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Season 20: Live Feed Discussion


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29 minutes ago, jumper sage said:

It is hilarious that they need to tell him they have an alliance.  He couldn't see an alliance picking off everyone but themselves?  He couldn't see that Kaycee, or maybe Angela, saying that they will be friends forever and then never looked at him?

Well, what JC thinks is that there were two sides of the house but some people, like him and Tyler, were playing the middle. JC also thinks that Brett ended up being an actual Lone Wolf around the time that jury started. He also knows that Kaycee, Tyler, and Angela were kind of close, but that the group broke up a while ago and that JC has any control over Tyler or Kaycee. He doesn't think those two are particular close because he thought Angela was the lynchpin in the group when it's actually been Tyler. 

So, JC knows SOME stuff and has an inkling on others, but there's a lot of information that he is missing due to his blind obsession over Tyler. 

22 minutes ago, Skycatcher said:

Thanks for clarifying the HOH wIn. I completely forgot about that one.  Also forgot about her winning the Hacker. She was so quiet about that as opposed to Hay who called house meetings to be sure everyone knew she had it - idjit.  Did the house ever find out that KC had won the Hacker?  I remember Hay heard KC celebrating at the end of the comp but I don't remember if the whole house knew.

Everyone in the house pretty much suspected that Kaycee won the Hacker Comp but she only told Level 6. I believe Sam also found out during her last week, but I'm not positive on that. 

30 minutes ago, Ceeg said:

I’ve been a huge Tyler fan since almost Day 1, and I think he’s busted his ass and played the game better than anyone in the house throughout the summer. But somehow for some reason I can’t quite put my finger on, I find myself hoping for a Kaycee win. 

For me, I think it's because I've seen Tyler's game faltering since shacking up with Angela. I mean, he's still a good player but a lot of his awesome gameplay from the first half of the season got put on the sidelines when he started hanging out with Angela more and his other relationships with people faltered. He's still a great gameplayer, but his alliance picked up the slack while he was semi-distracted and it wasn't just because of him that things turned out well for Level 6. Kaycee has proven herself to be a great gameplayer, with nobody in jury being pissed at her. I think Tyler can still win against Kaycee, but it's not like Kaycee would be robbing Tyler of a win in F2 if she won. Tyler's relationship with Sam would have been stronger if he stopped spending so much time with Angela and being obvious about their relationship. Sure, Tyler's time wasn't all spent on Angela but he stopped caring as much about his side alliances and it really led him to making some odd choices. His obsession with blindsides also ruined some for sure votes in favour for him to win. 

Also, as much as I think it's good that Tyler was adaptable to things not going his way every week, I think he needed to push for his way near the beginning. The Kaitlyn vs Rockstar week, for example, could have gone better for him. It's possible that Rockstar could have completed the puzzle, which would have changed things with Kaitlyn still being in the house. Tyler could have also pushed Sam to use her Bonus Life on Winston instead. I think Tyler needed more of his members in jury instead of letting it slide by. Now, he has the Hive as the majority and it decreased his chances of winning. However, those aren't monumentally failures on his end. The failures, for me, lie within his blindsides with Sam and Brett. And, it looks like JC won't be pleased if he wins final HOH.

  • Love 3

This is in no way a judgment of Kaycee or her game, because I like both, but I'm sitting here and trying to think of strategy she came up with. It's possible I'm forgetting something (or maybe don't actually know) but since I'm mentally comparing her to Tyler, I realized that in that category, I don't have an answer for her. Tyler, I can think of plenty, but Kaycee I can't.

She's helped execute various moves for sure, but did she come up with them?

  • Love 10

If KC takes JC, she wins.  Tyler would vote for her out of appreciation for her game move and the fact that JC is the other choice.  The jury would go crazy and lovelovelove that move.  It would be close to a unanimous vote, imo.

If Tyler throws Part III he is a fool.  There is no "blood" at stake if he launches JC.  If he wants to make the best move and launch KC, he has to win the comp, anyway.  

I very much like KC, but I want Tyler to be rewarded for his season-long game.  It's among the best I have ever seen.  Few, if any, alliances held as well as L6 did.  He never had to touch his power.  Unreal.  He cut out Brent :) right when he had to.  And he won the model's heart.  He may have won JC's, too!  

