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S13.E36: 4 Finalists Perform

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I am adding Pat Benetar, to Heart  as two singers that should not be done on these shows.  There are probably others for different reasons, but that was a real mess for me (for you)

Celine and Whitney should be avoided too.  I don't care for Celine but most singers screw up her stuff.


Alex...I like him if I don't watch him. I get anxious when I do . that pee pee dance  just makes me tense.

Caleb almost did soft. I wonder if he can. I feel like he should be able to.  I'd kind of like to hear him do a song from The Commitments. He could do that blues shouter thing well.


I liked Jessica's third song.  

I was never a huge or even medium fan of Elvis , although I like him a bit better now that I'm old, but I didn't adore that. It was ok.

Edited by kechara
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I'm just so sick of the camera on Keith and J-Lo chair-dancing and singing along in their seats. I used to think it was fun last season (from Keith) and showed how much he loved music. But it's gotten waaaay out of hand this season. How can you be judging if you're doing that? Methinks they base their comments on the rehearsals, and the live show is "showtime" for them. Harry is the only one who has the demeanor of a judge.

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Well said peggy06!  I am VERY VERY tired of watching those 2 in the camera, I want to watch ALL of the singer and NONE of the judge and bang on Harry is the only one who gets it.  Enough already with them pushing Jena and Caleb but especially Jena...Caleb watching anyone else get praise looked painful for him and he was so not into it sitting on the couch.  And didn't Randy love kudos coming his way but so undeserved.  


And wow the Emmy goes to JLO for best drama with Jena, standing O, kisses, runnning up on stage...blech....they have utterly convinced this girl she is the cat's ass.  


Poor poor Jess, bless her heart for being able to come out and nail her 3rd song after being completely set aside by the judges which I felt was way way over the top.  They clearly want her gone and Alex.  


Last season for me on this contrived show.

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I had never heard of Ingrid Michaelsen either, and spent a bit of time looking at some videos last night after the first mention of her here. What a captivating, original voice! Also loved a cover she did of "Creep". At least Jena didn't steal that one as well. Yes, I can definitely see the major influence of Ingrid's cover on Jena's, though, to be fair, Jena did go in a slightly different direction (a bit shouty, yeah, but still reasonably effective to my ears) toward the end. She actually impressed me a great deal with it last night, though significantly less now that I see how derivative it was.


Didn't care for her Pat Benatar at all...very inferior karaoke, and have totally forgotten her second song.

Count me among those who kind of wanted to see Caleb crash and burn last night. His Bon Jovi was adequate if unoriginal, though, and his CCR quite likeable, so it was going to be down to the last song, which at least held promise of being far enough outside his wheelhouse to do him no favors...I've, blasphemously, never really liked that song or, indeed, much of Paul McCartney's post-Beatles work in any case. So color me surprised (and somewhat annoyed) to find that I absolutely loved that entire performance. I agree that he bought himself a hometown visit with that.


Poor Alex picked a bad time to have a lackluster week, because as much as he has become my favorite over the course of the season, he hasn't been so strong that he's undeniable, and the others offered good reasons to vote for them instead. I did actually think his first song was quite good, and showcased a slightly rougher tone which I enjoyed. His Jason Mraz was, first of all, such an overdone song in any case (not on Idol, but in general, everyone and their dog seems to cover it), and second, he not only didn't do anything appreciably different with it other than a tiny bit of tweaking the chord structure, but he constantly sounded as though he was having trouble keeping up with the music. His Coldplay was fairly good as well, but coming right after Jena's Second Coming, felt forgettable.


And Jessica made the mistake of tackling Kelly Clarkson, which seems always to be an unfortunate move on this show. That song did not fit her voice at all. I did think she was a bit unfairly criticized on her Pink song, though...maybe she could have given it a bit more edge, but overall it sounded like a good fit to me, and there even seemed to be some life behind her eyes and in her movement. I actually liked it better than her last song which, while she did a really good job with it, also fell in that part of her voice which is the most characteristic of her, but which I also find a bit grating at times. I don't think she was worse than Alex overall, but the blatantly biased criticism she has been getting all season is probably fueling her fans' voting efforts enough for her to pull ahead. In any case, I don't see Caleb or Jena getting voted off tonight, and it's a tossup as to which of Alex or Jess will get the axe.

