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As a disclaimer, I didn't watch the Teen Mom reunion. I didn't get to see this entire episode because mtv.com streaming went out on me.

I felt bad for Maci with the way Mackenzie went after her. Maci did not make the decision to allow someone under the influence to drive her or say wedding vows with someone who has a serious drug habit. 

The producers of the show are clearly angling for Mackenzie to replace Farrah as the shows villian. And it is going to suck for Bentley. Far more than appearing on the same show as an adult industry actress. Be careful what you wish for, Maci.

The other area that irked me was how willing Mckenzie was to discuss therapy with Ryan in front of the camera. She is clearly exploiting the situation for personal gain.

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I wanted to respond to everyone in regards to the Maci drinking thing. I think you guys have a point and definitely could see her being a functional alcoholic. I just don't think she was getting drunk on the daily even when with the kids, although she could be and we just don't see those scenes or she doesn't do it while cameras are there. She definitely self edits and thank god for the kids she does. 

I was also kind of dumb founded when Maci was wanting to bring Bentley to see Ryan in rehab. I thought Ryan rarely saw Bentley? If so, he definitely doesn't need to go see him in rehab. He can wait until he's out and doing better. Maci seems so hung up on Ryan, even now. She's not showing typical concern for the father of her child. She's acting like she's the gf or wife. It's weird. Maybe she is acting, but she's so bad at it that she's overdoing it. Or she just still wants Ryan. I vote for the latter. 

Also, I hate Mackenzie because she has me siding with Maci. I'm sure she senses how Maci still feels about Ryan and that makes her blood boil. Mackenzie doesn't give two shits about Ryan, his family, Bentley, or even her son. She's with Ryan because he's too incapacitated half the time to know what's going on and so she can be the next teen mom, as someone already mentioned. And I agree, @meredithalmighty , she should not be discussing his counseling on tv! And I can't believe she is even using that to blame Maci for the whole thing. If Ryan really does get so bent out of shape just at the mere mention of Maci's name, I think there might be some lingering feelings on his side too. I'm sure Mackenzie notices that and is why she is hell bent on sticking it to Maci in any way she can. Finally, she doesn't care about her son because she gave up full custody just so she could be on this show.

She's a real piece of work. I just hope Ryan gets better, realizes just what he married and gets himself down to the courthouse for a quick divorce. Of course, that's just wishful thinking because Ryan will never get better until his mother and Mackenzie stop enabling him which I don't see happening anytime soon. They'd rather just blame Maci for Ryan's problems. Plus if Ryan gets better, Mackenzie knows she'll be getting the boot. 

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I agree, Amanda. Alcoholism can be a slow progressing addiction but it can spiral out of  control when alcoholics experience serious life stressors (job loss, divorce, death of a loved one) or if they are self-medicating to treat a mental illness. My Dad was a high functioning alcoholic for several years- started to drink at the age of 12 and he was able to work 50 hours a week and he was easy to be around up until I hit the age of 8. Maci will most likely develop cirrhosis of the liver when she hits her mid 40s, and it will be a life or death decision for her at that point. For right now, Maci seems to fit the category of "high functioning" alcoholic. She can consume relatively high amounts of alcohol and seem unaffected. I imagine she's smart enough to hide alcohol during filming or puts it in a thermos or starbucks cup- tricks that my dad used to do with no problem. 

It is very confusing on how often Ryan sees Bentley. I agree if Ryan didn't exercise custody time with Bentley- there's no reason for Bentley to see him at rehab. Maci's behavior leads me to believe that Ryan did actually see and interact with on Bentley on a fairly routine basis although it may have been under the supervision of his parents. 

Out of all the Teen Mom OG cast members (with the exception of Gary),  Ryan in the earlier seasons seemed to have a great deal of self-awareness on how he gave up his privacy for Teen Mom. Granted, he still went forward and consented to contractual terms to being featured on the show. But he always seemed to be a reluctant participant, and I think he has had issues on how to handle being a public figure at a young age. I can see where he would still hold on to some anger towards Maci for that. 

