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Mind Your Surroundings: Arrow, The Flash, Supergirl, Legends of Tomorrow and Other Superhero Universes


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Can't speak for other Olicity fans but I honestly wouldn't have been pissed if say it had been Iris who had interrupted. I would have laughed as it would have been a funny call back to her crazy atttempt to get married in the earlier Flash episode.

Back when I saw the pap pics I was worried about camera angles and was prepared for the fact that the camera might be in the other direction and not on Olicity. Totally made peace with that and was pleasantly surprised the shot was so nice. 

As much as I enjoyed the double wedding, the crossover gave me so much more than just the wedding scene. It's the least rewatched Olicity scene for me in that crossover. Not because I didn't enjoy it but because there was so much more amazing stuff.

Being a big EBR fan, Earth X Felicity was a highlight for me (I was punched in the gut with that scene the first time I saw it but then I was thrilled that I got to see EBR perform it), as was the EvilOliver vs Felicity scene and the very whiskey (seriously why was he so whiskery!!!!!) reunion kiss.

And my precious Ray's entrance!!!!!!!! 

I didn't feel like the wedding was the be all and end all.  But that's just me and how I roll. I'm very devoted to Felicity and Olicity and tend to find a lot to love no matter what. I squeed over finger jabs in s5 for goodness sakes!

Edited by Mellowyellow
  • Love 11
7 minutes ago, Sakura12 said:

I think Mick was a Firefighter on Earth X which is great.  Wentworth wanted Snart to be Pansexual so I think Leo is.  Leo is such a caring sweethart and I love it. I can't to see him and Mick interact next week on Legends. 

I had no idea that he was in 3x09. That's exciting. 

50 minutes ago, Sakura12 said:

Are people still going about the double wedding? The most it got out of me was "eh, okay" I'm still mourning Stein. Waiting to get to know Leo Snart a little more and wondering when Sara and Alex can meet again. 

Well, another article showed up yesterday, stoking the fire, so. Anyway, I'm with you in mourning Stein. I don't even watch LOT and I haven't seen much of Jax but damn if those two didn't get to me. First of all, I will always bow before the awesomeness of Victor Garber (TBH, I thought he was too good for the Arrow verse) and he pulled out all the stops here. Second, Franz ... wow! My heart broke for him when he called out Stein on wanting to leave and him not really knowing a dad except for the professor.

54 minutes ago, Primal Slayer said:

I could care less about the double wedding, wasnt a big deal for me but I think either way it happened one side would be pissed. If it were Olicity in the same situation and WA got in on their big moment, I think plenty of Olicity fans would pissed. 

Most likely. There will always be fans who will be pissed no matter what. Personally, as an Olicity fan, I've gotten used to just being thankful for what I get in terms of my ship. I was just happy that they actually, finally got married. If it was the other way around, Oliver & Felicity supporting Iris and Barry, I would have been OK, too. Slightly disappointed, maybe, just because I would have loved to have seen more of Olicity but I'm certainly not gonna go around calling Iris the worst people ever on a show that had Nazis. 

Edited by SmallScreenDiva
too many "thems"
  • Love 16

I wouldn't have been pissed if WA interrupted olicity the same way tbh.Because if we got long vows and then WA took a minute after they were done to get married too,I would be focusing on the vows instead of that one moment.The wedding wasn't even my favorite olicity moment anyway as much as I loved it.I preferred the reunion hug and kiss in the suit.I wouldn't have traded places with WA tho but not because of that last moment,more because I preferred a emotional build up to the wedding like olicity had instead of their stable anchor couple role in the crossovers.I like that kind of good angst like we got,I think arrow does that really well when they don't try to drag it out beyond all logic.

  • Love 19
27 minutes ago, Mellowyellow said:


As much as I enjoyed the double wedding, the crossover gave me so much more than just the wedding scene. It's the least rewatched Olicity scene for me in that crossover. Not because I didn't enjoy it but because there was so much more amazing stuff.

This is how I feel as well. It was a cute scene, I’m happy they got married but I don’t need the wedding to be perfect to be satisfied. I also don’t really care for fancy weddings and all the things surrounding them..the reunion scene was my favorite. Also this is the first time I really thought of the crossover as a movie, not episodes of different shows, so to me the ending fits the story they told and it’s not really about Olicity or Westallen, it could have been original characters in their places, so I wouldn’t care if the roles were reversed because I liked the story as a whole, I didn’t watch for Olicity.

