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Good Witch - General Discussion

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Okay, I admit that I was  dial twisting between this new ep and a rerun of Madam Secretary but why did Brandon's idiot and hormonal wife quit her PhD program? I missed that completely. And why doesn't anyone on this show ever even slightly indicate that they're actually annoyed? I keep thinking of a quote from a friend of mind referring to annoyingly, endlessly upbeat shows; 'happy people with happy problems'. Okay, happy is good . I like to be happy in real life, in a supposed drama it flatout doesn't work. Drama needs conflict to create, oh...well...drama. Whether or not the big anniversary party will remain a surprise or will the cafe owner open a catering business or not doesn't or any of the other interchangeable secondary characters life crises we see don't seem to ramp up the tension quite enough.

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Ye gads, the writing just keeps getting worse...

Abigail, what a cliché, she starts playing hard to get and the guy suddenly is panting after her...

The doctor who recognizes an incredibly rare condition, just happens to have a friend who is a specialist in it, and this all impresses this very large hospital so much they offer him the position of chief of staff with enough time off to run his own practice and spend a lot of time with his son, yeah, that's believable...

Tara quits her PhD program with no reason, whereas her studying before was so important to her that she and Brandon were living geographically apart...

Even Cassie is beginning to bug me, with her arch little smile as she dispenses her wisdom that shows people the way, and always just happens to have in her shop what someone needs to enlighten them or to send them somewhere where something serendipitous will happen...

Grace is still Little Miss Perfect...

No doubt I have left something off the list...

Oh yes, and still no magic...

  • Love 3

Even Cassie is beginning to bug me, with her arch little smile as she dispenses her wisdom that shows people the way, and always just happens to have in her shop what someone needs to enlighten them or to send them somewhere where something serendipitous will happen...

Thank you--that's getting on my last nerve, too. It's almost like a half smile takes the place of actual acting/reactions/emotion and the shop--which someone above was right in pointing out--no longer has the 'special' vibe it had in the original movies. Now it looks like a generic gift/Hallmark store...come to think of it, isn't this the Hallmark channel?


Grace is still Little Miss Perfect...

Insufferable. If she were a real kid in a real school she'd be the one the other kids rolled their eyes at. An old classmate of mine was nick named 'Patty Perfect'--very pretty, good grades, never a foot wrong, probably didn't sweat, never a raised voice--but she had the softening power of dating (and later marrying) one of the class bad boys. She's become a good friend over the decades, our kids grew up together, is still pretty perfect, still married to the bad boy and is actually an incredibly nice person but back in the day she was a combo of intimidating and sticky sweet. I guess there may be eventual hope for Grace. Maybe, so long as she doesn't evolve that annoying enigmatic smile.

Edited by Beden

And aside from the occasional, passing sad reference, no real growth/long term impact of her late husbands death/murder. Okay, yes, it's was Brandon's impetus to become a cop but that reality was basically a one off to explain his being on the show and now he's just another cop on the beat. It would be interesting to see the family's reaction to--say--the cop killer's release from prison. I'd like to see Grace's feelings about mom dating again; most kids would have a reaction or several, both pro and con.

And seriously, lose the cast of thousands secondary characters who are as deep as a shallow puddle. Either that or actually give them some real story lines, motivations, relationships. Use them or cut them I say! And dear god please...speed up the snail's pace of what's passing for plots.

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You can't get rid of the secondary characters- they are the necessary time-fillers.  Because obviously the writers cannot come up with real storylines for the main characters.  :/

"...what's passing for plots..."  well put.

I really do not like being negative about TV shows - usually if I don't like them I just don't watch.  But I did like this one, I keep hoping it will get better, but I am really disappointed with the way they have watered down a previously good show.

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I agree with you, Tree. The original movies, while hardly world beaters, were sort of fun and actually moved the plotline along--Cassie arrives in town, makes a few friends, opens a shop, eventually becomes accepted, is elected Mayor, marries, has a baby, is widowed (okay, that was the pilot of the show, but explained why Chris Potter was MIA). And they maintained the air of is she or isn't she...

This seems to me to be a meandering mishmosh with little real direction (in both senses of the word) and just coasts along, never really going anywhere and never really getting anywhere. It's a wasted possibility, IMO.

