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Season 20: Live Feed Discussion


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Man, JC is gonna think that he got his new Big Dumb Puppet to do what he wanted, isn't he? 

Just now, Brian Cronin said:

Why in the fuck is production pushing to keep Angela? That doesn't make aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaany sense. 

I'm guessing it's probing questions - "What do you think the Jury feels?" "Who do you think you'd have a better chance of winning against?" "Do you think the Jury is bitter?" "How sure are you?" making him re-think things. 

  • Love 7

This is Kaycee's moment like Tangela had with Sam/JC choice.  If she launches Tyler, she wins any vote in F2.  In terms of comp beasts?  Tyler and Angela are about equal overall, but I believe Tyler is better on memory.  

She may even likely win an F2 against Tyler.  But, against JC or Angela, it's a guarantee.

  • Love 2
7 hours ago, mooses said:

Brett was a good move - especially for Angela/Kaycee. They had to get rid of JC or Brett in DE if they had the chance, and if they got rid of JC, Brett would still feel blindsided and was theoretically harder to beat in competitions. A bitter JC is a dangerous mouth to send to the Jury - FOUETTE believe everything he ever says to them, no questions asked. And, Tyler didn't want to risk Brett getting to F2 with his charisma, charm and persuasiveness (he convinced Rockstar to make an alliance with him!). Now that JC won this HOH, that can be second guessed, but that was totally a fine move at the time.

Sam was a worse move, but they thought JC was worse in competitions - and he was, until this week. That, and they totally overestimated how liked she was by the Jury. Personally, I don't think there's any way they would let her win, but Tyler was worried she'd be pull a Jordan-like win out. And, who knows, maybe Sam would have won the same competition JC won, and they'd be in the exact same position now. 

You just can't control every single thing in this game - you could make all the right moves, and lose on one question. Some of it's luck, and I think their luck just ran out.

ETA: And, Sam has been better than JC in endurance, and Final HOH is an endurance. JC can still win that, but it's an educated guess for them.

I must concede that you make many excellent points. I'm just very bitter that a season with so much promise for excitement just fizzled out and died.

  • Love 4
On 9/19/2018 at 1:27 AM, Callaphera said:

I felt so adult at 13, dancing around my room and singing along to "Would she go down on you in a theater?" And then years later, I learned that song might possibly be about Uncle Joey from Full House and I did a full body shudder and I've never been able to fully enjoy that song ever again. Still love Jagged Little Pill, though. It was my gateway drug to angry girl rock

Lol. We must be the same age. Jagged little pill was my first CD I got my mom to buy me (Michael Jackson was my first cassette - the History Album) and I simultaneously loved watching TGIF for my Full House fix.

Hearing about Uncle Joey being referenced in the song yearsssss later I, like you, did a body shudder to my middle school “angry girl rock” days then called my mom to ask her “why did you let me sing that song so much??” Her response “I didn’t want to ruin the song and Full House on you - or explain what a blow job was to my little girl but I can promise you that I did a million body shudders from the next room a million times that summer before 8th grade”. ? ?????

Back on topic - I didn’t get my way AT ALL in this game this summer. I was rooting for the hive and Fessal ruined it all voting out his alliance but the one glimmer of hope I was riding on was to see that annoying pig squeal OTB for a week realizing he didn’t have an iota of control in the game.

I don’t like how his sexual harassment is being seen as “oh there goes mischievous JC again ...harde har har” by his HGs. I wish they unanimously kicked him out when the footage showed what he’s been up to with everyone collectively. If they were all told to sit and watch each disgusting moment of harassment they wouldn’t be so laid back about random moments of his crap. I don’t think I’m explaining myself correctly. Long week ? 

