springbarb July 9, 2018 Share July 9, 2018 It amused me when Swaggy said that Winston was the one most gunning for him. Suuuure. Also, Kaitlyn? You can't both make big moves and not get any blood on your hands. That's not how that works. 5 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/71902-s20e06-bb-app-store-2-nominations-2/page/2/#findComment-4474998
The Companion July 9, 2018 Share July 9, 2018 12 hours ago, Skycatcher said: Maybe they've borrowed God's bathtub? I wish I could like this twice. I find it hard to believe that Rachel wasn't trending after making news for a conversation she had on the feeds. Notwithstanding that conversation, she seems to be kind and considerate to her housemates, so I did feel badly that she took it the way that she did. I think this particular punishment may be hard on her (given that she already seems to have self esteem issues) but I loved Sam's immediate reaction that Rachel would make it fun. So far, some of the housemates annoy me (Swaggy C), but I don't outright loathe any yet. I do wish Swaggy C would let some of himself come through the persona. I actually think he might be pretty ok every so often, like when he talks to Bayleigh one on one. Then he turns it back on and I am done with him again. I am happy to see him as a potential target. I would love to see a blindside, followed by Bayleigh getting to play the game without having to devote time to telling Swaggy C to cut it out. Tyler is really playing hard. It may blow up in his face, but it is fun to watch. I actually think he is a lot more fun to watch than a lot of the manipulators of the past because he actually does seem to care about the people he is working with. He reminds me a bit of Dr. Will or Dan, but I do think he is genuine. It makes for an interesting watch, to me. The comment by Faysal about the power screwing everyone's game up cracked me up because I don't know how anyone would be surprised by that. It is what has happened more often than not for the past several seasons. Tyler's power is best kept quiet. I think he has the right idea. Others could plan around it if they knew. His best bet is that they don't know that he has it, and therefore show their hand before nominating him. Given everyone's proclivity to tell nominees in advance, he may get some advance warning. I forgot to mention it last week, but the App voice is creepy. 4 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/71902-s20e06-bb-app-store-2-nominations-2/page/2/#findComment-4475037
Writing Wrongs July 9, 2018 Share July 9, 2018 13 hours ago, Skycatcher said: Maybe they've borrowed God's bathtub? Sigh. I miss TWoP. 9 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/71902-s20e06-bb-app-store-2-nominations-2/page/2/#findComment-4475063
greyflannel July 9, 2018 Share July 9, 2018 I don't know if Chris is putting on an act or not, but the Swaggy C character is the type of person I detest. He acts as though respect, adoration and loyalty belong to him automatically, and there's a big problem if everyone doesn't fall in line. He didn't seem disappointed that he didn't get most trending, he was pissed. Confidence is a good thing, but don't go around like a blowhard ass wagon and expect that people aren't going to think you're a dick. 9 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/71902-s20e06-bb-app-store-2-nominations-2/page/2/#findComment-4475141
iMonrey July 9, 2018 Share July 9, 2018 Quote Well, its early still but I have a sinking feeling this show is being spun in the direction of THE TYLER SHOW. He was the HOH and now he is the defacto HOH and now he has been given a power (through no verifiable source that he's top trending) that will give him protection. I think it's fairly clear that Alison Grodner was looking for her next Paul/Pet and she has found him. I'm torn about this because I largely agree with your point, and while I don't really have any issues with Tyler per se, the show is kind of making me mad about the position that's fallen into his lap. If he had not been HoH on Week 1 he wouldn't be running this house right now. That's the only reason both alliances came to him and told him everything he needed to know. Historically, the "surfer dude" is usually left out of the main dude bro alliances and an early boot. I think the same would have happened with Tyler had he not won HoH. He also benefits, as most winners do, from playing with mind-numbingly idiotic people. Can't Kaitlyn see that he is steering her into nominating someone from her own alliance? Can't that alliance see that he is clearly working with the other side of the house? It's not that Tyler is smooth and brilliant, it's that almost everyone else is either a moron or just coasting because he's on their side. I'm also giving the "Cloud" power the side eye because it seems wildly unbalanced against the "Bonus Life" power. 8 whole weeks of that?? That's practically the whole season! And for the love of all that's holy these people need to stop saying "blood on my hands." They honestly don't seem to understand what that phrase means. Tyler did not get rid of Steve without any blood on his hands since he's the one who put him on the block in the first place. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/71902-s20e06-bb-app-store-2-nominations-2/page/2/#findComment-4475283
