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S28.E14: Survivor Cagayan Reunion Show

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I don't believe that she'll be booed.  To me, she's sort of a love-to-hate villain who has made the season quite unpredictable.  If anyone gets booed, it should be the one who gave up.  I already forgot her name.

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I also hope the quitter gets booed.  Kass helped make this season incredibly entertaining, which is the main point of the show for viewers.  The quitter is just lame.  They shouldn't even invite quitters to the reunion, nor should they give them any moment to speak when they do invite them. 

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Ive always wondered this. If there are 9 jury members why did they have a final 3 for so many years and risk a tie?

I like final 2 much better. Has it been since Australian Outback that we had a final 2?

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Listening to Spenser quote what Jeff says at tribal to Tony in arguing his case that it will be a final two not three makes it all the more suspicious that Jeff never called the last tribal to use idols and allowed Tony to lie and, in effect, use the idol even though its time had elapsed. Poor form. Very disappointed and I hope someone calls Jeff on that tonight, but I doubt it will happen.

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I don't think they allow quitters on the reunion show.


I'm glad Jeff is apologizing to Spencer. And I'm glad Kass wasn't booed.  I thought she played a good game.  Not too cool to flip off Trish, but other than that, I liked her.

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I just couldn't tune in. But I have two questions for those with tougher stomachs than I

Who was the second person that voted for Woo? I saw Tasha vote, but I missed the other person. 

What did Probst apologize for? 

Thanks in advance!

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I don't think they allow quitters on the reunion show.



Colton, N'aonka and Purple Kelly were all at their respective reunion shows.


eta: Uh, did LJ get a hair transplant or is he wearing a rug?

Edited by truthaboutluv
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So there are 18 there.  Who are the two missing?  Lindsay and ???


Eta:  Never mind.  ReadingZombie reminded me that there were only 18 this season. 



btw - J'Tia looks gorgeous.

Edited by ElleryAnne
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EC, I would guess the second vote for Woo was Sarah, the cop, given her feelings toward Tony. Actually, I don't think he got two votes, so she must have voted for Tony.


Probst apologized to Spenser for expecting him to go out very early.

Edited by HowdyTV
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So there are 18 there.  Who are the two missing?  Lindsay and ???



btw - J'Tia looks gorgeous.

Lindsay is there. I don't think anyone is missing. Didn't they start with 3 tribes of 6? 

Blood vs. Water again? Ugh! I was hoping for another season of no returnees.

Edited by ReadingZombie
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Wow, didn't expect them to do Blood vs. Water again so soon. I did enjoy the season though so I'm interested to see who the returning players are and who from this season is on it because you know at least one person will be. 

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Lindsay is there. I don't think anyone is missing. Didn't they start with 3 tribes of 6?



Oh, that's right, they did.  D'oh!  


ETA:  Thank you, ReadingZombie!  (Because my mother raised me right :) )

Edited by ElleryAnne
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Haha, the reactions to another Blood vs. Water here are kinda funny...back and forth it seems.  I don't mind it as long as the returning players are good ones.  Hopefully they're only ones coming back for the 2nd time and we don't get people on their 3rd and 4th time.

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eta: Uh, did LJ get a hair transplant or is he wearing a rug?


No kidding... we saw how thinned out his hair was at tribals and now he's Mr. Hairclub For Men...


And after a great season due to great players we finally hadn't seen before they propel us right into yet another Blood Vs Water "All-Stars"?? That leaves me with a pit in my stomach...


Oh and even TP admitted he hated his own immunity idol and it was his idea not just for the idol's powers but to make it show up that late.

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@EC Amber   I turned it off as soon as the name "Tony" came out of Jeff's mouth.  There was simply no way I could possibly stand to watch or hear Tony for another second.  I muted everything he said from the time Kass was voted off until they were in the finale arena.


Did anybody notice if Tony ever revealed to Woo that he was a cop, not a construction worker?  Because when Sarah mentioned him swearing on his badge, there was no reaction from Woo.  Maybe Woo felt that sitting next to and fully supporting a liar was ok.


At least he can honestly say he gave up a million dollars for his principles. People may applaud him to his face for his integrity, but every one will still think he's an idiot.

Edited by leighdear
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Wow... I am floored by Woo's stupidity in taking Tony over Kass.  He said it himself: "I'd have to be the stupidest player in Survivor history to take Tony".  And what does he do?  He takes Tony!  Dumb dumb dumb.  I wanted to see the jury tear into Kass SO BAD you guys.  I feel robbed!