Mackenzie reminds me of the thief portrayed in the Dutch painting, The Conjurer. Ryan is the central character in the forefront, and Mackenzie is stealing from him while he's completely unaware of what's happening  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Conjurer_(painting)  

On the season preview, Maci is shown as saying to Taylor about her custody case, "A judge isn't going to give you half of what I've given you." I wouldn't be so sure, Maci. Judges tend to be favorable with addicts who are willing to cooperate with the courts. I hope she has a good lawyer. Does anyone know if legal paperwork has actually been filed?

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5 hours ago, meredithalmighty said:

I agree, Amanda. Alcoholism can be a slow progressing addiction but it can spiral out of  control when alcoholics experience serious life stressors (job loss, divorce, death of a loved one) or if they are self-medicating to treat a mental illness. My Dad was a high functioning alcoholic for several years- started to drink at the age of 12 and he was able to work 50 hours a week and he was easy to be around up until I hit the age of 8. Maci will most likely develop cirrhosis of the liver when she hits her mid 40s, and it will be a life or death decision for her at that point. For right now, Maci seems to fit the category of "high functioning" alcoholic. She can consume relatively high amounts of alcohol and seem unaffected. I imagine she's smart enough to hide alcohol during filming or puts it in a thermos or starbucks cup- tricks that my dad used to do with no problem. 

If she's drinking enough to be considered a functioning alcoholic right now, it will hit her WAY before 40s.   I have a friend who was diagnosed as an alcoholic in her early 20s. Probably right after she hit 21 because then she could openly drink.  I worked with her and she seemed normal to me.  She was 100% a functioning alcoholic.  We met at our job and she was a great worker, she was fun to be around, I had no idea.  Now she's 29/30 and a couple years ago she must have been hitting rock bottom because she disappeared for awhile which I found out she had been going to treatment (we lost touch for many years because she just started going to bars and making bar friends).  Her liver was low functioning and she almost died.   She is now a year sober and I'm not sure how healthy she is.. but I know she worked on on special diets to get everything back to more of a normal and I think her liver levels are thankfully fine. 

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As of right now, Maci has not been diagnosed as an alcoholic (that viewers are aware of). Her behavior- repeatedly binge drinking when pregnant with Maverick definitely indicates she has a problem with substance abuse of alcohol.

its definitely possible cirrhosis could set in before she turns 40. 

This is an interesting article about alcoholism becoming more prevalent among  white middle aged women:


Does anyone know how to access online court records for Hamilton county to see if Ryan filed for a formal custody agreement? I'd think the tabloids would break the story but can't figure out how to search court cases online

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45 minutes ago, meredithalmighty said:

Ginger, since it's a civil suite- there should be a way to look up the  docket and it's status on the court. The actual motions in the case may be sealed if either party requests it. To me, it seems like Ryan is blowing smoke and has no intention of filing.  

I agree. Ryan has been making threats and promises for years when it comes to Bentley. He's like TM2 Jenelle or Adam.


Which, there was never any need for threats. All the three of them ever had to do was be a decent parent and respect the other parent, and I really believe the custodian (Maci, Barb, or Chelsea) would have just given them the time they asked for. Despite all of Maci's tearful histrionics at the mediation, she did give in rather quickly. It only became a sore spot when Maci realized Ryan was leaving Bentley with his parents so he could go out and get laid during his 4 day weekends with Bentley.

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56 minutes ago, meredithalmighty said:

Ginger, since it's a civil suite- there should be a way to look up the  docket and it's status on the court. The actual motions in the case may be sealed if either party requests it. To me, it seems like Ryan is blowing smoke and has no intention of filing.  

I agree. This has been Ryan's MO for years. He talks big, with zero follow through. His big talk is usually precipitated by one of his parents pushing him, and now Mack will fill that role. She seems a little more zealous, though, so things may go further than they have before. But I'm not holding my breath. 

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35 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

I agree. This has been Ryan's MO for years. He talks big, with zero follow through. His big talk is usually precipitated by one of his parents pushing him, and now Mack will fill that role. She seems a little more zealous, though, so things may go further than they have before. But I'm not holding my breath. 

Oh yeah. I think Mac is a little more careful after how badly she was burned by fans during the whole Letter Debacle, but I give it a few more months before Mac starts pushing Ryan to go through with a custody fight. She can't do it right away, but once Ryan has a few months of sobriety under his belt- it's coming out.

