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S22.E03: Week 3

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On 17/01/2018 at 6:01 PM, xtwheeler said:

I'm always a bit perplexed by this perspective, given the numerous studies that show people who use profanity tend to be better educated, have bigger vocabularies, and even tend to have higher IQ's. That's obviously not the case for everyone, nor is the reverse, but it seems quite clear that it is no indicator of status. The most absolutely foul-mouthed groups I've been around have been in both my professions - - institutional stockbrokerage and law, neither of which is generally considered "trashy" as I understand it to be used here. 

Someone did ask her if she felt comfortable around the trailers, but she didn't at all seem to take offense or be upset. Others may take offense at being identified as having lived in a mobile home, but lots of people don't, and are plenty proud of those homes, as they should be. 

Sure, nothing wrong with swearing from time to time - how else are you going to express your pain when you drop an anvil on your foot or you can't believe the actions of another Bachelorette (WTF moments), but Every Single Time Tia speaks to the camera, another one pops out. Maybe it's selective editing, maybe everyone else is swearing a lot too and maybe Tia doesn't ALWAYS swear, but that's what we've seen so far. It would seem to fit in with their portrayal of her with the moonshine and the trailer oriented shots....anyway, I very much disliked Raven on BIP and besides being besties, Tia seems to be her clone. I want her gone soon. but it looks like she's a keeper. I've been watching Arie's body language and he really seems to like her (as a friend), so I think we may even have her for hometowns. Unfortunately.

And rightly or wrongly, living in a trailer does have a negative connotation for most people. I bought a mobile home after selling my house, and I would continually correct coworkers and friends if they called it a trailer. No, it's a mobile home! Settled on the ground without wheels (albeit no foundation). It's a relief to have sold it and moved back into a regular house.

On 17/01/2018 at 6:01 PM, MakeMeLaugh said:

Ah, and I took it at as a genius way of subtly needling him about his attraction to Emily and Chelsea, making him think perhaps he has a mommy complex, and a little critical dig at Chelsea. Bekah could also have been pointing out that she herself, the fun-loving independent young single woman, is the polar opposite of the mom stereotype.

That's how I took it too - a dig at Chelsea. Although some of those other theories are interesting too.

23 hours ago, Sage47 said:

Bibiana does sort of hunch over, very unflattering. I agree that she came off very needy and insecure which is too bad. 

I was shocked when on re-watch I glimpsed a scene where Krystal imterrrupted Arie talking to Bibiana and he was totally rubbing her (B’s) bare leg. Huh?? When did they have chemistry that strong, or at all, that he would be stroking her (bare!) leg?? I was blown away. 

Krystal is a highly disturbing character. 

Arie’s body language says all. When he is smitten he stares into their eyes and smiles and chats freely. He is glowing! Not into them-avoids eye contact, body language and conversation is stiff and stilted. Lauren was clearly going home; his eyes had glazed over. 

From watching his body language, I think he clearly likes some of the women but only as friends. (Tia comes to mind first). The only women I've seen him look really interested in as serious contenders are Caroline and Becca. I am not seeing it at all with Chelsea and some of the other interchangeable blondes.

2 hours ago, saber5055 said:

Well, nuts, I accidentally clicked the Spoiler thread instead of this one, so now I know the end and the series is ruined for me. No reason to post here any more. Now I'll turn to fragments of The Bach during commercials on Better Late Than Never instead of the other way around. See you guys after Arie does or does not pick his F1. And after TWTA. That's always fun.

I peeked too (deliberately since I was caught up on comments) and immediately regretted it. I didn't mind being spoiled on BtVS and some other shows, but this time, I think it's a big letdown. Not exactly sure why.

5 minutes ago, violet and green said:

I can't stop thinking about this and laughing! He does, he looks like an old grey grandfather possum in a cardigan!

I read his interview - I think with Entertainment Weekly? - and he says that the producers have chosen all his clothes, so blame the show's stylist. I do think he picks out what he actually wears to a date but I think the pickings must be slim. I really hated that shirt he wore after the demolition derby. I did think it was funny that he noted he's chosen the exact same shirt, tie and suit as Chris Harrison for several of the rose ceremonies.


