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Season 20: Live Feed Discussion


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11 minutes ago, CrazyDog said:

I can never remember the details of this show from year to year - how much time do the F2 really get to speechify? I know they get some questions from the jury, but does Tyler really even have time to lay out his game? I know we haven't seen all of his DRs, so I'm hoping we've only seen the questionable ones on the show, and that he's done a better job explaining his game than we've seen. Did we see his DR to Brett? 

They don't get much time at all because half of the show is dedicated to the three part HOH competition and the ten minute jury roundtable. By the time the F2s even get to their speeches, it's at about the 50 minute mark, maybe even at the hour, and I believe that segment is barely ten minutes to ask questions. I think they only get a minute or so to answer. Then, they do get their final speech, which again, is no more than two minutes, maybe three. Tyler would need to lay out his game in the questions AND his final speech in order to attempt to cover as much of his game as possible. But otherwise, the jurors have usually made up their minds beforehand, besides some exceptions. Jason and Alex, for example, were wavering on who they'd vote for until the question and answer session. Paul pissed them both off enough to lose their votes when he didn't own his game and Josh did. 

15 minutes ago, CrazyDog said:

Kaycee's strategy is so much more straightforward - lay low at the beginning, be nice to everyone, comp beast it up at the end, and be loyal to L6. FWIW, I do feel Tyler played a more "active" game throughout the whole time, but he really needs to be clear about leading L6.

Tyler's one benefit if he took Kaycee is that Kaycee is the worst at public speaking. Any time she gives a speech, she messes it up. When she was confronted by Rockstar, she messed it up by acting shady. So Tyler's benefit would be how he talks to the jury, since Kaycee's speech would never be good. Tyler's not the best speaker (I think Brett and Angela are much more articulate than Tyler and Kaycee) but he's certainly better than Kaycee, so it could give him the one up. 

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, Skycatcher said:

 Just to be sure I'm clear, I was commenting on Vegas posting the information, not the medical support which has to be necessary in this "laboratory."

Purely IMHO but I don’t think the existence of an encounter qualifies as “privileged information”, especially when neither provider nor patient are identified - but even when they are, I wouldn’t consider it a privacy breach unless specific details of the doctor/patient communication or the patient’s chart are reported.

In any case - Vegas isn’t a health care provider, so HIPAA doesn’t apply.  Occasionally rude and distasteful, maybe, but not illegal.


1 hour ago, Wings said:

Nope!  lol

Speak for yourself - me, I’m an oddly-shaped pill for many to swallow.  ;>


1 hour ago, MrHufflepuff said:

As the saying goes... We always cut the bitches we love.

Wait, that's not right.

You’ve obviously never dated a girl from Tracy City - that shit is dead-on.  :D

Edited by Nashville
  • Love 6
1 hour ago, Irishsecra said:

if he does that, why would [Sam] keep [Tyler’s] secrets in jury. Why not reveal he is a super fan.

Actually... a disgruntled Sam divulging Tyler’s secrets to the rest of the Jury might VERY possibly work in Tyler’s favor, especially if done long enough before Finale Night for the other Jurors to get used to the idea and its implications.  It could shift perception of Tyler from a follower to a significant strategist in no time.

Edited by Nashville
  • Love 11
10 minutes ago, Nashville said:

Actually... a disgruntled Sam divulging Tyler’s secrets to the rest of the Jury might VERY possibly work in Tyler’s favor, especially if done long enough before Finale Night for the other Jurors to get used to the idea and its implications.  It could shift perception of Tyler from a follower to a significant strategist in no time.

Yep. At this point, Tyler’s secrets might hurt his standing with the remaining HGs, but wouldn’t or shouldn’t negatively affect the jury’s opinion. 

  • Love 4
2 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

So, I'm reading some of the post eviction Brett interviews, such as this one, and I'm fully realizing how Tyler's going to need to have a really damn good F2 speech in order to win. He really screwed up in hiding too much information from everyone, especially people in his own alliance. Brett, much like the Hive, think that Tyler's being controlled by Angela. I initially thought that Brett had to have been in on a lot since L6 controlled the game, but I'm realizing that Tyler's kept his cards so close to his chest that his own alliance isn't even aware of everything Tyler has done. They know he roped Kaitlyn in to turn on her alliance, keep Sam, and help do L6's bidding, and they know Tyler has won comps that have helped save them, but they all are still unaware, to varying degrees, about the level of work Tyler has put in as the true leader. None of his alliance knows about him being a superfan or that he had the second power. Angela doesn't know about Kaycee/Tyler's true F2 deal and that they're super close. Kaycee doesn't know about how far Tyler and Angela have developed in terms of their relationship. 

I think Angela may think that Tyler would, indeed, choose her over Kaycee, just like Kaycee thinks Tyler will choose her over Angela (and we don't know which woman is correct). Tyler's insistence to not blurt out everything in his goodbye messages or leaving a smug one isn't helping him. We're going to hear Tyler's game being dismissed in the jury roundtable because they won't know how well Tyler's played, unless Sam starts talking about Tyler's secrets, which I don't think she will. Kaycee's been speculated to win if she's in F2 because people think she's been playing a better game than Tyler or Angela. Angela is supposedly hated in the jury house, but she's been shown to make more moves than Tyler. 

