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S20.E24: Head of Household #8 cont; Nominations #8


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10 hours ago, Eolivet said:

I realize that JC is playing a game, but I can't enjoy someone whose entire strategy seems to be "laugh at someone who you pretend to be friends with in the DR, behind his back."

JC's George-and-Lenny relationship with Fessy is so confusing, because I have literally no idea what his end game is. The only thing I can hope for is he's either in for an epic blindside when level 6 turns on him, or Tyler turns on level 6 in favor of him and his epic goat-iness.

I don't even think the dude has an end game. I think he just wants to go around and cause chaos and confusion every week. 


45 minutes ago, icemiser69 said:

Hayleigh chose to align herself with people that suck at the game.  That is something that she has to own.

Agree. And I think she is failing to adapt. It's quite clear how Fessy's mind works. So even though you KNOW Scottie is innocent and you respect him as a friend, you don't take the tack of sticking up so hard for him. Turn on someone else instead, and don't focus on Scottie at all. 

The way Haleigh talks to Fessy would be awesome in real life. But not in the game. She needs to learn to manipulate him better. Because coming down hard on him and calling him out as stupid ain't gonna work. JC is whispering in one ear and playing to his baser instincts? You do the same. 

  • Love 2

I also thought Scottie was gay. He didn't tell us that at one point? Coulda sworn he did. Shrug. But I guess Haleigh would have pointed that out to Fessy at some point. Or would she? She's my favorite, but she's a bit too resigned sometimes.

The thing that stood out to me most though is this -- even if Scotty "like, likes her likes her" ;), what difference does that make if Haleigh is picking Fessy?  Does Fessy really think Scottie is competition? Does he have to eliminate every man that shows interest in Haleigh? She's pretty and nice -- there will be more dudes interested going forward, post show, bank that. What's Fessy going to do then?

  • Love 3
8 hours ago, Kris117 said:

My favorite bit was when Fessy defended putting up Scottie by saying that he’d never talked game with Scottie. Haleigh countered by pointing out to Fessy that he hadn’t talked game with most of the houseguests, and maybe they would make good targets, too. Plus, unlike Scottie, they weren’t aligned with him and had taken out several of his allies. But of course, after several seconds of crickets, Fessy was right back to EVIL SCOTTIE IS EVIL MUST VOTE HIM OUT.

Does not matter.  Nerd, BAD!


2 hours ago, Wandering Snark said:

She said, exasperated, that she's going to enjoy going up on the block next to Faysal next week and being voted out. An argument most people would get a lightbulb over their head with... but with Faysal? Nuthin'

I also love how she shot down his "Scottie doesn't talk game with me".

JC is a creepy little troll.

All I see when JC is on the screen...


  • Love 7
2 hours ago, ByaNose said:

It would be smart to put Fessy & Haleigh on the block together. Just from a vote perspective. I wonder who would have the nads to do it. This week the HOH has to pretty much show their cards. As Fessy said, the numbers are getting smaller and smaller. Wait! Did I just quote Fessy?

Putting up Fessy and Hay would be the easiest nominations for the next HOH. The votes show that they're isolated, so the HOH clearly wouldn't be pissing anyone off by doing it. The HOH would only be screwed if one of them won veto and pulled themselves off, because then the HOH would have to show their cards a bit. (Though throwing up Kaycee again probably would be OK; she'd know she had the votes to stay and L6 seems to trust each other that way.)

  • Love 4
44 minutes ago, LoneHaranguer said:

Did he? He said he was putting up two liars. BTW, I can't believe he asked if anyone wanted to see "your boy's" HOH room.

I think he said by putting up the two of them he would find out who was the liar.  Or what he was trying to say.  Not that what he was trying to say made any sense at all.

Next week should be an easy week for the House if Hay can't win HOH.  Everyone else will just put her up next to Fessy.  If a renom is needed either Kaycee, as the designated renom or Sam, if she goes deeper into madness, will do.  If Hay wins then they will just have to figure out a way to get Fessy out on her watch or Sam will go totally bonkers and be removed from the game.

Edited by green
  • Love 1
31 minutes ago, LoneHaranguer said:

Did he? He said he was putting up two liars. BTW, I can't believe he asked if anyone wanted to see "your boy's" HOH room.

Is this some new slang?  I've heard it a few places.  Are people so afraid to use first-person pronouns incorrectly that they use "your boy"  instead of "I"  or "me"?  