So overall, I liked this episode but not as entertaining as the last one. But what on earth are we going to do without Annelise? No more tragic childhood traumas. They'll have to come up with something epic to replace it.

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10 minutes ago, PreBabylonia said:

I peeked too (deliberately since I was caught up on comments) and immediately regretted it. I didn't mind being spoiled on BtVS and some other shows, but this time, I think it's a big letdown. Not exactly sure why.

I can't watch this show without being spoiled because I need to know ahead of time how long the ones I hate are going to be around. I also like to know who is going to "win" so I know who to pay attention to. I don't watch this for anything other than pure snarky entertainment. I could care less about "the journey".

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6 minutes ago, Mabinogia said:

I can't watch this show without being spoiled because I need to know ahead of time how long the ones I hate are going to be around. I also like to know who is going to "win" so I know who to pay attention to. I don't watch this for anything other than pure snarky entertainment. I could care less about "the journey".

That's what I thought too, but this time I'm sorry I did. I've been enjoying this one but maybe it doesn't really have any drama to it this season. Nobody to really despise, as we've had in past seasons. Oh well...I'm going to keep watching. 

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3 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

That reminds me, that convo was totally not real, right? I mean there was no way Krystal was actually talking to Marikh there. They were never shown together and honestly Marikh's one word responses didn't even sound like they matched up with what Krystal was saying. I assumed maybe Krystal was talking to a producer or something and so they just pretended she was talking to Marikh so they could air it.

I hadn't thought about it but now you have me curious. I wouldn't doubt it or put it past the producers at all. Now I want to watch that part again...lol. If so good catch, @peachmangosteen!

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Possum in that picture could be wearing the epitome of grandpa attire, the totally buttoned-up cardigan! He is hurrying to babysit little Bekah.

I hope the editing monkeys see your photo and are inspired to create a reenactment about grandpas wearing cardigans! 

Edited by MakeMeLaugh
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I thought you guys were joking, but now that I see it, OMG I see it! Arie does look like a possum. HAHAHAHAAHA Thank you. I will never unsee it and I don't want to. That's awesome!

I wonder if Annaliese ever had a traumatic run in with a possum. Maybe it's better she got out when she did.

Edited by Mabinogia
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Finally had a chance to watch last night...

Annaliese... Oh my goodness. I was sympathetic to the bumper car trauma, and I'm certainly sympathetic to animal attack-related trauma. But at a certain point... I mean, I know having two things that freak you out is not unreasonable, but for there to be two that came up on this show in back-to-back episodes? Either there are a lot more than two, so it's really easy to hit on one, or the producers were trolling her. And although I wouldn't exactly put it past them, have they ever pulled anything quite like this before? It's not like having experiences from one's childhood that still distress one is all that uncommon, so if they'd wanted to earlier, they surely could have. Maybe it's both. She has a lot, so they decided to troll her. I am sorry we won't see any more reenactments, though.

Bibiana appears to still think he or someone else is just going to come and get her. Whether you're used to having to or not, in this situation, if you want to spend time with him, you have to go after it. I cannot wrap my head around her apparent refusal to do so paired with her incessant whining about not getting any time. Not sorry to see her go.

That said, she did have my sympathies during the wrestling date. I fully get that pro wrestling is all about the theatrics and trash talking and all that, but I feel like there were mixed messages. On one hand, we (and presumably the women) are told that it's all about having fun and just going with the flow and all that, but then you have their two coaches who are treating it like it's deadly serious right from the get-go, and that's frankly a lot less fun. I'm an actor. I've said and had said to me all kinds of things on stage or during a set rehearsal that didn't bother me at all in that context. But if I just walk into the rehearsal and one of my co-actors just immediately launches into personal attacks — on me, not on my character — without knowing anything about me or what my particularly sensitive spots might be, that's a whole different ballgame, and it's not OK. Did Bibiana and Tia overreact a little? Sure. But I did not care for how that date was handled overall. If the idea was supposed to be fun, they seriously missed the mark.

