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Mind Your Surroundings: Arrow, The Flash, Supergirl, Legends of Tomorrow and Other Superhero Universes


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I actually hope Teen Titans is not connected to the Arrow/Flash universe. I don't want the series to be constrained by what Arrow has done. They'd need to abide by Slade's history on the show and his relationship with Oliver, the mess Arrow made of Ravager, Roy, etc.


My ideal line-up:





Beast Boy

Kid Flash


Go full-on Perez/Wolfman.

I actually hope Teen Titans is not connected to the Arrow/Flash universe. I don't want the series to be constrained by what Arrow has done. They'd need to abide by Slade's history on the show and his relationship with Oliver, the mess Arrow made of Ravager, Roy, etc.


My ideal line-up:





Beast Boy

Kid Flash


Go full-on Perez/Wolfman.

They could explain it away that Slade is thinking more clearly now that he's off Mirakuru *shrug*.

As for the line up...I need the Dick/Wally/Roy and Dick/Donna friendships on my screen so Roy and Donna need to be in that line up.

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I don't think they'll use Roy or Donna, particularly if it's a shared universe with Arrow. I expect they'll use some variation of the characters from the old TT cartoon, or maybe they'll use the new lineup from the comics. Although, the general audience might be baffled that Tim Drake is Robin instead of Dick Grayson.

Spoilers for X-Men: Apocalypse movie (scheduled for May 2016 release)...


Simon Kinberg Talks Wolverine's Claws; Teases 'Cable', 'Psylocke', More For X-MEN: APOCALYPSE
By Josh Wilding - 9/26/2014


Apocalypse screenwriter talks plot, new characters, Mystique's potential motherhood + more
Dan Roth Friday, September 26, 2014 - 6:32pm


X-Men: Apocalypse to Potentially Recast Halle Berry's Storm, James Marsden's Cyclops, and Famke Janssen's Jean
Sep. 24, 2014 AT 7:20PM By Rachel McRady


Edited by tv echo

This isn't a spoiler anymore, this article is about the Dollmaker...



The Same Character On ‘Gotham’ And ‘Arrow’?
by alex zalben 9/29/2014


Other interesting articles...


From Arrow to Gotham: Geoff Johns on the secret of DC's television revolution
Trent Moore Tuesday, September 30, 2014 - 10:51am


Affleck talks Dark Knight Returns' influence on Batman v Superman: 'Steal from the best'
Trent MooreTuesday, September 30, 2014 - 12:26pm

Edited by tv echo

Ugh, DC. Didn't something like this t-shirt scandal happen at Wal-Mart a few years ago? Some dads who read comics with their daughters need to find out who the douche designing this clothing is and take him out back.

And is brooding really a pro? Brooding means staring at a wall instead of participating in conversation. Intensity is a better trait. But at least the Batjerk interpretation of Batman is finally getting made fun of.

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You know season 2b really made me dislike Oliver and his many oopsies but I can see why the man broods. The stuff he's been through is really horrible and just gets worse and worse. No wonder he's emotionally stunted when for the past 7 years, even though there have been good moments, nothing good has happened. Give him that well earned award. (And watch me totally overlook his douchey tendencies).

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Maybe I'm alone with this, but I feel like Barry's narration in "The Flash" works better than Oliver's did in "Arrow".  I'm not sure why. It could be because of the Peter Parker-vibe I get off of Barry and the "Spider-Man" movies all had some narration.

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Maybe I'm alone with this, but I feel like Barry's narration in "The Flash" works better than Oliver's did in "Arrow".  I'm not sure why. It could be because of the Peter Parker-vibe I get off of Barry and the "Spider-Man" movies all had some narration.

Barry is SO MUCH like Peter Parker. But it works because I love Spider-man lol. 

Maybe I'm alone with this, but I feel like Barry's narration in "The Flash" works better than Oliver's did in "Arrow".  I'm not sure why. It could be because of the Peter Parker-vibe I get off of Barry and the "Spider-Man" movies all had some narration.

SA is horrible at the VO stuff.  GG/Barry's worked better because it sounded genuine and kind of goofy/funny.

Yeah, with the Arrow cameo and if anyone reads any Flash articles they often mention upcoming crossovers - one has to wonder if good reception of The Flash will impact Arrow.  Of course with all the hyping the show runners have done over the summer it would be really hard to know what drew what viewers in.


