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Season 20: Live Feed Discussion


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8 minutes ago, SiobhanJW said:

I think it's less about her looking at him differently- and more about Kaycee thinking if Angela is in love with Tyler- that means I probably don't have her vote, and I'm down one vote. And then if she were to win HOH and evict JC- she's potentially already down 2 votes. So he doesn't want to risk her thinking it is better to evict Tyler- and hope that both him & Angela vote for her, or at least for sure Angela. 

I think Kaycee believes that the winner will be the person that has played the best game- and Angela is someone that will vote on game and game alone. So she has a shot- since she believes she's played a pretty solid game. But you throw the love you factor in there- that goes out the window. 

In her head right now all she sees is the fact that Tyler has feelings for her which she clearly called him out on- he's told her that they have cuddled- but doesn't want to take it any further then that because he didn't want to have to cut her in the end. Angela also NEVER talked to her about anything- so in Kaycee's mind it could just be that my best friend has a crush on this girl- and they are cuddling and it's nothing more then that on Angela's end because they were playing a game and a bit of cuddling never hurt anyone. And she told him a few times (Kaycee did) that Angela isn't one to really share her feelings or emotions. So I think finding out that she did- is going to be pretty wild for Kaycee. 

I think if he wanted to talk to Kaycee about it he could say something like- what JC has been saying has been bothering me- like nothing serious ever happened- but I at least want to be her friend after the show so it upsets me when he says she's going to drop me. I'm sure she would give him some reassuring words. LOL. 

That's true, too, but Kaycee definitely thinks Angela is voting against her - she told Tyler she knew she was going home if Angela won the F4 Veto (because Angela would choose Tyler over her). And, if Tyler is this worried about him screwing up with her, it actually might make Kaycee think she has a slightly better chance of getting Angela's vote on the off chance Tyler is right, and Angela really was hurt by him. 

I don't think Tyler has to say, "Angela said she was in love with me." But, he basically admitted he was saying he loved her in his speech, so Kaycee definitely knows there's something there. And, even if Kaycee just thinks Tyler's the one with the crush, he could still be like, "I worried I screwed up my chance when we get out of here." I get him not wanting to go to JC with it, but thinking it's going to "ruin his game" with Kaycee (like he said he's worried about) doesn't make much sense - I think it just shows he's constantly in game mode, even when he's basically a lock for F2 - he's not focusing on his speech or answers to questions because he's still handling the two HGs left. Now I kind of get why he spent so much time with Angela when she was here - he really didn't talk game with her, and it probably let him relax a bit. 

I think Tyler mentioned the First in the House Curse to Kaycee/JC yesterday (letting his recruit facade slip). He was actually the first name called by Julie, and this was his face: 


Bayleigh was the first in the House - she actually ran to the door. I guess she screwed her game before even blabbing about her Power App.

ETA: @HartofDixie had it a couple of pages ago! Whoops. That's what I get for being behind.

Edited by mooses
  • Love 16
8 minutes ago, mooses said:

I think Tyler mentioned the First in the House Curse to Kaycee/JC yesterday (letting his recruit facade slip). He was actually the first name called by Julie, and this was his face: 


That picture is fucking terrifying and hilarious at the same time.

Also, I think that was the expression on my face the other night when I meant to make 30 peanut butter honey cookies but ended up with 60. Who needs 60 cookies?! (We did, apparently, because the two of us destroyed those in three days and I made another batch last night.)

  • Love 13
12 minutes ago, mooses said:

I think Tyler mentioned the First in the House Curse to Kaycee/JC yesterday (letting his recruit facade slip). He was actually the first name called by Julie, and this was his face: 


Bayleigh was the first in the House - she actually ran to the door. I guess she screwed her game before even blabbing about her Power App.

ETA: @HartofDixie had it a couple of pages ago! Whoops. That's what I get for being behind.

This is cracking me up !! Whoever caught this, brilliant. So funny.

  • Love 4
2 hours ago, CrazyDog said:

I skimmed through the comments on that thread, and I'm mostly shocked that someone made a Twitter account called Rockstar Stan.

Why? People like Angela, for fuck's sake! Hell, people like fucking Paul!

23 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

Also, I think that was the expression on my face the other night when I meant to make 30 peanut butter honey cookies but ended up with 60. Who needs 60 cookies?! (We did, apparently, because the two of us destroyed those in three days and I made another batch last night.)

