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S32.E06: A Series Of Unforunate Events

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This week: figurative fucking. Literal fucking. CT making a map of the alliances with pins and string. That gives us another reason to hate Veronica, as she just goes back to bed. Given how many seasons CT has done, he could probably do recaps with pins, string, and a white lab coat.

Once again: there isn't anyone to root for, unless it's for going head-first into a thresher of some sort. Cara Maria is still petulant. Tori is still bitchy about Other Derrick, though he is a weight around her neck. If Kyle didn't have his accent, he'd have so little to work with. Brad is a punkass for bringing up his kids to CM. I will say that the boys look cute, and I feel bad their dad is the meathead's meathead. And Faith can STFU about being a veteran-veteran. Arrrrrrgh. Hey, at least we got a mission and vote! Sadly, no Armageddon (#eyeroll) tonight.

ETA: And Shane is still a pot-stirring little bitch.

Edited by Lantern7
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Nelson doing the arm honk when he saw the steam engine was adorable.  Also it amuses me how they fought before the challenge.

Someone check for all the drapes in the house because I think Sylvia stole one and made a fugly-ass tube jumpsuit with arm warmers out of it.

Cara.  Have some self-respect.

Also the way Tori treats Derrick is super gross.

Edited by mojoween
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2 hours ago, mojoween said:

Nelson doing the arm honk when he saw the steam engine was adorable.  Also it amuses me how they fought before the challenge.

Someone check for all the drapes in the house because I think Sylvia stole one and made a fugly-ass tube jumpsuit with arm warmers out of it.

Cara.  Have some self-respect.

Also the way Tori treats Derrick is super gross.

I can't  stand Tori.  I have always found her to be so damn obnoxious and the way she treats Derrick makes me dislike her even more.

Oh and can someone remind me of why I was happy to see Shane return to the Challenge a couple of seasons ago.  Because I now regret that and wish he went back to wherever was while on hiatus.  He is just a nasty piece of work now.  I cannot recall if he was always like this or not, I remember not being fond of him before but not outright disliking him like I do now.

  • Love 6

Brad can sit the fuck down with saying that Cara is “messing with [his] opportunity to better his kids’ lives.” No one cares that you have kids, it doesn’t give you special entitlement here! This a competition and you just fucked her over yourself! And then to call her a crybaby while HE was the one being a crybaby? Ugh. He’s just so dumb. And Britni is trash. I hope he leaves next. I wish he never returned to the show.

Edited by Rebecca
  • Love 17
1 hour ago, BK1978 said:

I can't  stand Tori.  I have always found her to be so damn obnoxious and the way she treats Derrick makes me dislike her even more.

Oh and can someone remind me of why I was happy to see Shane return to the Challenge a couple of seasons ago.  Because I now regret that and wish he went back to wherever was while on hiatus.  He is just a nasty piece of work now.  I cannot recall if he was always like this or not, I remember not being fond of him before but not outright disliking him like I do now.

I agree. He hasn’t grown up at all. If anything he’s more immature than he was in his 20s. Dude is 35 years old! And I’ve never understood the hype about Tori. She’s damn annoying.

Edited by Rebecca
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Once again, by design, mistake or sheer stupidity, Bananas escapes a challenge tailor-made to send him packing, if only the "power" team actually used its power intelligently.  Removing the rope rendered the mission impossible; by selecting Bananas instead of Cara, Brad and Kyle could have sent Bananas and Tony, arguably their biggest competition, packing.  I really do suspect sometimes that production saves Bananas time and again, because he is the long-running star of this show.  Or the other players are just plain dumb.

  • Love 8
56 minutes ago, crookedjackson44 said:

Once again, by design, mistake or sheer stupidity, Bananas escapes a challenge tailor-made to send him packing, if only the "power" team actually used its power intelligently.  Removing the rope rendered the mission impossible; by selecting Bananas instead of Cara, Brad and Kyle could have sent Bananas and Tony, arguably their biggest competition, packing.  I really do suspect sometimes that production saves Bananas time and again, because he is the long-running star of this show.  Or the other players are just plain dumb.

I’m thinking it’s a mix of that, along with homeboy being charismatic. I was at the “Throwdown” event to benefit Diem’s charity. I think Johnny excels in hyping people up, at least in person. Cut to last night: “Well, ‘Tananas’ is one of the few alpha male teams. On the other hand, Kyle reached a peace with Cara-ly Quinn, so let’s screw her and Marie instead!”

Oh, and I didn’t think of “Tananas.” I got that off a fan group on Facebook.

Edited by Lantern7
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My recording screwed up and it skipped from Kyle saying he wanted to burn a vote to Shane and Davonne fighting. What happened?

Cara Maria is such a fool. Kyle is playing her all over the place and she's letting him. He dumps her, gets "jealous" when she flirts with Paulie, sleeps around with Faith and then punishes Cara by getting rid of Paulie, starting a vendetta with him and then screwing Cara over in this challenge. Then he sweet talks her into not voting for him since he didn't win. Dumbass girl. I hate to agree with Marie but I really do.

That was a really nice board production made up for CT. No way he came up with that on his own.