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I agree with all the posters who said this series is going nowhere fast. I watched and enjoyed all the Good Witch movies but the series just seems to float on down the river, throwing in fleeting characters and plotlines that come and go for no real reason and nothing of substance ever. The daughter is insufferable and Cassie went from enigmatic and interesting to -dare I say it- downright boring with just smiling and nodding..  The magic has left the building!

On a practical note: don't know how Cassie stays in business, she constantly gives stuff away for free. At least they got a kid that looks like he could be Martha's son. Good casting there.

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I thought I was the only one who didn't like Cassie's "annoying enigmatic smile".  It is grating.  I agree with most of the comments. I like Martha and the police chief and the comedy they bring to the show.

While I like the actress who plays Sam's wife, the story line is bad. If I remember the story from last year correctly, she left Sam. She was responsible for the son's bad attitude though Sam shouldered some blame for not being around as much as he should have been. Now he is letting her manipulate him and slowly move back into his life. Where is the conflict?

Except for the triangle with Cassie, Sam and the Real Estate friend, last year was better but had similar problems. At the end, I still had hope it would improve. Lori (I think that was her name) was moving in a good direction by being hired to work on the newspaper. 

I missed the last two episodes. The shows don't seem to repeat.  Sunday evening is hit and miss for me. It would be nice to have an alternative time to catch up though I find I don't care much when I miss an episode.

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I love Martha - especially the episode where she lost her voice.  And her trying to find out about her surprise party was cute.  She really is a good comic actress, and a much needed lift to the series.

The first season started out very promising, with a good storyline - the doctor moves in next door to Cassie and disapproves of her herbal witchery.  That set up a good conflict, and watching them work it out into a friendly relationship was interesting.  Now that has stalled, and there is not much story there.

I think Sam's wife is out of the picture now - she had her moment, did create some conflict, but that started to be repetitive.  I think they did all they could with that, and it's done now.

If you miss episodes, I don't think it matters.  The main plotlines, such as they are, are moving very slowly, and the secondary ones are pretty pointless.

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The first season started out very promising, with a good storyline - the doctor moves in next door to Cassie and disapproves of her herbal witchery.  That set up a good conflict, and watching them work it out into a friendly relationship was interesting.  Now that has stalled, and there is not much story there.

I think Sam's wife is out of the picture now - she had her moment, did create some conflict, but that started to be repetitive.  I think they did all they could with that, and it's done now.

Both good points and both examples of chances missed. The dr and Cassie's different POV's regarding solutions to medicine or whatever could have been expanded on to cause an ongoing source of discussion and interaction instead of being dropped in exchange for adolescent flirting. The ex was a two dimensional character whose only motivation seemed to to be to use the son as an excuse to get back with her ex, up to and including moving into his guest room...something any normal adult would have stopped before she carried in the first suitcase. Now she seems to be out of sight, out of mind, out of the storyline. Even supposed story conflict is transparently weak--will Cassie choose the dr or the former beau who just offered her a job in Timbuktu overseeing a dig (or something like that). Obviously she's not going to take a job which would take her away from her daughter or change the show that dramatically--abandoning or pushing far into the background  the other characters, the town and everything which they've spent years establishing. Even if they used the hiatus as an excuse for Cassie to go away and then have her come back with season 3's opener, well, really? I don't think so.

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Here's my ideal scenario for a storyline:  There is some sort of accident and Cassie saves a person using her magic - her real magic.  There can be all sorts of different reactions from different people, from "cool!' to "OMG! she is a witch, she must be evil after all".

NOW you would have some drama!


But of course this will never happen...

  • Love 2

Here's my ideal scenario for a storyline:  There is some sort of accident and Cassie saves a person using her magic - her real magic.  There can be all sorts of different reactions from different people, from "cool!' to "OMG! she is a witch, she must be evil after all".

That's a show I'd really enjoy!

Days past the last ep and still nothing, of course there was no' there' there. Again. Another new and likely pointless plot twist--Mrs Brandon was abandoned at birth and her need for kids is tied up with her desire to never ever do that to a baby but first she needs to find and confront her missing mom? Sure, whatever. Useless cousin takes on heading the big town party then does nothing with an knowing half smile shared by Cassie. And all with turn out well in the end with the exception of the end of season cliff hanger. Cassie going to the Maldives? I'll take that bet; never happen I'm thinking.

