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Season 20: Live Feed Discussion


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The jury house footage was very good news for Tyler. If he gets Haleigh and Fessy, that should do it, as no way Angela votes for Kaycee, so all he would need is two out of JC, Brett, Scottie and Sam to vote for him and he wins, and it seems unlikely he would not be able to split those four, especially with Scottie talking about how he has to respect the game play (and it is not like he had some close bond with Kaycee). 

The ones who were most anti-Tyler were two votes he never figured to get (Bayleigh and Rockstar) and Sam, but Sam was also still pretty raw at the time (remember, she still thinks he lied about his power app). 

Edited by Brian Cronin
  • Love 2
50 minutes ago, RandomWatcher said:

Rockstar looks so much better without those glasses

Could anyone tell if Bayleigh looked pregnant?

Brett is still a douche

Not sure who I'm voting for. Maybe I'll toss a few votes Rachel's way.

Rockstar looked the best all summer.
Bayleigh didn't look pregnant to me.

I am team Brett all the way. You know, Beavis man.

  • Love 4
1 minute ago, TheGapper said:

Rockstar looked the best all summer.
Bayleigh didn't look pregnant to me.

I am team Brett all the way. You know, Beavis man.


Bayleigh looked pregnant to me in some shots, but not others, LOL. Assuming she is not pregnant, it will be interesting if she's had some time to "de-Swaggy" or if she's just as interested. Either way, she'll probably say yes if he proposes live like a total dick, just to avoid a big pile of awkwardness.  

  • Love 4
11 hours ago, RandomWatcher said:

At first I thought you were serious about Josea until I read the rest of your post. I can barely tolerate "The Messiah" on The Challenge.

I hate to say this but "The Messiah" has grown on me during his two seasons of the challenge.  Especially because he has the vile Shane as his enemy.

7 hours ago, Gummo said:

Some of us will be back in a few weeks yammering about Survivor!

Which looks to have the stupidest "theme" yet this season.

I really wish they would stop with those stupid themes.  I know why they are doing it but it does not make it any less cringeworthy.

5 hours ago, Nashville said:

So... who else is looking forward to this time next week, and getting a significant chunk of your life time back?  ;)

I mean Survivor is coming but I do not get as invested in that as I do this.  Plus the last couple of seasons have been pretty bland for me, though I have really been enjoying the current season of the Australian version (I guess that means it is not Survivor the show that is boring it is just our version that has been boring to me).  Also, the Yankees are at the very least going to be in the AL Wild Card game and if they make it further I will be glued to the MLB playoffs.

5 hours ago, Nashville said:

Same here - but NONE of my other addictions have anywhere near an equivalent time suck as does BB.  :)

I agree fully.  I personally hate reading on the internet.  If I look something up on Wikipedia I often find myself skimming through the article.  I am not sure why that is the case but I am just not fond of reading text on a computer screen (I have no problems reading actual books in real life).  However, I read every post on here every year (for the most, I might skip opinion posts if they are too long) and it sometimes takes me hours to do so.

2 hours ago, missyb said:

Haliegh has looked adorable all season but that dress.........…

Yeah Haliegh has been my, for lack of a better term, "crush" of the season.  Though Angela in that red dress tonight made me question my loyalty to Haliegh.

  • Love 4
3 minutes ago, TheGapper said:

Rockstar looked the best all summer.
Bayleigh didn't look pregnant to me.

I am team Brett all the way. You know, Beavis man.

It’s funny how you can tell that Brett doesn’t to be there with them. He wants to be with his real friends. The ones who stabbed him in the back. LOL!!! Granted, he started it first by targeting the girls. I blame JC for that. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it. P.S.: I voted for Brett for AFP.

  • Love 5

Oops I forgot to say in regards to duos, I can never give Chill Town much credit because as good as Dr. Will was the other half of the duo is Mike.  You know the dude that was 30 years old (at the time) and dressed like a member of the 90's rap group Kris Kross.  I don't care if that disgusting toad won All-Stars.

Edited by BK1978
  • Love 22
31 minutes ago, RandomWatcher said:

I'm sorry for you live feeds people. They always cheat you guys out of the really good stuff.  And LOL about the set-up having been "tested."  We know how their testers have done this season.

I'm not a Hay fan like I've posted here in the past but I must give props to her in that she was actually thinking about game play logically and rationally unlike Bay and Rockstar.  Even Fessy seemed sane next to Bay.  You'd expect Rockstar to be dumb like that.  But Bay I thought would be better than that.  However she really seems to have gone off the deep end into Lake Bitter.

