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S30.E09: The First Rule of Amazing Race Club (1) & S30.E10: The First Rule of Amazing Race Club (2)


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I don't find Jen's blog post all that convincing. She blames editing, she blames Evan for being too strategic, she blames some unknown person for misinforming her. And LOL at how in her post, she asks herself, "Loved seeing you best Team Yale at Math. How did you do it?" and then answers, "Wooop! Technically, I’m not sure we beat them at the “math” part, I think they had an error in their measurements, but I’ll take it!" Of course, she'll take it. She's the one who said it. She knows that didn't come off well in this episode precisely because of her unpleasantness about Yale, and she's trying to spin it now as being everyone's fault but her's. If she had just said, "yeah, we don't like Yale," then no big deal, but the whole "how dare people say we hate them just because we act like we hate them," is tiresome.

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22 hours ago, Netfoot said:
  • Roadblock: A task only one team member can complete. Teams must choose which member will complete the task based on a brief clue about the task before fully revealing the details of the task. Later editions of the program have limits on the number of Roadblocks one team member can perform, that both team members perform the same amount. There is generally one Roadblock present on each leg of the race.

Some Roadblocks (like the Scorpions) involve both partners, and some are "two-parters" where one member of the team has to do one task and the other has to do another, later, task.  (

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1 hour ago, green said:

I don't see that at all.  I see no hate whatsoever.  Everyone likes Henry, that is obvious.  Evan was standoffish.  Standoffish doesn't make Evan bad.  But if someone is standoffish it is best to ignore them.  No harm, no foul.

Ignoring someone isn't the same thing as hoping they will be eliminated. Hoping to see another team eliminated because you think they are otherwise more likely to win than you are is about the competition. Hoping to see another team eliminated because you would rather not socialize with them (or because you feel that if you end up losing you will feel less bitter if the winner is a team you like socializing with) seems personal.

  • Love 5
3 hours ago, jhlipton said:

Some Roadblocks (like the Scorpions) involve both partners, and some are "two-parters" where one member of the team has to do one task and the other has to do another, later, task.  (

The partners are just standing there and not part of the task and that "twist" of trying to hurry the person doing the task because their partner is put in an uncomfortable spot is new this season.  I don't ever recall a Road Block that is two-parters?  I do recall sometimes two separate Road Blocks in the same leg.  It especially happens a lot on the final leg in recent years as I recall.

If anyone's hypocritical, it's Brittany thinking there should be no hard feelings when all she's had is hard feelings. Also, I swear it's not just because I dislike them but we get so many reasons every episode why they should not get married. 

I did not feel bad when they lost his passport and I would have been fine if they'd just been eliminated. It was their error. 

I didn't get Kristi's criticism of Indy working together. But I did think it was weird they wanted to carry pieces instead of dragging them. 

I'm curious about Jessica's relative strength. It's hard to judge because Cody does so much of the physical stuff and he also seems like the type to go hard (like I wouldn't be surprised if he did Crossfit). It's hard to judge by body type. I don't think she complains as much as Brooke but even though she's fit, she does look skinnier vs. strong. I don't see her playing damsel that much but even though he's encouraging, I don't think he realizes sometimes that she can't keep up with him as much as he thinks. And anyway, in the tasks it's not like she's begging him to take over, just to slow down a bit. All of that gushing was in a talking head. Again, I think having that Brooke season really softened me up. 

I was surprised they only had to eat a spoonful of halwa but I guess it wasn't really a "challenge" so much as one of those random things to give the impression that racers are getting a taste (pun intentional) of the local culture. Well, except when Brooke made it a challenge to eat salmon. 

Evan is snippy with Henry. I don't hate her but I think it's a clear pattern of behavior. When she wants to get her way she gets superior, just because she's arguing logically, it doesn't mean it isn't condescending and passive-aggressive. 

OH, JESUS. I was kind of excited for pottery. But then it ended up being another needle in a haystack search. TAR seems really fond of this in recent seasons. And the items were really specific too. They seem to just want to torture the racers in hot locations and induce KF.

I don't care if she's playing it up a little for the cameras. I'm totally Jessica. I would also be distracted by all the animals. Not the point of not running the race (which I don't think she has been) but I don't see the point in not enjoying adorable kitties!

I like that Conor and Alex (Indy) know each other so well. In some ways they operate better than couple teams. You'd think the couples would have this kind of advantage (I'm talking over different seasons) but instead they have so many built up resentments they seem to know how to get on each other's nerves. Alex (?) is familiar with Conor's mood swings and knows how to deal with them.