Seriously, round and round they go, getting nowhere.

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A lot of items are pending.  Which ones will be resolved in the season finale and which ones will be cliff hangers?

(1) Will Cassie go to the Maldives (also know as "Will Cassie choose Sam or John?")?

(2) Will the Lights Festival (or whatever the name is) be a success even though Abigail has not opened the binder?  (From the preview it looks like it will be wonderful).  (2)(a)  What is Abigail's plan/scheme?  She always has a reason for doing what she does.

(3) Is Nick going to England?  (3)(a) What about that girl that is from England?  Why does Grace want to fix her up with Nick? (3)(b) Is Grace going to make a big decision to travel or is she never leaving the boundaries of Middleton?

(4) Will hospital lady make a play for Sam or did she just want him as Chief of Staff?

(5)  What color is Sam going to paint the beach house?

(6) Is Tara going to look for her mother?  (6)(a)Is the mother going to be as boring as Tara is? (6)(b) What magic will happen because Tara is working at Cassie's store?

(7) Will we ever find out where George's wife is?  

  • Love 2

One of the weak points of the current season of this series is that they have so many storylines they can only give a very short time to each one.  So they cannot develop the storylines with any depth, and the characters are reduced to shallow caricatures.  A brief plot is given (too often a clichéd one), and couple of brief scenes, and then it is resolved, and we move on to the next one.   No acting is required, just delivering a few lines, and the scene is done.

I see this in Cassie, in particular.  In the movies they had a whole 2 hours (well, 2 hours less commercials) to develop the story, and her character had depth, mystery, emotion, and growth.  And even in the first season, which was much better than this second one, we had well-developed stories, emotion, and depth.  In the movies she had chemistry with Jake; in the first season she had chemistry with Sam; there is none now with either Sam or John.  Now she has a few brief scenes with no depth, (and again with clichéd storylines rather than what the movie storylines were), and even in the scenes with Sam and - John? is that the guy's name? - she shows no emotion.  Compared with what we saw from her earlier, it is just sad.

Edited by treeofdreams
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28 minutes ago, treeofdreams said:

One of the weak points of the current season of this series is that they have so many storylines they can only give a very short time to each one.  So they cannot develop the storylines with any depth, and the characters are reduced to shallow caricatures.  A brief plot is given (too often a clichéd one), and couple of brief scenes, and then it is resolved, and we move on to the next one.   No acting is required, just delivering a few lines, and the scene is done.

Maybe it's that none of the storylines they have going are interesting, so they're going with quantity over quality.


(5)  What color is Sam going to paint the beach house?

I liked that blue.


3 hours ago, Perfect Xero said:
3 hours ago, treeofdreams said:

One of the weak points of the current season of this series is that they have so many storylines they can only give a very short time to each one.  So they cannot develop the storylines with any depth, and the characters are reduced to shallow caricatures.  A brief plot is given (too often a clichéd one), and couple of brief scenes, and then it is resolved, and we move on to the next one.   No acting is required, just delivering a few lines, and the scene is done.

Maybe it's that none of the storylines they have going are interesting, so they're going with quantity over quality.

Or the producers have no idea what to do with this show/the characters/various story arcs--or have too many not very good ideas-- and so seem to be throwing everything at the wall to see what will stick. And yes, every characterization merely and barely scratches the surface and so there's no reason to care about any of either characters or the plotlines.

One thing which actively annoyed me about the latest ep was the town gossip garbage of Cassie and the dr going to (ohmygod!) the festival together. All I could think of was that maybe Sam could pass Cassie a note in study hall to ask her. Supposedly mature adults really worried about what anyone thinks about them maybe stepping out together? Grow the hell up. The entire town is trapped in 7th grade.

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Okay, so Cassie (no surprise) opted out of recasting herself as a female Indiana Jones, decides that she and the Dr could--maybe--be a thing and she'll even (!) ride on the Ferris wheel with him in front of god and everyone only to be stood up by a medical emergency or something. Brandon's neurotic wife is now thinking betrayal because he tried to protect her (or something) from the mother no one even knew existed before last episode. Dr's son isn't going to the UK because...he isn't. The annoying cousin pulled the festival out of her butt by doing nothing and everyone now feels warm and fuzzy because they picked up the slack while she got the praise and possible free PR. And the deli lady and her BF baked some cakes.

