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Mind Your Surroundings: Arrow, The Flash, Supergirl, Legends of Tomorrow and Other Superhero Universes


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5 hours ago, Simba122504 said:

How can the D.A. (that's what Cecille is) defend someone who's on trial for murder? How the hell does that work? Barry needs his own damn defense attorney. She's his defense lawyer in the comics but on this show she's the freaking District Attorney. What earth does that take place on? 

They probably went, "Hey, we have someone who knows law who knows Barry's The Flash! We can have a moment where she tells him to reveal he's The Flash. Perfect!" And that's it. 

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6 hours ago, Simba122504 said:

How can the D.A. (that's what Cecille is) defend someone who's on trial for murder? How the hell does that work? Barry needs his own damn defense attorney. She's his defense lawyer in the comics but on this show she's the freaking District Attorney. What earth does that take place on? 


1 hour ago, Sakura12 said:

It really shows they have a former lawyer working on the show.  Or Barry is that special that he get the prosecutor on his side while Central City is the defendant. It's Central City's fault that Barry's a dumbass. 


1 hour ago, ladylaw99 said:

These writers hurt my brain.  Barry really is a special dumbass. 

It's not any different than Adrian Chase (before we learned he was Prometheus), an attorney for Star City, being able to defend Diggle last season. So it's not because Barry is dumbass or a special one. That's how this universe rolls.

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But wasn't Adrian Chase defending Diggle in a court martial?  It's stupid because he probably knows no military law but at least it's a different venue than Central City's criminal courts.

I finally got to watch the last episode of The Flash and my overall conclusion is that someone should have sent the script back for re-writes.  Not only is Iris an ungrateful, mannerless neurotic (a wedding present is a gift, not an entitlement from a list you made of things people owe you) so that Barry can look sympathetic, the only way to redeem Ralph is to send him off the show as soon as possible because even when they're trying to write him as nice, they're still making him tacky.  Also Amunet and The Thinker are idiots because they've just wasted a valuable resource of a telepath when they could have mindwiped someone who doesn't have any special abilities.  And that's setting aside the whole stealing and enslaving thing.

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35 minutes ago, GHScorpiosRule said:



It's not any different than Adrian Chase (before we learned he was Prometheus), an attorney for Star City, being able to defend Diggle last season. So it's not because Barry is dumbass or a special one. That's how this universe rolls.

I think Barry is a special dumbass for many reasons.  I know the writers do not give a crap when it come to to any legal issues or protocol.  If they did some of the stories would actually be interesting.

44 minutes ago, GHScorpiosRule said:



It's not any different than Adrian Chase (before we learned he was Prometheus), an attorney for Star City, being able to defend Diggle last season. So it's not because Barry is dumbass or a special one. That's how this universe rolls.

Chase was representing Diggle as a lawyer in military court, a completely different legal system. He also wasn't defending Diggle against charges his own city made against him. In fact, if Cecile is a DA for Central City, she would be the one deciding whether or not the city would continue to pursue the case against Barry or drop the charges. There's no way she would be representing Barry at all. 

Edited by lemotomato
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4 hours ago, ruby24 said:

Well, Cecile's having Joe's baby and considered part of the family now, so it would make sense if she resigns as DA in order to defend Barry. I would hope that's what will happen.

Why should a black woman, like Cecile, sacrifice her career as a DA - one she has likely worked hard for - for a white boy she's only known for a few months? The optics of that would be even worse imo considering it's been previously shown that many have sacrificed/lost so many things because of Barry who is supposed to be the hero. 

Edited by WindofChange
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10 minutes ago, WindofChange said:

Why should she sacrifice her career as a DA - one she has likely worked hard for, for a white boy she's only known for a few months? The optics of that would be even worse imo considering it's been previously shown that many have sacrificed/lost so many things because of Barry who is supposed to be the hero. 

Maybe he should hire Jean Loring

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1 hour ago, lemotomato said:

In fact, if Cecile is a DA for Central City, she would be the one deciding whether or not the city would continue to pursue the case against Barry or drop the charges. There's no way she would be representing Barry at all. 

Honestly, what is even the point of showing a trial then? They might as well throw Barry in a lake and declare him guilty if he doesn't float. That has about as much resemblance to an actual trial as having the acting DA representing the defendant in a murder trial against people she works with or who work for her in the same office where they keep the same evidence and discuss case strategy. They should have just made Caitlin or Cisco a lawyer, I mean they can do everything else. 

