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I can't tell who is who, everyone is blending together. But I don't really care, either. 

the melodramatic reading of the wedding vows by one guy's wife - looked like a scene from a soap opera. I thought my satellite dish had switched channels on me. 

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On 8/31/2018 at 10:54 PM, backformore said:

I can't tell who is who, everyone is blending together. But I don't really care, either. 

the melodramatic reading of the wedding vows by one guy's wife - looked like a scene from a soap opera. I thought my satellite dish had switched channels on me. 

And he considers himself a big hero for marrying a woman with kids. He will be throwing that in her face forever. 

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On ‎8‎/‎31‎/‎2018 at 10:54 PM, backformore said:

I can't tell who is who, everyone is blending together. But I don't really care, either. 

the melodramatic reading of the wedding vows by one guy's wife - looked like a scene from a soap opera. I thought my satellite dish had switched channels on me. 


On ‎9‎/‎2‎/‎2018 at 8:35 AM, spankydoll said:

And he considers himself a big hero for marrying a woman with kids. He will be throwing that in her face forever. 

I am reasonably certain they reshoot the vows and all the hokey talk with his Dad and all that crap. Just like I am sure they reshoot Robbie's conversation with his kids about being adopted, his reunion with his Dad, Angel's conversation with his Mom about his brother and all the rest of the ridiculous backstory stuff. I think that is what is bothering me about the back story crap. 1) It is over played and has little to do with what is happening while they try and survive. 2) It is all so clearly scripted and poorly acted out to be used on the show. There is nothing in those scenes that feels heartfelt or real. Let the people talk about their past, we don't need the hokey reenactments.

They have been better with the back history the last few weeks, or I have gotten better at fast forwarding through it because it annoys me. There is more then enough happening on the island to keep people engaged. This last week was the best of the episodes. I am hoping that the one older woman is able to find someone else to survive with. She seems like a good person who is understanding and willing to do what needs to be done to Survive. The dynamic within the three guys will be interesting. I get the feeling that the two survival/Army buddies are going to be superior pricks instead of trying to work with the third dude who just joined them.

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On 8/24/2018 at 3:20 PM, Mahamid Frauded Me said:

Another social experiment show that was on a few years ago, I think I read it was filmed where the show wipe out used to film, they had a group of strangers live by themselves, grow crops..etc 


If you like social experiment shows, you might enjoy the "House" shows, when a group of strangers take on the lives and personas of different historical periods - Manor House, 1900s House, Colonial House. 

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Anyone else think it was weird that Tracee (I think that's her name) would have access to a charged cell phone to make a video and the phone would still be charged enough that others could watch it later? Then there is no more mention of the phone again, and then women who found it never used it themselves for any fun stuff? 

The solo people do an awful lot of talking aloud/talking to themselves, so it seems they've been coached to do that by the camera people to help provide action/plots. "Look, I see someone over there. I wonder if I should go visit them?"

I think I'm developing a crush on Green Beret/child sex trafficking saver guy. 

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So Eric's wife's parents are so "traditional" she hasn't even told them she has a black husband, but she's got a big old honking nose ring that doesn't exactly scream "traditional" to me. Do they know about that? I think they'd have just as much of an issue with that as they would with her having a husband of a different race. I'm going to go out on a limb and guess that "traditional" is code for "racist."

At least Tim feels bad about giving Eric the cold shoulder after Robbie and Kenzi shared their rice with him. I can't decide whether Richard and Sawyer are just being dicks about Matthew or whether there's some weird thing going on there we don't know about. I'm not insinuating anything but it feels like there's more going on than the show is telling us. 

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It's interesting from a sociological perspective that all the pairs who randomly met up have bonded despite any personality differences and start to rely on each other to the exclusion of others. (So the answer to the question of who you'd choose to be stranded on a desert island with: anybody will do.)

Terry originally wanted to be alone and was a little sad when Reshanna found her, but they quickly took on a familial relationship. Terry started out so strong but now seems a little broken without Reshanna.

I wonder if Eric quit, or was simply away from camp? He was particularly craving human interaction so I wouldn't be surprised if he tapped out. Krichelle is learning that, as much as she feels they subsume her, she loves and needs the affection and support of her brothers and parents. Her arc is done so she'll probably leave soon for medical reasons.

