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Hopes and Fears: How Will We Survive This Island? (Speculation WITHOUT Spoilers)


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I know it won't happen but I hope we get a scene where Quentin gets suspicious that he still hasn't heard from Sara yet and he eventually phones Felicity to ask if she's heard from her. Felicity doesn't say anything but she goes to Laurel and says 'Your father has been asking about Sara' and is worried about her or whatever and hopefully it spurs Laurel on to tell him the truth. Because if Quentin does start to wonder, the worrying and not knowing where she is, not hearing from her, is just as bad for his health as telling him Sara's dead. 


And then when he does find out I want him to join in hunt for her killer.


Yeah, I really hope they don't draw the whole "Quentin doesn't know Sara's dead" thing out for too much longer.  Personally, I don't even find it all that interesting, just frustrating.  It's partly because it plays into the continued theme of Laurel assigning herself as the gatekeeper of who's allowed to mourn Sara (we saw the same thing, to a lesser degree, with Nyssa), but it's more because he has to be isolated from that whole storyline for as long as he doesn't know. 


I feel like he has to be at least a little suspicious already, considering the voice mail he left her in 3x04.  Plus, she was apparently in contact with him while she was gone, so it's not like he'd believe it if she just never contacted him again. 


I've decided that, for me, the only really satisfying conclusion to him still not knowing would be for Sara to come back from the dead and show up at his door to let him know she's alive again, but he has to keep it a secret from everyone else.

  • Love 2
I've decided that, for me, the only really satisfying conclusion to him still not knowing would be for Sara to come back from the dead and show up at his door to let him know she's alive again, but he has to keep it a secret from everyone else.


Sara turns up at Quentin's door.

"Hi Dad, I'm alive."

"Uh, were you dead?"

Sara runs off to beat the everliving crap out of Laurel.


Yeah, I'd watch that.

  • Love 6

I've decided that, for me, the only really satisfying conclusion to him still not knowing would be for Sara to come back from the dead and show up at his door to let him know she's alive again, but he has to keep it a secret from everyone else.


I love this theory best of all!!


Sara killed Sara. The body is some Sara clone (or cyborg) gone rogue and for reasons she had to fake her death and keep it secret.


I know  said i would accept a lot to get Tommy back, but I'd accept more to get Sara back.

  • Love 4

Yeah, this was that crazy theory I was trying not to think too much about earlier in the season, but also not entirely willing to let go. My dream would be that Sara had to fake her death for some reason, preferably in league with Nyssa, so that they could both get free. But I don't believe she would let Laurel and Quentin (and Dinah) go through that again, unless their safety would be threatened, maybe?

  • Love 1

She had mirakuru in her system, I tell you.  Someone's going to go and visit her grave and find a big ole' hole in the ground where her body used to be.  She clawed her way out of that damn pine box and is conveniently waiting until Laurel suits up to show up and reclaim her rightful spot as BC.  (I will also accept a DoppelSara situation if we can't go with the mirakuru plot).

  • Love 1

This is totally off topic from what is currently being discussed, but its all soft and snow globe-y outside my house right and so I blame this on that. But I really want a special Christmasy-Hanukkah-Holiday episode of Arrow. An episode that really emphasizes family, the you are born with and the family you find. Something with a lot of heart that ends with Team Arrow and their respective loved ones (Lyla/Sara, Thea) just taking the night off to have dinner with twinkling lights and Bing Crosby playing in the background. 


It would probably never happen on a show like Arrow, but I just really love those kind of episodes.

  • Love 5

This is totally off topic from what is currently being discussed, but its all soft and snow globe-y outside my house right and so I blame this on that. But I really want a special Christmasy-Hanukkah-Holiday episode of Arrow. An episode that really emphasizes family, the you are born with and the family you find. Something with a lot of heart that ends with Team Arrow and their respective loved ones (Lyla/Sara, Thea) just taking the night off to have dinner with twinkling lights and Bing Crosby playing in the background. 


It would probably never happen on a show like Arrow, but I just really love those kind of episodes.


