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S01.E09: Louder Than Words

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All of the guys are assholes but how many different ways do they have to tell these girls that they don't want to be with them? Lexi and Kayla only hear what they want to hear. "It's so confusing..." no, not really. Men know what they want. They'd be with you if they wanted to be, wouldn't mince words or play games or string you along. They just aren't into you. Move on, stop clinging to semantics and hookups with a guy who knows that he has to be nice to you unless he wants to be homeless.

Jade's boyfriend was "up all night playing video games" = drugs of some kind. WTF does he even contribute to the situation? He's a loser.

  • Love 21

Danae is def unstable.  He has a lot going on within himself and having a girlfriend and kid is making matters more stressful.  I’m sure the testosterone plays a big part in mood swings and aggression.  Brianna needs to get out because I can see this becoming a DV situation.  Her Mom is trying her best and playing things right, she seems like a good Mom.

  • Love 9

Kayla: How hilarious that Stephen lived in his own place or whatever but had the electricity shut off! Class young-idiot-who-can't-budget scenario. I see that Kayla is setting herself up for a lifetime of disappointment from men by sleeping with Stephen and expecting that to fix their relationship.  

Lexie: Kyler might be more cruel than I thought. Supposedly he gave Lexie a promise ring at one point but I am not seeing any emotional availability or sensitivity from him whatsoever. 

Briana: Just go on home to your mama, baby girl. Don't hesitate. As a mother myself, this is my most honest advice for you.

Jade: poor Jade, the only working member of her household, is always surrounded by immature people, either her parents, her infant or her fiancé Sean. Is Sean super hungover or just a whiney little bitch when it comes to being woken up? 

Ashley: She and Bar bored me this episode. It's always hilarious to me how the moms on this show expect daycare to be super affordable. They are all in for a rude awakening. 

  • Love 15

Brianna flinching while Danae was standing over her and screaming at her hurt my heart.  Honey, that’s not love.

Brianna was right, fucktard Danae lied to her about the move to Chicago and all she tried to do was rationally point out that was why she was upset. Danae screaming, crying, tantruming and basically behaving like a psychpathic little bitch was nauseating.   It’s way past time for Brianna to walk away from that horribly broken human, Brianna can do way better than that hot mess and no one, NO ONE deserves to be treated that way.  

  • Love 20

Sweet little Brianna thinks she'll break Danae's heart if she leaves him. She's his ministering angel. What a mess. And he's gas lighting her like a pro. 

Lexi always looks at Kyler with the big eyed, hopeful look--like a dog who watching him eat a donut. And she tells stories about his douchey behavior like they're adorable amusing anecdotes. I want to shake her! 

Kayla is an idiot, full stop. Stephen is still stupid, mean and ugly. And unemployed. Kayla's girlfriends are speaking nothing but the truth. 

Jade and Sean. Oy. These two need therapy. Every fight goes from zero to sixty in seconds, and they both throw out really cruel, hurtful, insulting words like its their job.  

  • Love 19

I hate to say it but Lexi needs some Pastor Tea in her life.  Someone needs to punch her in the chest and make her man up a little bit.  Pardon me but one thing I cannot stand is to see a woman begging a man for affection.  Thumbface has told her no less than 20 times he is not interested in being with her.  Have some shame and stop begging!  I bet Tea would make short work of any daughter of hers groveling over some stupid boy.  Lexi needs a serious backbone implant and to start channeling all of that energy into her baby.

Sklyar is convinced she can screw Stephen into loving her.  Why is it confusing that he sleeps with you but doesn't want to be with you?  What is so confusing about free and easy pussy?

  • Love 21
1 hour ago, Brooklynista said:

I hate to say it but Lexi needs some Pastor Tea in her life.  Someone needs to punch her in the chest and make her man up a little bit.  Pardon me but one thing I cannot stand is to see a woman begging a man for affection.  Thumbface has told her no less than 20 times he is not interested in being with her.  Have some shame and stop begging!  I bet Tea would make short work of any daughter of hers groveling over some stupid boy.  Lexi needs a serious backbone implant and to start channeling all of that energy into her baby.

Sklyar is convinced she can screw Stephen into loving her.  Why is it confusing that he sleeps with you but doesn't want to be with you?  What is so confusing about free and easy pussy?

PREACH!!!  My heart broke for Lexi when Kyler barely acknowledged the onesie.  She's a moron, but we actually saw some emotion from her.  He is beyond immature.  How can you not "define" the relationship.  YOU CREATED A CHILD WITH HER! 