Cherry Cola July 9, 2018 Share July 9, 2018 Kaitlyn walking around the pink room in HoH robe, and talking to fessy was very soap opera-ish. It was kinda funny. Then she says she needs a daytime emmy, so it was totally on purpose. What a dork. But, mine as well have fun. Still liking Tyler and glad he got the power!! Haha Swaggy! You aren't as cool as you think you are! 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/71902-s20e06-bb-app-store-2-nominations-2/page/2/#findComment-4475323
Cherry Cola July 9, 2018 Share July 9, 2018 12 minutes ago, icemiser69 said: Do any of these people actually wash their hands after going to the bathroom? It seems like most of them don't. I get totally grossed out when people don't wash their hands afterwards.. I agree. How gross!!! 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/71902-s20e06-bb-app-store-2-nominations-2/page/2/#findComment-4475667
green July 9, 2018 Share July 9, 2018 (edited) 9 hours ago, iMonrey said: I'm torn about this because I largely agree with your point, and while I don't really have any issues with Tyler per se, the show is kind of making me mad about the position that's fallen into his lap. If he had not been HoH on Week 1 he wouldn't be running this house right now. That's the only reason both alliances came to him and told him everything he needed to know. Historically, the "surfer dude" is usually left out of the main dude bro alliances and an early boot. I think the same would have happened with Tyler had he not won HoH. He also benefits, as most winners do, from playing with mind-numbingly idiotic people. Can't Kaitlyn see that he is steering her into nominating someone from her own alliance? Can't that alliance see that he is clearly working with the other side of the house? It's not that Tyler is smooth and brilliant, it's that almost everyone else is either a moron or just coasting because he's on their side. I'm also giving the "Cloud" power the side eye because it seems wildly unbalanced against the "Bonus Life" power. 8 whole weeks of that?? That's practically the whole season! And for the love of all that's holy these people need to stop saying "blood on my hands." They honestly don't seem to understand what that phrase means. Tyler did not get rid of Steve without any blood on his hands since he's the one who put him on the block in the first place. I have to respectfully disagree with that first paragraph. I don't think this position has fallen into his lap. I think he has worked hard for it. Even winning the first HOH was well played since he immediately allied with Bay-whatever I think it was to take other threats out and then he knew well to start putting the balls into her plastic tube before she thought to start on his. Even if he didn't win I think he would have been completely safe the first week because he has shown he is A+ at the social game and the innuendos used to "guide" those weak enough to manipulate. Tyler? The Force is strong in this one. Also the Cloud power is very fragile and can blow up on you easily since you have to use it BEFORE any nomination as opposed to Sam's AFTER a vote. I much prefer Sam's power. Why? If you use the Cloud to save yourself from an original nom you immediately will become the number one target for a backdooring because all sides will resent your power. So before a regular nom it is not a good choice. But if you are nominated at that point and can't get off with a veto then you can't use it before a vote. It seems it could only be of use in a positive sense if you know for sure in advance you will be backdoored and the house will have a full week to "get over" being thwarted by your power. No wonder it is for 8 weeks because it is near to impossible to play in a right way. Tyler, if he has to use it, will have to use it coupled with his social skills to make it work for him. He is probably the best player in the house to manage it but I don't know if even he can handle it well. And not about the above post at all but I have to add that I don't care if Tyler is a favorite or not. I make judgements on players alone and don't immediately like or dislike favorites. Disliking favorites as a knee jerk reaction just makes someone part of the contrarian sheep herd which is just as bad if not worse than the favorites sheep herd. Just think for yourself and don't worry what the rest of the human race thinks or production might want etc. Cody was popular last season and helped by production and I hated him. Paul was unpopular last season and helped by production and I hated him too. See, that easy. Tyler is popular this season and though still early I love him. If you don't like him then don't like him because you prefer people out in the opening declaring their alliance like Winston and Swaggy do. Or you don't like that Tyler is charming and you prefer anti-charmers. Or your favorite is someone else and you are afraid Tyler might win over them. Or something like that. But basing it on popularity of viewers or even production? Why follow the two equally silly herds argument (popular OR contrarian)? Edited July 10, 2018 by green 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/71902-s20e06-bb-app-store-2-nominations-2/page/2/#findComment-4475819