Edited by Lonesome Rhodes
  • Love 16
31 minutes ago, Lonesome Rhodes said:

If KC takes JC, she wins.  Tyler would vote for her out of appreciation for her game move and the fact that JC is the other choice.  The jury would go crazy and lovelovelove that move.  It would be close to a unanimous vote, imo.

If Tyler throws Part III he is a fool.  There is no "blood" at stake if he launches JC.  If he wants to make the best move and launch KC, he has to win the comp, anyway.  

I very much like KC, but I want Tyler to be rewarded for his season-long game.  It's among the best I have ever seen.  Few, if any, alliances held as well as L6 did.  He never had to touch his power.  Unreal.  He cut out Brent :) right when he had to.  And he won the model's heart.  He may have won JC's, too!  


If Kaycee wins #3 and does not take JC.... she is Ivette 2.0. She will lose to Tyler. She will not be win for being loyal. Actually both of them should pick JC because together as a f2 it is a crapshoot. Are they there to win or to make friends? If Kaycee and Tyler go together to f2 they are idiots and one of them will be celebrating being stupid (whoever wins #3 and picks the other and loses the game) 

Edited by DakotaLavender
  • Love 2
5 hours ago, Lamima said:

I wonder if Tyler will be ballsy enough to throw final part to KC making her be the one to cut JC???? 

I’ve been wondering that ever since Kaycee beat out JC on Part 2; as I posted earlier, I believe a possible win for Tyler in a Tyler/Kaycee F2 firms up to a solid Tyler win if Kaycee wins FHoH and is the one to cut JC.


2 hours ago, Skycatcher said:

Did the house ever find out that KC had won the Hacker?  I remember Hay heard KC celebrating at the end of the comp but I don't remember if the whole house knew.

Initially the Hive was certain Kaycee had won the second Hacker because (a) Hay overheard the SR celebration and (b) Kaycee has one of the shittiest poker faces in BB history.  After about 3-4 days of paranoia and self-questioning, though, about half the Hive folks had talked themselves out of that conviction.

Edited by Nashville
Too wordy
  • Love 6

JC REALLY took his loss hard and has been alternately pissed and depressed the rest of last night.  He blames production for making it a physical competition instead of a mental one (all quotes from Jokers below):


JC saying this was not a mental comp. Tyler says it was 25% mental, 75% physical. Tyler says he's going to shower. Tyler tells him to think positive thoughts. JC says he can't take this sh*t anymore. Tyler says "That's not positive".

JC says he wants to leave now several times (me: please do) and is convinced that tomorrow (that is, today, Sunday) will be the Finale haha.  Tyler doesn't think so but let's JC believe what he wants to believe because the last thing he needs is an argument with JC now.

Also  Tyler and Kaycee had a quick convo about filling in JC:


Kaycee sitting on her bed next to Tyler in his. She says "I thought I was going to lose that sh*t". Kaycee says they need to break the news to JC at the very end. She says not now. Tyler agrees saying he doesn't want him to have time to think of things. Kaycee says there is nothing he can say to change their minds, "we've been solid, etc." ...

That was basically how things went all night long.  JC was either pissed, angry or feeling sorry for himself.  When he was in DR or shower then Tyler and Kaycee were happily celebrating their final two.  No indication either will betray the other.

And I agree with that.  If Tyler cut Kaycee he loses her vote and it is more classy to go to the end with a F2 made the first day.  To betray that will lose jury votes other than Kaycee's I think.  Also cutting Kaycee I think would ruin Tyer's hero edit and chance to end up on something like The Amazing Race.

  • Love 7
3 minutes ago, HartofDixie said:

Cool.  I hope whoever of Tyler/Kaycee wins then the other gets AFP.  They BOTH deserve something! 

Ironically last night when JC was depressed and saying he will lose now, Tyler reminded him there was always AFP so if it ended worse case for JC he would probably get that instead.  That seemed to perk up JC some.  Tyler is trying his best to mist JC into settling down, hah.  So I LOVE that JC isn't remotely in the running too.  He is even somewhere behind his sworn enemy, Angela, haha.

