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Spoilers and Speculation: Clink Boom and Cheese Fondue

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Remember when Guza blew shit up for sweeps or had monkeys with viruses or train wrecks, literally and figuratively?

I miss that right now.

I would take a month day right about know.

So, is TJ, Valerie, Pip or Brad getting shot and/or killed in the crossfire? Probably TJ, because he's gotten his life together off screen. GH knows how to play those emotional beats.

I'm going to stay on the barge.

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I would take a month day right about know.

So, is TJ, Valerie, Pip or Brad getting shot and/or killed in the crossfire? Probably TJ, because he's gotten his life together off screen. GH knows how to play those emotional beats.

I'm going to stay on the barge.

It will be Kiki. The BC emmy train has got to keep chugging!

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I would take a month day right about know.

So, is TJ, Valerie, Pip or Brad getting shot and/or killed in the crossfire? Probably TJ, because he's gotten his life together off screen. GH knows how to play those emotional beats.

I'm going to stay on the barge.

Add Morgan to the mix…I dunno if he's getting shot or taking a shot (that wildly misses because he is Sonny's son), but bullets are in his future.

If Morgan doesn't get shot, Kiki does while taking Avery to feed the ducks at the "Everyone Gets Shot Here" pier late at night…as you do.

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Add Morgan to the mix…I dunno if he's getting shot or taking a shot (that wildly misses because he is Sonny's son), but bullets are in his future.

If Morgan doesn't get shot, Kiki does while taking Avery to feed the ducks at the "Everyone Gets Shot Here" pier late at night…as you do.

I think Morgeypoo is going to shadybrook for week.

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Remember when Guza blew shit up for sweeps or had monkeys with viruses or train wrecks, literally and figuratively?


I miss that right now.


I do, too. I mean those kind of sweeps stunts can be legitimately good and/or they can be amazing UCG so either way I win. 


Plus this show just desperately needs an event that can easily wipe out like half of the town anyway.

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I do, too. I mean those kind of sweeps stunts can be legitimately good and/or they can be amazing UCG so either way I win. 


Plus this show just desperately needs an event that can easily wipe out like half of the town anyway.



Fuck, I would kill off some many people if given the chance. I don't even need a whole sweeps period just give me one episode. 

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Half the town would be wiped out and Franco would survive - like cockroaches after the Apocalypse.

Then, he and Jake would set off on a journey to find survivors - kill them and make shitty art out of it

Edited by Oracle42
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I'm one who never cared about Guza's stunts for sweeps. I did like that they were mostly umbrella stories, but they almost always focused the majority of the airtime on characters I wasn't interested in . I also felt that with a few exceptions, the sweeps stunts lacked heart. It was all slick surface action(which is great if you're watching an action drama, not so great for a genre that's supposed to be relationship centered). I will forever love Guza for the hotel fire, though-the only sweeps where I felt he really wrung true emotion out of the situations.

I still get teary at some of the reunions-Tracy and her boys. Emily's face when the hotel roof collapsed with Nikolas on it. Alexis confessing to Carly that Sonny was Kristina's real father.

Good stuff. That's what this show should be giving us on a regular basis, not just sweeps.

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Hell, I fondly remember the GH fire and Matt HILARIOUSLY yelling, "Noooooooooooooooooooo!!" when Leyla bit it. I don't think he even KNEW her. Come to think of it, did they just let her body burn to ash as everyone escaped? LOL!

Nothing beats the train crash when Reese died and everyone proceeded to ignore and/or step over her body for the next 10 episodes. Good stuff.

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So apparently, in SID, there's some stuff about this new doctor and he apparently has a "troubled past" that Sonny understands and creates a bond between them.


...well, there goes any interest I had in that character!

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See, Patrick WAS good for something. He and Tracy- Lifetime Members of the Sonny Haters Club.

As far as the new doctor, UGH I agree. Might as well change the show to Everybody Loves Sonny. *pops Excedrin*


Scotty is also a card carrying member of the We Hate Sonny Club.  Scotty, swoon!


And as far as Dr. Munro is concerned, if he wants to score some points with me, he better reveal a saucy history with Lucas sooner than later. #showinmyhead

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At this point, I think the audience would settle for a story with an actual build up, climax, and end. The only stories that end these days are when an actor cries "uncle!" and leaves (TG, JT).

Everything else is people arguing about the same thing forever and ever ... or a long chain of retaliatory murders in which nobody ever actually stays in jail. The lingering boredom is still better than Ron's merry spree of kidnapping, torture and character destruction. But there is no actual story here!