I have to say, I'm really enjoying all the comic book shows I get to watch right now and each has it's own feel.  Gotham is really growing on me.  I had reservations about the lead as Jim Gordon and also how they were going to keep the kids relevant but I no longer see Ben Mckenzie as Ryan from the OC and young Bruce is being handled in an interesting way.  He's in some ways the voice for the audience, summing up what has been going on and taking lessons from it. 

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I appreciate Gotham because it makes early episodes of Arrow and Agents of Shield look good. I don't hate it or anything but I'm not exactly dying to see the next episode, either. The latest episode was my least favourite so far. Oswald is really just too stupid to live. Killing someone for a pair of shoes? Really? I did like the cliff hanger with him turning up at Gordon and Barbara's apartment, though.


Death by balloon also strikes me as a little too absurd, even for a comic book show. Although Bruce's reaction to that event was well done. I feel like those are things I could ignore if I was enjoying the show more, but I'm underwhelmed so far.

I get sold on characters more than storylines so the silly or convoluted doesn't bother me unless it contradicts or diminishes character.  I was sold on "Cat" in the first episode and even though I found him terrible, I like Bullock right away too.  Now Gordon and wee Bruce have their hooks in me and I find Fish Mooney fascinating to watch and the Penguin is growing on me.  I am also fascinated by the overall corruption of Gotham and how Gordon is navigating it.  Gotham the city is a character all on its own and I sold on it so far. 

Edited by BkWurm1
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I'm the same way, actually, but none of the characters on Gotham have particularly grabbed me so far. I'm enjoying Fish Mooney in small doses for Pinkett-Smith's performance, but so far I think a little of her goes a long way. The actor that plays Oswald is good but he's supposed to be the penguin in the future and I just can't see how he'll manage to stay alive long enough to get there. I feel like I could watch anything Batman related and see better executed versions of pretty much any character on screen.


Which isn't to say that I don't like the show, but I'm definitely more engaged with the other superhero shows on the air. Even when Arrow and Shield were only on their third episode I liked them a lot more than I like Gotham currently.

In addition to Arrow, I'm enjoying all of the TV superhero shows.  I thought The Flash and Gotham were really good, and that Agents of SHIELD has improved markedly from last year and is now interesting.


Sadly, as a big comic book fan, I'm struggling to care about any of these shows, other than Gotham. That one is showing some promise, and has a nice darkness to it that oozes off the screen.


Agents of SHIELD is crippled by Coulson's anti-charisma. The Flash pilot was pretty hokey, with a drip of a lead character and the same love triangle garbage that threatened to ruin Arrow before they decided to have Oliver not give a shit about Laurel. And Arrow is sadly heading in the opposite direction from what it was. Seems like romance and love triangles are the order of the day, not to mention the writers pushing Laurel on us like she's a fucking rag drenched in chloroform.


Oh well, there's always Agent Carter and Daredevil, when Marvel get them going.

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not to mention the writers pushing Laurel on us like she's a fucking rag drenched in chloroform.


Just had to show some love for this turn of phrase. Excellent.


I'm iffy on Gotham, still okay with Agents of SHIELD, and I'm really looking forward to Agent Carter and all of the Marvel Netflix shows.

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I agree that Clark Gregg is anything but leading man material, but Agents of Shield has surprised me this season. Last season, I wanted more ensemble and less Skye-centered narrative. Got it. I was over the cutesy co-dependent Fitzsimmons relationship by episode 3. It's been rendered unrecognizable. It's still the early days of season 2 and the ratings are abysmal but it's my favorite sophomore show behind Sleepy Hollow.

Daredevil is can't miss imo, especially with Deborah Ann Woll on board, and it would be a feat for Agent Carter to be as bad as AoS' first season. I'm super relieved that AoS has improved because I don't plan to follow Arrow actively any more and I need a solid superhero show in my life. Gotham isn't quite doing it for me.

I guess Constantine premiered tonight, but the real test will be for the second episode and whether it withstood the retooling after the pilot. And I don't want to watch The Flash anymore because its connection to Arrow will inadvertently depress me.

I think Agents of SHIELD took a huge leap forward when it decided to use the entire cast instead of just Coulson and Skye, and stopped pushing the very special special-ness of Skye.  Letting Ward out of the Ralph Bellamy role and turning him evul helped too. 



I was over the cutesy co-dependent Fitzsimmons relationship by episode 3.