6 minutes ago, backformore said:

Is this some new slang?  I've heard it a few places.  Are people so afraid to use first-person pronouns incorrectly that they use "your boy"  instead of "I"  or "me"?  

Only on B.B.   Paul used the term incessantly, though many others are guilty as well. Bay referred to herself as “your girl” several times when she wasn’t calling herself a queen. 

  • Love 2
4 hours ago, Gummo said:

And I hope Haleigh's family have that Restraining Order ready when the show is over.

They live on a Texas farm, so yeah - it goes by the name of Winchester.  :>


6 hours ago, phlebas said:

So if we assume Scottie leaves this week...

Unless she wins HOH, Haleigh of Troy is the odds-on favorite to go next week. Scottie will have at LEAST a week with Haleigh in the jury house (RS and Bayleigh will be there, but they're not suitors) without Fessy there to chaperone. That should eat at the circus peanut Fessy uses for a brain.

I only hope he realizes that. Or JC tells him. 

Evict Sam after Hay, and make it two; I wanna see Fessy rattling apart like a Yugo going down a washboard road.

And JC could make it three.... :D

  • Love 7

RE: Brett and JC's reactions in the DR:

I have to say, I think I'd be just like them if I was a houseguest. I know I would feel guilty about laughing at others behind their backs, but... come on, Bayleigh and Haleigh and Rockstar and Faysal were/are so blindingly gullible as to believe everything the last person who spoke to them said. So, if I was able to pull off such lazy lies that fall apart upon simple inspection, and had a group of people who willingly accepted everything I said as truth? Goddamn right I would be in the Diary Room, giving my best Wicked Witch of the West cackle while rubbing my hands together in glee, all because of how shockingly brain-dead the other houseguests are to believe such transparent lies. I know I would be the one in the DR saying, "Can you believe this? These idiots fucking bought it?!!" And that would be followed by gales of belly-laughter.

Is it petty and vindictive? Yes. But I know that, despite all my protests that I am above such things, deep down I know that I am petty enough to do something like that. And also, the Diary Room seems to be the only place houseguests could conceivably just "be themselves." Or it used to be, but thanks to that vile bitch Britney Haynes, the DR is now used for painfully-scripted "banter" and "one-liners" or a monotonous play-by-play of what the audience is watching, or a "well-fucking-duh" moment where some fool on the block says, "I need to win this comp to guarantee my safety!" No fucking shit, Sherlock. I watched some of Kaysar's game-play on Season 6, and noted with deep longing how articulate and well-spoken he was. You just don't get that type of insight into gameplay anymore.

So, fuck Britney. And Allison Grodner.

But come on (and I know there are people who seriously dislike Level 6), The Hive has just provided so much entertainment from their clueless idiocy alone. You could have sat them all down and explained to them, with colouring books, crayons and maybe some pop-up books, that Level 6 is a legitimate alliance who have been working together since the beginning... and they still wouldn't believe you.

  • Love 11

I know I'm giving Fessy too much credit with this one but... I wonder if Scotty wearing a Texas A&M shirt increased his chances of going on the block. (Read, "Made Fessy even more jealous.") I don't remember Scotty going there, but Haleigh does. If I missed something and am wrong about Scottie attending, let me know.

  • Love 1

Honestly I just can't with this season anymore. I know it's getting lots of love from lots of fans but this happens to me every single year. The people I root for are cannibalized and the people I hate triumph. I don't know why I keep doing this to myself. I may have to bow out for awhile.


I realize that JC is playing a game, but I can't enjoy someone whose entire strategy seems to be "laugh at someone who you pretend to be friends with in the DR, behind his back."

That's the thing, I just can't stomach the sight of Brett and JC cackling in their DRs about their own brilliance. I can't stand either one of them.

  • Love 16

I feel bad for Scotty that Fess is this dumb.  Wow.  JC was cracking me up with his little plan, I am just shocked it worked! 

Pretty funny when Fess opened the bathroom door on Sam. 

I liked JC trying to talk like Sam.  

Wouldn't a big move for Fessy be to put up Tyler? He is too dumb for this game. 

