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Spoilers and Speculation: Clink Boom and Cheese Fondue

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19 minutes ago, TeeVee329 said:

- Three months later, Terry and Chet go on their second date on 5/9.  And apparently, stupid Amy 2.0 gets involved in their (mostly off-screen) story going forward.

I saw that too and ugh. If they needed to give “angst” to Chet/Terry, they could have easily used the fact that he works for Sonny (he runs that boxing gym last we heard). I can’t with his annoying sister and unless they’re making her transphobic, which I doubt, what’s going to be her issue with Terry?

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Given her ridiculous rant against Brad because she's super close with Lucas (????????), maybe Brad does get that job and Amy 2.0 gets all bent out of shape at Terry about it?

Just...shut up, Amy 2.0, and go away.

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2 hours ago, Cheyanne11 said:

Put the pointless character into the storyline the writers have no intention of highlighting on more than a once quarterly basis is very on brand for this show.

Maybe they need to give the actors just enough day work to keep their health insurance or SAG cards or whatever, and this is a way to take care of everyone at once. I’m surprised they don’t throw Felix and Lucas into the mix, too.

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Weekly promo...not Carly again snarling-ly deciding who should or should not know a maternity/paternity secret:

And oh gawd, the awkward "Star Wars" pimping, eeek.

Edited by TeeVee329
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12 hours ago, ouinason said:

it's super weird to see Carly wanting to OUT a parenting secret instead of keep it, that's for dang sure.

Ok, but here's a question. Is Carly urging Harmony to tell Willow the truth that she is not her mother, or is she urging her to tell the truth that Nina is Willow's mother? Because those are two very different things. Neil's papers have been burned, he and his brother are dead and Alexis conveniently believes that some woman named Joan gave birth to Willow in a commune before she left her baby and got the hell out of there.

I'm pretty sure that Carly has an inkling about what the truth is, and I could be wrong 100% wrong which has been known to happen, but I don't see Carly being interested in outing the truth that Willow is Nina's biological daughter if she gets that confirmation. 

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14 hours ago, ouinason said:

it's super weird to see Carly wanting to OUT a parenting secret instead of keep it, that's for dang sure.

It’s short lived because I’m 100% sure that once Carly gets confirmation that Nina is the mom (and you know she will), she’ll be doing everything possible to make sure Willow and Nina don’t find out the truth. 

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14 hours ago, ouinason said:

it's super weird to see Carly wanting to OUT a parenting secret instead of keep it, that's for dang sure.

Carly has no problem being a gigantic hypocrite when it serves her needs. 

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9 hours ago, YaddaYadda said:

I'm pretty sure that Carly has an inkling about what the truth is, and I could be wrong 100% wrong which has been known to happen, but I don't see Carly being interested in outing the truth that Willow is Nina's biological daughter if she gets that confirmation. 

That's possible, but definitely a nonsensical strategy. Once you pull the thread, the whole thing unravels.

Of course, we all know that Willow is about to fall into a generic blood disease coma any day now, so the Nina stuff will have to come out. 

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Sonny seems stable and happier with no Carly and Michael. Just dancing in a club. Michael is coming out looking psycho hating on him so much.

So Harmony murders 2 and tries to kill another 2 but Willow says she'll see Wylie again? Yet Nina is evil.

Oh wow Georgie is actually cast. 

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9 hours ago, YaddaYadda said:

I think it's the same girl who originated the role. 

I think so too, because every time I've see Little Georgie I'm amazed how much she looks like Big Georgie, and I still thought that yesterday. 

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New promo: 

Please tell me what the hell Carly is doing smirking approvingly in a scene where Michael is blithering on about "the Quartermaines being united".  She's been sowing division among the Quartermaines for decades!

And then Drew looking all smurfily at her, barf.  They really ruined him fast.

Edited by TeeVee329
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8 hours ago, TeeVee329 said:

Please tell me what the hell Carly is doing smirking approvingly in a scene where Michael is blithering on about "the Quartermaines being united".  She's been sowing division among the Quartermaines for decades!

Going by the preview for today's episode, I think her ass is about to invest in ELQ/Aurora or something. Because Carly must be involved in every . . . single . . . storyline.