Edited by Calm81
  • Love 9
4 hours ago, mooses said:

JC has got some big balls - I’m suprised he can walk at all. Maybe that’s why he sucks at comps. Tyler is a saint for holding back what he feels about JC. I wish he had talked like that to Baleigh because that girl would have thrown some serious verbal daggers his way. I can’t wait until JC watches this show post game and sees just how stupid he really is and looked. I also can’t wait until he discovers how hated he is from the viewers. He’s probably thinking he’s AF. [insert Evil JC laugh] ?

  • Love 7
2 hours ago, Calm81 said:

 If they were all told to sit and watch each disgusting moment of harassment they wouldn’t be so laid back about random moments of his crap.


 Asked individually at the time of the harassment most said his antics didn't bother them. I have to wonder how much of that is game - not inviting a target on your back, and how much of it may have been true, that the scumball didn't bother them.  Altho later a few of them seemed really annoyed.  I'd have wanted to drop kick him over the wall and let them pressure wash the grease stain he left where he hit the pavement of the parking lot.

Peace, love and light, y'all. ?

Edited by Skycatcher
spelling counts
  • Love 9
9 hours ago, SiobhanJW said:

If Tyler wins F3 HOH- then him & Kaycee are tied for Comp wins. If everyone is saying Kaycee wins because of her Comp wins- and Tyler ties that. What is the default for the Jury to look at- Strategic game play right? 

Or social game.

8 hours ago, CrazyDog said:

It's easier when there is a certified bad guy in the F2 rather than two likeable competitors.

It's hardest when it's two people you don't give one shit about lol.

2 hours ago, Calm81 said:

I didn’t get my way AT ALL in this game this summer. I was rooting for the hive and Fessal ruined it all voting out his alliance but the one glimmer of hope I was riding on was to see that annoying pig squeal OTB for a week realizing he didn’t have an iota of control in the game.

Ugh, same. But that's par for the course with me.

Of course Kaycee won veto so Tyler has it completely easy once again. He has never had to worry. Good for him I guess, but damn it is so boring.

So, the F2 is pretty much guaranteed to be Kaycee/Tyler now, which has been obvious for awhile now. The vote is kinda hard to predict though, which would be interesting if I could muster up caring about either of them. So dull.

And Tyler will win AFP, unless they decide not to let the F2 get it, in which case it'll be JC or Haleigh. Guess I'll vote for Haleigh. Or I won't vote because I don't care enough lol. Actually, I think your votes only count now if you're an All Access subscriber and I already canceled mine.

  • Love 6
8 hours ago, mooses said:

JC now says that, after his DR session, he is 50/50 on who should stay. I'm guessing the DR strongly suggested that Angela could be susceptible to a bitter Jury.

All this I learned from Jokers:  JC told that to Kaycee.  Then he upfront told Tyler he told that to Kaycee.  Both he and Tyler agreed you can't press Kaycee too hard so he wanted to give her space.  Then JC said he would tell Kaycee right before the eviction that Angela was a danger etc to shore up Kaycee voting her out.

After that Tyler and Kaycee had their brief, quick game meeting.  Kaycee immediately told Tyler she told JC she was 50/50 (which she did) on who she would vote out so JC thinks it will be a hard choice for her.  She doesn't want him catching on about how it is a no brainer. 

She seemed totally committed to keeping Tyler.  They were even planning on signals during the final HOH as to who should go for it in Part 1 during the competition.  The signal will be a head nod though what the head nod will mean I didn't get from the person who caught that convo.  Anyway Kaycee already congratulated Tyler on him making F3 so if she suddenly went back on all of this it would be a total shocker.

Kaycee asked when they were going to tell JC about Level 6 and Tyler said it should be finale at earliest citing the loss of one of his balls to a well placed JC kick otherwise, heh.

They are worried a bit about the "days" competition with Tyler saying JC knows his "days" pretty well.  Kaycee says she thinks JC will get "frazzled" during the competition.  But Tyler isn't taking JC's choking as a given.  [So it is my guess only -- they didn't say it at all -- that if Tyler is better with "days" then Kaycee will go for it in the endurance and leave "days" to Tyler].