Ultimately, Tyler better have a great speech planned for F2 and he has to hope that he can sway some jury votes right then and there, or else he won't get the credit he deserves for playing a great game. If he wins, it'll be against Angela and it'll be because the jury hates him less, not because of his gameplay, at least at this point. We haven't heard Tyler's thoughts about F2 or his speech, so it's gonna be a surprise to us all if he doesn't talk to the cameras. I am super pissed that a superfan like Tyler won't talk to us in private. C'mon, man! You know we all want to hear your thoughts here!

The more I think about Tyler's game, the more I realize how much of it has to do with being a fan of Big Brother. He's been completely loyal to his first F2 alliance (like Jason/Danielle, Derrick/Cody, Will/Boogie). He wanted to pull of a Big Move at DE. He has a secret he's trying to keep until the end of the game. He loves blindsides and close votes (which, while not the best Jury management, is a classic Big Brother move. They make for some of the most memorable moments.). One of his favorite players in his "Meet the Cast" writeup was Dan Gheesling because he was "savage" - not Derrick, who pulled off making his season one of the most boring ever. Tyler's played like a fan that wants to be a part of Big Moments, and, kudos to him, has pulled off a strategy that most fans could only dream of being able to get away with.

That said, it is a problem that he's just so good at getting away with, well, everything. It's been necessary - he's been so safe because he's been protected at every side, which wouldn't be the case if he exposed his strategy too soon. But, it gives him almost no time to explain what he's really done behind the scenes. And, let's face it, FOUETTE has shown they need a little extra help to use any sort of logic -  they could get all the information they need and would still be asking who flipped.

I was skimming Dan's AMA on Reddit, and he said the biggest difference between Season 10 and Season 14 is that in Season 10, he got to talk to the Jury for 2 hours. In Season 14, he got to talk to them for 6 minutes. The way it's formatted now, it makes it really hard to change a Jury's mind - the questions and speeches are almost irrelevant. They've made their decision, and they have no time to process anything that is said. Debate with someone about anything, especially something they feel strongly about, and it's hard to get them to see it another way - let alone if you only have 10 minutes without any time for them to even reflect. I mean, most of the jury is probably too distracted about with not making a fool of themselves on live TV in front of Julie, maybe getting a question or two, having to walk over and vote in a few minutes, getting to finally see their families in the audience or after the vote, etc. to even really think about what either HG has to say in that Finale situation.

Edited by mooses
  • Love 10
1 hour ago, Lady Calypso said:

 I am super pissed that a superfan like Tyler won't talk to us in private. C'mon, man! You know we all want to hear your thoughts here!

Excuse me for cutting out so much of your post. But I just wanted to comment on this last sentence.

If I was ever on this show, I would never tell my true thoughts or feelings and MOST ESPECIALLY, I would never ever tell my plans to anyone, even the cameras. Why?

I believe that production is always listening (obviously) and then stand ready - at any time - to use info that only they know to advance their desires in the game. If they have a favorite player and I announce my plans to the home viewers, production will use that information to help their favorite without caring one bit if it helps me or hurts me. Screw them!

In fact, if I could think of a way that telling the cameras false info that would cause production to look stupid or that would hurt their favorite, I sure would do it. After all, by hurting their favorite, I'm not necessarily hurting myself and may well be helping myself. Screw production! They don't do anything for me. They are in this strictly to advance their own agendas.

  • Love 12
3 hours ago, Nashville said:

Yes - in fact, there have have been past seasons when the crop of remaining HGs was so inexecrable, many of us found ourselves rooting for #TeamAnt as the only palatable alternative.  :) 

Proud member of #TeamAnt respresentin'! 

1 hour ago, mikewho said:

I saw it [Gone Girl] On Demand. I remember nothing about it.

I'm so jealous right now. 

  • Love 4
2 hours ago, SiobhanJW said:

Swaggy is apparently Team Angela & Tyler now (I'm sure because he sees how popular they are becoming maybe? I dunno)- but has decided that if Tyler cuts Angela then he isn't actually in love. 

I don't get this- why can't it be both? You can be in love and also cut the person so you win. Maybe I'm a cold-hearted bitch- I love and adore my boyfriend- but I'd cut him in a heartbeat if I had to if that meant I would win Big Brother, I'm pretty sure he would do the same. He would understand, as would I- plus he would get to spend my winnings as well. LOL.

Since the feeds don't contain any game info we haven't seen:  The only way Rachel and Jordan got to the end was to cut Brendan and Jeff (respectively).  They knew that and the guys new that.  The better one to move forward did.  I would say Tyler is the better one to move forward.

34 minutes ago, Nashville said:

Actually... a disgruntled Sam divulging Tyler’s secrets to the rest of the Jury might VERY possibly work in Tyler’s favor, especially if done long enough before Finale Night for the other Jurors to get used to the idea and its implications.  It could shift perception of Tyler from a follower to a significant strategist in no time.

 I think the jury would feel better that Tyler was a superfan.  It would prove he studied the game and had the best strategy going in and they did not.  Do we know that Sam never saw the show and was recruited? @Nashville - your posts crack me up but I only picked the 1 or we'd be here all day.

4 minutes ago, MissBluxom said:

Excuse me for cutting out so much of your post. But I just wanted to comment on this last sentence.

