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S02.E06 Sorry, Not Sorry

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As Hagood busts out her brushes to set Catherine’s portrait in motion, Louis ponies up big money for his sock biz to roll with the big brands at the PGA Trade Show. Upset with Catherine’s dishonest façade, Hannah pushes Catherine to admit there’s someone else in her life. Meanwhile, Hagood sets out to impress Mom by having a professional test her sake, but is she over her head? And after Lyle misses Catherine’s housewarming party claiming he needs “space," Catherine flips the script and calls Lyle out for playing the victim.

Original air date 2018.08.20

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I loved how Hagood went from super greatest new sah-kay brewer (distiller?) to <wompwomp> maybe I should just go live on the rice farm after all because my very first batch wasn’t perfect.  Oh, but then who will love me?!  Sigh.  I hope this passes quickly because I was actually starting to enjoy her, sah-kay pronounciation notwithstanding.

Daniel’s hair!!  Hahahahahahaaaaaahahahahha.  No seriously dude, cut your hair.

Edited by TexasGal
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I still don’t understand why we should remotely care about Catherine and Lyle. They sorta dated  years ago and he liked her more than him, she likes still dangling him along while she skanks around, it’s not gonna work anymore so let’s just move on and quit discussing it already, show. Pretty sad that this has been the main second season storyline of this sad series.

Speaking of sad, divorce has not been kind to Ashley. Guess she can’t afford all the Botox, funky fashions and facial treatments anymore. Funny how she went from being the queen bee to the social pariah among this bunch.

Louis and his $25 kitchy socks...cannot believe this has actually been a semi-successful venture for him, especially since even the likes of Rob Kardashian couldn’t make his own silly sock biz a success.

Haygood and her post-failed sak-AY meeting weeping gave me shades of Landon and her post-failed Roam travel website meeting with Lockert Steele. Poor little rich girls who can’t make their dreams come true and might have to just go work at the dreaded family business instead, oh boo-hoo!!

Daniel, dude...for the love of Yahweh, cut your hair already. It’s embarrassing now; only Anthony Kedis could get away with that style 25 years ago. But he had better hair and was a rockstar. 

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The way Haygood pronounces sake ("sah kay") gets on my nerves everytime.  Don't know why.  

Daniel looked sort of cute in the first season.  He looked like a downright bum with the hair and clothes at Catherine's party.

Ashley looked terrible.  She could have stood to have put some powder on her forehead.  Some folks on this show look really red in the face throughout the show (e.g., Catherine, Louis).  Wonder if it's the sun or the boozing?

Edited by Jets4274
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Ok, so this season has been back for maybe 5 episodes and Catherine and Lyle have broken up at least 3 times. Enough, already. BRAVO, take a poll. WE DON'T CARE. 

Next week looks like fun when Louis tells Hannah that she's asexual! 

So far, I see no need to have Ashley back. She's not even stirring shit so what's the point? 

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6 hours ago, Jets4274 said:

The way Haygood pronounces sake ("sah kay") gets on my nerves everytime.  Don't know why.  

Daniel looked sort of cute in the first season.  He looked like a downright bum with the hair and clothes at Catherine's party.

Ashley looked terrible.  She could have stood to have put some powder on her forehead.  Some folks on this show look really red in the face throughout the show (e.g., Catherine, Louis).  Wonder if it's the sun or the boozing?

My money is on booze.  Especially since it tends to occur with sleepy eyes and slurring of words.

I think my issue with sah-kay, which I'm sure is probably the correct Japanese pronunciation, is because she goes from this perfect little southern accent to such a put on voice with the word.  It's like here in Texas (and California from what I can tell from visits to family) when Hispanic newscasters speak without the trace of an accent and then they say their names with super rolled r's etc.  It cracks me up and annoys me simultaneously. 

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Daniel's hair....LMAO. I'm just going to go ahead and believe that he was trolling for the cameras. With his hair and outfit at the party, I imagined it's what the comic relief character in a bad 80s movie would look like, lol.

Ashley's return was pretty anti-climatic.

On one hand, I get why Hannah is annoyed with Catherine since Catherine is lying to her face even though they're supposed to be friends. But on the other hand, Hannah is asking the questions that she knows Catherine doesn't want to answer, therefore she chooses to lie to Hannah about it instead. Solution - stop asking her the question Hannah. It's time you realize that if you are friends, you let your friend come to you when she's ready, until then, mind your business and give her positive energy to help be as happy as she can be, at least when the two of you are together. All that said, I still give zero fucks about Catherine and Lyle's relationship.