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I think that the judges really are hearing things differently from those of us in TVland.  I suspect that the acoustics are very different in the actual venue, and the performers' voices come across more clearly. For me though, week after week, the contestants are usually hard to hear, being almost obliterated by a too loud, too powerful band. And when the arrangement is bad (Bad Romance, anyone?), it's just that much worse. The one thing Caleb has going for him is that he is able to compete with the band, most of the time. 


How is that none of TPTB on this show (and to some extent, on the Voice) have figured out that the musical arrangements are overwhelming the contestants, for those of us watching on TV? 


That said, my favorites after tonight are Caleb and Jena. I originally liked Alex (and he is pleasant to listen to), but his unwillingness to give up his "security blanket" is a deal-breaker for me. You know what's boring? Watching someone stand there like a tree every time they sing. You want to be an "idol," and not just a good singer? Then you better bring it. Sorry, Alex.


Now, are any of these contestants "idol-worthy"?  Not in my book.  Then again, the show gave up any pretense at aiming for an idol-quality winner when they dropped the contestant age to 16 and started letting folks use musical instruments week in/week out.  Say what you will, teens don't usually have the "gravitas" (read: maturity, charisma, sex appeal) to radiate "idolness". Well, unless you mean being an idol to 10- and 12-year olds.  And you know how I feel about musical instruments--if you can't use one and perform like Keith Urban, then don't use one at all. At least, not all the time.

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I see that the judges sent the bus fleet after Alex this week (they always have it revved up for Jessica).


I did not like Jena or Caleb’s performances – Caleb brought nothing new to any of his songs and he missed the emotional connection.  I, like Harry, am very tired of that one scream he does every friggin’ song.  If I wanted to hear Bon Jovi or Fogerty covers I could go to my local bar (or better yet, play the original songs).


Jena was drowned out by Bandzilla and I was barely able to hear her – other than a few glory notes.  Normally I can understand Jena pretty well – not this time, she was truly marble-mouthed.


While I agree that the Clarkson and Pink songs weren’t a perfect fit for Jessica, I thought she did really well.  She sounded great and I see that she is beginning to connect with the songs (she still has a way to go but I see lots of improvement).  Her “You and I” performance was the best of the night.


Alex was Alex and that is a good thing; I like what he does.  And no JoLo, he does not need to belt nor does he need to cater to your desire to produce the rather nebulous “moment” – Alex needs to continue to be his individual artistic self.


So let me get this straight, according to the judges Alex needs to change up the pace a bit yet Caleb can continue to sing exact copies at eleven?  Okay, then.

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What did Caleb say and/or do this past week that would have necessitated an apology? I only watch Idol via DVR on its two nights, and don't follow what happens in the days between airings.

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Caleb- First song wasn't great (never been a fan of that song anyway). The CCR song and Maybe I'm Amazed Were Great. I still think even though he had a solid night he will be gone tomorrow because of the "controversy."




As much as I want that to happen I doubt it will - I doubt that most viewers are even aware of and bad behavior; between the show not acknowledging Caleb's insensitive remarks and the constant tongue baths I am guessing he is gifted a final spot.


whatever happened to theme nights such as American Songbook and having special mentors every week? No Kenny Rogers, no Hall and Oates, no Rod Stewart, sigh, those were the glory days



I shudder to think what these contestants would do those songs.

Yes, we also noticed something weird during Jena's last song--thought it was my TV but must've been something in studio if others saw it.  And I too wondered why Keith and Jennifer were bebopping to Jessica's songs then lowered the boom on her with their opinions!  Didn't make sense at all...........



You're looking for logic and common sense from this show?  Silly you.  ;-)

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Alex was Alex and that is a good thing; I like what he does.  And no JoLo, he does not need to belt nor does he need to cater to your desire to produce the rather nebulous “moment” – Alex needs to continue to be his individual artistic self.



And I pray his fans keep voting for that reason alone. I love that type music, though I know it isn't for everyone. I prefer that to the belting and screaming any day.

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Because I'm at work and can't be bothered to write a whole new post for this show anymore:


Boy, they really want JENA$#%@+&"! and Caleb (does this go to 11!!!) in the final, don't they?  How much do I hope one of them goes home this week?  (If you guessed 11!!!!, you're right.)