Meanwhile JC will soon be catching on to the fact that this is NOT Finale day and that he is NOT escaping the House afterall as they just got materials to tie dye tee shirts with.  And Nashville, over on the After Dark thread, just posted that there is a poll now on what to give them to play with this evening.

  • Love 6
12 hours ago, Skycatcher said:

Tyler and JC talking about their "alliance" , with JC going on and on about how surprised everybody's going to be when they find out about it.

"Yeah...blindsides are awesome, aren't they? Like, I get that they're not awesome for the person being blindsided—and I totally feel for that person, totally—but it's definitely good TV. And sometimes people just don't put 2 and 2 together even when there's a big glowing '4' right in front of them, YKWIM? In which case, I don't think you can really blame the other side for that person being so oblivious.And I wouldn't base a 500K vote on personal feelings when the decision was clearly strategic. I wouldn't want all of America to see I was that much of a petty shit-weasel who doesn't understand or respect the game, would you?"

Brett's paintings continue to amuse me. He really is not afraid to let his inner 15YO shine and you can see it in his smile.

  • Love 1

I agree...I really like her and think she had a solid strategy of laying low and befriending people until she needed to be the comp beast. But I tend to favor the strategizers and active gamers so I just prefer Tyler's more active gameplay, flawed as it was, towards the end. Just IMO. 

I do agree with a tweet by Dan that the more scheming style of gameplay is less favored these days, over being nice and winning comps. I'd like to seee that unicorn balance of sneaky strategy and gaming without being a total douche *coughPaulcough*.

ETA: I was trying to quote @Alice Mudgarden, but that didn't pan out :) I agreed with your post about Kaycee and strategy. That being said, I won't be upset if Kaycee wins. She's played a good game.

Edited by CrazyDog
  • Love 9
14 minutes ago, green said:

And Nashville, over on the After Dark thread, just posted that there is a poll now on what to give them to play with this evening.

I know what JC wants to play with... 

Tyler!  ::rim shot::  Thank you folks, I'll be here all week!  Management suggests you try the veal! 

I was just watching KC and Tyler in the kitchen, and I saw the blacked out sliding glass door to the yard.  That house must seem alternately claustrophobic and creepy now that they are trapped in it with so little to do and with so much silence.   I'm one of those people that likes the TV or radio on even when I'm reading, and I want natural sunlight in a room if possible.  They're handling it really well, but I guess one point of the show is that the ones who really can't take the isolation, Sam excluded, are weaned out early.  

Edited by Thalia
  • Love 11
2 minutes ago, Ceeg said:

I haven’t voted for anyone to win AFP yet, mostly because Tyler and Kaycee are my two faves and neither can win if they make top 2. I’m truly torn on who’s next in line. I might just give Brett the votes to ensure that Sam doesn’t win, because I don’t think unapologetic misogyny deserves a cash prize 

Didn't someone say that Grodner said the BB winner can also win AFP?

  • Love 4
2 hours ago, Alice Mudgarden said:

This is in no way a judgment of Kaycee or her game, because I like both, but I'm sitting here and trying to think of strategy she came up with. It's possible I'm forgetting something (or maybe don't actually know) but since I'm mentally comparing her to Tyler, I realized that in that category, I don't have an answer for her. Tyler, I can think of plenty, but Kaycee I can't.

She's helped execute various moves for sure, but did she come up with them?

Kaycee won the hacker comp which ended up with the losing a number during a Hayleigh HOH.  That was a big win.  No doubt a L6 member would have gone that week, otherwise.   I’ll give her that, but other than her last POV win, they really didn’t make much of a difference.  

I think Angela’s game made more of an impact on the success of L6 and if it wasn’t for her contribution, Tyler and Kaycee might not be in the F3.  


1 hour ago, Lonesome Rhodes said:

If KC takes JC, she wins.  Tyler would vote for her out of appreciation for her game move and the fact that JC is the other choice.  The jury would go crazy and lovelovelove that move.  It would be close to a unanimous vote, imo.

If Tyler throws Part III he is a fool.  There is no "blood" at stake if he launches JC.  If he wants to make the best move and launch KC, he has to win the comp, anyway.  

