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I can see Maci angling to get a separate wedding special, followed by perhaps her own show. I don't know how they would fill the hours but I won't be surprised if it happens anyway.

Lots of footage of people sitting on beds talking while drinking Bud Light.

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Interesting body language here. Maci is leaning into him, her hands possesively clutching and holding onto his shoulders and face. She almost looks like she violently hurled herself into him in an owning, territorial kind of way ("I caught him & I ain't lettin' him go!"). Taylor, meanwhile,  looks braced, arms unemotionally locked down at his sides with his head a little tilted back (withdraw much?) as if he's steeling himself to deal with the onslaught of her. In short: this is a photo of a needy, emotionally hungry young woman and her reluctant ambivalent prey. Sounds harsh, I know, but so much about this photo - and what it shows - is just plain wrong.


I read this before I saw the picture. This.is.spot.on.



I saw the picture before I read this. And it's still spot. on. It was the first thing I noticed.


The second was those man-hands coming out the camo jacket. Blur her face in the photo, and it's Taylor and Caitlyn sitting in a tree ... k-i-s-s-i-n-g.

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I can see Maci angling to get a separate wedding special, followed by perhaps her own show.  I don't know how they would fill the hours but I won't be surprised if it happens anyway.

Bolding Mine.


She could shotgun beers in a random parking lot while her Grandma isn't looking.

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Yay...I have always wanted to pay almost $50 for a cheap basic grey tank top.  Thanks, Maci!


Many reality stars try to sell stuff and it gets sold out, not because a lot of people are buying it, but because production can not keep up with the few people that are (see Gretchen Rossi purses)


Running a business is hard ya'll. 


So first Maci has to buy her man a house with a man cave so he will propose and now she is buying him a business to seal the deal.  No wonder, they just got engaged.  She might as well have bought herself the ring...that would have been cheaper then a house or failing (probably) business.

Edited by qtpye
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According to Maci's Instagram, she's pregnant again. This time, they are having a boy, and she looks like she's pretty far along. Is Jayde even a year old?


Taylor looks dead inside in the pic. lol

Edited by MissE
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Wow, what an absolute moron.

As a side note, May 30th is my due date as well!

Wait she is saying she found out right after she got engaged? Didn't she get engaged a few weeks ago? I'll be 25 weeks pregnant on Monday. How did she not know until a few weeks ago? That seems like a made up story.

Edited by poopchute
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wow.  SO THREE out of wedlock kids - Not that there's anything wrong with that if that's what YOU want to do, but for Maci CLEARLY she feels this is wrong - otherwise why all the "honest woman" talk?    

I don't think she actually cares about that at all. She just says she does because she thinks that makes her look better. She said that this baby was again, unplanned and unexpected. How do you have 3 unplanned pregnancies when you are 24 years old? Its just irresponsible.


I'm sure we'll get another BS story about how they didn't think she could get pregnant again.

Edited by MissE
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And looking back on her Instagram she's got pictures of herself drinking 6 weeks ago so I guess she really didn't know but if she has been drinking all this time...yikes. She has pictures of herself wearing a waist trainer 10 weeks ago, I don't know if that's good for your body while pregnant. I can't believe she didn't know until she was 22 weeks pregnant but if she was doing all this dumb shit the whole time I guess she didn't. Crazy.

The stuff we are watching on this current season...was that filmed this past September/October?

Edited by poopchute
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I guess if she truly believes she can't get pregnant (ha ha you'd think she'd know she can by now) it could delay finding out, but kind of scary that she didn't know for so long.

Maybe after this she'll realize the unprotected sex isn't a good idea.

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Maybe Maci is more than just a casual drinker of beer. Could it be she is also hiding something just like Catelynn and Taylor are hiding their drinking and pot smoking from the cameras? Someone here, not sure, brought up the possibility of Maci being a drinker, not to the point of being an alcoholic, but certainly more than a casual drinker. If she is, it might explain why she is shown drinking beer while she is pregnant. I think these TM girls forget some people will look at their social media accounts and be able to double-check and verify things that come up later. Maci is so dumb that she may think not revealing to the public she is pregnant, will keep the scrutiny of her drinking while pregnant at bay. Maci did this same shit when she tried to pull the wool over our eyes with that tale of her being told she couldn't become pregnant because of some medical issue she supposedly was dealing with at that time. That may be why we don't see Maci's parents on this show. They don't want to be a part of her sham.


Can someone post here the timeline of this mess? It is a bit confusing. When was the engagement? When did she find out she was pregnant? When was she shown drinking beer on her social media pages?


What the hell is it with all of these cast members and their damn lies and secrets?

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How many miracle babies can one mother have??

So much for her PCOS right? I would love to have been there when the lightbulb went off in Taylor's head. Congrats Maci. It only took 3 babies to get one engagement ring. Still gotta get him down the aisle though.