Don't even get me started on those other members of Mensa, Kayla and Stephan!  

Does anyone know how many episodes are left?   I don't think I can stick with these chicks.

  • Love 8
3 hours ago, Mr. Minor said:

Yeah! Pastor Tea will kill a motherfucker!

I totally agree. Only caught the last 15 minutes or so but saw that onesie crap. Kylar is a complete douche and ugly to boot, BUT he has made it more than clear many, many times that he is not interested in being in a relationship with her AT ALL.  She needs a massive reality check. It's a miracle he spends so much time with the baby. It was sad to see her heart break when he didn't notice the onesie, which I don't know why she think he would stop to read what's on the child's clothing, especially mid-diaper change, but seriously? Get a fucking clue/

Kayla is another one who is completely delusional. Maybe after her mama comes back all relaxed from her cruise she'll have the energy to talk some sense into her child. Of course she's having sex with him and thinks that means they're in a relationship. What an ass

Jade. Leave that prick because he is never, ever going to grow up. I couldn't believe my eyes when he was whining and acting like a little bitch about going to dinner with her family. And he doesn't work? No ma'am. Fuck that.

Good to see Ashley trying to mend fences with her mother.

Most interested in seeing Briana's segments as she's the one I like the most.  I would love to know what possessed her to get involved with Danae in the first damn place. He brings nothing to the table and is a psychopath. Can you imagine how he'll blow up once the testosterone kicks in full speed? Hopefully Briana will be long gone.

  • Love 19

To me Kylar just seems EXTREMELY uncomfortable around the cameras.  He's being a big butthead, no doubt, when it comes to letting her know where he stands but I think they have entirely different conversations when the cameras are gone. 

I thought I liked Jade's boyfriend but he just went down the list big time after this episode.  I can not stand whiney ass cry-baby guys when they're tired or don't feel good.  Get your ass up, go to freaking dinner and act like a respectable human being. I kinda hope we do see Jade smash the crap out of his game consoles before the season ends.  Or go pawn them and buy the baby something cute. 

I REALLY hope Brianna goes home next episode... but she showed extreme maturity when Denae was screaming at her.  And I love it that his mom stands up for Brianne.  But after hearing last week that taking hormones can cause these outbursts and then to learn that he hasn't started taking them yet and is just like this normally... that is extremely terrifying. And I hope Brianna sees that. Good normal relationships don't look like that (and i'm look at you too Jade).

  • Love 11

MTV has done a helluva job casting this season. You think you've seen maximum stupid, and then these girls plumb new depths.

Lexi's friend: Do you think he's scared to admit that he still has feelings for you?

Kayla: We're hooking up, so I still have hope that we'll have this family.



Get your ass up, go to freaking dinner and act like a respectable human being.

Right?? He was acting like a toddler. And turning it on Jade like she's some kind of harridan for asking him to do basic shit we ask of 5-year-olds (shower, dress, sit at a family dinner). SHE is not the problem here!

I can't even begin with personality-disordered Danae. Thank God he's not the father of this child.

  • Love 15

Have not read the other comments yet. Just watched this ep On Demand because once again, Spectrum decided to do its own thing and only recorded the last 7 minutes of the show...

I felt really bad for Jade this episode. Sean was such an asshole to her about the dinner. I was disappointed in him.  Sean's exhaustion from the all nighter was very likely not video game induced. His mood changes scream drug use to me.

Lexi: still pathetic. But I must admit, when Kyler was such a dick about the shirt and she started crying, I wanted to kick him in the nuts. I actually felt for her. He is such a piece of shit. He also looks unclean to me. How does he have a job dealing with people when it doesn't look like he washes his hair? Ugh. 

Kayla: still pathetic. Yeah, he's staying over your house because of the "little family" vibe. No, he is there for the free crash pad and all the benefits that come with that.

Brianna and Danae: What to say about these two. Their relationsip is toxic and it's about time it came to an end. Danae is one bundle of pent up rage and Brianna and her baby do not need to be around that.

Ashley and Bar were meh this week. Yes we know Pastor T won't stamp approval on them getting married. We get it.

Edited by configdotsys
Added stuff
  • Love 8

Lexi and Kayla clearly got pregnant on purpose to keep their men. It didn’t work. Baby is here and they still dont want a relationship or a family. STOP trying to make it work and move on!!

One more note about Lexi-why do these girls complain when their man doesnt have a job, but then when they (gasp!) spend hours a day working they get mad because they arent home to help!! You cant have it both ways! 