You just reminded me of this video: Arrow - Let It Snow

The way How I Met Your Mother ended makes be fear this.  Sometimes show runners will stick to their original plan long after it doesn't make sense anymore.  I'm hoping Arrow will end up more like Dawson's Creek where the writers realize the original plan has to be adjusted.   What happened to Sara has made me lose trust with the writers.  Discarding Sara when she worked so well makes me worried about who else could get eliminated.


I'm not afraid of a HIMYM ending, it's only shows surviving long enough and on networks caring less about online audience (with enough overall live ratings) who can pull this off. I doubt Arrow will survive more than 6 seasons. But that doesn't mean I don't fear the ending to be as infuriating then HIMYM for different reasons.




Ray Palmer

Merlyn (for real)

(gasp!) Felicity.


Am i the only one who think Diggle will leave at the end of the season ? Not being killed, but leaving. 

Am i the only one who think Diggle will leave at the end of the season ? Not being killed, but leaving.



No, you're not, because I thought the whole reason for the kid was (potentially) an excuse for him to leave. Or at the very least to diminish his on screen time. In fact, if I were to guess I'd say Diggle is, in the eyes of the EP's, one of the most expendable characters. They can't do more than an episode or two without Oliver (and even that might be pushing it) because he is the star. Felicity seems to be one of their selling points and they paid Barrowman a lot of money so it's likely Malcolm isn't going anywhere. Laurel is getting a big push, like it or not, and while Roy doesn't always have a lot to do I think they want to get their moneys worth out of his costume. That really just leaves Diggle and Quentin.

  • Love 1

I hate to say it but I've been thinking Diggle might leave too. Just the way they've written him so far this season. He's barely in scenes and when he is he's in the background more for reaction shots than anything. Lumping him with a baby was a big mistake but the extra focus on Laurel this season has pushed the other characters aside. And with Roy now firmly in the suited-up role of sidekick, Diggle is out in the cold. I'm pretty worried about it because if Diggle goes, the show is not the same for me.

Yeah, I have no worries about John Diggle. That character is beloved in the Arrow world, both TV and comics. They're going to be stupid insane if they touch him. If moving him in a poster created that much backlash, can you imagine the wrath that will rain down on the show if they drop him? So, yeah, no worries :)

My concern isn't that they would kill off of Diggle, my concern is that he will be placed in the 'Sage' role. A character to pop up and offer some wisdom every now and then, but be removed from the action. With Roy as a partner and now Laurel needing a babysitter, I'm concerned about that.

  • Love 3

Well, maybe it's time to present my grand unifying Season 3 wishful thinking theory, as it does involve my man John Diggle and how I would like his role to develop.


So, in the present day, we're dealing with the LoA/Ras al Ghul as our overarching Big Bad. In the flashbacks, we have ARGUS/Amanda Waller forcing Oliver to be an assassin for them. Amanda and Ras seem to share certain values--the whole is more important than the individual; the ends justify the means; a general amorality.


Details of how this all shakes out aside, what I would love for the end of this season is for Oliver to defeat both of these foes in the present day. Ras is defeated and the LoA is disbanded. Maybe Nyssa can determine which of its members should be brought into the fold and which should be imprisoned. And then, Amanda is removed from power at ARGUS, and the whole organization cleaned up. Perhaps Lyla can take over that job.


Then I want Team Arrow and its associates to basically become their own task force, with Diggle at the head as the tactical and administrative leader. He can be the liaison between the Arrow task force and ARGUS: getting the missions or relaying that info to ARGUS, determining the approach and the "resources" required, etc., while also remaining an active operative of Task Force Arrow. It would mean he was getting paid to do a job worthy of him, using every aspect of his skills, protecting national security.


Then I want Oliver's identity to be revealed within the government/law enforcement on a need-to-know basis, so that he's not in danger of legal action against him for his work as the Arrow. I don't want him publicly unmasked because that changes too much about the show, but it would ease some parts of his life if the things he does are sanctioned, and it would be nice, in a Class Protector Award way, if he could receive some recognition of his service to people. This would also parallel nicely with the premiere, and Lance announcing the end of the anti-vigilante brigade.


