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Spoilers and Speculation: Clink Boom and Cheese Fondue

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Also, why bother fucking killing characters if they ALL literally come back. I get its a soap, but back in the day they would pick and choose...now it's....everyone gets resurrected! Why bother mourning? It takes the impact out of everything. 


For me, this is what is destroying this show.  There's no lasting ramifications for anyone for anything, not even death.  Why get invested in a storyline, i.e. Michael getting custody of A.J., when, with the snap of the fingers, it's dusted and done and on to the next plot point.  Show ain't got no resonance anymore.


It's not just Liz's spawn, though. It's Jason's. And I feel (and I hope I'm wrong about this) like this is less about Luke and Lucky and more about giving Jason a reason to be ~confused~ about being with Liz or Sam when it gets to that point. Ron is clearly obsessed with Liz vs. Sam.


I'm sure that's exactly what any "Jake's alive!" plot point would really be about, but geez louise.  If there's any confusion on Jason's part about who he should be with, after what Elizabeth has done to him, he's even more brain damaged than they've told us.

  • Love 9

But then again, it is MoRon's m.o. to double down. The Jiz/JaSam flame wars have not brought any extra eyeballs to the show. Plus there's an article with JT where he talks about fighting Jake for Sam. I wouldn't think that would be happening, at least for a good long while, in order to play out the lil Jake is alive thing.

Unless Ron does a Robin with little Jake and the audience knows he's alive but the people in Port Charles are clueless.




ew at the continued bonding. If they don't have Dante feeling guilty I think I might have to back onto the barge for a while.


Wow, a Jake/Monica scene.


Wedding #5 for S&C? I guess it might take.

Edited by ulkis
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Carly tells Elizabeth that she and Josslyn are at the hospital to hear the results of Josslyn’s cancer check-up.


Oh crap, that's a huge anvil in favor of child Jake being back.


While Lucas wonders why Brad is dragging his feet about the wedding, Brad admits to Felix that he is keeping a something from Lucas.


And you just know Felix is gonna judge the shit out of Brad.  Shut up, Felix, gawd!

  • Love 3



ew at the continued bonding. If they don't have Dante feeling guilty I think I might have to back onto the barge for a while.


Wow, a Jake/Monica scene.


Wedding #5 for S&C? I guess it might take.


< Auctioneer Voice > We have record lows for 10 weeks! Do I hear 11? 11, 11? < /AV >

  • Love 8

Not sure if this is the right place but accoring to the newest DC podcast they've cast Christina collins and casting more teens I'll believe it when I see it though.Also they have no interest in bringing serena back.I mean why bring her back when we have Kiki to focus on.

Edited by Harmony233
  • Love 2
Wow, a Jake/Monica scene.


LOL, they made a point of saying it was "random."


Carly tells Elizabeth that she and Josslyn are at the hospital to hear the results of Josslyn’s cancer check-up.

Oh crap, that's a huge anvil in favor of child Jake being back.


Heavy, heavy sigh.

Edited by dubbel zout
  • Love 4


Luke is staggered by a revelation. Luke and Laura realize the implications of a positive reality.



Carly tells Elizabeth that she and Josslyn are at the hospital to hear the results of Josslyn’s cancer check-up.


My worst fears are slowly being realized. The Jiz baby is coming back. What a sick, sad world.


* I'm hoping someone gets my Daria reference.

  • Love 5

My worst fears are slowly being realized. The Jiz baby is coming back. What a sick, sad world.

* I'm hoping someone gets my Daria reference.

Poor @leftphalange, in the same month "Jar Jar" gets pregnant with a DiMeira spawn and "Liez" gets her son back.

I have a feel in that if someone asked "how you 'doin?", the response would be :RAGE BLACKOUT:

ETA: does anyone remember when and under which writer that heavily-underdeveloped plot wherein Johnny was funneling stolen organs through the hospital and blackmailing Steven Lars to cover it up?

Because depending on timing it'd be pretty easy to say that Helena or Frank or Angel or Elton or Shep or whoever is behind this L&L buffoonery was also behind that organ ring and simply lined up a stolen kidney for Joss and passed it off as Jake's.