So...basically nothing much happened but we have 2 semi-cliffhangers. Cassie's hurt feelings and Brandon's ridiculous, bio clock ticking wife. Everything else is status quo. Am I the only one underwhelmed?

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No, you were not the only one underwhelmed. My feeling too.

They seem to  have lost the spark & sparkle in this show. Pretty clear Cassie & Sam are endgame. Hmmm,did anyone think she'd up & go the Maldives - aka pick John?? But hey,  doc's kid will get to go to the Maldives & only be away for 2 weeks instead of a semester. Yay, Cassie works her "magic" again.

So, the Light Festival...OK, so who did do all the work? You're telling me they pulled all that together in less than a week?

Anyone else find Abigail annoying as all get out?

Why can't the Bistro blonde just ask the guy how he really feels if she is unsure for heaven's sake?

I was disappointed in the ghost story...such possibilities ...and it was all in the guys head, literally?? A medical condition?? This show is called the "Good Witch" and I am really wondering why. They've removed any hint of magic/supernatural out of it this season. Actually I think I was disappointed in the whole season....stand alone movies are one thing, a series is completely different. Pretty hard to maintain evidently.


All that being said, I'll most likely tune in next fall to see how bad Sam is hurt, cause I am guessing there was an accident..or else he just missed it & is setting a pattern of broken promises because of his work load.

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11 hours ago, RedRockRosie said:

Anyone else find Abigail annoying as all get out?

I'll see that and raise you a 'why is she even in the show'? In the real world no one would give this broad the time of day, let alone cut her the amount of slack she receives.

Yes, agree completely; this show/concept has lost it's mojo, is aimless and drifting, lacks any real conflict or plot points and the way too many characters and their supposed plotlines are as deep as tissue paper. And yes, like you, I'll give it another try next season--I'm such a weak person.

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Atleast the finale had a little drama.  What's happened to Sam?!

Too bad we had to endure countless conversations between he and Cassie about meeting at the Ferris Wheel at 8pm...did you know they were meeting at the Ferris Wheel at 8pm?  Who knows if they'd actually get on the wheel, but atleast they were meeting there, perhaps to chat with her old boyfriend who was running the ride? Huh?

I can't handle one more baby conversation between Brandon and his wife.  They really need to split up, he doesn't want a kid yet and she is obsessed.

It's hard to tell that Cassie and Grace are mother and daughter, they go whole episodes without interacting. 

The Bakery owner and Plumber boyfriend are a bad fit and their drama is tired.

Abigail brings nothing to the show except for problems and they aren't even that fun.

Now we just have to wait a year to see what happens next because I'm pretty sure the Halloween special will be a standalone.

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I agree that the writing on this show is of poor quality and it's such a wasted opportunity.  Cassie's enigmatic smile is maddening. I too noticed the differences in her clothes and in the shop.  And Grey House is a boring home now, instead of a mysterious B&B.  The garden, which was beautiful, magical, and a bit threatening, by turns, is just a dull yard now. Season 1 recycled several plotlines from the movies, but season 2 is just convoluted, confusing, and disappointing.  The writers will introduce a potentially interesting conflict, then merely let it peter out.  The storylines they did pick up and continue throughout this season (Who will Cassie choose? Will Tara have a baby or drive Brandon away?) were simply awful.  

I too miss the magic!! It's as if some religious group threatened the Hallmark Channel.  "No sorcery.  Sorcery is banned in the Bible! We will boycott all your sponsors!"  Gahhhh!!!!   Why have a show about a witch if there is no mystery?

In the very first part of the season with the man in the scarf, it's as if that story was the product of bad editing.  Something seemed to be missing. Martha's ne'er-do-well son could have been a great addition to the running plot, but that petered out. I love Martha though, and her husband. And, where is Grace's friend who seemed to be set up as a rival for the doctor's son?  He just seemed to disappear, like Gail, George's wife. Honestly, the stupid country house plotline was useless.  We thought we'd get a glimmer of magic there, when Cassie found the location, but she brushes it off as just being lucky, and we believe her because they've made her completely pedestrian.  I also agree with the poster above who said that she and Grace never seem to interact, other than that stupid dinner with Sam and his son.  Oh, and what happened to Lori? And Cassie's ability to communicate with animals?  One thing I did like this season is the continuity when Martha said "I accept your challenge" in a corny French accent, like she did last season when she signed up for the race after she thought Sam was goading her.

