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BB In The Media: Outside the Fishbowl

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Maybe I am just jaded from last season, which ended 3 minutes ago, but these people are all kind of annoying. Granted, I've only read the bios, but still. Are they ALL from the south?

Shane totally reminds me of someone, but I can't tell who.

Monte put a guy in a seizure from a fart? I would have liked to see him around Paulie since his southern influence made him not like "a jersey guy" lol.

As hit or miss regular BB casting can be, this definitely looks like the BB D-listers.  And I still may end up watching. Sigh.

Oh jeez...I CANNOT listen to Whitney. ACK. I'd rather listen to FU Nicole. She's like a walking satire.

Edited by CrazyDog

There are videos up on the official site now.

Alex seems so awesome but I have a feeling she'll end up being horrible. I need to lower my expectations.

I hate that the evictions and HOH comps are so late. I'm a 32 year old on the east coast, CBS, I need to be in bed by 11!

ETA: Did they specifically cast people with horrible voices for some odd reason? It's gonna be really hard to listen to these people.

Also, did casting go to a Harry Potter fan convention to recruit?

Edited by peachmangosteen
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16 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

I hate that the evictions and HOH comps are so late. I'm a 32 year old on the east coast, CBS, I need to be in bed by 11!

Same here. Do they not get that having a later HOH comp/later eviction in the middle of a weekday when people work is not a good thing? Just because BB is in California doesn't mean that everyone watches in that timezone. If it was a Friday night or Saturday night, then fine. But most people can't stay up at all to watch the comps because most people actually have jobs, unlike these HGs, apparently. Especially with this all being online access and people having to spend money for this, BB producers need to be thinking about what works for "America". We want to see these competitions, but it's less likely to have a larger crowd watching at 12am for East Coasters. Which means if they look at the stats for most people watching at one time, I think the HOH comps will be one of the lowest. 

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Ok, so I watched the video segments (for the first time ever; I usually just read the bios). What's interesting is that there's 7 girls and there will be 6 guys. I think they're aiming for another female winner.

I kind of like Danielle. She has a soft, baby-like voice, but not in the way that makes me want to gouge my eyes out. And it's kind of cute that she doesn't want to embarrass her great-grandmother. But we'll see if she's any different inside the house. If she is what she presents herself as in the video, I will have no problem rooting for her.

Cornbread is definitely trying too hard to be another Donny. Except Donny was mostly humble and didn't say stuff like "I hang out with people 10-15 years younger than me". Yeah....I'd probably never admit that. It shows immaturity for me. Also, his laugh is annoying.

Neeley is the sassy black chick, clearly. She's self-aware of the all women alliances that don't work, at least. Mostly unimpressed by Neeley and I honestly don't see her making it that far. Maybe I'll be wrong. 

Whitney's voice....oh my god, it's as bad as Nicole's. I will NOT be able to stand listening to her, if she's not over-exaggerating her slooooooowwwww Sooooutthhhhhhern voice. It was like she was slowly reading a teleprompter in her video. 

Shelby's voice is deeper than I pictured. Her laugh is...so, so bad. I know she can't help it, but I don't think I'll be able to watch her for very long if she keeps laughing. She also assumes she'll be in a showmance, even though she thinks that it's a bad idea. Nope, girl, bye. 

Morgan's mom is the fan, so I assume she knows some stuff. She also thinks showmances are dumb, but we'll see how long that lasts. She also knows that the all girl alliance won't work, so she doesn't want to form one. Mmmkay. Not a strong opinion of her so far, but I have learned to not underestimate cheerleaders. Natalie surprised me, so maybe Morgan will as well.

Scott may be the only boy that I can tolerate. He's an Ian/Steve-lite, so he could get far. The fact that he applied five times goes to show that he's dedicated. Clearly they had to cast the other "Nerdy Superfans" before Scott, but I'm hoping he plays a different game than the other two. If he doesn't, then some people might choose to get him out sooner. 

Alex reminds me of what Michelle had initially been "cast" as: the weirdo oddball. She might be my favourite. She's an animator, she seems like fun and a little bit like me. I think I'll be naturally drawn to her....but again, we'll see if she turns into a completely awful and mean person. 