Edited by Tiger
  • Love 4

I'll give Ron this: He's one of few writers left who would have the balls to do something like this, or care enough to understand the fundamental value of that generational kid to the GH future (what little of it there may be left, thanks to him), or of what Jake's death did to the character of Luke. It's something I've always wanted to see done, by hook or by crook. Like the Two Todds on OLTL I could've used a better storyline, but the end result (live kid) I can't argue with.

ETA: does anyone remember when and under which writer that heavily-underdeveloped plot wherein Johnny was funneling stolen organs through the hospital and blackmailing Steven Lars to cover it up?

Because depending on timing it'd be pretty easy to say that Helena or Frank or Angel or Elton or Shep or whoever is behind this L&L buffoonery was also behind that organ ring and simply lined up a stolen kidney for Joss and passed it off as Jake's.


And that's the thing - it's that kind of nonsense minutiae where, again, RC is one of the few who would dig it up, the way he did to retcon past nonsense story to fit in with Stavros's resurrection in 2013 in a fairly clever way (Helena's obsession with Aidan, etc.). I think it's 50-50 he will here, but he does think of it. The problem is he spends another 60% of the time taking potshots at fans either on Twitter or in the scripts, and refusing to acknowledge fault or blame with his favorite new characters.

  • Love 4

I'm probably a weirdo in that I would like Jake to be alive, but not really for Luke's sake or Jason's (now there's a motherfucker that should've stayed dead), but for his own. As jsbt put it, that kid has generational value - he's a Quartermaine, Hardy, and Webber by blood, and a Spencer by adoption, it was INSANE that he was killed off. I recognize that it's probably moot - I doubt this show will last long enough for an older Jake to be on canvas to take advantage of all these family ties - but STILL.


And I'll admit it - I want it for Elizabeth and Lucky. I still love the two of them (separately or together), despite it all. I can't defend Liz's recent actions, though I will take the irrational biased fan's approach and blame it all on Jason. Even with a new face, that dude bends morality, hell, reality, all around him so that everyone else behaves ridiculously. I hate him, people. I hate him so much.

Edited by Melgaypet
  • Love 11

Luke accidentally killing Jake was horrible and depressing. But tragedies like that do happen in families, and it was almost more Luke's behavior afterwards that wrecked his character. They shouldn't have made Luke the driver or have him be drinking if they weren't prepared to have Luke do some soul searching and change. He didn't have to morph into Mac or anything, all he had to do was be kinder to his kids and feel real remorse (he did, but in his usual selfish "I know I suck so shut up and let me drink -- GET OFF MY BACK I GOTTA BE ME!" way).

And the fact that Lucky left the show so downtrodden really didn't help. Lucky has even more bad shit happen to him and leaves depressed while Luke goes back to his old ways ... not good.

You can do this kind of realistic, tragic story if you do it with care and the character earns forgiveness. But they didn't and you can't fix it now. Adding another layer of bad (back from dead person on a show that has already beaten that trope into the ground in recent years) won't help.

(And I don't give a crap about any other legacy kids while Robin, who grew up on the show, gets passed around for years by villian kidnappers like an inanimate object.)

Edited by SlovakPrincess
  • Love 9

Yeah, I give zero fucks about redeeming Luke at this point. TG was determined to drag that character through the gutter, so his success can be his legacy. I do not need another of RC's shitty back from the dead stories to fix something that's well past broken.

I'd much rather see him pull his head out of his ass, accept a good female GH co-head writer (not talking about you McTavish & Passante, go sit down) and quit destroying the actual living characters on the show

As for the Two Todds? I appreciated the return but RC also wrote some of the very worst Todd stories. He was the reason that it was so easy for people to believe that Victor Jr just wasn't Todd - so he gets limited credit for fixing his fuck-up especially since he followed that up with that Todd/Carly bullshit and used the death of Starr's kid to have Todd blackmail Johnnny instead of destroying him

Edited by Oracle42
  • Love 4

As jsbt put it, that kid has generational value - he's a Quartermaine, Hardy, and Webber by blood, and a Spencer by adoption, it was INSANE that he was killed off.