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Another trap baby? What the absolute fuck! They don't even give a shit about Jayde, I hate to think how this one will fare. I think this is a desperate bid for another season or a spin off. And what happened to her "not being able to get pregnant"? For someone who spoke about the dangers of unprotected sex she's now the first OG girl to have THREE kids out of wedlock. Well, at least Mimi Jen is probably happy. She's always been a major Maci leghumper and now she'll have another kinda sorta but not really grandchild to take care of.

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I just noticed the hashtag on her instagram photo is #makingmoremonies. Followed by an emoticon of a pile of dollar bills. The hashtag comes before she mentions the new baby. This baby is a cashgrab

Seriously? That is horrible.

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Another trap baby? What the absolute fuck! They don't even give a shit about Jayde, I hate to think how this one will fare. I think this is a desperate bid for another season or a spin off. And what happened to her "not being able to get pregnant"? For someone who spoke about the dangers of unprotected sex she's now the first OG girl to have THREE kids out of wedlock. Well, at least Mimi Jen is probably happy. She's always been a major Maci leghumper and now she'll have another kinda sorta but not really grandchild to take care of.

I think Jen just knows that her access to Bentley depends on the whims of Maci. So she has to sort of kiss her ass.

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Wow, what an absolute moron.

As a side note, May 30th is my due date as well!

Wait she is saying she found out right after she got engaged? Didn't she get engaged a few weeks ago? I'll be 25 weeks pregnant on Monday. How did she not know until a few weeks ago? That seems like a made up story.


Maci doesn't seem happy about the pregnancy. Oh well, pass me the popcorn. Good luck, Taylor.

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What a fucking dummy.  They're going to have to sell a lot of old closeout shirts with leather pockets to keep baby #3 in pampers.


Mimi Jen, you ready to watch this one so Maci doesn't have to miss out on any binge drinking.

Edited by CofCinci
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I find it hilarious that the two girls obviously selected for the trainwreck factor (Amber and Farrah) have managed to not have more children, while good girl Maci is on #3.

And I'm definitely going to hell, because I sometimes wonder if Maci the heavy drinker and Ryan the pill head are eventually going to find their way back to each other on a Very Special rehab spinoff in 5 years (I'm being generous).

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Maybe Maci is more than just a casual drinker of beer. Could it be she is also hiding something just like Catelynn and Taylor are hiding their drinking and pot smoking from the cameras? Someone here, not sure, brought up the possibility of Maci being a drinker, not to the point of being an alcoholic, but certainly more than a casual drinker. If she is, it might explain why she is shown drinking beer while she is pregnant. I think these TM girls forget some people will look at their social media accounts and be able to double-check and verify things that come up later. Maci is so dumb that she may think not revealing to the public she is pregnant, will keep the scrutiny of her drinking while pregnant at bay. Maci did this same shit when she tried to pull the wool over our eyes with that tale of her being told she couldn't become pregnant because of some medical issue she supposedly was dealing with at that time. That may be why we don't see Maci's parents on this show. They don't want to be a part of her sham.

Can someone post here the timeline of this mess? It is a bit confusing. When was the engagement? When did she find out she was pregnant? When was she shown drinking beer on her social media pages?

What the hell is it with all of these cast members and their damn lies and secrets?

As far as the timeline: She posted her engagement 3 weeks ago. She said she found after she got engaged. Now I guess it's possible she had been engaged for a little while before she posted about it. She is 25 weeks pregnant tomorrow. There's a picture of her holding a beer from 6 weeks ago. I know that's not proof that she drank it but if she didn't know she was pregnant I'm sure she wasn't just posting pictures of herself holding beers she didn't drink.

Eta: I'm not the kind of person who will shame someone for drinking a beer before they know they are pregnant, because that usually happens when you're like, 4 weeks pregnant. Not 19. I get that she has irregular periods but i cannot believe she didn't recognize any other signs of pregnancy until she was 22 weeks. She has been pregnant twice before! I'm thinking back to how I felt in my first trimester and I know everyone is different but she didn't feel any exhaustion? Nothing felt different? I've been feeling the baby move now for weeks, and before that I had a lot of cramping while everything was growing in there. Every pregnancy is different but to feel NOTHING until you're 22 weeks is amazing to me.

Edited by poopchute
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My head just exploded.

So did Taylor's.

That albino Klye is somewhere laughing his ass off. Even though he was "slow" as Ryan put it, he was smart enough to see through Maci's magical uterus.

Kyle and Robbie should teach classes at the Learning Annex on How to wrap it up to Avoid Trap babies.

Edited by Brooklynista
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So did Taylor's.

That albino Klye is somewhere laughing his ass off. Even though he was "slow" as Ryan put it, he was smart enough to see through Maci's magical uterus.

