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S31: Anticipation

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In case you haven't heard, the 31th season of The Amazing Race is being run now. The premise is basically "Battle Of The CBS Reality Stars," with teams of Big Brother and Survivor contestants running against returning Racers. This thread isn't about location or elimination spoilers. I figure that we could talk about the eleven teams of two, and how we know them from their past outings. Here's my POV:

Big Brother

Rachel Reilly (BB12, BB13, TAR 20, and TAR 24) & Elissa Slater (BB15)

I forget Rachel is a hybrid. . . .. basically CBS trying to make "fetch" happen with sticking BB teams onto TAR. All I remember is that she and boyfriend Brandon were annoying, and that the alternative to Dave & Conner winning TAR24 would have been Brandon & Rachel triumphing, which was way the fuck worse. I do not know Elissa.

Janelle Pierzina (BB6, BB7, BB14) & Britney Haynes (BB12, BB14)

I don't know them, though I think that I've heard Janelle's name a few times. I'm guessing she's an extra slice of "special."

Nicole Franzel (BB16 and BB18) & Victor Arroyo (BB18)

Never heard of them.


Eliza Orlins (Survivor Vanuatu, Survivor Fans vs. Favorites) & Corrine Kaplan (Survivor Gabon, Survivor Caramoan)

I hated Corrine. Huge piece of work in a season (Gabon) chock full of them. I think Eliza is the one that fans go to for reaction shots.

Rupert Boneham (Survivor Pearl Islands, Survivor All-Stars, Survivor Heroes vs. Villains, and Survivor Blood vs. Water) & Laura Boneham (Survivor Blood vs. Water)

Basically, Rupert is the big lovable tie-dyed teddy bear that we're supposed to love, as long as you miss the bits of nastiness (almost killing Jon Dalton, slagging Lillian Morris on Day 39 of Pearl Islands) and stupidity (tried to set up a camp below water). Him and the missus being here is probably the biggest price "true" TAR fans have to pay for there to still be a TAR.

Chris Hammons & Bret LaBelle (Survivor Millennials vs. Gen X)

I'm mostly clueless about these two.

The Amazing Race

Becca Droz & Floyd Pierce (season 29)

They were from the "22 strangers" season, where they teamed up and had a good old time. Well, there was the bit where Floyd had misplaced his passport, and Becca came close to murdering him over it. Also, he came close to dying on his final Roadblock. You think she'll leave the "Fun Meter" at home? Fat chance.

Tyler Oakley & Korey Kuhl (season 28)

Well, if you really need a team from the "online personalitieis" season, these would be the two most inoffensive. And I think Tyler's following is still huge.

Leo Temory & Jamal Zadran (season 23 and all-stars)

Back-to-back fourth-place finishes isn't that shabby a feat. If you're going to bring in a team for a third try, you could do worse that the self-billed "Afghanimals."

Art Velez & John James “JJ” Carrell (season 20)

All I remember is they had the misfortune of being on the same edition as Rachel & Dave, who smoked most of the legs. Art & JJ's las leg came to a Roadblock one of them couldn't complete fast enough. While that was going on, Rachel & Dave had inadvertedly rushed past that, went to the finish line, were told by Phil that they missed the Roadblock, went towards that, and wound up finishing it before the border patrol agents could finish it. Also: why not Tim & Te Jay or Kym & Ali from TAR24? I remember that season a lot more fondly.

Colin Guinn & Christie Woods (season 5)

Just a perfect mix of being competent and assholes. Perfect foils from Charla & Mirna (the pill and her entire bottle of a cousin) and Chip & Kim (their direct opposites). I mean, Colin & Christie set up a high for most legs won at the time, but they were huge pieces of work. And God help anybody around them if shit went sideways on them. Just look up "Broken Ox" and tell me what you see. Don't know if Colin has mellowed, or if he's capable of an epic meltdown. Can't wait to find out!

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I don't watch Big Brother or Survivor so I don't know those people.  I really don't have much of memory when it comes to tv but I remember Becca and Floyd (hated Becca) and Tyler and Korey. They were okay, I think.  I don't remember the others and wasn't watching in Season 5.  I would prefer to see strangers racing than teams who come in with their fans already in place.

  • Love 1
10 hours ago, Jobiska said:

Lantern7, you've heard of Victor--he was on Challenge Vendettas with his vendetta Natalie, who is now my vendetta too because she got buddy-buddy with the evil Bananas.  