I'm gonna need this recipe.

I will lol for days if Tyler ends up doing horrible in the jury questioning because he's in his head about Angela and then he subsequently loses. 

I still say he wins though. I think he's got Brett and Angela on lock. I think Scottie is almost certainly voting for him. I think Haleigh is a good bet to vote for him and I think Faysal will follow her/not want to vote for Kaycee anyway. Sam and Bayleigh are likely Kaycee votes. I say JC votes for whichever one doesn't win final HOH and boot him. I think RS is kind of a wild card, but I feel she's gonna go for Tyler. On the other hand, I could see Kaycee ending up with most of the votes too lol. I won't be surprised either way. I wish I was invested in this finale because it could be close and close votes are fun.

  • Love 6
7 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

I'm gonna need this recipe.

Behold! https://www.mybakingaddiction.com/honey-peanut-butter-cookies-recipe/

I think it only made 60 the first time because of the size of my cookie scoop. The second batch made 48 but I was careful to make them bigger this time around. They're not super peanut butter-y but they're nice and soft and chewy if you yank them at the right time and follow the instructions to leave them on the pan for five minutes after they come out. 

20 minutes ago, Ceeg said:

Ugh JC is the worst. I hope Tyler wins the final HOH so he’s the one to evict JC, and then a rejected JC will have to hear Julie talk about Tyler and Angela falling in love and literally saying the words. 

Aaaand now I'm gonna have my eyes on JC when the Tyler/Angela showmance gets brought up. His face is gonna fall just like Frankie's did when he realized that he didn't win AFP. Or Paul's when he lost for the second time. 

  • Love 9
Just now, Skyfall said:

Doing doing my small part to get to 500! To keep it on topic: Fuck you, Fessy!

If we end up live chatting the finale in this thread because there's isn't a live chat finale thread, it might be easier than we think. Plus backyard interviews and our usual "So long and thanks for all the fish!"/"Until next year!" posts.

You know how Part 3 of the final HoH is always "Guess what the producers told the HGs to say was their favourite/lest favourite moment"? If the question about Fuck you, Fessy isn't something like "Fessy said 'The one question I wish had been answered in the house was..." and the answer "WHO FLIPPED?!", I'll be sad. It probably won't be but man, what an opportunity there. 

  • Love 10
58 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

You know how Part 3 of the final HoH is always "Guess what the producers told the HGs to say was their favourite/lest favourite moment"? If the question about Fuck you, Fessy isn't something like "Fessy said 'The one question I wish had been answered in the house was..." and the answer "WHO FLIPPED?!", I'll be sad. It probably won't be but man, what an opportunity there. 


  • Love 3

I was watching BBAD last night and thinking, god, these last few days must be utter hell. I mean, #1 you're there with JC flapping his gums about sushi and crinkling wrinkly packages in your ears, but even take him out of the equation, and damn! I can only imagine what it's like to be thinking about WHAT THE FUCK has been going on in the world at large and in your own personal life over the last 3.5 months. How are you going to re-acclimate yourself to everyday life? (Tyler made a cute comment about how he won't be able to go straight to non-BB friends & family - he'll have to wean himself off BB by hanging with HGs until comfortable.)

Then Pop tried to liven things up with.... origami? Nothing wrong with it, but oh my. And then it dawned on me - what if they added to the whole damn season a twist on Team America or whatever the hell that thing was called - the genesis of the iconic Overwhelming No - and allowed viewers to crowdfund shit in the house? Like, one in which we could donate a buck or two to a pot that would offer HGs cold, hard cash for doing silly, ridiculous, or even game-changing activities. We've seen how nuts they go over 10 or even 5 grand, and it wouldn't even cost shitty CBS one thin dime. Not that I want to spend $$ for my freebie junk food show of the summer, but would I chip in a couple bucks to challenge JC to shut his mouth for a 24 hour period? Hell yes. Ask one HG to follow another around all day. Ask a HG to use the veto on a particular player. I think the amount would have to be capped at an amount lest the mini-challenge becomes worth throwing your game for (I don't want to fuck with the essence of the game THAT much), and it could be with the stipulation that you cannot tell anyone. And don't even tell the HGs at the beginning of the season, so later on if a HG is offered a cash challenge in the DR, they'll go crazy wondering who else has been.