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I just watched the latest episode and holy shit has shit gotten uncomfortably real. I know these reality are often staged in order to produce maximum drama but the enmity between Maci and Ryan's family is real and it's uncomfortable as hell. Usually, I wouldn't give a damn and just sit back with some popcorn but I feel so bad for Bentley, who is the ultimate victim in all of this! I really hope these people can figure all this out for Bentley's sake!

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I feel like  I'm too easy on Maci but I loved it when she referred to Mac as "that snake of a wife." I hope we see more snarky moments from Maci this season. 

Good for her for paying a lawyer money to send a custody letter that scared the shit out of Ryan. From everything I can tell, Ryan has never filed a custody modification for Bentley.

While I do hope that she can eventually work with Mimi Jen and Larry to see Bentley, I applaud her for taking the steps to ensure his safety even if it's being done for the cameras. Hopefully this is a new era for Maci.

Maybe she'll go to an AA meeting this season, hopefully she realizes that she needs to address her drinking issues for the sake of her kids.

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On 12/6/2017 at 8:08 PM, UniqBlue69 said:

I just watched the latest episode and holy shit has shit gotten uncomfortably real. I know these reality are often staged in order to produce maximum drama but the enmity between Maci and Ryan's family is real and it's uncomfortable as hell. Usually, I wouldn't give a damn and just sit back with some popcorn but I feel so bad for Bentley, who is the ultimate victim in all of this! I really hope these people can figure all this out for Bentley's sake!

I agree. It's not even fun or funny to watch really. With somebody like Butch or Amber, they're awful but so over the top that it's kind of entertaining. This is just a seething undercurrent of hatred and animosity. 

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I searched the public court records to see if Maci or Ryan filed any motions etc. for custody. I didn't find anything regarding custody but I found a case commenced in February 2015 (1 month after her car accident) where Maci was named as one of three defendants being sued for damages in the amount of $100,000.00. The website doesn't allow you to read the papers so it can be anything. Probably not a big deal but who knows. 




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On 12/4/2017 at 8:24 PM, meredithalmighty said:

Does anyone know how to access online court records for Hamilton county to see if Ryan filed for a formal custody agreement? I'd think the tabloids would break the story but can't figure out how to search court cases online

You have to sign up but it's free and easy (insert joke here) go to: tennesseecasefinder.com 

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It looks like one of the defendants is an insurance company. Could have been related to the car accident maybe? It also looks like she was served months after the other two. Very strange.

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29 minutes ago, meredithalmighty said:

What does that mean @druzy? In Line 43, "Close case- D1 to pay all costs?" Was Maci the D1 referenced in the document? On the top of the motion, it looks like Maci's identity is D3. Appreciate any insight you have.

Sorry @meredithalmighty I don't have any answers.

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I always thought Bentley looked just like Maci but he looks a lot like Ryan in that first pic. Little Jayde is just the cutest! I think she looks a lot like Taylor. I can't help but look for signs of FAS every time I see Maverick. So far he looks pretty normal. 

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I wouldn't wish a m/c on anyone, so I'm sorry for both of them. But Maci sure does seem to get pregnant a lot for someone with so-called fertility issues. 

I don't like how she brought it up on camera, when it seemed clear they hadn't told their families. She better watch it with using super personal stuff as a storyline, because I can tell it's going to really end up pissing Taylor off. 

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6 hours ago, druzy said:

Agree @ghoulina. I guess it was another miracle pregnancy.

Ugh. Seriously? Wanting to reveal it for the viewers before discussing it with family? 

Who was it that guessed Maci would be the one to get pregnant first when @CofCinci asked on another thread? 

I think Maci wants to be a mother not because she truly wanted to be a SAHM, but for the reason similar to Catelynn who is wanting another baby to get out of doing LIFE! I just question Maci who is home all day long, but puts their kids in day care all day, every day. Just like Jenelle. 

Edited by GreatKazu
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18 minutes ago, GreatKazu said:

Agree @ghoulina. I guess it was another miracle pregnancy.

Ugh. Seriously? Wanting to reveal it for the viewers before discussing it with family? 

Who was it that guessed Maci would be the one to get pregnant first when @CofCinci asked on another thread? 

@JuliesMommy guessed Maci

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I feel bad for Taylor in that clip. He clearly spoke to her beforehand about not sharing that with the viewers and she went ahead and told the producer. It’s not just women that are affected by miscarriages as shown with Javi and many other men.