My judgment of the performances, from best to worst:

Jessica - You and I - who knew Lady Gaga could sound so great as country?  Jess sounded wonderful, and she really sold the emotion in her face and eyes, not just her voice this time.  She shoulda been singing to whoever the guy was all along.

Alex - Yellow - That was glorious.  He tweaked it just enough without destroying the integrity of the song, and sounded terrific in the process.

Alex - Too Close - He actually reworked this one quite a bit, Keith, and made it his.  I'm not a big fan of the original song, but Alex's performance made me like it a lot more than I did.

Caleb - Maybe I'm Amazed - Hey, he can sing softly!  At least at the beginning before he started yelling at me again, but there was some actual emotion to back up the volume this time.

Jessica - Since You've Been Gone - It wasn't the best song for her, but she did sound quite good on it, and didn't get as yelly as most people do on the chorus.

Alex - I'm Yours - Yes, he didn't do a lot different to it, but really, Alex not deconstructing a song is something of a change for him.  Not his best performance, but his voice sounded strong and lovely on it.

Caleb - You Give Love A Bad Name - Okay, it was bar band frontman stuff all the way, but pretty good for what it was.  Not a patch on Blake's total overhaul of that song, though.

JENA?!*} - I Can't Help Falling In Love With You - Parts of this I really, really liked (the verses, the first chorus) and parts of it sounded loungy (the bridge, the final repeat of the chorus), so I'm torn about where to rank it, but I guess the parts I liked win out.  Still with the weird vocal affectations, though.

JENA#%@&"() - Heartbreaker - She didn't change it up much (if at all) and her stage movement didn't suit the song, but vocally it was okay if not great.

Caleb - Oh man, I can't even remember what his second song was; I guess that says all I need to say about it.  He owns the stage, and I'd probably go see the bar band he was born to front, but I don't see where he'd fit in the current musical scene at all.

Jessica - So What - Yeah, this song sucks even when Pink does it.  It's not a song, just a bunch of shouting.  Her pitch was good, and her voice sounded fine, but this isn't the song to choose for a singing competition.

JENA!!! - Bad Romance - That flat out stank.  Changing the key (or whatever she did that fucked up the melody) was a huge mistake.  And gee, Harry, how about that 17 year old singing about leather studded kisses in the sand?

So basically, I loved Alex and Jessica, and liked Caleb.  JENA<!></> can take her weird vocal affectations and sense of entitlement right the hell out the door as far as I'm concerned; I can't believe I was happy that she got one of the wild card spots.  But unfortunately it'll probably be Jessica leaving tomorrow night.

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Harry is the only one who has the demeanor of a judge.

This.  The others have drank the koolaid and taken the money.  Harry is bordering on that though as well I think.  It seems like he has had a "talking to" by the Powers that BE and told how the show is gonna go down.  You can see this in his critiques now.  

Edited by MrsMoltisanti
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And I pray his fans keep voting for that reason alone. I love that type music, though I know it isn't for everyone. I prefer that to the belting and screaming any day.



I know the only two contestants whose post-Idol recordings I am most looking forward to are Alex and Sam's.


And speaking of Sam, I noticed that Alex looked a bit out-of-sorts last night; I don't know if the grind is getting to him or if he misses Sam or a combination of both.


When I think of the "screamers" in today's music scene I think of singers like Jared Leto; that man can wail like no-body's business; yet he also does other things, he is able to add some modulation and layers to his voice; not every moment of every song is belted at full voice.  Caleb needs to learn how to do this.

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I noticed Caleb's coat again like the previous poster - I call it his "Les Mis" coat. I thought "Maybe I'm Amazed" was really good. 


Bad Romance was AWFUL. It was just . . . awful. . And I didn't get the crazy love over the Elvis song either. It sounded very "lounge-ish" for SOMEBODY WHO IS ONLY 17!!!!! (did you hear me or do I have to repeat it ad naseum?) And what the HELL was up with JENA@#$*(&'s mother's hair? They cut to her during one performance and it was like the Rondells or the Shondells or somebody blew it up and used a whole can of Aquanet to keep it enormous. And JLO? Girlfriend needs to keep her butt in her seat - it looks really preferential for her to be running up to kiss her like that. Perhaps the large neon sign saying "JENA@#$ IS THE QUEEN OF AI RIGHT NOW-VOTE_FOR_HER" was hidden behind JLo's ample booty and that figure skating dress. 