  • Love 7
3 minutes ago, BK1978 said:

Oops I forgot to say in regards to duos, I can never give Chill Town much credit because as good as Dr. Will was the other half of the duo is Mike.  You know the dude that was 30 years old (at the time) and dressed like a member of the 90's rap group Kris Kross.  I don't care if he that disgusting toad won All-Stars.

The worst! And he puts Swaggy in the dust when it comes to thirsty live proposals, remember?

  • Love 5
6 minutes ago, green said:


I'm not a Hay fan like I've posted here in the past but I must give props to her in that she was actually thinking about game play logically and rationally unlike Bay and Rockstar.  Even Fessy seemed sane next to Bay.  You'd expect Rockstar to be dumb like that.  But Bay I thought would be better than that.  However she really seems to have gone off the deep end into Lake Bitter.

Tyler pretty much told her not to vote for him, I would almost be disappointed if she DID vote for him. 

6 minutes ago, Auntie Velvet said:

The worst! And he puts Swaggy in the dust when it comes to thirsty live proposals, remember?

Not counting the spinoffs, the three BB seasons I don't really count are 7, 8 and 9. 

9 because it was a fake season, 7 because they all clearly just wanted to suck up to Mike for post-show fame and 8 because of the gross Evil Dick shit.

Thank the lord for BB10, am I right?

So yeah, I don't even bother to rank Boogie as a winner. 

  • Love 7
21 minutes ago, green said:

 Hope you enjoyed tonight's game, heh.  Signed, a long time Sox fan. :-)

Honestly, I think it will be a moot point for the Yankees and the Red Sox because I believe that neither one of them has what it takes to beat the Astros.

Oh and back on topic...fuck you Fessy!  Even if he did make a good point (his first for the entire season) when talking to Bay.

Edited by BK1978
  • Love 2
14 minutes ago, mooses said:

So, Tyler is definitely worried about JC and the Jury. 

It's too bad for him that he doesn't know that the jury apparently doesn't buy the JC mastermind thing at ALL. It sure sounds like Tyler would have a no doubt about it win over JC, while Kaycee/Tyler is close to a toss-up. Still, good for him for sticking with Kaycee. 

  • Love 4
3 hours ago, Auntie Velvet said:

Has anyone else gone from being annoyed by "Let's go!" -- to starting to have a soft spot for it? Kaycee always yells it in such a genuinely joyful manner.

Kaycee is a warrior, “LET’S GO!!!” is her battle cry, and I can’t fault her for that.  I’ve occasionally been known to do the same myself - but nothin’ *I’m* saying is rated G, so I’ll give Kaycee extra props for that.  :>

  • Love 8


Dan elaborated on his thoughts about the new Jury format. Can't say I disagree, but I hope he's wrong. The strongest seasons generally have at least one player who got to there with that cutthroat style. "Evolving a new gameplay style" sounds cool, but it doesn't mean it's going to be more interesting.

Heck, I don't even think Tyler was that Machiavellan. His most cutthroat move was Brett, but, other than that, it was very much a "us vs. them" game (even for FOUETTE), and he rode with his "us" the whole game. I know he lied about where he stood often, but I don't really think of that as ruthless (as, say, a Vanessa or a Dan). Maybe because it felt less like a "Gotcha!" style of gameplay, and more of a "Good game, but I'm glad my team is going to the next round of the playoffs," style of gameplay. 

Like others pointed out, he played more of a coach role in his alliance. He was just the leader of a "we've got you surrounded" style of attack. Even when we thought he could get himself further ahead with a shady move (splitting the vote against Sam comes to mind), he generally didn't - a lot of his moves were for the good of the team, not just for the good of himself. 

He seemed more like the protector of his flock than anything else. And he protected his whole flock of #1 Tyler supporters to F6. Pretty impressive. 

Edited by mooses
  • Love 17

Apparently KC and Tyler had a plan for Tyler to throw the part 1 to her if JC fell. JC fell first and then KC told Tyler to drop as per their plan...he didn't and she did expecting that he would've done it already. Pretty much Tyler played KC to win part 1. He's lying through his teeth saying he mistimed the drop or something like that. KC doesn't seem too bummed but that would ring alarm bells for me if I were her.

  • Love 8
5 hours ago, Auntie Velvet said:

Has anyone else gone from being annoyed by "Let's go!" -- to starting to have a soft spot for it? Kaycee always yells it in such a genuinely joyful manner.

This is so true. She is so upbeat and sunny when she says it. I also didn't mind her celebration (which might have been too much in someone else) because she just felt so genuinely happy.