I understand her wanting to share with viewers so people that can relate will feel less alone but this is something they BOTH should have agreed privately on whether to share it or not and to tell their families, first!

Maci was drunk in that clip and looks like she KNEW Taylor didn’t want that made into a storyline but you get gutsy when you’re drunk. He probably fought with her on that at home.

I feel bad for Maci and she should be allowed to discuss what she wants as it is her body but Taylor being her husband deserved to know beforehand and not be surprised on the spot in a PUBLIC RESTAURANT with a film crew.

These type of topics are what’s going to DESTROY these families. Maci and the Edwards are at war over things discussed on TV and looks like Taylor felt betrayed. They need to end this show. It’s not about teen pregnancy anymore.

Again, I know it’s Macis body and I feel terrible that she had a miscarriage as no woman should go through that but Taylor is her husband and his feelings were hurt. Maci tell the viewers all you want but let your husband know in ad advance that you’re going to share something very personal to the BOTH of you.

Also, adopting?? And it has to be an older child? I just don’t know about that know. They’re good parents but they complain about the stresses of having three children as it is and an older child might have some trauma from a previous homelife that they’re not ready for. They have ENOUGH to deal with having a child with an addicted father. Not my life it’s theirs.

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18 hours ago, GreatKazu said:

Agree @ghoulina. I guess it was another miracle pregnancy.

Ugh. Seriously? Wanting to reveal it for the viewers before discussing it with family? 

Who was it that guessed Maci would be the one to get pregnant first when @CofCinci asked on another thread? 

I think Maci wants to be a mother not because she truly wanted to be a SAHM, but for the reason similar to Catelynn who is wanting another baby to get out of doing LIFE! I just question Maci who is home all day long, but puts their kids in day care all day, every day. Just like Jenelle. 

I think the all-day daycare is a bit odd too, but for Kaiser's sake, I'm glad Jenelle keeps him there as long as possible. At least for 8 or so hours a day the little guys is loved, fed and given some attention.

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15 hours ago, GreatKazu said:

@JuliesMommy you win!

Until she hits menopause. 

Thanks buddies!! ? but that was an easy one. Just like KAZ mentioned, its another excuse for her to stay in her bubble and not really have to really face life. Another excuse to have keely/keenly/kelly or whatever tf her friends name is...on her couch and maci sloooooooow talking about, rhiiiiine, his snake of a wife, and TTM. 

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20 hours ago, ghoulina said:

She better watch it with using super personal stuff as a storyline, because I can tell it's going to really end up pissing Taylor off. 

Agreed!  He looked so uncomfortable and had to leave the table and she looks like she was smirking when she goes “Are you mad”.   I’m sure there was a reason they hadn’t told their parents yet so it is beyond bizarre that she tells this super personal info to the camera crew and producer first.  Maci previously said they have horrific fights and I can see why.

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I feel for Maci and everything that she went though, and all that.

BUT like everyone said, man she really had no concern for how Taylor felt about it all. You could see that he was actually hurt and didn't want her to share that. They should have both agreed to share that!

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1 hour ago, Booger666 said:

Agreed!  He looked so uncomfortable and had to leave the table and she looks like she was smirking when she goes “Are you mad”.   I’m sure there was a reason they hadn’t told their parents yet so it is beyond bizarre that she tells this super personal info to the camera crew and producer first.  Maci previously said they have horrific fights and I can see why.

My guess is Taylor didn't want his parents and the world to know that he was dumb enough again to not wrap it up after two miracle babies and was thisclose to having 3 miracle babies in 3 years. (I'm sure Taylor also grieved/is grieving the loss, but I have a feeling he's also not all in for a bazillion oopsie kids and probably felt conflicted about the pregnancy, etc.) Or hell, maybe he just wanted that sh*t kept private until he felt comfortable enough to talk about it. In any case, drunk Maci can't be trusted to stick to what they've agreed to share and not share. I really feel for Taylor, but Maci didn't care bevcause St. Maci of Bud Light just had to have an on-air martyrdom right then. 