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20 minutes ago, ruby24 said:

Well, Cecile's having Joe's baby and considered part of the family now, so it would make sense if she resigns as DA in order to defend Barry. I would hope that's what will happen.

I think the word to use is recuse, not resign. Cecile shouldn't quit as DA just because of Barry, but shouldn't be involved with Barry's case because she has a conflict of interest, given that she's dating Joe. In Arrow season 2, this was brought up when the DA's office put Laurel on the prosecution's team during Moira Queen's trial.

Edited by lemotomato
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27 minutes ago, lemotomato said:

I think the word to use is recuse, not resign. Cecile shouldn't quit as DA just because of Barry, but shouldn't be involved with Barry's case because she has a conflict of interest, given that she's dating Joe. In Arrow season 2, this was brought up when the DA's office put Laurel on the prosecution's team during Moira Queen's trial.

This I agree with it. And I'm not a lawyer, and all I know of lawyers who work for the DA's office who are able to in certain cases, defend suspects, I learned on Law & Order. If Cecile is the actual district attorney and not the assistant district attorney (the latter who are the ones who actually prosecute), she shouldn't even be prosecuting OR defending. Hers in real life anyway, is an elected position and she's a politician. Shows just like to ignore that. Well, Law & Order never did. Because neither Adam, Nora (UGH) or Branch Foghorn Leghorn and even Jack, when he was finally district attorney, actually tried cases. But this is teevee world, where anything goes. I mean, just over on General Hospital a couple weeks ago, they dished up the biggest load of HORSESHIT where the local law had any jurisdiction over a military officer suspected of desertion. @statsgirl knows what I'm talking about.

And y'all know that I'm forever a Barry apologist/defender, so anything I see as "unjust" criticism, just will roll off me back. But we're all friends here, right?

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They should just hire an actor and have them be Barry's defense lawyer, they don't need to spend any time on the character. He just needs to spout a bunch of crap of how awesome Barry is and we all know how great the show is at that. It's the show's entire purpose.

This trial is a dumb story line anyway, especially since it could've been avoided with Barry being the "fastest" man alive. He could've just left. I don't think the don't run applied to standing around a crime he didn't commit just because. The Thinker is not smarter than everyone else, everyone else just became dumber to make this story line work. 

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I know this is a t.v. show but Cecile just can't flip flop from a prosecutor to a defence lawyer.  In my country she couldn't even prosecute him because of conflict of interest.  We have a case right now that we had to obtain an out of town Crown Attorney because of a personal conflict..  It drove me crazy when Arrow pulled that with Laurel and Moira.

42 minutes ago, ladylaw99 said:

I know this is a t.v. show but Cecile just can't flip flop from a prosecutor to a defence lawyer.  In my country she couldn't even prosecute him because of conflict of interest.  We have a case right now that we had to obtain an out of town Crown Attorney because of a personal conflict..  It drove me crazy when Arrow pulled that with Laurel and Moira.

We can't do this in the U.S. either. Like I posted upthread, apparently, in teevee world, they can do this and wily nilly to everything else. I can name two supposed court room drama shows that didn't know shit about how trials are done: Suits, The Good Wife. We as viewers will just have to roll with it.

Edited by GHScorpiosRule
53 minutes ago, Sakura12 said:

This trial is a dumb story line anyway, especially since it could've been avoided with Barry being the "fastest" man alive. He could've just left.

Leave it to good 'ol Barry to not be a selfish dumbass when it would be the right thing to do, LOL.

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13 minutes ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

We can't do this in the U.S. either. Like I posted upthread, apparently, in teevee world, they can do this and wily nilly to everything else. I can name two supposed court room drama shows that didn't know shit about how trials are done: Suits, The Good Wife. We as viewers will just have to roll with it.

I don't disagree with what you are saying, I agree with you we have to roll with it.

 I mean if it is entertaining that is great (if Oliver goes to trial - I hope it will make sense but I have no faith in these writers) Usually in the Arrowverse I just end up scratching my head. 

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44 minutes ago, ladylaw99 said:

I don't disagree with what you are saying, I agree with you we have to roll with it.