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This is what this show does for me.  I tape it.  I turn it on.  I nap.  I've napped through every one and have no idea what any of them are doing except looking at bodies of water and saying 'I Can't' and trying to find each other only to be disappointed and leave.  Oh yes one more thing.  Reading private journals.

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To be fair, I think that the journals were never intended to be private.  I'm pretty sure they were all told that they needed to make up journals to sort of introduce themselves to each other and to the audience.

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I liked Kenzi until she and robbie were talking about what's the hardest thing you have ever done and Robbie is all antimated "this!! Surviving!" and Kenzi on cue gets all pensive and quiet and says music is the hardest thing she's done. No offense to any aspiring musicians but I actually laughed out loud!! Really? I know everyone has to start somewhere but kenzi in some run down hall walking around begging /demanding tips is all that difficult. Demeaning maybe but if that's how u support yourself maybe it's time to find a job that pays the bills and keep ur band as a fun hobby. I loved that they were so welcoming to the green beret guy and how touched he was by it. I still get the feeling there is a ton of producer manipulation. Sort of the participants are taken within sight of the other island and dropped off by boat (crew) and then they swim the Last ten feet to shore lol. Or they say hey walk over here there's another camp. 

The three guys... I get it. I wouldnt want to have to take care of a third person who had nothing to offer. I know he was trying but he wandered in with no resources and no food finding skills. It's a survival situation. They aren't babysitters. 

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8 hours ago, Zahdii said:

To be fair, I think that the journals were never intended to be private.  I'm pretty sure they were all told that they needed to make up journals to sort of introduce themselves to each other and to the audience.

Given the fact that everyone has a journal and journaling is not usual for Americans we can assume that journaling was part of the contract to introduce us to the participants. Given that there isn’t much to do it’s pretty natural to read the journals especially when you were told to write a journal explaining who you are and what you are struggling with. I don’t see any problem with the reading of the journals.

Btw,  I’m still enjoying the show. I like to see how people respond to different situations. It’s especially interesting to see how dyads are responding to adding another person whether for a day or that the other person looks to stay permanently. The fact that it’s not really a high resource island and there aren’t a lot of other fruits and the fish don’t seem all that pleantiful, adds to the dynamic.   I don’t find it annoying and I watch all of it, just not the commercials. It hasn’t put me to sleep yet, even though I watch pretty late on the DVR.  I assume that there is some producer manipulation because there isn’t a reality show that isn’t somewhat manipulated by production. But  I do worry about the two people who have coral cuts. It looks like a really painful way to tap out of a competition. It’s news to me about how coral can grow inside your legs or some other part of your body.

Edited by Kira53
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1 hour ago, kira28 said:


The three guys... I get it. I wouldnt want to have to take care of a third person who had nothing to offer. I know he was trying but he wandered in with no resources and no food finding skills. It's a survival situation. They aren't babysitters. 

Not saying I disagree, but it’s not as if they have food finding skills themselves. Have the bromance boys caught any fish? Nobody seems to have any fishing luck. Without food packed in found suitcases and coconuts, all of the castaways would be in dire straits.

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I watched the episode last night.

On the journals, they were clearly told to write a journal and discuss very specific issues. I am sure that these are the things that Production picked up on during the interview process and that they want to highlight. They are using the journals to guide the narrative for each of the contestants. Miraculously, each of the contestants have mentioned what is in the journal. Woohoooo. Completely planted and contrived. But I think most of us are of the opinion that these little flashbacks are unnecessary. Just like the flashback scenes are totally contrived and acted out.

The three guys. The two guys have caught a few fish and gathered coconuts, they are not exactly out there rocking survival. They have not built much of anything. They are using a pre-existing shelter and doing a minimal amount of harvesting of food. I suspect that knowing that they would be rescued at some point of time is limiting their activities. Why expend the energy when you know you need to do a minimum for, probably, 30 days. I suspect that they would be more active in gathering and building if they were in a real survival situation. The third dude is making an effort. He is trying to add something. He did not have much to bring with him because the person's whose bag he found had nothing in it. The other two need to not be dicks.