Jessica sure had her F-U shoes on tonight - she was grinning ear to ear on the first two songs but the third was really good. I hate that the bus is headed down the turnpike for her tonight. It's a shame it will be running her down or possibly even Alex. 

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Bad Romance was Patti-neck-pencil worthy imo. And Haht-brock-CARE was not much better imo. Karaoke much? sheesh.


How fucking rude was this? JLo: "Alex, how are you gonna compete with a Jehna, a Caleb.... a this and a that." Holy crapola; it's not like there are 15 people to list in that statement. There was one other person. (I mean, since she was addressing her comments to Alex.) That speaks volumes and pass the Pepto. Or even if she had just said, "a Jehna, a Caleb" that would have been plenty rude in itself, but she had to go OTT rude with the, "a this and a that" - inanimate objects - to refer apparently to Jessica or random people in the universe to make sure the unwashed masses "got it." I hope Jess stays because 1) I like her well enough, but 2) I really want to see JLo's head explode and I say that as a JLo fan (for the most part.)  


So no R word comments re: Caleb. Well, alrighty then. And while there's the R word and his other genius comments, didn't Caleb call HCJ an "ass" for not giving standing O's? IIRC. (?) Caleb sounded much better than last week, imo, so there's that.


Forget about the second coming of Christ. We have JENA#%7! And if anyone else (read Jessica) mentioned heels/shoes they would have torn her a new one for making fucking excuses. And I don't need to see the JLo spread the legs and squat on stage in a figure skating [tm Patti] (hee)  mini dress demonstration ever again.... and, as mentioned, I say that as a JLo fan, (for the most part.) And HCJ, STFU in egging JLo on. It's embarrassing for both of you.

Edited by ari333
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The even more unprofessional thing JLo did besides excluding Jessica from her comment was that she showed clear favoritism towards Jena when she had to run up to the stage and kiss her. Tongue bathing certain contestants is expected- every year TPTB have their winner picked out and the judges' job is to get America to run with it. That's expected and it's been like this forever. But to actually go up and kiss her is just over the top. That is almost as bad as when Mariah Carey showered people in glitter.

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And HCJ, STFU in egging JLo on. It's embarrassing for both of you.


Me thinks Harry knows exactly what he is doing by baiting JLO and she takes it every time because she loves the camera on her....I absolutely have grown to HATE JLO this season, loved her before but no more.

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Who does Bad Romance without the Rah Rahs? NO really. And where is HCJ and his preachy preach about a 17 year old girl singing those lyrics? Well, I'll say it; He couldn't understand the effing lyrics and that's why he didn't comment on the racy bits for a minor since he likes to get on that soapbox.


Please forgive me fellow posters, but I must:


"Oy won't chur bod romaines"


translated: "I want your bad romance."


"Oy won't chur lettuce covet kick in the sond."


Translate: "I want your leather covered kiss in the sand."


Thank YAH, moy fellow posters, fur indulging  MAH on that. I know I'm an ass and I'm going to hell. I am aware. But hey, I flove, "Bad Romance" and Jehna butchered it, imo,  then buried it in a shoebox in the backyard and kicked some dirt and SOND on top of it.

Edited by ari333
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I think JLo came close to orgasming when Jena$!@ sang Elvis. She looked like she was having a moment ...

I read this as "She looked like she was having a moVEment.  Made myself chuckle :)

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I just saw the video of Ingrid Michaelson (hope I got the name right) singing her version of Can't Help Falling in Love and wow Jena, any kudos I gave to you about being original on that are now stripped.  I would have loved if Harry would have said: you covered a  version of Ingrid's version of the Elvis song and blown her cover.   

I wish Harry would go from judging to mentor where he can help each one to the degree he wants to, and not just sit there and say what the show wants.  IN the beginning you could see him in full Harry form because they knew he would find real talent because of his knowledge.  As the show progresses, you can see how they take over and decide who they want to win based on their needs.  Let's face it, the show needs some high profile win now, so they need a yeller!  Enter Caleb and Jeeeena.  This show is struggling to stay relevant and you can see it.  Even Ryan seems to be acting ridiculous.  The comment he made about suggesting Harry and Keith both go under the table...weird!  I kind of hope Harry is not a judge next year.  I don't even know if I want to watch next year! 

JLO running out to Jeena was too f%#king much.  

