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12 hours ago, MssdDrms said:

Ann also could not name a moment of the previous year that stood out most to her.  that’s what got Charlotte going on her.

I think they asked her who was the most interesting person she met in the previous year, or was that someone else? I remember her answer was something like, “I don’t know...” in a very unsure voice. Then they asked about her enthusiasm for the team. I could be wrong. It doesn’t matter all that much... 

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2 hours ago, Jess14 said:

I don’t remember the actual conversation on the show, and since the 200+ channel package that we have temporarily with Comcast doesn’t cover CMT, I can’t go back and watch (ugh!), but I think that was summer where there was an an insider who was a Kyndall fan, and mentioned that she had been let go. So that might be some of the confusion between terminated/resigned. 

Shelby, Kyndall, and Courtney are the 3 who I remember who specially parted ways with jobs (voluntarily or involuntarily) due to DCC training camp. Is there anyone who stated that they did so on the show?

I believe Lauren quit her nursing job to focus on DCC this year.  I don't know if she has gone back, but I think she did it for TC.

And to whomever posted the original MDC post - THANK YOU!!  You have reminded me how good the DCC are.  Sometimes the DCC make it look so easy that I forget that not everyone can do that.

Edited by Opine
Merged messiness
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55 minutes ago, dreamcatcher said:

Considering that Cassie last year said that you don’t have to be a smiley person, the ‘attack’ on Ann was unfair to say the least.

Not to dredge up the Cassie-bashing (but CMT did by putting her on in that episode in that outfit with that attitude), but, no Cassie dear, only YOU didn't need to be a smiley person.  The standards are different for others.......

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Can't type
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2 hours ago, Jess14 said:


Shelby, Kyndall, and Courtney are the 3 who I remember who specially parted ways with jobs (voluntarily or involuntarily) due to DCC training camp. Is there anyone who stated that they did so on the show?

Kat also said she parted ways with her employer on the show. 

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Just now, Spunkyyy said:

Kat also said she parted ways with her employer on the show. 

That’s right. Was she in marketing? I can’t exactly remember what she did, but I do remember thinking that it was a job that lots of people would covet.

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4 minutes ago, Jess14 said:

That’s right. Was she in marketing? I can’t exactly remember what she did, but I do remember thinking that it was a job that lots of people would covet.

She was in sports marketing for ex-pro players if I remember correctly. She was shown with an ex- NBA or NFL star and giving him options for magazines that might fit for products that he was promoting. 

ETA: she said that she parted ways with them because of scheduling conflicts with DCC, and she added, “which was a surprise to me.” 

Edited by Taralightner
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4 minutes ago, Taralightner said:

She was in sports marketing for ex-pro players if I remember correctly. She was shown with an ex- NBA or NFL star and giving him options for magazines that might fit for products that he was promoting. 

ETA: she said that she parted ways with them because of scheduling conflicts with DCC, and she added, “which was a surprise to me.” 

Yeah, I remember that comment and thinking it was strange. Perhaps she had received prior assurance from her boss that it would be ok, or maybe she just thought that being a potential DCC would be a benefit to the company, and they would therefore give her flexibility - idk. However, it’s not at all surprising that the job that actually pays the bills (not DCC) would expect to be your #1 professional priority. And in a job like that, I doubt they had a terribly difficult time finding applicants. 

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3 hours ago, ByTor said:

I swear Kyndall did, but I'm in the same Comcast boat as you :(

Ooh I still have that episode on my DVR and she says "I did part ways with my job on Friday. It was them kind of releasing me due to too much time commitment here." 

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1 hour ago, Taralightner said:

I think they asked her who was the most interesting person she met in the previous year, or was that someone else? I remember her answer was something like, “I don’t know...” in a very unsure voice. Then they asked about her enthusiasm for the team. I could be wrong. It doesn’t matter all that much... 

That was Teri. She was so whiny and annoying.

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I don't know if Amy quit a job, but when Kelli and Judy called her and Cersten in Amy was asked what she did during the day or something like that.  She said she did not work and spent the days devoted to learning DCC dances.

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I think Ann didn’t have the showmanship Charlotte wanted for the DCCs.  Charlotte made a comment after semi finals (?) that Ann was always concerned about getting the steps right and forgetting she was entertaining.  We who do not have the chance to see the cheerleaders perform in person don’t have the vantage point of seeing what happens after the season begins.  I imagine Ann was shown on the big screen in a similar way to Breelan’s low energy, trying-to-count -the -beat face during the Halloween performance.  I actually just rewatched season 6 auditions and several of the judges were anti-Ann. I imagine it was more season related than audition related.  

But don’t get me wrong —I’m not trying to bash her. I like Ann!

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On 7/16/2018 at 2:05 AM, Tootie said:

Miranda's new look!

Also, Heather commented on twitter: "Huge thank you to @myidealdental for getting my smile ready for cameos!"  Must be that time! Hopefully, they'll be gracious enough to share a couple of photos like they did last year!!


I noticed that every year the dark brunettes go lighter and lighter with the caramel highlights.  For instance, Lacey and Kelsey.  For Kelsey she had dark brown hair then her second year she had the highlights.  Lacey this year has a much lighter shade than she did when she first started on the squad.  I think it looks great on Miranda though.

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4 hours ago, DanceChick said:

That was Teri. She was so whiny and annoying.

I thought it was Alyssa Torres but now I remember it was Teri. What question was Alyssa asked that she flubbed? Speaking of bad answers maybe cmt should do a montage of all the girls who answered questions wrong or bad. Kind of like the bad dancers montage.