Halting Hex July 9, 2018 Share July 9, 2018 18 hours ago, HighMaintenance said: Rachel? Hon, don't take it personal, I don't know who you are and I've been watching the show since the 1st epi. She's actually probably playing a good game, since she's in the majority alliance and she isn't sticking out. Her and Angela can lay back, let the Bros and Kaitlyn take out the big targets and absorb any return fire, while the two of them cruise to Jury, at least. I've seen worse early gameplay, easily. Not sure what the "Angry Reviewer" can say to her. Spoiler Well, except about that one problematic conversation she and Angela had that The Companion referenced. But I doubt that CBS wants to spotlight that. However, given how emotional the two of them were after they got a talking-to from the DR, I think Rachel thinks this had something to do with her fate this week. Personally, I thought they were being admiring, rather than malicious, and just didn't realize how it was coming off. But JMO. 18 hours ago, HighMaintenance said: just be glad JC didn't ask you to shave his balls or bleach his bunghole. Don't give him ideas! It's early days yet, after all. 32 minutes ago, green said: If you use the Cloud to save yourself from an original nom you immediately will become the number one target for a backdooring because all sides will resent your power. Given that the Cloud is activated based on where Tyler sits, rather than his having to make a formal declaration, and nobody but Tyler knows this detail, it's possible for him to simply play it off. I'm reasonably certain the BB announcement would be in neutral language ("I'm sorry, Kaitlyn. Because a power has been used, Tyler may not be nominated at this ceremony. Please choose another nominee."), allowing him the opportunity to play dumb and deny, deny, deny. I"m not saying that there isn't still the possibility of resentment coming into play, but IMO it wouldn't be a sure thing. We'll see eventually, I guess. 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/71902-s20e06-bb-app-store-2-nominations-2/page/2/#findComment-4475953
Nashville July 9, 2018 Share July 9, 2018 1 hour ago, Halting Hex said: Given that the Cloud is activated based on where Tyler sits, rather than his having to make a formal declaration, and nobody but Tyler knows this detail, it's possible for him to simply play it off. Did TPTB give Tyler a Cloud pillow to sit on? :> 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/71902-s20e06-bb-app-store-2-nominations-2/page/2/#findComment-4476145
Halting Hex July 9, 2018 Share July 9, 2018 1 minute ago, Nashville said: Did TPTB give Tyler a Cloud pillow to sit on? :> That's actually an excellent idea. I was looking for something cloud-like in the living room and couldn't find it, and of course if a "cloud" chair suddenly showed up, it would be suspicious. (Particularly if Sam remembered that "The Cloud" was another option and spread the news.) And then you'd have HGs fighting to sit in the "cloud" chair an so on. But slip Tyler a little white pillow for his bed and when he brings it to the nomination or Veto ceremony, it shouldn't cause any surprises. Good thinking! 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/71902-s20e06-bb-app-store-2-nominations-2/page/2/#findComment-4476164
Neveragain July 10, 2018 Share July 10, 2018 9 hours ago, The Companion said: find it hard to believe that Rachel wasn't trending after making news for a conversation she had on the feeds. Notwithstanding that conversation, she seems to be kind and considerate to her housemates, so I did feel badly that she took it the way that she did. I think this particular punishment may be hard on her (given that she already seems to have self esteem issues) What was the conversation about? Can you talk about it on this board or no because it's the feeds... It made news? I'll have to pay more attention Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/71902-s20e06-bb-app-store-2-nominations-2/page/2/#findComment-4476796
kassa July 10, 2018 Share July 10, 2018 My 82 year old mom has watched every big brother season and records BBAD religiously, but she is completely lost with the technology theme this summer. "Trending" is as lost on the cast as it is on her. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/71902-s20e06-bb-app-store-2-nominations-2/page/2/#findComment-4476844
mojoween July 10, 2018 Share July 10, 2018 7 days of ham vs. 24 hours of yelling is wildly disproportionate. It should have been the other way around. I feel the way Kaitlyn says namaste is actually super disrespectful. And honestly, I don’t even LIKE Chris and I am rooting so damn hard for him to win veto just to thwart Kaitlyn’s plans. Her upspeak is one of the very many annoying things about her. When she was laying in bed talking with Tyler and she said “that’s good for my game, let’s do that” it was so damn affected and weird. Please let her go next. 6 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/71902-s20e06-bb-app-store-2-nominations-2/page/2/#findComment-4476887