On the other hand, I do think that if this was a real survival situation they would be behaving differently. The two dudes know that they are going to be rescued and that there are exit strategies for everyone out there. Potentially cutting someone lose in that situation is not exactly life threatening. If they boot him, he can go to another pre-staged shelter and probably find food, matches and the like or he can leave the show. He is in a safe place. I suspect that they would be less willing to boot someone in a real situation where someone would be dead if they were booted from the camp.

Robbie, Kenzie and Tim was nice to watch. Yes, they hit Tim's talking points (complete with video footage from 2016), but it seemed like there was a nice exchange. I love how Tim saw that his twosome was not particularly good to Eric and went to try and fix that mistake. Again, I think that was more of a "This isn't a real survival situation so we don't have to share" thing and that Tim and his partner would have responded more to Eric had it been a real survival situation.

As for Tim's partner, no I don't remember her name, mainly because it is long and uncommon so I call her Maui Girl... Maui Girls knee has me really worried. I think she points to the involvement of the camera crews and producers. I strongly suspect she would have been pulled from Survivor by now. Heck, I can think of a number of shows that would never let it get to the point it is now, to include Alone. So while there is some staging, that has not been hidden, and I suspect there are reminders to touch on character story 1 or 2, I don't think they crew is getting involved in day to day decisions and what we are seeing is how the folks are legitimately responding to the situation.

Personally, I would be happy if there was more shown regarding what to eat, where to try and gather, and other camp life discussions.

The last few episodes have been far better then the first few.

I am tracking 9 people right now.

Robbie and Kenzie

Tim and Maui Girl

The Three Men (Matt, Sawyer and a third dude)


Older Woman (Anna?)

We have lost three people:

iPhone Video


Africa American Homeless woman


Hey I am down to only three people who I cannot easily name. I count that as progress.

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I decided to start watching this online last night.  I made it halfway into episode three, then involuntarily shut it off while Eric was introducing his little girl to his new wife for the first time.  Children of divorce break my heart, probably because of guilt over the one I created, so I teared up  hearing that little girl's first words after meeting the strange white woman who's going to the park with them: "Then Mommy's going to pick me up, right?"  The poor thing needed to be reassured that this woman wasn't going to take her mother's place and she would never see Mommy again.  Gah! So this show is over for me.  I wanted to see an older woman surviving on an island alone and instead I get triggered into a sleepless night.

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15 hours ago, Kira53 said:

It’s news to me about how coral can grow inside your legs or some other part of your body.

That's because coral can NOT grow inside a person!  A scrape or cut from coral can certainly introduce some nasty bacteria which can quickly progress to a nasty infection but a human body is quite an inhospitable environment for coral... the salinity is wrong, the temperature is wrong, the nutrients are wrong, the light is wrong and that's just the very minimal building blocks for an oceanic lifeform.

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On the other hand, I do think that if this was a real survival situation they would be behaving differently. The two dudes know that they are going to be rescued and that there are exit strategies for everyone out there. Potentially cutting someone lose in that situation is not exactly life threatening. If they boot him, he can go to another pre-staged shelter and probably find food, matches and the like or he can leave the show. He is in a safe place. I suspect that they would be less willing to boot someone in a real situation where someone would be dead if they were booted from the camp.

That's a fair point. I don't think a show like this can demonstrate, with any great accuracy, just how people would survive if the situation were real and not staged for the cameras. The participants are influenced by their awareness that it's not really life or death. Sawyer and Richard's discussion about the morality of kicking Matthew to the curb takes this into account for sure.

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16 hours ago, sharkerbaby said:

That's because coral can NOT grow inside a person!  A scrape or cut from coral can certainly introduce some nasty bacteria which can quickly progress to a nasty infection but a human body is quite an inhospitable environment for coral... the salinity is wrong, the temperature is wrong, the nutrients are wrong, the light is wrong and that's just the very minimal building blocks for an oceanic lifeform.

I don't know why, but I find the fact that the girl from Maui is telling everyone it is growing in them to be hilarious.  Someone (her father?) probably told her that at one point as a kid and now she's sharing that info as gospel.  I really want someone to tell her she's wrong.  Despite all of that, that wound looks NASTY and she needs to quit and get medical attention.  Regardless of whether or not it's "growing" in her, it's caused a pretty serious infection. 