. . . and that’s how little Big Brother means to me. While I’m thinking about it . . would Challengers be better or worse than the “hamsters”? And I mean the more stable ones, like Leroy or Jenna. Johnny can go screw, which is my answer to anything related towards Johnny.

ETA: I present the question for everyone, not just @Jobiska.

Edited by Lantern7
  • Love 1
20 minutes ago, Sassenach said:

All of these people have had their time in the sun.  Are the shows really having that hard of a time finding interesting people to apply?

This is the fourth season with returning Racers out of 31. I know, I'd rather Big Brother contestants stay far the fuck away from a quality program . . . but this is the price we are asked to pay for TAR's continued existence. Considering I was dreading an all-Big Brother edition with the "creme de la crap" of competitive reality programing, I'm okay paying for it.

Edited by Lantern7
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I'm disappointed that they didn't bring back even one all-female team from TAR.  It would be one thing if the 5 teams selected were all fan super favorites, but no one seems to have any memory of the border patrol agents, so I don't understand their appeal.  And while I liked Leo & Jamal from their initial season, they don't need to come back a third time.  They weren't THAT entertaining.  I would have loved to see a return of Maya and Amy. 

  • Love 8
1 hour ago, chaifan said:

I'm disappointed that they didn't bring back even one all-female team from TAR.  It would be one thing if the 5 teams selected were all fan super favorites, but no one seems to have any memory of the border patrol agents, so I don't understand their appeal.  And while I liked Leo & Jamal from their initial season, they don't need to come back a third time.  They weren't THAT entertaining.  I would have loved to see a return of Maya and Amy. 

I'm a bit surprised as well. Theres been some good F/F teams recently, such as the skiers from last season or the cheerleaders from 27, in addition to Amy and Maya as you mentioned. Art and JJ is truly a baffling pick. But look at the bright side, theres no FOURTH timers! Would anyone have been shocked to see America's darlings the cowboys again?

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I was nervous about what TAR teams we were going to see, especially any fourth timers (I could say the same for Survivor and BB teams).  I will say, while I don't follow the TAR teams all that closely off the show, none of the teams from the respective 3 shows picked seem fame whorish.  Like, they all have lives and jobs and families outside of the show that they will go back to.  It's an interesting contrast to who was cut from the BB side of things, the people from BB that would go on anything that had the word 'reality show' in it (thinking specifically of Caleb here).  Bret/Chris are such a random pair from Survivor, despite being friends outside of the show.  But they don't seem like the type that campaign to make reality TV a way of life and to make a living off of.  Except maybe Rupert, but I don't even think he's as bad as some of the ones who've come off these shows in recent years.

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I’m good with the Afghanimals. They’re relatively recent,  they missed out on the final leg in consecutive seasons, and they’re not really huge  camera hogs. Well, at least not to me.

As for all-female teams, I would hope Kym & Ali had been asked. On first glance, the lack of TAR25 is surprising. Even when you cross out Soul Surfers (they just had a second child), you’d still have the Bikers, Misti & Jim (descendants of Colin & Christie) and Tim & Te Jay. Amy & Maya wouldn’t really be on the list on account of their win, but I’d like to see them return. Could they win again with a healthier Amy and less manic Maya?

Edited by Lantern7
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Ranking these from strongest to weakest links:

1. Colin and Christie. Probably the most iconic team from the show's most iconic season. I kind of hated them the first time around, but triple punch of (1) Colin being immediately followed by Jonathan as TAR's Jackass du Jour, (2) Chip and Kim's shitfit at not being considered for the first All-Stars, and (3) Mirna's behaviour on said season means they age really well in hindsight.

2. Janelle and Britney. I don't know that I should be thinking "it could be worse" so close to the top of this ranking, but that expression was nothing if not the theme of this cast, so. I am, however, fascinated by this apparent attempt to answer the question "What if Dustin and Kandice again, but you replaced one of them with Kami or Karli?"

3. Leo and Jamal. I don't know that they're necessarily deserving of a third attempt, at all, but they were one of the few bright spots of TAR24 and we've definitely had far worse people get called back to reality shows repeatedly. Some of them are even in this cast.

