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Season 20: Live Feed Discussion


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3 minutes ago, TheGapper said:

OK, I'm going to do one last lap on media for stuff like this, then get back to being serious about work. Bye y'all. It has been a giggle.


and BOOM

TLDR. I love Kaycee and she deserved it, blah blah blah. Thought he had Fessy and Scottie's votes. Was unsure of Haleigh. Knew Sam would vote for Kaycee over him.

  • Love 2

I think TPTB are missing a bet on following up on the HG's re-entry into life.  I'd love to know if Sam got help, moved her camper out of the family back yard,  or did she crawl back into the nest of her dysfunctional family.  Where does Kaitlyn go from here?  Don't give a damn  about SCAB,  but would love to follow up on Tyler and Angela. Fessy and Hayley? How long does it take for her to come to her senses.  There could be a great "Where are they now?" episode in this.

Edited by Skycatcher
  • Love 8

I worry the most about Sam. I feel like all the other HG's have faults, quirks and insecurities but Sam is the only HG that comes across as a truly damaged person. You could tell that Julie running off the showmances of the season truly hurt her. Part of it is her judgmental attitude towards other people, but I also think she really had a genuine bond with Tyler and was crushed when she found out that she was kept around because of the power app. That and her admitted history with substance abuse makes me hope she gets some help after the show to work on her self-esteem and self-worth issues.

  • Love 10

Ahh- missed all the fun last night. 

Bummed Tyler lost- but happy for Kaycee- she's an absolute sweetheart. I'm happy that Tyler at least got AFH I think that helped soften the blow for him- he looked really emotional that he got that. Good for him. He might not have won- but he won America's hearts- and got the girl. 

I watched a couple of the interviews that Ross/Marissa did with the cast- and some of the explanations on why they voted for Kaycee over Tyler were eye-rolling. But whatever. 

The Bay/Swaggy proposal was the most ridiculous thing I've ever seen (and I've seen a lot of ridiculous things in my life)- we could of had them show funny clips from the season to the HG's instead we get that crap. 

It drives me crazy that we spent 3 months watching this show and then the finale is some hatchet job. So annoying. 

Regardless of the Kaycee win- this season will be remembered by me at least as the Tyler season. It was a blast to watch. 

Now off to find something else to do until Celebrity Big Brother (that is if I like the Celebs-otherwise it's back for BB21). 

Edited by SiobhanJW
  • Love 12
5 minutes ago, SiobhanJW said:

Wanted to Add- After Brett's amazing reaction to the proposal last night and then Ross/Marissa asking him what he thought and deflecting the question- I REALLY want to know what Brett's thoughts are on that shit show. LOL. 

I laughed at him giving a polite answer ("I'm very happy for them and wish them nothing but the best") but making it quite clear that he DOES have opinions. 

  • Love 4
4 minutes ago, MrHufflepuff said:

Awwwwww.  What a cute bro-couple.  I want to see a bro-wedding!

I see Brett went back to his Rockstar's daughter's birthday eve look with the hair.

Seriously, I'm excited to follow what Brett and Winston are up to for the next couple of months. They're the only ones I'm invested in.

  • Love 7
1 hour ago, Lady Calypso said:

I'm torn on whether Swaggy told Bayleigh to keep up with the trolling on the BB fanbase with the baby or if it's legit.

I don't think she is pregnant and I base that on her wearing jean shorts on the jury footage as I have said.  First thing to go is your waist, it thickens very early on before any tummy appears.  

I loved Ross asking Bay and Swag, 'are you planning on having kids in the near future.'  LOL!  They were on their way out of the chair anyway so departed swiftly. 

I am disappointed that Rob was not asked to interview and seems to be replaced by Ross and Marissa.  Ross I like but not to the exclusion of Rob.  Marissa is intolerable.  She is heavy and wore a tight knit dress that she constantly pulled down and adjusted.  Dress for your weight and realize you will be sitting down for fuck sake.  It is bad enough to listen to you, now we get visuals.  No

7 minutes ago, Machiabelly said:


I think Swaggy may end up being the next Mr. Pectacular we are going to keep seeing him.