Monte is the typical Frat Jock of the season. He could either be a really sweet but dumb guy, or a total tool douchebag. I'm sensing the latter, unless he's playing this part up until he gets into the house. He clearly has some smarts if he works in engineering, but that might not be so helpful in this game. I see him hooking up with Morgan. I truly hope he surprises me and he's actually a smart, sweet jock and that I'm judging him harshly due to his appearance.

Kryssie's face is a little weird to me, and I'm not sure why. I think I could like her? Her bio was pretty bad, but her video made her less...cringey. 

Justin seems a little bit like Victor in terms of personality, and I ended up liking Victor. We'll see. There was not much to his video, though, so I'm still unsure. He could either be fun, or he could be annoying. 

Shane seems a little bit like Victor in terms of looks. I do not like him much, though. He just seems so boring, and he really wants a showmance. That's literally all of his video. 

I can't wait for the end of the season so I can look back on this post to see how my opinions have changed. Actually, I can't wait for the first full day of the feeds to see how my opinions have changed. Right now, I'm rooting for Danielle, Alex, and....actually, just those two. 

Edited by Lady Calypso
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1 hour ago, TimWil said:

Corey watching the debate tonight: "Wait. Osama bin Laden was caught and murdered under the Obama administration and not the Bush administration? Wow. Didn't know that."

What's really sad is that him and Jozea got into a big political debate in front of the entire house and when Corey said Bush got Osama, not one person corrected him. Oof. 

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22 minutes ago, loki567 said:

What's really sad is that him and Jozea got into a big political debate in front of the entire house and when Corey said Bush got Osama, not one person corrected him. Oof. 

Yep. I remember that argument vividly.  I think at the very least James knew that Jozea was right but didn't want to challenge Corey.

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My apologies in advance if this is not the best place, but I literally - in the old school and ACCURATE sense - lost sleep last night when I had a freaky Nostradamus moment: The choice is between a bombastic man with awful hair, doesn't shut up, who regularly hurls degrading insults at women and people in weaker positions, is seen as/considers himself a man of the people, but comes from a family of wealth and is spoiled himself, versus a blonde woman from the Great Lakes area, who makes some tragic fashion choices, may be more well known for the man to whom she's attached, has an often annoying voice, and would be the first woman to win against a man, even though most people would feel "ugh... but does it have to be her??"

Am I talking about the presidential election or BIG BROTHER SEASON 18??

Guys, I'm freaking out a little here.  :D

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21 hours ago, Dewey Decimate said:

My apologies in advance if this is not the best place, but I literally - in the old school and ACCURATE sense - lost sleep last night when I had a freaky Nostradamus moment: The choice is between a bombastic man with awful hair, doesn't shut up, who regularly hurls degrading insults at women and people in weaker positions, is seen as/considers himself a man of the people, but comes from a family of wealth and is spoiled himself, versus a blonde woman from the Great Lakes area, who makes some tragic fashion choices, may be more well known for the man to whom she's attached, has an often annoying voice, and would be the first woman to win against a man, even though most people would feel "ugh... but does it have to be her??"

Am I talking about the presidential election or BIG BROTHER SEASON 18??

Guys, I'm freaking out a little here.  :D

That, or a Brady Bunch marathon.  

The prospects for all of which are more than a little horrifying.

Da'Vonne, Paul, and Victor were on The Bold and Beautiful today. They played wedding caterers/florists who briefly interacted with the groom and his son. Each of them had a couple of lines that were references to their BB experiences. I guess they must have been directed not to show much "personality" because they all seemed rather bland, IMO. Victor looked glorious though, heh, heh.

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Natalie sent legal  cease and desist letter to James and seems like the BB crew is behind him.  I guess he now sees she wasn't as perfect as she acted in the house & when Paulie tried to warn him because he did know her outside. James refused to listen.


12 hours ago, Artsda said:

Natalie sent legal  cease and desist letter to James and seems like the BB crew is behind him.  I guess he now sees she wasn't as perfect as she acted in the house & when Paulie tried to warn him because he did know her outside. James refused to listen.