In the picture of Marshall and Miranda; what is he wearing ? A skirt?

Edited by MrsEVH
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9 hours ago, ByTor said:

I think Charlotte was the one who made the comment that Raylee didn't do anything to improve from the prior year, that staying the same isn't good enough for a veteran.  Of course more happens that we don't see, but since several vets performances didn't look a whole lot different than their past ones, the assumption was that Charlotte had it out for her, but there was no actual proof that she did.

Was Kyndall the one who used to practice at work in the ladies room?  If that was her, I could have sworn she said she was fired.  I seem to recall comments that maybe she wouldn't have been fired if she worked at work instead of dancing in the bathroom.

1. I thought so.

2. Now that I think about it; I'm wrong. I was thinking about that Shelby girl..or whatever her name was with the boyfriend that made those comments about Judy (or Charlotte)..hell clearly my memory is shot.

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Amy is a cute girl, but I would much rather see a girl who is a bit thick like Kashara, Rachel, and Keyra any day over this. With said, I 100% understand that K&J, her bosses and the people who she needs to impress (not me, of course), like the stick skinny look. 

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I see that Whitney, who got cut in TCC, is on the MDC roster. Not only can she dance, she was a Kilgore Rangerette so we know she can kick. There are a million dancers in Florida; why can't they find enough to field a squad? Could it be, iDK, the long hours, low pay, and constant sexual harassment?

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7 minutes ago, KatieLen said:

Kelli just posted a story to her IG... looks like it's field day practice. Wonder if they're learning the entrance tonight...

I wonder if toniight could be a cut night 

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52 minutes ago, ByTor said:

I will NEVER understand how she made it.

She made it because the squad went from 34 girls in Season 6 to 39 girls in Season 7. Five one year vets were cut at finals leaving at least 10 extra spots for Season 7 (five more girls added on to the squad and five spots left due to cuts at finals.) I know Kelli said she wanted a bigger squad in Season 7, but I have the feeling certain outside influences had a say in it *cough Charlotte and CMT cough*

I also do not think Season 7 had the strongest rookie classes of all the seasons so far. I think Seasons 2, 3, and 4 had the strongest rookie girls and the strongest squads.

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2 minutes ago, Txmomof2 said:

Cmt is obviously filming and the girls are practicing the entrance. My guess is at least 2 girls are cut tonight. Now no clue who they would be! Just my own speculation 

I totally agree, but I think two is on the conservative side. I predict three or even four. I always hate the stadium cuts because the girls don't even get goodbye hugs.

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38 minutes ago, tinabee1967 said:

Field day practice is usually when the bodies hit the floor, as in, lots of girls get a one way ticket to THE OFFICE! 




It’s usually the night that a lot get called in and warned, but as I remember, it’s the NEXT night that the ones who can’t get it get cut. They usually give them the next day to practice and see if they can get it. 

3 minutes ago, Law Mom said:

I totally agree, but I think two is on the conservative side. I predict three or even four. I always hate the stadium cuts because the girls don't even get goodbye hugs.

The stadium cuts have been like the last practice or the practice before she calls the team. Kendall, Amy... stadium cuts. And, yes... I hate that they can’t say goodbye. 

Edited by Taralightner
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10 minutes ago, Taralightner said:

There are also sometimes cuts right before stadium night- they try to get rid of anyone that the KNOW won’t make it, so they don’t get blocked on the field. 

There has been cuts after the first night of field rehearsal.

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Given how there's only been three cuts so far and 42 (?) girls still in camp (and it's week 7), I wouldn't be surprised if 2 girls will be cut per week through week 9 and the team announced at the end of week 9 so that they can "focus on coming together as a team".  I'm wondering if there are any issues with the vets this year or if they're scared to screw up after last year's vet exodus.  Then again, some may get cocky because they think nothing's going to happen to them (as in K/J/C need them too much after last year) and then BAM!  At least one vet cut.

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1 hour ago, bigskygirl said:

She made it because the squad went from 34 girls in Season 6 to 39 girls in Season 7. Five one year vets were cut at finals leaving at least 10 extra spots for Season 7 (five more girls added on to the squad and five spots left due to cuts at finals.) I know Kelli said she wanted a bigger squad in Season 7, but I have the feeling certain outside influences had a say in it *cough Charlotte and CMT cough*

I also do not think Season 7 had the strongest rookie classes of all the seasons so far. I think Seasons 2, 3, and 4 had the strongest rookie girls and the strongest squads.

Who was the last girl cut Teri's season? 

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Definitely think there's a cut tonight because the girls are there super late. Rachel just posted an instagram story showing all the girls waiting around in the locker room @ 12:04am. Erin, Madeline, and mayyybe Malena and Cianna are in the video so we know they're not in the office. Btw I realize they are there really late pretty often, but idk it just feels like a cut night!

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7 hours ago, bigskygirl said:

She made it because the squad went from 34 girls in Season 6 to 39 girls in Season 7.

To me, though, you'd take a larger squad when there are just so many talented people that you can't bear to cut them.  Teri was just so blah.

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51 minutes ago, ByTor said:

To me, though, you'd take a larger squad when there are just so many talented people that you can't bear to cut them.  Teri was just so blah.

Was she even on their radar in season 7? I don’t remember a lot about her that season.  I just remember the focus on her at auditions the next season. I agree that she didn’t have “it.” 

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