4. Rupert and Laura WHAT A COINCIDENCE. Look, it's Rupert. I'm not a fan of him and I don't get why he won't just go away already, but it's far enough after his last appearance that it feels more like a charming blast from the past and less like a tiresome reminder that CBS gave up on originality in the early 2000s.

5. Rachel and Elissa. Contrary to most people, I'm completely okay with Rachel, but I think Elissa is a bit of a damp squib whose reputation benefited enormously from being on The Racist Season of her show. I'm curious to see what Rachel's like without Brendon though.

6. Tyler and Korey. I unequivocally do not endorse Tyler's noted, documented history of problematic comments, and I haaaaate how they were Always On, but they were fairly okay on TAR28 compared to what I was expecting. Not particularly great and it definitely could have been worse (as RuPaul's Drag Race reminded us recently, Tyler is bad but Frankie Grande is infinitely more horrific), but... whatever there are bigger fish to fry. It does seem ironic that a team so insistent on being The Next Big Amazing Race Team is literally the middle of the road as far as this cast goes though.

7. Nicole and Victor. Blergh.

8. Becca and Floyd. I've hated one note, "look how much fun we are having!" teams ever since those obnoxious clowns all the way back in TAR4, and Becca and Floyd are only marginally better than BJ and Tyler (I'm sorry for reminding you all they exist).

9. Eliza and Corinne. Hey remember how in the Justin and Diana season they had those two TMZ girls who turned out to be bitter, nasty Mean Girls and we were all DELIGHTED they were eliminated first, and even though the rest of the season kind of really really sucked (because Justin), at least we didn't have to put up with the TMZ girls all season? This is that on steroids.

10. Chris and Bret. They're an odd choice from a Survivor season nobody except Jeff Probst seems to particularly like or even care about, but I kinda get that CBS wants to exploit their "Bret is gay and wants Chris" storyline. That doesn't mean they should.

11. Art and JJ. They're not good television (I remember thinking at the time that they were a no-budget version of TAR16's Louie and Michael, and: ooof that shouldn't even be possible) and they're not even particularly good racers (of their three wins, one was because of randomly being in first place when a Fast Forward appeared, and another was because that same Fast Forward put them so far ahead nobody else could catch up). I'm still not sure why they're here beyond either trying to antagonise Rachel some more (which: there's enough people who won't tolerate her bullshit here already) and trying to humanise border cops in this political climate (which is so tone deaf I can't imagine that's what CBS is thinking). And even then, if they were going to go for a team from TAR20 for Rachel to bounce off of, why not Joey Fitness and Danny, who were shown dancing with one of the people from Elissa's BB season in their credits clip? (Okay, she was racist and they don't want to remind us of that. But the point stands. There were better options RIGHT THERE.)

Edited by SnideAsides
7 hours ago, SnideAsides said:

8. Becca and Floyd. I've hated one note, "look how much fun we are having!" teams ever since those obnoxious clowns all the way back in TAR4, and Becca and Floyd are only marginally better than BJ and Tyler (I'm sorry for reminding you all they exist).

I know I'm probably in the minority here, but I'd much rather have twelve teams of Becca & Floyds, BJ & Tylers, Maya & Amys, and some of the other superfan teams, then to put up with the mean tempered snippy teams that are a) stunt cast with no interest in TAR, and b) either fame whores or here to "work on our relationship". 

So here's an idea for TAR 32:  Make it a SuperFan season.  Pick 30-40 new teams (no returnees, no crossovers) and before the race even begins make them complete a memory task based on all past seasons.  The 12 teams that score highest get to RACE.  Return to the most popular destinations and intersperse flashback challenges throughout the race (not all challenges, just a few).  Devote the season to the fans, not the ratings execs.  If it survives, keep going.  If not, you've gone out on a good note.

  • Love 15
14 minutes ago, chaifan said:

The 12 teams that score highest get to RACE.

Never going to happen.  Suppose the 12 highest scores are all male/male teams?  Or all parent/child teams?  Suppose no LMNOPQ teams are in the top 12?  Suppose the top 12 are all over 50 years of age?  Suppose their are no blonde, pink-wearing, airhead, cannon-fodder teams who plan to win by being under-estimated and vamping?  


Devote the season to the fans, not the ratings execs.

Again, never gonna happen, because to these people, the ratings execs matter more than the fans do.

But I wish it could happen...

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On 6/13/2018 at 12:41 PM, Lantern7 said:

would Challengers be better or worse than the “hamsters”? And I mean the more stable ones, like Leroy or Jenna.

