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S05.E16: Reunion Part 2 2018.07.26

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It’s interesting to me that Kathryn’s so willing to forgive Cameron for being a judgemental bitch to her for no reason, but she wants nothing to do with Landon or Jennifer for the slightest things when they were the 2 that were actually willing to give her a chance. It bugs me, the double-standards she has for people. 


Just wait until Kathryn hears a snippet of rumor that Cameron might have slept with Thomas.  That's the common denominator that I see.

  • Love 5
11 hours ago, smores said:

With Austen wanting to start a business, I would have thought it would make more sense for him to stay employed in the beer industry and do the logistical work while he had a salary. I mean, it seems like the "research" he was doing mostly consisted of just going to the bar and drinking beer, and I think he probably could have kept doing that while he had a job, right?  He does it anyway.  Then he could have figured out what he wanted, and he'd have a bigger network of contacts, maybe more ideas for his product, etc.  Right now he's reminding me of the wife of a friend who laments about how she can't find a job because all of the ones either don't pay enough "to be worth it" or "don't fulfill her passion" or "don't make good use of her purpose" and so it would be a waste of time for her to take one of them.  She just keeps looking (and we're talking 3 years in), and complaining about how hard it is and how it would be nice to do x or y with extra money from a job, etc.  And all I can think is, yeah, maybe that job doesn't pay $100k/year, but whatever it pays is more than the $0/year you bring in now, so isn't that a plus?

He probably couldn't do all the filming with his job.

None of these people have a job, which is why they're free to film whenever production demands it.

That or Bravo's checks are so much more than what he was getting that he probably bailed.

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4 hours ago, RHJunkie said:

She iced Jennifer out completely because she claimed Jennifer lied under oath and contributed to the reason why she lost all rights to her children. If it's very possible that Kathryn's perception of reality at that time was distorted and she took offense to what Jennifer said though it may have very well been the truth, but it doesn't change the fact that in Kathryn's mind, she believes that Jennifer lied about her and no matter how good of a friend they were in the past, if you feel a friend lied about you and was partly the reason you lost your children, then I can see why Kathryn would rank that high on the scale of grievances against her.

I don't ever remember Kathryn and Landon being great friends or having any sense of loyalty to one another. I remember both women talking shit behind each other's back. Kathryn accused Landon of chasing Thomas and Landon talked shit about Kathryn as a mother. That isn't perceived slights, those are actual slights and Landon referenced what Thomas was telling her about Kathryn and used it against her. She was hardly an innocent lamb.

I agree. I think that the crux of the issue between Jennifer, Landon, and Kathryn is Thomas. There were all of the rumors about Thomas having slept with all three women. Kathryn obviously believed those rumors, AND had Thomas in her ear (most likely lying) telling her the same or at least refusing to deny them. That alone would have distorted her perception. Add to that, the court stuff and I could see, even if it was all a misunderstanding or Kathryn simply believing something that isn't true, her not being as open to forgiveness.

As for Landon, she was doing a lot of what Ashley is doing now. She was talking about Kathryn's custody issues and siding with Thomas over them, while also playing coy about having a sexual relationship with Thomas. Cameron may have treated Kathryn badly, but 1. there was never any concern about her being sexually involved with Thomas. 2. Cam has actually apologized for her treatment of Kathryn. Landon may have figured out what Thomas was doing towards the end of last season, but as far as I know, she's never apologized for being his willing pawn in an effort to gaslight Kathryn and the group.

1 hour ago, scrb said:

None of these people have a job, which is why they're free to film whenever production demands it.

Well, Chelsea does have a job. I don't know about Naomi though. 

  • Love 8
3 hours ago, arejay said:

Just wait until Kathryn hears a snippet of rumor that Cameron might have slept with Thomas.  That's the common denominator that I see.

1 hour ago, HiAshley said:

I highly doubt Cameron slept with T-Rav.  Kathryn forgave Cam because Jennifer is a liar and Landon is a freak show. At least Cam can own up to whatever it was she said or did to Kathryn. She seems genuine.


I believe @arejay was being facetious.

  • Love 3
48 minutes ago, MatildaMoody said:

don't know about Naomi though. 

Naomi launched a private label website  a month or two  ago that she has been working on for awhile. She said she didn’t mention it on camera because there can be delays in such a venture and didn’t want it to look like Landon’s failed website.

She also helped with opening Nico and a second restaurant her dad opened around the same time.

  • Love 7
21 hours ago, Gam2 said:

No one can ever convince me that Ashley didn’t watch every season of this show and set her sights on Thomas, although God knows why she would want to be within a mile of this guy. She knew exactly what she was getting into but was willing to do it to be on TV. She has no business telling Kathryn anything at all about her children, their relationship, K’s relationship with Thomas or anything else. Her interaction with those children should be limited or not at all. If they are with their dad, she needs to keep her distance. If this relationship were actually going somewhere- marriage for instance - then the kids could spend increasingly more time with Ashley. But there’s no way in hell that Thomas is going to marry this woman. He knows it, we know it, the cast knows it, the waiters at the local watering hole know it. And that “scaring each other for laughs”, etc is what 4 year olds do to their siblings. That was the most bizarre thing about her appearance on the reunion. I just rolled my eyes and thought “No, honey, you’re just lying through your teeth now”.  