I very much like KC, but I want Tyler to be rewarded for his season-long game.  It's among the best I have ever seen.  Few, if any, alliances held as well as L6 did.  He never had to touch his power.  Unreal.  He cut out Brent :) right when he had to.  And he won the model's heart.  He may have won JC's, too!  

I agree that Tyler regarding his game.  He’d played the best strategic game.  It’s been a long time since I’ve enjoyed watching someone play BB.   

Tyler will be a fool if he throws Part III but I believe that JC will vote for Kaycee no matter what.  He’d want to see a member of the LGBT community win.  

Tyler best move would be to win the final HOH and take JC.  I just think most will vote for him over JC and the votes will be too close if he is sitting next to Kaycee.  

12 minutes ago, Matteo said:

I read an interview with Grodner where she said the winner can also be AFP... don't remember where it was to link it, but take that for what it's worth.  It's just shocking to actually have a Final 2 where both players are actually somewhat liked and respected by the audience (for the most part)!

She said that the F2 was in the running.   That doesn’t necessarily mean they will be given the prize.  

  • Love 3
3 hours ago, Gemma Violet said:

Didn't someone say that Grodner said the BB winner can also win AFP?

She sure did.  And if she is smart (yes, a big if) since they are both way popular then one of them will win the game and the other can have AFP.  That would mean a terrific feel good end to the best season ever! 

It was the most exciting and fun season.  Each week I was on the edge of my seat to see if Level 6 could pull it out once again and watch the fun filled antics of The Gang That Couldn't Shoot Straight aka Wile E. Coyote.  And pretty much each week Level 6 triumphed but not without clear and present danger before the victorious Beep! Beep!. 

This season has been light years above the crappy endless BORING showmancing, drama queening, mean and personal stuff ones.  This time the good guys won and they did it for the most part without meanness and pettiness and with great good humor and fellowship.  Love this season!

Edited by green
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1 hour ago, HartofDixie said:

LOL, wait, seriously? Tyler, Kaycee, Brett, and Sam are 1-4? That's HILARIOUS. I mean, there's still a couple of more days until voting but clearly Tyler is winning AFP, but it's surprising that Kaycee's up there. I honestly thought there was no chance. Sam doesn't surprise me as much. It pleases me to see Brett in 3rd, just like I wanted. 

  • Love 2
3 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

Y'all, I don't know if I'd believe the Vegas breakdown of AFP votes. Don't forget, she tried to get us to believe that somehow, even though Donny got over 5 million of the 10 or so million votes cast, Derrick blew him out of the water in AFP votes. Which... LOL FOREVER AGAIN.

True. Perhaps she's trying to rile up the Hive stans to get them to spam vote Haleigh. I do believe that she is in danger of not winning and with Vegas catering to the Twitter fandom, who are predominantly Hive stans, then I can see Haleigh not being as close with the votes. However, I also don't think it's completely out of the realm of possibilities that this is true. The casuals may have grown to like Kaycee in this second half, and we all know AFP is predominantly better for people who stick around until jury (Howard being the exception from BB15). 

But yeah, the Donny/Derrick stuff was BS, but mostly because Vegas was likely not part of the crew then so it was easier to not believe it. Here, I think her pulling out a blatant lie when Julie will likely read the top three is a bad idea for her reputation. 

I'm just gonna believe that this is the truth because it pleases me to have Level 6+Sam in the top four positions and JC's nowhere close. That actually is why it probably is unbelievable. The casuals would LOVE JC and he should be in top five, theoretically, due to his abysmal edit.

  • Love 2
3 hours ago, Brian Cronin said:

Letting him do everything so everyone hates him is a strategy in and of itself, though. 

I agree with this, but I don't really buy that that's what Kaycee was thinking. I think she thinks it was all a team effort, not that she was using Tyler as a blowback shield of some sort. It's kind of what Tyler was doing with JC, though - although less so that everyone would hate JC, and more so Tyler wouldn't have to risk his game by doing all that rat work. 

I still am happy with the (potential) F2 and would love for either to win. Although I am rooting for Tyler, I wouldn't begrudge Kaycee a victory. I don't know the last time I could say that about the final HGs. 