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Let's face it, the show needs some high profile win now, so they need a yeller!  Enter Caleb and Jeeeena.  This show is struggling to stay relevant and you can see it.  Even Ryan seems to be acting ridiculous. 



But would Caleb and Jena be that?  Caleb isn't relevant and I'm not sure what Jena is.  The show needs to find/launch another superstar like Clarkson, Underwood, or even Daughtry - they haven't launched one of those for a long time.  The show managed to find people (McCreepy, Pickler, Lambert) who have solid success but are still outside of that "superstar" realm.  I think the jury is still out in Philip Phillips but I did notice his song is prominently featured in The Amazing Spiderman 2.

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I have wondered as well if the judges (well, Keith and JLo) have been called out on their blatant favoritism. Not by the producers of course since they are driving it. I thought for sure when the Keith and JLo were chair bouncing to Jessica's second song she was finally going to get a decent review. But no, The Stepford Judges reverted back to script. Must. Slap. Slapout.

I predict that there is going to be another SHOCKING elimination tonight. BOTH Jessica and Alex will be booted in a double elimination, to ensure a Caleb/JENA#@$% final. And semi final. Just kidding, but not totally.

Edited by UsernameFatigue
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I just saw the video of Ingrid Michaelson (hope I got the name right) singing her version of Can't Help Falling in Love and wow Jena, any kudos I gave to you about being original on that are now stripped.  I would have loved if Harry would have said: you covered a  version of Ingrid's version of the Elvis song and blown her cover.   

I wish Harry would go from judging to mentor where he can help each one to the degree he wants to, and not just sit there and say what the show wants.  IN the beginning you could see him in full Harry form because they knew he would find real talent because of his knowledge.  As the show progresses, you can see how they take over and decide who they want to win based on their needs.  Let's face it, the show needs some high profile win now, so they need a yeller!  Enter Caleb and Jeeeena.  This show is struggling to stay relevant and you can see it.  Even Ryan seems to be acting ridiculous.  The comment he made about suggesting Harry and Keith both go under the table...weird!  I kind of hope Harry is not a judge next year.  I don't even know if I want to watch next year! 

JLO running out to Jeena was too f%#king much.  


Wow, MrsM you need to get out my head for freakin me out and reading my mind... yet again. SO MUCH WORD.


And may I add a tidbit (ducks flying veggies)  -- far be it from me to reveal positive thoughts about Caleb since he's been a shmuck when he talks, (imo) but I sort of liked his song choices this time and I did really like Caleb's Chairman Mao-esque jacket. Now I shall pause for the lightning strike from the heavens. Everyone back up and don your protective headgear. :)

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I would do a neh-kid prancy dance and pay a small fee for someone, anyone to join me in asking those judges why they dont' call Jehna out on copying that other person's rendition of ICHFILWY (and also copying the Creep rendition while I'm bitching.) Jehna's arrangement was  "so freakin awesome!!" (per each judge) "That was so original!!" Urm, no it was not. Because she took if from someone else BUT NO ONE WILL ACKNOWLEDGE IT GODDAMMIT. Sorry for the screaming. 

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Not a Jena fan, hate the judges obvious touting, loved, loved loved "Can't Help Falling. "  Loved it. 

Moment:  when JLo returned to her chair after her rush to the stage for the maximum touting Jena kiss (just in case we didn't get the F bomb, the standing, the over the head clapping, the goosies face), Harry Connick Junior, in what seemed to me a totally unconscious move, made sure she had the chair under her.  There are times when he has bugged me (teen on shoulders), but I sensed a real southern gentleman courtliness, the kind that is so ingrained it is just lovely.  In my book, that gave him points.

Caleb, on the other hand...   It amazes me that people can be so boorish that they cannot even realize what is going to sound boorish.  Even if he is the world's biggest oaf, shouldn't he realize that calling fans retards will not play well?  How can someone be so unaware?  And then to make an evasive, passive apology that reads as so insincere?  Bieber, you may have a new candidate for your entourage of hangers on.  Not loving Caleb, and, also, you can hear covers of rock and roll by every other bar band that are as good.  IMO, nothing to distinguish him, it's all been done before, and by singers far superior to him.  IMO.

Love Jessica, hate that she is getting the judges weekly hosing, but have to admit I saw what they were talking about on "So What.'  Girl needed to do some strutting, IMO.