You know who I would've rather heard from than Tyler Perry at the reunion?  Literally anyone else.  Seriously.  Like maybe some of that time could have been better spent with about half of the cast that Jeff didn't even bother to speak with tonight.  So frustrating!


I'm not thrilled with the winner, but this was one of the best seasons ever IMO.  Top three of all time for me in terms of entertainment.  There was a lot of strategy, a great cast, and very unpredictable to the very end.  All the people involved in casting this season should get a raise, seriously.  This was a very entertaining group of people they found, and I also hope TPTB took note that the show doesn't need to rely on returning players to keep us hooked.  If anything, having one or more returning players every single season detracts from the show for me.


Blood v. Water was a good season, so I'm not opposed to a second season of it.  I just think it's a bit too soon to go back to that.  I would have preferred another season (or two!) of all newbies and THEN switch back to B v. W.  Sigh... baby steps, I suppose.

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Wait, did they actually say that B vs W would be returning players?  I didn't hear that so I assumed it would be newbies.  If it's returning players, I wouldn't mind seeing Spencer and his sister play.  But still, even if it's newbies, while it was a great season, I think we need a bit more breathing room between the last b v w.  It's one they should hold back for a few seasons.  


ETA: Definitely all new players as per Probst on EW


Also, I think this is the first time I actually sat all the way through a reunion show.  Now I get the complaints about Jeff bromancing with the boys.  Did we even hear from Kass?  You'd think one of the most divisive players should have a moment to speak!  That was ridiculous.  Ugh.  I'm sending everyone in charge of Survivor a very harsh tweet.  

Edited by SystemRemote
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I'm not sure the new Blood vs Water has returning players? If they said that, I missed it. Either way, I'm not super stoked about it. What I liked about that season had very little to do with the concept and more to do with particular people who played well. I'm much more in favour of their idea to cast people who play to win.


I get why Woo took Tony to the end. A lot of sporty people treat Survivor as a sports competition, where you whittle out the weaker competitors until only the strongest are left, and then it's "May the best man/woman win." It makes a certain kind of sense from that perspective, and he was very gracious about it. He seems like a nice guy.


TBH, I found myself cheering for Kass in the finale, because I think she gets a worse rap than she deserves, but it was nice to see that most people seem to be getting along now that the show's over, and most of the players seem to remember that they were playing a game.

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They didn't say that next season would have returning players.  I couldn't tell whether any of those voice-overs we heard were from the new season (as opposed to from the last BvW season).  I don't think the BvW concept necessarily requires retreads, and I certainly hope we get an all new cast again.  


I did think that the idea of having "couples" split up on different Tribes added an interesting dimension to the strategy.  I think if they kept that, and got a cast that played as intensely as some of this season's cast did, it'll be good.

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Spencer played that plea to the jury on Tony's behalf PERFECTLY.   He is already thinking a dozen moves ahead.


When he returns on an All-Star Season (and I'm convinced he will, just like most of you) his fellow players will remember a young man SO passionate about the game.  A young man SO invested in good gameplay.  A young man with SO much heart and integrity. They won't even feel his knife until he plunges it in their backs....*LOL*

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All the people involved in casting this season should get a raise, seriously.  This was a very entertaining group of people they found, and I also hope TPTB took note that the show doesn't need to rely on returning players to keep us hooked.  If anything, having one or more returning players every single season detracts from the show for me.


And none of the people were especially cringe-worthy.  I'M TALKING TO YOU, ROBYN KASS.

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it was nice to see that most people seem to be getting along now that the show's over, and most of the players seem to remember that they were playing a game.


Except that Tony and Sarah are currently not speaking... ;-) But yeah most people did seem to be able to get over it...


I guess since the last B&W was half returners, half not that it would stay the course and bring back players. I think we saw the seeds planted to have Spencer and his sister for example.


ETA: Ahh, good to hear we won't see Rupert again as reward for his "sacrificing" for his wife in B&W One...

Edited by Wandering Snark
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Maybe we don't need a reunion show. It just seems pointless, especially when Probst starts handing out hummers like they were going out of style. In retrospect, I'm surprised 2/3rds of the Beauty tribe got passed over along with Lindsey for quitting. I get the latter, but I'd like to know how close she came to stomping on Trish.


I think this was the shortest reunion in the show's history. Why Probst had to insist on cut-ins during the finale, I do not know. At least we won't have to think about him for about four months.