Shane really needs to stop being so obvious and grasping in his game play. When the level headed one on your team is Nelson...

Edited by TiffanyNichelle
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11 hours ago, Lantern7 said:

Given how many seasons CT has done, he could probably do recaps with pins, string, and a white lab coat.

This would have probably been more interesting than the actual episode....

4 hours ago, crookedjackson44 said:

Once again, by design, mistake or sheer stupidity, Bananas escapes a challenge tailor-made to send him packing, if only the "power" team actually used its power intelligently.  Removing the rope rendered the mission impossible; by selecting Bananas instead of Cara, Brad and Kyle could have sent Bananas and Tony, arguably their biggest competition, packing.  I really do suspect sometimes that production saves Bananas time and again, because he is the long-running star of this show.  Or the other players are just plain dumb.

I couldn't for the life of me understand why they didn't immediately choose Johnny and Tony.  That was a really bad move on their part.  

Derrick still sucks.  Derrick: I am so athletic....this will be a breeze.  Cut to 5 seconds later and he is failing, again, in the most idiotic way possible!  He is the definition of muscles for no reason.

I'm not sure why Derrick/Tori and whoever the other team that was up with them at the same time decided to cross the first part perpendicular when the first 2 teams had already shown that it could be done parallel.  

Loved Shane and Nelson's bickering before the challenge and then afterwards after they DQ'd recognizing that maybe they shouldn't fight seconds before competing.  

Also loved the producers and their "2 minutes later" during the part where everybody was having sex.  Lol!  I certainly was not surprised.  

  • Love 6
20 minutes ago, Rebecca said:

Unless I missed something Cara did end up voting for Kyle and Brad...didn’t she?

It sure looked like she did and they way it was edited it looks like all the people who "burned" a vote so they wouldn't "get blood on their hands" may have all voted for Kyle and Brad which would be Hi-Larious!

8 hours ago, Rebecca said:

Brad can sit the fuck down with saying that Cara is “messing with [his] opportunity to better his kids’ lives.” No one cares that you have kids, it doesn’t give you special entitlement here! This a competition and you just fucked her over yourself! And then to call her a crybaby while HE was the one being a crybaby? Ugh. He’s just so dumb. And Britni is trash. I hope he leaves next. I wish he never returned to the show.

I hated this. It's not Challenge Welfare Brad! If he wants to better his kids' lives he should learn a skilled trade so he can pay a regular and consistent amount of child support. Heck, Actually spending time with his children playing catch in the park would better their lives more than their embarrassment of a dad hooking up on the with someone a decade younger than himself on the Challenge and acting like a fool. Also, Kyle and his "defense" of Brad and his better life can just take several seats!

  • Love 9

"Brad doesn't have a job!" - oh the laughs this elicited...the accent really put it over the top!

Derrick might be the worst competitor vs appearance I have ever seen.  He looks like he SHOULD be able to compete but so far nothing he has done in his 2 seasons shows that he has any actual athletic ability.  He brings zero to the Challenge table.  I mean big old red head Eric was more athletic and did better in challenges.  

Edited by Unclejosh
because accent and accept are not the same word
  • Love 8

I heard Tori (Brad's ex) on a podcast not that long ago and she said Brad was a teacher's assistant and working on becoming a teacher when he up and quit to go back on The Challenge.  So yeah, maybe finishing what you started with teaching would be a better way to improve your kids' lives on a permanent basis.  Also, as Cara so aptly pointed out when 'ol Tony Two Kids tried to pull the kid card a couple of seasons ago - why is it her problem that you don't know how to use birth control?  

  • Love 8

He says that he quit, there are rumors he was fired/asked not to return.  He actually aspires to be a DJ, DJ Plan Bee. Queue the laughs.


All I could focus on during him yelling at Cara Maria, was the thinness of his hair.  It almost looked like he had plugs, the texture up top was so different.  

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Ugh, Cara. Listen to Marie, get off his lap and show some self respect. I know Marie grates but I like her IDGAF attitude in her THs.

It was hilarious that Kyle and Brad didn’t even make it across the beam, yet Cara and Marie did. I’m surprised they decided to try it perpendicularly, none of the teams who did it that way made it.

STFU Amanda. I’m disappointed in you Joss. It would have been interesting if they could’ve brought Sam back to be Zach’s partner.

  • Love 7
7 hours ago, Unclejosh said:

Derrick might be the worst competitor vs appearance I have ever seen.  He looks like he SHOULD be able to compete but so far nothing he has done in his 2 seasons shows that he has any actual athletic ability.  He brings zero to the Challenge table.  I mean big old red head Eric was more athletic and did better in challenges.  

From the Department of Shit I Said In a Challenge Group Watching The Episode: I suggested that if Other Derrick and Jozea took an Ancestry test, it would reveal they're both related to Beth.

7 hours ago, MVFrostsMyPie said:

Cara: "I have girls looking up to me."

Me: "That's unfortunate".

Has there been ANYBODY on this show worth putting on a pedestal? In my mind, the cast is nothing but Charles Barkley . . . they are not meant to be role models.