Don't get me wrong, I agree with all of this.  But his resurrection won't redeem Luke in my eyes, if that's the goal here.


And maybe this would be better if he was coming back as a moody or resentful teenager.  But if he's back all happy and giddy and then immediately gets shoved in the closet next to Aidan, what's the point?


I'm also worried that Jake's return is really about balancing the plates re: Sam/Jason/Liz.  Just like the introduction of Dani was meant to balance the plates re: Blair/Todd/Tea on OLTL.  "Look, they both have his children!"

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 6

And if they really cared about the Webber generational line ... they would stop fucking up Liz's character.


They obviously don't care. I care, though. I mean, I'm also deeply irritated that there's been no sign of Tommy Hardy in eons, either and that they made Steven Lars so terrible.




I'm also worried that Jake's return is really about balancing the plates re: Sam/Jason/Liz.  Just like the introduction of Dani was meant to balance the plates re: Blair/Todd/Tea.  "Look, they both have his children!"


I feel you. This is probably exactly how a back-from-the-dead-Jake story would play out and I will grumble and snarl about never being able to have nice things, because oh man, do I not give a shit about Liason or Jasam or Liz vs. Sam or any of that.


Really, if I'm honest, this boils down to me feeling about Lucky like GHScorpioRule, or HeatLifer, or SlovakPrincess feel about Robin. I love him and I want him to get the son his drunken father killed and never paid for back. I don't care about Luke's redemption. Well, I do, but I agree that the real problem was not his killing Jake, but his behavior in the aftermath, and the kid's magical resurrection doesn't change that. And Jason can go to hell.

Edited by Melgaypet
  • Love 7

I'm also worried that Jake's return is really about balancing the plates re: Sam/Jason/Liz. Just like the introduction of Dani was meant to balance the plates re: Blair/Todd/Tea on OLTL. "Look, they both have his children!"

Well, according to ABC's bio on Jason, he's never met Sam (or hilariously, Robin), so Liz is his twu wuv.


Well THIS version of Jason is a passive, amnesiac nincompoop utterly lacking in curiosity about the truth of his personal life.

Perhaps he wrote it: "I know a super nice lady named Liz! I let her take care of me and trust her in all things. Sometimes I have strange memories of tiny, dark-haired women, but I dismiss them because Liz is so pretty and gives me free housing. Love her!"

  • Love 8

.... because oh man, do I not give a shit about Liason or Jasam or Liz vs. Sam or any of that.

I need this on a plaque, sky written by an air plane over ABC studios and as a disclaimer on the show. Neither pairing or female* does shit for me.

I am still fond of teenage Liz but grown up Liz, ehh.

I'm probably a weirdo in that I would like Jake to be alive, but not really for Luke's sake or Jason's (now there's a motherfucker that should've stayed dead), but for his own. As jsbt put it, that kid has generational value - he's a Quartermaine, Hardy, and Webber by blood, and a Spencer by adoption, it was INSANE that he was killed off. I recognize that it's probably moot - I doubt this show will last long enough for an older Jake to be on canvas to take advantage of all these family ties - but STILL.


And I'll admit it - I want it for Elizabeth and Lucky. I still love the two of them (separately or together), despite it all. I can't defend Liz's recent actions, though I will take the irrational biased fan's approach and blame it all on Jason. Even with a new face, that dude bends morality, hell, reality, all around him so that everyone else behaves ridiculously. I hate him, people. I hate him so much.

I couldn't say this any better myself. I want this kid alive and despite all the things that have happened with the character over the years, I still like Elizabeth!

  • Love 2

If Jake is still alive, who was the child who died on the operating table in front of Patrick and Robin. Writers please explain that.

I'm not surprised that these writers are fine with Robin and Patrick looking like idiots. They've destroyed everything else about them. Why not add this BS?