  • Love 3
3 minutes ago, HeShallBMySquishy said:

So, if I was able to pull off such lazy lies that fall apart upon simple inspection, and had a group of people who willingly accepted everything I said as truth? Goddamn right I would be in the Diary Room, giving my best Wicked Witch of the West cackle while rubbing my hands together in glee, all because of how shockingly brain-dead the other houseguests are to believe such transparent lies. I know I would be the one in the DR saying, "Can you believe this? These idiots fucking bought it?!!" And that would be followed by gales of belly-laughter.

Same here, although I suspect my delivery would be more deadpan than cackling - something along the lines of, “I know  I’m not that smart, so I reckon they just must be that dumb.”  ;>


3 minutes ago, HeShallBMySquishy said:

thanks to that vile bitch Britney Haynes, the DR is now used for painfully-scripted "banter" and "one-liners" or a monotonous play-by-play of what the audience is watching, or a "well-fucking-duh" moment where some fool on the block says, "I need to win this comp to guarantee my safety!" No fucking shit, Sherlock. I watched some of Kaysar's game-play on Season 6, and noted with deep longing how articulate and well-spoken he was. You just don't get that type of insight into gameplay anymore.

So, fuck Britney.

But which came first - the Britney or the script?  :)

I always had the impression part of the reason the Britney DRs went over so well with the genpub was - for the larger part, anyway - what we got was pretty-close-to-genuine Britney; she had a Mean Girl talent for snark and a spokesperson presentation style, and it translated to DR gold for Production.  The real problem was once Britney’s season was over, subsequent DRs seemed dull.  They lacked a similar spark and sizzle, so TPTB has since attempted to manufacture it via cue cards and/or teleprompter.


3 minutes ago, HeShallBMySquishy said:

And Allison Grodner.

No argument there.

  • Love 2
24 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

I just can't stomach the sight of Brett and JC cackling in their DRs about their own brilliance. I can't stand either one of them.

To me, it seems a little overmuch to tout yourself as the Grand Puppetmaster when the puppets you’re dealing with basically don’t have much more than one string.  :> 


8 minutes ago, backformore said:

I can't figure out why Sammy and JC are not ever considered for eviction.

Because both would go absolutely batshit insane the moment their sacred ass touched Block naugahyde, and nobody in the House wants to put up with that.

(all those poor little naugas....)

  • Love 7
16 minutes ago, HeShallBMySquishy said:

I have to say, I think I'd be just like them if I was a houseguest. I know I would feel guilty about laughing at others behind their backs, but... come on, Bayleigh and Haleigh and Rockstar and Faysal were/are so blindingly gullible as to believe everything the last person who spoke to them said. So, if I was able to pull off such lazy lies that fall apart upon simple inspection, and had a group of people who willingly accepted everything I said as truth? Goddamn right I would be in the Diary Room, giving my best Wicked Witch of the West cackle while rubbing my hands together in glee, all because of how shockingly brain-dead the other houseguests are to believe such transparent lies. I know I would be the one in the DR saying, "Can you believe this? These idiots fucking bought it?!!" And that would be followed by gales of belly-laughter.

There have been a long line of houseguests who laugh at the stupidity of other players behind their backs. Heck, Dr. Will and Mike Boogie invented the "ring-ring?" "hello?" "guess who was stupid enough to believe us?" ::collapses into peals of laughter::  Paul did it last year, and I remember Dan doing a variation on it in BB14. I don't have a problem with "laugh at stupid game play behind people's backs" on its face -- that's sort of the nature of the game.

My problem with JC and Angela (less so with Brett) is I feel like they purposely befriend people for the sole purpose of cutting them down and laughing at them. I mean, I truly believe that nobody went into the house thinking that Dr. Will and Mike Boogie were their friends. If they were stupid enough to believe Dr. Will and Mike Boogie in the game, that's on them. Even Paul last year had more of a disbelieving "wow, you believe me ... well ... okay" tone to his confessionals.

But JC going out of his way to "befriend" Fessy when he thinks he's a stupid person and is easily manipulated and cackling about pulling the wool over his eyes feels personal and crossing a line. Angela doing the same thing to Bayleigh, where she made an effort to be extra nice for the sole purpose of stabbing her in the back and laughing about it ... I don't find that entertaining or quite frankly, good game play.

I cut Brett a little more slack, because after Rockstar had gotten out the pots and pans to try to antagonize him, any overture he made to her was going to be full of crap. But I don't feel like he's gotten in Hayleigh's ear for the sole purpose of making her feel like a moron and cackling about it behind her back. Tyler is a master at playing hard without making it personal, so it's not like it's difficult.