If I was ever on this show, I would never tell my true thoughts or feelings and MOST ESPECIALLY, I would never ever tell my plans to anyone, even the cameras. Why?

I believe that production is always listening (obviously) and then stand ready - at any time - to use info that only they know to advance their desires in the game. If they have a favorite player and I announce my plans to the home viewers, production will use that information to help their favorite without caring one bit if it helps me or hurts me. Screw them!

In fact, if I could think of a way that telling the cameras false info that would cause production to look stupid or that would hurt their favorite, I sure would do it. After all, by hurting their favorite, I'm not necessarily hurting myself and may well be helping myself. Screw production! They don't do anything for me. They are in this strictly to advance their own agendas.

Excellent points!  I completely agree that production is at least, if not more, of the game.

  • Love 4
54 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

They don't get much time at all because half of the show is dedicated to the three part HOH competition and the ten minute jury roundtable. By the time the F2s even get to their speeches, it's at about the 50 minute mark, maybe even at the hour, and I believe that segment is barely ten minutes to ask questions. I think they only get a minute or so to answer. Then, they do get their final speech, which again, is no more than two minutes, maybe three. Tyler would need to lay out his game in the questions AND his final speech in order to attempt to cover as much of his game as possible. But otherwise, the jurors have usually made up their minds beforehand, besides some exceptions. Jason and Alex, for example, were wavering on who they'd vote for until the question and answer session. Paul pissed them both off enough to lose their votes when he didn't own his game and Josh did. 

Tyler's one benefit if he took Kaycee is that Kaycee is the worst at public speaking. Any time she gives a speech, she messes it up. When she was confronted by Rockstar, she messed it up by acting shady. So Tyler's benefit would be how he talks to the jury, since Kaycee's speech would never be good. Tyler's not the best speaker (I think Brett and Angela are much more articulate than Tyler and Kaycee) but he's certainly better than Kaycee, so it could give him the one up. 

But this BB Finale is 90minutes, not 60.  It runs after the Survivor premiere.  Survivor 8 to 9:30 then BB Finale 9:30 to 11 pm.

So maybe we will get more questions.  Or more fluff fillers.  More of something anyway.

Edited by green
12 minutes ago, mooses said:

I was skimming Dan's AMA on Reddit, and he said the biggest difference between Season 10 and Season 14 is that in Season 10, he got to talk to the Jury for 2 hours. In Season 14, he got to talk to them for 6 minutes. The way it's formatted now, it makes it really hard to change a Jury's mind - the questions and speeches are almost irrelevant. They've made their decision, and they have no time to process anything that is said. Debate with someone about anything, especially something they feel strongly about, and it's hard to get them to see it another way - let alone if you only have 10 minutes without any time for them to even reflect. I mean, most of the jury is probably too distracted about with not making a fool of themselves on live TV in front of Julie, maybe getting a question or two, having to walk over and vote in a few minutes, getting to finally see their families in the audience or after the vote, etc. to even really think about what either HG has to say in that Finale situation.

I just don't understand why they've cut down jury questioning so much.  All they have to do is look at Survivor to see how entertaining jury questioning can be.  It's like they want this show to be boring.

My question is... you suck!

My question is... tell me why I'm great.

My question is... I want an apology.

My question is... beg me to vote for you!

  • Love 12
2 minutes ago, jumper sage said:
13 minutes ago, MissBluxom said:

Excuse me for cutting out so much of your post. But I just wanted to comment on this last sentence.

If I was ever on this show, I would never tell my true thoughts or feelings and MOST ESPECIALLY, I would never ever tell my plans to anyone, even the cameras. Why?

I believe that production is always listening (obviously) and then stand ready - at any time - to use info that only they know to advance their desires in the game. If they have a favorite player and I announce my plans to the home viewers, production will use that information to help their favorite without caring one bit if it helps me or hurts me. Screw them!

In fact, if I could think of a way that telling the cameras false info that would cause production to look stupid or that would hurt their favorite, I sure would do it. After all, by hurting their favorite, I'm not necessarily hurting myself and may well be helping myself. Screw production! They don't do anything for me. They are in this strictly to advance their own agendas.

Loved this post!  Isn't this what Maggie and Derrick did regarding production?

  • Love 4
27 minutes ago, mooses said:

The more I think about Tyler's game, the more I realize how much of it has to do with being a fan of Big Brother. He's been completely loyal to his first F2 alliance (like Jason/Danielle, Derrick/Cody, Will/Boogie). He wanted to pull of a Big Move at DE. He has a secret he's trying to keep until the end of the game. He loves blindsides and close votes (which, while not the best Jury management, is a classic Big Brother move. They make for some of the most memorable moments.). One of his favorite players in his "Meet the Cast" writeup was Dan Gheesling because he was "savage" - not Derrick, who pulled off making his season one of the most boring ever. Tyler's played like a fan that wants to be a part of Big Moments, and, kudos to him, has pulled off a strategy that most fans could only dream of being able to get away with.


Totally agree with all of this. This is why I think he wants to take Kaycee to the end- I believe he thinks that they are very similar to the Derrick/Cody dynamic. Kaycee is the Cody being the Comp Beast with good social game- and is okay strategically. And Tyler is the Derrick- except better at Comps then Derrick was (he won them when needed- Ditto with Tyler)- but is the strategic mastermind behind the two of them. Kaycee would NOT be where she is without Tyler- I think Tyler could be where he is without Kaycee. 

