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1. Never got the whole Ryan is "hot" thing. He's definitely not ugly but far from being a head turner. His personality would force me to date my chair if a choice between the two.

He got the "hotter" girls after he'd become a "celebrity" and I'd doubt Dallas would have dated him preMTV.

2. I don't know Maci's secret but I do envy how slim (and stretch mark free) she is after pregnancies.

She's not ugly and does seem pretty cool to hangout with, but that hair is getting way TOO LONG. Too thin to be that long. If shorter and layered it would look so full of life plus strawberry blonde.

Someone mentioned the gauge needs to go...wouldn't her ear lobes be permanetly stuck with the big holes?? I don't know much about gauges so forgive my ignorance.

3. Catelynn was adorable in 16&pregnant and the first two seasons. These last couple have AGED her. I think I seen her wearing a top that my mom owns.

Her face always looks acne ridden and like she picks her skin. Some people do suffer from anxiety and resort to skin picking. Picking lip. Biting nails. Picking scabs and I think she does one if not all of those habits.

When my anxiety is through the roof I will bite on my bottom lip until it bleeds. I've finally stopped but I see Cate may be doing that to her face.

Tyler I feel brings most of that anxiety on. He says stupid things and you can tell it bothers Catelynn. For instance, on their honeymoon (HONEYMOON) he says "if it weren't for Carly we wouldn't be married," and all Catelynn could do to save face is to agree but I could tell that hurt her. Or the many times he asked for her ring back--but Tyler doesn't want to deal with her anxiety on their honeymoon.

Tyler has aged Catelynne IMO and she's too depressed to lose weight and she's depressed because she can't lose weight and Tyler makes her depressed for the same thing. I do feel bad in that sense for the girl.

If I were her I'd used all that sad energy and fuel it into exercising just to have that moment of strutting my stuff in front of Tyler to just begin talking about TYLERS FLAWS FOR A CHANGE. It's ALWAYS Catelynn that has to change.

4. Amber is pretty when they dress her up in classic dresses, almost vintage like. I love her lip stick on the reunion show and I loved her hair on a previous after show. It was tied to the side in a loose bun I think. She has potential.

5. Tyler is an ugly dork. He's less than average and only looks someone what appealing because groupies see him as an MTV star. If he would in my old college no girl would look twice. He's too corny.

6. Gary & Matt ...NULL

7. Farrah I had thought was pretty in the beginning. The fake Farrah now is just too much. She used to be petite now she always look like a giant compared to everyone on the reunion couch, butt implants making her sit too high??

8. Kailyn I feel will never look good to me regardless of all the surgery she gets. She's a "try hard" in my book. She's trying so hard to look feminine but it doesn't work for her. Too rough around the edges. She's pretty in the face when she smiles and I do love her hair but the attitude ruins it.

Yes, Yes, Yes!  I completely agree with everything you wrote.  


1.  I don't get the Ryan thing either.  He always has a scowl on his face, and dip in his cheek.  I don't care for Tayler at all.  There's a smugness about him that makes me want to smack him.  And does he ever NOT have a beer in his hand?  I liked Kyle because he was so good with Bentley.  He wasn't very attractive, but his patience with Bentley endeared me to him.


2.  Maci looks rough now, especially when she wears that dark make-up.  She does have a great body for having two children.  Her hair looked cute when it was shorter, and not Bozo The Clown red.  She looks better natural.


3. Poor Catelynn.  She was cute in 16 & Pregnant.  Everything about her now is old, even her hair style.  Remember in 16 & Pregnant when she had that cute inverted bob haircut?  Now it's long and in a ponytail.  She dresses old now too.  That swimsuit she wore on her honeymoon in Hawaii was like something my grandma used to wear.


4.  Amber can look really pretty at times.  Blond hair does not suit her.  Neither does the 3" fake eyelashes.  


5.  There's something effeminate about Tyler.  If I hadn't watched the show and found out that he had a child, I would've pegged him as gay.  His bouffant hair cracks me up.


6.  Gary is definitely not cute, but I gotta give him props for his witty comments.  He brings a much-needed comic relief to the Amber/Matt saga.  Matt might be a little better looking than Gary (slimmer) but to me he looks unshaven and gives off a creepy vibe.  I wouldn't leave my child alone with him for 5 seconds.


7.  Farrah was pretty in 16 & Pregnant (not counting her attitude).  She looks like a blow-up doll now.  The pumped up lips, chin implant, nose job, boob job and butt implants.  Does she really think she looks good?  Her plastic surgeon should have his license revoked.  It's a shame because she's still so young to be looking that fake.  The boobs and butt implants make her look at least 20 pounds heavier.

Edited by Phoebe70
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Why it Miracle??


Apparently conceived on birth control.


