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I'm not trying to slut shame, but Maci sounds hypocritical when she speaks of Farrah and didn't want Benny to be on a show with a porn star, when she herself got pregnant as a teen and brought men around her son. And is now pregnant.


Even if Maci had sworn off sex forever after getting pregnant with Bentley, and had never dated another guy after Ryan, I find it absolutely laughable that of all the questionable, or downright illegal things people on this show (including Teen Mom 2) have done, Farrah being a porn star is the thing that Maci is zeroing in on. Maci is the one slut shaming now.


Hey Maci, Farrah's not going to like, be backdoored during reunion specials or anything. Bentley won't have any way of knowing what it is that Farrah has done unless you tell him. I don't think her porn life is going to have any possible influence on him. And you're fine with him being associated with a show that has multiple drug addicts, drunk drivers, people that smack their partners around in front of their kids, etc., but what Farrah did (legally) off camera is that upsetting to you?


If Maci, Catelynn, and Amber want to band together and say, Farrah is an obnoxious asshole, we dread all events where we have to deal with her, and we don't want her on the show, I could totally get behind that. Using her porn career as the reason just doesn't sit well with me.

  • Love 12

Talking about Maci shaming Farrah is perfectly ok, that's a direct observation of Maci. Suggesting they are both sluts is the area to avoid. Maci can be a hypocrite and a poor judge of character but she's not unqualified to observe Farrah because of her past. It's a delicate balance. Basically, if you can swap whore, tramp, tart (although I'm kinda ok with this one), etc into the way you are describing someone, it's not ok here.

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Holy cow, the look of actual pain on Maci's face when Ryan hangs up on her... Maybe it's just artful editing and she fake cries right after that scene but I totally believed she's still into him. The new boyfriend, while seeming to be a lovely person, looks like Ryan drawn with a blunt pencil.


I don't know if it's so much that Maci still wants Ryan (I mean, yes, he's attractive, but he doesn't have much else to bring to the table and she's already gotten to ride that pony a few times) or if it's just that she can't stand the fact that he clearly doesn't want her. If Ryan were to profess his love to her, I think she would happily walk away, reassured in her knowledge that she was the dumper, not the dumpee, and that she could have had him if she wanted him.

Maci posted and encourages young people to wait until they're ready to get pregnant and have a baby. But I'm just confused by her statement.

You are confused because Maci didn't choose her words correctly. She should have posted "Tell the guy you are with you can't get pregnant for such and such a reason, then have all kinds of sex and then BOOM! you tell him you are pregnant. It worked for me and it can work for you too. It's a great way to keep the guy around."

  • Love 9

I wonder if Maci's speaking engagement mostly being in the South fueled her reaction. Perhaps she pandering to her audience?


I think that is the case, and some/all of this is about Maci's "brand" as a speaker ($). When Maci was having the conversation about Farrah coming back and her leaving, Taylor interjected and said "I think what Maci is getting at is that everything she is trying to build and the message that she is trying to portray that being a young mother is hard, and she feels that every time she takes a step forward with that and she is linked to Farrah it brings her two steps back"....and Maci replied "Absolutely".

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Uh huh...what he said. Maci couldn't even for that thought because she had no damn clue WHAT her argument against Farrah was.

I think Maci is using the porn card here only because she won't just come out and say she cannot stand Farrah and anything that connects her to Farrah.



"I think what Maci is getting at is that everything she is trying to build and the message that she is trying to portray that being a young mother is hard..."

To even say the words, "being a young mother is hard" on a tv show where we know these girls get paid six figures along with what Maci gets paid for her appearances and speeches, it just blows my mind. The girl who goes on spring break vacations, other trips, travels to meet an out-of-state boyfriend, buys car after car, moves from one house to another, getting tattoos all over her back, and anything else I may have missed. Maci doesn't know what it means to be a young mother and having it hard. To Maci, having it hard is having to drop of Bentley and waiting for Ryan to show up.



Yeah, well, time is going to tell on that one.

Well, it is Maci that is being referenced. In her mind she thinks it will work.

Edited by SPLAIN
  • Love 6

Maci Needs to give it up with the bulletproof crap. Nothing even remotely difficult has happened in her life and she acts like some great survivor. True, she got pregnant young, but she's been on MTV's teet so I don't really see that as struggle.

Maci is also a snoozefest. Who cares to read a book to find out that she can't get along with Ryan? What else does she have to talk about? The Kyles? Going out with her friends? Zzzzzzzz

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Exactly. And without Bentley involved in filming what is her point of still being on the show (besides the paycheck...duh). But really, if there's no child to take care of (at least on camera) why are we supposed to care about her or her life? We know that what's-his-face isn't gonna put a ring on it anytime soon and her current pregnancy isn't terribly interesting as far as the show is concerned, since she's in her 20's now. I'm not interested in hearing her bitch about Rahhhn, or wax poetic about Kahhhl either. She's boring and quite honestly, a stuck up bitch. She's not Farrah level bitchy, but bitch is getting close. "Fame" is definitely getting to her, letting her believe she gets to call all the shots. I'll bet Bintley will be back on the show within a few episodes, cos without him why are they bothering to film her at all??

