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S13.E10: Wayward Sisters

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KATHRYN NEWTON, KIM RHODES, KATHERINE RAMDEEN, BRIANA BUCKMASTER, CLARK BACKO AND YADIRA GUEVARA-PRIP RETURN – When Sam (Jared Padalecki) and Dean (Jensen Ackles) go missing, Jody Mills (guest star Kim Rhodes) calls Claire Novak (guest star Kathryn Newton), the rebellious rogue hunter, and tells her it is time to come home – they need to find the Winchesters. Claire returns and reunites with Alex Jones (guest star Katherine Ramdeen), who has stayed behind with Jody and tries to balance a “normal” life with being a part time hunter. While Jody is happy to have Claire home again, she’s plagued by Patience’s (guest star Clark Backo) disturbing vision involving her adopted daughter. Claire and Alex search for Kaia Nieves (guest star Yadira Guevara-Prip), the dreamcatcher responsible for opening the rift that Sam and Dean went through, as she holds the key to their whereabouts. Jody calls her friend, Donna Hanscum (guest star Briana Buckmaster), to round out the team and the women head off on the most important hunt of their lives. Phil Sgriccia directed the episode written by Robert Berens and Andrew Dabb (#1310).

  • Love 1

I'm watching "Slumber Party" right now, and it makes me hope that this isn't another one of those episodes where they write the Winchesters to suddenly be total morons just to create a save-the-day moment for a female character.  Which in general is my hope for the new show.  I hope they write strong characters and develop them well and that it's not Riverdale with Monsters.  Jody and Donna are great characters.  Don't ruin them, please.  And don't launch this story by making our heroes drooling idiots.  God, I hate when they do that.

Edited by sarthaz
  • Love 1

Oh come on they killed Kaia for freaking Claire?  That sucks I was starting to like Kaia. And now we have Evil Kaia....boooo!

If I can get past my hatred of Annoying Claire and her bad acting, I could like this show. I love Jody and Donna (boo, no Donna/Dean hug), like Alex and, Patience is growing on me.  Just don't make this show All About Claire!

  • Love 8

I'm sure I'm the only one, but I really liked this episode.  But, for two things.  And unfortunately they're pretty huge.  But, were' supposed to beleive that S&D were like 100 feet away from the rift for several days and couldn't find it?  and why did they stop when they saw it?  Go through it.  But, other than that, I loved it.  Mr. Werewolf.  Hee hee.  I really liked Claire this epi.  Too bad Kaya had to die. 

  • Love 6

Did they really have to kill Kaia like that?  I mean, really?  And they left her body there?  Next time just jump through the damn portal, and don't look at King Kong.

Now, we've got Darth Kaia Maul.

Jody, Donna, Patience, and Alex were all awesome.  Claire was a bit annoying, but hopefully, this puts her back on the path, and she's not annoying in the spinoff.

  • Love 5

Oh. Well, I didn't expect them to kill Kaia and bring her evil doppelganger on instead. That...sucks. 

Claire is a pretty annoying character, overall. I wish she wasn't the main character. Why do so many main characters in an ensemble have to be on my most hated list? Also, her cake of makeup and having it still look perfect all episode bugged me to no end.

Overall, though, I did like the episode. They tried to mix up the female pairings. I liked the Alex/Patience scene, in particular. Actually, having missed so many seasons and have never actually seen more than a few minutes of Alex before this episode, I might like her the best. I also enjoyed Donna and Jody's always a welcome character. I could enjoy the spinoff if they create it. I'll just have to hope for more Alex in it. 

  • Love 6

Wow, that was really not good.

They actually fridged Kaia for Claire? 
That is some hot fucking garbage. And they couldn't have at least toasted her, prayed for her, gave her a fake hunter's funeral? I don't get it.

Kathryn Newton cannot act. She overreaches. That was bad acting sorry JMHO

Since when don't they burn a monster if they have it's body? Like why would they bury a monster at all? Burn the damn thing! LOL Sigh

I am really pissed about Kaia.

Oh and I totally called this would be all about Claire and that she would be shown writing in her journal.

At least the "haven't been home in a few days' line was not a straight rip off the original.


  On 1/19/2018 at 2:03 AM, Jediknight said:

Now, we've got Darth Kaia Maul.