Edited by SlovakPrincess
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So apparently, in SID, there's some stuff about this new doctor and he apparently has a "troubled past" that Sonny understands and creates a bond between them.


...well, there goes any interest I had in that character!

I bet some bitchslutwhoretramp did him wrong once too. Or they bond over how good it feels to throw barware/fuck relatives' SOs/have dimples.

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Except it's always the wrong half.


You got me there! 


So apparently, in SID, there's some stuff about this new doctor and he apparently has a "troubled past" that Sonny understands and creates a bond between them.




I need to give this show up and start watching Days already. Why do I continue to put myself through this? GH really is like an abusive boyfriend.

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I think I like laughing at it the most. Or maybe it's the good times GH and I used to have. Every time I try to leave, GH is like oh baby I'll change... and I'm so stupid. I believe it. I tell myself no, don't GH is lying. Sigh. But even though I try I can't let go.

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From SZ, SOD recap:

-S&C: Sonny is more involved in the arms deal than he lets on. Main mission is to get Avery. Arms exchange goes wrong and PC residents are caught in cross-fire(Me: SHOCKED, I tell you, SHOCKED!) After gun battle Carly has a crisis of conscience about violence associated with Sonny (Me: um, this isn't new hon) She knows this is how it goes but it hits close to home

-Julexis: Finally get hitched but drama swirls amidst nuptials

-Anna/Paul/Robert: Anna/Paul continue cat and mouse game. Paul makes shocking confession. Robert remains on case to find clues about CarrrrrrrrrrrrrlosSob.

-Nayden: They have taken their relationship to the next level despite mutual distrust. We learn more about Hayden's past, as does Nikolas

-Morgan: Goes off his meds, leads to manic episode with 'major consequences' S&C have to make the hardest decisions ever



My theory is that Morgan decides to secretly help Sonny by trying to shoot either Julian and/or Ava but misses and hits someone, maybe Krissy instead.

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My theory is that Morgan decides to secretly help Sonny by trying to shoot either Julian and/or Ava but misses and hits someone, maybe Krissy instead.


Or Lauren? They've been spending a lot of time together, with Lauren blathering on about how proud she is of Morgan getting his life together.


I am 100 percent sure it will be a woman.

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My theory is that Morgan decides to secretly help Sonny by trying to shoot either Julian and/or Ava but misses and hits someone, maybe Krissy instead.


I'm terrified that said someone else would end up being Lucas, because it would cause upset on both sides.

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Isn't it interesting that the only time Carly gives a shit about Sonny's violence is when it "hits close to home?"  And even then it only last for five minutes.


So will the difficult decision they have to make with Morgan is whether to put him down or not? 

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Can someone just like, PM me the details if they ever wrap that shit with Brad and Rosalie up? Thanks. The last I heard it was something about witness protection or some nonsense? In September? It didn't even make any sense, it was so ridiculous.

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I think if it had been dropped, they would have had Brad and Rosalie successfully divorce off-screen.  They seem to want to do something with it, although part of me thinks it's there just so they can keep the gays in limbo indefinitely.

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Spoilers for next week, the usual boring crap: http://tvsourcemagazine.com/2016/01/general-hospital-spoilers-february-1-2016-edition/


Clues will begin to drop as to what's really behind Jake's behavior.


...is this supposed to be a mystery?  Isn't it obvious that "what's really behind Jake's behavior" is his years on Cassadine Island?


Mac and Felicia come to Robert and Anna's rescue.


Again, !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


It also sounds like the show is going full speed ahead with the idea that Nikolas is some innocent lamb and that Rebecca Budig is so mean and evil for betraying his trust.  HE TRIED TO HAVE HER KILLED!

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Spoilers for next week, the usual boring crap: http://tvsourcemagazine.com/2016/01/general-hospital-spoilers-february-1-2016-edition/

...is this supposed to be a mystery? Isn't it obvious that "what's really behind Jake's behavior" is his years on Cassadine Island?

That should be fairly obvious. Then again, this is GH...

Again, !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

They valiantly escaped the vet closet?

It's a shame Robert, Anna, Mac, and Felicia aren't given the same coverage that the Corinthis mob gets.

It also sounds like the show is going full speed ahead with the idea that Nikolas is some innocent lamb and that Rebecca Budig is so mean and evil for betraying his trust. HE TRIED TO HAVE HER KILLED!

Which, according to Sonny rules of logic, makes him the good guy.

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On #showinmyhead, Felicia flies her and Mac to the rescue in the invisible jet she used to fly to Paris to babysit Emma off-screen.  Then Mac comes barreling in and starts wailing on people with an umbrella like Colin Firth in "Kingsman: The Secret Service".

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