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Season 20: Live Feed Discussion


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1 hour ago, missyb said:

.... they will be telling the jurors that despite what JC says, he was in the dark the entire game as to who held the power to direct the gane.

 I can just see this "discussion" . Whenever anybody says anything against JC he will immediately take over and dominate the conversation with his delusions of power.  It will be loud and probably impossible to understand. People sitting in front of him should probably have an umbrella 'cause when he gets excited he gets juicy.

12 minutes ago, Ceeg said:

I’m not that worried about DE because in all likelihood, it will result in Sam’s eviction. And that’s a plus, because it means we won’t have to waste an entire week on getting Sam out. 

 Besides, the jury house will need a thorough cleaning by that time. Sam will feel right at home.  They've probably been waiting for her.

  • Love 5
16 minutes ago, Skycatcher said:

 I can just see this "discussion" . Whenever anybody says anything against JC he will immediately take over and dominate the conversation with his delusions of power.  It will be loud and probably impossible to understand. People sitting in front of him should probably have an umbrella 'cause when he gets excited he gets juicy.

I honestly think he's the most dangerous player to take to the F2. He's well-liked, worked with the FOUETTE when it suited him, did a lot of work that was visible to those not in L6, and he can be very persuasive and tenacious in debates. To Fessy, he worked with him the whole game - and had him (and the FOUETTE) fooled to the point where they couldn't believe he'd be the flip vote. To Scottie, he helped orchestrate his evictions. To Bayleigh/Rockstar, he's not "entitled" or one of the Cool Kids, so they'd respect him more. And the whole of FOUETTE just seem really offended that no member of L6 wanted to work with them as much as each FOUETTE wanted to work with L6, but JC doesn't have that problem because he's not seen as "the other side." 

As much as we see how he's been a tool for L6, he has done a lot of work. Even Tyler has said he's his most useful ally (as in the ally who did the most work for him). And I think it will be hard to convince the Jury in such little time that JC was in the dark with regards to what was really happening in the House, even if he's sitting next to an L6 member. The Jury will have so little time to re-think their perceptions,  I think it will be too big of a stretch for them that JC was just a stooge.

And, it's probably even worse if Brett/Angela/Kaycee/Tyler or whoever in L6 ends up in Jury tries to make that case - I could totally see FOUETTE not wanting to look stupid again and not believing anything L6 tells them, or just believing the opposite out of spite.

If JC gets to F2, I'd 100% bet on him winning. 

Edited by mooses
  • Love 10
4 hours ago, Skyfall said:
16 hours ago, RandomWatcher said:

Who he kidding, he knows it’ll be Kevin Hart! ?

Seeing reports that Les Moonves leaving CBS is becoming close to a reality.  I really wonder what Julie will do and how this will impact BB.  I can't imagine CBS would be cool with the supportive wife of their pushed out, accused of sexual harassment/assault/misconduct CEO maintaining a strong presence on their channel (with BB and her talk show).  Maybe we should add Ross and Marissa to the list of possible replacements lol?

9 minutes ago, zenithwit said:

Seeing reports that Les Moonves leaving CBS is becoming close to a reality.  I really wonder what Julie will do and how this will impact BB.  I can't imagine CBS would be cool with the supportive wife of their pushed out, accused of sexual harassment/assault/misconduct CEO maintaining a strong presence on their channel (with BB and her talk show).  Maybe we should add Ross and Marissa to the list of possible replacements lol?

Stop that.   Take it back! 

The Talk isn't Julie's show, btw.  Sara Gilbert is the creator and exec producer.  Julie must have been part of the deal but I don't see them cancelling an Emmy winning show.  Julie may not be on it but it will continue.  Just wanted to clear that up.  :>)

Edited by Wings
  • Love 3
4 hours ago, Brian Cronin said:

Why would you ever want to be the sole female Asian winner? What a dumb comment. 

I think she means the opposite. She’d be proud to have more then one Asian winner. Personally, I never even gave that a thought because I’m white. I think it’s great that Jun is cheering Kaycee on. That said, I want Kaycee to slay the jury and go all glam with her amazing hair down. Let’s go!!!!!!!!

  • Love 6
25 minutes ago, Wings said:

Damn it.  So sorry to hear Les is stepping down.  Good bye Julie.  ***sobs***

I'm surprised people enjoy Julie. I have to fast forward through all of her commentaries and intros. I even fast forward through much of the interviews. For the host of the show, she appears to look down upon the cast and flat out disinterested. Maybe because I've not watched from the beginning and she could just really be coming across as bored with having done the show for so long. 