Most of them would be great at physical challenges, with some exceptions for height and water, and many would be fine if TAR did more gross eating ones; but...any of the mental/puzzle/etc. challenges?  It is to laugh.

OMG Rupert?  Fuuuuuuuuck Rupert.  Why does CBS love this frickin’ guy?  Watching him growl and tie-dye himself across the world sounds like a terrible time.

Also Britteny is another who allegedly has appeal that is beyond me.  I love Janelle and will still root for her to be bounced second, right the hell after the Bonehams.

Otherwise I don’t mind the stunt casting because the show is more fun when it’s airing than when it’s not.

And season five was my first season and I fell immediately in love with Colin, and stayed that way all the way through even when I realized he was...prickly.  And now Christie has to do roadblocks!

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On 6/15/2018 at 12:19 PM, chaifan said:


So here's an idea for TAR 32:  Make it a SuperFan season.  Pick 30-40 new teams (no returnees, no crossovers) and before the race even begins make them complete a memory task based on all past seasons.  The 12 teams that score highest get to RACE.  Return to the most popular destinations and intersperse flashback challenges throughout the race (not all challenges, just a few).  Devote the season to the fans, not the ratings execs.  If it survives, keep going.  If not, you've gone out on a good note.

And to take this idea one step further, have a mini-season of tasks, kind of how "Food Network Star" has been doing shit like this. Get 40 teams, and for 6 or 7 episodes, have them do memory tasks based on past seasons. It could even be an internet-only version, so it doesn't take precious screen time away from "Assholes on Islands."

It could all take place on soundstages or various locations around Hollywood (or other centralized location) so as to not spend too much money, either.

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On 6/12/2018 at 9:40 PM, Lantern7 said:

Basically, Rupert is the big lovable tie-dyed teddy bear that we're supposed to love, as long as you miss the bits of nastiness (almost killing Jon Dalton,

I think that that counts as a point in Rupert's favor rather than a detriment.


On 6/12/2018 at 9:40 PM, Lantern7 said:

Him and the missus being here is probably the biggest price "true" TAR fans have to pay for there to still be a TAR.

I'd still rather have them than any Big Brother team...

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On ‎6‎/‎17‎/‎2018 at 6:23 PM, Netfoot said:

Maybe some day, someone will approach the ratings execs and say "I have a great twist for the show!  Suppose we just get teams of ordinary people! Maybe with a pre-existing relationship! The viewers are ordinary people too, so it might resonate!"  And the execs will say "Brilliant new idea!  Let's try that!"  

I so hope for that day. I am skipping this season because I don't like many of the teams. I had no problem with some of the other stunt cast teams because I had no clue who the people were and they were not that "big". It allowed for some interesting teams who wanted to compete and brought some extra viewers with them. But this is a season where I know everyone and dislike half the teams from the get go. So I'll pass.

Just curious as to whether there was a list of teams considered for a returnee season. Today, Diana posted this picture on Facebook. Part of me figures that she and Justin would have been locks for a spot if not for the pregnancy. Also, Adam & Bethany just had a second kid, and I would've thought they would be on the list. Anybody want to speculate?

On 6/17/2018 at 6:23 PM, Netfoot said:

Maybe some day, someone will approach the ratings execs and say "I have a great twist for the show!  Suppose we just get teams of ordinary people! Maybe with a pre-existing relationship! The viewers are ordinary people too, so it might resonate!"  And the execs will say "Brilliant new idea!  Let's try that!"  

I miss those days, but to be honest, it can go a little too far. TAR Australia, Season 1 was mostly that and good ghods, they were dull as dishwater. Every season of the Mothership show, until a couple of years ago, had some version of "wacky cannon fodder" teams as well and more often than not I just wanted them off my TV.

I'd also like to see teams of people who are die-hard fans of the show, who are intelligent, physically fit, multi-lingual, able to drive stick, not afraid of heights, able to eat utterly awful things that make us mere mortals gag, already well traveled, and where the actual competition is featured more than the drahhhhhhhhma. Where U-turning—and being U-turned—is understood as being necessary to succeed, and isn't taken personally. Maybe spend a bit of time in the U.S. as well? I'm sure there are some locales that could use the promotion and that feature world-class sights that would appeal to us armchair travelers.