(making the move from TWOP with a new name)

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I would do a neh-kid prancy dance and pay a small fee for someone, anyone to join me in asking those judges why they dont' call Jehna out on copying that other person's rendition of ICHFILWY (and also copying the Creep rendition while I'm bitching.) Jehna's arrangement was  "so freakin awesome!!" (per each judge) "That was so original!!" Urm, no it was not. Because she took if from someone else BUT NO ONE WILL ACKNOWLEDGE IT GODDAMMIT. Sorry for the screaming. 



How far removed is this from the time that Daughtry took so much flack for covering a Fuel arrangement of a song - even though Daughtry acknowledged in his pre-song package that the arrangement was not his own but Fuel's.

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I would do a neh-kid prancy dance and pay a small fee for someone, anyone to join me in asking those judges why they dont' call Jehna out on copying that other person's rendition of ICHFILWY (and also copying the Creep rendition while I'm bitching.) Jehna's arrangement was  "so freakin awesome!!" (per each judge) "That was so original!!" Urm, no it was not. Because she took if from someone else BUT NO ONE WILL ACKNOWLEDGE IT GODDAMMIT. Sorry for the screaming.

I did not realize JENA@#&*$ copied somebody else's interpretation of that song. I figured she figured it out on her own SINCE SHE IS 17. Hey, remember back in the day when David Cook covered "Billy Jean" in a hipsterish way and everybody was up his butt? (I hope I'm right recalling the incident, my ears are still ringing from last night)  And of course the whole PP2 "he thinks he's Dave Matthews and his whole entire band and a bag of chips" deal. I don't see The Chosen Female as all that original anyway - she has talent but I think she would totally bend if she won and the powers-that-be said "Okay, Jena, show's over, let's turn you into the next late model Britney Spears and shave half your head and put you in a pair of Uggs and a nightgown and you can sing Gregorian Chants while eating Fun-Yuns and dancing on the street corner". 

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Caleb is not my fav (shocker!) but I have to give the dude some nads points for touching Urban and literally singing in Keith's face. At that close range, they could have identified each other's toothpaste brands and choice of tooth fillings..


I'll see myself out.

How far removed is this from the time that Daughtry took so much flack for covering a Fuel arrangement of a song - even though Daughtry acknowledged in his pre-song package that the arrangement was not his own but Fuel's.


THIS! I totally agree.


Admittedly, I miss things, but Jehna did not give props to the person who arranged the song (ICHFILWY or Creep, for that matter too) and Daughtry did, as you mentioned. (Or maybe I missed something?)  That, to me, is a huge difference. Jehna let them go on and on "So ORIGINAL!!!" and not a word that I heard about the person who arranged the song. Again, I may have missed something and will gladly stand corrected ...because we play a little fast and loose (during Jehna's performances) with the ff button over here at the house. :).

Edited by ari333
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How far removed is this from the time that Daughtry took so much flack for covering a Fuel arrangement of a song - even though Daughtry acknowledged in his pre-song package that the arrangement was not his own but Fuel's.

It's old hat now and only diehards are still watching, so there's just not the level of righteous indignation the show once generated. The judges have never really called anyone out for covering covers, it's always been the anti-fans. I actually think this is why they gave up on the narrow theme nights. Everyone started doing an in genre cover of a cover, so there was no point really.

When Daughtry did it, it was viewed as "cheating" or at least pussing out by many, after all everyone was waiting with baited breath for him to attempt a country song or whatever, but then everybody started doing it and most fans just decided to roll with it, at least as long as it was somebody they liked.

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I am spitting mad here at work.  This show is J u m p i n g  the  S h a r k .  

On another note: Harry does seem to egg Jenny from the block on.  Maybe he is fascinated by her because she is the complete opposite of his wife.  

Mrs Moltisanti cannot take the squat moves of JLo in an ice skating dress wearing high heels and showing them how to strut to the beat.  

Last week it was a girl with no trousers.  What is next?  


OH, yes and Alex looks weary of this whole thing.

Edited by MrsMoltisanti
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I could not care less about what TPTB want me, as a consumer with disposable income, to do. I will buy Alex's post idol music and Jess's.


However, the chosen one, Jena can officially bite me. I will never spend one dollar on anything she does;  I rarely use superlatives like that, but in this case it is applicable.

Let's not forget Adam Lambert doing some rendition of a Johnny Cash song (Ring of Fire)  He had to explain almost on cue that it came from somewhere else.  