I want to make these monkeys dance! (Or maybe I miss the intrigue of The Mole too much.)

  • Love 8

I'm surprised to read so much disrespect for Chris.

After all, he is a 23 year old baby sitter and if you folks have never done any baby sitting, I'm here to tell you that shit is hard hard work!

It deserves all the respect in the world. I know cuz I used to do that and know all about it.

Of course, I was only  12 when I did it. But still ....




Just joking. I'm scared what might happen to me if I didn't make that clear. Shit. I'm still scared.

  • Love 5

Here's what I think Swaggy C is saying:


Rachel, Winston, Brett, Kaitlyn, Angela, KC and JC are people I don't like.  Even so, I still hope the best for them in the future.  I honestly hope their futures are great for them and that they achieve everything they want to.  I pray they do.

Just don't fuck with them.  They move funny.  I'm not their enemy.


Yes, Twitter, if someone apologizes to me, I'll forgive them.  But, if they acted a certain way all summer (such as the pre-jurors) or disrespected me in the house constantly (such as some jury members and the final three) and they don't apologize... well, they shouldn't try to buddy up to me tomorrow.

Edited by MrHufflepuff
  • Love 4

Tyler and JC are quizzing each other on capitals.  JC knew a surprising number of world capitals.  But the cute thing is that now they are working on State Capitals and Bob is telling them when they get an answer wrong.   He is also giving them hints.  For example, when they were trying to think of the capital of Kentucky (Frankfort), he said "Faysel."  I guess for the F.  (They didn't get it.) 

ETA, I really like the way they made the cozy little living area to hang out it near the kitchen.  It is a smart way to deal with the huge expanse of the house.  

Edited by Thalia
  • Love 6
Just now, gunderda said:

This state capital thing is fun! JC thought Arkansas was pronounced like it looks and then thought Wichita,KS was pronounced wah-she-cha.  Haha! 

Now they’re on to countries. 

They would hate me if I was there playing this game with them.  I was the nerd who knew where all 50 states were on a blank map of the US and could name their capitals at the start of 5th grade and the teacher despaired to my mom "what am I supposed to teach her this year?  she already knows everything the kids are supposed to learn in social studies!"  Yeah, my mom suggested that he teach some actual history.  

Having said that, I'll give JC a pass on mispronouncing Arkansas because I'm quite positive that I would butcher the pronunciation of many states/provinces of countries like Brazil, China, or Poland, etc because I'm unfamiliar with the language.

  • Love 10
54 minutes ago, mooses said:

I bet Swaggy comes back another season only because everything he says gets attention by every facet of the Big Brother fanbase for some reason. I wish the Internet at large could just ignore him or leave him to pound away on his keyboard for Twitter.

I could support Swaggy coming back another season. But only if he changes his name to "Asshole" and everyone has to call him that in every sentence when they talk with him - including the host of the show. I won't bother troubling you all with the details. But if you think about the most common sentences Julie says to HGs when she speaks to them, that could be pretty Gosh Darn funny.

  • Love 4
13 hours ago, ByaNose said:

No offense but I don't think Josh is the best person to interview people.

That is a hard no on wanting to see Josh interview people.  Why CBS would think that is a good idea is beyond me.  I would honestly rather see Raven interview people. 

11 hours ago, LGGirl said:

What I find funny about John Waters vs Angie is that John Waters was woke way before woke was a thing.  I remember watching the original Hairspray.  Good movie.  


That’s true.  Also, the winner of OTEV has never won BB.  So it will be interesting to see if Tyler pulls out the win.  

I just have a sick feeling that JC is the swing vote and votes for Kaycee to win.   

What I like about John Waters is that he's woke but he uses humor to show how woke he is.  He is not like Blockstar who has to be in your face about it.  John is usually a guest on Bill Maher once a season and he is always a great guest.  

11 hours ago, Brian Cronin said:

It's so funny to me how I want him to win, but I really don't mind if Kaycee wins. Usually when I want one person to win, I'd be pissed if the other person wins, but not here. 

Same here, while I want Tyler to win because I think he has done more, I would not mind Kaycee winning.  I have thought that Kaycee was going to win for the last month.  