Which, 1. we all know that Maci is full of shit and was not on birth control, and 2. while birth control is very reliable, it is not 100% and that is well known. A 1% failure rate is science, not divine intervention. But Maci needs some sort of argument against how irresponsible she is and The Big Guy upstairs can help her out.

  • Love 6
If I were her I'd used all that sad energy and fuel it into exercising just to have that moment of strutting my stuff in front of Tyler to just begin talking about TYLERS FLAWS FOR A CHANGE. It's ALWAYS Catelynn that has to change.


Word!  I wish Catelynn would read this, why doesn't anyone in her life SAY this to her??

Tyler is an ugly dork. He's less than average and only looks someone what appealing because groupies see him as an MTV star. If he would in my old college no girl would look twice. He's too corny.


Big ole lol here....not to mention, he is uneducated and that's obvious every time he opens his mouth.  Notice he has an almost weekly mention in the "Crimes against the English language" part of the recaps here.

  • Love 8

The people in Catelynn's life are nothing but enablers and idiots. They have their own problems. I am certain Catelynn does not want to hear anyone's advice or opinions either.

If there is one thing I learned in all my years, is people generally do not want to hear from those around them what they need to do, what changes they should make in life, etc. Generally, people do not want to change or make changes in their life because they are afraid to alter what they are accustomed to.

Catelynn has always been about being married to Tyler. It happened. Now what? The insecurities remain, but she got Tyler down the aisle. In a way it reminds me of Maci. Gotta have a husband at all costs. Love be damned.

Sorry. I thought this was the C&T thread.

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 6
3 hours ago, qtpye said:

Do we think Maci will actually get serious about birth control after this birth or will we be talking about miracle baby number four next year?

I remember reading an article (The Ashley, maybe?) where Maci said this would be her last baby.  I'm going to assume that means her last baby with Taylor.  In 5-7 years (if not sooner) when this all falls apart and she finds a new man to trap, it will be a whole new ballgame.  I'm just so happy Maci's PCOS didn't hinder her fertility too much.

  • Love 3

I actually think Maci might really be done. I think she's a bit too vain and selfish to go on having kid after kid. But one baby might not have satisfied her need to "keep" this guy. It didn't work with Ryan. I bet she thought 2 would be a better way to ensure Taylor doesn't flee. 


She said on the after show they chose Maverick for the baby's name, FYI. 

  • Love 3

I actually think Maci might really be done. I think she's a bit too vain and selfish to go on having kid after kid. But one baby might not have satisfied her need to "keep" this guy. It didn't work with Ryan. I bet she thought 2 would be a better way to ensure Taylor doesn't flee. 

Maci recipe for getting a man down the aisle, buy him a house with his man cave, buy him a business so he can feel like a boss, and then add two "whoops" babies.


Taylor is so gross.  Kyle might not have been the handsomest guy in the world, but he seemed like a good man (it's not like Taylor is a looker, either).

  • Love 7

I'm not proud to say this, but Taylor is beyond gross to me. That beard gives me the impression that he doesn't take care of his basic hygiene, it's that horrendous! Even if he would shave, I wouldn't find him attractive. He looks like he's aware that he's average, but also that his charms (whatever they are) make people consider him.

As for Kyle, I can't believe I'm the only one who found him kind of cute! LOL Maybe this is like a Ryan situation: some people don't get the hotness about him, so maybe I don't get why Kyle is so ugly? He does have a big head, but I probably found him cute because he seemed like a good guy, like you said. Like, such a sweetie! (Didn't he cheat on Maci or was there for her for the sake of the show or something allegedly?)

p.s. And yes, I do find Ryan extremely hot since day 1, I'm guilty. (I didn't pay attention that much to those early seasons, but I remembered him!)

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I actually think she is done with unwed pregnancies. I think number three was more of carelessness/laziness than a specific attempt to get pregnant. I don't really see what would be in it for her to have another baby, so I bet she'll be more careful from now on. And when she and Taylor inevitably break up, and she starts with someone new, I think the fear of 4 babies and three baby daddies will be enough to stop her from thinking, maybe this one will marry me if I'm pregnant. She might have another baby, but I bet she'll make damn sure she's married by then.

I think Maci may have wanted to try to have a boy, thinking that maybe a son would get her that engagement ring since the daughter didn't do the job the first time around. Or maybe she thought that he'd surely have to propose with two babies since one baby didn't immediately get her the ring. Or maybe she was drunk and forgot to get her birth control shot or refill or whatever.

