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Spoilers and Speculation: Clink Boom and Cheese Fondue

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I'll say.  Two whole sentences about the GH: Espionage. Stuck under the "Also This Week" heading.


What do TPTB think caused the fan enthusiasm of the fall and early winter of 2013?  Are they that out of touch and tone deaf? 


I thought I had low expectations for this little mini-story that barely gets 4 minutes of airtime an episode. I was wrong.  They're almost at the point where they'll just have Tristan do a voice-over "after the fact" 2-minute narrative as to how they rescued Robin and escaped.

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That site makes me laugh.  I went back and read a few entries, and they are so off it's not funny.  This is my favorite part of that entry:



Even when Sam tried to kiss him, he rejected her despite knowing that she was his wife.


Yes because that's exactly what happened onscreen.  Or not.  First of all she didn't try to kiss him.  They DID kiss.  And it was pretty mutual.


That site always sounds like it pulls *rumors and certain spoilers from a bunch of different sites and just makes up what it wants, as long as it's pro Liason.  Which is fine if it was accurate.  But it hardly ever is.


*Case in point, they reference Sam confessing her misdeeds to Jason, which was what some fans were speculating was her confession to him....but it isn't.  Her confession is that she still loves him.  There was never any concrete spoilers that Sam's confession was Jake related, so yeah.....they get their "spoilers" from fan speculation.  Sooo dumb.

Edited by mybabyaidan
  • Love 6

What do TPTB think caused the fan enthusiasm of the fall and early winter of 2013?  Are they that out of touch and tone deaf? 


I thought I had low expectations for this little mini-story that barely gets 4 minutes of airtime an episode. I was wrong.  They're almost at the point where they'll just have Tristan do a voice-over "after the fact" 2-minute narrative as to how they rescued Robin and escaped.



1. That's a rhetorical question, right?


2. I'd listen to that, because I love how Tristan's been able to retain his Aussie Accent all those years.  


Like I posted in the episode thread, the reason why the first Scorpio Espionage Arc was good was because they had time and spent most of it, laying it out and giving us a good story: of where Robin was...Robert finally waking from his coma, and Robert and Anna going to rescue Robin, the reunion, etc.  You had Kimberly committed to a six month contract and I can't recall how long Tristan's was, three? Either way, it was more than two days to shoot stuff that will elongate over 10 days, with barely enough substance, except ooh! Paddy realizes he's still in love with Robin, kiss, kiss, wakey wakey, and let's take Emma and live HEA. And that's how his 10 year stay is ended.

  • Love 4



1. That's a rhetorical question, right?


2. I'd listen to that, because I love how Tristan's been able to retain his Aussie Accent all those years.  


Like I posted in the episode thread, the reason why the first Scorpio Espionage Arc was good was because they had time and spent most of it, laying it out and giving us a good story: of where Robin was...Robert finally waking from his coma, and Robert and Anna going to rescue Robin, the reunion, etc.  You had Kimberly committed to a six month contract and I can't recall how long Tristan's was, three? Either way, it was more than two days to shoot stuff that will elongate over 10 days, with barely enough substance, except ooh! Paddy realizes he's still in love with Robin, kiss, kiss, wakey wakey, and let's take Emma and live HEA. And that's how his 10 year stay is ended.


Sadly, it could be so much worse. It could have been Patrick walking away into the fog while he leaves Robin a note. Not that I am saying fans should just accept crappiness cause it could be even crappier. But I'm just glad they get out in one piece.

  • Love 8

Sadly, it could be so much worse. It could have been Patrick walking away into the fog while he leaves Robin a note. Not that I am saying fans should just accept crappiness cause it could be even crappier. But I'm just glad they get out in one piece.


I doubt it. Patrick just wasn't an important character for them.  And please! Leave a note for Robin? She'd be a hostage forever. These two are sooo on the bottom of the totem pole of characters they care about or give a shit about. I'm shocked that they decided to give Patrick a brain at the end.

  • Love 3

I'm not complaining at all. I KNOW, shocking! Hee. It's fast and the writing sucks, but since when was anything award-winning or done right on this show? Seriously. To have any sort of expectations for anything is a waste of time, IMO. Liz, for example, is now being compared to Dr. O and Franco on this show. Need I say more?