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20 hours ago, iMonrey said:

That's a fair point. I don't think a show like this can demonstrate, with any great accuracy, just how people would survive if the situation were real and not staged for the cameras. The participants are influenced by their awareness that it's not really life or death. Sawyer and Richard's discussion about the morality of kicking Matthew to the curb takes this into account for sure.

Which makes it that much worse. They KNOW they're on television, and that no one's life is in actual danger, but they don't care that they look like selfish assholes.

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My two-cents:  Kenzi lecturing Robbie that their meager food stores have to be saved and rationed is pure passive-aggressive behavior.  "We have a responsibility to feed other people who might wander up here, so I don't care if you're hungry.  Hands off, Tubby."  WTF.


I don't understand the situation with Matt, the guy who's aching for companionship but feels reluctant to "intrude" on Krichelle and Tim.   They must have given him some indication he wasn't entirely welcome, but I hope the cues were neither intended nor interpreted as racial.  Oddly enough, I totally understand Krichelle's anxiety she'll get shut out of a potential boys' club--been there.


Yes, the filming gimmicks are silly and screwball, but I approve of the little video from the woman who clearly tapped out before she even got started.  That was a clever way to let the audience check her off and still maintain the full count at 12.


Can't believe the two bros are considering ousting the third bro.  I guess they would have thrown rocks at the old lady if she'd come strolling along.  It's these small glimpses of Lord of the Flies social stuff that makes the whole thing worth my ten hour investment.

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Wish they would clarify some things:

Where and how are they getting their drinking water ? We don’t see anyone boiling water for drinking.

Do any of them have any fire making skills or are they all using matches already provided (Maui girl used up 2to 3 matches to start ONE fire...totally wasteful) ?

Why aren’t Kenzie’s and Robbie shoring up the roof of their premade shelter....it’s the same stuff up there as when they got there...with big gaps in the thatch.  I’d want to make it as watertight as possible...and there’s plenty of “stuff” all over the place that they could use with minimal effort.

WHEN ...and how....does this show end? Are they competing against one another for a prize? If so, what is it and how do you earn it? What’s the end point?

Do they know Survivor starts in a few weeks and if this doesn’t end before that, no one will be watching anyway???

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3 hours ago, Diana Berry said:

I actually watched the last episode ( with limited multi-tasking ).  Is it getting better or just me?

I think the last few episodes have been better. People are being a bit more active. I think I saw that they were on day 7 on the screen. 

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Yes I had three episodes taped and finally made myself watch them and it is a bit better but still really slow going.  I don't know what they eat or what they do for the water.  The coral seems to be a really big problem.  It grows inside you.  Yipes who knew?

A couple of the story lines are picking up some interest.  Anxious to hear how the mixed marriage works out.  He seems so sad on the island but was so happy with his bride.  Sigh. 

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They are eating coconuts and drinking coconut water. We have seen Eric, Sawyer, Matt, Tim, Maui Woman, and Robbie with coconuts. Robbie and Sawyer (or the other bro) have caught some fish. Maui Woman injured her leg when she brushed against coral fishing. A few folks have found rice or other food at the pre-staged shelters. And there is the food that was in peoples bags. That has varied from some cookies to bags of trail mix, beef jerky, granola bars and the like. They are on islands that appear to be pretty lush which makes me think that there is a good amount of rain and probably fresh water available on the islands but we have not seen people dealing with the water issue.

I actually like that they are not just focused on the food gathering but have included it as a part of daily life. We have seen the folks discussing what they found in bags and harvesting coconuts and fishing. It is all there.

We also saw Robbie adding palm ferns to the roof of his shelter when Kenzie left. He was worried that she left because she thought he was lazy and wanted her to see he had improved the shelter if she came back. We have also seen a good amount of resource harvesting from other camps that the people have found. Robbie and Kenzie brought back a net and some other gear. The Bros made a raft to move the bags they found and stuff discovered at other shelters with them.

I am fine with the pacing, I just wish there had been less of the back story at the beginning and more of the day to day survival. I have enjoyed the last couple of episodes. I suspect that the participants figured out their situation and started to move to make changes to their situation.

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I don't understand the situation with Matt, the guy who's aching for companionship but feels reluctant to "intrude" on Krichelle and Tim.   They must have given him some indication he wasn't entirely welcome, but I hope the cues were neither intended nor interpreted as racial.  Oddly enough, I totally understand Krichelle's anxiety she'll get shut out of a potential boys' club--been there.