He is rich and drunk and likes younger women which makes him an easy mark.

  • Love 1
1 minute ago, biakbiak said:

To me Thomas is an abusive predator and no way any easy mark.

With a woman he is attracted to who tells him all the right things I think he would be an easy mark.  You just have to appeal to his giant ego and keep him drunk, tell him all the right things and enable his abusive behavior (her smirking when he is ripping Chelsea on the boat).  Plus I think she has the goods on him which is why she lasted as long as she has.

  • Love 5
1 hour ago, biakbiak said:

Naomi launched a private label website  a month or two  ago that she has been working on for awhile. She said she didn’t mention it on camera because there can be delays in such a venture and didn’t want it to look like Landon’s failed website.

She also helped with opening Nico and a second restaurant her dad opened around the same time.

Naomie has family money, no? Which is why she can be an entrepreneur. But kudos to her for actually launching the businesses and not just paying lip service to doing it (i.e., Austen, Craig).

And if that's the case that she kept her clothing online company on the DL, then even more kudos to her. That masters in business (?) is surely paying off then. 

  • Love 2
25 minutes ago, slowpoked said:

Naomie has family money, no? Which is why she can be an entrepreneur. But kudos to her for actually launching the businesses and not just paying lip service to doing it (i.e., Austen, Craig).

And if that's the case that she kept her clothing online company on the DL, then even more kudos to her. That masters in business (?) is surely paying off then. 

I don't know anything about Naomie having family money, but I agree kudos to her for actually launching a real business and keeping it on the DL in the process.

  • Love 2
16 hours ago, SheTalksShit said:

It’s interesting to me that Kathryn’s so willing to forgive Cameron for being a judgemental bitch to her for no reason, but she wants nothing to do with Landon or Jennifer for the slightest things when they were the 2 that were actually willing to give her a chance. It bugs me, the double-standards she has for people. 

She also forgave Craig very easily for the shit he said to and about her the first season AND for the shit he said about her during season 3, when he told Thomas to take a paternity test. 

Landon and Jennifer never did anything even close to that and she just iced them out for perceived slights that didn’t actually exist. That literally says EVERYTHING to me about her character, how you treat those who’ve been good and loyal to you in the past. So far, her track record is NOT good and that’s what I dislike most about her, tbh. 

I created an account just to "like" this, dorky as that sounds.  You nailed it.  She forgave the others because they're cool and in the in-crowd, and Jennifer's not.  And yet Jennifer stood by her when no else did.  If that doesn't reflect Kathryn's character - or lack of it - i don't know what does. 

Even more repulsive and frankly terrifying was how she treated Jennifer after Jennifer had her baby.  The poor woman was in tears, saying "So are you even going to ask about my baby," and Kathryn just glared at her, ice cold.  She's disgusting. 

How about Naomi casually commenting, "Oh, I didn't even care that I called her an escort, because" blah blah blah, all airy and dismissive.  And then Ashley looks at her in shock, and Naomi just says "What, why are you looking at me like that," like she's something on the bottom of her shoe.  Ugh, she's a B. 

  • Love 12
13 hours ago, biakbiak said:

Naomi launched a private label website  a month or two  ago that she has been working on for awhile. She said she didn’t mention it on camera because there can be delays in such a venture and didn’t want it to look like Landon’s failed website.

She also helped with opening Nico and a second restaurant her dad opened around the same time.

I know her line isn't called labia, but that's what I'm going to call it because it was my first thought when trying to sound the name out.

  • Love 10
23 hours ago, MyrnaMinkoff said:

I created an account just to "like" this, dorky as that sounds.  You nailed it.  She forgave the others because they're cool and in the in-crowd, and Jennifer's not.  And yet Jennifer stood by her when no else did.  If that doesn't reflect Kathryn's character - or lack of it - i don't know what does. 

Even more repulsive and frankly terrifying was how she treated Jennifer after Jennifer had her baby.  The poor woman was in tears, saying "So are you even going to ask about my baby," and Kathryn just glared at her, ice cold.  She's disgusting. 

How about Naomi casually commenting, "Oh, I didn't even care that I called her an escort, because" blah blah blah, all airy and dismissive.  And then Ashley looks at her in shock, and Naomi just says "What, why are you looking at me like that," like she's something on the bottom of her shoe.  Ugh, she's a B. 

To me, the escort thing was on the same level as Ashley spreading rumors about Kathryn's parenting skills. Ashley shouldn't have been going around talking shit based on stuff Thomas told her, and Naomie shouldn't have gone around talking shit about Ashley. I couldn't stand Naomie this season, and surprised she didn't get kicked out of the Halloween party for what she said to Peyton. It was Peyton's party. How do you show up to a party as a guest then insult the host like that? Actually, I'm not surprised. It would have meant one of the guys actually grow a backbone and stand up for a women, and we've seen time and again that none of these "Southern Gentlemen" will actually stand up for anyone. It's incredible how many beta males are in this cast. 