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Thanks for the link dolphincorn. I feel more optimistic about B v W (a concept I like, I just have returnee fatigue) than I did knowing now that it's an all new cast. I enjoyed the heck out of this season, and am hoping casting for next season is just as strong.

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I don't mind returnees as much as some of the fans.  In fact, Heroes vs. Villains and Fans vs. Favorites are my favorite two seasons.  The one bright light on the horizon is that Tasha and Spencer are probably locks to get back on the show.  Even Probst really likes Tasha.

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 The one bright light on the horizon is that Tasha and Spencer are probably locks to get back on the show.  Even Probst really likes Tasha.


Who doesn't like Tasha? She's the only player from any reality show I wouldn't mind seeing again - on any show. Come over to TAR, Tash!

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I think this was the shortest reunion in the show's history. Why Probst had to insist on cut-ins during the finale, I do not know.


This one seemed to be even more fluffy than usual and yes it's creeping into the final was really distracting imo! I do really wish they'd do a more Bravo-like reunion show where things were focus on contestants not on hosts trying to prove constantly how great the show is etc.

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At least Woo didn't win - that would have been a terrible conclusion to what was, I thought, a really good season.  But damn was I bummed when Spencer didn't win the F4 immunity challenge.  He made the best possible argument to Tony, but it just wasn't enough.  They all had to know that Spencer was a sure win at final tribal, and so he was a goner without immunity.


Of course Woo made a terrible choice in taking Tony to F2, but I'm so glad he did!  Kass having any chance at all at the million would have filled me with such rage that I .. don't even have words for it.  And I was so glad to see the jury confirm that they would have voted for Woo to win over Kass.  Tough for Woo, but I just could not handle the thought of Kass feeling vindicated for her nastiness.  Yeah, not a Kass fan at all.  And I promise you, it's not about gender at all, despite what she thinks.  I am a lady litigator, not too much younger than her, and everything she said tonight about gender and litigating and whatever was nothing but self-serving, ignorant foolishness.


Between Woo and Tony, I guess I'm glad Tony won.  But it was a little disappointing overall, because of the edit he got all season.  I was hoping that it wasn't as obvious of a winner's edit as it seemed to be.  


Very glad to hear that the next Blood v. Water is all new contestants.  But I don't get the need for the gimmicks.  This season started as Brains, Brawn, Beauty, but I didn't really see that affect strategy too much, especially after the first few days.  It was, to me, a season of newbies who really wanted to play, and they made it exciting.  Why not just keep doing that??  

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So they are going back to Nicaragua, only this time on the Pacific Coast.  San Juan del Sur is a nice town and a very popular hangout for surfers.  But that stretch of coast isn't exactly all that isolated.  It makes me wonder what they do to keep strangers from just wandering into the middle of the game. 

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I wonder if the BvW gimmick will lose it's pop now that it won't have returners. Granted I don't want returners but I wonder if it will lose it's significance when we won't understand how tough it is for these people you already knew from the show having their loved ones out there battling with & against them. (apologies for that run-on!)


Pairs of people all with some kind of a previous relationship... wait is this Survivor of TAR?

Edited by Wandering Snark
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San Juan del Sur is the same part of Nicaragua they were in last time. So, basically, expect more dull endurance games and gimmicky theme challenges like the Three Little Pigs obstacle course unless they've found a new beach capable of hosting water challenges.

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I like the concept of B v W and very much like that it will be all newbies.  However part of the appeal was the looks on their faces given the surprise that the pairs would be split up at the beginning of the game.  Going in this time the pairs will already know they are going to be on different teams.


I'd love to see either Tasha or Spencer on TAR.

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I don't mind returnees as much as some of the fans.  In fact, Heroes vs. Villains and Fans vs. Favorites are my favorite two seasons.



Me too. I think the issue is more the players who keep coming back. Much as I liked Boston Rob, I definitely understood the people who were annoyed with him playing 4 times. But someone like Cochran who completely blundered his first time and then comes back again and gets it absolutely right from beginning to end, is kind of cool or even Sandra - only played twice and played brilliantly both times. So I'm definitely not entirely opposed to returning players, just the ones who keep returning over and over again.

Edited by truthaboutluv
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It's a good thing they let Tony talk so much at the reunion, given than we hardly ever saw or heard from him during the season. Oh wait...


I'm not a fan of Kass, but I would have liked at least some of that Tony time given to her. She was a polarizing figure in the online community, from what I saw, and I would have been interested to hear her take on how she is/was represented on the show.