Kimberly didn't have to come back for this. But she did for herself, for Jason, for the fans. And this isn't even just about Patrick's ending. It's Robin's. After YEARS in captivity, since 2012, SHE deserves this ending. SHE should get her family back. SHE should be happy. HEA's are rare in soaps. It never happens. Someone either dies or just leaves town or whatever. Or it's like when "Rebecca" left and she met up with Lookalike Zander. I'm shocked Frank allowed this ending. Kim and JT must have kissed his ass for months.

  • Love 9

Happy endings do not last long for Robin.  She will be off crusading for "truth, justice, and her idea of the American way" leaving her family once again.  The show can always recast Patrick Drake if need be. 


I would love to see Sam have a nervous breakdown once she truly realizes that she is the blame for Patrick's departure.  Let her choke on "Jason deserves to know the truth."    I just cannot stand the character. 


Are there any "good, law abiding" characters on the show any more?  I can't think of any.  Maybe they should rename the show to reflect the attitude of bad guys/villains/liars, etc. deserve happiness, especially at the expense of others. 

Happy endings do not last long for Robin.  She will be off crusading for "truth, justice, and her idea of the American way" leaving her family once again.  The show can always recast Patrick Drake if need be. 




I can't just agree with the part I bolded. Because Robin never left her family. Well, not by choice anyway.  I hope Kimberly never comes back. She deserves/deserved SO MUCH better than how the show runners (Frank) treated her.

  • Love 14

I would love to see Sam have a nervous breakdown once she truly realizes that she is the blame for Patrick's departure.

The only thing Sam should be devastated about is that she's worn the same tight ass suffocating jeans for two weeks. Patrick, with his brain and balls that he retrieved from Sam's purse, is happily leaving with his family, as he should.

  • Love 5

I would love to see Sam have a nervous breakdown once she truly realizes that she is the blame for Patrick's departure.  Let her choke on "Jason deserves to know the truth."    I just cannot stand the character. 


I assume Sam forced Patrick to leave by threatening Emma off screen.

  • Love 3

Why would that cause a breakdown anyway?

She didn't have one when she thought Franco raped her, when she thought her child died, or when her husband died - but she's going to have one over Patrick reuniting with Robin? Not unless the lunatics at CDL start writing GH

Edited by Oracle42
  • Love 11

Why would that cause a breakdown anyway?

She didn't have one when she thought Franco raped her, when she thought her child died, or when her husband died - but she's going to have one over Patrick reuniting with Robin? Not unless the lunatics at CDL start writing GH

But ... But ... She has to. There are only a handful of plots they like to use on this insane hamster wheel of a show: ladies going mental, ladies having babies, murder because of mafia, murder because of insane cartoony villian, or kidnapping.

I guess she hasn't been kidnapped recently? That could be an alternate option.

  • Love 4


Like I posted in the episode thread, the reason why the first Scorpio Espionage Arc was good was because they had time and spent most of it, laying it out and giving us a good story: of where Robin was...Robert finally waking from his coma, and Robert and Anna going to rescue Robin, the reunion, etc.  You had Kimberly committed to a six month contract and I can't recall how long Tristan's was, three? Either way, it was more than two days to shoot stuff that will elongate over 10 days, with barely enough substance, except ooh! Paddy realizes he's still in love with Robin, kiss, kiss, wakey wakey, and let's take Emma and live HEA. And that's how his 10 year stay is ended.


It is really beginning to remind of how the ext of the character of Marty was handled in OLTL.  She went from crazy obsessed psycho to an HEA wth her husband Patrick* in the space of like a week.  Same here with Patrick - in the space of a few days, he's gone from being all about Sam, the Most Beautiful Woman He's Ever Seen, to being All About Robin.  No attempt to smooth the transition at all.

  • Love 3

It is really beginning to remind of how the ext of the character of Marty was handled in OLTL. She went from crazy obsessed psycho to an HEA wth her husband Patrick* in the space of like a week. Same here with Patrick - in the space of a few days, he's gone from being all about Sam, the Most Beautiful Woman He's Ever Seen, to being All About Robin. No attempt to smooth the transition at all.