Danae is awful. Poor Brianna seems so naive, but she really needs to wake up fast and go back home. 

I really do feel bad for Jade. She seems like she works hard and is really mature, but she is surrounded by people who are taking advantage of her. 

  • Love 8

I"m finally all caught up with this season and whoa. MTV kinda hit the jackpot with these girls. And can we talk about all of the Starbucks and other fancy drinks these people have in scene after scene? Look, I'm a basic bitch and I love me some iced froo-froo coffee, but I have 2 MAYBE 3 per month. And my ass is employed full-time and I can afford it. 

You've all pretty much summed it up, but here's my two cents. 

Lexi: Honey Chid. No, just no. He seems to enjoy torturing you. Remain civil, hell remain friends, but finish school go to a mortuary or cosmetology program and get the hell on with your life. 

Jade: I'm sorry you and your grandma are the only adults in your life. Tell Sean to shape up or ship out, change the locks to keep everyone out and see if it's not too late to change Kloie's name to Chloe. 

Kayla: You dumb, girl. But your (questionably dressed) friends have good advice. Listen to them. 

Ashley: I'd be damned if I married a guy who proposed to me over a funnel cake, but do what makes you happy. And on a side note, I almost choked at $65/day for daycare. I live in a tiny down and we pay $30 for a full day and that includes two snacks, a home cooked lunch and "field trips" around town. And birthday/Christmas/etc. gifts from the caretaker. Man, we've got it made. 

  • Love 12
9 minutes ago, Birdee said:


Ashley: I'd be damned if I married a guy who proposed to me over a funnel cake, but do what makes you happy. And on a side note, I almost choked at $65/day for daycare. I live in a tiny down and we pay $30 for a full day and that includes two snacks, a home cooked lunch and "field trips" around town. And birthday/Christmas/etc. gifts from the caretaker. Man, we've got it made. 

Where do you live??  I was checking out daycare a few years ago and the cheapest I found was $90/day.  I finally decided that a nanny, at $150/day was the best deal for 2 kids.  And my nanny is cheap because I let her bring her kids if she needs to.  Otherwise it would be a lot more. 

  • Love 2
23 minutes ago, Birdee said:

I live in a tiny town in west Texas. We don't have any actual daycares. Just in-home people so we were lucky to get this lady. Everytime I pay her I tell my husband how lucky we are!

West Texas!  I used to live in Abilene.  I'm in the 210 now.  I remember when my now 19 year old was in in-home day care it was $80/week!



Lexi.  Amber Porkwood passed the torch to Briana DeCoven who has now passed it onto Lexi.  Which torch?  The professional couch sitter.  Why every season is there one girl that films each and every scene on the couch?  THEY NEVER LEAVE!  But, girl, no.  Wipe that constant smirk off your face.  I've got a bigger problem with Lexi's mom.  Why isn't she teaching her daughter some self respect instead of trying to be such a cool mom?  "Oh that onesie is cute, hope y'all get back together!  We're going to dinner, byeeeee!"

I think I'm in the minority but I'm not a fan of Pastor Tea.  I think she's just as low as the rest of them.

Brianna, run girl.  Danae is psycho.  Shame because I really like his mother.

Can't say more than what's already been said about Sean being whiny and Kayla thinking Stephan staying there and getting free vag is a family.  

  • Love 10
9 hours ago, ShaNaeNae said:

West Texas!  I used to live in Abilene.  I'm in the 210 now.  I remember when my now 19 year old was in in-home day care it was $80/week!



Lexi.  Amber Porkwood passed the torch to Briana DeCoven who has now passed it onto Lexi.  Which torch?  The professional couch sitter.  Why every season is there one girl that films each and every scene on the couch?  THEY NEVER LEAVE!  But, girl, no.  Wipe that constant smirk off your face.  I've got a bigger problem with Lexi's mom.  Why isn't she teaching her daughter some self respect instead of trying to be such a cool mom?  "Oh that onesie is cute, hope y'all get back together!  We're going to dinner, byeeeee!"

I think I'm in the minority but I'm not a fan of Pastor Tea.  I think she's just as low as the rest of them.

Brianna, run girl.  Danae is psycho.  Shame because I really like his mother.

Can't say more than what's already been said about Sean being whiny and Kayla thinking Stephan staying there and getting free vag is a family.  