Also, Maci....I'm not living your life, but given your 3 kids (1 by an addict & 2 by a man you have "horrific fights" with) and the love both of you have for beer, you may wanna not have any more kids.  You know how expensive daycare is for 2 small kids. You don't want to keep having a new one each spring/summer like a farm animal or Duggar....eventually you're going to have to raise those kids without TM money and I don't think TTM money is gonna bankroll daycare for several babies plus your beer and bad tattoo habits. 

I don't care for Mac or Amber at all, but at this stage Maci and Taylor better be thanking both of their shady asses for keeping this trainwreck on air as its bankrolling the Bookout-McKinney Baby Farm & Booze Hall since Maci and the other chicks are BORING as hell.  

18 hours ago, CofCinci said:

OMG!  How many "I can't get pregnant" pregnancies is this woman going to have?!!

In my best Roxanne DeJesus voice: "I caaan't!"

I have second-hand embarrassment for Maci (and Taylor) over these "miracle babies."  Grow up, both of you. Either admit you want a gazillion kids on the Bookout-McKinney Baby Farm & Booze Hall, that you are both too stupid to use contraception properly, or one of you need get surgically sterilized. 

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
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And you all know it only got worse as the night went on. Maci probably chugged several more beers at the restaurant as Taylor informed her he wasn't happy with what she did. You know they had a big fight about it when they got home, too. Going by Maci's own statements about them having those big brawls at home, I can see a drunk Maci cursing with the kids within earshot as they try to sleep. Taylor is trying to remind her about why it was too personal to share at that moment and reminding her of their agreement. 

Maci did look buzzed in that scene. 

7 minutes ago, CofCinci said:

Sharing the miscarriage on camera broke his trust in her. Their relationship is doomed. 

You said it. I wonder how many other times she has broken his trust? When she told him she was pregnant with this latest pregnancy and he looked at her as he said, "You told me you were on birth control?" 

I wonder if Maci wants to adopt an older child because obviously she doesn't want to deal with a baby, but also because she doesn't have to cut back on her beer drinking. In her mind (just guessing) having a baby to deal with requires her to be more on her toes and she can't be drinking as much. 

If Maci wants to have another "natural" baby (I hated that she put it that way as it implies adopted babies are unnatural) and she seems she will try again, she better put the booze down as that doesn't help matters as far as the health of her fetus is concerned. 

Edited by GreatKazu
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“Are you mad?” Um, Maci? Even I can tell he’s mad and I’m not married to him. 

I hate these morons think we’re all just as dumb as they are. Someone with true fertility issues doesn’t sit around talking about having more biological kids with the ease that she did in that scene.

Alcohol can play a part in miscarriages, right?

Edited by Meatball
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On 1/18/2018 at 9:32 AM, druzy said:

What an awkward scene. I think @MyPeopleAreNordic is totally right though, that Taylor wasn't planning on telling his parents that Maci miscarried, and now he kind of has to, lest they hear it with the rest of the world when the scene airs. I would bet Taylor and Maci have led both sets of parents to believe they are using birth control so they can focus on their "careers" and raising their existing kids.


I wonder if Maci wants to adopt an older child because obviously she doesn't want to deal with a baby, but also because she doesn't have to cut back on her beer drinking. In her mind (just guessing) having a baby to deal with requires her to be more on her toes and she can't be drinking as much. 

I don't think Maci has any intention of adopting anyone. That's a long, involved process, and Maci couldn't even get her ass to community college to finish one semester of school. I am sure she's just talking about it on camera so people can ooh and ah over what a kind heart she has, wanting to adopt.

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40 minutes ago, Meatball said:

“Are you mad?” Um, Maci? Even I can tell he’s mad and I’m not married to him. 

I hate these morons think we’re all just as dumb as they are. Someone with true fertility issues diesn’t sit around talking about having more biological kids with the ease that she did in that scene.

Alcohol can play a part in miscarriages, right?

Maci does drink while pregnant. 

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Okay.. that clip. Miscarriages are awful and I never want that on anyone but Maci was acting so strange that clip. First off, Taylor clearly didn’t want to talk about it and she knew which is why she did the whole “if we want another baby.. you have to remember.. just think about it” and he did and then he leaves and she shares ON CAMERA! what the deal was. The hell was that? 

Its one thing to tell a producer off camera, the girls all talk like the cast members are their family but again.. off camera. Why did she chose to say it to the producer while still filming? I don’t understand her actions sometimes.

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