Kaycee says JC wants Kaycee to come for a sleep over (me: where I imagine JC will look for an opening to sell keeping Tyler to Kaycee, heh).  And Kaycee wants for Tyler and Angela to have one last night in the house together anyway.

Angela is a little worried that one of the secrets Tyler hasn't told her -- he said there were a couple of secrets before he told her he was a super fan -- will be that he is playing her.  Her emotions are a bit stressed.  He reassures her but hasn't told her the other major secret was the power app yet.  Then everyone apparently went to sleep.

Edited by green
  • Love 5

It is funny because Kaycee has a chance to 100 percent deal the game tonight by voting out Tyler.

The other two will 100 percent take her to the final 2. She will beat either one.

She can still lose to Tyler if Angela heads to the jury house with her delivering the fatal blow if she has time to explain everything that has happened and paint Tyler’s game in a different light.

I don’t think production has to push for Angela to stay. They simply can ask the same questions that they would normally ask houseguests...ones that houseguests should be asking themselves at this point in order to make the best decision.

Scottie told them the jury hated Angela. Angela has the most personal, blood on her hands. Tyler was well liked by almost everyone.

Unfortunately, Kaycee just doesn’t see it yet. That could come back to haunt her.

  • Love 3
10 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

In all honesty, Kaycee is really proving herself to be a great competitor and she does deserve the win now. Although boring, she's won a lot of comps now and has a solid social game.

I am really happy about this! I love Kaycee and I am pulling for her. Now if she could boot Tyler, my fantasy team would be set (I am not holding my breath).

15 hours ago, SiobhanJW said:

The only time she seems to have expressed much emotion in the DR was when she was talking about Tyler- first when they asked her about her crush on her and she blushed- and then again when they did the DR about the "I Love You" she was full on smiles. Otherwise in the DR it looks like they've had to pry information out of her. Haha. 

Regarding Angela, I feel like her smiles don't reach the rest of her face.  That's what unnerves me about her.


9 hours ago, ByaNose said:

But if Angela pushes too hard for Tyler it might turn the jury off. 

I'm thinking that even if she pushes just a little, she'll turn the jury off, given how they feel about her.  I so very much want to see an extended jury segment  - like, a whole hour would be cool.


55 minutes ago, Skycatcher said:

 Asked individually at the time of the harassment most said his antics didn't bother them. I have to wonder how much of that is game - not inviting a target on your back, and how much of it may have been true, that the scumball didn't bother them.  Altho later a few of them seemed really annoyed.  I'd have wanted to drop kicking over the wall and let them pressure wash the grease stain he left where he hit the pavement of the parking lot.

This actually bothers me so much.  If there is video footage of someone being inappropriate, turning it around on the victim is not the way to handle it.  Unless the HG's sign away any and all of their basic rights when they enter the house, there should be crystal-clear rules in place and production should be the ones making the decisions on how to punish violaters, not the person who has been harassed.  If the thinking is that it makes great TV, can the HG who was a victim come out of the house and sue the person who hurt them? Could they sue production for not watching over them when they were locked under CBS's control (albeit voluntarily)?  It's such a weird, slippery slope, but I get such a squicky feeling that the HG's are never going to be protected by CBS because after all, they sought this gig.

I may not be expressing myself well but TL;DR - JC should've been tossed a long time ago, and it should not have been up to Tyler and Hayleigh to make that decision.

  • Love 12
8 hours ago, mooses said:

Huh. I don't know if he'll be able to sway Kaycee, though. But I'm guessing JC is going to cut Tyler at F2 if he gets to make the decision now. 

ETA: On an unrelated note: apparently JC's music choice is Avril Lavigne. Hee!

Finally! For the first time this season, an HOH's music choice lines up with mine! I'd totally ask for Avril Lavigne in my HOH basket. Now, the question is: which album did he choose? 