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It's also interesting how Maci shames Farrah for her choices, yet has no problem with Amber and her DV and "gel-time". Nobody forced Farrah to do porn, it's not illegal, and she isn't exposing Sophia to it (although I did hear she took her to VIvid's office once, which I am sure was not smart). And Farrah is an adult, she can pick whatever path she wants. It's interesting how these girls love to twist their morals around just so they have a reason to be pseudo-outraged. I would have respected her more if she'd been straightforward and said she just doesn't like Farrah cos she's an asshole. At least that's believable, and we all know it to be true. That mock outrage over the porn thing is just stupid.

  • Love 8

Ewww. MILF lipstick? Sounds like a crack about Stifler's mom.


Yeah, if there's any way to make young college girls want your product, call em a MILF. I'd be insulted.

Mm hmm, technically the 'M' stands for 'mom' but the general understanding seems more like age 30-40. I suppose her face does look closer to that age. She needs the makeup more than her target customers. Maybe she and Leah can get together and sell a package deal, or come up with a 'glossy' body makeup for those who can't afford extensive laser tattoo removal.

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I lost any respect I had for Maci, not that I had any to begin with, when she said that Bentley was happy he didn't have to film anymore because he hated it.

So he hated it yet she forced him to do it anyway.

This is probably a big reason, because didn't some stuff happen between Farrah and Maci BTS? I think she just doesn't like Farrah and I also think she was a little hurt that MTV felt her story and plot was boring and they needed to bring in Farrah for ratings, I could see her being offended by that. Like her thinking, "MTV doesn't think I'm good enough!" type of thing. But I do also think she doesn't like Farrah one iota, which is fine but also this week and last week made her look like a diva and what did she get out of pulling her hissy fit? Nada. MTV didn't cave to her one bit. I mean, sure they aren't going to have Bentley on camera anymore..so I guess that is what Maci got?

What is BTS? I hate these damn initials.

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How long has Macy and this guy she's with now been together? He sure doesn't seem very excited about proposing to her.

I guess if they have been together a long time I can see why she would be anxious. Especially with the baby coming.

She was so anxious to marry Ryan and now there's this guy she wants to marry.

I was thinking that would be two children she will have with different fathers.

And if her relationship with this current guy doesn't work out, she could possibly have a third baby daddy In the future.

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Maci just keeps bullshitting us with the moral high ground stuff when in fact she's such a hypocrite.

She's shilling a new product on her Twitter feed that says it all.


And Bentley's in the damned photo with her!!!


So he can't appear onscreen for TM, even though Farrah comes nowhere near him, because she's a "porn star". But it's perfectly all right to use him to promote your Mother I'd Like to FUCK lipstick? Okay then....

  • Love 10

I am watching Maci's 16 and Pregnant again. I downloaded all four episodes from iTunes and I'm almost done with Maci, and just have Amber left. I was under the impression that Maci was actually pretty cool pre Teen mom, and the show (and the money) totally stunted her emotional growth. Yet, she was kind of a vapid bitch even in 16 and Pregnant. First off, I don't like anyone who refers to herself or himself as an "overachiever". That term to me is like workaholic- as in, a term you can use to describe others but should never be used as a self description. Plus, people who refer to themselves as overachievers or workaholics spend a lot more time talking about their work or accomplishments than actually doing them.

Also, she's pretty smug in the beginning about how she deigned to date Ryan even though he rides 4 wheelers, which aren't cool, but he was so desperate to be with her that she agreed to date him. I still have to shake my head about that, because at the time of filming 16 and Pregnant, Ryan was living on his own, in a nice (rented) house, working full time as a diesel mechanic, and was totally foxy, and I think could have landed a better conquest than Maci, who at 15-16, was pretty plain jane. All of her friends in every scene are cuter than she is. I do think Maci has grown into her looks and is an attractive girl now, but wasn't that pretty as a high schooler. Looks aren't everything, but 18-19 year old boys can be shallow.

Finally, she was bragging about receiving $800 in graduation money, and planned to blow $400 of it on a tattoo. She rationalized it by saying she had been planning on it for a long time, and when her mom suggested she had better uses for $400 for a tattoo, she's like, well, we've been talking about this for awhile so I can't back out now. Oh, and also, she worked super hard for 12 years, one of them pregnant, and deserved to do something fun. Maci gives herself way too much credit for completing relatively simple tasks. I agree with whoever said that "Bulletproof" tattoo, which is a pat on the back to herself for making it one year with a baby, is a total joke.

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How long has Macy and this guy she's with now been together? He sure doesn't seem very excited about proposing to her.

According to Maci, they "dated" online and whenever she was able to go out of state to meet up with him since he lived in Texas. For almost two years this went on, right after her last break-up. The girl never has a break, she just goes into the next relationship. Then, when he moved to be with Maci, she became pregnant a month later.


I lost any respect I had for Maci, not that I had any to begin with, when she said that Bentley was happy he didn't have to film anymore because he hated it.

So he hated it yet she forced him to do it anyway.