As a superfan of the show- you can tell he's been having a blast playing- he's been able to do all these fun and awesome things over the course of the game that only a BB Superfan dreams about. I think even in one of his DR's he comments about how much he loves playing the game- it's written all over his face everyday- he's having a blast. 

One of the issues I think Kaycee is going to run into during her Jury questions if she makes it to the end next to Tyler- is distancing herself from moves she's made to benefit HER and not the group and/or Tyler- she never really has made a move that helped Kaycee.  I can see her constantly saying I did x,y,z for my Alliance and Tyler. A huge move would have been to pull either Sam or JC OTB and vote out Tyler this week. Tyler has moves that he made that benefited him- he set himself up in a way where he was completely protected, Kaycee doesn't really have that move to play. 

  • Love 11
19 minutes ago, jumper sage said:

Since the feeds don't contain any game info we haven't seen:  The only way Rachel and Jordan got to the end was to cut Brendan and Jeff (respectively).  They knew that and the guys new that.  The better one to move forward did.  I would say Tyler is the better one to move forward.

I don't think Rachel and Jordan had a choice - everyone was targeting Brendon and Jeff and considered them the two strongest out of the couples. 

19 minutes ago, green said:

But this BB Finale is 90minutes, not 60.  It runs after the Survivor premiere.  Survivor 8 to 9:30 then BB Finale 9:30 to 11 pm.

So maybe we will get more questions.  Or more fluff fillers.  More of something anyway.

Always more fluff fillers. We never get what we want.  There's never more questions... never more interaction with the jury.... just always more fluff fillers.  They've done 90 min for a few years now and the format didn't change AT ALL. so dumb. 

  • Love 4
8 minutes ago, MissBluxom said:

Excuse me for cutting out so much of your post. But I just wanted to comment on this last sentence.

If I was ever on this show, I would never tell my true thoughts or feelings and MOST ESPECIALLY, I would never ever tell my plans to anyone, even the cameras. Why?

I believe that production is always listening (obviously) and then stand ready - at any time - to use info that only they know to advance their desires in the game. If they have a favorite player and I announce my plans to the home viewers, production will use that information to help their favorite without caring one bit if it helps me or hurts me. Screw them!

In fact, if I could think of a way that telling the cameras false info that would cause production to look stupid or that would hurt their favorite, I sure would do it. After all, by hurting their favorite, I'm not necessarily hurting myself and may well be helping myself. Screw production! They don't do anything for me. They are in this strictly to advance their own agendas.

Back in the BB16 days, everybody on the boards were incredibly freaking royally pissed off at Derrick - and why?  Because Derrick would never divulge his true goals and plans, not even in the DR.  And I recall posting the exact same reasoning for Derrick then as you’ve posted here now.  

In BB16 AG was stumping STRONG for her favorite pet FmfG* to win, and AG didn’t give a tin shit in Talladega who else’s game she trashed in the process.  The Production fix was in strong for FmfG, Production had demonstrated it had zero problem with using information gleaned from HG private conversations and DRs to advance Production’s goals**, and Derrick knew this.  So Derrick denied Production its most valuable currency - foreknowledge of his game plans to use against him.  

And Derrick won.


* I refuse to say or type his name out in full, and you can’t make me.

** After Caleb voiced out loud his intention to sit out his and FmfG’s BotB comp, to throw it and guarantee FmfG went OTB - think it was an accident the BotB comp ended up being one where the working-in-pairs element was the complicating factor, and a person working alone could do it quicker?  Think again.

  • Love 14
1 minute ago, SiobhanJW said:

One of the issues I think Kaycee is going to run into during her Jury questions if she makes it to the end next to Tyler- is distancing herself from moves she's made to benefit HER and not the group and/or Tyler- she never really has made a move that helped Kaycee.  I can see her constantly saying I did x,y,z for my Alliance and Tyler. A huge move would have been to pull either Sam or JC OTB and vote out Tyler this week. Tyler has moves that he made that benefited him- he set himself up in a way where he was completely protected, Kaycee doesn't really have that move to play. 

That's true. And Tyler isn't the most well-spoken, but Kaycee would probably be more nervous (and show it). But, from now on, I think I've gotta play a "Let's Go!" drinking game. If she makes it to F2, I'll probably be dead, so I won't even see the outcome.

I will say, I think Tyler is overestimating how much he can say in those few minutes, but he knows the format. He should be using his GB messages more to his advantage (except Big Brother kind of ruined those, too, since there's always a Jury buyback). 

  • Love 4
8 minutes ago, SiobhanJW said:

One of the issues I think Kaycee is going to run into during her Jury questions if she makes it to the end next to Tyler- is distancing herself from moves she's made to benefit HER and not the group and/or Tyler- she never really has made a move that helped Kaycee.  I can see her constantly saying I did x,y,z for my Alliance and Tyler. A huge move would have been to pull either Sam or JC OTB and vote out Tyler this week. Tyler has moves that he made that benefited him- he set himself up in a way where he was completely protected, Kaycee doesn't really have that move to play. 