I can't believe they didn't try to bring her body back. That's awful characterization for everyone else to just leave her there. 

  • Love 3

I didn't mind the episode, but I'm sorry they killed off Kaia.  I'll be curious to see if that hooded figure was Kaia all along, or whether she just morphed into Kaia after she was killed.  Considering she'd been to the Bad Place enough to have physical scars from being there, it could somehow have been another version of her from the get go.  

I'm hoping that Claire will now lose some of the bratty teenager attitude after this episode.  I don't mind Claire, but there are definitely times when she grates on my nerves.  

Not much Sam and Dean, but that was to be expected.  I didn't stick around for previews of next week's episode, but hopefully we'll be back to semi normal again.

  • Love 5

I had to laugh that Kaia and Claire just found the boys easy peasy. Did Kaia have some inside scoop on that?

Sam, look man, I know you are a picky eater, but dude, you're stuck in an alternate world and you don't know when you're getting out so like maybe you should eat something. I'm just saying.

And I just can't with that opening music. That was not a good song IMO. YMMV

  On 1/19/2018 at 2:12 AM, gonzosgirrl said:

"It tastes like lizard." My favourite line of the episode.


I missed that part. LOL

  • Love 6
  On 1/19/2018 at 2:12 AM, gonzosgirrl said:

"It tastes like lizard." My favourite line of the episode.


I liked that, too.  It doesn't taste like chicken.  That and Dean goes back for it before running off.  


  On 1/19/2018 at 2:12 AM, gonzosgirrl said:

the show is built around Claire/Kathryn and she is absolutely the weak link.


IMO, Patience is the weakest link.

  • Love 3

Ditto, Catrox.  I was yelling "WTF SHOW?" when Kaia got stabbed, or lanced or whatever it was.  Somebody said it earlier that this season is all over the place with too many storylines going to keep things straight.  I get dizzy thinking about where Cass is,  and Lucifer;  is Michael  going to take down Asmodeaus, now they killed of the dreamwalker, how will Sam and Dean get to mom now?  (they could just leave her there, wouldn't break my heart.) And Jack, an interesting character with some potential, is stranded with Mary.  Too much, show, too much. 

Also, I see zero chemistry between the girls.  I get that Patience has never hunted, Alex is trying to stay out of it, and Claire is all bad ass, fearless girl.  But the interactions seem stunted, forced.  Jody and Donna were the only good things about this episode, IMO. 

  • Love 4
  On 1/19/2018 at 2:13 AM, catrox14 said:

Did Kaia have some inside scoop on that?


I think she may have.  She was pretty certain in which way to go.  And, since she's been there before and has been caught she may very well have known where to go.


  On 1/19/2018 at 2:13 AM, catrox14 said:

Sam, look man, I know you are a picky eater, but dude, you're stuck in an alternate world and you don't know when you're getting out so like maybe you should eat something. I'm just saying.


I was kind of thinking that, and on the other hand I was kind of like, I'm with you, dude, there's got to be berries and leaves and grass and roots and stuff.

  • Love 4

Alex certainly seemed to be the most chilled throughout the episode.  That is kind of surprising though, since she was adamant that she wanted no part of hunting after the last vampire run in.  

I don't know how much I'll watch the show, should it be picked up.  I'd still prefer it to be part of SPN, instead.  Ain't no way it's hanging around for 13 seasons...that much I can pretty much guarantee.  The Supernatural pilot really piqued my interest, but this show really didn't.  It's only because I'm familiar with the characters that I enjoyed it as much as I did.  Had they been a cast of newbies, I'm sure I'd feel completely different. 

  On 1/19/2018 at 2:14 AM, Katy M said:

IMO, Patience is the weakest link.


Problem is that Claire is the main character as I suspected so her being weak, makes the rest wobbley.


  On 1/19/2018 at 2:16 AM, Katy M said:

was kind of thinking that, and on the other hand I was kind of like, I'm with you, dude, there's got to be berries and leaves and grass and roots and stuff.


He wasn't even looking for them though! Dean makes them dinner and Sam is all "NOPE". LOL Sam, Sam, Sam. Besides he could have picked some poison berries. I think I'd rather take a chance on the lizard myself LOL

  On 1/19/2018 at 2:21 AM, Katy M said:

I don't know why a compliment to one person has to be automatically taken as an insult to another person.