 I mean if it is entertaining that is great (if Oliver goes to trial - I hope it will make sense but I have no faith in these writers) Usually in the Arrowverse I just end up scratching my head. 

Got it. And believe me, I know exactly how you feel. Even though I know they suck at portraying how law and order works, I still get end up losing my shit and bitching about it.

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So...... different subject. :)

This last week I ended up catching up on all the MCU movies I've missed.   It started when Netflix got GotG2, so I watched that one, then went back and watched Doctor Strange, then decided to finally watch Civil War, since I'd been stalling on that for a year and a half.  Lol.

Then I rented Spider-Man: Homecoming from Amazon, and finally went to see Thor: Ragnarok this last weekend.  Nice time to go - we had the theater almost to ourselves since everyone else was watching The Last Jedi. :)

So now I'm all caught up!  I'm not sure whether that's a good thing or not though, since I'm back to being invested in the MCU again, and I'm afraid Infinity War might end up breaking my heart. :(

My feelings about most of these were mixed, but I loved Thor.  That one might be in my top three of the series.  

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The MCU movies are always a good time. Some are better than others. I've seen Thor three times so that tells you how much I loved that one. Lol. I can't wait for Infinity War.  Marvel made it worth it by taking 10 years to get to it. 

Edited by Sakura12
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In other news: io9 (Gizmodo) chooses Legends of Tomorrow as one of its 10 top shows of 2017 in fantasy/sci-fi.


5) Legends of Tomorrow

Too many people have been sleeping on Legends of Tomorrow. Without many DC Comic fans noticing, it’s become the best of the CW superhero shows, because it’s just so much damn fun. Season three saw Rip Hunter creating the Time Bureau in order to help fix anachronisms spreading throughout time. But the Legends, who had returned to “normal” life, found themselves eager to return to adventuring when they discovered anachronisms themselves. Legends excels at telling big stories in a small space by adding a ton of heart and humor—shrunken sabertooth tigers at P.T. Barnum’s circus, Vikings that worship a Tickle Me Elmo equivalent, an E.T. homage that forced Ray “The Atom” Palmer to help solve his own murder as a kid, Themyscira! And the team was used to great effect in this year’s enormous superhero crossover, which turned out to have some pretty significant and emotional resonance for the Legends. The most important thing: the team that screws up together, stays together. Well, at least until someone wants to exit the show.

Edited by Miss Dee
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5 hours ago, Starfish35 said:

So...... different subject. :)

This last week I ended up catching up on all the MCU movies I've missed.   It started when Netflix got GotG2, so I watched that one, then went back and watched Doctor Strange, then decided to finally watch Civil War, since I'd been stalling on that for a year and a half.  Lol.

Then I rented Spider-Man: Homecoming from Amazon, and finally went to see Thor: Ragnarok this last weekend.  Nice time to go - we had the theater almost to ourselves since everyone else was watching The Last Jedi. :)

So now I'm all caught up!  I'm not sure whether that's a good thing or not though, since I'm back to being invested in the MCU again, and I'm afraid Infinity War might end up breaking my heart. :(

My feelings about most of these were mixed, but I loved Thor.  That one might be in my top three of the series.  

I still need to see the latest Thor and Gaurdians2 but just saw Spider-Man: Homecoming yesterday.  I wasn't expecting it to be soo deeply integrated into the whole MCU like it was.  It was kind of incredible to have that much cinematic history to reference freely within the movie, from the first big battle in New York and how the byproduct from it created the villain of this movie, to the flipped PoV of Spidey's cameo in Civil War that then kept a through line connection to Stark and Happy and made the appearances later by Stark (in and out of his Iron Man suit) feel really earned.     

I was also struck that while I found it a really fun movie, it was really obvious that it was technically not aimed at me as an adult female at all.  If Thor is some kind of space opera (turned comedy I hear) then Spiderman was Freaks and Geeks with powers.  It was a teenage movie in all the ways that mattered.  It's something the MCU keeps getting right, letting each character set the tone for what kind of movie they are going to make.   