Absolutely - provided, of course, they’re talking to a Jury inclined to disregard its own eviction butthurtiness long enough to listen to a smidgen of the gameplay considerations presented by the F2ers in their closing remarks.  If not, then it’s all just wasted breath.


2 minutes ago, mooses said:

That's true. And Tyler isn't the most well-spoken, but Kaycee would probably be more nervous (and show it). But, from now on, I think I've gotta play a "Let's Go!" drinking game. If she makes it to F2, I'll probably be dead, so I won't even see the outcome.

Careful there; I started out this season playing the Crying Game (a shot every time somebody cries), but had to drop it before halfway.  I was going through most of a fifth each episode, my formerly well-stocked liquor cabinet was almost depleted, and Hay alone would’ve had me in the hospital begging for a liver transplant by now.


2 minutes ago, mooses said:

I will say, I think Tyler is overestimating how much he can say in those few minutes, but he knows the format. He should be using his GB messages more to his advantage (except Big Brother kind of ruined those, too, since there's always a Jury buyback). 

That, plus Production has already been revealed to be editing the GBMs - so even if you tell the Jurors the truth, the Jurors may never hear it.  :P

  • Love 1
17 minutes ago, gunderda said:

Always more fluff fillers. We never get what we want.  There's never more questions... never more interaction with the jury.... just always more fluff fillers.  They've done 90 min for a few years now and the format didn't change AT ALL. so dumb. 

Well, now. Gotta save time for that Swaggy update the non-Twitter crowd has been dying for. Not to mention The Proposal.

Maybe we'll get lucky and they'll show more footage of Swaggy hanging out with Bayleigh's family, Bayleigh will freak the fuck out at the way this rando she hooked up with briefly months ago is creeping on her family, and when he goes down on one knee, she kicks him so hard that he flies out of frame and sprains his tweeting thumbs. [/manifesting]

  • Love 20
1 hour ago, green said:

But this BB Finale is 90minutes, not 60.  It runs after the Survivor premiere.  Survivor 8 to 9:30 then BB Finale 9:30 to 11 pm.

So maybe we will get more questions.  Or more fluff fillers.  More of something anyway.


Yeah, I know. It takes nearly an hour just to get to the F2 questions, and then after the votes are plugged in, it's another 15 minutes for filler stuff (letting the prejurors talk, a couple of F2-specific segments) and then it's revealing the votes, leaving only a minute for the reveal of AFP and not allowing the winner to really talk. 90 minutes has never been enough time for the finale. They truly need a full two hours to allow more time with the F2. They need to really allow the jury roundtable to happen in its own separate episode, during the clip show instead. Move the clip show episode to Monday night, to allow time for the jurors to do the roundtable stuff, replacing the clip show with jury stuff, and just have the finale about the HOH comp, leading into final 2, and then allowing 20 minutes for the jurors to ask questions and for the F2 to answer with plenty of time. 

  • Love 3
6 hours ago, SiobhanJW said:

But in the end I think [JC] votes for [Tyler] to win- I think he believes a vote for Tyler to win the game is a vote for him to win the game. He cannot stand Angela and REALLY doesn't want her to win- and I know he likes Kaycee but I think Tyler trumps Kaycee any day of the week regardless of how mad he is at Tyler. 

I agree with this. I think JC is a guaranteed Tyler vote, even if/when Tyler evicts him.

2 hours ago, CrazyDog said:

Kaycee's strategy is so much more straightforward - lay low at the beginning, be nice to everyone, comp beast it up at the end, and be loyal to L6. FWIW, I do feel Tyler played a more "active" game throughout the whole time, but he really needs to be clear about leading L6.

This made me realize that he also needs to be sure the L6er sitting next to him isn't someone who will counter that and tell the jury that he didn't lead them, because I don't think any of them see anymore than FOUTTE just how dominant his game was. I don't think either Angela or Kaycee will really be effective at this, even if they tried, but I imagine Kaycee would be worse.

1 hour ago, MrHufflepuff said:

I just don't understand why they've cut down jury questioning so much.  All they have to do is look at Survivor to see how entertaining jury questioning can be.  It's like they want this show to be boring.

It's just one in a long line of things they've done that has effectively killed this show. That I still watch every fucking season, dammit!

1 hour ago, SiobhanJW said:

As a superfan of the show- you can tell he's been having a blast playing ...

It's easy to have a blast when everything goes your way all game! The one time he had to sorta kinda sweat it for a second he pouted.

  • Love 6
1 hour ago, SiobhanJW said:

Totally agree with all of this. This is why I think he wants to take Kaycee to the end- I believe he thinks that they are very similar to the Derrick/Cody dynamic. Kaycee is the Cody being the Comp Beast with good social game- and is okay strategically. And Tyler is the Derrick- except better at Comps then Derrick was (he won them when needed- Ditto with Tyler)- but is the strategic mastermind behind the two of them. Kaycee would NOT be where she is without Tyler- I think Tyler could be where he is without Kaycee. 

I wonder whether the close bond he's created with Kaycee and Angela has hurt his game in another way.  Apparently he likes both of them, a lot, clearly in different ways.  He loves being in this alliance.  Was this his plan going in?  I sometimes wonder if his recent (last two or three weeks) decisions have been made less because he wants to protect his alliance, and more because he specifically wants to protect Angela and Kaycee.   Scotty, Brett, and JC all think he's being manipulated by those two.  I wonder if the apparent strategic genius who entered the house in June would have let that happen.  