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14 minutes ago, NJRadioGuy said:

Every season of the Mothership show, until a couple of years ago, had some version of "wacky cannon fodder" teams...

Like the Beauty Queens.  Who I thought would be gone by episode #3, and instead kicked ass and took names!  It's the ordinary teams that turn out to in fact, be extra-ordinary that make the show enjoyable.  

Sure, the selection process has to weed out the completely dead wood and try to make the season interesting.  But they used to have 10,000 applicants to choose from.  An entire race of well traveled, highly trained athletes who can lecture for an hour on the Romber "Meatblock" strategy won't be compelling watching for me.  Nor do I like it when everybody has a gimmick and all they are doing on the race is seeking exposure for their brand!

I like it when the race unexpectedly reveals the strengths and weaknesses of the teams.  When "Steroid Jim" the dentist proved that he was the "low-hanging fruit" and wacky, cannon fodder Amy & Maya whupped his ass at the line.  I like it when the racers are people a little like me, and not glory-hunting fame-whores or stunt-cast mactors who I wouldn't be able to abide IRL. I recognise times have changed, and that the show must change too, but I sure wish some of the old values were still thought to be slightly valuable.

  • Love 12
6 minutes ago, Netfoot said:

Like the Beauty Queens.  Who I thought would be gone by episode #3, and instead kicked ass and took names!  It's the ordinary teams that turn out to in fact, be extra-ordinary that make the show enjoyable. 

It's possible to cast Everyman teams and make them enjoyable, but it's a very fine line, and in the runup to production, the producers have to make sure they've assembled teams who aren't cringeworthy to watch due to their ineptness.

It's been said that TAR is either one of, or the most expensive unscripted show ever made. 22 racers, 11 (or more) camera operators, 11 (or more) sound operators, production assistants, lighting and A/V techs, medics, logistics people, and one famous and very expensive host all moving in sync around the world, once or twice a year. If Neilsen audiences tune out because painful-to-watch teams are being featured, well, ratings is how TAR lives or dies. So I get that they need telegenic teams, and preferably ones that viewers have seen on other CBS-branded shows. I don't like it, but I understand it.

19 minutes ago, Netfoot said:

An entire race of well traveled, highly trained athletes who can lecture for an hour on the Romber "Meatblock" strategy won't be compelling watching for me.  Nor do I like it when everybody has a gimmick and all they are doing on the race is seeking exposure for their brand!


I like it when the racers are people a little like me, and not glory-hunting fame-whores or stunt-cast mactors who I wouldn't be able to abide IRL. I recognise times have changed, and that the show must change too, but I sure wish some of the old values were still thought to be slightly valuable.

Me personally, I'd get along well with smart and well-traveled people, athletes or not, but yeah, the whole "exposure for their brand" crap is nauseating. I really detested the YouTube Famewhores characters, but I don't watch it for the people; I watch TAR for the places and the tasks. If the decent people can eke out a win over the douchecanoes all the better, of course. But the best way to "advance the plot" as I'd call it in a scripted series is to weed out the "I'm afraid of <x>" types in casting.

We're about to be 31 seasons in, and they still get people auditioning who are afraid of heights, are claustrophobic, can't drive stick and who retch at the thought of eating bugs. I'm over it. I love to see when a team knows the local language and uses it to their advantage, or is worldly enough to know that when you arrive in Amsterdam at rush hour, you're nuts to take a cab into the center of town (train is much faster!). I enjoy seeing people succeeding at tasks that I could never, ever dream of accomplishing in locales that I'd give body parts to visit someday.

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On 6/12/2018 at 9:40 PM, Lantern7 said:

basically CBS trying to make "fetch" happen with sticking BB teams onto TAR.

With the Moonves scandal now in play, I wonder if this practice will soon be ending.   If Les is out, his wife will have less power at the network, and her shows won't be as forced to the forefront as they have been.

Survivor's powerful and popular enough to withstand the scandal, and TAR ought to be able to, what with the constant Emmy nominations and multiple wins in the category.  But BB's connected way too close to not get some form of splashback.

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On 2018-06-16 at 8:40 AM, mojoween said:

OMG Rupert?  Fuuuuuuuuck Rupert.  Why does CBS love this frickin’ guy?  Watching him growl and tie-dye himself across the world sounds like a terrible time.

Also Britteny is another who allegedly has appeal that is beyond me.  I love Janelle and will still root for her to be bounced second, right the hell after the Bonehams.