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1 minute ago, kingshearte said:

I fully get that pro wrestling is all about the theatrics and trash talking and all that, but I feel like there were mixed messages. On one hand, we (and presumably the women) are told that it's all about having fun and just going with the flow and all that, but then you have their two coaches who are treating it like it's deadly serious right from the get-go, and that's frankly a lot less fun.

That's a really good point. You've got Arie all, "I just want to see the girls have some fun" so the girls don't take it all that seriously, I mean, it's a group date on The Bachelor, how is anyone supposed to take that seriously" then you've got these two lunatics yelling at them because they are laughing and having fun, then attacking a couple of them pretty harshly. If these girls aren't that familiar with wrestling and all the smack talk involved, I imagine they were REALLY confused. Even if they are, I don't care if you signed up for this show, you didn't sign up to have a total stranger rip apart your perfectly acceptable ethic name because she's too ignorant to have heard of it. That's middle school shit. I almost expected them to put their finger inches from the girls and start chanting "I'm not touching you" or some other stupid shit.

But yeah, fun date that was NOT.

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18 hours ago, violet and green said:

Which lucky lady will get a one-on-one date on tonight's episode of The Hot Marsupial?

Since marsupials have pouches, just make it a multi girl sister wife sort of thing.

old possum faced Arie.  How the mighty have fallen.  He’s gone from the hot, exotic race car driver kissing bandit to an elderly mr Rogers in a cardigan which is possibly hiding skinny fat, and probable dad bod.  

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"skinny fat" is yet another thing this 50 something woman had never heard of. The internet says it's yet another thing for people to feel inferior about, but I'm too lazy (and too ahem fat-fat) to really try to understand. Life was better when we didn't have all these air-brushed perfect people to compare ourselves to.

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1 hour ago, dleighg said:

"skinny fat" is yet another thing this 50 something woman had never heard of. The internet says it's yet another thing for people to feel inferior about, but I'm too lazy (and too ahem fat-fat) to really try to understand. Life was better when we didn't have all these air-brushed perfect people to compare ourselves to.

Skinny fat means low weight and small, but with a layer of fat.  I think it’s genetic, because I have it now matter how fit I sm and how low my weight is.  Think Tonya Harding in the early nineties.  5’1, 98 lbs, muscular, but still chubby looking.  

Werent people more beautiful in your time though?   Think of Bo Derek, Pam Grier, people like that who were natural, and completely unattainable look wise because it didn’t come from a plastic surgeons knife.

i wouldn’t really want to look like any of these cookie cutter people.  

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5 hours ago, ByTor said:

Speaking of Mr. Rogers, I'd love to see Arie enter the mansion, take off his shoes, and change into Keds :)

Dear editors, please, please, please make this happen! Complete with causal shoe toss and singing, or at least play the Mr. Rogers music in the background. Chris Harrison's part could be played by a puppet, perhaps Daniel Striped Tiger. He could weed out the women by seeing which of them can recite the alphabet without visual aides. Whoever wins can win a trip on the trolley. 

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Krystal's all: "I don't really want competition."

Yeah. Going on a dating show in which you and a bevy of other women (all of whom have less annoying voices than yours and more sincerity) was a terrific idea for someone who allegedly eschews competition.

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7 hours ago, the-grey-lady said:

Krystal's all: "I don't really want competition."

Yeah. Going on a dating show in which you and a bevy of other women (all of whom have less annoying voices than yours and more sincerity) was a terrific idea for someone who allegedly eschews competition.

And then she brags about how confident she is.  Well, if she's that confident, a little competition shouldn't bug her so much.

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I loved Aries date with the ill fated Lauren. Was so funny how he admitted he likes to go to bed early. He's such an old man lol. And he ate!!! Loved that though it showed he was totally uninterested in Lauren. I get that she was nervous but she basically had no personality aside from agreeing with everything he said. Me too! Me too! 

Bekah is attractive and I get his interest bit she's such a kid. While he probably wants a quiet evening at home I can see Bekah out clubbing. I know she's only there for Instagram followers but she has him eating out of her hand. I don't understand why he keeps giving the date rose to Chelsea. He doesn't even seem interested in her. I think Analise was eliminated because Arie likes dogs and can't see himself with a woman who is afraid of everything. He seems most comfortable with Becca and I'm suprised she didn't get the date rose. 