  • Love 6
1 hour ago, Ceeg said:

I’m not that worried about DE because in all likelihood, it will result in Sam’s eviction. And that’s a plus, because it means we won’t have to waste an entire week on getting Sam out. 

And then we get JC squirming for an entire week!

3 minutes ago, Wings said:

Finding a replacement for Julie, if that happens, will be hard.  It has to be someone who can take a back seat and not hunger for attention or crave the spotlight.   Julie has defined the role of host.  A calm centered personality is key to keep the balance of attention on the house.  

Almost like a robot...

Considering how cheap and openly busted this show is, they could just recycle the Sambot with a new host behind the joystick.

  • Love 4

I am kind of over Julie. She has been the face of BB, but overall, if the show continues, I think its time for an overhaul. Maybe a new host (one who at least cares enough to keep up with the feeds and what's going on with the show she/he hosts) and some new unpredictable comps might do the show a world of good. And get rid of Grodner.

Edited by CrazyDog
  • Love 11
1 minute ago, Wings said:

Listening to Tyler and Hayleigh talk about the comp, it is the same exact one we have always known.  Kaycee is a beast with a photographic memory it seems!

Well, the slip and slide was the same one that we have always known, just easier because production sucks this year. So I suspect that there will be some weird difference that will make it easier somehow because production sucks so much this season.

6 minutes ago, CrazyDog said:

I am kind of over Julie. She has been the face of BB, but overall, if the show continues, I think its time for an overhaul. Maybe a new host (one who at least cares enough to keep up with the feeds and what's going on with the show she/he hosts) and some new unpredictable comps might do the show a world of good. And get rid of Grodner.

Honestly, I sort of fear a more involved host most of all. Grodner is at her worst when she DOES get too attached to people, ya know? A more involved host would probably just lead to biased shit.

  • Love 3
2 minutes ago, CrazyDog said:

But, but... Swaggy said he had a photographic memory. This was his comp to lose!


Oh, yeah - the second evictee of the season.

I’d already forgotten about him.


2 hours ago, HartofDixie said:


2 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

Bonus: Winston's reaction to Steve's daughter....and then Steve's response to Winston:

Well good God, Steve, waddaya expect?  :D

Winston’s response was probably a helluva lot more genteel than most.

  • Love 6
9 minutes ago, Ceeg said:

I know I know that alliances eating each other is rarely fun at the end. But I’m hoping we can at least get a moment akin to Vanessa evicting Austin. Like just one more blindside to cap off the season will be perfect. 

I think the most interesting thing about this season is that I could really see anybody left winning (except Sam, I guess). I feel like there's usually only one one or two HGs that seem like true possibilities , but this season has been an anomaly in that respect, which I love. I'm really curious who will end up in F2 because I just don't know. And I'm curious to see who wins in F2 because I don't think there's one person who the whole Jury can agree on as a winner.

Yes, last week and this week have been pretty boring, but that's because of the Battle Back. This would have all gotten over with last week if we didn't have to suffer through another week of Scottie. We could have had JC as a nominee if it weren't for that!

Edited by mooses
  • Love 4
3 minutes ago, SiobhanJW said:

Feeds were down for a bit- the HG's were shown videos from home.

You mean we don't have to sit through that ridiculous segment on the live show this year? YES! I hate it, because it's all crying and boo hooing and then they're like "Oh, now go play HoH". Like thanks for the emotional upheaval before making me stand on a log being balanced by a beaver while ducking pine cones and goo. Appreciate it. 

  • Love 15
1 minute ago, Callaphera said:

You mean we don't have to sit through that ridiculous segment on the live show this year? YES! I hate it, because it's all crying and boo hooing and then they're like "Oh, now go play HoH". Like thanks for the emotional upheaval before making me stand on a log being balanced by a beaver while ducking pine cones and goo. Appreciate it. 

If the feeds were down then that means we WILL have to watch a segment about that.  That was why the feeds were down, right?  Same reasom they don't show most competitions and nom and veto ceremonies live.  They want to save them for the TV episodes.

8 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

I think the DEs are almost always boring and predictable and some random useless player goes ...

Nothing ever has and likely never will beat out the BB13 DE. Just amazing in every possible way really. Impossible to live up to and yet every season I wish for it to happen. Hell, I'd settle for a DE that was like a tenth as awesome as BB13's.

