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Unspoiled Spec: "$40k, someone long dead is resurrected."

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I don't even know what the point is for her schemes now. Ruining Luke's life ... Ok, that probably goes back to blaming him for Mikkos and Stavros.

But the other stuff. Why would she give a shit about Dr O or Faison or Britt or care to help them leave town? Why did she want Jason to blow up a bunch of people? Why ruin Robin's life? It's so dumb.

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And it's ridiculous because at the end of the day what is she getting out of any of this? I guess she's just a psycho now but that's just boring to me.


Even more boring, in my opinion, would be for Helena to actually explain why she's doing what she's doing.  It would take forever, and it would have to make sense, and I don't think the writers have any interest in weaving a tale from all the GH history (that they ignore).

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I don't even know what the point is for her schemes now. Ruining Luke's life ... Ok, that probably goes back to blaming him for Mikkos and Stavros.

But the other stuff. Why would she give a shit about Dr O or Faison or Britt or care to help them leave town? Why did she want Jason to blow up a bunch of people? Why ruin Robin's life? It's so dumb.

WEll the Robin thing might have had to do with Robert.Then again you would have never known that victor battled with Robert and luke either lol.Who knows with RC writing.

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Even more boring, in my opinion, would be for Helena to actually explain why she's doing what she's doing. It would take forever, and it would have to make sense, and I don't think the writers have any interest in weaving a tale from all the GH history (that they ignore).

Oh, I don't want an explanation at this point. I just want her dead. Or to pick one nefarious plot and focus on it, instead of this Legion of Doom let's-all-just-cause-chaos crap.

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The ring is going to fall out of Nicholas' back pocket.  Sam will pick it up and stare at it for a week and put it on top of her bureau next to the plastic dragon figurine.  Danny will accidentally swallow the ring.  Patrick will save Danny and hide the ring after he has read the inscription.  Just in time for November sweeps...

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The ring is going to fall out of Nicholas' back pocket.  Sam will pick it up and stare at it for a week and put it on top of her bureau next to the plastic dragon figurine.  Danny will accidentally swallow the ring.  Patrick will save Danny and hide the ring after he has read the inscription.  Just in time for November sweeps...

Were you wearing Jennifer Horton's cat burglar outfit when you broke into Ron's office and stole his story boards?

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There have been so many lines of dialogue the last two days that were verbal signal flares that Morgan is indeed Avery Bavery's father. The most pointed was Ava saying Carly had no relation to her baby; Carly is so that kid's granny!

Edited by Tiger
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AJ is Avery's father.  The trick of ruling Morgan out only proves Carly not related to Avery.  I speculate that a month before AJ died, when he was heavy in the drinking, Ava had a one-night stand w/him a la AJ/Carly.  Why?  1.  to get pregnant in order to blackmail him to keep quiet about his suspicions that he didn't kill Connie.  2.  baby would be related to Michael, so maybe if Sonny finds out, he won't kill the baby's mama. 

What ended up happening was Sonny killed AJ, let's guess Ava didn't realize she was pregnant until after AJ died, and then changed the plan to save her life by fucking Sonny on AJ's grave.  Now, she could pretend AJ's baby was Sonny's to save her life.  Convoluted as hell, but ironic and awesome that Avery actually IS a Q and AJ had a daughter named AJ.  Ha!

Edited by sunflower
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AJ is Avery's father.  The trick of ruling Morgan out only proves Carly not related to Avery.  I speculate that a month before AJ died, when he was heavy in the drinking, Ava had a one-night stand w/him a la AJ/Carly.  Why?  1.  to get pregnant in order to blackmail him to keep quiet about his suspicions that he didn't kill Connie.  2.  baby would be related to Michael, so maybe if Sonny finds out, he won't kill the baby's mama. 

What ended up happening was Sonny killed AJ, let's guess Ava didn't realize she was pregnant until after AJ died, and then changed the plan to save her life by fucking Sonny on AJ's grave.  Now, she could pretend AJ's baby was Sonny's to save her life.  Convoluted as hell, but ironic and awesome that Avery actually IS a Q and AJ had a daughter named AJ.  Ha!


That's a really interesting plot twist there.  So it probably won't happen heh.

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I could see Ron being a douche a saying via twitter "Haha AJ Quartermaine IS alive!"

I'd love the plot twist, but be so frustrated. AJ Quartermaine, the man character is alive somewhere because dammit if Borg lived and freaking Sonny can survive bombs in water then AJ can survive a bullet. Bruh, all that fat repelled it. The Cassadines have him.

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The trick of ruling Morgan out only proves Carly not related to Avery.



It remains ridiculous that this case hasn't involved Sonny being tested for paternity.  He's never been officially established as her father.  How is this not an issue in court?  

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I don't know why exactly, but I have this awful feeling that Ron is going to make Spinelli a Spencer via Patricia.



ha ha ha!  Oh, of course he will.  Everyone must be related until the show is one big incestuous mess ...

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I don't know why exactly, but I have this awful feeling that Ron is going to make Spinelli a Spencer via Patricia.


Well if he is a product of sibling inceast that just seals the reason he is such an awful subhumanbeing.

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I don't know why exactly, but I have this awful feeling that Ron is going to make Spinelli a Spencer via Patricia.


Didn't Spin kiss Lulu more than once? That would be weird.


I doubt they will ever connect Spin to anyone, unless it's another random person like Dr O. Maybe Spin is Donna Mills' long lost son!

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For the longest time I thought they were going to make Spinelli Jason's son somehow with how Jason and Sam basically adopted him in the beginning when he was still that...strange little boy hacker that acted as if Jason had literally given him life.


I hope he never connects to anyone of any true substance because then he can just "lift right out!" again and I am all for that.

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I think they toyed with the idea of him being Sonny's kid for a while back there.  When we had Sonny being so over the top shitty towards him, it seemed like they were setting it up for one of those "I hate you...oh, shit, you're my kid!" reveals. 

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Now that Luke is roaming free again, I bet he does something nefarious at the Quartermaine names thus "proving" Michael is as dangerous as Sonny so Sonny regains custody of little AJ.

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Avery should be able to topple over Luke with one kick of her tiny baby foot, but this is the show that expects us to believe Tony Geary could overpower Michelle Stafford.

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Now that Luke is roaming free again, I bet he does something nefarious at the Quartermaine names thus "proving" Michael is as dangerous as Sonny so Sonny regains custody of little AJ.


I thought this exact thing. I actually kept waiting for it to happen in this very episode. It's totally coming.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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if I thought Michael and Sonny were going to "make-up" anytime soon I'd think that Luke abducting Avery would be what makes it happen. Michael loses Avery to Luke and has to go ask Sonny to help find her. Sonny helps and together they both admit their transgression to eachother and bygones.


...but alas I think it will just ramp up the anger on both sides more instead.

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