I thought the wrestling date was badly set up. Those old ladies from crow or whatever it was called had a great opportunity to teach the women how wrestling works etc even though I'm not a wwe fan  I know it's fake and that they insult each other and it's just a big show but I'd be pissed if some stranger who has no permission to touch me pulled my hair aggressively. I'd want to tell her off or punch her. And the old hag making fun of Bibbiana was rude. They could have had fun with the whole thing and instead their instructors looked like rude bitches. 

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I finally had time to watch the episode all the way through and, of course, had some thoughts:

The Wrestling Group date:

This would have been more fun without the actual GLOW woman coming in and being too much. I just don’t think that this was the place for it. I think it’s quite possible that they actually might not know how to play their characters in middle gear so just weren’t a great fit for this gig (I did watch the documentary on the original GLOW and it was really good) (I also watched the Netflix drama GLOW and loved it).

Didn’t blame either Tia or Bibiana for their reactions but I liked that they really went for it once it was time.  Thought it was no surprise that Bekah threw herself into it. She’s an actress, wrestling is acting and Really, they all seemed to do good and “have fun with it” once it got started. Every time they showed Jacqueline I thought she looked great and made good comments. We need more of her.

Krystal, Shut up. You’re so self confident that you have to ask Arie constantly for both assurances and directions? Well, even if you’re not so confident, stop asking Arie for assurances and directions. Also the “aaahh, has everyone ahhh talked to him yet aaaahhhh?” crap? It’s embarrassing and would be annoying in person.  And the way she was holding her jaw clenched while trying to maintain a smile while Bekah was receiving the GDR looked painful…and  it showed off her neck wrinkles  A. LOT. Is she actually under 30? If so, yikes.

Also that convo with Marikh? Could that be fake? Was Krystal really just babbling to a producer-therapist? First of all, Marikh is probably the most beautiful woman there. She’s certainly beautiful enough to have had her pick of men and probably has not had a lot of boyfriends  lost to cuter friends. Then, Marikh’s responses  were so generic and the shots of her were cut so high you couldn’t even see if she was curled up on the same couch as Krystal.

Loved seeing Kenny again.  His appearance was too brief and kinda wasted.  We need more Kenny.

Lauren S. Date:  Well, it was obvious that she and Arie  weren’t a fit and that he was bored and she was sorta flailing around verbally (which has happened to everyone I think)…but he could have been more polite about it.

And so could have Krystal. She was condescending and self absorbed while discussing Lauren’s elimination. Her interest in hearing herself speak was, as usual, more important to her than paying attention to what the people around her were doing, saying or feeling.

Dog Group Date:

Okay, so at this point I just feel bad for Annaleise. I did listen to a few podcasts this week and apparently she’s been attacked twice by dogs. The first time  nearly cost her her eye. She was hospitalized, has scars, the works. That’s a big deal. Then it happened again with a little dog while staying with her grandparents.  This might not traumatize everyone, but it would traumatize a lot of people.  And the producers of course knew the entire story.

That said, with this on top of the bumper car thing, she does seem very easily triggered.  Or willing to act triggered.  And I really think Arie could have been more gracious and/or compassionate in his last interactions with her, but I don’t blame him for being ready to let her go.  Shallow note: I think Annaleise is pretty, but her hair gets really stringy and greasy looking quickly and really makes her look way less attractive than I think she actually is. Do something with your hair Annaleise!

I do LOVE the use of reenactments. I hope they find ways to continue using them in the future. Preferably not to mock actual trauma though.

Chelsea: My god, shut up. If you’re upset at the mere sight of chidren because you miss yours so much, go home.  If you’ve never had the “opportunity for someone to, like, respect me for who I am”, you’re probably not going to get that opportunity on a tv show.  And how long did you work on that “I’m here to discover myself through someone else” line? And isn’t that a sentiment that’s actually more likely to be felt about, say, one’s child than a grown man one wants to have a relationship of equals with?