Lamima July 10, 2018 Share July 10, 2018 13 hours ago, icemiser69 said: It would have been far more entertaining than this episode. Kaitlyn talks too much. She is bound to screw up and say the wrong thing to the wrong person, or not remember what she said to each house guest and as a result blowing her game. Good. Hope she blows her game. 4 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/71902-s20e06-bb-app-store-2-nominations-2/page/2/#findComment-4476909
Skycatcher July 10, 2018 Share July 10, 2018 25 minutes ago, mojoween said: I feel the way Kaitlyn says namaste is actually super disrespectful. She has been a bit of a challenge for me. I have always been very judgemental of people on BB who use their Christianity as a personality trait or a prop. Easy for me, not being Christian. However I am New Age or what it's called now, New Consciousness so in effect she's one of "my people." And I don't like what I'm seeing, not at all. 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/71902-s20e06-bb-app-store-2-nominations-2/page/2/#findComment-4476978
Wandering Snark July 10, 2018 Share July 10, 2018 35 minutes ago, mojoween said: I feel the way Kaitlyn says namaste is actually super disrespectful. I know someone mentioned something approx that "when she says 'namaste' I just hear 'fuck you'." and that has continued to be applicable and unfortunate. She uses it very condescendingly. It's not a good look on her. 4 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/71902-s20e06-bb-app-store-2-nominations-2/page/2/#findComment-4476992
HurricaneVal July 10, 2018 Share July 10, 2018 This stupid App Store shtick has me missing Cody a bit. All the houseguests think they're being cute and clever when they swagger in, then pout when access is denied. Cody would just stomp up to it, slap his hand down, and glare stony-faced until he was released from the room. 11 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/71902-s20e06-bb-app-store-2-nominations-2/page/2/#findComment-4477178
The Companion July 10, 2018 Share July 10, 2018 2 hours ago, Neveragain said: What was the conversation about? Can you talk about it on this board or no because it's the feeds... It made news? I'll have to pay more attention Because it was on the feeds and not on the show, I didn't want to give details but it definitely made the news. Spoilered out of an abundance of caution Spoiler Angela and Rachel were discussing their tans and Rachel compared her skin tone to Bayleigh's. Angela described her tan as looking ghetto. I don't believe either of them had bad intent and it certainly wasn't in the realm of gross behavior that we have seen in the past, but that isn't an excuse. So far as I know, that was the only comment and they both got a lecture in the DR that left them really upset. I suspect they honestly didn't realize the comments would be hurtful and they seem really sorry, FWIW. Regardless, I saw non BB news discussing it. I can't believe it didn't "trend." Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/71902-s20e06-bb-app-store-2-nominations-2/page/2/#findComment-4477187
Lamima July 10, 2018 Share July 10, 2018 (edited) 1 hour ago, Skycatcher said: She has been a bit of a challenge for me. I have always been very judgemental of people on BB who use their Christianity as a personality trait or a prop. Easy for me, not being Christian. However I am New Age or what it's called now, New Consciousness so in effect she's one of "my people." And I don't like what I'm seeing, not at all. Just goes to show... every political party every age every religion every nationality every sexual orientation every class ....has it's nut jobs. 5 minutes ago, The Companion said: Because it was on the feeds and not on the show, I didn't want to give details but it definitely made the news. Spoilered out of an abundance of caution Hide contents Angela and Rachel were discussing their tans and Rachel compared her skin tone to Bayleigh's. Angela described her tan as looking ghetto. I don't believe either of them had bad intent and it certainly wasn't in the realm of gross behavior that we have seen in the past, but that isn't an excuse. So far as I know, that was the only comment and they both got a lecture in the DR that left them really upset. I suspect they honestly didn't realize the comments would be hurtful and they seem really sorry, FWIW. Regardless, I saw non BB news discussing it. I can't believe it didn't "trend." I heard about it on another forum. Edited July 10, 2018 by Lamima 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/71902-s20e06-bb-app-store-2-nominations-2/page/2/#findComment-4477188