Not everyone. Meech, Da'Vonne, and Audrey (I don't follow many people) have all commented in support of Natalie. 

Besides, once Paulie chimed in to support James, it pretty much confirmed for me that he should be disregarded. 

Didn't James get (publicly) salty with Meg once he realized she didnt want him/had a boyfriend as well? Seems like a pattern.

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She cheated got caught and wanted to carry on this BB charade of a relationship outside of the house.

Now wants to play victim, Paulie's support is because he warned him & knew her before BB. He should have been listened to by James, but because he was "Paulie' and Natalie played victim, James got to find out the hard way.

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Confessions of a Reality TV Felon.




The article includes quotes from Adam, his S9 partner Sheila and fellow castmate and co-conspirator, Matt.  It's an interesting read!

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Oh god. Another summer obsessing over this show. It feels like time went by so quickly this time. Oh wait, I know why. I was stupid enough to watch the damn BBOTT season. 

I think it'll be a mixture of both because, for some reason, they think that people love having newbs vs vets. I wish they'd stop because they got their Vet Winner, AND a female winner over a male in the finale. Can't they just give us a normal season for once in seven seasons? That means no vets, no relatives of vets, and no stupid Battle Of The Block twists? 

I'm hoping for something new this time around.

  • Love 2
11 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

Oh god. Another summer obsessing over this show. It feels like time went by so quickly this time. Oh wait, I know why. I was stupid enough to watch the damn BBOTT season. 

I think it'll be a mixture of both because, for some reason, they think that people love having newbs vs vets. I wish they'd stop because they got their Vet Winner, AND a female winner over a male in the finale. Can't they just give us a normal season for once in seven seasons? That means no vets, no relatives of vets, and no stupid Battle Of The Block twists? 

I'm hoping for something new this time around.

Yeah, BBOT did get me over the BB hump. I didn't like the audience interference but I did enjoy having an "extra" season. I get the impression there won't be another BBOT. That said, they have till September to throw one together. I cancelled CBS All Access after it was over. They don't have enough content for me to justify paying $10. LOL!!!

As for prop BB, I'm thinking it's going to be vet coaches and newbies. BB loves doing the team stuff at the beginning so that could be a way to get the vets in. We'll know soon enough. See y'all at the cast reveal.

Edited by ByaNose
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#TeamNatalie when it comes to Natalie vs. James' bitch ass.

BBOTT was better than the past like 5 BB seasons imo. I really want them to incorporate some of the stuff they tried in BBOTT in BB. Most of all live DRs.

I had a dream last night that they did half newbies half vets and I was so livid. End that bullshit, dammit! If they want vets then they just need to do all vets. Having vets compete against newbies never works out.

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I liked BBOTT pretty well, too. For a while I didn't because I thought the bad guys were going to win, but Morgan pulled it off! Lots of rejoicing in the BALLBUSTERS chat room. I ended up enjoying the viewer voting and the chat room chat. You have to find a good chat room. The one I liked for regular BB I ended up not liking for BBOTT. One plus for BBOTT - entire cast of newbies.

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22 hours ago, Lamb18 said:

One plus for BBOTT - entire cast of newbies.


Well except for Jason, arguably one of the worst choices for a lone returnee lol.

I really do hope it's an all newbie cast this season, but I have a feeling there will be some returnees. TPTB don't seem interested in all newbie casts anymore. Even when they do all newbies casts they still include some ridiculous stunt casting, like the TAR people in BB17 or Frankie in BB16.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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2 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

Well except for Jason, arguably one of the worst choices for a lone returnee lol.

I really do hope it's an all newbie cast this season, but I have a feeling there will be some returnees. TPTB don't seem interested in all newbie casts anymore. Even when they do all newbies casts they still include some ridiculous stunt casting, like the TAR people in BB17 or Frankie in BB16.

I do wonder if the "vets" will be Survivor or Amazing Race people. They had some popular people who didn't win. I would like a whole new cast but I'm thinking its a lot of returnees since there haven't been any interviews. I know they are being presented live on Monday and makes me think it isn't all new people Time will tell.