ETA because @CrazyDog and @peachmangosteen made the same point.  And because "wants" is not spelled "wnats."  

Edited by Thalia
  • Love 3

Sam is downstairs packing.  I'm beginning to think she will be disappointed if she doesn't go.  Less because of her mental health than because it will confirm what she's thought all summer.  That she can't trust anyone in the house.   Despite the fact that she's F5.  Everyone has been stringing her along since week one just for this one eviction.  I don't think she'd be surprised if all the previous evictees, from Steve to Brett jumped out of a closet and yelled "got ya!"  

The others are upstairs in the HOH room singing a production approved song, presumably from that singer from last night's show whose name I didn't bother to commit to memory.  Short or longterm.  

2 minutes ago, mooses said:

For a little over an hour, JC/Kaycee, with Angela's help, have come up with a song about Tyler: "The Real Tyler," by the Side Nuts. 

Oh, never mind.  

Edited by Thalia
ETA to add, I still don't know the singer's name.
  • Love 2
5 hours ago, Nashville said:

ITA.  To be honest, I think a lot of it started out as just some funtime for Sam to pass what she expected to be her minimal time in the House.  

IMHO Sam initially saw being stuck in the “Sam the Robot” schtick right out of the gate AND one of the very first Block noms as being irretrievably damaging to any game prospects she may have entertained.  Add to that the fact that Sam doesn’t have any real aptitude OR stomach for the strategic intrigues in the House, and I believe Sam just kinda checked out - she just started looking for ways to entertain herself and kill time until what she saw as her inevitable eviction.  Sam does has her own values and her pride, though, and I think it really upset her to see all the BB-normal lying and scheming going on around her - especially when her name was getting tossed around in the mix - so other than the occasional emotional outburst, Sam tended to isolate herself from the other HGs and entertain herself with her crafts, her “pets”, and her own imagination.

Until Sam won HoH, that is - and was forced to re-associate with people who (other than Tyler, and maybe a couple others) she only knew on the most superficial of levels.  Sam had no clue how to interact with these people, and the wheels on her “eccentric but lovable” wagon came off most immediately; Sam made enemies left and right out of HGs who had previously simply ignored her as nice enough, but Game-irrelevant.  If y’all will recall, everybody here thought Sam had a total lock on AFP before her HoH reign - but virtually nobody thought so after.

So, Sam had given up any hopes of winning and she was increasingly ostracized - so she entertained herself with her crafts daydreams to distract herself from her abysmal House situation, and cried when the distractions didn’t work.  It was purely good luck for Sam, though, that most of the most-offended HGs were on one of the most brain-dead alliances in BB history, because guess what? - she’s survived the DE, she’s made it to F5, and Sam starts to think just maybe she has a shot at making it to the end.

Given this - and also given that Sam has next-to-no idea exactly HOW she got here, or why - what does Sam do now?  Try to change tracks right at the end of the game, beasting out comps and playing at strategy she doesn’t understand OR like?  Or, failing that, stick with the crazy which has already gotten her this far?  ;)

Great post, @Nashville

I was thinking about week 1 oddballs and how many of them managed to ingratiate themselves into the house and eventually the win (Steve, Ian, Andy, Josh). Steve and Ian had even more awkward social skills than Sam and just as many weird quirks. However what they also had was endurance and a stomach for the game. Sam won HoH, said way too much in her nomination speech, offended quite a few people and weirded out the others, but she could have laid low, recovered, and gotten back into the game. But instead she just checked out and withdrew into her world of fantasy -- her pet spider, her arts and crafts projects, her imaginary romances with Brett/the cameraman, and moped about her figure, her weight, her clothes, etc. The game just passed her by and she was more than happy to let that happen. 

It kind of annoys me because she really does have some wonderful qualities and could have used them to further herself in the game. Alas.

  • Love 3
3 hours ago, green said:

But this BB Finale is 90minutes, not 60.  It runs after the Survivor premiere.  Survivor 8 to 9:30 then BB Finale 9:30 to 11 pm.

So maybe we will get more questions.  Or more fluff fillers.  More of something anyway.


Past experience indicates we will get more self-promotion by CBS - more announcements of future broadcasts that will make money for CBS, more announcements of future CBS TV shows, more commercials for CBS properties and more announcements of future seasons of this crapfest. We almost never get more interetsing clips that will entertain fans of the show.

Edited by MissBluxom
  • Love 2
11 minutes ago, Growsonwalls said:

I was thinking about week 1 oddballs and how many of them managed to ingratiate themselves into the house and eventually the win (Steve, Ian, Andy, Josh). Steve and Ian had even more awkward social skills than Sam and just as many weird quirks. However what they also had was endurance and a stomach for the game. Sam won HoH, said way too much in her nomination speech, offended quite a few people and weirded out the others, but she could have laid low, recovered, and gotten back into the game. But instead she just checked out and withdrew into her world of fantasy -- her pet spider, her arts and crafts projects, her imaginary romances with Brett/the cameraman, and moped about her figure, her weight, her clothes, etc. The game just passed her by and she was more than happy to let that happen. 

It kind of annoys me because she really does have some wonderful qualities and could have used them to further herself in the game. Alas.