Otherwise I don’t mind the stunt casting because the show is more fun when it’s airing than when it’s not.

And season five was my first season and I fell immediately in love with Colin, and stayed that way all the way through even when I realized he was...prickly.  And now Christie has to do roadblocks!

I feel differently. I am rooting for Janelle & Brittney. They are both incredibly witty and Janielle was a challenge beast, so I expect them to be one of the better teams. Plus they will provide most of the entertainment. Colin and Christie can leave first, if the two border patrol guys don't go first. My big impression of Colin was that he was emotionally abusive with Christie and she wasn't a prize either.

On 2018-07-28 at 3:07 AM, SVNBob said:

With the Moonves scandal now in play, I wonder if this practice will soon be ending.   If Les is out, his wife will have less power at the network, and her shows won't be as forced to the forefront as they have been.

Survivor's powerful and popular enough to withstand the scandal, and TAR ought to be able to, what with the constant Emmy nominations and multiple wins in the category.  But BB's connected way too close to not get some form of splashback.

BB is a big moneymaker for the network, popular with the young kids and only must-see of the summer so I think it will continue to provide familiar faces when needed, whatever happens with the scandal. Ratings still are king.

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On 7/28/2018 at 3:07 AM, SVNBob said:

With the Moonves scandal now in play, I wonder if this practice will soon be ending.   If Les is out, his wife will have less power at the network, and her shows won't be as forced to the forefront as they have been.

Survivor's powerful and popular enough to withstand the scandal, and TAR ought to be able to, what with the constant Emmy nominations and multiple wins in the category.  But BB's connected way too close to not get some form of splashback.

Wishful thinking . . . Les is staying on. I know, not directly tied to TAR31, but it still stinks. Also, we might get a result where the Bonehams get an edited win at the end, and the actual winners get "shut your mouth" money in excess of $1 million.

Oh wow, this is my first actual exposure to the entire cast.

Colin & Christie are back?! Holy broken ox batman. It's been what 14 or 15 years (real time) since they ran in S5? I will be very interested to see how they do this time around. They are truly representing the glory days of TAR.

Tyler & Korey: Eh, it makes sense to try and add a little buzz to the season but they definitely aren't my first choice bring back from the Social Media season. I wish it would've been Burnie and Ashley (I'm Rooster Teeth community adjacent so I'm a little biased) or maybe the Vine Magic guy and his GF/Wife...

Becca & Floyd: ??? I have almost no recollection of the the "Strangers" season at all, and I had to look up their pictures before it dawned on me who they were. All I remember was that "Team Fun" only lasted until adversity hit and then they were super passive aggressively or just straight up aggressively at each other (more her to him than vice versa though).

Afghanimals: Sigh, If they dial it back like 10%, I can deal with them.

Art & JJ: What the actual f*ck?! F*ck these guys and abolish ICE while your at it. Literally 150 teams I'd have rather seen get a second chance than these two.

**I don't watch BB or Survivor, but I'm obviously familiar with Rachel and her exhausting personality via her TAR stint and Rupert....well because he's Rupert. I guess I'll reserve judgement on everyone else until the 1st episode airs...

Edited by PhD-Purgatory15
  • Love 2
19 hours ago, PhD-Purgatory15 said:

Colin & Christie are back?! Holy broken ox batman.

Everyone remembers the broken ox.

But does anyone remember Colin's face when he got Yielded by Chip in the Philippines?  You've heart heard the phrase "If looks could kill...?"  If looks could kill, Chip would have been struck dead on the spot.  

Edited by Netfoot
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Well, that's an interesting mix.  Looking forward to Rachel and Elissa (I think Rachel will be more centered without Brendon's whiplash temper fits, and it's not as if 3rd/3rd actually sucked.  [Only team to race twice and never get Philiminated]. Too bad we won't get to see Elissa do yoga, though), Eliza/Corinne (I'm probably one of a very few Corinne fans…I honestly don't get why Probst hates her so…and they're both kick-ass) and Colin and Christie getting the win that was stolen from them by a flat tire that the editors hid back in TAR 5.  (Is Fatuous Ass Chip still giving lectures on how God wants you to stiff cabbies?  Just wondering.)