Hagood seems like a sweet girl who can't stand up for herself because she cares too much about upsetting her parents, especially her mother. I feel that her mother sees that weakness in her and tries to capitalize on it by constantly pushing her own agenda on Hagood knowing that there's a good chance that she can influence Hagood to do something, not because Hagood wants to, but because her mother wants to. I can respect that Hagood has aspirations to pave her own in life rather than rely on what her family has handed to her and I can appreciate the emotional struggle it must be for someone her age to figure out how to balance expectations with her own wants but all that said, she's still going to inherit all of it when her parents are gone. Her life ain't THAT bad. I know it was only her first batch of sake but I kind of wished that she had gotten a more excited response by the taster only so that she could shove it in her mother's face who seems to low key root for her to fail at this sake thing.

I'm actually interested for next week's episode to see how things lead to Louis calling out Hannah as asexual. Is that his own prognosis because she doesn't give it up enough for his liking or is this genuinely something that Hannah feels about herself? I imagine it would be incredibly difficult to be with someone who is truly asexual if you weren't as well...but that assumption could just be pure ignorance on my part.

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This is the first time I haven’t liked Hagood, she read a book or two and looked at some YouTube videos and thought her first batch was going to knock it our of the park? Girl, please!

Lyle and Catherine just need to stop. They aren’t interesting alone or together so they should be off the show.

Does Ashley even know Hagood? I cracked up with the body language when they were all sitting on the couch Brandon, Hagood and her friend were practically sitting on each other’s lap in order to be as far away from Ashley as possible.

Edited by biakbiak
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Don't care about Lyle and Catherine. 

I do like Hagood- she's very beautiful with an awful name. And her mother is a P.O.S. for that alone I too wish she would have had a little success at her first Sake tasting. 

Louis and Hannah probably need to move on from each other as well. Some women don't have that high of a sex drive. Just because she's not putting out every night doesn't mean she's asexual but I'll wait until I hear the full story. 

I loved when Catherine met Lyle and proclaimed how thirsty she was and then orders a beer.If it was anyone else I might not have given the side eye but for me (and I love me some beer) when I have to actually state how thristy I am I drink water. 

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Lyle and Catherine have pretty much made this everyone's business so I think their friends are totally fine throwing their 2 cents in.  I am also team Hannah, if Catherine has another boyfriend or whatever and keeps wanting to talk about how Lyle is mistreating her I would have called her out as well.  You cannot have a real conversation if you are leaving out an extremely large detail.  She just wanted her to own it because it does factor in if you are talking about wanting to work it out with your current 'boyfriend'.  Hagood's pronunciation of Sa-KAY does crack me up......I just can't help but like her though.....she just seems like a nice person.        

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Don't care about Lyle and Catherine either.  Since when does a friendship rely on knowing everything about the friend?  Girl, please.  How many of us actually question our friends on the state of their relationships?  Not me.

Daniel - Your hair is way to thin to have a 90s girl's cut.  You looked ridiculous.

Hagood - Loved how she knows her mom is restless out at the farm.  Was disappointed that she thought the sake meeting was a bust.  He gave her good advice to move forward.

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I take back every bad thing I have ever said about this show for the past 2 seasons.

Daniel's hair made every excruciating Lyle/Catherine moment worth it, by god it was epic.

Edited by bosawks
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1 minute ago, bosawks said:

Daniel's hair made every excruciating Lyle/Catherine moment worth it, by god it was epic.

I was confused because I thought it was clearly a joke but then he seemed hurt when Catherine mocked it.

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1 hour ago, bosawks said:

I take every bad thing I have ever said about this show for the past 2 seasons.

Daniel's hair made every excruciating Lyle/Catherine moment worth it, by god it was epic.

You are spot on!

1 minute ago, blondmommy said:

is hagood a family name? it just doesn't have a nice ring to it as a first name.

Yes it is an old name yada yada yada, I Googled it for fun and it does have a long history for Scottish immigrants of the Picts yada yada yada, used mostly for boys but whatever.

1 minute ago, Mountainair said:

I'm sure it is. I see it all the time here in N.C. A guy I used to work with named his son Mclachlan. It was his wife's maiden name and they call him Mac for short. Stupid.

[shakes head and not in a good way]

People!  That's what middle names are for.