Nashville July 10, 2018 Share July 10, 2018 2 hours ago, Wandering Snark said: I know someone mentioned something approx that "when she says 'namaste' I just hear 'fuck you'." and that has continued to be applicable and unfortunate. She uses it very condescendingly. It's not a good look on her. So - “namaste” is now the New Age version of “bless your heart”? Huh. Hang around P.tv, and you learn something new every day. :D ————————— Regarding BB’s use of the word “trending” - I’m 99.999% certain it has nothing to do with trending on any real-life SM platform like Twitter or Instagram, and everything to do with which HGs get mentioned most/least on Production’s little BB App Store questionnaire when it’s open for viewer participation. 5 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/71902-s20e06-bb-app-store-2-nominations-2/page/2/#findComment-4477359
Skycatcher July 10, 2018 Share July 10, 2018 (edited) 7 hours ago, Nashville said: So - “namaste” is now the New Age version of “bless your heart”? Huh. Hang around P.tv, and you learn something new every day. Well, not really. Depends on who is offering the "namaste". But in this case, you're absolutely right. I always kind of cringe when I hear it because to me it sounds so fake. "Nanaste" is Hindi in origin. It is used as a greeting by putting your hands together in prayer position and bowing slightly saying "Namaste." It is a greeting which simply means "I bow to you. " (googled) Apparently in India it's like saying "hello" and is considered a necessary sign of respect from child to elder, sort of a like our Southern "yes ma'am" and "yes sir." The Western New Age co-opted it to make it more of a spiritual greeting, "The God in me salutes the God in you, " based on the belief that God is present in everyone. But when I hear it from people like K. all I'm hearing is, "Look at me, being all 'spurtchul' an' all!!!! Aren't you impressed with me????" Edited July 10, 2018 by Skycatcher 4 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/71902-s20e06-bb-app-store-2-nominations-2/page/2/#findComment-4477694
llewis823 July 10, 2018 Share July 10, 2018 On 7/8/2018 at 9:26 PM, green said: Still love Tyler and Sam and glad they are working together. ^ This x 1000! I loved Sam from the minute she spoke. Tyler - I thought I was gonna hate him but he became my other favorite by the end of the second episode. On 7/8/2018 at 9:26 PM, green said: getting blood on her hands (hate that expression) Big Brother should have some kind of entertaining punishment for every time this phrase is used. Like flashing lights and sirens and the person who says it has to eat something gross. lol 4 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/71902-s20e06-bb-app-store-2-nominations-2/page/2/#findComment-4477788
Lamb18 July 10, 2018 Share July 10, 2018 8 hours ago, Nashville said: Regarding BB’s use of the word “trending” - I’m 99.999% certain it has nothing to do with trending on any real-life SM platform like Twitter or Instagram, and everything to do with which HGs get mentioned most/least on Production’s little BB App Store questionnaire when it’s open for viewer participation. You're right. So if you want someone to win the reward, go to the CBS website (Voting) and answer each question with that person's name, whether or not it's a negative or positive question. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/71902-s20e06-bb-app-store-2-nominations-2/page/2/#findComment-4477804
ghoulina July 10, 2018 Share July 10, 2018 33 minutes ago, icemiser69 said: Did they recently add that part where you could vote at cbs.com? I don't remember seeing that when the season started. I thought you had to use Facebook, Kik, or Skype in order to vote. I looked at it on Sunday and the directions did say, "or go here ____ to vote on cbs.com". But when I clicked on it, it said "voting was closed", even though it was withing the timeframe. I gave up. I'm over voting this year. Way too complicated. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/71902-s20e06-bb-app-store-2-nominations-2/page/2/#findComment-4478056
Lady Calypso July 10, 2018 Share July 10, 2018 Just now, ghoulina said: I looked at it on Sunday and the directions did say, "or go here ____ to vote on cbs.com". But when I clicked on it, it said "voting was closed", even though it was withing the timeframe. I gave up. I'm over voting this year. Way too complicated. Unfortunately, they don't tell you the exact time frame on voting after the show, but the window to vote is ONLY open until Friday morning. It's, like, a 14 hour window and that's it. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/71902-s20e06-bb-app-store-2-nominations-2/page/2/#findComment-4478059
HighMaintenance July 10, 2018 Share July 10, 2018 "Getting blood on my hands" is BB's trending phrase which overtook "thrown under the bus" which was the follow up catch phrase to "I'm not here to make friends". I imagine Skippy & company have a cash pool going on how many times the GBOMH is said this season. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/71902-s20e06-bb-app-store-2-nominations-2/page/2/#findComment-4478202