The camels were already hilarious but adding Conor's commentary really helped. 

Are they specifically not giving Indy trips as prizes or do they just luck out getting the money?

I'm enjoying all the self-navigation but it is rough to see the teams who are really struggling sometimes. 

  • Love 3
3 hours ago, aradia22 said:

I'm curious about Jessica's relative strength. It's hard to judge because Cody does so much of the physical stuff and he also seems like the type to go hard (like I wouldn't be surprised if he did Crossfit). It's hard to judge by body type. I don't think she complains as much as Brooke but even though she's fit, she does look skinnier vs. strong. I don't see her playing damsel that much but even though he's encouraging, I don't think he realizes sometimes that she can't keep up with him as much as he thinks. And anyway, in the tasks it's not like she's begging him to take over, just to slow down a bit. All of that gushing was in a talking head. Again, I think having that Brooke season really softened me up. 

Jessica is not in bad shape, she handled the ladder climb pretty quickly and did just fine with the zip line tasks. Jessica has done fine keeping up with Cody and in the physical tasks. I would not call her weak. They are well aware of Jessica's weaknesses. She knows that she is not a good runner, which is why they bought one backpack that Cody carries. The backpack had a smaller day bag type thing that attaches to it, which is what Jessica is seeing using. So they packed a bit lighter then the other teams with the intention of having Cody carrying everything to make it easier for Jessica running. Mentally Jessica is pretty strong but she has her moments, as does everyone. They are also aware of Cody's weaknesses. He has mentioned his butchering the names of every place they have gone to and the like. That said, he did a great job with the task in Iceland which required spelling out the next city they were going to. I think that is one of the strengths of this team, they both seem to be able to let the other have their moment and find a way of encouraging the other during those times.  Cody's nature is to be overly protective of Jessica. He steps in to defend her when he doesn't really need to but that is his instinct. I think Jessica has figured that out and they have worked out ways to deal with Cody's protectiveness. That instinct is part of the reason why Cody did not discuss his daughter on Big Brother, he did not want her dragged into anything during the game. He slipped and told someone he thought he could trust about his daughter and it did not turn out well. So it is not a surprise to me that he has been racing and careful not to mention his daughter much. I see that as a good thing, he is not using his daughter as a tool in either game. My big issue has been Jessica's behavior in the last bunch of legs. She has been acting the mean girl and a bit more short tempered. I am assuming that some of that behavior is because of killer fatigue but it still is ugly and not necessary.


10 hours ago, SomeTameGazelle said:

Ignoring someone isn't the same thing as hoping they will be eliminated. Hoping to see another team eliminated because you think they are otherwise more likely to win than you are is about the competition. Hoping to see another team eliminated because you would rather not socialize with them (or because you feel that if you end up losing you will feel less bitter if the winner is a team you like socializing with) seems personal.

eh. If Evan is more standoffish and not willing to interact with the other teams, then that is on Evan. I can see teams wanting to see a strong team that they don't socialize with eliminated and not have it be personal. I would prefer to race against my friends. What we saw at the airport was the other teams sitting together and Yale go off to work through the cost benefit analysis of taking certain flights. It certainly points to exactly what was said in the Skiers blog. Evan's detailed analysis of each leg on the mat seems to point to what was said in the Skiers blog. The other teams are not wishing that they are hurt or get sick and are eliminated or that they lose their passports. They were hoping that the team that choose not to socialize with everyone is eliminated. It doesn't feel nasty, just like you would rather compete with your friends then the other team. At some point in time, the onus is on Yale to play nice with others. If Evan isolated them from the other teams, then Yale owns that. When we have seen Yale interacting with the other teams it seems to have been pleasant. They did fine with their partners during the swap with their teammates. I don't think that the other teams are ostracizing Yale but expressing a desire that they want to play with the folks who have been friendly with each other.

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I hope I'm not repeating someone else's point but to those who object to Team Yale referring to debate as a competitive venture, the whole premise of this season was to feature teams who have excelled in other contests: competitive eaters, car racing, skiing, etc. In fact, Henry and Evan have more competitive cred than team Big Brother because at least they won their contests.

  • Love 8
30 minutes ago, Netfoot said:

And because Debate is a real thing, whereas Big Brother...

Wait! BB isn't real? You mean I've been wasting my summmers all these years on BB and it ain't real? LOL!!!! Too funny. I think the reason BB has been doing so well thus far has been because of Cody. I think he's been doing the majority of the work. I don't think they are going to win. I'm thinking 2nd or 3rd place.