No no no no!  I like Jesse, he is a fixture that must stay.  

Edited by Wings
  • Love 3
59 minutes ago, Scout Finch said:

I guess there should be a final fuck you, Fessy!

ETA: STILL not enough posts on page 499 to make it to 500?!

This is the last post on page 499.  So close!

Ooh, I just thought of something.  Maybe we can finally be done with people pulling stupid James pranks in order to win AFP.  This is now 2 seasons in a row that AFP went to someone who tried to actually play the game (even if Codybot sucked at it).

  • Love 4
7 minutes ago, Machiabelly said:

I think Swaggy may end up being the next Mr. Pectacular we are going to keep seeing him.

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO*(&%**%#%**((   noooooooooooooooooooo..........


Also, I've been wondering the whys and wherefores of how Kaycee decided to put her amazing physical abilities on the back burner and play a social game, until it came time to beast several comps in a row...in other words, how did she manage to tamp down her natural competitive nature that has gotten her to where she is in her career?  That's actually pretty amazing - to know you have the chops to give everyone a run for their money in physical comps, but also know when to make it happen.

  • Love 5
10 minutes ago, laurakaye said:

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO*(&%**%#%**((   noooooooooooooooooooo..........


Also, I've been wondering the whys and wherefores of how Kaycee decided to put her amazing physical abilities on the back burner and play a social game, until it came time to beast several comps in a row...in other words, how did she manage to tamp down her natural competitive nature that has gotten her to where she is in her career?  That's actually pretty amazing - to know you have the chops to give everyone a run for their money in physical comps, but also know when to make it happen.

SHe said she was never picked to play in vetos. That's where her athletic ability excelled.

3 minutes ago, Slider said:

If anyone finds any backyard interviews not done by Ross & Marissa, can you post a link here?  Post game interviews this year sucked.  

Josh ( BB19) did some for POP. It is either on their app, website. If I find ti I can post here and in media thread.

  • Love 2
5 minutes ago, Slider said:

If anyone finds any backyard interviews not done by Ross & Marissa, can you post a link here?  Post game interviews this year sucked.  


I think Ika Wong who was on BBCanada did them for Entertainment Tonight Canada- so I would imagine those will be posted soon. 

Edited by SiobhanJW

Thank you everyone for a great season.  Your opinions and comments were the best part of BB, as always.  

Glad Kaycee won, still feel Tyler was more deserving.  Hate bitter jurors.  Glad he won AF and walks away with Angela.   They should be good for each other.   

Bay and  Chris deserve each other.  They are narcissistic twits.  I hope she isn’t pregnant because narcissistic twits don’t last.   Plus Chris is an opportunist and will milk Bay and her family for all he can get.  And I think Bay’s family are idiots for chumming up to Chris so quickly.  

Chris’ proposal ranked right up there with Boogie’s.  Both were cringe worthy. 

  • Love 13

I said yesterday that it'd be hard for me to wait until later in the day to watch the finale. So this morning, I couldn't hold out and read the whole thread. Just watched the episode online. So I knew the outcomes.

I have one observation and two questions.

The observation was that Brett and Winston continued their bro hugs and conversation during the closing credits (I'd read posts about how they hugged each other right away). I'm NOT implying anything more than a real friendship there. But I think there is one.

The questions are:

When Julie made her speech about how each jury member had 'come up' with questions, and were they all satisfied with those questions, everyone nodded and said "Yes", but Scottie sort of moved his head to the side and it seemed to me he said, "More or less". I backed up and watched again, and maybe he said "Well...yes". It just stuck out to me because we're pretty damn sure those questions are scripted and maybe he didn't really like his question. Did anyone else notice that and get the same impression?

Also, when Dirt Baggy (sorry, just don't like the guy, and think he is one), walked over for the proposal, I'm pretty sure I read comments that Rockstar sort of killed the moment by saying, "A proposal?". I didn't see her mouth move, and it sounded more like Haleigh said it.