4 hours ago, Auntie Velvet said:

This was the first jury house scene from tonight, and I thought Bayleigh looked a little bit thicker. But during Hayleigh/Brett, then Sam, which was obviously a week or two later, she seemed trimmer -- so it's still up in the air! (But I'm a sucker for the soapiness of it.)

FWIW, in early pregnancy bloating can he a real issue, so this could be consistent. Or not. Who knows? 

  • Love 3
58 minutes ago, ANALLICE said:

Apparently KC and Tyler had a plan for Tyler to throw the part 1 to her if JC fell. JC fell first and then KC told Tyler to drop as per their plan...he didn't and she did expecting that he would've done it already. Pretty much Tyler played KC to win part 1. He's lying through his teeth saying he mistimed the drop or something like that. KC doesn't seem too bummed but that would ring alarm bells for me if I were her.

Ugh! Why does she trust him so much? She straight up said on tonight's episode that if she didn’t win veto, she would be the one going home, so why does she feel so loyal to someone who she believes wouldn’t be loyal to her?

Then they have a deal for him to drop and he doesn’t do it, but she trusts him so much that she doesn’t even check to see if he dropped before she does?

I started to like Kaycee after Brent left and now I really want her to win, but I think she's a bit too loyal...especially for a game like Big Brother.

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, Summerday said:

Ugh! Why does she trust him so much? She straight up said on tonight's episode that if she didn’t win veto, she would be the one going home, so why does she feel so loyal to someone who she believes wouldn’t be loyal to her?

Then they have a deal for him to drop and he doesn’t do it, but she trusts him so much that she doesn’t even check to see if he dropped before she does?

I started to like Kaycee after Brent left and now I really want her to win, but I think she's a bit too loyal...especially for a game like Big Brother.

That DR could’ve been referring to Angela winning though.

  • Love 1
3 hours ago, mooses said:

Heck, I don't even think Tyler was that Machiavellan. His most cutthroat move was Brett, but, other than that, it was very much a "us vs. them" game (even for FOUETTE), and he rode with his "us" the whole game.

I disagree; Tyler talking Kaitlyn into voting against Scraggy - her own alliance member! - certainly showed some extremely deft personal manipulation skills.


29 minutes ago, Skyfall said:

That DR could’ve been referring to Angela winning though.

Kaycee’s DR was referring to Angela winning the F4 PoV.  If Angela had won PoV she would have taken herself off the Block, Kaycee would’ve gone OTB in Angela’s place, and Angela would have voted Kaycee out.

Edited by Nashville
  • Love 3
5 hours ago, ANALLICE said:

Apparently KC and Tyler had a plan for Tyler to throw the part 1 to her if JC fell. JC fell first and then KC told Tyler to drop as per their plan...he didn't and she did expecting that he would've done it already. Pretty much Tyler played KC to win part 1. He's lying through his teeth saying he mistimed the drop or something like that. KC doesn't seem too bummed but that would ring alarm bells for me if I were her.

Looking at it from Tyler's POV and from what I read was that JC fell and Tyler was going to drop but was waiting for another "jolt" effect as he described it to come and then to fall and make it look like a real slip to JC.  What he didn't know was that Kaycee's arms had gone numb and when she was yelling to Tyler to drop he thought she was just acting for JC's benefit and it wasn't real.  But she dropped only 2 minutes after JC apparently so why would Tyler imagine a comp beast like Kaycee going so quickly for real?  And if he thought it was an act why would he drop so quickly after JC and make JC suspicious at how quickly he dropped?  (See PS below).  He and Kaycee are trying to put JC asleep, not wake him up with suspicious behavior.

Also IF Tyler did stay for "selfish" reasons then good for him.  He is finally playing the game again and grabbing destiny with his own two hands.  If you have a chance to win a segment of the last HOH you take it.

He had told Kaycee earlier that he was worried abut beating JC on "days" (the mental part) and Kaycee just brushed it aside and said not to worry that JC would get "frazzled" in the moment.  But everyone should be worried about everyone else at this point and not take anything for granted let alone counting on someone getting frazzled to get you to the end.

Also if JC goes out Tyler sure doesn't have his vote at this point.  The little rat is still upset at him.  He was lecturing/berating Tyler again right before the comp but then went to immediately praising him and declaring him "the love of his life" right after Tyler won.  If he goes out he will be really bitter for sure.

PS:  BTW JC accused Tyler before this comp during that "lecture" that had Angela remained that she and Tyler had a plan for her to win the physical and him to win the mental so Tyler knew JC would be suspicious of any quick drop right after JC dropped.