  • Love 2
3 hours ago, ProfCrash said:

They were hoping that the team that choose not to socialize with everyone is eliminated. It doesn't feel nasty, just like you would rather compete with your friends then the other team. At some point in time, the onus is on Yale to play nice with others. If Evan isolated them from the other teams, then Yale owns that.

This seems to be a case of "you made me do it."  That is, that we're not nice to the yale team because they weren't friendly enough with us.  That seems juvenile.  Jennifer's blog bit posted above seems awfully defensive and frankly unconvincing.  She is a grown woman.  She should just own up to her behavior.  Evan wasn't warm enough to her so she and the others decided to isolate her.  That's their prerogative (and I bet evan wouldn't care):  Just own it.  I think her comment that by the time evan decided to be friendlier with them it was too late seems churlish in light of, as you point out, evan always seemed pleasant and polite to the others. 


3 hours ago, ProfCrash said:

I don't think that the other teams are ostracizing Yale but expressing a desire that they want to play with the folks who have been friendly with each other.

I think this is belied by jennifer's statement about it being too late for evan to get friendly.  That indicates that she had made a decision not to befriend evan.  Again, that's her prerogative. 

  • Love 3
30 minutes ago, BarneySays said:

This seems to be a case of "you made me do it."  That is, that we're not nice to the yale team because they weren't friendly enough with us.  That seems juvenile.  Jennifer's blog bit posted above seems awfully defensive and frankly unconvincing.  She is a grown woman.  She should just own up to her behavior.  Evan wasn't warm enough to her so she and the others decided to isolate her.  That's their prerogative (and I bet evan wouldn't care):  Just own it.  I think her comment that by the time evan decided to be friendlier with them it was too late seems churlish in light of, as you point out, evan always seemed pleasant and polite to the others. 

But are the other teams being mean to Yale? Jessica and Jen (I think it was Jen) were pissy when Evan did not help them with the one task but that was mainly behind their backs. Kirstie still told Yale were to deliver the tires in the Double U Turn. Yeah, it annoyed Jen, but Kirstie provided info and was perfectly nice to Yale. The conversation we saw indicated that Yale had decided not to sit with the others and that the other teams were aware that Yale were trying to work out different travel options. The teams said that Yale had decided not to sit with them and that they would prefer that Yale be eliminated because they are not as friendly with Yale.

This is not like one team being taunted while the other teams helped Conner and his Dad. The teams are not being mean spirited. Call it juvenile if you want but I prefer to see my friends and the people I like succeed over people who I am indifferent to or people I dislike. I think that is a part of being human. I don't want bad things to happen to others but, if I have to choose who wins a game, I am going to pick the team that represents my friends and not the people I am indifferent to.

I think the idea that Evan and Henry started to start to socialize more was too late is simple honesty. 10-1 the effort felt forced and probably strategic. Jen also mentioned that she and Henry had started talking and were friendly because they found a connection between their parents. It is not like Jen said that they pushed Yale aside. Jen and Henry had started to bond and then that stopped. The explanation seems to be that Evan wanted to separate Yale from the other teams. That might not be the correct answer, but it is what it looked like to Jen.

I have not seen any of the teams being mean to Yale. I have seen them work with Yale when Yale was willing to work with them. I have seen them provide help, the Firemen provided directions at the Mall and the Skiers at the tire task. Does it really matter if the other teams would prefer to race against each other then Yale? Overall, the teams seem to be treating each other pretty well. The biggest rivalry we have had was Jessica vs Brittney for goodness sake. So what if the three of the teams have openly said they wanted Yale to be eliminated and part of that was that they have not been as friendly as other teams?

  • Love 7
14 hours ago, SomeTameGazelle said:

Ignoring someone isn't the same thing as hoping they will be eliminated. Hoping to see another team eliminated because you think they are otherwise more likely to win than you are is about the competition. Hoping to see another team eliminated because you would rather not socialize with them (or because you feel that if you end up losing you will feel less bitter if the winner is a team you like socializing with) seems personal.

It is natural both to want stronger teams to be eliminated, and people you don't like to socialize with eliminated before teams you enjoy socializing with.  I don't think not liking everyone equally makes someone a bad person.

  • Love 4
On 2/20/2018 at 12:14 PM, ProfCrash said:

I have not seen any of the teams being mean to Yale.