It was Eric who was less-than-welcomed by Tim and Krichelle. Matt is the one who is currently bothering Richard and Sawyer because he's an extra mouth to feed and they discussed the option of telling him to take a hike. (I don't blame anyone for not remember these people's names . . . just trying to help out!)

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Eric picked up on Krichelle's vibe. Krichelle really does not want a third person at her camp, especially if that third person is a man. I believe that Krichelle and Tim discussed hiding their food so that Eric didn't realize that they had more then coconuts to eat. Krichelle was clear in her talking heads that she was worried that Tim and Eric would Bro up and that she would be on the outs. I don't think Tim was all that active in sending the vibes out but did nothing to encourage Eric to stay. I suspect that Eric would have stayed with Robbie and Kenzie because Robbie and Kenzie were very welcoming and warm. Eric might have stayed with Richard and Sawyer because he was willing to work and had some developed survival skills so the Bros would have been far more welcoming to Eric then they have been to Matt.

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I don't think they are burning it off, I think it was summer programing and the summer is coming to an end.

Another good episode. We learned the fate of Eric and lost Tim and Krichelle. I expected that Krichelle would leave, her leg was looking pretty bad, she made the right call. I sucks that Tim is a medic but wasn't able to do anything to help her because of the lack of materials.

Tim's departure was a surprise. He had all the skills he needed to survive but the down time got to him. I know a good number of folks who have served in the Armed Forces, a decent number of those folks were in one of the Special Forces units, and they all talk about how hard it is on their families. The time deployed and the inability to communicate is insanely hard. And then when they get home and reinsert themselves into established routines is a huge challenge. I am sure that the tension that comes with participating in missions and preparing for those missions is enough to keep Tim and folks like him occupied and challenged mentally, so they have less time to reflect on their families. Sitting on an island trying to survive with all the downtime that comes with it probably made it harder to justify being away from his family. Especially since his daughter handed him a list as to why this sucked.

I really like the vibe between Robbie and Kenzie. They seem to mesh well together and are able to help each other. Tim fight into their little group pretty well. They have a good attitude and are looking for ways to make it suck less.

Matt, Sawyer and Richard have a totally different dynamic. Sawyer and Richard are kind of dicks. Matt is struggling and their attitude is that he should suck it up and go into the jungle to try and find something to eat. I get their point, you need to do something to survive, but when someone is that spent and you have been eating more you can get the guy a fucking coconut. Then again, Matt is being a bit whiney, he didn't have much at his last place and he spent a lot of energy trying to get out of there so he is spent, but if he was on his own he would have to find something to eat. Expecting that the other guys are going to simply had him food is a bit much. Sawyer and Richard did not have the food find the Krichelle and Tim found and have harvested their food. I don't think they found the rice that Kenzie and Robbie found. Kenzie and Robbie and Tim seem to be able to augment the food that they found with fish and fruit. The three bros seem to have coconuts, the occasional fruit, and the like. It is too bad Matt did not find Robbie and Kenzie but I am not sure that Matt would pull his weight at their more laid back camp.

Terry seems to be doing well on her own. I am not sure what she is eating but she seems to be pretty chill and happy with being on her own.

So we have 6 people left. I will be surprised to see how long Matt holds on. If the preview is right, Matt is going to try to get to the island with Robbie and Kenzie.

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I'm a little puzzled that we haven't seen Robbie and Kenzie try to use the fishing net they found at one of the other camps. It took some effort on their part to drag it back. It's definitely a skill to learn how to throw and gather it, but better than trying to jab a fast-moving fish with a stick. I'm also wondering if they were all provided with sunscreen. 

Robbie looks noticeably thinner to me already, especially in the face. Kenzie got such a lift from the clothes Tim brought over; it was nice to see her cheer up. I'm conflicted on her because she's been fairly enterprising and kind on the island but comes off as a bit self centered and unlikable in her home segments.

Just quit already, Matt. I don't even remember what his backstory is but it probably involves whining. Are the two other guys hiding their miraculous cache of granola bars and rice from him? I don't think so but I'm not ready to take a quiz on it, either.

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I wouldn't put it past Sawyer and Richard to hide food. Hell, Krischelle and Tim hid food from Eric when he came to visit. The only pair that has been open with sharing food was Robbie and Kenzie.