I've decided that Hells programmed Patrick like she did Lucky, except instead of "Protect your Queen" activating the programming, something Emma said broke the programming, and now Patrick is back to his real self.

Edited by Tiger
  • Love 5

But ... But ... She has to. There are only a handful of plots they like to use on this insane hamster wheel of a show: ladies going mental, ladies having babies, murder because of mafia, murder because of insane cartoony villian, or kidnapping.

I guess she hasn't been kidnapped recently? That could be an alternate option.


Ladies in peril is probably a good bet

I've decided that Hells programmed Patrick like she did Lucky, except instead of "Protect your Queen" activating the programming, something Emma said broke the programming, and now Patrick is back to his real self.

Emma said, "No more girlfriends! I wish it was always you and mommy!" And Patrick was like, "Beep, berp, beep...Original Patrick Drake Activated."

  • Love 10


I'm starting to wonder, if this out of nowhere Franco /Liz friendship is them simply erasing Patrick's name and putting in Franco's with a few tweeks.

You know if they bring Fasion on for like ten minutes with Heather and he goes "Eh Your Mother had me hypnotize you and all the staff at your prison for reasons. You have never been Franco, Franco was killed by Jason Morgan. You are Steven Lars. Now stop kissing your sister that is disgusting even in my eyes"   I could live with it.

  • Love 1

You know if they bring Fasion on for like ten minutes with Heather and he goes "Eh Your Mother had me hypnotize you and all the staff at your prison for reasons. You have never been Franco, Franco was killed by Jason Morgan. You are Steven Lars. Now stop kissing your sister that is disgusting even in my eyes"   I could live with it.


I couldn't.  I'm sorry, but Roger Howarth doesn't deserve any more resets of this character just because he's Roger Howarth.  Cut.  Bait.

  • Love 17

Uh . . . How about Sam AND Liz remember what an asshole Jason is and all the douchey things he did to both of them. Oh yeah, and THAT HE KILLS PEOPLE FOR MONEY!!!

This story would would so much more amusing and authentic if it was Sonny vs. Spinelli for Jason's love.



I'd like to invite you all to the wedding of the above post and me. Presents not necessary, just bring your red hot loathing of all this Jason and Sonny.

Jason will not be able to walk away from the powerful love that he shares with Liz.


Allrighty then. A new reason for me to hate the crapfest that is Jason's return and the restart of the ferociously annoying Liaison vs JaSam fan wars.  The show has been setting up the JaSam reunion ever since Liz found out about Jake's identity and didn't tell. Sam's been deified, Liz demonized and they're both boring as hell. I'd rather see two strong women instead of these two fighting for a hitman. Ladies, you can do much, much better. Maybe not in Port Charles, tho.

  • Love 8

So, if Varni is to be believed, Jane is supposed to get some kind of big emotional story coming up, and it's supposed to involve Laura. Obviously, the Laura connection could just be about Luke.

BUT. Wouldn't it be awesome-and something different-if the big emotional story were an illness for Tracy, that Laura finds out about? Sort of how Dominique and Lucy were at odds back in the day over Scott, until Lucy found out about Dominique's illness?

Yes, I know. Probably won't be anything like that at all. But if it were, could be awesome.

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That just reminds me of Guza's old "it's been a couple months since we've had Sam kidnapped and tied up so we can show days of strategic camera angles focusing on her breasts" fetish.  

Isn't that how Ron's vampire story ended, too? 


I remember watching the scenes of Sam tied up and thinking that they looked like a sex offender's basement production of Phantom of the Opera.

  • Love 3
That just reminds me of Guza's old "it's been a couple months since we've had Sam kidnapped and tied up so we can show days of strategic camera angles focusing on her breasts" fetish.


I was thinking of that, too. Sam was always in a tank top with her hands tied behind her back. Ugh, it was so disgusting.

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I was reading the descriptions for this week's eps on my tivo today, I guess to prepare myself. Anyway, some day had something about Kiki helping Sonny. I preceded to just bang my head against the wall for an hour.

For Thursday mine says "Emma makes a promise to Robin. Kiki and Sonny share a secret."