If Jehna had given credit to the arranger like Adam did I'd be less inclined to rag on her. I'd still not enjoy her, but I would have less on which to harp.


(BTW, that Ring of Fire performance is one of the sexiest all time performances for me... all time... )


Jehna taking credit for others' arrangements crawls all over me.

No no ari333--don't leave yet--you're just getting started!  (Drags you away from the door.)


Thank you, 4L for dragging me back. hee.  [ Don't encourage me.]  :)


But "fah realz" I love this thread and the dry, witty  posters here more than I like the show. [/imma sappy sap; ....ok, the secret is out]

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I've always thought Adam Lambert's version of "Ring of Fire" was a version of Chris Daughtry's "I Walk the Line," which was Live's version of Johnny Cash.  I think I just confused even myself..........

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Jehna taking credit for others' arrangements crawls all over me.



Me too.  I don't see what is so wrong with Jena (or any other contestant) saying "I heard this really cool version of the song by Ingrid Michaelson and I wanted to sing it."



Regarding Lambert's Ring of Fire, not only did he sing that so, so well I loved the entire interaction with Randy Travis (paraphrased)


Travis: So what song are you thinking of?

Lambert: Ring of Fire.

Travis: Great song.

Lambert: I thought using a version with sitars and a middle-eastern vibe.

Travis: <Stares into space>

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I agree that Jena should have either explained the arrangement came from elsewhere in her pre-performance package or talked about it when the judges were praising her. Technically by not giving credit, she is plagiarizing her performance (trying to pass off someone else's work as her own) I see nothing wrong with contestants doing "covers of covers," so long as they give credit and don't try to pass it off like they came up with it themselves.

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I've always thought Adam Lambert's version of "Ring of Fire" was a version of Chris Daughtry's "I Walk the Line," which was Live's version of Johnny Cash.  I think I just confused even myself..........



I know Lambert's Ring of Fire was performed on INXS Rockstar though that person didn't originally arrange it that way - I'm not sure who did.


Daughtry did a Fuel version of a song and LIve version of Walk the Line.


Both Lambert and Daughtry (and Cooke) all openly acknowledged that they didn't arrange the songs themselves - that they liked the alternate version and wanted to sing it.

Edited by OakGoblinFly
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I would really be delighted if tonight, on the show, as a special favour to us all, if Kanye West would come out and grab the microphone from Ryan and say: "Imma let you continue Ryan, but I have to say that Jehna is doing cover versions and not giving credit, and oh yeah, you think Imma big a$$, this mofo over here called y'all retards.


All in all though, I hope Caleb makes it through and Jehna doesnt

Edited by MrsMoltisanti
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I agree that Jena should have either explained the arrangement came from elsewhere in her pre-performance package or talked about it when the judges were praising her. Technically by not giving credit, she is plagiarizing her performance (trying to pass off someone else's work as her own) I see nothing wrong with contestants doing "covers of covers," so long as they give credit and don't try to pass it off like they came up with it themselves.



Ah, so Jena attended the Shia Labeouf school of musical arrangements.

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On another note: Harry does seem to egg Jenny from the block on.  Maybe he is fascinated by her because she is the complete opposite of his wife. 


I like to think, true or not, that HCJ knows exactly what he's doing when he eggs JLo on & is making fun of her in his own way. Because that's what I want it to be! My evil twin imagines HCJ & Mrs.HCJ in bed at night dreaming up things that JLo will think are proof of how she's all that, but that are in reality subtlety poking fun at her. MrsHCJ:  "Harry, next time ask her to prove how a real star can strut in high heels & still get her performance on. If she has on one of her wish-I-was-a-real-skirts it will really be entertaining." I used to be okay with JLo. I wouldn't say I liked her, but I respected her ability to do what she does. Now? She's making me want to knit her a body cozy that includes a muzzle.

I know Lambert's Ring of Fire was performed on INXS Rockstar though that person didn't originally arrange it that way - I'm not sure who did.


*sniffle* Add me to the sappy pile. RS:INXS my sweet baby show. *sniffle* The one that introduced me to TV forums just so I could talk about it.

I would really be delighted if tonight, on the show, as a special favour to us all, if Kanye West would come out and grab the microphone from Ryan and say: "Imma let you continue Ryan, but I have to say that Jehna is doing cover versions and not giving credit, and oh yeah, you think Imma big a$$, this mofo over here called y'all retards.