This is a first for me because there are two members of the final three that I would be glad to see win.  I usually am not a fan of anyone who wins the show.  Actually the last person I liked who won the show was (I did not see OTT but I am pretty sure I would have been a Morgan fan) Jordan.  I liked both Rachel and Nicole during their first seasons and disliked both of them during their second seasons.  Yeah so Jordan was the last winner that I truly liked.

9 hours ago, Nashville said:

I’ve often wondered, though, if the cause/effect dynamic of that curse isn’t swapped around a mite.  Do they lose because they’re first through the FD? Or do they lose because their personality is so Veruca-Salt-egocentric, they feel the need to push their way to be the first into the House?

Isn't the first person in the house usually a woman (most of the guys usually hold back and let the women go in before them)?  I guess it simply boils down to women not getting the votes in the end for the most part.  Which is something I always find a tad odd because with Survivor in terms of male and female winners it is roughly around the fifty percent mark (or it was the last time I did the math, which is was a few seasons ago).  I wonder why there are not more female winners of Big Brother, heck even the Canadian version of the show is at a 50/50 split (I count the Paquette brothers as one winner because they did not win individually, also I swear JC could be one of their brothers as well).

1 hour ago, MrHufflepuff said:

Here's what I think Swaggy C is saying:

Thank you for translating the last post of the first Tweet.  I was like, "Why is he talking about that Naughty by Nature song?"

  • Love 1
8 hours ago, Brian Cronin said:

I think the "first in the house" curse is just that any one HG has bad odds of winning. 

So it could be "the first person to wash their hands never wins."

Still - given on Day One every HG has a 1-in-16 chance of winning, we’re in Season 20 now.  Simple probabilistic odds would indicate a first-in-the-House should have won at least once by now.


7 hours ago, Ceeg said:

Ugh JC is the worst. I hope Tyler wins the final HOH so he’s the one to evict JC, and then a rejected JC will have to hear Julie talk about Tyler and Angela falling in love and literally saying the words. 

That’s good - but even better:

  1. Kaycee wins FHoH and evicts a bitter JC...
  2. ...who casts a revenge vote for Tyler..
  3. ...who then proceeds to win by ONE vote (for which JC will automatically take credit - it’s his nature)...
  4. ...AFTER WHICH, JC gets to hear Julie unfold the entire love story which is Tangela - half of which is Tyler, to whom JC just voted to give a half-mil...
  5. ...and it slowly dawns on JC that Tyler and Angela are about to ride off into the sunset - leaving JC behind - with the money which JC (in his mind) GAVE Tyler...?

Yeah.  THAT would be even better.  ;)


7 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

I think Haleigh is a good bet to vote for him and I think Faysal will follow her/not want to vote for Kaycee anyway. 

I can see three primary reasons why Fessy would vote for Tyler:

  1. IF Hay votes for Tyler - following Hay’s lead, hoping a similar vote will ingratiate Fessy with Hay.
  2. Residual sour grapes from Kaycee besting Fessy in the PoV comp which sent him home.
  3. Tyler is male, Kaycee is female.  ‘Nuff said, Fessy-wise.
Edited by Nashville
  • Love 8

FYI: don’t remember who asked, but I just did a quick jog through the list of OTEV winners.

One person has won both BB and OTEV (Dan Gheesling - won top prize in BB10, OTEV in BB14), but to date no HG has ever won OTEV then gone on to win BB in that same season.


Question: when did TPTB finally start dropping the BY security barrier door?

  • Love 3
17 hours ago, ByaNose said:

I think it's funny that Kaycee doesn't really know that Tyler & Angela are a thing thing. What did she think they were doing all this time? I'm still torn if Tyler is going to pull this out. It really could be down to one vote. I'm kind of nervous. Let's go, Tyler!!

Kaycee totally knows, she slept in the bed next to them. Haleigh said that she heard them from her bed in the pink room making “the same sounds as Swaggy and Bayleigh” so I’m pretty sure Kaycee could hear them in the next bed over. Also, she slept in the HOH room with JC on Angela’s last night so that Tyler and Angela could spend their last night alone together.

Kaycee, Tyler and JC were cute on BBAD tonight getting all reminiscent about the summer...that cheesy tour they made them do was lame though. I guess we know what's going to be filler on the live show tomorrow. Tyler told Kaycee before they went to sleep that he hopes they show them making their final 2 pact on day one. I hope they show it too, I'd like to see it.