I'm still rooting for Si[c]ki!

Edited by Tiger
  • Love 2

I just want Robert to bring another didgeridoo, so that Emma will have a matched set!


Yeah, that's all I'm hoping for since I already know, courtesy of Tristan Rogers himself, that the Scorpios will have Christmas and family time together before he's off to Wisconsin, and Robin/Paddy/Emma will be off to...wherever...

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spoilers from SID via SoapZone


Sonny's enemies think that his disability makes him weak but they are wrong. Sonny is strong and is going to use it to his advantage. His enemies need to watch their backs.
On the other hand, Sonny needs to watch out for his romantic life with Carly. Their love will be seriously tested coming up. One of those tests will be dealing with Morgan.




Lante love each other but their problems are deeply ingrained, and rash actions taken by both of them complicate things even more. There is a shocking twist coming in this story. Something explosive happens between Valerie and Johnny. It's big, and it's going to be something that Lulu will probably end up regretting.


Romance is in the air in PC and that includes a couple of weddings to start off the new year.

SID speculates that Julexis is one of the couples that will soon wed. Altman says that romance is the name of the game for them but not everything goes as planned.

Anther surprise marriage proposal takes place on December 30.


KMc says that it's good stuff but don't miss a single episode because it's not a long arc. She says that Patrick finds her and it ends up in a very romantic kiss that is reminiscent of Sleeping beauty lol. She spoils what we already know about Robin taking a drug that fakes her death.

KMc was so happy to finally get out of there and work with all these actors she loves. She liked the Jerry story because of the hot guards lol but loves that Robin is going home.

She says Scrubs will eventually go off into the sunset but not an actual sun but a warm romantic ending.

Romance is in the air in PC and that includes a couple of weddings to start off the new year.

SID speculates that Julexis is one of the couples that will soon wed. Altman says that romance is the name of the game for them but not everything goes as planned.

Anther surprise marriage proposal takes place on December 30.


I wonder if one of those weddings will be Lucas and Brad (who?).  OMG, they'll probably have a double wedding with Julian and Alexis, I would laugh my ass off.


GH TPTB: Why is...Lenny?...in the script for this episode?  And...Ben too?


GH Writer: ...LUCAS is Julian's son, the fans would expect him to be there.  And BRAD is his fiancee. 


GH TPTB: Fuckin' fans.  Okay...how about this?  Lars and Billy will be in tuxes anyway so let's just marry them at the same time and then they can honeymoon off-screen forev...for a while.

  • Love 4
I've decided that Hells programmed Patrick like she did Lucky, except instead of "Protect your Queen" activating the programming, something Emma said broke the programming, and now Patrick is back to his real self.


And now this is my official head canon and will be how I remember Scrubs (the first GH couple I had loved in a VERY LONG TIME after having watched GH since the 70s) once they ride off into the sunset and I look back at the last two years of the show and go WTF?

  • Love 5

I wonder if one of those weddings will be Lucas and Brad (who?). OMG, they'll probably have a double wedding with Julian and Alexis, I would laugh my ass off.

GH TPTB: Why is...Lenny?...in the script for this episode? And...Ben too?

GH Writer: ...LUCAS is Julian's son, the fans would expect him to be there. And BRAD is his fiancee.

GH TPTB: Fuckin' fans. Okay...how about this? Lars and Billy will be in tuxes anyway so let's just marry them at the same time and then they can honeymoon off-screen forev...for a while.

It's probably Robin and Patrick.

  • Love 1
And now this is my official head canon and will be how I remember Scrubs (the first GH couple I had loved in a VERY LONG TIME after having watched GH since the 70s) once they ride off into the sunset and I look back at the last two years of the show and go WTF?


This is me entirely (except for the watching since the '70s part).

  • Love 1

Sonny's enemies think that his disability makes him weak but they are wrong. Sonny is strong and is going to use it to his advantage. His enemies need to watch their backs.

On the other hand, Sonny needs to watch out for his romantic life with Carly. Their love will be seriously tested coming up. One of those tests will be dealing with Morgan.


I just. Like. I have no words. May the ratings tank even further!

Edited by peachmangosteen
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