Robbie has lost weight, no surprise there. He weighed over 400 pounds when he started and was probably eating 4,000 or more calories. I would be surprised if he is eating 1,000 calories a day on the island. He could very well be using a pound a day for a little bit there. After 20 some days, I would expect that he has lost 20 or more pounds.

And I am certain that every suitcase had a ton of sunscreen in them so everyone is protected. And the shelters have a decent amount of cover for them to keep out of the sun.

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I just don't get this show. It isn't entirely uninteresting, but it does seem pointless overall. I guess they are trying to sell us on the notion that these people have undertaken this adventure to "learn something about themselves," but really, what are they learning aside from how hard it is to survive in heat without much food or water? What is their incentive to stay if they can go home any time they want? There is no mention of a cash prize for lasting the longest. I'm not really buying into the concept that Tim went on this show to learn that his family needed him. If he's in the armed forces and is deployed overseas for long stretches of time then he would certainly have known that already. He just got tired and frustrated and used a bunch of sentimental crap as an excuse to quit. That's really all there is to it. 

I think the concept of the show, as a whole, needed some tweaking because it is failing to do whatever it is that it set out to do.

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We know that there is money involved, the Producers said as much in an interview. They have decided not to make it a bit part of the show, well any part of the show, because they thought that there were more interesting things to air.

I don't think that Tim went on the show to learn that his family needed him. To be honest, I don't think we have the slightest clue why anyone choose to participate.

I suspect Tim went on the show because it was a cool adventure and money was involved. I suspect that the same is true for Sawyer and Richard, maybe even Matt.

Matt is trying to prove something to himself after his racing career failed. At least, I think it failed.

I am guessing that Kenzie came on the show for the money, starving artist and all that, and to have some time to reflect on if she really wanted to be a musician.

I am guessing that Robbie came on the show as a crash diet and to prove to himself that he didn't need to eat like crap all the time. And maybe to help him think about why he was eating what he ate and some life decisions. Robbie seems to be the person most comfortable out there. He is tired and hungry but seems to be the cheerleader of his camp. He might be hung up on the adoption thing, at least the way it was hyped on the show, but he appears to have a good outlook on life.

I am guessing that Angel came on the show for the money, it was something he could send home to help his brother.

Eric really baffles me. Maybe he came on the show for the money and for a chance to really think about his marriage. Something about the dynamic that we have been seen is really, really off. I can't see marrying someone, no matter how much I love them, who would want to hide me. The reenactments have not done anything to help us understand what is going on. Do you really think I am going to buy that ha convinced his wife to call and tell his parents they were married?

I think Krischelle is the only one whose reason for coming on the show is pretty clear, she wanted to get away from her weird family life and prove to herself that she is capable. Terry came on the show because she wanted to go some place cool and be alone.

I fully buy that Tim figured out that he had made some decisions that were good for him but not so good for his daughter while he was out there. I actually think that Tim probably clued into that when his daughter handed him a letter tell him how he has screwed up as a father. He needed time to process that information.

In the end, I am not to worried about their reasons for being out there or the money. I find it interesting what is motivating the different camps. The Bros camp has two people who are hard core into the surviving element and who cannot deal with Matt's apathy. The Kenzi/Robbie camp seems to do a decent job providing for themselves and keeping spirits ok. They can admit that it sucks but the keep on going. They seem to be talking to each other about what they are doing with their lives and thinking about where they are in their lives. Far more introspective and supportive. And then you have Terry who is enjoying communing with nature. I have no clue how she is surviving, we have not been shown any of that, but she seems to be content and like she is eating ok.

Honestly, the only person who I can see a lot of physical changes to is Robbie. The others seem to be in fine shape, no one seems to be losing a ton of weight. Hell, they all look positively healthy compared to Survivor contestants at this same stage.

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It's incredible to me how many of these people can't handle being alone.  I hope Terry wins at the end, because she's the only one that isn't annoying the shit out of me, with the possible exception of Robbie and Kenzie. 

Karma got to Krichelle and Tim for being dicks to Eric.

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Karma got to Krichelle and Tim for being dicks to Eric.

When will Karma hit Richard and Sawyer for being dicks to Matt? I hated the passive-aggressive way they ragged on him for not leaving his beach sooner. 