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i have no idea what goes into sake making, but since it is japanese, i assume there are many required steps and a studied process of attaining perfection is required.  i know it took our favorite sushi chef many years to achieve his status. i can't see that anyone would accept a 1st time sake maker as legitimate just because her father owns a rice farm in georgia.  who knows. 

Edited by blondmommy
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17 hours ago, Jextella said:

I know Savannah is a bit of a sleeper compared to other Bravo shows, but I like it.  There is room/need for less drama in the Bravo universe.  I hope it stays.

i don't need all the drama..  this sleeper is fine by me.

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I’ll defend Hagood. If you rewatch the episode, she’s not acting like a spoiled little rich girl who gives up the first time somebody is mean to her. She actually says it was hard to hear those things, but she’d love nothing more than to take his advice and go to Japan for a year (or however long) and learn the craft, but she also knows her father is in poor health and wants her to take over the farm. And she’s 24!!! That’s a lot on her plate. She could easily be another Shep, somebody who uses his family’s wealth to avoid any responsibility and is just a leech on society, but instead she wants to create her own path. And her mom not only pushes her too hard, but somehow thinks SHE’s an expert in everything and can tell Hagood what she needs to do. 


The girl needs to take a break and breathe a little. There’s too much pressure on her at a time when she should be free to make mistakes and figure herself out. 

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Wow, what happened to Ashley’s face?? It reminded me of when Samantha got that peel on Sex & the City that scorched her face off. 

Ashley looks 10 years older than everyone else. 

Hagood and the “sah KAY”. Stop. Wow, she is really under her parent’s thumb. They are so laser focused on her, it’s too bad she has no other siblings to occupy her mom’s time. 

The previews and Hannah being called asexual. I like Hannah but I can see truth in this. She never touches Louis.

Then she admits they have no sex life to speak of and Brandon asks why she’s afraid of penises. All signs point to...somethin’ ain’t right. 

But then...why is Louis with her at all?? 

Daniel’s long hair is damn hideous. It is as thin as paper and looks unhealthy/flat as a board. He would look better with a buzz cut, shit. 

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Daniel......the.   hair.........just, No!   Make it stop, please.

Did anyone else notice that when Lyle & Catherine we’re arguing in the restaurant, neither one raised their voice....almost an intense whisper instead. No table flipping here.....after all, it’s the South, y’alll..........

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Most of them came off like whiny, privileged spoiled brats in this episode. Even Hagood.

Also, did the women coordinate their grandmothers' 1950s fur coats with each other? Kind of like when school girls coordinate outfits?  Hate.

Brandon is a true sycophant, and desperate to be on TV. Doesn't he know that these people regard him as the hired help, and take advantage of him at their little dress-up parties?

I'm pretty sure a couple of these folks are closeted.

Edited by pasdetrois
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SHIT, Ashley was back!

I hope she's too busy tossing luggage at the airport to show up again.

Loved how the one woman excused herself quickly after Ashley opened her mouth.

The tomato pie, cheese straws and marinated shrimp looked sooooo goooood! Wish Bravo would get the recipes from them.

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I'm torn on Hagood.  I mean, I like her, she seems sweet, and she's fun.  I'm torn on whether or not the whole "I might have to stay and run the family farm for the whole rest of my life" thing is real.  I don't think her parents are THAT old and it seemed like they aren't stuck at the farm 24/7 (though, I may have misheard or something).  I think her dad is having hip or knee surgery, which sucks, but is kind of par for the course as you get older.  It's not a minor thing, but it's also the surgery that Catherine's father just had, either.  It's kind of more of a tune up, I guess.  But, that said, it also doesn't seem like Hagood had a burning desire to do or be one thing, like she'd gone to school to be a teacher or a nurse, and her parents are trying to pull her back to the farm to take over the business.  She has her art, she seems accomplished, but, she also seems to treat it like a hobby, not like she went to school to be a graphic artist, and her parents are pushing her to just come home and work in the rice fields.  So, I just kind of see her wandering around "maybe I'll try to make a living doing portraits!" or "hey, I'll try making sakAAAAY!" and then kind of whining because she'll be forced to come back and work the farm if she can't make "her thing" work out.  Yet, it doesn't seem that she "has a thing" really, just that she's dabbling. I would think she'd be able to make sake while also farming, if she really wanted to.  Most vineyards grow grapes, don't they?

Lyle and Catherine just need to fall into some sort of hole and then we never see or hear from them again.