6 hours ago, Victim Noises said:

Do you think if Tyler votes out Kaycee before Final 2 she would be bitter or respect the game move? It's kind of hard to know where her head is at sometimes. 

I think she'd respect it for sure. Kaycee is like 100% a vote for Tyler in the end no matter what imo, which is another reason why he should probably be working to get rid of her lol.

4 hours ago, LGGirl said:

If I was Tyler, I’d would throw the next HOH comp because he’s not on anyone’s radar. Let the others do the dirty work.  

I agree and I think he will. Although Tyler has a tendency to not really see just how snowed he has people (see Bayleigh), so he might be scared that people could see the DE as a good time to get him out even though literally no one will do it. I've been thinking about how Tyler is kind of at crossroads now. He likely needs to be winning comps and making big, visible moves in order to really solidify a win, but at the same time if he does that then he'll have to personally betray all his F2 deals and that could potentially hurt him. He's got himself into a real pickle imo.

2 hours ago, Ceeg said:

I’m not that worried about DE because in all likelihood, it will result in Sam’s eviction. And that’s a plus, because it means we won’t have to waste an entire week on getting Sam out. 

Good point.

11 minutes ago, Ceeg said:

I know I know that alliances eating each other is rarely fun at the end. But I’m hoping we can at least get a moment akin to Vanessa evicting Austin. Like just one more blindside to cap off the season will be perfect. 

We rarely get really great, unexpected late season happenings and BB17 gave us two with Vanessa evicting Austin and Steve evicting Vanessa. Ugh, BB17 was actually kind of great. 

3 minutes ago, mooses said:

I think the most interesting thing about this season is that I could really see anybody left winning (except Sam, I guess). I feel like there's usually only one one or two HGs that seem like true possibilities , but this season has been an anomaly in that respect, which I love. I'm really curious who will end up in F2 because I just don't know. And I'm curious to see who wins in F2 because I don't think there's one person who the whole Jury can agree on as a winner.

I agree with this and yet somehow I'm just bored out of my fucking mind and don't see that changing. Probably partly because I don't give a rat's ass about any of the remaining players lol.

  • Love 7
Just now, green said:

If the feeds were down then that means we WILL have to watch a segment about that.  That was why the feeds were down, right?  Same reasom they don't show most competitions and nom and veto ceremonies live.  They want to save them for the TV episodes.

I think the point is that the segment isn't used as an emotional manipulation tactic right before a competition. At least here, they have time to process the videos from home and not have it distract them from the competitions. As much as production probably thinks it motivates them, and it might to some, it would distract others completely and get them super emotional.

Sam's been looking a bit upset since I turned on the feeds (probably being homesick and happy and sad), Angela got emotional, and Kaycee claims that even Brett teared up, and Brett's the last person I would see cry in this house. 

  • Love 3
Just now, Lady Calypso said:

I think the point is that the segment isn't used as an emotional manipulation tactic right before a competition. At least here, they have time to process the videos from home and not have it distract them from the competitions. As much as production probably thinks it motivates them, and it might to some, it would distract others completely and get them super emotional.

That and I can safely skip the segment on the broadcast show while on the live broadcast, it's chancier to walk away and go do something because you could miss an important bit of information about the upcoming comp. 

  • Love 1
1 minute ago, ByaNose said:

On a shallow note. Angela’s hair looks amazing. The ends look like lighter. Maybe, it’s from sitting in the sun all summer. Anyway, what’s the over/under of who will cut whom first. Tyler or Angela? 

Tyler, for sure. 

1 minute ago, Callaphera said:

That and I can safely skip the segment on the broadcast show while on the live broadcast, it's chancier to walk away and go do something because you could miss an important bit of information about the upcoming comp. 

It's like they did this specifically for me because they know I'm only watching the live eps now and they wanted to spare me this. Thanks, BB!

Edited by peachmangosteen
4 minutes ago, mooses said:

Tyler didn't tell his mom he was going on Big Brother. He told her he was going to gone be for 3-4 months and he'll be staying in LA. "Someone will be in touch, I promise." Ha!

Why didn't he tell her?

I was just thinking about Kaycee and her sudden comp dominance. The comps she has won so far were more physical than mental, so we don't really know yet if she's good at mental things. The Hacker was mental and the comics is a hybrid, but both are more visual than something like true/false or days. 