What Task Force Arrow would do is allow some missions/cases to be handled by people other than Oliver. By Roy, by Thea, by the Suicide Squad, by now-freed members of the LoA, by Barry and anyone else who is spun off of this show. We don't need to see those missions on Arrow all the time, but we would know they were happening, and Oliver could move on with having a balanced life if he had that level of support and backup in place. It's basically moving toward a Justice League without actually calling it that yet, or infringing on what's happening on the other shows.

  • Love 5


I was wondering... one of those off-beat episodes which some shows love to do where all the characters show up in a sort of alternate reality

Quoting Ceylon5 on the Spoilers thread:


I was dreaming about this last night. I wish they would do an alternate reality episode, maybe a 1920s Egyptian archaeology adventure (magical artifacts!), a 1930s hard-boiled P.I. noir, a 1960s Bond-esque spy yarn or a 1970s European thriller. Ra's al Ghul could feature in all of them, as could Sara and Tommy. Gave it a lot of thought ;)


It's a comic book show so TPTB could make it happen. If wishes were horses...


My crazy theory is that I've been going on the theory that the show often groups Oliver with male/female pairs in all his stories: Tommy/Laurel, Shado (Sara)/Slade, Tatsu/Maseo, Thea/Roy, Moira/Walter(Malcolm) and Diggle/Felicity.

So far in each pairing at least one dies with the other going nuts or dying or being written out as well- Tommy (dead), Laurel (breakdown), Slade (crazy), Shado and Sara (dead), Moira (dead), Malcolm (presumed dead/crazy).

The male/female pairings left that are on deck to implode this season are Tatsu/Maseo, Thea/Roy and Diggle/Felicity.

Pretty sure the Maseo/Tatsu are doomed in the past so that leaves Thea/Roy or Diggle/Felicity as the pairs to have something destructive happen. No way they ditch Felicity or Thea since they're a love interest and a sister respectively so that leaves Roy or Diggle. They're not repeating a Mirakuru break with Roy so....Diggle's up for sacrificing death or fleeing with Lyla and baby from ARGUS or some other thing to break up the trio.

My other wild speculation is that IF Tommy is alive and killed Sara, it's because he's a brainwashed agent of Waller(or she put a bomb in his head like with the Suicide Squad) and this whole HK story we're seeing of how Oliver was trained/used by her is the same way Tommy was recruited and broken. I don't think it was an accident that Tommy was in an episode involving Sara's death and the rabid hunt for her killer and Waller putting a hit out on Oliver to test his mettle. Waller may have kept Tommy on her radar for any number of reasons: a pawn against Oliver, a tool against Malcolm to ultimately get to Ra's, or some unknown reason. Sara was taken out the same reason why Waller wanted Oliver to take out Tommy- because she was close to compromising a mission that Waller had going. It wasn't personal necessarily- Waller was looking at the bigger picture- but given that Sara had a shady bloody past as an assassin who probably killed innocent people herself, Waller wasn't gonna lose sleep over taking her out. And like with Oliver, Tommy killing Sara was a test of his loyalties. If he could take down the sister of his former lover then he's well under Waller's control.

If Waller is behind Sara's death and/or Tommy's brainwashing Oliver needs to put an arrow through her eye but good.

  • Love 1

With the speculation that Oliver might not be around for a few episodes (because of Stephen Amell's light filming schedule) and how in this week's episode Oliver learned about how to send coded messages, I wonder if he won't go missing and then send a message to Felicity? She's already been through believing that someone she loved/cared about was dead, so he doesn't want to put her through that again. So off he goes either by choice or against his will, and he lets Team Arrow know that he's alive/okay by a coded message. 


We know that the theme of the season for him is "is he Oliver Queen or the Arrow" and maybe he chooses to be The Arrow in the finale and disappear to figure out who killed Sara. But he somehow decides that no, he wants to be Oliver Queen too- so he sends a message? 