But when you go out of your way to cultivate a personal relationship with someone where your sole goal is not only to take them down, but to make them look as stupid as possible? Even if they are stupid? To me, enjoying that so much says more about JC and Angela's character than it does about Fessy and Bayleigh's intelligence.

  • Love 6
14 minutes ago, Nashville said:

Same here, although I suspect my delivery would be more deadpan than cackling - something along the lines of, “I know  I’m not that smart, so I reckon they just must be that dumb.”  ;>


But which came first - the Britney or the script?  :)

I always had the impression part of the reason the Britney DRs went over so well with the genpub was - for the larger part, anyway - what we got was pretty-close-to-genuine Britney; she had a Mean Girl talent for snark and a spokesperson presentation style, and it translated to DR gold for Production.  The real problem was once Britney’s season was over, subsequent DRs seemed dull.  They lacked a similar spark and sizzle, so TPTB has since attempted to manufacture it via cue cards and/or teleprompter.


No argument there.

Oh yeah, no argument here regarding that. My first exposure to Big Brother was Season 15, the Season of Racists, followed by Season 16, the Season of Misogynists. It always amazes me when people extol the virtues of Derrick as a BB legend; he was the one who pushed Caleb to pursue Amber so aggressively. Derrick was the one who initiated what many of the males in his alliance felt: that women were expendable, that women were simply weak people who willingly allowed themselves to be so easily manipulated that their opinions didn't matter, etc. Derrick may be remembered as (shudder) one of the great Big Brother players, but, goddamnit.


  • Love 4

Did you catch the expression on Tyler's face when Fessy nominated Scottie?  I played it back a couple of times.  His face went from paralyzing fear to shock to complete dumbfoundedness mixed with a wee little flicker of unabashed glee.  It was a beautiful thing.

Edited by laurakaye
  • Love 5
1 minute ago, HeShallBMySquishy said:

Oh yeah, no argument here regarding that. My first exposure to Big Brother was Season 15, the Season of Racists, followed by Season 16, the Season of Misogynists. It always amazes me when people extol the virtues of Derrick as a BB legend; he was the one who pushed Caleb to pursue Amber so aggressively. Derrick was the one who initiated what many of the males in his alliance felt: that women were expendable, that women were simply weak people who willingly allowed themselves to be so easily manipulated that their opinions didn't matter, etc. Derrick may be remembered as (shudder) one of the great Big Brother players, but, goddamnit.

I don’t know how much of that was intrinsic misogyny on Derrick’s part vs. Derrick simply being pretty amoral in exploiting the tools available for his use - said tool being Caleb, who you have to admit was a pretty big tool.  ;)

  • Love 2
8 hours ago, icemiser69 said:

I understand people being upset at JC"s game, but I would hope he wouldn't be attacked due to something he has no control over, his height.

But this works the other way around; JC gets a free pass that he might not otherwise get, just because people don't see him as a comp threat.  (Despite the fact that there are mental comps, and that his small body weight actually helps him in endurance comps.)

7 hours ago, Jel said:

Does Fessy really think Scottie is competition? Does he have to eliminate every man that shows interest in Haleigh? She's pretty and nice -- there will be more dudes interested going forward, post show, bank that. What's Fessy going to do then?

Simple.  He's going to evict every man who finds Haleigh attractive from planet Earth.  It's a job of work, but Fessy's your boy!

  • Love 5
3 hours ago, HeShallBMySquishy said:

You could have sat them all down and explained to [Foutté], with colouring books, crayons and maybe some pop-up books, that Level 6 is a legitimate alliance who have been working together since the beginning... and they still wouldn't believe you.

I'm always reminded of S17, when Audrey told Meg Malley about Sixth Sense (well, the part of it that Audrey knew about, anyhow)…and Grandma Meg laughed right in her face.

And then the following week, when Jason got backdoored, he laughed bitterly that "I guess they really are all working together, after all!" and Meg sobbed/corrected "Now!"  Because she was so stupid she couldn't even admit how stupid she'd been.  Damn, she'd have fit right in here, wouldn't she?  I wonder if she can do a good blaccent…

  • Love 3
On 8/20/2018 at 2:11 AM, HeShallBMySquishy said:

Am I the only one who can't stand Kaycee?

Waves hand - "Me too".  Isn't she the girl who plays "pro football"?