  • Love 1
6 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

It's like they did this specifically for me because they know I'm only watching the live eps now and they wanted to spare me this. Thanks, BB!

I mean, I turn on the non-live episodes but I'm usually in the kitchen barely listening or knitting and not paying that much attention. They're background noise at this point. 

  • Love 1
5 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

I agree and I think he will. Although Tyler has a tendency to not really see just how snowed he has people (see Bayleigh), so he might be scared that people could see the DE as a good time to get him out even though literally no one will do it. I've been thinking about how Tyler is kind of at crossroads now. He likely needs to be winning comps and making big, visible moves in order to really solidify a win, but at the same time if he does that then he'll have to personally betray all his F2 deals and that could potentially hurt him. He's got himself into a real pickle imo.

A lot of folks here have criticized Tyler for slowboating his game lately, but in truth I’ve been suspecting this has been Tyler’s primary reason for reticence - being afraid to show too much flash before a DE he knew was coming sometime.  We’ll know if Tyler’s game moves kick into a higher gear post-DE.

  • Love 12
1 minute ago, peachmangosteen said:

Why didn't he tell her?

He wanted to surprise her because he loves surprises. So that was the first time that he's seen his mom knowing that he was on Big Brother. I'm sure it was a good surprise since she knows it means so much to him because of his dad. 

He also said he sent out a weird message to all his friends saying he's doing this for them and he loves them, and they thought he was suicidal. He had to call them and tell them it's something good! 

  • Love 13
9 minutes ago, mooses said:

He wanted to surprise her because he loves surprises. So that was the first time that he's seen his mom knowing that he was on Big Brother. I'm sure it was a good surprise since she knows it means so much to him because of his dad. 

In the interests of full disclosure, I have to admit - this is exactly the kind of crap *I* love to do.  ;)


9 minutes ago, mooses said:

He also said he sent out a weird message to all his friends saying he's doing this for them and he loves them, and they thought he was suicidal. He had to call them and tell them it's something good! 

That is... fucking hilarious.  :D

  • Love 14
1 hour ago, Wings said:

Listening to Tyler and Hayleigh talk about the comp, it is the same exact one we have always known.  Kaycee is a beast with a photographic memory it seems!

OK, I know this is a long, long, long shot ... but in my wildest dreams, Tyler would realize that HE can use Haleigh to do ALL his dirty work, right before evicting her at final 4. I know he cannot let her anywhere near Final 2/3. BUT ... she is so alone right now, and would easily jump at any chance to save herself. Tyler could team up with her, and find a way to get out Sam. Then, if Haleigh could manage a win, she could put up Angela and Kaycee, or Brett and JC (although they all seem terrified to get put JC up unless it's a DE). But no matter the order, my point is, he could easily manipulate Haleigh to get out all his people that he doesn't want to be responsible for getting out. She gets all the blood on her hands, and then he gets rid of her.

I wish he would realize that she could easily be a tool for him. One that could help him get rid of his hardest competition: his own alliance.

  • Love 5
5 minutes ago, KootieTaw said:

OK, I know this is a long, long, long shot ... but in my wildest dreams, Tyler would realize that HE can use Haleigh to do ALL his dirty work, right before evicting her at final 4. I know he cannot let her anywhere near Final 2/3. BUT ... she is so alone right now, and would easily jump at any chance to save herself. Tyler could team up with her, and find a way to get out Sam. Then, if Haleigh could manage a win, she could put up Angela and Kaycee, or Brett and JC (although they all seem terrified to get put JC up unless it's a DE). But no matter the order, my point is, he could easily manipulate Haleigh to get out all his people that he doesn't want to be responsible for getting out. She gets all the blood on her hands, and then he gets rid of her.

I wish he would realize that she could easily be a tool for him. One that could help him get rid of his hardest competition: his own alliance.

(And yes, I do realize that someone is going to make a joke about me calling her "a tool" ;) LOL. "Too easy, Drill Sergeant!")

[after opening my letter from Robyn Kass]

Me: I'm gonna be on a TV show!

Family: Amazing Race?!

Me: No.

Family: Survivor?!

Me: No...

Family: Not that shitty, super-rigged one you watch every summer, is it?