I did not opine that they were being mean to the Yale team, nor did I take any other views that it appears you are ascribing to me.  I merely stated that i think jen is being juvenile and disingenuous.  She said they were not excluded because they went to an ivy and were not excluded because the other group were jocks.  They were excluded because evan wasn't friendly enough to them early in the race and she didn't realize she was dealing with emotional beings.  When evan came around it was too late for the group.  That is puerile IMO and she undermines her own assertion of innocence.  I suspect the only reason she brings any of this up is because she must be getting heat for her treatment of the yale team.  For me, she had been one of my favorite players among all the seasons- pleasant, kind, no drama, enjoying the race.  She probably should have just kept her mouth shut because her blog post made me think she's fake.  As a side note, I thought she was a lot older.  I would have more easily believed the blonde was 42 and she was 36.   

Edited by BarneySays
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Totally speculation on my part, but the feeling I got from Jen's blog post was that she was not telling the whole story -- in other words, that she was trying (maybe not succeeding) to be discreet and disinclined to speak too poorly about Evan and whatever happened that interfered with a friendship.  Regarding the "too late" mention, perhaps Evan did something to offend the others, and they formed opinions based on that.

In any event, it doesn't seem to phase Evan. 

12 hours ago, aradia22 said:

I was surprised they only had to eat a spoonful of halwa but I guess it wasn't really a "challenge" so much as one of those random things to give the impression that racers are getting a taste (pun intentional) of the local culture. Well, except when Brooke made it a challenge to eat salmon. 

I was afraid if they had to eat any more of it they would have to inject everyone with insulin before they reached their next task. That stuff looked like pure sugar.

12 hours ago, aradia22 said:

Are they specifically not giving Indy trips as prizes or do they just luck out getting the money?

I'd much rather have the cash than the trip. Would you really want to spend  20 hours on an airplane to Perth then only stay for five nights? 

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I'd much rather have the cash than the trip. Would you really want to spend  20 hours on an airplane to Perth then only stay for five nights?

I totally agree (though I think people have mentioned that maybe they get trip vouchers and don't have to go on the actual trips described on the show). That's why I was thinking it was awfully coincidental that Indy got both of the cash prizes. 

44 minutes ago, eel2178 said:

I was afraid if they had to eat any more of it they would have to inject everyone with insulin before they reached their next task. That stuff looked like pure sugar.

I'd much rather have the cash than the trip. Would you really want to spend  20 hours on an airplane to Perth then only stay for five nights? 

Sure! Perth is awesome. I love Australia. Lots of travel agents just go on weekend trips. It is among one of the longer flights but still, if all you have to do at the end is relax, have a few drinks and enjoy doing nothing at all, count me in!

  • Love 1

I wrote some other stuff but it got deleted so basically... I don't think the Yalies are being ostracized. I think they're choosing to be by themselves. Also, I'm curious what they want to go to grad school for and I keep forgetting how young they are and how old Cody is because of the way they act.

I was surprised the vehicles in Thailand could be rented given their capacity. They seemed more like the kind of buses that wait to fill up before leaving with passengers. I wonder how much money they were given to pay them.

I liked that each woman accepting garlands only had a certain number of clues so teams couldn't keep following each other to the clue giver. Enough of that!

I'm not saying I would have been good at catching frogs. Trying to hang on to a living thing that does not want to be caught is not easy. But I wouldn't have been squeamish about it. Why was everyone just standing around? It's clearly muddy. You won't see all the frogs. Dig around in there. Cody seemed to get the hang of it. I wonder why Jen bailed when she was OK going through the mud with him in the driving challenge.

Kristi's KF seems to be coming out in a weird way.


I'm slightly annoyed at the way Evan is strict and serious but then kind of gets fake and is all squeaks and giggles. But I don't think that's entirely for the cameras. 

Henry was the one who thought the math was right but the measurements were wrong. But at the end I think they said they got the measurements wrong on their first and second try so it wasn't the math?

As long as it's not Fear Factor (because those f***ers are evil), I'm pretty much cool eating anything and I'd also trust that the scorpions wouldn't do any damage. TAR challenges seem more about the perception of danger or playing on fears than anything actually that risky. Everyone seemed to power through OK. 

I don't think anyone should be a reality TV fixture (I mean as a contestant, obviously being a judge or host is different) but speaking of Fear Factor, Cody really seems built for that old school type of reality competition. Nothing fazes him and he blasts through physical challenges. 

I like Alex and Conor. With Well-Strung gone, they're the funniest team left. 

Also, great footage this episode. Thailand looked gorgeous.