It's OK to tell me I'm wrong ;)

Not being the biggest BB fan, I did watch this entire season, read all the posts here, and just wanted to say thanks to all for the great posts and conversations.

  • Love 6
5 minutes ago, mikewho said:

Also, when Dirt Baggy (sorry, just don't like the guy, and think he is one), walked over for the proposal, I'm pretty sure I read comments that Rockstar sort of killed the moment by saying, "A proposal?". I didn't see her mouth move, and it sounded more like Haleigh said it.

I honestly thought it was Angela but Id have to see it again.  Would definitely be an Angela thing to say.  Brett's reaction was perfect.

  • Love 3

Hey, we made it after all! And all I had to do was go to bed.

One more afterthought: I'm conflicted on Bayleigh too. They do pretty much deserve each other at the moment, but (probably) not for life. I was really, really hoping that when Julie inevitably asked her about Swaggy, she'd give a more measured response like "Yeah, I can't wait to see him, we have so much to talk about and I definitely want to see if we have what it takes to go the distance IRL." Would've kneecapped the whole stupid proposal right there, but maybe the producers tipped her off and told her to play along. Fuckin' Grodner and her obsession with showmances. Oh well. Now we sit back like NASCAR fans and wait for somebody to crash and burn.

And yes, one for the road: FUCK YOU, FESSY!

  • Love 6

Tyler got his phone back and he posted an IG story with Brett on the set of The Bold and the Beautiful. 

From what I saw on Instagram looks like most of them are hanging out together in small groups and the jury members have gotten their phones and are on social media.  The only person I haven't seen yet is JC.

  • Love 3

So look, you live feeders...

This season was my first dive down the rabbit hole of the live feeds and the live feeds thread.  And now that the show is all done, I find myself following the HG's on IG, checking out who is hanging with who, watching their cute lil' videos, hoping that they all check in so I can make sure they've adjusted back to real life...etc.  It's like I can't quit them yet.

Is this normal?  Or do I need some kind of BB intervention?

  • Love 11
1 hour ago, Slider said:

If anyone finds any backyard interviews not done by Ross & Marissa, can you post a link here?  Post game interviews this year sucked.  

RHAP didn't do them this year, which is unfortunate. 

2 minutes ago, laurakaye said:

So look, you live feeders...

This season was my first dive down the rabbit hole of the live feeds and the live feeds thread.  And now that the show is all done, I find myself following the HG's on IG, checking out who is hanging with who, watching their cute lil' videos, hoping that they all check in so I can make sure they've adjusted back to real life...etc.  It's like I can't quit them yet.

Is this normal?  Or do I need some kind of BB intervention?

It's normal but give it a few weeks and you will eventually lose interest. What you'll come to find out is that the minutiae of their day to day lives is just as boring as ours.

  • Love 6
14 minutes ago, Cutty said:

It's normal but give it a few weeks and you will eventually lose interest. What you'll come to find out is that the minutiae of their day to day lives is just as boring as ours.

...if not more so.

It's a happy day each spring when I realize the names of last year's cast have started to slip my mind. Although that's usually because there's some residual ick and I'm relieved to have purged some of the data. OTOH, I loved BB10 and can remember everybody, even the early boots (Brian! Angie!); not sure if I'd rate this season as highly, but I won't be surprised either if, eight months from now, I find myself randomly wondering what Brinston's been up to.

  • Love 3
9 minutes ago, laurakaye said:

So look, you live feeders...

This season was my first dive down the rabbit hole of the live feeds and the live feeds thread.  And now that the show is all done, I find myself following the HG's on IG, checking out who is hanging with who, watching their cute lil' videos, hoping that they all check in so I can make sure they've adjusted back to real life...etc.  It's like I can't quit them yet.

Is this normal?  Or do I need some kind of BB intervention?