(none of this excuses that Taylor's ass should have been using condoms and that he's just a responsible for this oops baby even if Maci's allegedly on birth control....when someone has a couple of "miracle babies,"maybe you shouldn't trust what they're telling you about what goes on at their OBGYN visits and all)

  • Love 7
11 hours ago, MyPeopleAreNordic said:

I think Maci may have wanted to try to have a boy, thinking that maybe a son would get her that engagement ring since the daughter didn't do the job the first time around. Or maybe she thought that he'd surely have to propose with two babies since one baby didn't immediately get her the ring. Or maybe she was drunk and forgot to get her birth control shot or refill or whatever.

(none of this excuses that Taylor's ass should have been using condoms and that he's just a responsible for this oops baby even if Maci's allegedly on birth control....when someone has a couple of "miracle babies,"maybe you shouldn't trust what they're telling you about what goes on at their OBGYN visits and all)

Plus, if you TRULY want close to 100% protection, you should always use two forms. 

Despite not being a convict, a physical abuser, or a deadbeat dad, Taylor is one of my least favorite TM dads. He is just so transparently a grifter who doesn't care about Maci. He doesn't even seem a little ashamed of it. Of course, Maci allowed herself to be snowed. 

Even Jenelle's 300 soulmates do things for her and pretend to love her for a while!

Edited by Lm2162
  • LOL 1
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2 hours ago, Lm2162 said:


Despite not being a convict, a physical abuser, or a deadbeat dad, Taylor is one of my least favorite TM dads. He is just so transparently a grifter who doesn't care about Maci.

I know! Taylor irritates me so much. Like, dude, what do YOU bring to the table? I lost all respect for him when he said he was dressing up for Halloween as a reality TV star. Some people may find his transparency refreshing, but I find it unseemly to be so unabashedly using someone and just not give a shit who knows it.

  • Love 9

I don't like Taylor. He did seem to come with an agenda and he did seem to love the cameras. Kyle did seem like a nice normal guy but I think he cheated on Maci and I seem to recall someone posting something whether here or back on TWOP about Maci saying "he wasn't who I thought he was" or something to that affect. Whether she was alluding to him cheating or just being there for the show or something. I did like Kyle for the point of shutting down Maci when she told him she wanted to have another baby because she was "bored" pretty much and had to give up Bentley every other weekend. 

  • Love 5
5 hours ago, truelovekiss said:

According to the Ashley, the Maverick was born on Farrah's birthday. Not sure how Maci will live with her son sharing a birthday with such a ~scandalous~ woman.

Reportedly, all of the TMs congratulated Maci...except Farrah.  Knowing Farrah, she probably thought Maci was trying to steal the spotlight from her birthday, as well as the grand opening of her yogurt shop.


  • Love 5
9 hours ago, FaithsMum said:

What the fuck kind of name is Maverick? Do these morons hate their children or something? Bintlee. Maverick. Novalee. All of Leah's many A named children. Remington. Lincoln.

The fuck is wrong with them?

These people name the baby and not the person. There will be a whole generation of grandparents named Nevaeh, Aiydenn, Jaxsie... "Who wants to go to grandma Subaru-Leeiygh's trailer?" "yay!"
lol, I was watching a comedian years ago and he said people name their kids with the hope they'll grow up aspiring to that name, "This is my son, Hunter! And this is my daughter, Big Tits."

  • LOL 1
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2 hours ago, DangerousMinds said:

One of the worst names ever.

The worst name I've heard is that of Jason Lee's son... Pilot Inpsektor. Maverick is pretty bad, but, bloody hell. Oh, Moxie Crimefighter (Penn Jillette's daughter) is up there, too. That's the kind of name I'd give one of my cats. My horse's name is MacBowflex, but I'm pretty sure other horses don't make fun of it. 

  • LOL 1
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Moxie Crimefighter is horrible. Maverick isn't my favorite, but I don't hate it. I think Lincoln and Bentley are perfectly fine names, although I wouldn't choose them myself. I think the worst name on these shows is probably Novalee Reign or whatever-the-fuck it is. Just makes me think of that horrible Natalie Portman movie, Where the Heart Is. like Catelynn gave birth in a Wal-mart. 

  • Love 8
1 hour ago, ghoulina said:

Moxie Crimefighter is horrible. Maverick isn't my favorite, but I don't hate it. I think Lincoln and Bentley are perfectly fine names, although I wouldn't choose them myself. I think the worst name on these shows is probably Novalee Reign or whatever-the-fuck it is. Just makes me think of that horrible Natalie Portman movie, Where the Heart Is. like Catelynn gave birth in a Wal-mart. 

I would have been exactly 0% surprised if that happened (or happens with future babies).

  • Love 3

I'm sorry reading the comments about the baby's name is making me laugh and laugh and then remembering all the other teen moms and their names. I don't understand it. Catelynn and Tyler are probably the worst but then there's also Janelles with naming her son Kaiser. And I constantly always say Kaiser sushi when I write about him because I can't not.

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