Is there usually a NEL before the final? That seemed weird. I mean, Thailand was a lot of fun but it seemed a waste of a leg if no one got eliminated this close to the end. I'm pretty much OK with any of the teams winning at this point. I think Kristi & Jen and Cody & Jessica are the strongest but C&J have major navigation issues and he pulls most of the weight (though she has been useful with spotting things and puzzles). Evan & Henry falter on head to head physical challenges though they're not a physically weak team. To me, Indy are the wildcards as they race relatively well but I don't think they shine in a particular area.

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, PreBabylonia said:

Sure! Perth is awesome. I love Australia. Lots of travel agents just go on weekend trips. It is among one of the longer flights but still, if all you have to do at the end is relax, have a few drinks and enjoy doing nothing at all, count me in!

I spent two relaxing weeks in Cairns and still wasn't ready to get back the plane for the 16 hour flight home. 

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But I will snark on her for the camel comment, because it's physically impossible for a camel with udders to also have testicles. Between that and her hymen comment on BB, I'm questioning how she passed biology in high school. 

Sadly, a lot of places don't have good (or any) sex ed classes and I've taken a lot of biology classes (in liberal areas) and no one mentions hymens. I think it was in sex ed but I had a decent sex ed teacher. I think the clitoris was still being mentioned in relation to the penis. Of course, it's school and there are some boundaries for the appropriateness of discussing sex and sexual pleasure with students. Biology tends to be more about genetics and organ systems and chemical reactions than sexual reproduction.


Brittney was amazing with the lost passport, although you know Lucas is going to hear about it forever. 

That was so confusing. I thought "who is this person"? But yeah, even though she was great when it was happening, she's 100% not going to let it go. 


They have proven themselves to be physically competitive as well as bright but their interests and their conversations have to be totally different then BB, Skiers and Indy. I am guessing that no one thinks they are awful people but that Yale's interests are so different that they never gelled with the other teams. 

Yes, this. At best, I wouldn't be surprised if all the women took some kind of pilates or boutique fitness classes. But I can't imagine what else they would talk about. Debate is really not on the level of public performance as the others. While they're very different worlds (reality TV, competitive skiing, racing) you can see where there's a similar mindset/personality type. 


Yeah, I seem to like one player on each team.

I think that's why I'm a bit indifferent as to who wins. 


He probably just let it roll, knowing if he made a bigger deal out of it, it would certainly be on the broadcast show, and maybe if he let it go, maybe it wouldn't get in.

This is a weird thing to think about but with all the stunt casting I end up kind of liking the teams that know how to behave on camera. That's both the teams that know how to make jokes and keep things entertaining and also the teams that know how to keep the bickering off screen and not give in to what production wants. I definitely got the sense with the youtubers that they weren't about to fall in line and say exactly what production wanted to get a soundbite. This is not The Bachelor. They can't torture you to get what they want. You still have to keep racing so if you refuse to say what they want and keep referencing your chosen gimmick or whatever, eventually they have to let it go.


I see that Jessica's extensions--which were in pretty bad shape on BB--weren't fixed in the short period of time between the shows.  You can still clearly see the bald spots when she scrapes her hair back.

I've been noticing that too. 


Loved the elephants! it was also nice to see Jessica all girlie like instead of the usual bad-ass she usually is (I mean that lovingly). I saw on Twitter tonight Cody proposed to Jessica today. The ring is gorgeous and she said YES!

2.42 carats. I don't know how the yellow color affects the price but still, that's no joke. It doesn't mean they win TAR. 


Having a superior intellect doesn't necessarily mean they're good at math. 

They are good at math. They mentioned it in relation to their jobs on the way to the challenge. But it doesn't matter because it was a measuring issue anyway.

@hendersonrocks Thanks for that. It's interesting that Jen and Henry have that connection. I wonder if the producers knew this. I don't remember hearing about Jen's dad on the show. You'd think they'd at least have her mention he was a professor at Yale.

  • Love 1
6 hours ago, aradia22 said:

I totally agree (though I think people have mentioned that maybe they get trip vouchers and don't have to go on the actual trips described on the show). That's why I was thinking it was awfully coincidental that Indy got both of the cash prizes. 

Racers in the past have mentioned their gifts are taxed so sometimes teams can't afford to take a trip because they need to cash it in to pay the tax on it.  Then they pocket whatever money is left over.  One team that won two trips said they cashed in one to pay taxes on both of them then used the other one.