Because I thought it was kind of hilarious that Berens is all LOOK HOW MUCH I LEARNED. It rubbed me the wrong way. It doesn't have to rub anyone else that way.

Alex is my favorite in this whole thing. She reminded me of Scully and her eagerness to cut into the monster LOL

  • Love 1

I seem to be in the minority. I kind of like Claire. Though I fully understand why she might grate on some peoples nerves.

KIlling off Kaia, that I don't like. At all. It's par for the course with Supernatural, someone had to die I guess, but damn it I liked Kaia. And I don't really want to see evilKaia.

Patience...kind of tests mine. But I guess somebody has to be the newbie.

Jody, well, enough good things can never be said about Jody.

I'll watch their show, if it happens. There is potential.

  • Love 4

I liked it! I like the characters. I like that they have a more normal life and normal jobs, with hunting as a thing they also do. And it definitely passes the Bechdel test, which is a plus in my book.

I am annoyed they killed off Kaia. I liked her, and I liked her interactions with Claire.

It was a little heavy handed having Jody say Sam and Dean take care of the world, and she can handle Sioux Falls. We already got the premise of the show. Don’t beat us over the head with it.

Claire kept saying she never needed a plan, but taking the time to write out Mr. Werewolf took some planning. That cracked me up. I think that was my favorite part.

I wanted a dinosaur. That was the biggest disappointment.

Edited by Jeddah
  • Love 5
  On 1/19/2018 at 2:21 AM, catrox14 said:

Problem is that Claire is the main character as I suspected so her being weak, makes the rest wobbley.


He wasn't even looking for them though! Dean makes them dinner and Sam is all "NOPE". LOL Sam, Sam, Sam. Besides he could have picked some poison berries. I think I'd rather take a chance on the lizard myself LOL


Well, technically the lizard could be poisonous aIf they'd been there for several days, I think he must have eaten something because he was running pretty good later.  They also found a razor somewhere.

  • Love 1

That's a hard one to review because of all the creative limitations that come with making a pilot with 6 different characters in the middle of a different show, and the importance of the project for parts of the fandom and myself, so I can't look at it like a regular episode.


So I'll just say I hope WS gets greenlit so it can really become its own thing because the potential is there. I know I want more.

  • Love 14

It’s just a really bad idea to have monsters that don’t talk. The orcs just kind of stand up and wait to be shot.  I went on the wayward web site and all the young women thought Kaia was dead and out of the show.  I was like, Do you people actually watch Supernatural?   The girl is one of the stars of the show, they can’t just kill her off in episode one.  They have a lot of tweaking to do if that shows going to work.  I’m all for girl power but please don’t dumb down the show.  I’ve been watching too long.

  • Love 1
  On 1/19/2018 at 2:51 AM, bozodegama said:

It’s just a really bad idea to have monsters that don’t talk.


I would actually like having a more animalistic monster.  I think the only monsters that we've had to date that aren't pretty much 100% human with powers are hell hounds.  I guess maybe wendigos since they don't talk.  Even dragons just morphed into humans so they could have a conversation.

  • Love 4
  On 1/19/2018 at 2:14 AM, Katy M said:

I liked that, too.  It doesn't taste like chicken.  That and Dean goes back for it before running off.  


IMO, Patience is the weakest link.


Patience is boring, which is potentially the worst 'crime' in television, but for me Claire is pretty much unwatchable. Between the snotty attitude and the angsty dramatics, I just want to smack her. The whole thing was far too overwrought for my taste. Alex was the only one with any chill at all.

  • Love 4
  On 1/19/2018 at 2:26 AM, Katy M said:

Well, technically the lizard could be poisonous aIf they'd been there for several days, I think he must have eaten something because he was running pretty good later.  They also found a razor somewhere.