I'm a bit disappointed in Angela essentially laying down and dying for Tyler. I was hoping for a bit more fighting from her. 

  • Love 1
4 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

Finally! For the first time this season, an HOH's music choice lines up with mine! 

Heh -  I would want something classical like the Vivaldi's Four Seasons.  And I'd probably be hiding in the corner with Sam trying to find some privacy. Although I'm pretty sure I would not chest stomp anybody. Maybe want to, but I doubt I'd carry through.

  • Love 1

Huh. So, I just defended Kaycee on the episode thread as to why she would be a deserving winner. I guess I'm ok with a Kaycee win, then. I didn't think I would be until I vocalized part of her game, at least without live feed spoilers. 

I guess I'm ok with anyone winning now. I do think that Tyler has a hard road in front of him to win. He needs Angela to advocate for him and Tyler may have to throw Kaycee under the bus a little bit.

Tyler telling Angela about him being a superfan is a good start. He'll need her to share that info to have a chance. He really should have done it in his goodbye messages, though. 

  • Love 2

I honestly think any of these 4 can be deserving to win. Even JC. While he thinks he did way more than he actually did, he did actually do quite a bit of work for L6 and getting Fessy to target Scottie was pretty major. 

Kaycee did nothing strategically- she won a lot of comps

Angela took the big shots

Tyler made great moves and manipulated people early in the game to do so - I feel like he hasn't done much since the hacker house meeting. 

  • Love 3
43 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

Huh. So, I just defended Kaycee on the episode thread as to why she would be a deserving winner. I guess I'm ok with a Kaycee win, then. I didn't think I would be until I vocalized part of her game, at least without live feed spoilers. 

I guess I'm ok with anyone winning now. I do think that Tyler has a hard road in front of him to win. He needs Angela to advocate for him and Tyler may have to throw Kaycee under the bus a little bit.

Tyler telling Angela about him being a superfan is a good start. He'll need her to share that info to have a chance. He really should have done it in his goodbye messages, though. 

I think Tyler probably has post-battle back.  We only see very highly edited for TV versions of the good-bye messages.  And we haven't even seen all of those for Tyler either.

Also I just remembered from the convos last night that both Kaycee and Tyler think that neither Angela nor Brett will be bitter about their game play and will respect that it was a game only.  Just adding that on separate here.

Edited by green
  • Love 1
2 minutes ago, gunderda said:

I honestly think any of these 4 can be deserving to win. Even JC. While he thinks he did way more than he actually did, he did actually do quite a bit of work for L6 and getting Fessy to target Scottie was pretty major. 

I know this is the argument that Fessy had and others, but I do feel like Fessy was already planning to put up Scottie, no matter what JC said. However, that's not to say JC has done nothing. He's played the game hard. When one Big Dumb Puppet left, he immediately moved to a new one. He started off with Fessy and then once he was evicted, he moved on to Brett, and now he's working Kaycee. He also tried to rope in Haleigh week 1. So yeah, JC's personality sucks and I do not like him as a person, but he's deserving of the win as much as everyone else. I mean, if Josh could win while he was a big crybaby bully, then JC could win. I'd be disappointed, but in terms of JC the gameplayer, he's one of the more deserving ones.

5 minutes ago, gunderda said:

Kaycee did nothing strategically- she won a lot of comps

This is not a lie. Her winning the Hacker Comp was huge for their side, as it allowed for Level 6 to be ahead in members and they kept that going for the rest of the season, but strategically, she was just a team player. 

I think, though, a good move she made was during Rachel's eviction week, when she didn't jump on board with the whole anti-Tyler train that Rachel started, and talked to Tyler about the whole Tyler/Bayleigh mess, or else Angela would have turned on Tyler as well. 

11 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

I know this is the argument that Fessy had and others, but I do feel like Fessy was already planning to put up Scottie, no matter what JC said.