Memo to Tyler Perry: Please stop with the suggestions.

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So I'm definitely not entirely opposed to returning players, just the ones who keep returning over and over again.


Ditto here.

I'm not opposed to returning players, except Rupert or any of the Hantzes.


This was an expected ending to a very intriguing season. (I blame Tyler Perry.)


And I fully expect Spencer (and likely Tasha) to return on an "All-Stars" season.

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Hear!  Hear!  I think the producers got the message that no one likes the Tyler Perry idol.  I hope.

But didn't the poll of the studio audience indicate that people would have liked the TPI if Tasha or Spencer had found it, but only disliked it because Tony was the one who found it?  That was the way Probst spun it anyway.  I thought it was funny that Tyler Perry hated the fact that Tony found it.


I think the idea of idols with different powers has merit, but the TPI was too powerful.  How about an idol that gives you 2 votes at Tribal Council?

Oh no, are they bringing Brendon/Rachel to Survivor??

LOL!  "Survivor is supposed to be fun and good!"  "I need to be sole Survivor and win a million dollars so I can have a baby!"

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But didn't the poll of the studio audience indicate that people would have liked the TPI if Tasha or Spencer had found it, but only disliked it because Tony was the one who found it?



Jeff's theory was that people disliked it because of who found it.  The audience reaction seemed to agree.  However, it wasn't clear to me if that was a personal thing against Tony, or rather displeasure that it was found by someone who didn't need to use it and so it never got played.


Still, that's the first time I can remember the show acknowledging audience displeasure with an element of the format of the show itself.  Obviously they've acknowledged the unpopularity of some players.  But I can't remember an acknowledgement of the displeasure people expressed about Redemption Island, the Medallion of Power, the Outcast Tribe, etc.

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So no Fan Favorite???  I didn't hear them announce this, and I was really curious to see who'd win, because Spencer played a really good game and Tasha is awesome.


I'm not all that psyched about another Blood and Water.  Maybe I'm just afraid they'll recycle the Hantzes again.  But beside that, half the cast of the last B&W had no idea how to do anything at all.  Lots of useless daughters.  Didn't make for exciting play.  And now they're bringing back Redemption Island???  Guess TPTB don't bother to read fan feedback.


J'Tia looked amazing.  If I didn't know she was barking mad, I'd think she was worth watching again.  But she isn't, no matter what Probst says.


JT's rug or weave or whatever that was on his head looked pretty good.  Glad to see at least one older guy spend the bucks for a toupee that doesn't look like roadkill.


Can't believe how good Trish looked.  Nothing like a few burgers.


I'm no good at math.  I'm sure it all works out correctly, but I'm trying to follow Tony's wife being 9 months pregnant 6 months after the show was filmed.  All his endless talk about his baby daughter being just 4 months old, I'd have thought he'd have at least mentioned that his wife was pregnant again.  His friend showed up, and we heard no discussion of the second baby.  I don't know.  Something seems fishy here.  That said, don't bring this guy back again, ok?  I've had enough of him.

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I'm not all that psyched about another Blood and Water.  Maybe I'm just afraid they'll recycle the Hantzes again.  But beside that, half the cast of the last B&W had no idea how to do anything at all.  Lots of useless daughters.  Didn't make for exciting play.  And now they're bringing back Redemption Island???  Guess TPTB don't bother to read fan feedback.


I enjoyed B &W and thought it was one of the better seasons.  It added a lot of new aspects to the game that haven’t yet been fully exploited.  It will be interesting to see how it plays out this time with all new players.


Also, while Katy might have been fairly useless, I thought Ciera was one of the more interesting characters that season, along with the whole relationship with her mother.


Finally, though I still don’t like Redemption Island, I do think it worked better that season because it added a whole new interesting dynamic when you had a love one on RI and another still playing.

Edited by viajero
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I hated Blood vs. Water.  I'm not sure if it was the format or just the contestants and how the game played out. 


What I would love to see is "Survivor Exes".  Put 9 pairs of ex-husbands and wives (or ex BF's and GFs) on the island, in opposite tribes.  I think that would be fascinating.  Would the exes work together toward a common goal, would they look to back stab and blindside each other at the earliest opportunity?  Would any reconcile on the island? 


To make it more interesting they could not tell everyone who was exes with who, or not even mention the format.  Each former couple might think they are the only set of exes until they start sharing information.  Maybe you could even have 1 woman with 2 ex husbands in the other tribe and a man with 2 ex wives. 

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