But back to Naomie, she obviously came into this season deciding to cause shit. Any rumor or gossip she heard was fair game to go blow up anyone. And I felt sorry for Craig for most of the season. What's the point of breaking up with someone if they're still allowed to be in your life and make your life miserable all the time? Naomie sucks.

  • Love 3
12 hours ago, yourmomiseasy said:

I know her line isn't called labia, but that's what I'm going to call it because it was my first thought when trying to sound the name out.

Can't stop laughing at this. 

I mean maybe it's possible she actually intended to call it labia (Girl Power!) and is just a horrible speller. 

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The whole “Ashley is an escort” rumor spreading wasn’t a good look for anyone. I don’t even care if it’s true or not - bringing it up just made everyone look petty and mean. They did not go high, heh. Not anyone’s finest moment. I was surprised that Thomas and Ashley didn’t get angrier about it. Then again, if someone said something so ridiculous about me I’d probably laugh. But I’m not on TV. 

Good for Naomi on her retail website - I am definitely not the target demographic. And the photos look like they were taken on an iPhone. Or maybe a Razr. But it looks like a legit venture (with a hilarious name) so I wish her well. 

I wonder how they’ll fill the Thomas gap next season? I’ll be floored if they bring him back. This seemed like scorched earth. 

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On 7/27/2018 at 7:24 PM, SheTalksShit said:

She says she told Katherine about it while she was staying with her, though and Katherine apparently believed her and confronted Thomas about it, who then denied it. So Katherine’s known about this story for a looong time.

She should have reported it to authorities, or someone, since her children were stayinig with their father while this was going on.

I hope I am dead wrong, but Ashley is worrying me and I fear she may try to harm herself. She should have skipped the reunion altogether. She reminds me so much of a college friend of mine who committed suicide.

The TV is covered up in “reality” shows now. With people not fairing well afterward. 

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On 7/28/2018 at 9:52 AM, zenme said:

I don't hate Kathryn. I just don't like her. That was before all of the crazy shit she did when she with Thomas. I didn't care for season 1 Kathryn's sober personality and for me, that's where it started. Her crazy antics post babies added to the dislike.

That being said, I give her kudos for doing what she needed to do to get her kids back. Those poor kids did nothing to deserve not having a mother in their lives. 

Kathryn and Thomas did not use birth control and put very little thought into how they would care for their children and what kind of home environment they would provide. They brought children into an unstable, tumultuous relationship. It bothers me that they could be so cavalier about such a huge life decision. Neither was ready to be a parent. The children are paying the price for Kathryn and Thomas' selfish, irresponsible behavior. 

  • Love 12
On 7/28/2018 at 5:23 AM, RedHawk said:

I don’t know, I think disinviting the cast to your wedding and then asking Andy to officiate it when you have not even been proposed to yet is going pretty far out there. I can’t imagine what Thomas thought when he heard about that.  As we all saw, Thomas led Kathryn to believe that he would marry her if she got pregnant whereas he recoiled every time Ashley pushed for a ring, a proposal, etc. She has been far more desperately seeking marriage than Kathryn was. 

From my perspective, actually choosing to get pregnant in order to marry someone is much farther out there than Ashley's talk.  And then, after Thomas didn't marry her after the first child and all the ensuing insanity, she doubled down and had another child, still wanting to marry him.   That reeks of desperate to marry Thomas to me.  Ashley didn't bring two young lives into the world in her bid for Thomas - just dumb reality show antics.

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3 hours ago, izabella said:

From my perspective, actually choosing to get pregnant in order to marry someone is much farther out there than Ashley's talk.  And then, after Thomas didn't marry her after the first child and all the ensuing insanity, she doubled down and had another child, still wanting to marry him.   That reeks of desperate to marry Thomas to me.  Ashley didn't bring two young lives into the world in her bid for Thomas - just dumb reality show antics.

She also had sex with him again at last year's reunion.  I hope that she used birth control that time.

  • Love 1
20 hours ago, Sage47 said:

Just saw a story that Kathryn may be chosen to be the next Bachelorette. Please no. Girl has a shit ton of baggage, yikes. Not many guys would want to sign on to get engaged. 

Lord no. She could lose her children over something like that. She needs to focus on being a responsible mother and get the hell off reality TV. Believe me, Thomas could turn that around against her in court. Showing video of her making out with a bunch of different men.

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So after watching the reunion and the body language of the cast (especially Cameron and Shep) I think Thomas assaulted Katherine at some point. Probably as far back as Season 1. And she said something to someone and they either didn't believe her or didn’t fully understand what she was trying to tell them. I think there’s something in the new allegations that rang true to something that happened to Katherine and that’s why everyone looks sort of nauseous, including Katherine. I could totally see it as something that happened when they were both completely drunk and high that she doesn’t have a clear memory of and spent that last few years wondering if she imagined it or misunderstood and now she knows she didn’t and everyone else knows too and they all just want to throw up over how terrible it is.

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