Because I'm wondering why they had Oliver learn about how to code a message in a picture if there won't be brought back up again later. 

  • Love 3

I like the coded message idea, but if Oliver is off wherever, I hope they don't really believe he's dead. Because I can't take another (however many) episodes of the team in mourning. I think they'll all be sad/tense enough with him gone, whether it's voluntary or involuntary. I hope we don't have a presumed death as well.

  • Love 1

You know that list of convicts in the season premier? I sort of wish that it wasn't put on the backburner just so the team can find Sara's killer. I mean right now I have a feeling that they just twiddle their thumbs in between episodes and not really do any work. I sort of wish that they would've pursued that list, and weave in developments to finding Sara's killer to that episode and not making it the main point. 


I also wish that Laurel wasn't so up front and center because even NOW her arc is still tangential to Oliver's arc. It's just grating because I feel like the show came to a screeching halt in terms of development in order for Laurel to catch up. I'd much rather see her develop in the background and then when she's ready, put her in the middle of the episode (mid season maybe?). 


This way, there would be much room for Team Arrow and focus on the changing dynamics within the team. 

  • Love 4

I just had a trope-ific idea... What if Oliver returns after his absence changed? Like brainwashed (clishe!) by the LoA, under a different name [The Dark Arrow] and not aware that the people he is supposed to kill are his friends...


And then a young vigilantee, Black Canary, tries to fight him, and he breaks her arm and throws her off the roof...


Sorry, i got carried away by Dark!Oliver brainwashed by Ra'S.

Hmm I do think Oliver will returned changed, but not in the brainwashed sense. More in a "I know who I am and what I want" sense. He'll probably come to some life changing realisations when he's away (as we assume) and have a new lease on life concerning family, love, and his identity. Or I hope so because I don't want to see more dark Oliver.

Make it happen writers.

  • Love 1

And then a young vigilantee, Black Canary, tries to fight him, and he breaks her arm and throws her off the roof...


Hmm.  Yes, I quite like this part of your idea.


There has been some speculation that maybe Laurel is actually going the villain route.  But I have to wonder, what do they do with her then?  KC doesn't have the charisma of John Barrowman or Manu Bennett, so I can't imagine her being a series-long bad guy.  Does she go bad and then end up dead? Does she become a villain but then goes back to being a good guy?  I mean, this gives Laurel something to do for a while, but where do we go from there? 

KC doesn't have the charisma of John Barrowman or Manu Bennett, so I can't imagine her being a series-long bad guy.  Does she go bad and then end up dead? Does she become a villain but then goes back to being a good guy?  I mean, this gives Laurel something to do for a while, but where do we go from there?


Just a hare-brained idea, but I think it would be fun if Bad!Tommy were to come back, and as a couple, Bad!Tommy and Bad!Laurel teamed up to take out an ever-expanding circle of people who'd done them wrong. They could be on a quest for Righteous Revenge, S1 "The Hood" style, but of course crazy and misguided because they're crazy and misguided.


Also, the picture in pride of place on Bad!Tommy's dart board would probably be Malcolm Merlyn. If Tommy were to have a simmering quasi-vendetta against Malcolm, that would probably run Tommy/Laurel right up against Malcolm/Thea, too. I don't think that any of the Merlyns would actually murder each other (on purpose), though (Laurel's a wildcard imo) -- but I think that them not wanting to actually murder each other would actually make it work well as a relatively long-term "nemesis" kind of arrangement.


Of course, Team Arrow's loyalties would be divided all over the place.


That feud could also lead to Bad!Tommy/Bad!Laurel + LoA* going after Malcom/Thea + Waller & Co**. That could be a pretty major showdown, which would be fun. (I guess I'm thinking of an "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" kind of thing with that one!).


*LoA has an issue with Malcolm, and I'm wondering if Thea is going to be Sara's killer in order to force Thea more toward the center of the conflict.