That really is so fucked up. If she is to be believed, she forced her child to be on this damn show. It is always about Maci, no one else. What a selfish bitch. Just like she forces these dudes into his life to play "daddy". Bentley already has a dad, he doesn't "need" a guy, Maci does. She can't go a few weeks without having a guy between her legs.

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Ha! Once again Maci is dropping a semester of college. Missing classes for the press tour I can understand, but another reason she gave was that Bintley was in school and about to start baseball. What about online classes? Why can't Ryan's parents or her newest sperm donor pick up Bintley from baseball? She's right up there with T&C who, if I remember correctly dropped a semester because they didn't know where the classes were held.

It's amazing to remember she described herself as an overachiever in her 16 and Pregnant episode. It's easy to overachieve when the law says you HAVE to be there.

I thought out of all of the girls, Maci could rationally take Farrah down. Turns out Maci wilts when she's around Farrah.

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Maci is being ridiculous. She is so concerned about Bentley's well-being and is so afraid of Bentley's classmates talking about Farrah the pornstar being on the show - but does she not realize that her presence on this program is going to have a bad impact on her child regardless? One day Bentley is going to watch footage of this show and he will be at an age where he will start fully understanding things and I'm pretty sure there will be scenes that will drive him over the edge and cause him to want to go see a therapist to deal with all of it.

One day Bentley is going to see footage of his mom taking care of him when he was just a few months old and he will see his father Ryan walking out on the both of them. Bentley is going to one day see clips of Maci complaining about how much of a deadbeat his dad is and he will see her claiming that Ryan never does anything for his kid. One day Bentley will see footage of Ryan showing little to no interest while playing with him and he will see his father always appearing in a shitty or disgruntled mood while being under his care. All of these things are going to hurt him way more than seeing some girl who did one sex tape participating on the same show as his mom.

Like Maci really doesn't get it. She is trying to act like she is so above Farrah when I'm pretty sure Maci herself has skeletons in her own closet. And when you look at the position shes in, an unwed mom having a second child with another man, well she doesn't look any better. When she's in her 30's, I bet shes going to have more children with different men and there is nothing commendable about that. So why the harsh judgement towards someone who is not even doing porn any longer and is trying to venture out into new things? I don't see Farrah being knocked up with another kid nor does she allow her child to get attached to different men the way Maci has done with Bentley. How many adult figures has Bentley seen walking in and out of his life? Both Maci and Ryan has had plenty of rotating partners coming in and out of the door and it isn't good for a child to bond with their mom or dad's new boyfriend or girlfriend for a few weeks and then end up never seeing them again.

Sorry for the long rant but Maci has seriously gotten under my skin, lol. She has no reason to treat Farrah like crap or state that she no longer wants to be apart of the show just because Farrah is on it. Maci is no angel so she should stop judging someone so unfairly for making a bad decision of doing porn.

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I blame insomnia last night, but I was thinking more about the whole Maci and Farrah mess.


On the surface I kind of object 'more' to Farrah only because she did porn, lied about it, and seems to only pull her kid in when it's beneficial for her (i.e. book cover). However in terms of products they are selling now, in general I find lip gloss less offensive than personally molded sex toys (pardon me while I gag).  But when I compare the products and advertising side-by-side I actually find Maci's MILF lip gloss ad WAY more offensive.  It pretty much says, "Look, here's my kid, I'm a Mom! Wouldn't you like to F* me? I'm a MILF! Buy my lip gloss!"  Whereas Farrah's (to me) pretty much says "I'm sleazy, wanna feel what it's like to F* me? Buy this!"  I don't particularly like seeing Sophia on Farrah's book, but she's not in the sex toy ads. Maci, on the other hand, features Bentley in her lip gloss ads that are all about sex. Yuck.

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God, shut UP Maci. I am so sick of all of her, "I'm not trying to sound judgmental, but...", or "I don't have any personal vendetta against Farrah, but..." followed by some judgmental, personal attack on Farrah. She's like the people that always preface whatever offensive thing they're about to say with, "no offense, but..." and then when you have the audacity to be offended, they're like, dude, I SAID no offense.


Maci, you ARE being judgmental. You just are. And that's not a crime. But you can't have it both ways. You can't make judgmental comments about people and then cry and say you're not trying to be judgmental.


Just say, I did not want Farrah on the show, for multiple reasons, which may not make sense to everyone, but it's how I feel. If MTV was going to lead me to believe she wouldn't be included only to change their minds after filming started, they could have at least told me off camera and not facilitated a confrontation between Farrah and me, because now it's really awkward. At bare minimum, production could have allowed me to have a private reaction to the news.


I would respect that. But her constant backpedaling and her "I'm a nice girl who just has really strong feelings when it comes to protecting my son- as long as it's convenient for me" is really annoying.

  • Love 8

It gets on my nerves that Maci uses the "parenting choices" phrase.  It's really saying that, "I'm a better mother than you are."  I don't know.  It just seemed like a really low blow, not to mention that turn of phrase is also insulting to Caitlyn and Amber.  They allow Chevy Nova and Leah to be on the show with Farrah.  That reminds me.  I wonder if Leah gets the same "Is your mother the one that did porn" questions that Bentley supposedly gets...

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