His real master stroke was convincing Haliegh to go along with the plan and get her to convince Fessy to put Scottie up.  While it didn't make the show (for obvious reasons) thats what actually happened on the feeds.  Without Halieghs initial consent it would have probably never happened.

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, MKL122788 said:

It is funny because Kaycee has a chance to 100 percent deal the game tonight by voting out Tyler.


There is one factor that few people seem to post about.

That is that after experiencing what it's like to deal with JC shoving his HoH win in the faces of all the other people, they  must be seething with anger and wanting him out of the houses with maximum desire. I know that I sure would want him gone - regardless of how much that would affect my chances to win the grand prize.

On the plus side, I don't think that booting JC would impact Tyler's or KC's chances to win the grand prize. I think that after just one day of JC being HoH, Tyler and KC must both be climbing the walls because they just want him gone so badly.

One day of JC was a plenty awful terrible experience. One week would be just pure unadulterated torture. Nothing less than torture.

Edited by MissBluxom
  • Love 3

This exchange last night when I saw it made me LOL- she aggressively sipped her tea. And then went upstairs and slept with JC so they could be alone on their last night together. I imagine he tells her the truth after Angela leaves tonight. 

I do have to say her complete and utter trust in Tyler is pretty impressive. She never once waivered with their Final 2. 

  • Love 13
1 hour ago, RagePaige said:

His real master stroke was convincing Haliegh to go along with the plan and get her to convince Fessy to put Scottie up.  While it didn't make the show (for obvious reasons) thats what actually happened on the feeds.  Without Halieghs initial consent it would have probably never happened.

I thought that after JC left the room( or later on), she told Fessy it was a mistake. Scottie was an ally and not to put him up. I seem to recall her DR's saying "NO" not a good idea.

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, RagePaige said:

His real master stroke was convincing Haliegh to go along with the plan and get her to convince Fessy to put Scottie up.  While it didn't make the show (for obvious reasons) thats what actually happened on the feeds.  Without Halieghs initial consent it would have probably never happened.

Haleigh was an idiot for telling Fessy that he could put Scottie up, for sure. I still fully believe Fessy would have done it anyway. His jealousy over Scottie was as clear as day, despite what he told people. It's also why he put up Brett, as he didn't like the five hour hammock conversation. I don't know who else Fessy would have put up if not for Scottie and if Haleigh had told him no.

Haleigh didn't fight Fessy on the Scottie noms after he won HOH, either. They were in the geometry room shortly after he won (I remember because I actually had the feeds on them) and Haleigh told him that she didn't really want Scottie up but she'd support whatever decision he had. Fessy, to his credit, did say in that initial conversation that he knew Scottie was close with Haleigh so he wouldn't put him up if she truly trusted him, but those are just words. His body language in that conversation made it clear that he was ready to put Scottie up. However, yeah, Haleigh needed to be more insistent on getting out L6. Her big mistake was letting Fessy put up Scottie as a target when they knew Scottie wasn't on the other side of the house. At worst, he was a shady flip flopper but not directly against them like L6. 

So JC hasn't had that much power as he thinks he does. He hasn't truly convinced many people to make a move of his. It's happened a couple of times, but not the times JC would say it did. JC didn't convince L6 to vote out Kaitlyn; that was all Angela. JC didn't convince Fessy to put Scottie up; that was all him. JC kind of convinced Brett to flip on Angela/Kaycee, but Brett was already halfway to recognizing that he was the bottom of the totem pole. JC's not convincing Kaycee to vote out Angela like I bet he thinks he will, as she has a F2 with Tyler. 

JC's done good work, but not any truly game changing moves. 

  • Love 4

Sam seems like maybe she had some romantic interest in Tyler, but that didn’t really come across. Sam made herself different from the other houseguests in many ways, slut shaming, hiding in the HOH room, hiding out and refusing to socialize. Despite her comments about Kaycee, I still think she cares about Tyler. I think he really likes her as a friend and kept her as long as he could. I wish JC would have left instead of Sam, but Level 6 is too afraid of his nastiness, which has now backfired. 