Kyle and Robbie should teach classes at the Learning Annex on How to wrap it up to Avoid Trap babies.

Maci is an idiot, but I don't like this idea that Maci is trying to trap Taylor by getting pregnant on purpose. He's just as responsible for these children's existence. Them not using birth control is on him too.

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Maci is an idiot, but I don't like this idea that Maci is trying to trap Taylor by getting pregnant on purpose. He's just as responsible for these children's existence. Them not using birth control is on him too.

Thank you! I was starting to think I had missed the article that said she forcibly made him have sex with her while holding a gun to his head.

It's on him as much as its on her.

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Why does this announcement make me feel like Ryan, Amber and Farrah are the smartest people on this show?

Farrah has to pay someone to have sex with her because no one wants to be around her.  If she had a better attitude, she'd probably have a litter of trolls by now.

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Thank you! I was starting to think I had missed the article that said she forcibly made him have sex with her while holding a gun to his head.

It's on him as much as its on her.

Exactly, and if anything, he benefits from this more than she does. He gets to stay on the show, and gets access to her money.


I just noticed the hashtag on her instagram photo is #makingmoremonies. Followed by an emoticon of a pile of dollar bills. The hashtag comes before she mentions the new baby. This baby is a cashgrab



Taylor goes by T Money or Mony on social media. So she's referring to more children with his last name with that last name. 

Edited by MissE
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Maci is an idiot, but I don't like this idea that Maci is trying to trap Taylor by getting pregnant on purpose. He's just as responsible for these children's existence. Them not using birth control is on him too.


I totally agree. I have known of women who intentionally get pregnant to "trap" men but they usually figure out it doesn't work after the first guy bails. I don't think any of these kids are "trap babies" at this point. And Taylor is an idiot if he believes the "I probably can't get pregnant" nonsense anymore.

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Maci is an idiot, but I don't like this idea that Maci is trying to trap Taylor by getting pregnant on purpose. He's just as responsible for these children's existence. Them not using birth control is on him too.

If she wasn't always hounding him about getting married, people wouldn't say that. Plus I don't know what she tells him. None of us do. But she told the world she thought she couldn't have kids because of PCOS and was, in fact, told that by her doctor. (And that's something I don't believe for a second.)   For those reasons, I don't feel bad for her that people are saying she "trapped" him because I personally think she's been really dishonest about all of it.

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If she wasn't always hounding him about getting married, people wouldn't say that. Plus I don't know what she tells him. None of us do. But she told the world she thought she couldn't have kids because of PCOS and was, in fact, told that by her doctor. (And that's something I don't believe for a second.)   For those reasons, I don't feel bad for her that people are saying she "trapped" him because I personally think she's been really dishonest about all of it.

I don't care what she's told him. If he chooses to not wear a condom, that's on him, and considering they have Jayde, he knows she can get pregnant.

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I don't care what she's told him. If he chooses to not wear a condom, that's on him, and considering they have Jayde, he knows she can get pregnant.

Well, I do. Different strokes for different folks, I guess.


And none of this has anything to do with him being stupid or not. He can not fall for a "trap," sure. That doesn't mean she didn't set one. ;-)

Edited by lilmarysunshine
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Well, I do. Different strokes for different folks, I guess.


And none of this has anything to do with him being stupid or not. He can not fall for a "trap," sure. That doesn't mean she didn't set one. ;-)

To me that implies, that at the end of the day, only the female is responsible for birth control, and that she's the one who's to blame if she gets pregnant. Pregnancy is a two way street.


I don't understand how this baby could be a trap anyway, when she already has a child with him. 

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To me that implies, that at the end of the day, only the female is responsible for birth control, and that she's the one who's to blame if she gets pregnant. Pregnancy is a two way street.


I don't understand how this baby could be a trap anyway, when she already has a child with him. 

No. It really doesn't imply that. If a man lied to a woman that he got a vasectomy or he was infertile and she got pregnant, I'd say he "trapped" her into at least 18 years of a relationship in some way with him.  If someone is in a long-term relationship with someone with whom they can't trust in terms of birth control, it speaks to big problems.


And he didn't marry her after the first. Even now they're just engaged. Maybe she's trying to turn up the heat. (And, of course, I do think he is stupid for believing her if she did, in fact, claim again she was infertile. But, again....that still doesn't mean she isn't using a baby to manipulate him, which is what people really mean by a "trap" baby.)

Edited by lilmarysunshine
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Farrah has to pay someone to have sex with her because no one wants to be around her. If she had a better attitude, she'd probably have a litter of trolls by now.

Plus we know she likes the backdoor!

It doesn't matter what she's told him. If he can look at her two kids and still believe that she can't get pregnant, he's a fucking idiot.


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