I agree. I also think that, in her mind, she really does think she's better than these people. She loves to give speeches about how she's not as athletic or as smart or as fit as all the other HGs (she just did one of her classic, "I'm me, and I'm not going to change," monologues for Tyler today), and it reeks of insecurity, but then the way she talked about herself with regards to Haleigh/Angela/Kaitlyn, like they're not doing things the "right" way, reeks of arrogance. Personally, I think she is insecure when comparing herself with the others (and I don't blame her - I would be, too, if I had to stand next to any of these people), but she tries to block it out by telling herself she's better than them - she's just more real (the "every woman," as she explained to Tyler). So, instead of getting more comfortable with everyone and realizing they're not judging her as much as she's judging herself, she's distanced herself and told herself they're the ones excluding her. She's totally the type to go sit in another room and then complain that nobody hangs out with her. 

If she could just hang out and be goofy with the rest of them, I think she'd have a lot more fun and feel a better connection with the other HGs. But, she's isolated herself. She didn't want to make ice cream with them last night. She doesn't want to shoot the breeze - she wants to tell her stories about her family and friends, or monologue about life lessons. She thinks she knows everyone so much better than anyone else, but having little moments, or inside jokes, or everyday interactions matter - not everything has to be a Deep Conversation. 

  • Love 22
4 minutes ago, mooses said:

I agree. I also think that, in her mind, she really does think she's better than these people. She loves to give speeches about how she's not as athletic or as smart or as fit as all the other HGs (she just did one of her classic, "I'm me, and I'm not going to change," monologues for Tyler today), and it reeks of insecurity, but then the way she talked about herself with regards to Haleigh/Angela/Kaitlyn, like they're not doing things the "right" way, reeks of arrogance. Personally, I think she is insecure when comparing herself with the others (and I don't blame her - I would be, too, if I had to stand next to any of these people), but she tries to block it out by telling herself she's better than them - she's just more real (the "every woman," as she explained to Tyler). So, instead of getting more comfortable with everyone and realizing they're not judging her as much as she's judging herself, she's distanced herself and told herself they're the ones excluding her. She's totally the type to go sit in another room and then complain that nobody hangs out with her. 

If she could just hang out and be goofy with the rest of them, I think she'd have a lot more fun and feel a better connection with the other HGs. But, she's isolated herself. She didn't want to make ice cream with them last night. She doesn't want to shoot the breeze - she wants to tell her stories about her family and friends, or monologue about life lessons. She thinks she knows everyone so much better than anyone else, but having little moments, or inside jokes, or everyday interactions matter - not everything has to be a Deep Conversation. 

Once on eviction night she was angrily refusing to join the makeup/hair crew in the bathroom, saying she was "better" than the girls who primped for hours for the live show. However once the live show was over she was moping that she didn't get to do her hair and makeup for the live show. It's like she wants to mope but then also wants to be applauded for moping. She also doesn't get that girls primping for the live show is a good time to socialize with HG's she's not that close with. But by shutting herself off and making passive aggressive comments about the girls who "did makeup and hair" instead of cleaning the kitchen she both isolated herself and alienated the girls. 

  • Love 16

Remember how Sam said that she would tear the doors off their hinges if she was unhappy with the way in which she was evicted (or something like that).  I've been wondering just how far she may want to act out when she is evicted because she certainly won't be happy. No one would be happy about that.

Then I read this news story about a woman in Kentucky who did the most vulgar, most filthy thing you can imagine to a deputy who came to arrest her. I will put a search string into a spoiler box in case anyone wants to know what happened. But I strongly urge you to use caution before opening the spoiler box. I don't want to post any links to that story because it is just so extremely vulgar and terrible. But I will post a search string so you can search in Google and just see the headline. That way you can know what happened without having to read the story containing all the graphic details.

kentucky woman defecates on deputy during arrest

I think it is much harder mentally to almost get to the end and to be evicted in the last week of the show than it would be to be evicted in July. At least in July before jury, you still have some summer left to enjoy. That has to be better than sitting for weeks in a boring jury house with people you do not like. Also, towards the end you have to feel you were loyal to who will be the winner and helped get the winner to the end and you are headed to the jury house. 

I think that part of what Sam is feeling is that she will not win and wasted her whole summer for nothing. She is angry and depressed and filled with rage. Plus, with less people in the house there are less distractions, less people to talk to, and you go bat shit crazy from weeks of deprivations. Sam will need a hyperbaric chamber after the show. 

Edited by DakotaLavender
  • Love 4

So Tyler should vote to evict JC and make Angela break the tie. Then he can tell jury...see Angela and Kaycee weren't controlling me. And he keeps Sam happy. Will piss off JC but so what, it'll be down to 4 and JC won't win bupkis. 

ANd I was thinking...why not take Angela to F2 as you are BF and GF so whichever wins is good, right? But then if he cuts Angela the jury will have another reason to see that he was the one in control. 

But he can't be sitting next to Kaycee either. Maybe he does plan to go F2 with JC.

  • Love 1
10 minutes ago, Lamima said:

So Tyler should vote to evict JC and make Angela break the tie. Then he can tell jury...see Angela and Kaycee weren't controlling me. And he keeps Sam happy. Will piss off JC but so what, it'll be down to 4 and JC won't win bupkis. 