I miss how the music used to add to the mysterious ambiance of the movies.  Now it's just the same musical theme used over and over again for everything. 

I hope the move scheduled for October 22 can get this series back on track, but I don't hold out much hope.  I'll keep watching though, even if it doesn't, because I loved the movies so much. 

Edited by Cowgirl
Addition of a thought.
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Yeah, the movies' quality slacked off with each new addition.  I still like them much better than the series though, except for the last two movies which were kind of  cruddy. The earlier movies at least kept up a balance of "is she magic or isn't she?" much better than the later movies and the series.  

I really miss how the music in the movies integrated perfectly with the plots.  It really added to my enjoyment.  In the t.v. series, it's just the same musical theme over and over again, inserted where necessary. The series doesn't have the cozy feeling that the earlier movies had, and those movies even had more conflict, so it's not like they can't introduce some believable conflict that doesn't turn off the audience. 

Even though the quality now stinks and the magic is gone, I still own all the movies and each season on Amazon Prime.  I was grumpy though that last Halloween's movie, which was treated really as a T.V. special, and part of the series, rather than a stand-alone movie, wasn't available until the end of season two.  I hope that this year, when I buy season three, the Halloween special is included right away.  Otherwise, parts of the plot get skipped. 

Edited by Cowgirl
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Okay, I admit that I came in a 1/2 hour late because I was out but I watched for another hour before turning the TV off due to boredom. Seriously, I don't even mean that as complete snark but I felt like I didn't miss anything ( a quasi 'Harry Potter' author has a vague reason for being in Middletown, has a flirt on with her editor and the entire town turns out to help her reading with--of course--a nudge from Cassie and annoying complications from her cousin who has little reason for being in the cast and Martha for comic relief while the flirting with the Dr continues unresolved). I got it and decided to miss the massive Halloween party/reading and mostly happily ever after resolve.

Where was the police officer son and his anxious to be pregnant wife?

I enjoyed the original movies but this is becoming completely unwatchable for me. Treacle. Predictable. Boring. Moves at the pace of molasses.

Edited by Beden
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It was ok - nothing to worry about if you missed it - can't watch the series anymore

I had the impression Middleton was a New England town - movie took place at Halloween but no autumn colors on trees, everyone in sleeveless outfits, from another movie Cassie loves Halloween but this time no decorations at Gray House, why weren't the kids in school? That doctor sure can do it all - the weird cousin - the town in 2 days time can be decorated to look just like the town in the book - too much that doesn't make sense

I do like the scenery, the outfits of the leading ladies & some of the "magic" that took place

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Okay, raise your hand if you knew within about the first 15 minutes that the house the author's nana lived in was Grey House?  And that Middleton was the town?  It sure took them a long time to figure it out.

And, color me confused, but I thought Grey House had belonged to Cassie's family.  It sounds like the author's family lived there.  ???

Another thing I don't understand, or maybe I dozed off and missed something.  Initially they set it up that Abigail and bistro lady (man, I'm blanking out on names today) shared a common wall.  Then when the guy started breaking a hole in that wall, bistro lady looked through the hole from her side to ask what was going on.  But when the hole was big enough and every went through, there was a whole room there, where the fireplace was.  What did I miss?

Abigail, annoying as ever.  Sam, now working all the time with no time for his son or a life of his own, living the life he wanted to get away from in New York, and doesn't see it.  His "I'm so busy it's crazy" was over the top.

Martha continues to be a lone bright spot for me.  Love her.

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I'm a sucker for stuff like this and am usually able to suspend reality.  But I don't understand how young Jessica (or was it Jennifer?) listened to all of Nana's stories and not once asked Nana what the name of the town was.  Even if Nana had told her and she forgot, wouldn't the name "Middleton" trigger a memory?  One other things that bothered me why she kept saying, "Nana's husband."  Was that her grandfather or did Nana remarry at some point?  It just seems like a loose end.