  • Love 5

Anyone heard anymore about Dr. Will and the Glass House rumors? Has he been confirmed as this year's Jury Discussion moderator? If not, I nominate Jozea as his replacement. Yes, the Messiah himself! Who better to guide puzzled jurors through various "scenarios" to determine the worthy winner? If Jozea is unavailable/unwilling, perhaps Raven who could use her Mensa level intellect to help out? She could also reprise her infamous woof-woof "barking" skills. If all else fails, the obvious go-to moderator is the one and only Lawon!

  • Love 5
40 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

Haleigh was an idiot for telling Fessy that he could put Scottie up, for sure. I still fully believe Fessy would have done it anyway. His jealousy over Scottie was as clear as day, despite what he told people. It's also why he put up Brett, as he didn't like the five hour hammock conversation. I don't know who else Fessy would have put up if not for Scottie and if Haleigh had told him no.

Haleigh didn't fight Fessy on the Scottie noms after he won HOH, either. They were in the geometry room shortly after he won (I remember because I actually had the feeds on them) and Haleigh told him that she didn't really want Scottie up but she'd support whatever decision he had. Fessy, to his credit, did say in that initial conversation that he knew Scottie was close with Haleigh so he wouldn't put him up if she truly trusted him, but those are just words. His body language in that conversation made it clear that he was ready to put Scottie up. However, yeah, Haleigh needed to be more insistent on getting out L6. Her big mistake was letting Fessy put up Scottie as a target when they knew Scottie wasn't on the other side of the house. At worst, he was a shady flip flopper but not directly against them like L6. 

So JC hasn't had that much power as he thinks he does. He hasn't truly convinced many people to make a move of his. It's happened a couple of times, but not the times JC would say it did. JC didn't convince L6 to vote out Kaitlyn; that was all Angela. JC didn't convince Fessy to put Scottie up; that was all him. JC kind of convinced Brett to flip on Angela/Kaycee, but Brett was already halfway to recognizing that he was the bottom of the totem pole. JC's not convincing Kaycee to vote out Angela like I bet he thinks he will, as she has a F2 with Tyler. 

JC's done good work, but not any truly game changing moves. 

I think you really have to marvel at anyone who would allow HayHay to do all the thinking for them in any game-related partnership.

It's like admitting that Hay is the one that has all the brains in your team and that your have all the other qualities. The big problem with that is ... if she has all the brains, how much brain power could you have ever had? The answer must be real scary for anyone to handle.  I would just be devestated by the answer to that question. OMG! Can I really be that stupid? That ignant? That clueless? If so, just turn down the heat. Cuz I'm done. I'm cooked. Over easy and all done. Time to give the prize to someone else.

  • Love 2
1 minute ago, DannyRugg said:

Anyone heard anymore about Dr. Will and the Glass House rumors? Has he been confirmed as this year's Jury Discussion moderator? If not, I nominate Jozea as his replacement. Yes, the Messiah himself! Who better to guide puzzled jurors through various "scenarios" to determine the worthy winner? If Jozea is unavailable/unwilling, perhaps Raven who could use her Mensa level intellect to help out? She could also reprise her infamous woof-woof "barking" skills. If all else fails, the obvious go-to moderator is the one and only Lawon!

At first I thought you were serious about Josea until I read the rest of your post. I can barely tolerate "The Messiah" on The Challenge.

  • Love 3

So I'm curious if we are ever going to get the origin story of how Coast 2 Coast formed on Day 1/2- they are now clearly sitting in the F3 (unless all of a sudden Kaycee changes her mind)- with a high probability of them ending up in F2. I know Tyler had several Final 2's but she's the only Final 2 he told pretty much everything too- minus his app, superfandom. But any info game wise he always told her and vice versa. They were incredibly loyal to each other- it's just really bizarre we haven't seen much of that. 