On 8/20/2018 at 8:56 AM, laurakaye said:

That scene was simultaneously heartbreaking and disturbing.  The fact that Hayleigh actually followed Fessy's directive to not go out and talk to her friend just left me speechless.  Especially since Hayliegh KNOWS what a bad idea it is to put Scottie on the block.  It sure makes for entertaining tv, but the level of stupidity makes me twitchy. 

Ladies!  If you go on this show please DO NOT be that girl.  The girl that has little flings around the house and needs to listen to a male player.  Ugh!

On 8/20/2018 at 8:56 AM, CountryGirl said:

It's official.

By a vote of everyone (watching) to zero, Fessy, you are the biggest idiot in the Big Brother house.


On 8/20/2018 at 7:36 AM, Wandering Snark said:

She said, exasperated, that she's going to enjoy going up on the block next to Faysal next week and being voted out. An argument most people would get a lightbulb over their head with... but with Faysal? Nuthin'

I also love how she shot down his "Scottie doesn't talk game with me".

JC is a creepy little troll.

He looked like he couldn't understand what she was talking about..........................

JC is very creepy.



Will you vote with the house or against the house?

Definitely against the house, but you got to know when to play your card. 


This is Faysal's quote from The Hollywood Reporter.

Edited by jumper sage
  • Love 2
40 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

Is she going to stop a mudhole in him?

That sounds remarkably... anti-violent..... :D


13 minutes ago, jumper sage said:

Waves hand - "Me too".  Isn't she the girl who plays

Kaycee is the girl who keeps saying, “Let’s GO!!!”, but never does; she’s the Never-Gone Girl.

Edited by Nashville
  • Love 6

So I guess we didn't see enough of JC's DRs and Hulk-related machinations, since we were also treated to a fucking useless scene of learning to speak Southern. Of all the shit they could have shown, THIS is what we get? I'm sick of that cackling little maggot.

Another thing to be sick of: duplicative comp narrations from whoever the editors feel like featuring. I definitely needed Sam to drawl to us that the first person to fill up their glow stick with Godzilla semen wins the comp, y'all! Sit the fuck down.

Kaycee is the worst actress, and so goddamn arrogant and defensive once again. She seems like the type who won't even care about getting taken out by Tyler, it's pathetic.

Fessy is just utterly disgusting. If Scottie goes this week, part of me wants Hayleigh gone next, then Brett. And let the rest slowly skewer Fessy about who's having fun in the jury house, but not actually evict him to join. Tell the dick-brained stalker that if he DoRs he can go join her, only for him to find out that upon leaving voluntarily he actually never goes to jury. I picture him screaming "HAYYYYLEEEEEEEEE!" (a la "STE-LLAAAAAA!!") in the rain, pulling out his hair.

  • Love 4

So, to sum up:

• Rockstar says there's an alliance working together in the house, consisting of at minimum Tyler/Angela/Kaycee, who are now holding meetings out in the open.

• Rockstar gets voted out by an even larger margin, suggesting that the alliance might be more than just those three.

• One of Rockstar's few remaining allies wins HoH.

• Said ally then nominates exactly zero of the three players Rockstar called out.

Damn.  Might as well skip the final plea speeches, if this is the sort of attention that gets paid.  I mean, you could at least nominate Tyler for old time's sake, if nothing else…

  • Love 6
14 hours ago, Porterest said:

Only on B.B.   Paul used the term incessantly, though many others are guilty as well. Bay referred to herself as “your girl” several times when she wasn’t calling herself a queen. 

If I had the money to fly a plane by the BB House, I’d have it say that people should shut up with that already. 

I do suspect Production told them to cool it, because houseguests in the DR use it much less than they did in the first week or so. 

I expected JC to do much better in the HoH slip and slide, because he’s low to the ground and supposedly a dancer. But if he was throwing it, that makes more sense. 

I still can’t get over last week, when Rockstar was thinking she would stay. She was counting JC as a vote for her because “he always votes with the majority.” Hello? Maybe he isn’t trustworthy? 

2 hours ago, Kris117 said:

I expected JC to do much better in the HoH slip and slide, because he’s low to the ground and supposedly a dancer. But if he was throwing it, that makes more sense.

His legs are too short to do well in that.  Fessy could stride back up to the start in about a half dozen steps where it took JC about 20.  So he never stood a chance.  Not that he wouldn't throw it if he did stand a chance of course.  Last thing JC wants to do is win HOH.  That would destroy his game.