16 hours ago, treeofdreams said:

Another thing I don't understand, or maybe I dozed off and missed something.  Initially they set it up that Abigail and bistro lady (man, I'm blanking out on names today) shared a common wall.  Then when the guy started breaking a hole in that wall, bistro lady looked through the hole from her side to ask what was going on.  But when the hole was big enough and every went through, there was a whole room there, where the fireplace was.  What did I miss?

When the sheriff sledgehammered a hole in the wall Stephanie ("bistro lady") stuck her face right through and must have been standing in her kitchen/shop.  So that made absolutely no sense at all unless there was some of warping of time and space that only Cassie understands.  

18 hours ago, treeofdreams said:

And, color me confused, but I thought Grey House had belonged to Cassie's family.  It sounds like the author's family lived there.  ???

Another thing I don't understand, or maybe I dozed off and missed something.  Initially they set it up that Abigail and bistro lady (man, I'm blanking out on names today) shared a common wall.  Then when the guy started breaking a hole in that wall, bistro lady looked through the hole from her side to ask what was going on.  But when the hole was big enough and every went through, there was a whole room there, where the fireplace was.  What did I miss?

They made a point to say that Nana worked at such a house, but didn't say that she lived there.  

Yeah, I'm with you on the position of the hole in relation to Stephanie's kitchen.  Then again, I just realized, that Derrick punched holes in two walls, so I guess the hole they passed through wasn't the one in Stephanie's wall.  As an attorney, I cringed at all this, thinking that Martha was likely incurring some liability for smashing through people's walls.  Maybe the town owns the property and leases to Stephanie and Abigail?  And some sleazy lawyer included a clause in their lease allowing damages "for the public good?"  Yeah. That's what I'm goin' with -- implausible though it is.

On the up-side, they did do more to make Cassie a bit more magical-seeming this time around. Nothing like the first three movies though, but more than the t.v. show.  

Color me happy that the son and annoying-baby-hungry wife were missing!  Yay for more George this time.  Boo for the fact that Gail still is never mentioned.  Boo for the underuse of Derrick.  Yay for Martha!  I laughed at her apologizing to Cassie when she thought she'd offended her "witchiness" throughout the episode. I liked Sam's son's attitude this time (Yikes! Can't think of his name right now.) -- it was less surly and more charming. Though, how many girls does Grace have to throw at him?  What is this, like, number 3?  At least he seemed to take to this one, setting it up for conflict later when Grace realizes she lurves him.  

The bright spot for me was that Matthew and his insufferable wife were out of town perhaps?

I don't get the Sam storyline, the whole point of moving to Middleton was for him to have a small practice so he could spend time with his son.  Now he's the chief of the hospital and has a small practice and spends no time with his son (the son doesn't seem to mind).  What will it take for Sam to realize it's all too much?  Will we have another suitor come to town to court Cassie and he'll see the error of his ways?

I thought the author storyline was fine, but why they didn't let the editor be her boyfriend from the start was puzzling.  The fireplace behind the wall yet in the bistro but not didn't make any sense.  Why couldn't they have investigated another old house in town, perhaps where Martha lives for clues?  Instead everything is just default Grey House which doesn't make any sense if you've seen the first movies.

I still think we need to see more interaction between Grace and Cassie.  Why Grace had to stay in bed for days was also puzzling.  Why not put her in a wheelchair and take her to the festival or let her only go for an hour?  Perhaps the actress was out of working time?

The British accent on Sam's son was really bad, but the actor is British?  Perhaps he was just playing an American/Canadian with a bad British accent?

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My rational mind acknowledges and agrees with every negative thing you all have said. Despite all this, and despite how poorly it reflects on my taste in TV shows, I have to confess that I absolutely love the show and can't wait for season 3. I started watching for Catherine Bell and continue watching for James Denton, who I think is beast-mode sexy and terrifically skilled in his role. And, not for nothing, cheesy happy fluff like this is great when my personal world is collapsing around me.

Maybe it helps that I haven't seen the movies, though. I see lots of magic in the show, via Cassie's knowledge of what "medicines" people need, her manipulation of events for the best outcome for everyone, and of course the way she knows who's with her before she turns around. But it sounds like the magic was very different and more overt in the movies, so I can see why that would be frustrating. 

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