  • Love 3
49 minutes ago, Mellowyellow said:

Can't speak for other Olicity fans but I honestly wouldn't have been pissed if say it had been Iris who had interrupted. I would have laughed as it would have been a funny call back to her crazy atttempt to get married in the earlier Flash episode.

Let's take it up a notch -- if it were my wedding and two of my best friends who I had been trying to get together for years suddenly spoke up and said "we want to get married too" I would be all "Yeah, let's do it! Great idea!"  And that would be even without the recent eminent almost-deaths and death we had gone through.

Or in other words, I don't think so little of Iris and Barry that they're so self-centred as to have objected. It wasn't a full church ceremony.  It wasn't even a full ceremony, it was an impromptu minimal moment in the park with a friend making the official pronouncement.  And as a memory to look back on, personally I think it beats doing the two sequentially.  But that's my personal feeling about weddings, that they're for everyone there not just the bride and groom.

Edited by statsgirl
  • Love 16

I would understand being annoyed in the moment - if Barry and Iris were when Felicity first interrupted. But given the road they had to take to get to that puke-adjacent quickie ceremony in the park (the first post-funeral attempt when Iris charged the coffin, the Nazis interrupting, any other times they tried in Flash eps that I didn't watch), getting interrupted again would probably just become part of a cute story I told about everything I had to go through in order to get married. 

  • Love 10
9 hours ago, Midnight Lullaby said:

That’s my opinion.

That's fine.  I think they handled the Nazi situation pretty well, myself.  They didn't go full Schindler's List but they showed the concentration camp, the badges and Paul Blackthorne being coldly, proudly evil as he referenced killing his own daughter for being bisexual.  It's not like the Earth-Xers went the Hogan's Heroes route.  As far as Earth-X Kara and Oliver, Melissa Benoist was clearly making an effort to distinguish Kara and her Earth-X counterpart.  Meanwhile Stephen Amell was fairly similar in "both" his roles.  I think that was a deliberate choice as well to convey that Oliver is closer to his "worst self" than Kara is to hers.

As for the double-ceremony, I think the big reason the main wedding was that of Barry and Iris was to provide the basis for the crossover because more people would be linked to them (Kara really doesn't know Oliver and Felicity well enough to attend their nuptials and of the Legends, the only ones really linked to Oliver and Felicity would be Sara (who used to date Oliver, awkward) and Ray Palmer (who used to date Felicity, also awkward)).  Ultimately Barry and Iris had most of their rehearsal dinner and big church wedding.  All that really remained were the "I dos."  Even then, Felicity didn't jump in until Barry and Iris had finished their vows and Dig was about to do "I now pronounce you..."  Was it technically a little rude/presumptuous?  Sure, but it's not like Barry and Iris could really say no since Felicity and Oliver had basically suggested/provided Diggle to let them get married right that second.  So, fine, it's a bit rude but still forgivable, especially because Barry and Iris are generous, forgiving people.   And now that everyone is safely married we can finally drop all the "will they/won't they" epic love bullshit for a while.

Edited by johntfs
  • Love 6

Schindler’s List is criticized for being an example of a movie presented to be historically accurate when in reality it turns the main character, who is a grey figure in the book, rightfully so, in the hero opposed to the antagonist and it gives no active roles to the victims of the Holocaust. It’s a pity it’s considered an educational tool when really it’s such an idealized story. But I guess that’s type of story that makes money. If that’s considered the ideal to look at then I guess the crossover wasn’t so bad but if you look at documentaries or movies based on real stories it’s a whole other story.

So, not to get completely off topic or anything, and I know I've made this point before on the Arrow episode boards, but I just wanted to throw this out there...

Post Funeral: 

Oliver: "Hey Sara, would you mind if Barry grabbed John and he hopped onto the Waverider for a second? He has this arm injury, do you think Gideon could fix him up?" 

Sara: "Yeah, no problem. I mean, Gideon has regrown a human hand before, this should be easy. Should take about three seconds, and the Waverider is right here anyway." 