On 6/12/2017 at 3:43 PM, ByaNose said:

It looks like the cast is being announced next week. So, is it newbies or returnees or both?



That's not important. What's important is what stupid "twist" and "theme" they're going to use this year until it fizzles like all the rest and they pretend like it never happened but we joke about it until the end of the season. Also, saying hello to this season's crop of ants and seeing how long it takes for them to invade the HoH bedroom.

And FFS, if you promise us sand in the bathroom, give us sand in the bathroom.

  • Love 3
6 hours ago, Callaphera said:

That's not important. What's important is what stupid "twist" and "theme" they're going to use this year until it fizzles like all the rest and they pretend like it never happened but we joke about it until the end of the season. Also, saying hello to this season's crop of ants and seeing how long it takes for them to invade the HoH bedroom.

And FFS, if you promise us sand in the bathroom, give us sand in the bathroom.

Sand. Too funny! I forgot about that. I agree that none of it matters with who the cast is. The twist(s) wether planned or added in later to save someone are always what fires people up. Will it be teams? Couples? Teams of Couples who have never met? Wait! That one was already used on The Amazing Race. LOL!!!

22 hours ago, ByaNose said:

I know they are being presented live on Monday and makes me think it isn't all new people Time will tell.


They've been presenting them live for awhile now. They planned to do it last season but they decided to air them taped instead, probably because of the Pulse shooting.

3 hours ago, ByaNose said:

Teams of Couples who have never met? Wait! That one was already used on The Amazing Race. LOL!!!


They did that in BB9, too. 

I hate myself for being excited about the cast reveal. This show always disappoints me and yet every year here I am watching the live feeds half the fucking day every day!

Edited by peachmangosteen
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16 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

I hate myself for being excited about the cast reveal. This show always disappoints me and yet every year here I am watching the live feeds half the fucking day every day!

Same here. I let my sister know that Big Brother was going to be back, and she audibly groaned because she knows that I'll end up complaining about it to her two weeks in!

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, peachmangosteen said:

I hate myself for being excited about the cast reveal. This show always disappoints me and yet every year here I am watching the live feeds half the fucking day every day!

I have a weekly obligation on Wednesday and Thursday nights. We were recently talking about if we wanted to switch to other days. Originally, I said that I didn't really care, I was free any night. Then I remembered Big Brother was starting and let out an "Oh! But the Big Brother US live show is-" and never got to finish because everyone started laughing. 

I honestly can't wait to pick the ones I love and hate based off of the three minute Jeff interviews. And I can't wait for the inevitable delving into the HGs social media to see who was the closet racist four years ago. "Aw, he looked such a nice kid. But he used that word..."

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, Lady Calypso said:

Same here. I let my sister know that Big Brother was going to be back, and she audibly groaned because she knows that I'll end up complaining about it to her two weeks in!

I think BB being live in real time gets people more angry then Survivor and The Amazing Race. I always swear I'm not going to watch and I do.................through the whole summer. LOL!! There are times when I should be out breathing fresh air and engaging with real people instead of watching these boneheads living in a trailer. LOL!!!

Edited by ByaNose
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54 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

I honestly can't wait to pick the ones I love and hate based off of the three minute Jeff interviews. And I can't wait for the inevitable delving into the HGs social media to see who was the closet racist four years ago. "Aw, he looked such a nice kid. But he used that word..."

I can't wait to change my mind about the houseguests every other week! I always think I have a good idea of how the houseguests will be in the Jeff interviews, only to change my mind two days in. I know it's because some are legit putting on an act in the interviews just to make sure they get in the house, but it's still entertaining to see what their real personalities are like outside of the fake, scripted stuff. And that's what is addicting about this show; unlike others, you really get to know a person's true personality because they can't hide 24/7 for three months!

  • Love 2
17 hours ago, Callaphera said:

Also, saying hello to this season's crop of ants and seeing how long it takes for them to invade the HoH bedroom.

The last couple of seasons I've spent at least one week each rooting for the ants.  At. Least.