I agree about Pastor CONTROLLING Tea

  • Love 4
On ‎5‎/‎9‎/‎2018 at 8:02 PM, configdotsys said:

Lexi: still pathetic. But I must admit, when Kyler was such a dick about the shirt and she started crying, I wanted to kick him in the nuts. I actually felt for her. He is such a piece of shit. He also looks unclean to me. How does he have a job dealing with people when it doesn't look like he washes his hair? Ugh.

Kyler reminds me of huge dump that Amber Porkwood's Bull Mastiff would take on her hardwood floor. Stephan is just as bad.

  • Love 6

Oh, and COME ON parents, don't take your daughter's word for it that she's suddenly going to be responsible about birth control! Lexi's and Kayla's moms need to say, "You choose between an IUD, an implant, and getting out of my house." There is no room for error here! She's already shown you that she is deluded and irresponsible. Give her a fighting chance of making it to 19 without a second kid.

That said, I was pleasantly surprised that Lexi mentioned mortuary school. That is a practical, well-paying career path that not many kids want to enter and where there will ALWAYS be a need for your skills, even if you stay in your small town. Nobody goes broke betting that people are going to keep dying. Yes, talk is cheap, but it's a good thing that she is even thinking about an unglamorous but valuable career.

  • Love 7
15 hours ago, IvySpice said:

Oh, and COME ON parents, don't take your daughter's word for it that she's suddenly going to be responsible about birth control! Lexi's and Kayla's moms need to say, "You choose between an IUD, an implant, and getting out of my house." There is no room for error here! She's already shown you that she is deluded and irresponsible. Give her a fighting chance of making it to 19 without a second kid.

That said, I was pleasantly surprised that Lexi mentioned mortuary school. That is a practical, well-paying career path that not many kids want to enter and where there will ALWAYS be a need for your skills, even if you stay in your small town. Nobody goes broke betting that people are going to keep dying. Yes, talk is cheap, but it's a good thing that she is even thinking about an unglamorous but valuable career.

Agreed. Funeral directors are business owners and are usually active in their communities, leading citizens. (The owner of the biggest funeral home in my small city was a very popular guy in high school, tall, handsome and good personality. He was considered quite the catch by the local ladies.) Kudos to Lexi for such a pragmatic choice. Who'd have thought she had it in her? 

  • Love 4

Kyler is a douchebag. He thinks just because he bagged a cheerleader now the girls will be knocking on his door, like, forever, so why hold on to Lexi when he is such a pussy slayer? Dude has no clue how lucky he got to get laid given his looks and personality. What the hell Lexi sees in him is beyond me, maybe it is post-partum hormones. Who honestly thinks this guy even is that thrilling in the sack? I don't think of energizer bunny when I think of Kyler. He is so badass he can just lay there doing nothing and have her do all the work. But who knows, maybe he is a better sweet talker off camera and the King of Cunilingus. 

Edited by BabyDaddy
  • Love 8

 did no one else find Stephen's tirade horrifying??  Who speaks to another human like that?  The fighting in front of the infants is mindblowing.  You can't do that.  It changes who they are.

What about some tenderness, some love, some cooing and warmth and kisses and songs and my god i want to cry.

Which brings me to my new thought- the GRANDmothers are real milquetoasts.  No personalities, no strength, not good role models, and i guess THAT's a reason why these girls look to idiot boys for attention and whatever the hell else they think they're getting.

Cmon ladies, toughen up, be examples for your girls, show some backbone, some strength, some LIFE in your eyes.

Again, i weep for these babies.

  • Love 11
11 minutes ago, Lesia said:

 did no one else find Stephen's tirade horrifying??  Who speaks to another human like that?  The fighting in front of the infants is mindblowing.  You can't do that.  It changes who they are.

What about some tenderness, some love, some cooing and warmth and kisses and songs and my god i want to cry.

Which brings me to my new thought- the GRANDmothers are real milquetoasts.  No personalities, no strength, not good role models, and i guess THAT's a reason why these girls look to idiot boys for attention and whatever the hell else they think they're getting.

Cmon ladies, toughen up, be examples for your girls, show some backbone, some strength, some LIFE in your eyes.

Again, i weep for these babies.

I did but refrained from commenting on the episode until a thread is put up. 

  • Love 2

Stefan's rant was horrifying. I thought that the police would have to be called. I realized that both Kayla and her mother are spineless when it comes to men. Any punk thug who spoke to me like that in my own home would be handed his ass on the pavement outside. Kayla needs to get her own place and start supporting herself and her son if she's going to continue to try to make it work with Stefan. No way would I allow him back in my home after he raged like that and STOLE MONEY FROM ME.

  • Love 13

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