Edited by mooses
  • Love 6
5 hours ago, Skycatcher said:

Also forgot about her winning the Hacker. She was so quiet about that ...

Not really. She lost it on RS over it and said some variation of, "I'm SO pissed people think I'm the hacker wah!" approximately 5000 times throughout that week. She made it very obvious that it was her, but lucky for her everyone was willfully stupid.

3 hours ago, Brian Cronin said:

Letting him do everything so everyone hates him is a strategy in and of itself, though. 


5 minutes ago, mooses said:

I agree with this, but I don't really buy that that's what Kaycee was thinking.

I'm with @mooses on that. If Kaycee was doing it on purpose, sure, but she wasn't. Kaycee just didn't do anything strategic. Her strategy was only ever 'be loyal to L6.' And I guess maybe 'start winning comps at the end,' but I'm not convinced she even consciously did that. 

  • Love 8
2 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

Not really. She [Kaycee] lost it on RS over it and said some variation of, "I'm SO pissed people think I'm the hacker wah!" approximately 5000 times throughout that week. She made it very obvious that it was her, but lucky for her everyone was willfully stupid.

I am still flabbergasted all these weeks later that Kaycee's bad acting got her through that week and throwing Scottie under the bus in the HoH room. Like what? I've seen third graders with better acting chops in school assemblies. So so bad. And yet... 

  • Love 9
1 minute ago, Callaphera said:

I am still flabbergasted all these weeks later that Kaycee's bad acting got her through that week and throwing Scottie under the bus in the HoH room. Like what? I've seen third graders with better acting chops in school assemblies. So so bad. And yet... 

She's (and the rest of L6) lucky the other side wouldn't allow themselves to see what was right in front of them.

  • Love 4
2 hours ago, Thalia said:

I'm one of those people that likes the TV or radio on even when I'm reading, and I want natural sunlight in a room if possible.  They're handling it really well, but I guess one point of the show is that the ones who really can't take the isolation, Sam excluded, are weaned out early.  

Hope the remaining HGs are getting Vitamin D supplements, at least; outside of comps they haven’t had BY access for, what, two weeks now?

  • Love 2
18 minutes ago, mooses said:

I agree with this, but I don't really buy that that's what Kaycee was thinking. I think she thinks it was all a team effort, not that she was using Tyler as a blowback shield of some sort. It's kind of what Tyler was doing with JC, though - although less so that everyone would hate JC, and more so Tyler wouldn't have to risk his game by doing all that rat work. 

I still am happy with the (potential) F2 and would love for either to win. Although I am rooting for Tyler, I wouldn't begrudge Kaycee a victory. I don't know the last time I could say that about the final HGs. 

I don't think I've ever not had a preference either way (not counting the fake seasons - Ryan/Adam, who gives a shit?), but the closest would be Andy/GinaMarie. There was no way in the world that she was going to win, so I didn't even really give it any thought hoping either way.

  • Love 1
8 minutes ago, Nashville said:

Hope the remaining HGs are getting Vitamin D supplements, at least; outside of comps they haven’t had BY access for, what, two weeks now?

I can't remember them being locked inside as much as they have this year.  Of course, my hatred for Paul (and Raven and..., well you get the idea) meant that I barely watched last year.  And before that, well, memory hexes. 

  • Love 1
Just now, Wings said:

Groedner has never given a straight answer.  She said, everyone is eligible for AFP.  That is a not definitive; there is wiggle room here. 




having the right to do or obtain something; satisfying the appropriate conditions.

aka: Grod's spank bank needs a new entry since Paul stopped taking her calls.

  • Love 3

Tyler consciously played the game by making thought-out strategic moves. Kaycee played the best social game though, and beasted comps when she had to. And while it might not have been a conscious strategic effort, I don’t think it negates what she did or has accomplished. She made no enemies despite being in a large dominant alliance and winning an HOH (or two) and five straight vetoes  

But for me, what stands out the most, is the week Bayleigh was evicted. Tyler did everything wrong and Kaycee did everything right, and it makes me wonder if their different reactions to that specific week will be what ends up winning or costing the game for them. 

  • Love 10
3 hours ago, CrazyDog said:

Yup, I don't believe that Haleigh isn't near the top, at all. 