Victor can probably carry him and Nicole quite a distance (he's a beast), but he's no great shakes personally (just looked good, compared to his pal Paul) and I can't forget that Nicole's intro segment in BB16 showed her wearing a fan-made t-shirt supporting some of the…questionable people from BB15.  I don't know if Janelle is the competition beast she used to be, and Britney was always useless at everything but making bitchy Diary Room comments.  I look forward with great joy to her collapsing under pressure, as before.  More tears (as in both of her BB seasons), please.

Everyone else can pretty much go, quickly.  A little Afghanimals goes a long way, and the third time around is a loooooooooong way.  Becca can stick her "Fun Meter" where the sun won't shine (and nearly kill Floyd), but I can hope they'll be calmer now.  Tyler isn't too terrible of a person, but I just hated the "We're ALL Internet Famewhores!" concept so much.  (And enjoyed the heck out of how BB decided they didn't need him to do an extended cameo on BB 17, after all.) 

Bret the Gay Cop wasn't a favorite of mine (and I honestly can't recall who Chris was), but Art and JJ are both certified assholes, so they can go first.  And while I don't have anything against Laura (except questioning her taste in husbands), Rupert's 15 minutes should have been up 10 minutes into his first Survivor episode.  And CBS gave him $1,000,000 already in a bullshit "fan vote" for publicity's sake.  So I hope he goes to the wrong airport and misses the first flight. Feh.

At least Paul Abrahamian (BB 18/BB19) and Josh Martinez (BB19) didn't make the cut.  Suck it, Paul.

  • Love 5

Rupert was a legit favorite his first season. He was not a good Survivor player but he was fun to watch and he worked his butt off at camp. I believe that prize was voted on by the public, I think it went away shortly after Russell won it, and Rupert won it hands down. He was up against Lil, Johnny Fairplay, and Sandra. Rupert and Johnny Fairplay were the two bigger characters and Johnny was playing the heel to the hilt.   

Rupert quickly outlived his fun and has been way overplayed. He, like Russell, has no subtlety to his game and cannot play anything other the one specific strategy. Neither one of them have had the success that they want, to win. Neither will be able to change their game play. Both are annoying and are reasons for me not to watch any show that they might be on. But I think Rupert has a good heart and is a good person, even if he annoys me on my TV screen. Russell, not so much.

  • Love 3

Also, Rupert ran for governor of Indiana, finishing a distant third. I question the sanity of his voters . . . but then, I was told what that election’s winner was about.

@Halting Hex . . . when TV Guide jeered TAR 28 when the cast was announced, they singled out Tyler Oakley. To me, that’s like going up to a puppy and flicking it between the eyes.

  • LOL 1

Eliza/Corinne (I'm probably one of a very few Corinne fans…I honestly don't get why Probst hates her so…and they're both kick-ass) and Colin and Christie getting the win that was stolen from them by a flat tire that the editors hid back in TAR 5.  (Is Fatuous Ass Chip still giving lectures on how God wants you to stiff cabbies?  Just wondering.)

I like Corinne too (Eliza not so much).  I hated her during Gabon, but grew to like her during Caramoan due to her being opposite the alliance I despised.  I started listening to the podcast she does with another Survivor contestant, Max Dawson (who I also never use to like) and have actually turned into a fan as a result.  Of both of them!  There's definitely no love lost between them and Probst/Survivor.  I love how they don't hold back, both on the show that gave them the limelight and reality show contestants in general.  

Rooting for Colin/Christie to win it.  They are long overdue to even return, and I was shocked (but extremely happy) to see them on the roster.  I still consider them one of the best teams to ever race. 

  • Love 2

Holy…! How did I not realize that this will be Britney and Rachel's "reunion"?  Given the amount of venom Brit spewed (behind Rachel's back, of course) in BB12, this should be somewhat interesting.

Ironically enough, Britney's go-to insult back then was to imply that Las Vegas "party host" Rachel was a prostitute.  ("She's a scientist, Monet.")  And now she's paired with (former) Bottle Service girl Janelle, whose opening segment in BB6 featured her in lingerie, no less.  (I confess I referred to it as "Hi, I'm Janelle.  Please fondle my vagina." But I'd already seen BB7 before I downloaded 6, and so was predisposed against "Janey", so I was probably being unfair.)  At least Rachel only wore a bikini for her "sexy" intro.  Be interesting to see if Britney tries to take the moral high ground this time, or if she's grown up enough to at least play nice.

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