I don’t know that she’s a bad person, I’m guessing not particularly, but she does seem pushy and stupid. And I know that Arie has now given her 2 ‘date’ roses (the FIR and this one) but I don’t see much chemistry between them.


I liked Bibiana more and more the more that got to see of her. I think she was learning from her mistakes but she should have shut up about Krystal on the group date. I don't know why these contestants never learn: unless you're a very favorite favorite (or, in at least one case, have legitimately entered the friend zone with them), it does not work to criticize another contestant to the lead. I did feel so bad for her at the cocktail party with her romantic setup being stolen again and agiain though—she was obviously set up and I’m guessing that the producers were hoping that she’s flip out and make a huge scene. But I don’t think either she and Arie had any chemistry and he doesn’t seem able to even interact with someone he’s not interested in.

At this cocktail party is the first time I’ve ever noticed Lauren B. She’s totally blends for me.

My remaining favorites (not necessarily the ones I think Arie likes best though) right now are Tia, Seinne, Jacqueline and Kendall. But I actually like most of the remaining contestants. But there’s SOOO many women left,  I wish we could have a good elimination blood bath and really knock these numbers down.

Edited by nicgwatchingtv
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On 1/20/2018 at 0:20 PM, Mabinogia said:

Dear editors, please, please, please make this happen! Complete with causal shoe toss and singing, or at least play the Mr. Rogers music in the background. Chris Harrison's part could be played by a puppet, perhaps Daniel Striped Tiger. He could weed out the women by seeing which of them can recite the alphabet without visual aides. Whoever wins can win a trip on the trolley. 

Harrison would need to come in with the date card yelling, “Speedy delivery! Speedy delivery!” 

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2 hours ago, nicgwatchingtv said:

I finally had time to watch the episode all the way through and, of course, had some thoughts:

The Wrestling Group date:

This would have been more fun without the actual GLOW woman coming in and being too much. I just don’t think that this was the place for it. I think it’s quite possible that they actually might not even know how to play their characters in middle gear so just weren’t a great fit for this gig (I did watch the documentary on the original GLOW and it was really good) (I also watched the Netflix drama GLOW and loved it).

Didn’t blame either Tia or Bibiana for their reactions but I liked that they really went for it once it was time.  Thought it was no surprise that Bekah threw herself into it. She’s an actress, wrestling is acting and Really, they all seemed to do good an “have fun with it” once it got started. Every time they showed Jacqueline I thought she looked great and made good comments. We need more of her.

Krystal, Shut up. You’re so self confident that you have to ask Arie constantly for both assurances and directions. Hell, even if you’re not so confident, stop asking Arie for assurances and directions.  Also the “aaahh, has everyone ahhh talked to him yet aaaahhhh?” crap? It’s embarrassing and would be annoying in person.  And the way she was holding her jaw clenched while trying to maintain a smile while Bekah was receiving the GDR looked painful…and  it showed off her neck wrinkles  A. LOT. Is she actually under 30? If so, yikes.

Also that convo with Marikh? Could that be fake? Was Krystal really just babbling to a producer-therapist? First of all, Marikh is probably the most beautiful woman there. She’s certainly beautiful enough to have had her pick of men and probably has not had a lot of boyfriends  lost to cuter friends. Then, Marikh’s responses  were so generic and the shots of her were cut so high you couldn’t even see if she was curled up on the same couch as Krystal.

Loved seeing Kenny again.  His appearance was too brief and kinda wasted.  We need more Kenny.

Lauren S. Date:  Well, it was obvious that she and Arie  weren’t a fit and that he was bored and she was sorta flailing around verbally (which has happened to everyone I think)…but he could have been more polite about it.

And so could have Krystal. She was condescending and self absorbed while discussing Lauren’s elimination. Her interest in hearing herself speak was, as usual, more important to her than paying attention to what the people around her were doing, saying or feeling.

Dog Group Date:

Okay, so at this point I just feel bad for Annaleise. I did listen to a few podcasts this week and apparently she’s been attacked twice by dogs. The first time  nearly cost her her eye. She was hospitalized, has scars, the works. That’s a big deal. Then it happened again with a little dog while staying with her grandparents.  This might not traumatize everyone, but it would traumatize a lot of people.  And the producers of course knew the entire story.