Me: Um. I'm going on...that Kevin Hart show. For like three months. Bye. [films BB house key segment with third-tier Facebook friends]

  • Love 20
25 minutes ago, KootieTaw said:

OK, I know this is a long, long, long shot ... but in my wildest dreams, Tyler would realize that HE can use Haleigh to do ALL his dirty work, right before evicting her at final 4. I know he cannot let her anywhere near Final 2/3. BUT ... she is so alone right now, and would easily jump at any chance to save herself. Tyler could team up with her, and find a way to get out Sam. Then, if Haleigh could manage a win, she could put up Angela and Kaycee, or Brett and JC (although they all seem terrified to get put JC up unless it's a DE). But no matter the order, my point is, he could easily manipulate Haleigh to get out all his people that he doesn't want to be responsible for getting out. She gets all the blood on her hands, and then he gets rid of her.

I wish he would realize that she could easily be a tool for him. One that could help him get rid of his hardest competition: his own alliance.

I think L4 will forgive a LOT from Tyler, but I don't think they would forgive, "Uh, nah, guys, let's keep Haleigh around for...reasons." 

Not to mention that I don't think Haleigh WOULD even follow Tyler. I think she'd take another shot at him. 

  • Love 8

Julie will forever have my love for smacking Marcellas upside the head after he didn't use the veto. Because you could tell in typical Marcellas fashion that he thought Julie would be all comforting and instead she smacks him on the head.

OT: apparently the BB3 cast is still incredibly close after all these years. Danielle, Amy, Marcellas, Jason, Lisa etc. are all still close. I think I read an interview with Amy where she said that no other BB cast had that kind of closeness.

  • Love 13
39 minutes ago, Alice Mudgarden said:

I have a soft spot for Julie. She embraces being Chenbot and has a fun sense of humor. She's not the best host in a traditional sense, but she's sort of the best host for Big Brother; it makes sense that the show has a host who flubs her lines and makes awkward conversation now and then as this show is... this show haha.

I'll miss her if she goes.

I loved watching her journalist background struggle at first and then relax into the BB format.  She found her way to become what I think is a perfect host for this show.  I enjoy her good sense of humor and modest delivery. BB will not be the same without her.  

Edited by Wings
  • Love 10
10 minutes ago, Brian Cronin said:

I think L4 will forgive a LOT from Tyler, but I don't think they would forgive, "Uh, nah, guys, let's keep Haleigh around for...reasons." 

Not to mention that I don't think Haleigh WOULD even follow Tyler. I think she'd take another shot at him. 

It would not be hard for anyone to manufacture a reason to get rid of Sam RIGHT now. Seems like she gives them new reasons every day.

I think Haleigh would totally do it, if she knew it was her only way of sticking around (which it for sure is). Plus, she'd love to get rid of Angela, Sam and JC.

And NO one would suspect them of working together -- at least not for awhile.

It's always interesting to read everyone's speculation and analysis of the game and the players. YOU become my hamsters. As a TV watcher I have to say, I really don't give a rat's ass who wins in the end. I absolutely enjoy watching the comps and it seems that the longer the series last, the LESS comps we see. It's sort  of like this for me. You know that game HQ, it's a trivia game, and everyone can play it twice a day. I loved that game, because there was a bit of a rush to play the actual game. Then they started to change things and now it takes, what seems double the time, to play this stupid trivia game, and if you win, you win $5.83 or something insipid like that. I kinda feel that way about big brother. I really don't care about the fame whores, I find it enjoyable to watch their antics and hope for some good tv, but other than that, the actual competitions are hilarious and entertaining. And I always day dream about how I would fare in a specific comp. Just light hearted meaningless bubblegum for my brain. And I love the forums, especially when the posters are snarky and enjoy making fun of the hamsters. So, at this point my care for this show is sadly dwindling down, because everything is getting cut, obviously for budget reasons, but there goes a lot of the fun. I loved the have not competitions and being part of an audience that decides what the have nots can eat, and those sets made me feel like I was watching SOMETHING. Lately the frugality of the show has become transparent. Maybe I'm getting older and after sitting through so many seasons, I've lost my innocence, but I don't think so. It's weird. I just wanted to say this. I would have stopped watching a long time ago if it wasn't for all you posteroonies keeping it real.

  • Love 12

Julie leaving with only two and a half weeks left in the season really would be a fantastic ultimate monkeywrench in production's plans, just to cap off the season. "BB20: Twists went unused, hamsters failed really simple comps, jury buyback wasted an entire week, large chunks of the house house fell apart, host walked two weeks before the end because husband couldn't keep it in his pants."

  • Love 14
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