  • Love 23
3 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

Yeah, I thought Earth-X's Red Tornado was kewl, though he didn't have the cape. But it was Leo who was leaving their world, not The Ray. The Ray stayed behind, even though Earth-1 was his home; I think Leo went to Earth-1 for Mick, and also, it will be the final episodes for Wentworth Miller, I think? Maybe Leo and Snart will meet up?



I wasn't completely clear. Per the episode, I don't think we had any idea that The Ray and Leo were coming back to EarthX when they left.  All we saw was them destroying Red Tornado and rushing through the gate with the rest of the team after convincing Winn to let them go and try to use the gate.  That's what was throwing me off.  

I really thought after that that both were planning on staying on Earth 1 until they got their scene with Cisco getting ready to send them home.  

Edited by BkWurm1
  • Love 3
1 minute ago, BkWurm1 said:

I wasn't completely clear. Per the episode, I don't think we had any idea that The Ray and Leo were coming back to EarthX when they left.  All we saw was them destroying Red Tornado and rushing through the gate with the rest of the team after convincing Winn to let them go and try to use the gate.  That's what was throwing me off.  

I really thought after that that both were planning on staying on Earth 1 until they got their scene with Cisco getting ready to send them home.  

Ohhhh. Oopsie!

5 minutes ago, BkWurm1 said:

I really thought after that that both were planning on staying on Earth 1 until they got their scene with Cisco getting ready to send them home. 

I figured they were going through to take this one shot at killing the Fuhrer and Overgirl (as well as Eobard Thawne assuming they knew about him) and thus take the heads off the Reich.  After that I figured they'd both return to Earth-X to continue the fight and maybe occasionally show up as guest stars in the future.  As for Miller, unless Leo dies on LoT, there's at least a chance that he'll come back again as Earth-X Snart.

Edited by johntfs
  • Love 1

It was Greg Berlantis idea to do a double wedding. Also a death during the crossover. And Greg pitched for the character to be Martin Stein.

The reason they didn’t do Earth-X Barry was because they did an evil Barry last season on The Flash, and they didn’t want to do that again.

(From the Inside the crossover special that is available on Itunes with a season pass of any of the 4 shows). 

Edited by Velocity23
  • Love 22
11 minutes ago, BkWurm1 said:

I'm guessing the pitch for both came pretty much at the start of the story breaking process when they were trying to lean into the emotional spectacle this time rather than threat level of an alien invasion.  

They said sometime after the last crossover.

  • Love 1
10 minutes ago, leopardprint said:

Maybe Oliver's wedding gift to Barry and Iris can be to Felicity-swing them across some sort of large opening? 

I think they'd both enjoy that. 

Probably but then Barry would probably feel the need to return show off by running Oliver and Felicity somewhere exotic or spectacular like the top of the Space Needle or something.

Speaking of, it looked cool and comic booky but Amaya, Zari and Catlin learned to combined their powers in record time for people who'd only just met. 

  • Love 1
2 hours ago, Velocity23 said:

The reason they didn’t do Earth-X Barry was because they did an evil Barry last season on The Flash, and they didn’t want to do that again.

When I read this I thought he was literally talking about our Barry Allen. Not Savitar and I agreed that yeah he was the worst last season LMAO

Well to be fair, he's the worst every season... But my point still stands!

  • Love 6

Posting this here because I know there are fans of the Bruce Timm Justice League here! Idea for a reunion movie has been born, and now the voices of Flash (that would be Wally and the AWESOME Michael Rosenbaum), Susan Eisenberg (Diana), KevinFucking!Conroy, Phil LaMarr (John Stewart/GL) have come out. Even Andrea Romano has said she'll come out of retirement if this happens!

And here's what Susan had to say:


"Well,selfishly, I’d love to explore the relationship between Bruce and Diana a bit more, and I know there are some wonderbat fans out there who feel the same way," says Wonder Woman actress Susan Eisenberg. "But mostly, I would just love to see a story where The League is united in its fight of good vs. evil, with some romance and levity thrown in for good measure!"

Ain't nothing selfish about that! Because I want and NEED the same thing. Timm and company teased me us endlessly and let it fizzle, and I want to see them together again. 