green July 10, 2018 Share July 10, 2018 (edited) 5 hours ago, Skycatcher said: Well, not really. Depends on who is offering the "namaste". But in this case, you're absolutely right. I always kind of cringe when I hear it because to me it sounds so fake. "Nanaste" is Hindi in origin. It is used as a greeting by putting your hands together in prayer position and bowing slightly saying "Namaste." It is a greeting which simply means "I bow to you. " (googled) Apparently in India it's like saying "hello" and is considered a necessary sign of respect from child to elder, sort of a like our Southern "yes ma'am" and "yes sir." The Western New Age co-opted it to make it more of a spiritual greeting, "The God in me salutes the God in you, " based on the belief that God is present in everyone. But when I hear it from people like K. all I'm hearing is, "Look at me, being all 'spurtchul' an' all!!!! Aren't you impressed with me????" Yes. The Nam (Naam) in Namaste is the equivalent of the Word in the beginning of the Gospel of John and indeed means this and did originally in India. It is just because most all Indians, not just Hindi speakers (there are tons of languages in India), use it and have for years that it has devolved to many there now as just the default hello and good-bye thus started to lose it's meaning. Now it is losing it's meaning in the west too because of posers like Kaitlyn. 3 hours ago, Lamb18 said: You're right. So if you want someone to win the reward, go to the CBS website (Voting) and answer each question with that person's name, whether or not it's a negative or positive question. Their set up is like a fishing site now where you basically give away your information for sale to everyone to vote. Edited July 10, 2018 by green 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/71902-s20e06-bb-app-store-2-nominations-2/page/2/#findComment-4478292
ghoulina July 10, 2018 Share July 10, 2018 3 hours ago, Lady Calypso said: Unfortunately, they don't tell you the exact time frame on voting after the show, but the window to vote is ONLY open until Friday morning. It's, like, a 14 hour window and that's it. NVM, then it was Thursday night I looked. I know for sure I was in the right time frame, because it said it right there on the site. Yet it wouldn't let me vote. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/71902-s20e06-bb-app-store-2-nominations-2/page/2/#findComment-4478645
Skycatcher July 10, 2018 Share July 10, 2018 (edited) 2 hours ago, green said: Namaste..................has devolved to many there now as just the default hello and good-bye thus started to lose it's meaning. Now it is losing it's meaning in the west too because of posers like Kaitlyn. It's like "goodbye" used to be "God be with you." I was always intrigued by the British swear slang "bloody" (That bloody dog just bit me!) came from "by our Lady" meaning the Virgin Mary. 2 hours ago, green said: posers like Kaitlyn. Precisely! Perfect word for her. Edited July 10, 2018 by Skycatcher 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/71902-s20e06-bb-app-store-2-nominations-2/page/2/#findComment-4478666
Neveragain July 10, 2018 Share July 10, 2018 20 hours ago, The Companion said: 22 hours ago, Neveragain said: Because it was on the feeds and not on the show, I didn't want to give details but it definitely made the news. Spoilered out of an abundance of caution Thank you for the explanation. I liked it, in the sense of you being kind to share with me, then when I read it I removed my like! But I will only say that what Rachel said sounds really benign, but what Angela said was a lot closer to being wrong. Maybe she was just being "funny", but not really.... Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/71902-s20e06-bb-app-store-2-nominations-2/page/2/#findComment-4479307
zoltana July 10, 2018 Share July 10, 2018 11 hours ago, Lamb18 said: You're right. So if you want someone to win the reward, go to the CBS website (Voting) and answer each question with that person's name, whether or not it's a negative or positive question. And also the direction production wants to see the game go for ratings. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/71902-s20e06-bb-app-store-2-nominations-2/page/2/#findComment-4479414
DebbieM4 July 11, 2018 Share July 11, 2018 On 7/8/2018 at 9:11 PM, backformore said: every time they show the FOUTE alliance shot with Kaitlyn posing, sticking her ass out and trying to do a sexy move, I am reminded of how much I've disliked her from the start. I have the same reaction every single time. I disliked her on sight, and that shot makes her look like a fool. On 7/8/2018 at 9:28 PM, Callaphera said: She "intuitively" knew the particulars of Sam's Power App but she doesn't "intuitively" know that Big Brother airs in the evenings, so technically it should be a Primetime Emmy. You'd think her spirit guides would have informed her of that. Yeah, that was glaring to me. I mean you don't have to exactly be a television insider to realize that Daytime Emmys are for shows that air during the day. She's very impressed with herself, but doesn't strike me as being too bright. (And not just because of this one example.) On 7/9/2018 at 8:59 PM, mojoween said: I feel the way Kaitlyn says namaste is actually super disrespectful. And honestly, I don’t even LIKE Chris and I am rooting so damn hard for him to win veto just to thwart Kaitlyn’s plans. Absolutely! She's doing a great job of showing us that she's not at all the kind of person she represented herself to be. And I agree re Chris. I'm definitely not a fan, but anything that puts a bee in her bonnet is fine with me. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/71902-s20e06-bb-app-store-2-nominations-2/page/2/#findComment-4480042