They can't be bothered to write an actual story arc for Carly, therefore, they have to shove in every possible other storyline that she should have nothing to do with or exist only the periphery of.

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3 hours ago, YaddaYadda said:

Going by the preview for today's episode, I think her ass is about to invest in ELQ/Aurora or something. Because Carly must be involved in every . . . single . . . storyline.

The fact that Carly, who tried to destroy AJ's life, not to mention keeping Michael from the Qs for years, will now be an investor?  Do fuck off, show.

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9 minutes ago, Cheyanne11 said:

The fact that Carly, who tried to destroyed AJ's life,

Fixed that for you.

Did you also know that Carly and Monica are friends now? Carly shouldn't be allowed anywhere near the Q estate, let alone their company.

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18 minutes ago, Cheyanne11 said:

The fact that Carly, who tried to destroy AJ's life, not to mention keeping Michael from the Qs for years, will now be an investor?  Do fuck off, show.

I find it so gross. Whenever she would pat herself on the back over how successful Michael was, I’d roll my eyes because everything he obtained has been via nepotism from a family she deemed him too good to be around. Funny how her non-Q son Morgan was a bum who never amounted to anything before he died. I really wish they cut him off the moment Sonny adopted him. It’s not like Edward had any issues cutting off other heirs. Between worthless Michael and cheerleader Drew who worships the ground Carly walks on, they’ve got me rooting for Valentin to burn them all to the ground. 

Edited by ffwbe
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3 hours ago, ffwbe said:

Between worthless Michael and cheerleader Drew who worships the ground Carly walks on, they’ve got me rooting for Valentin to burn them all to the ground. 


I cannot approve of this enough.

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4 hours ago, ffwbe said:

I find it so gross. Whenever she would pat herself on the back over how successful Michael was, I’d roll my eyes because everything he obtained has been via nepotism from a family she deemed him too good to be around. Funny how her non-Q son Morgan was a bum who never amounted to anything before he died. I really wish they cut him off the moment Sonny adopted him. It’s not like Edward had any issues cutting off other heirs. Between worthless Michael and cheerleader Drew who worships the ground Carly walks on, they’ve got me rooting for Valentin to burn them all to the ground. 

I kind of want Valentin to just get to keep ELQ, because at least he never actively tried to destroy the Quartermaine, but demanded the wealth and status.

Edited by Ambrosefolly
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Some Britt-related spoilers I saw on Twitter that seem to hint at Josh Kelly's entrance and, if so, suggest he's not a recast Jason:

5/31 - As the cocktails flow, Britt causes a scene at the Society Setups event before things take a drastic turn.

6/1 - Upset Britt urges Dante to make an arrest while Maxie, Sam, Spinelli, Brad, Brook Lynn, and Chase look on.

6/2 - Sam's surprised by what she hears about Dante.

Edited by TeeVee329
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On one hand, I don't hate it, I like Gregory Harrison in this role.

On the other...Alexis has been with Dr. Michael Easton...and it turns out they also both were with Jackie soooo....

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Yeah, there needs to be, like, a list somewhere of who has slept with who so that parents/children and siblings can just... not share bed partners.

the cross pollination of the Corinthos and Cassidine families is more than enough, thank you!

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4 hours ago, ouinason said:

Nah, they did the right thing not getting together for real, two addicts together is asking for trouble, especially now that Alexis is so freshly back in recovery.

I agree, leave Finn and Alexis alone. They have great friend chemistry. Usually, the show can’t stop itself from messing up a good male/ female friendship by injecting unnecessary romance (see: Brooke and Chase), but this time they’re doing the right thing.

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Some summer SOD spoilers I saw on Twitter:

- Carly (hypocritically) decides not to say anything about Nina being Willow's birth mother, apparently for the greater good.  But this will complicate her budding "friendship" with Drew.  So I'm guessing she lies to him about what the DNA test says.  Ugh, I'm so grossed out another of Monica's sons is having his life terroized by Carly.

- Carly is also continuing to get involved in Drew and Michael's ELQ meger against Ned, and it also grosses me out that she's anywhere near Quartermaine business of any kind.

- Britt has a mystery man (Josh Kelly) drop in on her in "quite a shocking way" and we're promised "romantic shenanigans" ahead for Britt and this guy.  Kelly's character apparently has "multifacted" connections to Port Charles.