Dean has some experience surviving in an alien landscape, a la Purgatory. I'd trust his judgement :)

  • Love 5
  On 1/19/2018 at 2:51 AM, bozodegama said:

It’s just a really bad idea to have monsters that don’t talk. The orcs just kind of stand up and wait to be shot.  I went on the wayward web site and all the young women thought Kaia was dead and out of the show.  I was like, Do you people actually watch Supernatural?   The girl is one of the stars of the show, they can’t just kill her off in episode one.  They have a lot of tweaking to do if that shows going to work.  I’m all for girl power but please don’t dumb down the show.  I’ve been watching too long.


Well Kaia is dead. That's her doppelganger as far we know, unless her doppelganger is the one that died. And for me I'm mostly pissed at Team Jodio who think she's dead and they didn't even bring her body back. Like the same Dean and Sam who just learned that Mary was alive in the AU would be even more apt to be like NO, we re going to get her out. Like that whole thing is stupid IMO

  • Love 4

There were some problems, but I'll tune in if it is picked up.

I called that the hooded figure was another version of Kaia. I hope the actress will still be a big player - I liked her. I think the actress who plays Patience is weak. Agree that Kathryn Newton isn't fantastic, but I don't think she's bad, and I've always been sympathetic towards Claire.

The two really bad points were a) Claire and Kaia's relationship not being sufficiently built up and b) that awful line about "we saved them. These remarkable women," or whatever exactly it was. This show will be better off if everyone involved stops patting themselves on the back about how progressive they are. It is 2018. Buffy premiered over twenty years ago. Katniss Everdeen exists. The Doctor is a woman.  Get over yourselves.

Otherwise, I liked Claire coming to an understanding of Jody's position, and as someone who hadn't been that into Donna in the past, I liked her here. While obviously you have to suspend disbelief a bit to believe that all of these people have developed these skills, I thought they did a decent job establishing that Donna, Jodi and Claire weren't entirely inexperienced. We see the clip of Jodi telling Donna that she's there for her if she wants to know more about hunting. We hear about Claire going on numerous hunts with Jodi, and while Jodi took on the dangerous work on the actual hunts, it stands to reason that Jodi also gave her some training. The hunt that we see Claire on looks like it would have been a milk run for Sam and Dean, and the way she saves them isn't all that impressive. I even like the framing of "you guys save the world. I think we can handle Sioux Falls," which acknowledges the difference between their roles without demeaning the women. 

I also like the prospect of seeing an actual ensemble show in the SPN verse. Even if Claire winds up being the lead, it will be more as a first among equals, it seems, than as the unquestioned star. 

So, not brilliant, but most pilots aren't, and there's enough good here that I hope it goes to series. 

Edited by companionenvy
  • Useful 1
  • Love 7

I think it has some potential.  I have never liked Claire - I just never thought they sold why her character developed into such a stubborn individual who refused to listen to anyone just on principle.  She has always come across as extremely unlikeable to me.  However, I also remember how much I disliked Jo and her attitude at the Roadhouse, and how much better I liked her once she quit being a know-it-all teenager. Hopefully Claire will also mature and not be so annoying.  I liked the idea of Kaia, but her character was so young and fearful, I think she would have always needed protecting which would have gotten old.  I have hope that her transformation will turn out to be a good thing for the show.

  • Love 2
  On 1/19/2018 at 3:02 AM, Katy M said:

I don't actually mean to argue about this, but this is a different universe.  I wouldn't trust anyone's judgement about the food.  But, it's no biggie.  


So how long would Sam thing he could survive without eating? And it is a different universe. Their bodies might use food differently. He didn't even way he was worried about it being deadly that I recollect. Like if he really thought it was poisonous or harmful, shouldn't he have knocked it out of Dean's hand instead of letting Dean eat it?

  On 1/19/2018 at 3:08 AM, catrox14 said:

So how long would Sam thing he could survive without eating? And it is a different universe. Their bodies might use food differently. He didn't even way he was worried about it being deadly that I recollect. Like if he really thought it was poisonous or harmful, shouldn't he have knocked it out of Dean's hand instead of letting Dean eat it?


No, no, you let the other person eat, wait to make sure there are no ill effects and then you eat.  

  • Love 8
  On 1/19/2018 at 3:08 AM, catrox14 said:

So how long would Sam thing he could survive without eating? And it is a different universe. Their bodies might use food differently. He didn't even way he was worried about it being deadly that I recollect. Like if he really thought it was poisonous or harmful, shouldn't he have knocked it out of Dean's hand instead of letting Dean eat it?