That said, with this on top of the bumper car thing, she does seem very easily triggered.  Or willing to act triggered.  And I really think Arie could have been more gracious and/or compassionate in his last interactions with her, but I don’t blame him for being ready to let her go.  Shallow note: I think Annaleise is pretty, but her hair gets really stringy and greasy looking quickly and really makes her look way less attractive than I think she actually is. Do something with your hair Annaleise!

I do LOVE the use of reenactments. I hope they find ways to continue using them in the future. Preferably not to mock actual trauma though.

Chelsea: My god, shut up. If you’re upset at the mere sight of chidren because you miss yours so much, go home.  If you’ve never had the “opportunity for someone to, like, respect me for who I am”, you’re probably not going to get that opportunity on a tv show.  And how long did you work on that “I’m here to discover myself through someone else” line? And isn’t that a sentiment that’s actually more likely to be felt about, say, one’s child than a grown man one wants to have a relationship of equals with?

I don’t know that she’s a bad person, I’m guessing not particularly, but she does seem pushy and stupid. And I know that Arie has now given her 2 ‘date’ roses (the FIR and this one) but I don’t see much chemistry between them.

I actually thought her interactions during the dog date were the most awkward. At one point a little girl is on stage and Chelsea just stands there not knowing what to do. You'd think her motherly vibes would kick in to calm the child, but no. Not sure if that means anything, just seemed weird. 

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3 hours ago, nicgwatchingtv said:

Loved seeing Kenny again.  His appearance was too brief and kinda wasted.  We need more Kenny.

Lauren S. Date:  Well, it was obvious that she and Arie  weren’t a fit and that he was bored and she was sorta flailing around verbally (which has happened to everyone I think)…but he could have been more polite about it.

And so could have Krystal. She was condescending and self absorbed while discussing Lauren’s elimination. Her interest in hearing herself speak was, as usual, more important to her than paying attention to what the people around her were doing, saying or feeling.

Dog Group Date:

Okay, so at this point I just feel bad for Annaleise. I did listen to a few podcasts this week and apparently she’s been attacked twice by dogs. The first time  nearly cost her her eye. She was hospitalized, has scars, the works. That’s a big deal. Then it happened again with a little dog while staying with her grandparents.  This might not traumatize everyone, but it would traumatize a lot of people.  And the producers of course knew the entire story.

That said, with this on top of the bumper car thing, she does seem very easily triggered.  Or willing to act triggered.  And I really think Arie could have been more gracious and/or compassionate in his last interactions with her, but I don’t blame him for being ready to let her go.  

I don’t know that she’s a bad person, I’m guessing not particularly, but she does seem pushy and stupid. And I know that Arie has now given her 2 ‘date’ roses (the FIR and this one) but I don’t see much chemistry between them.


I liked Bibiana more and more the more that got to see of her. I think she was learning from her mistakes but she should have shut up about Krystal on the group date. I don't know why these contestants never learn: unless you're a very favorite favorite (or, in at least one case, have legitimately entered the friend zone with them), it does not work to criticize another contestant to the lead. I did feel so bad for her at the cocktail party with her romantic setup being stolen again and agiain though—she was obviously set up and I’m guessing that the producers were hoping that she’s flip out and make a huge scene. But I don’t think either she and Arie had any chemistry and he doesn’t seem able to even interact with someone he’s not interested in.


1 hour ago, Stan39 said:

I actually thought her interactions during the dog date were the most awkward. At one point a little girl is on stage and Chelsea just stands there not knowing what to do. You'd think her motherly vibes would kick in to calm the child, but no. Not sure if that means anything, just seemed weird. 

That whole dog show date was terrible, and not funny terrible. I would have edited it out and begun again, and I LOVE dogs but....it looks like none of the women chosen for this had any special affinity for dogs at all. Or making the best of a bad situation.