Meanwhile Kaycee's arms still hurt big time and she had trouble lifting them high enough to comb her hair after the comp.

Edited by green
  • Love 3
5 hours ago, mooses said:

So, Tyler is definitely worried about JC and the Jury. 

I’m gonna go out on a limb here and say JC has never fully understood the concept of ‘overreach’ - that when you try to claim unjustifiable credit for everything, all you end up doing is delegitimizing in other people’s eyes your claim to anything.

  • Love 4

JC thinks he's the mastermind for the season when every move he made was allowed because it fit the agenda of Level 6. Tyler really snowed him into thinking they were this duo riding the middle of the house who needed JC's guidance. I can't stand JC and hate the he even made it to Final 3. I need him to have a huge wake up call that he was never in control and he got played. 

It was fun to see Foutte still being Foutte in the jury house.  

  • Love 12
11 hours ago, PaperTree said:

The jury was fun.

Bay:  You're a moron for putting him up.

Fess:  You're an idiot for not using your power.


Fessy actually said "you're an idiot for telling the other side about your power" 

8 hours ago, BK1978 said:

I hate to say this but "The Messiah" has grown on me during his two seasons of the challenge.  Especially because he has the vile Shane as his enemy.

I actually like him on The Challenge too. and I did not like him AT ALL on big brother. His cockiness blends it more on the challenge. 

5 hours ago, mooses said:

Tyler won Part 1.

Which means it's Kaycee versus JC in a Days-Style comeption? That could be a total crapshoot. 

ETA: Seems like JC, then Kaycee fell. Tyler's having none of that "I'm better at mental competitions" shenanigans. 

JC doesn't have a chance in winning part 2. I know Kaycee is worried about remembering but she's done really well so far and she's a lot quicker than JC because of his body type.

  • Love 2
14 hours ago, Callaphera said:

Thank God Survivor and Dancing with the Stars starts next week. From one batshit insane fan base to another. CALL SHARNA'S RED HAIR TRASHY ONE MORE TIME, I'MMA COMING FOR YOU!

Ah, for me it's Survivor and the snark thread of This is Us.  But of course, neither are as time consuming as BB.


12 hours ago, mooses said:

So self-righteous. I also saw that she said she knows now Tyler is a "young man with questionable morals."

Yeah, because Sam's the epitome of what we should should all strive to be like, right? 

How old is Sam, anyway?  I mean, she's 27 but acts like she's a senior citizen doling out advice to the youth in the house about what things were like "back in her day."  And "questionable morals" is pretty rich coming from the woman who wanted to take a metal pole, bash out the windows and make a run for the parking lot, dragging her beloved cameraman with her.  


8 hours ago, BK1978 said:

Honestly, I think it will be a moot point for the Yankees and the Red Sox because I believe that neither one of them has what it takes to beat the Astros.

I want JV back.  And JD.  (Tigers fan here).  But...go Astros?  I guess?  Baseball sucks when you don't have a horse in the race.

  • Love 4

With Tyler winning part 1, as I expected he would, I think Kaycee has a great shot at winning part 2, so JC should, theoretically, not be making F2 at all. I hate that he's made F3, but I do feel confident that he won't be making a F2 speech.

15 minutes ago, gunderda said:

Fessy actually said "you're an idiot for telling the other side about your power" 

The rare time I actually liked Fessy. I actually enjoyed seeing Fessy get irritated by Bayleigh. 

1 minute ago, Sara2009 said:

When do they play part 2 of the HOH?

I think they play tomorrow, but I'm not 100% on that. It could be later today.

  • Love 3
18 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

With Tyler winning part 1, as I expected he would, I think Kaycee has a great shot at winning part 2, so JC should, theoretically, not be making F2 at all. I hate that he's made F3, but I do feel confident that he won't be making a F2 speech.

The rare time I actually liked Fessy. I actually enjoyed seeing Fessy get irritated by Bayleigh. 

I think they play tomorrow, but I'm not 100% on that. It could be later today.

I was thinking Saturday also.... or maybe Monday even? That still gives me them 2 days before the finale.

Angela and her mustache will be getting a CHILLY reception in the Jury House. Hayleigh will probably talk to her. Brent? Wouldn't blame him if he didn't. What makes people dislike Angela are those snooty remarks she makes like "I call this one step ahead." She doesn't deliver those lines with enough panache and just comes across as a Mean Girl. As for the finale, if Saggy does try to steal the limelight with a proposal, everyone should immediately follow suit. JC can propose to Tyler, Fessy and Snottie can duel over Hayleigh, and Brent can get down on one knee and beg Blockstar to be his baby mama. Good times!

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