- Terry's relationship with Chet is already dunzo (I saw something that maybe the actor is leaving the state or something?).  So great love story for Terry. #eyeroll

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2 hours ago, TeeVee329 said:

- Terry's relationship with Chet is already dunzo (I saw something that maybe the actor is leaving the state or something?).  So great love story for Terry. #eyeroll

Yeah, the actor is "moving out of state" and there are "no  plans to recast."

Cynical me thinks they knew the dude would be leaving and only wrote this half-assed ~storyline to be all "see? we're so woke!"

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2 hours ago, TeeVee329 said:

Some summer SOD spoilers I saw on Twitter:

- Carly (hypocritically) decides not to say anything about Nina being Willow's birth mother, apparently for the greater good. 

- Carly is also continuing to get involved in Drew and Michael's ELQ meger against Ned, and it also grosses me out that she's anywhere near Quartermaine business of any kind.

episode 7 shock GIF by Hotstar

Sorry, Valentin, but if Carly's involved in the merger, you've already lost.

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7 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

Sorry, Valentin, but if Carly's involved in the merger, you've already lost.

How dare you go after my son? Don't you know he's still in diapers sucking on his thumb and can't sleep without his blanky?

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There are some SOD spoilers floating around on Twitter which if true, are glorious. Carly leveraged her half of the MC to buy the Aurora stock and the merger fails once Lucy and Ned vote against them. 

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Glorious indeed!  I've been advocating for Carly to lose the hotel or have it stolen out from under her for quite some time so this is a dream.  I'm sure the show will want us to feel just so bad for Carly (and Michael and Drew) and think Ned and Lucy are big meanies, but F that noise.

Unfortuantely, there's also some very unglorious spoilers out there.  There's something about a very meta-y plot about Drew producing some kind of morning show that stars Morgan Fairchild?

Also, Cody has a reaction when he hears Faison's name, snore.

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7 hours ago, ffwbe said:

There are some SOD spoilers floating around on Twitter which if true, are glorious. Carly leveraged her half of the MC to buy the Aurora stock and the merger fails once Lucy and Ned vote against them. 

Carly can get effed. But I'll wait to see those scenes before I start cackling maniacally. 

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The spoilers highlighted how pointless the ELQ/Aurora merger is. If they had the votes for this, they would have had the votes to oust Valentin as CEO without the merger and it could have been left up to the Qs to vote in a new CEO. The only thing the merger would have accomplished is making Drew the major stakeholder in ELQ and allowing him to have more of the power. Which was likely the intent because it gave Ned a reason to vote against them when previously, he would have banded together with the other Qs and voted Valentin out. 

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16 hours ago, TeeVee329 said:

Glorious indeed!  I've been advocating for Carly to lose the hotel or have it stolen out from under her for quite some time so this is a dream.  I'm sure the show will want us to feel just so bad for Carly (and Michael and Drew) and think Ned and Lucy are big meanies, but F that noise.

Unfortuantely, there's also some very unglorious spoilers out there.  There's something about a very meta-y plot about Drew producing some kind of morning show that stars Morgan Fairchild?

Also, Cody has a reaction when he hears Faison's name, snore.

I don't think Drew is involved in the Morgan Fairchild story. It sounds like it's only for a couple of days and is some QVC ripoff with Lucy and Sasha. Morgan Fairchild is the producer or executive and the lady that played Luna in the 90s on OLTL is also going to be on playing the host. I skimmed the article in SOD but it didn't mention Drew at all.

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My hopeful spec is that Carly has to crawl to Nina to get money to get the hotel back.  I think that would be even more awesome than Nina being the buyer.  Mostly because I don't want to see Nina as the bad guy in this.   

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7 minutes ago, Cheyanne11 said:

As expected, Olivia yelling at Ned (eyeroll) and Carly sobbing in a "why, me, God?" way.

Sheesh, Ned can't win with Olivia. He's either spending too much time on ELQ business or he's betraying his family because of it. 

And the Carly thing is pretty delicious if it's about losing her money. You never know—she might be upset she saw Sonny and Nina hugging, heh.

If only it was because Wiley dropped dead from too many sugary meals and lack of exercise.

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