I am geeking and squeeing as all get out! Because Susan had posted this on her instagram and I asked what the chances were for me to see Diana and Bats again? And, and, AND, she actually responded to me and said "Very Good" and inserted a winking smiling emoji! I'm a technoturd, so I don't know how to link that here. THEN, Rosenbaum tweeted this, and I couldn't control myself and had to respond, and Susan liked and retweeted it back to Rosenbaum.

My life will be complete if I can hear from KevinFucking!Conroy.

What? Whaat? Like none of you have geeked over your faves?

@BkWurm1, @Delphi, @Starfish35

Edited by GHScorpiosRule
  • Love 7
1 minute ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

Posting this here because I know there are fans of the Bruce Timm Justice League here! Idea for a reunion movie has been born, and now the voices of Flash (that would be Wally and the AWESOME Michael Rosenbaum), Susan Eisenberg (Diana), KevinFucking!Conroy, Phil LaMarr (John Stewart/GL) have come out. Even Andrea Romano has said she'll come out of retirement if this happens!

And here's what Susan had to say:



Ain't nothing selfish about that! Because I want and NEED the same thing. Timm and company teased me us endlessly and let it fizzle, and I want to see them together again. 

I am geeking and squeeing as all get out! Because Susan had posted this on her instagram and I asked what the chances were for me to see Diana and Bats again? And, and, AND, she actually responded to me and said "Very Good" and inserted a winking smiling emoji! I'm a technoturd, so I don't know how to link that here. THEN, Rosenbaum tweeted this, and I couldn't control myself and had to respond, and Susan liked and retweeted it back to Rosenbaum.

My life will be complete if I can hear from KevinFucking!Conroy.

What? Whaat? Like none of you have geeked over your faves?

@BkWurm1, @Delphi, @Starfish35

We deserve a DCAU reunion! Now that is a DC universe that is truly great! I dont know why WB keeps trying to shy away from ever giving them anything again.

1 minute ago, Velocity23 said:

It seems they chose Netflix so WBTV will have 100% ownership of Sabrina

That's interesting. So they give up half of their ownership to CBS nowadays....kind of crazy.

2 hours ago, Velocity23 said:

It was Greg Berlantis idea to do a double wedding. Also a death during the crossover. And Greg pitched for the character to be Martin Stein.

The reason they didn’t do Earth-X Barry was because they did an evil Barry last season on The Flash, and they didn’t want to do that again.

(From the Inside the crossover special that is available on Itunes with a season pass of any of the 4 shows). 

Not having Evil Barry was stupid tbh. Are they not confident enough in their writing ability to write him different enough from Savitar!Barry? 

  • Love 2
18 minutes ago, Featherhat said:

Speaking of, it looked cool and comic booky but Amaya, Zari and Catlin learned to combined their powers in record time for people who'd only just met. 

I didn't really see that as a power combination so much as Killer Frost giving Amaya and Zari a ride to the ship via her ice slide and then them stomping Nazi ass once they got up there.

  • Love 2
5 hours ago, Mellowyellow said:

As much as I enjoyed the double wedding, the crossover gave me so much more than just the wedding scene. It's the least rewatched Olicity scene for me in that crossover. Not because I didn't enjoy it but because there was so much more amazing stuff.

Being a big EBR fan, Earth X Felicity was a highlight for me (I was punched in the gut with that scene the first time I saw it but then I was thrilled that I got to see EBR perform it), as was the EvilOliver vs Felicity scene and the very whiskey (seriously why was he so whiskery!!!!!) reunion kiss.

And my precious Ray's entrance!!!!!!!! 

I didn't feel like the wedding was the be all and end all.  But that's just me and how I roll. I'm very devoted to Felicity and Olicity and tend to find a lot to love no matter what. I squeed over finger jabs in s5 for goodness sakes!

I adore Oliver's proposal, it's the proposal I've always wanted for them and their talk clearing the air. Those are sharing my number 1 spot. At the moment. This is subject to change.

But I've really loved so much of the interactions. Oliver and Barry at the beginning,Felicity and Iris, everything with Stein, Mick had a running streak and he made Caitlin fun, Leo and Ray's romance was excellent, it was really good to see Chyler Leigh again (who I noticed was very fluid in her movements in one of those BTS things), the visual of tiny Ray holding off that knife... Really, the list goes on.

  • Love 6

Does Supergirl have 22 or 23 episodes this season? I just saw that they're getting a really long hiatus for the holidays, Dec 8th thru Jan 3rd.