Edited by BkWurm1
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Thats something I always love about the MCU. Its so large and well explored and has so much going on, that you can go from cosmic adventures with Thor to espionage thriller with Captain America to a teen comedy/coming of age tale with Spiderman, and it all fits because it has such a deep well of history to mine from, and solid world building. And it knows each story needs a different tone, it doesn't try to all be the same. I know that its easy to take for granted now in this superhero filed market, but what the MCU has done really is very impressive. It not only has an amazing streak of successful films, it has basically changed how all franchises are carried out. I dont even know if we would have an Arrowverse like we have now if it wasn't for the MCU. Yeah we would probably have Arrow, but would we have gotten to see magic and meta humans and time travel and telepathic gorillas and all of the other comic books things we`ve gotten, in a wide variety of shows? I dont think so. 

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2 minutes ago, tennisgurl said:

Yeah we would probably have Arrow, but would we have gotten to see magic and meta humans and time travel and telepathic gorillas and all of the other comic books things we`ve gotten, in a wide variety of shows? I dont think so. 

And I know there are some who might have preferred if Arrow stayed by itself, but I'm really glad the tv show world expanded even if at times I want to throttle the writers on The Flash. So while all the shows can be hit or miss at times, I love having all these characters to love and for the shows to play with and all that has meant.  If anything, we don't see them make use of the possibilities enough.     

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Most Popular Shows of 2017 at SpoilerTV - posted Dec. 20, 2017...


Pos    Score        Title
1    1,027,623    Supergirl
2    872,047        Arrow
3    762,659        The Flash

4    699,703        Once Upon A Time
5    683,058        Grey's Anatomy
6    583,214        Agents of SHIELD
7    581,974        The 100
8    529,940        Legends of Tomorrow
9    527,884        Supernatural
10    515,553        Riverdale
11    423,526        Lucifer
12    400,982        Scandal
13    397,082        Criminal Minds
14    393,196        Chicago Fire
15    380,311        NCIS: Los Angeles
16    373,685        Hawaii 5-0
17    371,624        Chicago PD
18    358,715        NCIS
19    355,286        Scorpion
20    350,432        The Originals
21    348,563        Blindspot
22    329,437        The Blacklist
23    328,593        This Is Us
24    321,830        The Big Bang Theory
25    304,371        Shadowhunters
26    288,785        How to Get Away With Murder
27    286,107        The Walking Dead
28    284,160        Gotham
29    260,311        Brooklyn Nine-Nine
30    253,415        Vampire Diaries

Edited by tv echo
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David Mazouz Shares His 'Gotham' And Arrowverse Crossover Idea [VIDEO]
By CHARLIE RIDGELY - December 19, 2017


Self-proclaimed nerd and Gotham star David Mazouz apparently feels the same way. During an interview with the young actor, we asked what he'd do if he was going to make a crossover happen between the two worlds, and he had a great idea for the big event, although it did come with one major stipulation.

"First of all, if there's going to be a Crossover, they come to Gotham," Mazouz said. "That's kind of a must have because nobody in Gotham can time travel yet."

As he continued, Mazouz laid out a wonderful plan that utilized the Flashpoint storyline as a way to explain the difference in the two stories.

"The Flash kind of had their run-in with Flashpoint a couple of seasons ago. Maybe there could be another kind of Flashpoint where Flash runs back in time and goes to Gotham and maybe tries to stop Bruce Wayne's parents' murder from happening. Maybe not the traditional 'Bruce Wayne gets murdered instead and Thomas becomes Batman thing,' but something along those lines where the whole world gets whack and it's up to Flash to fix things in Gotham."

Edited by tv echo
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Krypton: New Series Description & Syfy Premiere Date Confirmed
December 19, 2017


KryptonSite has reached out to Syfy and we now have official confirmation – Krypton premieres in March 2018!

We also have an updated description for the series which includes the time travel aspect. Enjoy!

Set two generations before the destruction of Superman’s home planet, KRYPTON follows Seg-El (Cameron Cuffe), the legendary Man of Steel’s grandfather — whose House of El was ostracized and shamed. With Krypton’s leadership in disarray, Seg-El encounters Earthly time-traveler Adam Strange (Shaun Sipos) who warns he’s under the clock to save his beloved world from chaos. Fighting to redeem his family’s honor and protect the ones he loves, Seg is also faced with a life and death conflict – save his home planet or let it be destroyed in order to restore the fate of his future grandson.