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3 hours ago, Token said:

It's incredible to me how many of these people can't handle being alone.

Robbie was one of the worst in that regard at the start; really aching from loneliness (abandonment issues, yadda yadda). I'm curious to see how how he'll do if Kenzie has to leave because of illness. From what we've been shown, he seems to have grown quite a bit more self-reliant.

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5 hours ago, Token said:

It's incredible to me how many of these people can't handle being alone.  I hope Terry wins at the end, because she's the only one that isn't annoying the shit out of me, with the possible exception of Robbie and Kenzie. 

I've been alone for 35 years and have loved every minute of it.

Robbie and Kenzie taking in the douchebros outcast.

Go Terry!

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3 hours ago, iMonrey said:

When will Karma hit Richard and Sawyer for being dicks to Matt? I hated the passive-aggressive way they ragged on him for not leaving his beach sooner. 

I know!  They act like they've built a house and have food stored for 6 months.  They haven't done much either, so I'm not sure why they're ragging on Matt.  Maybe Matt's answer should have been, "well, I stayed there because I didn't want to run into a pair of dicks!"

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10 hours ago, PaperTree said:

I find the idea of having to "prove" something to your Dad repulsive.

I tried for years but nothing I ever did was good enough for my Dad so I quit trying.

Then he did me a favor and died.

No regrets.

The thing is, her Dad doesn't seem to be all that douchy, at least based on the totally realistic and not dramatized re-enactments that we have seen. He was very clear that everyone in the family was proud of Kenzie and she should only be pursuing music because she wants to. So if she is trying to make him proud, she has succeeded. So either the re-enactments are bogus (say it aint so) or she really wants to break into the music industry and is finding that it is really, really hard.

Richard and Sawyer are just not very good people on this show. They are not the only ones to be old, Tim and Krischelle were pretty cold to Eric. They clearly did not want a third person. The only pair that has been welcoming has been Robbie and Kenzie.

Robbie and Kenzie continue to rock. They are welcoming and kind. They are great to each other. I love how supportive that Robbie is. He is doing what he can to help Kenzie stick it out. I wonder what she has encountered that caused that type of allergic reaction? She had the rash after eating whatever seaweed they ate but the stomach issues seemed to come well after the hives. I don't know how food allergies work but I thought that the reaction happened reasonably quickly and might grow without meds but 48 hours strikes me as a really long time.

I wish Matt would stay with Robbie and Kenzie but we know that he won't. Why the hell would he leave them to go back to the Super Bros? A welcoming environment is far better then the toxic Bro camp.

I still love Terri and her attitude. She seems cool.

The last bunch of shows have been far better then the first few shows. Some flash backs but not too many. Have we seen any flashbacks for Sawyer and Richard? I know Matt is a failed race car driver who is clearly an adrenaline junkie. Kenzie wants to be a professional musician and not making it. Robbie has abandonment issues and food problems but is a good football coach. Krischelle was raised by a father on the run, off the grid in Maui with a lot of over bearing brothers. Angel is an immigrant whose brother is in trouble in Guatemala. We had the homeless woman (whose name I never learned but seemed nice). Tim is the SF Medic who rescues underage girls in the sex trafficking business at the expense of his family life. Eric is in a biracial marriage with a woman whose family is not happy with the idea. Someone married a woman with a kid but I can't remember if that is Richard or Sawyer.

Overall, the only people who I would say are coming off as assholes are Richard and Sawyer. Krischelle came off as spoiled and clueless and worried about a third person but I think she would have been fine if Eric had joined them. Tim came off as competent and growing. I don't really have an impression of Eric. I don't find his back story all that exciting, honestly the only back story I found kind of interesting was Tim's, and he didn't make much of an impression on the show. 

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Stay with Robbie, Matt! Don't go back to the douche bros! I mean, who are the entitled ones now? Sawyer and Richard are already bitching that if Matt doesn't come back he's screwed them over. Say what? First they wanted to kick him out now they expect him to swim back and tell them whether or not they should join Robbie's camp? Why can't he just send a smoke signal or something? He clearly was not welcome at Sawyer and Richard's camp, and he's the one who got off his ass and swam across the ocean to get away. Now they expect him to come back. What a couple of dicks.