1 hour ago, snarts said:

All I could focus on during him yelling at Cara Maria, was the thinness of his hair.  It almost looked like he had plugs, the texture up top was so different.  

Like Kyle? I don't notice. Last week, I did theorize that Kyle would become Brad's rebound.

Who told Cara that she has little girls looking up to? And if she really believes that, why did she put up with a relationship with a crazy person in a seemingly dysfunctional relationship for so long? And why is she whining and crying over a man who left her high and dry? Being hurt doesn't mean you have to make yourself look desperate. Don't put that on Kyle. He's an ass but doesn't get the blame for how Cara behaves. Also, what kind of reasoning is it that Cara can't vote for Kyle and Brad because Brad doesn't have a job and it's messing with him being able to provide for his kids? Well then fuck me, why not just have everyone concede the challenge right now to Brad and Kyle and call it a day? No, if you're so worried about putting food on the table and a roof over your kids head, go get a real fucking job Brad. 

Seriously, why is Derrick so useless? USELESS!!! 

Shane just can't help being a little shit. He just feeds off of drama. I love the shot of Tony behind Shane as he sips his drink while Day and Shane are going at each other, haha. 

So....still no elimination challenge? Cool. 

  • Love 3

The funniest part is that you know Kyle doesn’t give a shit about Brad’s kids, but used them to try and guilt trip Cara. His “he’s got two little ones! He hasn’t got no job!” had me laughing. Kyle is without a doubt an ass, but he is the most entertaining member of the cast. 


Shane knows that drama equals being cast for future seasons. It’s a shame that his shit stirring gets in the way of being a good competitor. He should be one of the favorites this season, but you know his mouth is going to doom him. 


Glad to see Johnny not win. Zach dogs Amanda, but she is a solid competitor. She’s agile and good at puzzles. Zach’s strength should more than make up for her lack of size. I think they could probably win. 

Edited by ImpinAintEasy
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Cara has such low self-esteem (at least when it comes to guys and relationships). Get it together, girl!

I usually can't stand Marie, but I like what she had to say about the whole Kyle/Cara thing.

Kyle is a complete ass, but I find him entertaining. How is he practically running the house already when it's only his 2nd season?

I like John better when he's just in the background making funny faces (like he was in this ep) than when he's shit-stirring.

Zach has definitely learned how to say all of the right things to the camera. His, "I wish Jenna wasn't gone, I miss her so much" after Amanda said she was so happy that Jenna left was a far cry from what he would have said in the past. 

Edited by Zima
  • Love 4

I thought the henhouse sequence was funny.

The roosters get their needs met in 2 minutes and one of the hens (Kayleigh) is just glad it’s over with.

Why is Cara crying over 2 pump chump Kyle?  Are the tats and the hair plugs that attractive?


At least they finally had a challenge.  Did they have to run the steam trains over and over?  Maybe that’s why the challenges have been sparse relative to the House drama, seems like some of the challenges could be difficult to set up logistically.

  • Love 1

It’s so disappointing to see Cara having such little self-esteem when it comes to Kyle, but at least she voted for him. It would be funny if everyone else that burned a vote ended up voting for Kyle and Brad too.

How is it Cara’s problem that Brad has kids? I honestly don’t think having kids entitles you to not getting voted into elimination on the Challenge. Brad should get a real job.

Tori is a good competitor, but she annoys me. Derrick is horrible though. 

I want to see more of CT at the Redemption House!

  • Love 3
On 8/15/2018 at 7:52 PM, Lantern7 said:

From the Department of Shit I Said In a Challenge Group Watching The Episode: I suggested that if Other Derrick and Jozea took an Ancestry test, it would reveal they're both related to Beth.

Has there been ANYBODY on this show worth putting on a pedestal? In my mind, the cast is nothing but Charles Barkley . . . they are not meant to be role models.

Like Kyle? I don't notice. Last week, I did theorize that Kyle would become Brad's rebound.

I say related to Beth and related to Laterrian.

Cara Maria and Brad are both jokes this episode.  What parent in their right mind would let their child watch this trash fest?  And what about the times she's shit faced and hooking up with other contestants?  Brad can just go get a steady job like the rest of us if he wants us to feel sorry for him. 

I know they didn't show the whole conversation between Brad and Brittany but I wish she would have said "Brad, Paulie said he was going to say that to fuck with you".  It frustrated me not to hear that.

I didn't know Faith had been in the military.  I looked it up and didn't find too much info except maybe she had gone AWOL.  Would she be classified as a veteran?  

On 8/15/2018 at 12:25 AM, BK1978 said:

I can't  stand Tori.  I have always found her to be so damn obnoxious and the way she treats Derrick makes me dislike her even more.

Oh and can someone remind me of why I was happy to see Shane return to the Challenge a couple of seasons ago.  Because I now regret that and wish he went back to wherever was while on hiatus.  He is just a nasty piece of work now.  I cannot recall if he was always like this or not, I remember not being fond of him before but not outright disliking him like I do now.

Yeah, Tori is really obnoxious and a bad person but her and Derrick are freaking hilarious with their disorientation. lol. 


Shane has for as far back as I remember has been a selfish person who regularly fights with his female cast members.

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