Not updated yet on this site:https://www.bigbrotherdaily.com/social-media.html

But this page has most of their instagrams: https://www.romper.com/p/big-brother-20-house-guests-instagrams-to-follow-so-you-can-get-to-know-them-before-the-new-season-9513480


  • Love 2

I barely remember the cast from last year. I remember Jess and Cody, and I follow their lives the most. I remember Mark and Elena because I followed them before they turned uber pricky, I remember the Puppetmaster and Cereal Bowl Matt, and I remember Paul because...well, it's Paul. I do remember the other houseguests to some extent, but not enough to know what they did on the show and not enough to care to know what they're up to.

I do know that I'll remember this pre-jury better than past pre-jurors. I think I'll care more about this cast in a few months from now because I genuinely liked 85% of them. I'm even following Haleigh on social media, and might follow Fessy and Scottie if I'm bored enough. I'm following all of L6, Kaitlyn, and Sam. 

  • Love 6
2 hours ago, TheGapper said:

WOW. People never cease to amaze me with their ability to cash in. Dig it.  Cause #Americaman. Wish I was this clever.


Oh gross. And I like Kaycee but come on!

I have to call foul, like peachmangosteen, about Tyler's reaction to being voted AFP. Another COME ON!!!! I mean, being shocked with one thing but thinking America hated you and then getting all weepy. Just stop. He is a "Super Fan". He knew how to play the DR and knew to keep the personal digs to a bare minimum. Even the nicest of people say some side-eye shit sometimes (which is why I can't hate on a lot of contestants for questionable comments, I expect it) but Tyler was very, very controlled. This season, he was definitely the one who gave off the vibe that every action and reaction was carefully crafted. Great game play but also, a great act. 

  • Love 5

Someone on Reddit screencapped a Swaggy Instagram story (here.) where he showed the notes they wrote each other while away (that I guess they just exchanged). Seems like Bayleigh really is pregnant. 

I'm gonna bet they'll be together a long time - Swaggy loves the attention it gets him, and Bayleigh seems to love him for some reason I don't quite understand - she could definitely do better. But, I'm glad it seems like they'll have a lot of support from her family, too. 

The engagement wasting our time still makes me mad. What an attention whore. 

ETA: I loved Angela's monotone "He's gonna propose" before the moment. You could tell they were on the same page as the audience. 

Edited by mooses
  • Love 2

As usual I find myself wondering how the BB casts seem to have endless sources of free time (and money) to spend the months after the end of the season traveling to visit each other, taking trips to Vegas or other destinations, and generally avoid any problems such as steady jobs or paying debts. Who pays for all these trips/visits/moves to LA? I am seriously genuinely puzzled by all the freedom from everyday constraints that the BB contestants enjoy. Their stipends aren't THAT much. Anyone have any "inside info" or speculation?

  • Love 3
17 minutes ago, DannyRugg said:

As usual I find myself wondering how the BB casts seem to have endless sources of free time (and money) to spend the months after the end of the season traveling to visit each other, taking trips to Vegas or other destinations, and generally avoid any problems such as steady jobs or paying debts. Who pays for all these trips/visits/moves to LA? I am seriously genuinely puzzled by all the freedom from everyday constraints that the BB contestants enjoy. Their stipends aren't THAT much. Anyone have any "inside info" or speculation?

I've wondered this myself . My first concern after getting out is checking my account and seeing how much money I have. Then either go back to my job or find a new job. Sure I want to hang out with everyone but still. 

  • Love 2
58 minutes ago, DannyRugg said:

As usual I find myself wondering how the BB casts seem to have endless sources of free time (and money) to spend the months after the end of the season traveling to visit each other, taking trips to Vegas or other destinations, and generally avoid any problems such as steady jobs or paying debts. Who pays for all these trips/visits/moves to LA? I am seriously genuinely puzzled by all the freedom from everyday constraints that the BB contestants enjoy. Their stipends aren't THAT much. Anyone have any "inside info" or speculation?

I think they get paid for some appearances and some are able to make money on social media (instagram/you tube).  Whether it's enough to live on...

44 minutes ago, RandomWatcher said:

I've wondered this myself . My first concern after getting out is checking my account and seeing how much money I have. Then either go back to my job or find a new job. Sure I want to hang out with everyone but still. 

They get paid pretty well for appearances I think. A lot more than the stipend was I am sure.

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