While I understand why Liz/Liason/LL/Luke fans want Jake alive, I still believe resurrecting him will be one of the most ridiculous things this show has EVER done and the kid will most likely join Aiden, wherever the hell they stashed him.

Edited by HeatLifer
  • Love 7

ETA: does anyone remember when and under which writer that heavily-underdeveloped plot wherein Johnny was funneling stolen organs through the hospital and blackmailing Steven Lars to cover it up?


It was Ron.



And that's the thing - it's that kind of nonsense minutiae where, again, RC is one of the few who would dig it up, the way he did to retcon past nonsense story to fit in with Stavros's resurrection in 2013 in a fairly clever way (Helena's obsession with Aidan, etc.)


I missed that. How did Helena's Aidan obsession tie into Stavros?

Luke accidentally killing Jake was horrible and depressing. But tragedies like that do happen in families, and it was almost more Luke's behavior afterwards that wrecked his character. They shouldn't have made Luke the driver or have him be drinking if they weren't prepared to have Luke do some soul searching and change.



I'm gonna lay 99% percent of the blame on this on Tony Geary. I really do think Ron - and Guza were gonna have him stop drinking, but Geary pulled his "Luke is not an alcoholic!!!" temper tantrum on both of them.


WHY he was so adamant about that, I have no effin idea.


Of course, the writers should have had the guts to say "shut up or walk".


While I understand why Liz/Liason/LL/Luke fans want Jake alive, I still believe resurrecting him will be one of the most ridiculous things this show has EVER done and the kid will most likely join Aiden, wherever the hell they stashed him.


I think I can deal with stashing him better than a Spencer is Jealous that Jake Died and He Merely Got Burned in a Fire storyline. You know Ron's thought about it!

I just can't with this. Pretending like Jake was some once in a lifetime great character.


Is this directed at me? I never said that Jake was a "once-in-a-lifetime" character, obviously - he was a four year old. My point is that he was a legacy kid with a lot of potential and it was short-sighted in the extreme for the show to get rid of him.  I certainly don't need anyone to agree with me, but I could do without the implication that I'm an idiot.

  • Love 6

Is this directed at me? I never said that Jake was a "once-in-a-lifetime" character, obviously - he was a four year old. My point is that he was a legacy kid with a lot of potential and it was short-sighted in the extreme for the show to get rid of him. I certainly don't need anyone to agree with me, but I could do without the implication that I'm an idiot.

I wasn't referring to you or anyone else AT ALL. No one should take any of my opinions as personal attacks because that is not how I post...ever. I'm not here to attack posters or passive aggressively say anything to a specific person.

It's about the characters and the stories and how I disagree with the WRITERS that this character should be brought back to life. It's nothing more.

  • Love 4

I wasn't referring to you or anyone else AT ALL. No one should take any of my opinions as personal attacks because that is not how I post...ever. I'm not here to attack posters or passive aggressively say anything to a specific person.

It's about the characters and the stories and how I disagree with the WRITERS that this character should be brought back to life. It's nothing more.

 Okay, thank you. I apologize for misunderstanding your post and taking it personally.

I totally agree. Jake was a walking plot point who never should have existed in the first place.


This. And as a fictional spawn, I didn't care that Luke killed him. Two couples were shredded so his ass could be created and so his parents could be the next coming of Joseph and Mary.


A resurrection is not needed.

  • Love 11

So Carly switching Avery Bavery's paternity will come out at the S&C Wedding, he'll call her a bitchslutwhoretramp, throw barware, sutterbark betrayal, and then sleep with Jordan.



No he will call Carly a FAITHLESS bitchslutwhoretramp, throw bareware, sutterbark betrayal, and go off and murder some innocent bystander.

  • Love 1



This. And as a fictional spawn, I didn't care that Luke killed him. Two couples were shredded so his ass could be created and so his parents could be the next coming of Joseph and Mary.

A resurrection is not needed.


IA. I still don't see what is this great generational value that Jake offers to the show, to the point where it was some gross travesty that he was killed off. And I definitely don't see how this rehabs Luke.

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