  • Love 4
13 hours ago, Halting Hex said:

I'm always reminded of S17, when Audrey told Meg Malley about Sixth Sense (well, the part of it that Audrey knew about, anyhow)…and Grandma Meg laughed right in her face.

And then the following week, when Jason got backdoored, he laughed bitterly that "I guess they really are all working together, after all!" and Meg sobbed/corrected "Now!"  Because she was so stupid she couldn't even admit how stupid she'd been.  Damn, she'd have fit right in here, wouldn't she?  I wonder if she can do a good blaccent…

The "Blinders on" goes all the way back to the infamous Season 1 where an evicted houseguest was actually able to tell  her friend still in the house through a live video link Julie Chen and the producers allowed that  so and so was LYING to him and I still remember the genial look on the guys face, smiling and paying ZERO attention to what Brittany was trying to tell him and did nothing about it. So of course, he lost but I suppose the deck was stacked against him anyway with America deciding the winner and the guy with the disability was always going to get the sympathy vote. Flashforward to now and again you have it spelled out to Fessy from Hay about how NO ONE talks game with him and not just Scottie but his blinders are on and he won't listen. He will earn his eviction stripes with his nomination choices.

  • Love 3
On 8/20/2018 at 2:52 PM, Skycatcher said:

Something else he can't control is his strong accent.  He talks too fast and whispers too much.  I have to admit I dislike him because of this. I cannot understand most of what he's saying.  That's important on a program that is largely based on strategies, both good and bad.

The whispering in general on the feeds tends to be indecipherable to me, they need to either do something about the microphones or make a rule that they can speak quietly but can't whisper. 


I thought Sam didn't like people imitating her accent, didn't she get angry over it before?

Something I said in another thread but still valid, Faysal is upset over Hayleigh playing the game by getting close to different men but he certainly doesn't mind getting close to different women in the house himself as we have seen

  • Love 1
40 minutes ago, amazingracefan said:

The whispering in general on the feeds tends to be indecipherable to me, they need to either do something about the microphones or make a rule that they can speak quietly but can't whisper. 

Relatively speaking, Production’s audio crew has really been falling down on the job this season.

  • Love 3
2 hours ago, amazingracefan said:

I thought Sam didn't like people imitating her accent, didn't she get angry over it before?

This is the first we've seen about Sam's sensitivity on this issue (or lack of same) during the episodes, so the "here's how to be a hick" segment could be weeks old.  For all we know, this could be taking place at the same time while Rachel and Bayleigh were having a "bonding chat" in the HoH.  Any possible dislike Sam had for this sort of thing (if it fed into the "who's making fun of me?" bad temper we saw after Haleigh's HoH win last week) might have happened after the scene we see here.

Or Sam could just have gotten over the whole thing, I suppose.

  • Love 1
14 hours ago, Halting Hex said:

So, to sum up:

• Rockstar says there's an alliance working together in the house, consisting of at minimum Tyler/Angela/Kaycee, who are now holding meetings out in the open.

• Rockstar gets voted out by an even larger margin, suggesting that the alliance might be more than just those three.

• One of Rockstar's few remaining allies wins HoH.

• Said ally then nominates exactly zero of the three players Rockstar called out.

Damn.  Might as well skip the final plea speeches, if this is the sort of attention that gets paid.  I mean, you could at least nominate Tyler for old time's sake, if nothing else…

Nice summation!

14 hours ago, Nashville said:

Well, Fessy is right about as sharp as a Tic-Tac - so there’s that....

You always crack me up and with pertinent facts to boot.

  • Love 4
4 hours ago, Nashville said:

Relatively speaking, Production’s audio crew has really been falling down on the job this season.

I've found that turning on CC can help. The producers won't caption what they can't figure out well enough to write something coherent, but the captioning service is OK with writing gibberish and there are usually enough correct syllables that you can get the gist of what's being whispered.

  • Love 1

Here’s my thing; my home audio setup is such I only have to run it at about 10-15% output for every other show I watch - but when the BB Whisperers get to going and Production’s audio crew DOESN’T correspondingly amp up their mics, I’ve had to crank the home audio up to anywhere between 50-80% to make out jack shit of what’s being said.

So when the broadcast then abruptly switches BACK to normal-volume-talking people - or worse, to commercial - there go my fucking windows.

  • Love 2

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