Dean really Had the same problem when he was in purgatory.  There didn’t seem to be a great food selection there and he was there for a whole year.  Low carb, maybe eat a dead leviathan.  He would’ve gotten pretty skinny.  Also, it always bothered me how they would go to the bathroom or cleaned themselves up.  The boys looked pretty good for not showering for a few days.  And why would they leave the fire going.  

  On 1/19/2018 at 3:14 AM, bozodegama said:

Dean really Had the same problem when he was in purgatory.  There didn’t seem to be a great food selection there and he was there for a whole year.  Low carb, maybe eat a dead leviathan.  He would’ve gotten pretty skinny.  Also, it always bothered me how they would go to the bathroom or cleaned themselves up.  The boys looked pretty good for not showering for a few days.  And why would they leave the fire going.  


 I was of the understanding that humans weren't supposed to be in Purgatory so he didn't have to function as a human. Like no eating, no pooping, no beard growth. LOL

But again, if Sam was worried that it was poisonous why didn't he stop Dean from eating it? I felt like that whole stupid thing was only for the chuckles of HUR HUR Dean eats no matter what and Sam is all bitchface at him about it. That's my takeaway from all that.

  On 1/19/2018 at 3:14 AM, Katy M said:

No, no, you let the other person eat, wait to make sure there are no ill effects and then you eat.  


So, Sam is using Dean as the food taster? And if Dean doesn't die, then he'll eat it. Boy that's not very loving!

  • Love 1
  On 1/19/2018 at 2:16 AM, mommo said:

nd Lucifer;  is Michael  going to take down Asmodeaus, now they killed of the dreamwalker, how will Sam and Dean get to mom now?  (they could just leave her there, wouldn't break my heart.) And Jack, an interesting character with some potential, is stranded with Mary.  Too much, show, too much. 


Oh shit, that's a really good point. I guess that means the boys will have to find another dreamwalker?

Couple things I wasn't thrilled about. 

- The lighting in the alternate universe gave Sam and Dean's skin a greenish tinge.  At first I thought Sam had actually turned green at the thought of eating lizard.

- Claire couldn't be bothered to wipe the blood off her chin before showing up at Jody's?  It was like she wanted the excuse to toss off the comment about the werewolf.

- Didn't like Claire's comment there near the end about the other women being 'her' army.

If it gets picked up though, I'll watch it.

  • Love 4
  On 1/19/2018 at 4:12 AM, ahrtee said:

Evil Kaia opened a rift that she came through.  I'm sure that's going to figure in somehow.  


Oh right. I missed that part

  On 1/19/2018 at 4:20 AM, ILoveReading said:

I figure they'll just use Jack


But doesn't Jack need Kaia's power to open the rift? I thought that was the point of them doing it together.

Confession: I unfortunately missed the first half of this episode so I didn't actually see the scene in question, but I'm going to try to comment anyway. I reserve the right to change my mind...

  On 1/19/2018 at 2:14 AM, Katy M said:

I liked that, too.  It doesn't taste like chicken.  That and Dean goes back for it before running off.


Of course Dean goes back for it! I don't know about lizard (though I've always wanted to try turtle or iguana), but I suspect that for me it would taste good, because if it's anything like frog legs... yum! And nope, frog legs don't taste like chicken. Frog legs taste better, in my opinion. Lighter, more tender, and sweeter. So unlike Sam, I'd have been all over the lizard. However...

  On 1/19/2018 at 3:08 AM, catrox14 said:

So how long would Sam thing he could survive without eating?


This sees to be a thing with Sam that I've seen. Especially when he's in stressful situations, he doesn't like to eat. Even when he's just concentrating on a case, he doesn't like to eat. I've generally thought that in most cases, Sam appears to be an "eat to live" type person. Like mostly he eats because he has to, but he more finds it inconvenient and taking time away from other things he'd rather be doing.*** Maybe because of this, he seems to be one of those people who doesn't need a lot of food and whose body doesn't need much food... likely because he doesn't eat much.