I'd like to know how Terry is managing to thrive all by herself when everyone else seems to be dying. Was she lucky enough to land on Grocery Store island or something? I don't know . . . I suspect the producers are actually giving these people some rations and Terry just happens to be subsisting on them better than everyone else.

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39 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

Stay with Robbie, Matt! Don't go back to the douche bros! I mean, who are the entitled ones now? Sawyer and Richard are already bitching that if Matt doesn't come back he's screwed them over. Say what? First they wanted to kick him out now they expect him to swim back and tell them whether or not they should join Robbie's camp? Why can't he just send a smoke signal or something? He clearly was not welcome at Sawyer and Richard's camp, and he's the one who got off his ass and swam across the ocean to get away. Now they expect him to come back. What a couple of dicks.

I'd like to know how Terry is managing to thrive all by herself when everyone else seems to be dying. Was she lucky enough to land on Grocery Store island or something? I don't know . . . I suspect the producers are actually giving these people some rations and Terry just happens to be subsisting on them better than everyone else.

She might have found the right suitcase(s). Matt had packed a massive amount of food in his bag. I know someone found a suitcase with a couple of galloon size ziplocks with food in them. You could ration that out pretty nicely and then spend little energy floating in the water so you don't burn off a ton of calories.

I do wish that they would show more of the food harvesting. We have seen some of the fishing and coconut gathering but I suspect that there is more going on then we are seeing.

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15 hours ago, PaperTree said:

I find the idea of having to "prove" something to your Dad repulsive.

I tried for years but nothing I ever did was good enough for my Dad so I quit trying.

Then he did me a favor and died.

No regrets.

I find Matt very, very odd.  There's something sad and beaten down about him, behind that energy and adrenaline.  There's something very wrong there.

ETA: Sorry, thought your comment was about Matt but realised it might be about Kenzie.  But my feelings on Matt are the same.

Edited by Token
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13 minutes ago, Token said:

I find Matt very, very odd.  There's something sad and beaten down about him, behind that energy and adrenaline.  There's something very wrong there.

ETA: Sorry, thought your comment was about Matt but realised it might be about Kenzie.  But my feelings on Matt are the same.

I actually think that Matt and Kenzie are very similar. The big difference is that Matt realized he would not be able to achieve his dream of being a professional race car driver and Kenzie seems to be just starting to come to grips with that possibility. I would hope that they both are able to look back one day and smile at the memories that they made chasing their dream even if they did not achieve the end goal. It is heart breaking to reach for something, really work for something and not be able to achieve that something. They are both young, hopefully they will be able to process what happened and move on.

I actually think that is why they are both on the show, to try and prove something to themselves while giving themselves the forced time off to think through their life choices. I would hope that they both end up in a better place at the end of the show. They have both proven to be more positive and open to others then pretty much all of the other contestants out there.

The Douche Bros seem to be there to be there, more of a macho prove that I can survive thing. Terri seems to be there for the adventure and to enjoy the environment. Robbie is trying to figure something out and, I think, deal with some of his food craving issues in a really extreme way. But Matt and Kenzie both seem to be trying to process the idea that they worked their hardest at something that they loved and have failed to achieve what they wanted.

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She might have found the right suitcase(s). Matt had packed a massive amount of food in his bag. I know someone found a suitcase with a couple of galloon size ziplocks with food in them. You could ration that out pretty nicely and then spend little energy floating in the water so you don't burn off a ton of calories.

I do wish that they would show more of the food harvesting. We have seen some of the fishing and coconut gathering but I suspect that there is more going on then we are seeing.

There's a lot going on that we're not seeing and that's one of the big problems with this show. How might Terry have "found" the right suitcase? How exactly did each suitcase or backpack wind up in each location? And how did the various contestants wind up where they did, initially? None of this happened in a vacuum.  I assume that all 12 of them weren't thrown overboard somewhere and told to swim to the nearest shore (or they all would have wound up on the same one). There's probably some random variable but we have no idea what it is or how this situation was set up. They haven't even given us a fictional scenario of why or how these people wound up where they are. 

It's just really odd that everyone looks so miserable while Terry seems so happy to be where she is and is out playing in the water. If she lucked out and got the biggest food haul then they should show us that. We need more of that kind of explanation and less of these cheesy flashbacks and self-reflections.

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