I don't really feel sorry for Annaleise because she knew what she was getting into, that contract she signed mentioned a lot more personally frightening situations, such as bungee jumping or diving into a volcano (?), anyone far more traumatic than what she actually encountered. I don't have a problem with her having problems, it's deciding to go on this show to potentially face her fears. And if doing so was empowering, we certainly didn't see it. I thought Bibiana had potential to shake things up in the house, but I agree, Arie isn't good (or is too sincere) to fake interest in those that don't intrigue him, and there was clearly nothing there, on either side.

And yes, more and more Kenny! I wouldn't mind watching a Bachelor with a sidekick or a wingman, not necessarily present for the actual dates (well, maybe the group dates as a special observer), but definitely there for the cocktail parties and for the Bachelor to bounce ideas off. Would help make the quieter Bachelors more animated and enthusiastic. I really like Kenny. Maybe we could have him and his lovely daughter, as recurring guests. Even if it's for only a portion of the season.

Yeah, Chelsea doesn't seem to have a connection with anything but her mirror. The producers can try as hard as they want. she's just not happening as either a villain or a sympathetic character. Hoping they realize this quickly based on the lack of buzz about her, and let Arie drop her. I don't think for one minute that he's been seriously interested in her as a fling nor a potential fiancee, she's just a tradeoff so he can keep a few others around (like Becca and Bekah).

Edited by PreBabylonia
Forgot to mention KENNY!
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10 hours ago, PreBabylonia said:

And yes, more and more Kenny! I wouldn't mind watching a Bachelor with a sidekick or a wingman, not necessarily present for the actual dates (well, maybe the group dates as a special observer), but definitely there for the cocktail parties and for the Bachelor to bounce ideas off. Would help make the quieter Bachelors more animated and enthusiastic. I really like Kenny. Maybe we could have him and his lovely daughter, as recurring guests. Even if it's for only a portion of the season.

That would be a great idea.  From your keyboard to the producers' ears.  I miss Kenny. 

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On 1/19/2018 at 4:24 PM, Mu Shu said:

Werent people more beautiful in your time though?   Think of Bo Derek, Pam Grier, people like that who were natural, and completely unattainable look wise because it didn’t come from a plastic surgeons knife.

I love it that "in your time" is being said to a woman in her 50s.  I saw Pam Grier on a little talk segment on Starz in Black during my free preview weekend, and holy cow!!!  That woman looks AMAZING, and not at all plastic surgery-y. 

I think if Bibiana can stay away from fillers and whatever else people like bachelorette Kaitlyn Bristowe use, she'll age very nicely. 

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2 hours ago, dleighg said:

thank you :)

I let it go but felt like the old Monty Python skit. "I'm not dead yet!"

I don’t understand.  You mentioned you’re in your fifties.  When you were in your 20s the women I mentioned as being far more gorgeous than the current beauty standard were the beauties of the day.  

When you were the age of the current bachelorettes, the beauty standard was different, and much less attainable.  People who were considered beautiful in the 70s and 80s timeframe actually were beautiful.  Now anyone with 5 pounds of extensions, spackle, and an Instagram filter can be called beautiful.

i don’t give a shit.  I’ve looked like a cabbage patch kid my whole life.  It’s never bothered me.  

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1 hour ago, Mu Shu said:

People who were considered beautiful in the 70s and 80s timeframe actually were beautiful.  Now anyone with 5 pounds of extensions, spackle, and an Instagram filter can be called beautiful.

This I agree with. In my day (lol) Christy Brinkley was THE beauty and damn was she stunning. I think the ideal back then was more natural beauty, and big hair, there was a lot of hair back then. There is now too, but now it's all scraggly two toned extensions. Back then it was all big, thick waves. There was a lot less contouring back then too. Now you have the Kardashian look which is all smoke and shadows, all white lines down the side of the nose to make it appear smaller then dark under the cheeks to make them pop or whatever. It's all fake, a "manufactured pretty" as Sam on Bunheads would say. It's why 85% of these women all look exactly the same (the other 15% also look the same, they just have darker hair. lol Well, and there is the .5% that are Bibiana, the Indian woman I keep forgetting is there because she's barely spent 10 minutes with Arie and Beckah). They all saw the same makeup tutorial, got the same extensions, use the same hair dye. They are interchangeable. Women used to be unique. 

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