Don't know about the other shows yet. I wonder if there's a pause in the writing going on right now, since Berlanti has to get back in there and get more involved, at least in Flash/Supergirl.

15 minutes ago, ruby24 said:

Does Supergirl have 22 or 23 episodes this season? I just saw that they're getting a really long hiatus for the holidays, Dec 8th thru Jan 3rd.

I don't know about the episode order, but Supergirl, Flash, and Arrow all have the same length of hiatus.  

  • Supergirl airs midseason finale on Dec. 4, returns January 15.
  • The Flash airs midseason finale on Dec. 5, returns January 16.
  • Arrow airs midseason finale on Dec. 7, returns January 18.

Only Legends is getting a longer midseason hiatus, since it's not returning until February, likely after the Olympics.

Source: TVLine

Edited by Starfish35
17 minutes ago, ruby24 said:

Does Supergirl have 22 or 23 episodes this season? I just saw that they're getting a really long hiatus for the holidays, Dec 8th thru Jan 3rd.

Don't know about the other shows yet. I wonder if there's a pause in the writing going on right now, since Berlanti has to get back in there and get more involved, at least in Flash/Supergirl.

This sounds about right. I believe all shows had the same length of winter hiatus. It seemed like Forevvvvver.

JINX! @Starfish35

Edited by GHScorpiosRule
  • Love 1
6 hours ago, SmallScreenDiva said:

This crossover got me thinking about which other Arrowverse characters I'd want to see drop in on Arrow:

Ray and have him team up with Oliver & Felicity. He and Felicity could laugh at some in-jokes, which would make Oliver grumpy and grumpy Oliver is funny.


I will admit I laughed when he got shot in the back as I knew it was non fatal. The visual of him babbling about Raylicity and then an arrow in the back by an Oliver (albeit EvilOliver in this case) was hilarious. It was probably coincidental but it played out pretty funny for me until it turned sinister with Felicity vs EvilOliver.

6 hours ago, SmallScreenDiva said:

Speaking of finger jabs, I saw this last night and giggled. Doesn't it look like Oliver is going in for a kiss there? And Felicity does this thing with her lips. I wonder what would have happened if the director didn't cut away. 


He was going to plant one on her and she was getting ready for it! We need to start a kiss counter for the rest of the season!!!

  • Love 7

Probably too soon, but what scenarios would you all like to see for next year's crossover?

I, for one, would like to see them move away from the crossovers centering around Central City/Star City.  I know that's probably the easiest, filming wise, but let's do something different next season.  

How about some sort of time travel crisis? Something that would throw all our heroes together in random and bizarre combinations (in other words, not the predictable ones) and scatter them throughout time?

Edited by Starfish35
  • Love 7
12 minutes ago, Mellowyellow said:

I will admit I laughed when he got shot in the back as I knew it was non fatal. The visual of him babbling about Raylicity and then an arrow in the back by an Oliver (albeit EvilOliver in this case) was hilarious. It was probably coincidental but it played out pretty funny for me until it turned sinister with Felicity vs EvilOliver.

I laughed, too. I'm enjoying this running gag of Oliver, any version of Oliver, just shooting all the guys Felicity has/had been linked to (I know, I know, Billy died. RIP, Detective Mayo).

  • Love 12
4 hours ago, Velocity23 said:

It was Greg Berlantis idea to do a double wedding. Also a death during the crossover. And Greg pitched for the character to be Martin Stein.

I was under the impression they killed off Stein because Victor was heading back to Broadway. I wonder which came first, him wanting to leave or Berlanti coming up with the idea. 

  • Love 1
13 minutes ago, Starfish35 said:

How about some sort of time travel crisis? Something that would throw all our heroes together in random and bizarre combinations (in other words, not the predictable ones) and scatter them throughout time?

I literally got that vibe during that clip of MG and the other showrunners talking about the breakdown of the crossover for some reason. A time travel crossover including future children/generation/new hero cameos (like maybe a future Team Arrow/Team Flash/Young Justice/whatever) along with chances for the characters to go back to different members of their shows (and other shows) or unseen moments in different characters' lives. With Arrow being on its possible last season next year, it could be a good idea.

  • Love 7
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