17 hours ago, Callaphera said:

And FFS, if you promise us sand in the bathroom, give us sand in the bathroom.

YAAASSSS!!!  Any idea how many "litter box" and "catty" jokes I'd come up with, then had to dump down the shitter when TPTB wussed out on the sand???  GAWD I was pissed....

  • Love 3
57 minutes ago, Nashville said:

The last couple of seasons I've spent at least one week each rooting for the ants.  At. Least.

Be like me. Start out rooting for the ants. Less disappointment that way. Also: the ants always win. Always.


58 minutes ago, Nashville said:

YAAASSSS!!!  Any idea how many "litter box" and "catty" jokes I'd come up with, then had to dump down the shitter when TPTB wussed out on the sand???  GAWD I was pissed....


Does anyone remember when the house tour comes out online/on Entertainment Tonight? Before the cast announcement? I feel like we've usually seen it by now but I'm probably wrong.

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It's weird. I've been watching BB since Day 1 and never really cared about the cast reveal now. My #1 show is Survivor and always read anything I can get my hands on including the cast reveal. Somehow, between last seasons BB18 & then BBOT it made me a bigger fan & I'm dying to find out who's in and who's out. I can't imagine what I'd be like if BBOT hadn't aired. Even with all of the fan interference it was a great guilty pleasure and got me over the reality hump. LOL!!!

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::sigh:: It's that time of year again.  I always used to get excited when my summer crack show returned, but every year I end up bailing out a little earlier because the people left are so reprehensible and unlikeable.  And lately it's not even fun in the beginning anymore with crap like BOTB, endless chances to re-enter the game and the alpha male waving their dicks around.  The casting is beyond predictable (feminine gay guy,  sassy black woman, hot blonde, half dozen meat heads and a woman or two to be dickmatized by them).  The only thing more predictable than the casting is the comps.  It's so boring to watch them plan out a strategy for something that won't happen for 3 weeks.  What happened to the luxury comps?  These lazy fuckers need to work for something.  Give them something to do (and talk about) other than the game.  Watching them talk about the votes and the comps endlessly is mind. numbingly. boring.  But will I watch?  Yeah, I'll watch. 

  • Love 4
10 hours ago, Maverick said:

::sigh:: It's that time of year again.  I always used to get excited when my summer crack show returned, but every year I end up bailing out a little earlier because the people left are so reprehensible and unlikeable.  And lately it's not even fun in the beginning anymore with crap like BOTB, endless chances to re-enter the game and the alpha male waving their dicks around.  The casting is beyond predictable (feminine gay guy,  sassy black woman, hot blonde, half dozen meat heads and a woman or two to be dickmatized by them).  The only thing more predictable than the casting is the comps.  It's so boring to watch them plan out a strategy for something that won't happen for 3 weeks.  What happened to the luxury comps?  These lazy fuckers need to work for something.  Give them something to do (and talk about) other than the game.  Watching them talk about the votes and the comps endlessly is mind. numbingly. boring.  But will I watch?  Yeah, I'll watch. 

I totally agree about the feminine gay guy. You mean to tell me there isn't a macho gay guy in production and/or casting? It hasn't occured to anyone that maybe they could expand the scope a little. Of course, I could be totally wrong but has there ever been a big macho gay dude? I think BB has their archetype and they cast the same way everytime. I'll even give Survivor a little more credit. They may have their archetype but they do expand on it a little.

14 hours ago, Callaphera said:

Does anyone remember when the house tour comes out online/on Entertainment Tonight? Before the cast announcement? I feel like we've usually seen it by now but I'm probably wrong.


I thought it was usually before the cast reveal, too. But I doubt they'd do it over the weekend so I guess it'll be after the cast reveal.

1 hour ago, peachmangosteen said:

I thought it was usually before the cast reveal, too. But I doubt they'd do it over the weekend so I guess it'll be after the cast reveal.

In past seasons if (a) the cast composition is one of the new season's twists and (b) the the House is uniquely modified in some way to reflect that twist, I seem to recall them delaying the House tour until after the cast reveal.

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