It's actually an unfortunate and cruel fact of dieting that when you lose weight, your body rebels (because it doesn't want to lose weight) by more efficiently using the food you eat after you lose the weight. So when first you might have normally burned 2500 calories a day (as an example), after weight loss, your body might only burn say 1800 to 2000 (and a 500 calorie or more shift downward is unfortunately normal), so now you have to eat even less to keep the weight off. So basically, as you eat less, your body gets more efficient and you don't need to eat as much to maintain the same weight... within reason of course.

So potentially Sam might likely do fine without eating much, whereas Dean - because he likely normally eats more - might need more food to survive.

*** Though I enjoy eating now, I entirely understand the "eating is a pain in the neck" attitude also. When I was younger, my metabolism was insane, and it seemed that I was hungry All. The. Time. And I couldn't seem to gain any weight (I was too skinny). I would often have to stop doing something I would much rather have been doing - like playing outside - and eat something... and rarely was it something I really wanted to eat (like it would be a slice of bread or something). So I didn't like eating much. Usually it was just something I had to do, because I was always hungry.

Edited by AwesomO4000
  • Love 1

The good news:  It wasn't as bad as I feared.  There were parts I actually enjoyed:  I liked Donna this time (usually she annoys me).  I liked Claire finally showing vulnerability.  I actually liked Kaia (I have a weakness for screwed up (and especially anxiety-ridden) characters.)  I thought the monsters at first were among the creepiest (and scariest) we've seen in many seasons, though the special effects were kind of cheesy (especially the end monster) and after a while, when there were so many half-seen monsters that were so easily killed, they stopped seeming like a major threat and became kind of...boring.

The bad news:  Massive lack of logic on all fronts, which made characters act OOC or at least stupidly (that's all of them, BTW, not just the Winchesters.)  So much hand-waving I might have lowered my house temp by 20 degrees.  Way too much overwrought music to highlight the Drama.

TBH, while I think I might enjoy a few episodes while the Sisters (preferably *aided* by the Winchesters) deal with whatever came through the rift, I don't think there's enough there for a full series as it stands.  I just don't see how it's going to work long term:  Jody and Donna keep their day jobs and the girls go to school, but take off whenever a rift monster surfaces?  (How many do you think got through?  Why would they all stay around Sioux Falls?  Why hasn't anyone else seen them yet, if the rift's been open for days?)  Maybe they'll rework later to broaden the scope, but that kind of defeats the declaration that they're going to have a home base in SD.  

I don't think Claire is strong enough to lead the series, even in an ensemble (IMO they're clearly aiming at having her be the narrative/focal point). I'm not thrilled with her acting ability (though apparently others disagree) and with all her new/ongoing outside projects, I'm not sure how long she'll commit to WS.  As for the others:  Patience seems to have only one expression (wide-eyed, with a side of freaked);  (and if she's 18, I'm 21...for about the 3rd time...)  I like Alex, but if they're aiming more at action, I don't see her taking a very large lead.  We'll have to see if "new" Kaia replaces the "old" one, now more powerful and less angsty/scared, not necessarily evil.  And I'm not sure if I want to see that.  I liked the old one.

And mostly, if the focus is supposed to be about women's empowerment, why does it all have to be about action?  Shouldn't knowledge/intelligence also be honored?   Shouldn't Patience be going to college?  Why is Alex a nurse and not in medical school?  (Since she has no problem doing alien autopsies, apparently she'll be doctor in everything but name, which seems a little...patronizing?  Or did I miss something?)  

My bottom line:  the characters made me willing to give them a chance.  The trite and overwrought story, massive plot holes, and the feeling of being set up for emotional blackmail made me gag.  I almost turned the TV off after the first five minutes, in between the music and Claire's Indiana Jones/Wonder Woman set up   (It reminded me a bit of Charlie's role-playing fantasy as the mercenary with the eyepatch and bandolero in Pac-Man Fever.) :)  

I'm kind of glad I stuck with it, but I'm still not convinced I'll watch a full series.  

  • Love 2

I've always liked Kim Rhodes so I hope it gets picked up as a series, but realistically I don't think anything from Supernatural is going to do that, unless they had managed to sell a prequel of a young Sam and Dean with John. 

I do hope it works out and it's nice a lot of the alum have supported it. 

I still sometimes do a double take remembering Jensen is on Twitter...

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