Who was she again?

I mean really by the time they start voting most voters don't remember people like that.  Again, I truly believe 99% of the voters are just TV viewers only.  You know, unlike us, people who have a life, heh.  They aren't online looking things up.  They don't go on Twitter or Reddit or here to read about BB.  They just vote like they have season after season after season totally unaffected by the internet.  Period.  A few thousand big time fans online are a mere drop in the ocean by comparison.

  • Love 3
3 hours ago, DEL901 said:

I don’t think there is any wat TPTB want JC in the top two just in case he were to win which would generate really bad headlines.... “Sexual assaulter wins BB”

Yes.   America's Got Talent is facing some backlash after the "Christian family man who adopted a bunch of kids,"  who made SImon Cowell all teary-eyed, turned out to be not such a good guy. (He was arrested for domestic battery  the day after he lost) .  Though he was being pushed by TPTB as the favorite, the online and phone voters did not vote according to SImon's wishes.  I bet the AGT producers are thanking their lucky stars he didn't end up winning.   

I think Big Brother PTB  will take note, and make sure that they don't end up with a winner or an "America's favorite"  who will then embarrass the franchise.  

Edited by backformore
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8 minutes ago, PhoneCop said:

Yeah, that's why I'm curious to see how they present JC tonight. They can't very well bury a member of the F3 in the edit, so I expect them to throw him under the bus hard.

They might. I think they'll show one "good" segment with him in it. But otherwise, they'll either stick to FOUTTE/Hive segments or Level 6 segments with some individual segments in between. 

5 hours ago, green said:

JC REALLY took his loss hard and has been alternately pissed and depressed the rest of last night.  He blames production for making it a physical competition instead of a mental one (all quotes from Jokers below):

JC says he wants to leave now several times (me: please do) and is convinced that tomorrow (that is, today, Sunday) will be the Finale haha.  Tyler doesn't think so but let's JC believe what he wants to believe because the last thing he needs is an argument with JC now.

Also  Tyler and Kaycee had a quick convo about filling in JC:

That was basically how things went all night long.  JC was either pissed, angry or feeling sorry for himself.  When he was in DR or shower then Tyler and Kaycee were happily celebrating their final two.  No indication either will betray the other.

And I agree with that.  If Tyler cut Kaycee he loses her vote and it is more classy to go to the end with a F2 made the first day.  To betray that will lose jury votes other than Kaycee's I think.  Also cutting Kaycee I think would ruin Tyer's hero edit and chance to end up on something like The Amazing Race.

If Tyler cuts Kaycee, I have no doubt that he would loose Angela forever.  He would never be able to weasel himself out of this betrayal.  

I would rather see Angela and Kaycee on the Amazing Race than Tyler with either one of the two. I would love to see another very strong competitive woman team win again.  

How long before we see Angela on the Bold and the Beautiful?  

1 hour ago, Ceeg said:

Tyler consciously played the game by making thought-out strategic moves. Kaycee played the best social game though, and beasted comps when she had to. And while it might not have been a conscious strategic effort, I don’t think it negates what she did or has accomplished. She made no enemies despite being in a large dominant alliance and winning an HOH (or two) and five straight vetoes  

I agree. That's why I would be happy with either winning.

I personally prefer Tyler's focus on strategy (without being a real jerk), and would like him to get rewarded. I'd also like future HGs see that "getting blood on your hands" is still a winning strategy (again, without being a jerk). That would be a win/win - it's either entertaining to see someone successfully pull off Big Moves (flipping Kaitlyn, blindsiding Swaggy, BDing Brett), or cause chaos by over-strategizing. 

But, yeah, Kaycee is still a totally deserving winner (just like Cody would have been). 

Edited by mooses
  • Love 9
Just now, RandomWatcher said:

Watching the clipshow, they'll likely go with Bayleigh for the most dramatic

Also I caught something on Twitter earlier that people are speculating that BB19's Jessica is pregnant.

I want Swaggy to be about to propose to Bayleigh, when Julie stops him and brings in Jessica to have her announce her pregnancy and then cut to commercial break. When they get back from break, go right into voting. 

  • Love 14
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