I just hate it, it was like the writers living out their own nerd fantasies from high school. And now that Fitz sacrificed himself for Simmons, we're going to be stuck with it forever.


I haven't given up on Gotham but I find it too violent and depressing and filled with characters I don't care about. (I like Selina Kyle and Alfred but Bruce is creepy.)

Now that the new season of Mudoch Mysteries has started, Gotham will be catch-up later for me.


I loved Sleepy Hollow last season but making Katrina a regular cast member is not working for me.  It's like the reason she's there to stop the crazy chemistry of Ichabod and Abbie and they keep having to find things to make her relevant.



not to mention the writers pushing Laurel on us like she's a fucking rag drenched in chloroform.

Let me add my love for this turn of phrase too.

I loved Sleepy Hollow last season but making Katrina a regular cast member is not working for me. It's like the reason she's there to stop the crazy chemistry of Ichabod and Abbie and they keep having to find things to make her relevant.

Taking to Small Talk before I go off on a tangent.

Ooh, Civil War...interesting to see how they cover it since that was a big X-Men storyline.

Capt/Steve Rogers "dies" during the Civil War story, which might confirm the rumors that Marvel will move Bucky into the Captain America movies, like in the comics

Edited by Morrigan2575

Take that, Batman v. Superman....

Robert Downey Jr And Chris Evans To Team Up In Captain America 3?



Now I badly want this to happen. Iron Man and Cap>>>>Batman and Superman every day and twice on Sunday.

Wow, that sounds intense. You got to give it to Marvel. Even if you aren't a fan, they do know how to weave a spiderweb of epic proportions to keep you coming back for more. I have to say though, I pause when I hear talk of

things getting dark as it instantly makes me worry they'll turn all Dreary!DC on me


Bats and Superman in the same movie with a back door introduction of the Justice League will be an event, but it might be a terrible event. I actually liked Man of Steel but my expectations for the Vs movie is abominably low. They are not giving themselves enough time toward character building. I think they expect the audience to come to the movie presold on who the characters are rather than be bothered to build them up within the context of the individual film. Which in the end undercuts the emotion.

Toss in a grey color palette and everyone taking themselves too seriously and while I know I will watch it, it's starting to feel like an upcoming homework assignment.

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March 25: Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice
August 5: Suicide Squad


June 23: Wonder Woman
November 17: Justice League


March 23: The Flash
July 27: Aquaman


April 5: Shazam
June 14: Justice League 2


April 3: Cyborg
June 19: Green Lantern


I loved Sleepy Hollow last season but making Katrina a regular cast member is not working for me.  It's like the reason she's there to stop the crazy chemistry of Ichabod and Abbie and they keep having to find things to make her relevant.


Katrina Crane fits right into that bracket of characters with Laurel and Coulson, for me. These dull, grey charisma voids who really do damage to otherwise perfectly good shows, to the point where I struggle to keep watching.


And what's annoying is that each of those shows have a character that I put into another bracket. That bracket being, 'awesome, fun, charming, intelligent, sexy women'. So yeah, that's Felicity, Simmons and Abbie. I fucking love those girls, yet they're tarnished by having to share the screen with people I can't watch without wanting to stick needles in my eyes (just so I'd know if I was still awake or not).


But I'm still enjoying Sleepy Hollow, because Ichabod and Abbie are still the main event there, and they're both so much fun that I can ignore Katrina and her (admittedly attractive) decolletage.


Oh, and I'll say it now: That DC movie lineup will crash and burn. Most of them won't even get made. Because they're hiring hacks like Zack Snyder to head it up. His Superman movie was atrocious, and his other movies (other than Watchmen) have been crap as well.

Edited by Danny Franks
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That DC movie lineup will crash and burn. Most of them won't even get made. Because they're hiring hacks like Zack Snyder to head it up. His Superman movie was atrocious, and his other movies (other than Watchmen) have been crap as well.

I disagree immensely. I think it'll be great and successful. I really think MOS was solid to great.


Another Green Lantern movie? ugh.

After the last one..it's needed.

I disagree immensely. I think it'll be great and successful. I really think MOS was solid to great.


I agree with your first point, and wish I could agree with your second one. MoS was one big bathroom break for me, which is saying something because I thought I would be willing to watch Henry Cavill recite the phone book and I found out watching that movie that nah...not so much.

Edited by apinknightmare
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