backformore July 11, 2018 Share July 11, 2018 Kaitly HAD to be joking about an Emmy, right? Emmy's are given to actors, not reality show participants, who are supposed to be playing themselves, not acting. Reality SHOWS get Emmys, but I don't think a contestant have ever been considered - I don't think there's even a category. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/71902-s20e06-bb-app-store-2-nominations-2/page/2/#findComment-4480199
Nashville July 11, 2018 Share July 11, 2018 2 hours ago, backformore said: Kaitly HAD to be joking about an Emmy, right? Emmy's are given to actors, not reality show participants, who are supposed to be playing themselves, not acting. Reality SHOWS get Emmys, but I don't think a contestant have ever been considered - I don't think there's even a category. Pretty sure it was simply Kaitlyn boasting to herself about her so-called acting skills with the other HGs. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/71902-s20e06-bb-app-store-2-nominations-2/page/2/#findComment-4480337
Skycatcher July 11, 2018 Share July 11, 2018 6 hours ago, DebbieM4 said: I have the same reaction every single time. I disliked her on sight, and that shot makes She's doing a great job of showing us that she's not at all the kind of person she represented herself to be. Which is probably why she was cast. They probably saw right through all that "namaste" stuff and realized that once you scratch the surface with a little stress the real K. will come out. They're in L.A. which is crawling with namaste-wanna-bes and poseurs, so they've had lots of experience with that genre of self-delusion. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/71902-s20e06-bb-app-store-2-nominations-2/page/2/#findComment-4480423
iMonrey July 11, 2018 Share July 11, 2018 Quote Kaitly HAD to be joking about an Emmy, right? Emmy's are given to actors, not reality show participants, who are supposed to be playing themselves, not acting. I don't understand why she thought she should get a Daytime Emmy, either. Does she think she's on a soap opera? Big Brother doesn't air during the day. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/71902-s20e06-bb-app-store-2-nominations-2/page/2/#findComment-4481132
Cherry Cola July 11, 2018 Share July 11, 2018 1 hour ago, icemiser69 said: I don't understand why there isn't a sink in the bathroom where the toilet is. At least from what I can see there isn't one. That bathroom doorknob has to be all sorts of gross. If I were in the BB house, I would be avoiding everything that those non-hand washers touched. Me too. Then I would read on here how weird i was because I won't touch stuff. Lol. Had anyone ever had an issue where they have to pee bad and someone is on toilet? One toilet is horrible for that amount of people. I know there is one in HOH. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/71902-s20e06-bb-app-store-2-nominations-2/page/2/#findComment-4481949
Ominous July 12, 2018 Share July 12, 2018 Swaggy.. "Being from the hood" ... Didn't he babysit kids in a mansion ? I hope they pull this off.. Then Kaitlyn gotta go. She is not good at keeping her mouth shut. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/71902-s20e06-bb-app-store-2-nominations-2/page/2/#findComment-4482688
Halting Hex July 12, 2018 Share July 12, 2018 On 7/9/2018 at 7:31 AM, OldWiseOne said: She could spin it that by putting up someone from her side there is less chance of Winston winning the POV, and if Scottie gets houseguest choice in the POV draw he can make sure another Foutte is chosen to play. LIkewise, she could say that if she puts up, say, Winston and Angela, the vote could flip against Angela (since she's been shown to be the stronger competitor) and then Kaitlyn would be left to deal with an angered Winston. But Scottie is "clearly a pawn". Nobody's going after him for being "a threat", nor would he be likely to seek revenge on Winston's behalf. Put Winston up against one of his circle (Brett, Angela, Rachel) and no matter what happens, Kaitlyn would face future consequences. Put him up against a miffed-but-mostly-nervous Scottie, and she can jettison Winston without the dreaded "blood on her hands". (I mean, all of this would be a lie, since Kaitlyn is actually seeking to backdoor Chris, but it's a plausible lie. It's the reason why people use pawns instead of just "drawing the line in the sand" and going after "the other side" full bore.) Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/71902-s20e06-bb-app-store-2-nominations-2/page/2/#findComment-4483667
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