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S06.E21: Sean & Dottie LIVE CHAT

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6 minutes ago, Pepper Mostly said:

I've seen people in Boston from time to time who have clearly just been released from the hospital--dressed in gowns, carrying those plastic bags marked "patient belongings". Street people, poor people, homeless. On a bus or the subway, no one to pick them up or take care of them. Its sad. 

While I had traveled back to my parents to show them the new baby, there was an apartment fire in our building. My husband was in the hospital briefly. He only had his hospital gown and a voucher for clothes (we were living on VA benefits, so no car, no money, no nothing but a new baby). He had to get on the bus in the hospital gown to get to the store. He told the guy, "I need some clothes" and the salesperson looked at him and said, "I guess you do!" 

Just a year ago, I found a newspaper picture of him online showing a fireman giving him oxygen. 

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Just now, cmpbl said:

Houston is a huge city I'm sure they have places that deliver groceries. If they don't that would be a great business for someone to start.

yes! In my area we have Peapod and Instacart. Houston must have Instacart, or Amazon Fresh, or Target Shipt. What gives, Dottie? 

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Just now, QuinnInND said:

He was her baby and was always going to be her baby. She wasn't all there either IMO

Most of the contestants (for lack of a better word) on this show seem to not be all there. That's why it is refreshing when they have somebody like Amber on the show.

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1 minute ago, dreadfulLeigh said:

This goes without saying, but I am endlessly furious at his mother. What she did to him, or even did t do, is atrocious. It’s like the other side of the coin of neglect. He has no coping skills. The mentality of a 10 yo, and that’s probably verryyyy generous. 

Hell, my 2 year old, of her own volition, has more common knowledge of self care, cleaning, and preparing food than this 27 year old man! She’s like me, though, in that I insisted I should start doing my own laundry at 13, got my liscnse at 15 and moved out 3 weeks after graduation. Sean, seemingly, appears to be naturally unmotivated and risk adverse, a perfect base for his mother’s horrible parenting. He’s like those poor children you read about, neglected to the point of brain atrophy and cognitive deficits. As a mother, I just can’t fathom wtf she was thinking raising him to such a helpless lump. 

Am I remembering correctly watching Sean's mother explain to someone that he had an injury in high school that didn't heal right and he basically just got in his bed and never left it again? NOT that I'm saying that excuses anything. But I do think it played perfectly into his mother's...syndrome...(I truly believe there was some serious Munchausen's by Proxy going on there) and allowed her to baby him and keep him "sick" for whatever her reasons were. The absent husband/father; the giant "baby" keeping her in the center of attention as the only one who *knew* him; I think she reveled in the notoriety of being the hero for the sick manbaby.

I've always pushed the idea of responsibility on my kids. They don't always like it or cooperate, but they know how to do dishes and run the vacuum and washing machine and dryer. They also know how to prepare simple meals for themselves. My husband was 25 when we got married and his mother still did all his laundry for him. There was no way I was raising my kids to be clueless like that.  Sean's mother did him a serious disservice and now she's not here to pick up the pieces of the broken man she created.

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3 minutes ago, dreadfulLeigh said:

This goes without saying, but I am endlessly furious at his mother. What she did to him, or even did t do, is atrocious. It’s like the other side of the coin of neglect. He has no coping skills. The mentality of a 10 yo, and that’s probably verryyyy generous. 

Hell, my 2 year old, of her own volition, has more common knowledge of self care, cleaning, and preparing food than this 27 year old man! She’s like me, though, in that I insisted I should start doing my own laundry at 13, got my liscnse at 15 and moved out 3 weeks after graduation. Sean, seemingly, appears to be naturally unmotivated and risk adverse, a perfect base for his mother’s horrible parenting. He’s like those poor children you read about, neglected to the point of brain atrophy and cognitive deficits. As a mother, I just can’t fathom wtf she was thinking raising him to such a helpless lump. 

It's downright cruel the way she raised him. She clipped the wings of her baby bird so that she could keep him with her forever and ever. Never would he grow up, get a job, fall in love, have children or give her grandchildren.  

I still remember how hostile she got with Dr. Now when he confronted her about keeping Sean sick. I agree with Dr. Now that we were looking at Munchausen syndrome by proxy. She was making him unhealthy on purpose and keeping him that way.  Shame on her!

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He uses a bucket instead of a toilet???   He needs to hit rock bottom? Exactly what does he consider rock bottom if this is not it??

He doesn’t need to deal with Dr Now’s attitude????

Edited by Kid
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A.... bucket.


How pitiful


Everything is soon, temporary, a rough patch.... life is now hon, life is now. 

Edited by MJS
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Just now, simba barracuda said:

Do...do you really not know???

 My mind just could NOT go there! And it looked like water!

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Hey y'all!  Somehow I heard no one was posting here anymore and came a month or two back and didn't find much and thought it was over!  And here we are eight pages in to the mother who re-asks what the diet plan was again every time her son gains 50 lbs!  Funniest part, OK, it's 18 grams protein XYZ carbs as she nods affirmatively to the doctor now who's standing there going, you didn't forget bish, oo ah killeen yur sun!

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4 minutes ago, Pepper Mostly said:

Oh my god he's answering the door wrapped in his sheet!! MY EYES!

At least he bothered with a sheet.

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