ANd I was thinking...why not take Angela to F2 as you are BF and GF so whichever wins is good, right? But then if he cuts Angela the jury will have another reason to see that he was the one in control. 

But he can't be sitting next to Kaycee either. Maybe he does plan to go F2 with JC.

It would also royally piss off Angela, and deservedly so. I like to think it wouldn't impact their non-game relationship, but it would give her the perfect excuse to boot him before F2 if she has the chance. (Not that she's likely to win in any case, but she could prevent him from winning if she's mad enough.) 

I saw a post that said 3 hours ago jc and Kaycee were working on a song.  I just turned on the feeds and they are still working on it and singing it.  


I finally watched the episode today and I am unsure how I have absolutely no idea who bebe rexa? Is. I listen to the radio all day long at work.  How did all the HGs know all her stuff? 

  • Love 2
29 minutes ago, Lamima said:

So Tyler should vote to evict JC and make Angela break the tie. Then he can tell jury...see Angela and Kaycee weren't controlling me. And he keeps Sam happy. Will piss off JC but so what, it'll be down to 4 and JC won't win bupkis. 

ANd I was thinking...why not take Angela to F2 as you are BF and GF so whichever wins is good, right? But then if he cuts Angela the jury will have another reason to see that he was the one in control. 

But he can't be sitting next to Kaycee either. Maybe he does plan to go F2 with JC.

He would piss off all of JC, Angela and Kaycee and possibly lose their votes.  He has Sam's vote already unless Kaycee is with him at F2 then it is 50/50 maybe.  Just don't see this as good jury management.

What he does need to do is talk to Sam before the vote and explain that he can't keep her safe anymore.  That Kaycee and Angela want her out over JC.  Well so does he but he should withhold that part obviously.  So even if he voted for her she would still go and he would ruin his game in the process regards the three remaining and any chance he has to win and the vote wouldn't save her either. 

Maybe mention how he saved her that first week when Winston had convinced the rest of Level 6 to keep Steve instead until Tyler intervened.  Had them as a whole protect her as long as they could etc.  But it has reached the end of the line now.  In the process he will have to explain Level 6 which he absolutely needs to do so Sam will realize that Tyler was loyal to Angela because of the alliance and not because of the recent showmance because of Sam's jealousy towards Angela.  Something like that.

Edited by green
  • Love 2

Update on Julie:

Julie Chen has decided to leave The Talk, multiple sources confirmed to CNN on Monday, September 17. The host has been absent on the show for a full week, since her husband Les Moonves was fired from his role as CBS CEO.

Chen, 48, is reportedly set to announce the news on Tuesday, September 18, via a video on the show.

“She has decided that her main focus needs to be clearing her husband’s name from accusations made 25-30 years ago and tending to her son,” a source told CNN.

However, she will reportedly remain as the host of Big Brother, though it’s unclear if that means for the season currently airing or the years to come.

  • Love 3
2 hours ago, green said:

He would piss off all of JC, Angela and Kaycee and possibly lose their votes.  He has Sam's vote already unless Kaycee is with him at F2 then it is 50/50 maybe.  Just don't see this as good jury management.

What he does need to do is talk to Sam before the vote and explain that he can't keep her safe anymore.  That Kaycee and Angela want her out over JC.  Well so does he but he should withhold that part obviously.  So even if he voted for her she would still go and he would ruin his game in the process regards the three remaining and any chance he has to win and the vote wouldn't save her either. 

Maybe mention how he saved her that first week when Winston had convinced the rest of Level 6 to keep Steve instead until Tyler intervened.  Had them as a whole protect her as long as they could etc.  But it has reached the end of the line now.  In the process he will have to explain Level 6 which he absolutely needs to do so Sam will realize that Tyler was loyal to Angela because of the alliance and not because of the recent showmance because of Sam's jealousy towards Angela.  Something like that.


It is mind-boggling how a few kind words have so much power in this game but so few people ever seem to think it's important to talk to the other HGs. But it's the MOST IMPORTANT THING OF ALL.

It is far more important than winning comps. So many HGs that are on their last legs always say, "Well, I'll just have to win that veto." But it's so much better to talk with the other players than it is to win comps. If you talk with them, you can avoid going up on the block in the first place and then you will never need to win Veto.

Edited by MissBluxom
  • Love 2

From Joker’s:

Mon 10:24 PM PT Tyler talks about bars in college towns called the Library. JC said that is a great idea.


I’ve been to The Library in downtown Albuquerque (on Central SW, not too far from the UNM campus).

It’s been a good while - but last time I went, there was a strip club directly across Central from it.

The name of the strip club?  If I recall correctly, it was the Executive Boardroom.  ;>

  • Love 1
17 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

The movie posters from last night, which are much better than this season's comics:

Thank you for posting this.  I asked if someone could post it in the episode thread (Someone may very well have, I always come to this thread first and I have yet to check that one out yet.) so once again thank you.  Some of those posters were great and I will echo some of the others in saying that the posters were much better than this year's comics.

13 hours ago, RandomWatcher said:

Also, caught part of an Instagram  Live last night with Dan. He talked to a few people including BB10's Jerry. Remember him?

"Dan you will always be Judas to me!"

What did he say about Jerry?  I always found it odd that they became friends after the show.

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