I really hope Kaycee wins, but I'm 99% sure it will be Tyler. At least she'll get 50K!

  • Love 6
14 hours ago, mikewho said:

So, apparently, as a Life Coach, she's saying to people facing a two minute dilemma, "If it's too hard, just curl up in a ball on the floor, give up and cry".

Especially if there's a puzzle involved.

I couldn't handle this last bit- being locked in the house. Especially with JC. This would be the first-ever Big Brother finale with no vote needed because I would be ineligible as I would be in jail for clubbing JC to death. And, of course, JC would be dead.

  • Love 10
10 hours ago, HighQueenEB said:

They would hate me if I was there playing this game with them.  I was the nerd who knew where all 50 states were on a blank map of the US and could name their capitals at the start of 5th grade and the teacher despaired to my mom "what am I supposed to teach her this year?  she already knows everything the kids are supposed to learn in social studies!"  Yeah, my mom suggested that he teach some actual history.  

Having said that, I'll give JC a pass on mispronouncing Arkansas because I'm quite positive that I would butcher the pronunciation of many states/provinces of countries like Brazil, China, or Poland, etc because I'm unfamiliar with the language.

I used to know them all but last night i had to google as they said them because i'm like oh crap - I have no idea anymore!  I thought we had a song to help remember it but maybe that was just the states in alphabetical order - which my friends in this same state never learned and i'm like wtf kind of crappy school did you go to that you didn't learn the alphabet state song!?

I liked how BB (Bob) gave them hints using the buttons they had access to. One was "Eric" - How old was that button???

4 hours ago, Summerday said:

Kaycee totally knows, she slept in the bed next to them. Haleigh said that she heard them from her bed in the pink room making “the same sounds as Swaggy and Bayleigh” so I’m pretty sure Kaycee could hear them in the next bed over. Also, she slept in the HOH room with JC on Angela’s last night so that Tyler and Angela could spend their last night alone together.

Kaycee, Tyler and JC were cute on BBAD tonight getting all reminiscent about the summer...that cheesy tour they made them do was lame though. I guess we know what's going to be filler on the live show tomorrow. Tyler told Kaycee before they went to sleep that he hopes they show them making their final 2 pact on day one. I hope they show it too, I'd like to see it.

I really hope Kaycee wins, but I'm 99% sure it will be Tyler. At least she'll get 50K!

I woke up while they were in the have not  room and I'm like wtf... why in the world did they move in there... then I heard them telling stories and I though 1. I'm surprised BB never shut down the Have Not room like they have in past seasons and 2. They must be doing a house tour and telling stories.  And then I fell asleep without actually hearing any stories.

Edited by gunderda
  • Love 1
18 minutes ago, gunderda said:

I used to know them all but last night i had to google as they said them because i'm like oh crap - I have no idea anymore!  I thought we had a song to help remember it but maybe that was just the states in alphabetical order - which my friends in this same state And then I fell asleep without actually hearing any stories.

 The stories were mostly an incomprehensible JC yelling over anybody else trying to speak.

  • Love 2
2 minutes ago, Madding crowd said:

If Tyler and Angela go to a hotel after this they better hide the location from JC. He would call in a fake bomb threat or pull a fire alarm to separate them. 

Angela lives in LA right? I bet they just go straight to her place.  She doesn't have roommate and didn't rent out her place while she was gone. Hopefully she had someone checking on it because she said she hoped that everything was still there. 

  • Love 1
12 hours ago, Alice Mudgarden said:

Did [Chris] short circuit at the end of that second tweet?

How on earth could anyone tell if he did? I think the Hollywood Reporter guy (girl?) ran a translation app while writing the story. 

8 hours ago, Nashville said:
  1. I can see three primary reasons why Fessy would vote for Tyler:
  1. IF Hay votes for Tyler - following Hay’s lead, hoping a similar vote will ingratiate Fessy with Hay.
  2. Residual sour grapes from Kaycee besting Fessy in the PoV comp which sent him home.
  3. Tyler is male, Kaycee is female.  ‘Nuff said, Fessy-wise.

(sorry about the formatting?? no idea.) 

I think it's the unspoken reason 2.5 that makes Kaycee a hard no for Fessy's vote. She's a GIRL who BEAT HIM at a contest involving CATCHING STUFF. That one is going to haunt him for a while. 

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