Poor Ashley.  Delta evidently doesn't even pay enough for foundation now.  Though I also am guessing booze, because, seriously, they're all drunk, all the time.

Why did Daniel decide to get "the Rachel" in 2017? (or was it 2018 when this was shot- I can't tell the timeline)?

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Hagood's pronunciation of Sah-KAY also reminds me of Giada suddenly slipping into heavily accented Italian when she pronounces Moozza-Rella or Spa-GHEETI.  I don't think she's saying it incorrectly, it's just SO ACCENTED and sounds discordant with her normal accent.

Her name is actually Helen Hagood Coxe, apparently, and she goes by her middle name which is almost certainly her mother or grandmother's maiden name or a family name of some sort.  It's very Southern.  I think what throws me off is that it sounds like it should be spelled Haygood.  

I LOVE that Brandon was added to the cast, and Ashley is gone!

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I wonder if her mother or grandmother also are named Helen, so that's why she goes by Hagood?  I have a friend who has her mother's maiden name as her middle name, it's not an obvious last name, so you just kind of think she has a weird middle name (this isn't the name, but kind of along the lines of people naming their kids Saint now, so like Mary Saint Lastname).  It doesn't come up often and then it's just kind of a huh? oh, ok thing.  

The more Southern part to me is the going by her middle name, though.  In all the time I've lived in the south, I can't tell you the number of people I've met that I've known as x then later someone calls y and I'm like, umm, huh?  And they're going by either a middle name or a weird nickname that they have had for their entire lives.  I have relatives (and, I obviously grew up in the north), who are father and son with the same name and the son goes by Jr.  Or, a random relative who goes by their middle name because they prefer it.  I can also think of a family friend or two that had a nickname that was always used, but it seems like in the south, almost no one goes by their legal name.  

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@blondmommy, my family isn't from this country and my parents hated the way "Americans always want to shorten everyone's name" (their words, not mine)  so when my mom was pregnant with my brother they only picked names that they thought couldn't be shortened (naturally that didn't work, LOL).  Maybe Hagood feels the same way?  

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9 hours ago, jalady said:

@blondmommy, my family isn't from this country and my parents hated the way "Americans always want to shorten everyone's name" (their words, not mine)  so when my mom was pregnant with my brother they only picked names that they thought couldn't be shortened (naturally that didn't work, LOL).  Maybe Hagood feels the same way?  

i get that, but other people usually shorten your name.  i have a multi syllable first name, i never chose to shorten it...but it happened.  i sound like an ass if i try to correct them.  so it stuck. maybe i should have spoken up earlier in life, i was pretty shy as a kid.  on my first day of a new school/state in the 4th grade...my teacher actually announced to the class a shortened version of my first name.  i was too shy/embarassed to correct her. from then on i was a 1 syllable name.  i tried to change it later in my professional life, but then i literally had 2 names floating around, and everyone went with the shorter one.

i purposely named my kids 1 syllable names, i wanted them to have simple and strong names that NOBODY could turn into a nickname.  just my preference i guess. 

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On 8/22/2018 at 6:58 AM, Sage47 said:

 The previews and Hannah being called asexual. I like Hannah but I can see truth in this. She never touches Louis.

Then she admits they have no sex life to speak of and Brandon asks why she’s afraid of penises. All signs point to...somethin’ ain’t right. 

But do you blame her? He's all pasty and flabby for a 30 year old. Going to be bald in 5 years. EWWW

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On 10/4/2018 at 4:02 AM, Chalby said:

But do you blame her? He's all pasty and flabby for a 30 year old. Going to be bald in 5 years. EWWW

Well, it makes no sense because if she finds him unattractive then why is she chasing him down and crying over him? Obviously she DOES like him. So then, why no sex?? Leave him if you don’t want to sleep with him, not rocket science! 

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On 10/5/2018 at 5:25 AM, Sage47 said:

Well, it makes no sense because if she finds him unattractive then why is she chasing him down and crying over him? Obviously she DOES like him. So then, why no sex?? Leave him if you don’t want to sleep with him, not rocket science! 

You are right - why is she chasing him? And why is he chasing her and implying that none of that fight even happened? They are so messed up and carrying baggage that they need to stay out of the dating pool. It's not fair to others. And everyone can see that he has cheated on her in the past. BTW - when I said Eww - it's to him in general as a total package as I find men who shave their heads attractive.

Edited by Chalby
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