I love this idea! It would be the first useful thing Kanye did since he discovered his sink-worthy true love. I think while he's making his announcement that Jessica & Alex should sing backup, "uh huh honey". 

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Wow, I am also wondering how JENA@#$% singing someone else's arrangement of a song and not acknowledging same is not a form of plagerism. I wonder if anyone will have the guts to acknowlege it tonight? You would think one of the three judges would have known it wasn't an original. Both Keith giving JENA@#$% credit for the arrangement, and Harry calling her courageous (BARF) for the way she sang the song are just wrong, and should not be left to stand as is. Also if JENA@#$% was not going to acknowledge that she was stealing someone else's arrangement, Randy should have in the pre package. There was lots of time for either of them to have brought up, and given credit to, the person who actually deserved the credit.

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TBTH, I am at peace with the pimping of JEEEENA to win in two weeks. First off, I won't be watching her and her creepy stage mom gloat that night. Second, I can't wait to see what happens when she has to compete with the likes of girls her age who actually have talent like Lorde and to a lesser extent, Ariana Grande. Also, she'll have to compete with other singing show princesses like Christina Grimmie and Jacquie Lee, both of whom have way more potential than JEEEENA has. In short, unless TPTB come up with a "Home" like song that helped Phillip Phillips win AI, she'll be in for a rude awakening within a year.


It's too bad Slapout has had enough and will go home. I would've loved to have seen her hometown visit.

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I see nothing wrong with contestants doing "covers of covers," so long as they give credit and don't try to pass it off like they came up with it themselves.

Alex sang a Jason Mraz song and says he was inspired by the singer. How about saying "I heard _____'s cover and I was 'inspired' by it". That way people could You Tube it and say "aha, here's where JENA@#*% got her version "instead of thinking she's the Second Coming of ___(fill in your favorite female artist)



I would really be delighted if tonight, on the show, as a special favour to us all, if Kanye West would come out and grab the microphone from Ryan and say: "Imma let you continue Ryan, but I have to say that Jehna is doing cover versions and not giving credit, and oh yeah, you think Imma big a$$, this mofo over here called y'all retards.

No sorry if it was Kanye he would be saying "American Idol hates Black People". Even thought Candace won last year. 


And yes, YES HCJ is egging JLo on and she just falls right in his big old trap. You can see the glimmer in his eyes and he's practically rubbing his hands together maniacally under the desk in glee. DId anybody notice his swishy walk? so then JLo had to be swishier and turned all "git it girrrrrrrllll" and do the hooker "bend and snap" in her figure skating cupcake dress. 

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I would really be delighted if tonight, on the show, as a special favour to us all, if Kanye West would come out and grab the microphone from Ryan and say: "Imma let you continue Ryan, but I have to say that Jehna is doing cover versions and not giving credit, and oh yeah, you think Imma big a$$, this mofo over here called y'all retards.


I used to be okay with JLo. I wouldn't say I liked her, but I respected her ability to do what she does. Now? She's making me want to knit her a body cozy that includes a muzzle.



I feel so at home on this thread.....kinda like a big family reunion!  Can someone pass the potato salad? 

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In short, unless TPTB come up with a "Home" like song that helped Phillip Phillips win AI, she'll be in for a rude awakening within a year.

I have said that all along, about both Jehna and Caleb.  Life will not be all glitter and fawning over you, and catered sliders with your peeps where everyone takes pics of your every pouty face and JLo gets off her seat to hug you.  These kids are being promoted to the point where the only way will be down in true reality and they will have to actually earn their way up again if they truly want it.  

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Caleb is my favorite, but I think that most of the contestants did pretty well last night.  I can't get into Aex, but he's a nice guy.


The worst part of the night was Jennifer.  OMG, she just won't stop!  She can't just give a critique without mentioning how great the other contestants are? Can't she just talk about the one she is critiquing?  Apparently not.  She pulled this crap the last time she was a judge and it was disgusting then too. 


I'm so glad that Alex and Jessica ignore her and keep putting a positive spin on it.  


Why do they keep showing the judges so much during the performances?  It's beyond annoying.  

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Why do they keep showing the judges so much during the performances?  It's beyond annoying.  


They are paying the judges the big bucks, they want some use out of them.

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