Edited by tv echo

AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR Actor Jeremy Renner Promises A "Wondrous" Direction For Hawkeye
Matt Bellissimo | 12/19/2017


He may be one of the MCU's founding Avengers, but Hawkeye (Jeremy Renner) was noticeably absent from the first trailer for Avengers: Infinity War. While this has led some fans to speculate that the archer may meet his end in the movie, Renner doesn't seem all too concerned about it.  “I don’t pay attention to that sort of stuff,” he told South China Morning Post. “I was just excited that we got a trailer together and it’s coming out – that is a pretty killer trailer.”

Additionally, Renner teased that fans will be excited for how the film handles Hawkeye. “We’re doing a lot of really wondrous things that I’ve always wanted to do with this character … I think everyone will be very pleased when they find out what happens.”

One of the biggest rumors surrounding the character (based on some set photos) is that Hawkeye will don the mantle of Ronin, as he does in the comics. While Renner was asked if this will translate into Infinity War, he declined to confirm anything.  “I can’t get into the theories … I know [Ronin] is in the comics, but otherwise I don’t really know anything about that stuff,” he said.
*  *  *
Avengers: Infinity War hits theatres on May 4, 2018.

Edited by tv echo
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Warning: movie spoilers...

The 10 Best Comic Book Movie Moments Of 2017
by Christian Bone   Dec. 18, 2017


No Man’s Land – Wonder Woman
Logan is superb, but of all 2017’s superhero movies, the one that had the biggest impact on the world at large has to be Wonder Woman. The DCEU’s first major success became a calling card for a growing need for more women in front of and behind the camera. And the one scene that defines the film’s impact better than any other is the instantly iconic “No Man’s Land” sequence.

It just works on so many levels. On the surface, it’s our first time that we see Diana in her Wonder Woman outfit and really letting loose with her abilities. It’s also representative of the Amazonian princess finally proving to herself and others what she can do. And that cello theme on the soundtrack just makes the whole thing punch-the-air awesome.

The scene is also exquisitely shot by director Patty Jenkins, with Diana’s bold armour contrasting beautifully with the drab scenes of war around her. It’s exciting, it’s technically-impressive and it’s empowering. In short, the scene symbolizes Wonder Woman herself – she’s a beacon of hope fighting back against the evil and darkness of man.

All The Post-Credits Scenes – Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol. 2
Hulk Vs. Thor – Thor: Ragnarok
Steve Stops The War – Wonder Woman
Yondu’s Sacrifice – Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol. 2
Professor X Dies – Logan
Vulture Threatens Peter – Spider-Man: Homecoming
Superman Returns – Justice League
Battle Of Asgard – Thor: Ragnarok
Logan’s Last Stand – Logan
No Man’s Land – Wonder Woman

Edited by tv echo
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Mostly talked about Constantine...

VIECC Vienna Comic Con 2017 | YouGame Talk with Matt Ryan
Published on Nov 20, 2017, by YouGame TV

-- On what's next for him, MR: "I am going to be on DC Legends of Tomorrow, episode 9 and 10 of this season. And, uh, it's going to be a great episode... It was really great fun to work with all of their team and to have the character interacting with, you know, uh, Caity Lotz's character and everybody else on the team. And I think it's going to be a good episode, yeah."

Edited by tv echo
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I'm glad Legends is getting some respect, even if it's just from a cult site.  And they totally nailed it with why Inhumans was so, so bad.

On 12/19/2017 at 0:44 PM, WindofChange said:

Why should a black woman, like Cecile, sacrifice her career as a DA - one she has likely worked hard for - for a white boy she's only known for a few months? The optics of that would be even worse imo considering it's been previously shown that many have sacrificed/lost so many things because of Barry who is supposed to be the hero. 

Because he's a special snowflake?

I don't know would make me rage more -- the idea that Cecile resigned her career for a white boy, that she was expected to now because he's family, or that it's not a problem because she's pregnant.

23 hours ago, Sakura12 said:

This trial is a dumb story line anyway, especially since it could've been avoided with Barry being the "fastest" man alive. He could've just left. I don't think the don't run applied to standing around a crime he didn't commit just because. The Thinker is not smarter than everyone else, everyone else just became dumber to make this story line work. 

You mean Barry can run that fast?  Wow.

What got me is that 1) how did they know there was a dead guy at Barry's apartment and 2) why did the Captain come out to arrest him?  Wouldn't some ordinary cop have been enough?  (Barry had no blood spatter on him and of course his fingerprints are on his own knife.)