**In my imaginary version of Arrow, I would think that Waller would have a problem with Tommy similar to the problem that LoA has with Malcolm -- they trained him, he turned against him, etc (that kind of thing).

Hopes this season:


Now that there's a baby in the mix, we need the obligatory moment where Felicity holds the baby and Oliver lovingly admires her from a distance as he imagines her someday holding their baby (or Felicity can admire Oliver as he holds the baby...whichever).  We kind of had a moment like that in the hospital when baby Sara was born, but that moment was so sad and seemed more like it was about Oliver realizing that he could never have that life!


There needs to be some sort of gala that requires Oliver to wear a tux (because suspenders!  This is where I would insert the gif if I knew how to do that).  I don't care, they can even make it some Ray Palmer event that Oliver just so happens to be invited to.  Oliver can ask Felicity to dance and tell her how beautiful she looks.  Sigh.


Finally, Oliver and Felicity need to rip each other's clothes off this season.  Make it happen, show!  

  • Love 7

There needs to be some sort of gala that requires Oliver to wear a tux (because suspenders!  This is where I would insert the gif if I knew how to do that).  I don't care, they can even make it some Ray Palmer event that Oliver just so happens to be invited to.  Oliver can ask Felicity to dance and tell her how beautiful she looks.  Sigh.


I definitely want an Oliver/Felicity dance scene like the one Pacey/Joey had at the anti-prom in Dawson's Creek. I was hoping that there'd be a holiday party in 3x09 (like seasons one and two) so that O/F could have an excuse to dance but I'm not sure if that's happening this year. Angsty dancing is my favorite :)




You're welcome ;)

Edited by drspaceman10
  • Love 7

I definitely want an Oliver/Felicity dance scene like the one Pacey/Joey had at the anti-prom in Dawson's Creek.

If Oliver and Felicity had an "I remember everything" moment? I don't think my heart could take it.

The "it was red" was close, but that dance...yeah. I would be done (in the good way).

Edited by apinknightmare
  • Love 3

Thank you for the reminder @drspaceman10 (and @SonofaBiscuit)! Oliver + suspenders = hotness


Next time the bowtie needs to be around his neck & undone and Felicity needs to be in scene. 


I think I'll play too, if I have to put up with a love triangle then there are certain tropes I expect to see:


  • Slow dancing (with intense eye sex)
  • Return of the Olicity theme music
  • The baby holding/longing looks that @SonofaBiscuit brought up (otherwise what is the point of a baby on the show)
  • Shirtless Oliver and appreciative (or hot and bothered) Felicity and vice versa
  • Strangers and Mama Smoak telling them about what a great pair they make
  • Forced to pretend to be couple/married/lovers other undercover capers
  • Protecting each other from baddies 
  • Swinging around together (more of that please!)
  • A proper "I love you"
  • A gift exchange for Hanukkah/Christmas


They are giving Ray the Company and company related scenes, being inside Felicity's apartment, meeting Mama Smoak first, "funny" dialogue, shirtlessness, salmon ladder, jewellery giving, I wonder if they will have more than 1/8 of a date as well.


I think I would cope better with the love triangle if I was enjoying other aspects of the show more.


Or there can be no triangle and they can organically build towards the relationship, I'm OK with that too!

  • Love 5


  • The baby holding/longing looks that @SonofaBiscuit brought up (otherwise what is the point of a baby on the show)
  • Shirtless Oliver and appreciative (or hot and bothered) Felicity and vice vers




I say we combine the two and have a shirtless Oliver hold the baby. 

  • Love 6

How about Oliver gets hurt (cracked ribs), and after an entire season of no physical contact, she has to wrap some bandages real tight around his abs.


I second the gift exchange.  If that doesn't happen, I hope that Oliver at least remembers to wish Felicity a Happy Hanukkah.  You just know that she's probably going to have plans with Ray, though.


Felicity's been doing a lot of crying this year.  Oliver can wipe away the tears like Hook did for Emma over on OUaT.  Aww, that was so sweet. 

