMinds said:

I don't think it's illegal to have medical marijuana for personal use in the home, though.

Assuming it is medical marijuana. We only have Cate's word that she has a card. Is it a legit card from a legit doctor?

Catelynn is a POS for putting her child out there the way she did.

I don't have Snapchat. I don't understand how it works. I do know it is a video of some sort. I wouldn't want to see it anyways if it is still available. I am just crushed that poor Nova has no say in any of this behavior. These mofos can kiss my ass. I am so sick of them.

  • Love 4
10 hours ago, CofCinci said:

I just noticed someone tweeted "stay classy" to Cate, and she thought it was a compliment. What an idiot. The person than had to clarify they were being sarcastic.

I see Catelynn has shared what she has learned from Kail's How to Apologize When You Don't Really Mean It course.

  • Love 7
11 minutes ago, SPLAIN said:

I just noticed someone tweeted "stay classy" to Cate, and she thought it was a compliment. What an idiot. The person than had to clarify they were being sarcastic.

I see Catelynn has shared what she has learned from Kail's How to Apologize When You Don't Really Mean It course.

I saw that! It was so uncomfortable because I couldn't tell if she was just being super sarcastic as her reaponse or she really didn't catch the sarcasm. I have to say I think she really didn't know it was sarcastic, because it seems like negative comments are being deleted.

  • Love 4
18 minutes ago, CofCinci said:

We should start an official Tyler/Catelynn split betting pool soon.  He's not Tweeting in her defense.  Their days as Mr. and Mrs. Bacteria are coming to an end. 

I read this so fast, I didn't even notice you posted Mr. & Mrs. Bacteria. lol

12 minutes ago, leighroda said:

I saw that! It was so uncomfortable because I couldn't tell if she was just being super sarcastic as her reaponse or she really didn't catch the sarcasm. I have to say I think she really didn't know it was sarcastic, because it seems like negative comments are being deleted.

I was skimming through and saw there were not that many negative comments. I am guessing Cate is in her hotel room, eating herself to death as she goes through the comments.

  • Love 7
34 minutes ago, SPLAIN said:

I just noticed someone tweeted "stay classy" to Cate, and she thought it was a compliment. What an idiot. The person than had to clarify they were being sarcastic.

I see Catelynn has shared what she has learned from Kail's How to Apologize When You Don't Really Mean It course.

Oh dear. I suffer from extreme secondhand embarrassment. So does my husband. We have trouble watching television shows together; one of us is always getting up and leaving the room because we feel uncomfortable for the people we're watching. 

  • Love 3
15 minutes ago, CofCinci said:



Does April still have her April/Butch tattoo? april_baltierra_butch_tattoo.jpg

Wth???? She must've been high when she had that done.


Shoot!  My phone autocorrected Balteirra to Bacteria and I didn't even notice.  Seems fitting.  Not even going to edit my original post.

No way??? Hilarious. How damn fitting is this? I swear, I think the auto-corrects on our devices have a sixth sense. This is as funny as the first time someone posted Kail and it auto-corrected to Jail. 

Bacteria it is from now on.

Edited by SPLAIN
  • Love 8
5 hours ago, iheartla said:

These tweets are replies to Catelynn's lame apology. Is my twitter glitching or is Jenelle really saying she's a stay at home mom with a 12 year old and 3 year old??

Screen Shot 2016-10-22 at 12.28.40 AM.png



*Nevermind* that is a parody account. Jenelle's real twitter is PBandJenelley_1

Ahhh... it totally tricked me, that account apparently was busy and said other stuff and I thought it was jenelle getting involved, it didn't seem too far out of. The realm of possibility.

  • Love 2
12 hours ago, CofCinci said:

We should start an official Tyler/Catelynn split betting pool soon.  He's not Tweeting in her defense.  Their days as Mr. and Mrs. Bacteria are coming to an end. 



Holy cannoli this forum is full of the most snarkiest people I've ever had the honor to discuss T.V's most deplorable's (in honor of the election seeing as how "Deplorable" and "Bigly" were the most searched this month for definitions LOL) people with. Thank you. *Does curtsy*

  • Love 8
16 hours ago, GreatKazu said:

I hope they find all the weed that is all over that house. Next thing we will hear, is how CPS is now involved. Cate will then claim that Nova lives with April!

Whew!  Good to know she's safe over there!  Definetly no drugs at Boogiet- err, April's house.

i was a defender of this piece of steaming shit, but it stopped when she was smoking pot while driving- endangering other people's lives.  Fuck her.  Now this.  YES- I agree- little naked butt photos are adorable- put them in a photo album and call it a day.  The idea that someone would be jacking off to my (hypothetical) child- I could NEVER post something like that!  It makes me sick to think about these perverts looking at Nova, and she's nothing to me.  Plus- I know- group groan, but it's true- these people are famous.  We see their house on TV.  They live in a small town.  Who knows if some freak will show up looking for the kid someday and pull an Elizabeth Smart?  I bet these assholes have zero security- they can't even legally keep a gun in the house because of Butch.  And we all know they never pay attention.  

Then to top it all off, she uses the term "retard" to put everyone down who disagrees with her.  She's not on the way- she IS April.  I'd be suicidally depressed too...

They don't deserve this kid.

B/T are probably horrified.  I imagine them going into Carly's room as she sleeps and thanking God that they were able to save her from this mess.

  • Love 11

So Tyler isn't trying to defend Catelynn on Twitter? No shit. He's probably berating her right now about how stupid she was for posting that video online while she's chewing on her cuticles and crying pitifully on the couch. I wouldn't be surprised if Tyler started distancing himself from her after this debacle. This could be his chance to leave her if he really wanted to---and we all know he wants to. 

  • Love 7
2 hours ago, Elizabeth9 said:

Whew!  Good to know she's safe over there!  Definetly no drugs at Boogiet- err, April's house.



That is exactly my point. If Cate were to follow through with what I mentioned, she just threw her mother under the bus.

16 minutes ago, geekamonggeeks said:

So Tyler isn't trying to defend Catelynn on Twitter? No shit. He's probably berating her right now about how stupid she was for posting that video online while she's chewing on her cuticles and crying pitifully on the couch. I wouldn't be surprised if Tyler started distancing himself from her after this debacle. This could be his chance to leave her if he really wanted to---and we all know he wants to. 

Tyler just a few weeks ago posted a photo of Carly...whoops, I mean NotCarly by using those filters that he seems to love so much. The photo was posted here somewhere. NotCarly had that filter where she was shown with make-up and it looked like she was not wearing anything but a diaper, of course. You could see from the shoulders on up. It was so creepy. Tyler commented that is how she would look grown up.

Cate using the term "retard" is just like Kail who easily throws out those derogatory words. There is no way Cate is not using that word on the regular. Words like that don't just come out so easily and in the heat of the moment unless it is simmering in that conehead of hers. I can only imagine what other derogatory words she uses frequently.

Edited by GreatKazu
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