On 12/19/2017 at 0:57 PM, leopardprint said:

Honestly, what is even the point of showing a trial then? They might as well throw Barry in a lake and declare him guilty if he doesn't float.

*waves arm*  Me! me! me!  I want to see that!  It makes as much sense as anything in the Arrowverse legal world.

Edited by statsgirl
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52 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

*waves arm*  Me! me! me!  I want to see that!  It makes as much sense as anything in the Arrowverse legal world.

Sara actually had that nearly happen to her for "corrupting" the women of Salem, and you're right it was a much clearer legal system than any other part of the Flarrowverse. 

Edited by Featherhat
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So........in the category of random things I think about on the way to work, it occurred to me this morning that Deadpool and Black Widow are exes!  Joking, but I had actually forgotten that Ryan Reynolds and Scarlett Johansson were married for a couple of years, before he got together with Blake Lively.  

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7 hours ago, Primal Slayer said:

I now need this to happen with WestAllen & Olicity 


It's unfortunate that the fandom reaction to the crossover has basically killed any possible desire for future interaction between Olicity and WestAllen as friends and double date partners. I rather they stay away from each other going forward. If this were to happen on the show I'm sure it'd be fun and cute and enjoyable. But it'd be followed by many outraged tweets about Olicity being terrible friends and people for butting into WestAllens date night or for just deciding to leave the fair and kill any enjoyment I previously had.  Fandom has ruined an Olicity and WestAllen friendship for me now which is sad. 

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43 minutes ago, SmallScreenDiva said:

I would have welcomed this right after the crossover, but not after that shitty Flash ep. 

This.   I don't want Iris anywhere near Felicity.   I don't care if it was just shitty writing,  with one scene they devolved her character so badly,  I'd be just as happy to see her gone. 

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If I didn't know any better I'd have thought that Iris committed a murder. They're still friends, the girl doesnt hate her. 

16 minutes ago, Miss Dee said:

Is Lois Lane supposed to look like Sandra Bullock in that comic??

No but each artist has their own inspirations for the characters. But Sandra would make a good Lois now that I think of it.

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50 minutes ago, SmallScreenDiva said:

I would have welcomed this right after the crossover, but not after that shitty Flash ep. 

Same. LoT wrote Iris as happy for her friend. The Flash basically acted like none of the great crossover moments with Felicity and Iris happened and didn’t even mention the fact that Nazis interrupted the planned wedding. What bothers me is the fact that they could have written Iris telling Barry she wasn’t exactly happy with how their wedding(s) went down instead of what we got and in a way that didn’t make me feel like they stopped caring about Felicity and Iris’ friendship once they decided that Caitlin and Iris are going to be friends (with one scene and that’s it, she’s maid of honor) and the crossover was over. 

Since they showed they couldn’t do that, I don’t trust them to write any future scenes for Felicity and Iris without turning around and throwing in another line like they did in the MSF. 

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16 minutes ago, Primal Slayer said:

If I didn't know any better I'd have thought that Iris committed a murder. They're still friends, the girl doesnt hate her. 

Returning the gift Felicity brought her and implying she's not happy she's married doesn't seem particularly friend like. 

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3 minutes ago, Mary0360 said:

Returning the gift Felicity brought her and implying she's not happy she's married doesn't seem particularly friend like. 

Returning a gift is nothing. People do it every day with gifts they get from friends/loved ones, doesn't mean a thing and I am 100% sure that she is happy in the end that Felicity is married. She had a bad week, she wasnt in a happy place in general, she's human. Friends have ups and down.

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If they were going to go for bitter I would have preferred a scene where Iris told Felicity off to her face. The way it was done, whether it was the Flash writers having a dig or whatever, made Iris seem like a fake person, the kind who is your frenemy and you don't even know it! I personally can't stand people like that so I echo the sentiments of keeping Felicity away from her in the future! 


On another note, anyone got a show that they really enjoy but aren't overly hung up about? That show for me is AoS! Love it! Love everyone on it, love the storylines, watch every episode really carefully but I am nowhere near as worked up about it as I am about Arrow. Hehe it's nice and relaxing! Weird thing is I probably pay more attention to ALL episodes and scenes in AoS whereas I could barely tell you what went on in the boring Deathstroke eps! 

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