  • Love 2

I want a scene of simple domesticity, like them cooking or eating or watching TV or just talking about something which is not mission related, something personal and deep.

I also want Oliver to get her coffee.

We have seen Felicity tending Oliver's wounds, if Felicity gets injured, I would like Oliver to create fuss and take care of her.

Felicity should be the one undoing the bowtie.  Yes, please.


She should be undoing a lot more than the bowtie; shirt buttons and cufflinks for starters ....

  • Love 4
A gift exchange for Hanukkah/Christmas


At least in my experience (though YMMV) the gift exchange for (Jewish) adults usually happens on New Year's, and that's the bigger family celebration day. People maybe get together for Xmas (dinner, movie, etc) but gifts aren't usually exchanged, and unless there are kids involved, Hanukkah isn't a big deal and adults don't really get together for it. Maybe you light the Menorah and make some latkas and applesauce for dinner one of the nights, but it's really low-key. Tbh, if you're actually going to celebrate it with people, Hanukkah's about good fortune, so ime it's not unusual to do things like play dreidel for gelt or to play other games as the big "event" of the evening. It would be fun imo if Felicity did something like invited everyone over for an Eighth Night poker tournament, but with gelt instead of chips, though ;).


Whenever Felicity being Jewish comes up, I always think about how there's at least a teeny tiny silver lining to Moira dying before Olicity could happen. I'm sure they would have played Moira as being ~totally okay~ with it, because they even played her as ~totally okay~ with Thea dating Roy, the unemployed orphan who Thea met while he was stealing her purse, but ibr there is just no way that Moira wouldn't be spinning in her grave like a fucking dreidel herself at Olicity. Not just for that reason, but I'm sure that wouldn't help!

I'm hoping for a morning-after scene after the first time they make love. Just quietly cuddling, maybe Oliver is playing with Felicity's hair. Or him watching her sleep, a small smile playing on his lips and it gets wider when she wakes up. I don't think we've ever really gotten that with Oliver and any of his exes and I'm really hoping the writers remember that and give us that scene. They skip quiet beats like that, but I think that will drive home that Oliver and Felicity are different and this relationship is for keeps. I don't think we're going to get Oliver and Felicity making love anytime soon; the show will probably want to stretch out the angst for an entire season, maybe even next. But there's a tiny but loud part of me that thinks the writers will try to pull a surprise and we'll see them do the horizontal tango ;) I just hope when it actually happens, "Arrow" doesn't rush it.

Edited by SmallScreenDiva
  • Love 4

 don't think we've ever really gotten that with Oliver and any of his exes and I'm really hoping the writers remember that and give us that scene. 

If I recall correctly, every time Oliver had a 'morning after' scene, it was interrupted by Felicity calling him to do Arrow things.  (The one exception was with Helena who got up herself to go kill.)


I think it would be fitting to have Oliver be there for Felicity when she wakes up.

  • Love 2

If I recall correctly, every time Oliver had a 'morning after' scene, it was interrupted by Felicity calling him to do Arrow things. (The one exception was with Helena who got up herself to go kill.)

I think it would be fitting to have Oliver be there for Felicity when she wakes up.

His season 1 post sex slumber with Laurel was cut short by a call from Diggle and technically, Felicity did not interrupt it with McKenna, she was just held up and then tied by Helena.

The way this season is going for me, I will accept nothing less than a jump over to HBO territory. I want inappropriate TV-MA.


The current time sex scenes with Oliver and the Lances have always been a bit awkward,for me, which is hilarious because the CW knows how to do sex scenes. But I think Arrow could do really hot Olicity. Come on show..I believe in you.


I really want the morning after scenes, also angst free thankyouverymuch!!


And OMG kiss in the rain damn you!!!!!

And Oliver watering the fern!!!


Lol!! I'm obsessed with NOT getting my hair wet, so this never works for me, but I respect it is a classic.

Just happened on the Vampire Diaries this week, apparently this took 5 seasons since the fans started hoping for it.


They need to explain why the fern changes pots this week...

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