Edited by SiobhanJW
  • Love 2

This was Tyler’s game to lose.  I think it’s slipping away.   His relationship with Angela has tanked his game.  He’s been too busy canoodling with Angela to keep his eyes on the prize.  

Booting Brett was his first mistake.  It might have been bad for Angela’s game to keep Brett but not his.  Keeping the noms the same would have been better or booting KayCee if he wanted a big move.   She would not have been bitter and worked the jury over.  Angela really had no path forward unless she won comps.   Brett would have taken Tyler along in the game for sure.  

Second mistake was booting Sam.  Sam was very loyal to him.  JC is loyal to JC and Sam has pretty much checked out.   Unlikely she would have won anything but if she did, Tyler would have been protected.  

Right now, this game is KayCee’s to lose.  If Tyler wins the final HOH, taking KayCee would be a huge mistake.  He would have 4 guarantee votes from his alliance and Sam.  Pretty sure he could snag a few votes from the other side.   If he’s up with KayCee, I don’t see that happening because she was so well liked.  

Now that it looks like Angela will be leaving, he can now get his head out of his ass and get back in the game.  

Spending quality time with JC will do him some good.  

  • Love 3
16 minutes ago, DannyRugg said:

Anyone heard anymore about Dr. Will and the Glass House rumors? Has he been confirmed as this year's Jury Discussion moderator? If not, I nominate Jozea as his replacement. Yes, the Messiah himself! Who better to guide puzzled jurors through various "scenarios" to determine the worthy winner? If Jozea is unavailable/unwilling, perhaps Raven who could use her Mensa level intellect to help out? She could also reprise her infamous woof-woof "barking" skills. If all else fails, the obvious go-to moderator is the one and only Lawon!

Jozee is too busy being the thing that won't die on MTV's Challenge. 

  • Love 4
1 minute ago, LGGirl said:

This was Tyler’s game to lose.  I think it’s slipping away.   His relationship with Angela has tanked his game.  He’s been too busy canoodling with Angela to keep his eyes on the prize.  

Booting Brett was his first mistake.  It might have been bad for Angela’s game to keep Brett but not his.  Keeping the noms the same would have been better or booting KayCee if he wanted a big move.   She would not have been bitter and worked the jury over.  Angela really had no path forward unless she won comps.   Brett would have taken Tyler along in the game for sure.  

Second mistake was booting Sam.  Sam was very loyal to him.  JC is loyal to JC and Sam has pretty much checked out.   Unlikely she would have won anything but if she did, Tyler would have been protected.  

Right now, this game is KayCee’s to lose.  If Tyler wins the final HOH, taking KayCee would be a huge mistake.  He would have 4 guarantee votes from his alliance and Sam.  Pretty sure he could snag a few votes from the other side.   If he’s up with KayCee, I don’t see that happening because she was so well liked.  

Now that it looks like Angela will be leaving, he can now get his head out of his ass and get back in the game.  

Spending quality time with JC will do him some good.  

I think JC thinks either Kaycee or Tyler will bring him to the end. Of course, he doesn't know that Tyler & Kaycee have been working together all summer. That said, it wouldn't hurt Tylers game or possible jury vote to suck up to JC and take his verbal abuse for a few more days.

  • Love 1

Also, I know the popular opinion is Kaycee has to boot Tyler to win in the end, and, while I'd love the shock on JC's face, I don't think that's true. 

JC is going to get credit for putting up Tyler/Angela (even though nominations don't matter), but the Jury is going to love Kaycee voting out Angela. Remember - most of them think they were the closest and had a F2. Initially, they're going to be shocked and think that it was cut throat. Even if they find out about Coast to Coast later, they'll just think Kaycee was good at playing Angela (which, again, they will love) and had a deeper strategy than they thought. 

The Jury doesn't see Tyler as the biggest target, they see Angela as the biggest target - it will definitely be perceived as Kaycee making a Big Move. 

  • Love 2
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