4 hours ago, aradia22 said:

I was surprised the vehicles in Thailand could be rented given their capacity. They seemed more like the kind of buses that wait to fill up before leaving with passengers. I wonder how much money they were given to pay them.


Is there usually a NEL before the final? That seemed weird. I mean, Thailand was a lot of fun but it seemed a waste of a leg if no one got eliminated this close to the end.

The Thai vechicles in Chiang Mai (tuk-tuks are more the norm in Bangkok) have been featured before.  They are basically the only real taxis we have ever seen there on TAR and I'm sure when not being hired by TAR Racers the driver can load up more passengers. 

But there seems to be a set fee based on getting from point A to point B no matter how many people because in Season 2 six teams arrived there and four of those teams paired up with another team to split the fee.  Wil & Tara with the Boston Boys and Mary & Peach with Cha-Cha-Cha.  But these days the teams seem to get more money so they could each afford one to themselves is my guess.  Also this season they got to Chiang Mai later in the Race so it was more life and death for a team to get ahead then the extra team in Season 2.

About the NEL, I posted above that in seasons past the third to last leg -- this one -- has been a very popular leg for a NEL leg.  Also ironically though not the third to last leg by any means in Season 2, the Chiang Mai leg was also a non elim leg in that Race.

Edited by green
  • Love 1
On 2/15/2018 at 1:24 AM, babs1226 said:

Jessica can go next.  I don't care if Cody stays, but she got on my last nerve tonight with that karma comment. You u-turned someone too, Jessica, remember? Hopefully your karma comes before the finish line.  A little compassion and empathy might turn you into a decent human.

That was a bit of a different situation though.  When Jess/Cody U-turned the violin guys they did so only because there were 3 teams that were way behind the rest of the pack and it was the only way to insure that they had a chance.  They had a very good chance of losing that leg. 

I think Jessica was hurt that ocean rescue did it to them because she thought they were friends early on in the race, until what's her face got mad at Jessica for "purposely" setting down her gnome so she would forget about it.


And is it safe to say that Jessica is the luckiest person ever on this race?  I know she does well most of the time but Cody will do anything and everything to make sure it gets done. 

I don't see them winning though because they always seem to be a bit behind in every leg. 


Evan has a very 'matter of fact' way of speaking to anyone and i can see how that would be a turn off to people.  i noticed it when they turned in their elephant paperwork.  both times when they were told it was wrong she showed no emotion, just said "oh it's wrong? ok" and went back.  I think she's probably one of those people that you need to get to know over a long period of time to really be friends with her. 

  • Love 1
4 hours ago, gunderda said:

And is it safe to say that Jessica is the luckiest person ever on this race?  I know she does well most of the time but Cody will do anything and everything to make sure it gets done. 

I don't see them winning though because they always seem to be a bit behind in every leg.


Also, nobody is going to go for the, "let's work together," crap on the final road blocks.

1 hour ago, eel2178 said:

Also, nobody is going to go for the, "let's work together," crap on the final road blocks.

You can't blame her for trying though lol 

I wouldn't be so surprised if 3 three groups of friends actually WOULD help each other in the final leg. 

Edited by gunderda

Cody is a well-rounded individual and Evan is the "robot". Even if Jody aren't the winner story(and I hope the engagement isn't just a consolation prize), they've been set up since the start to overtake Yale in the standings. It's how the edit will reward Jody fans if Ski Girls win.

Cody should've been able to bring his camel milk to wash down the scorpions and frog. Lot of people are being too brash about Jess, lot of recency bias forgetting her contributions in other 8 legs. I would cringe and freeze up at a spider on my chest so try 3-4 heavy scorpions, yeesh. Froggies are also fast motherfrickers. 

Indy boys are my second favorite to win. Very humorous presence and rather humble. They made a good point about how it should've switched to frogs on the chest. (Lot of pissed on chests or the frogs wouldn't stay still). 

Lastly, it was the best Valentine's Day present in the world for me to see Lucas and Brittany eliminated in as lowkey a way as possible. They might've stayed frontrunners and that'd be a dark timeline. This finale will be godly since I'm not rooting against anyone. We were luckier than usual with the elimination order.

On 2/15/2018 at 10:04 AM, sugarbaker design said:

I also love their debate style arugments:


Henry:  I have concerns.

Evan:  What are your specific concerns?

Exactly, Henry was in debate too so if he had legitimate concerns he should be able to verbalize them.  There is no reason for him to have felt intimidated by her response, he talks about the benefits of debate as much as she does.

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