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SuperNormal: Public Appearances, Tweets, Media And Other Social Media Of The SPN Cast

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20 hours ago, General Days said:

What things like this?

I mean, I think this fight is a disgrace, particularly since it seems he employs these people (who, common sense suggests, were trying probably trying to shut him off for his own good).

Calling someone out on Twitter is not like this. Getting jumped in a bar and fighting back at age 22 is not like this. I can't stand that a good chunk of this fandom is treating Jared like the victim, but by the same token, I don't think he's some hardened thug with a track record of things like this. Am I missing something?

I would suggest you read through this thread again. 

To me, this was clearly an escalation of what he's been doing sporadically for years and what's not in here is that often these things seemed to also occur/coincide with a possibility of the spotlight being shifted away from him.

I'm not going to give examples because, frankly, I'm over talking about it, but  check the timing of these things. They're called triggers and he needs to learn to recognize his better, IMO; as should his loved ones, if they don't know them.

On 10/29/2019 at 12:45 AM, Cambion said:

What a bonehead move.  I hope he learns something from this and takes control of himself.  

With depression as bad as he's discussed, he has no business drinking.  In fact, he's lucky he's not dead from taking depression meds and alcohol together.  I had to quit drinking because of my depression meds.  (And my psychiatrist would bitch slap me if he knew I still had the occasional half a beer.) And that's not even accounting for the fact that alcohol is a depressant and is a terrible idea for people with depression as it is.

The only thing that makes me sad about this is how it's going to impact the people he assaulted and everyone around him.  He's a grown ass 37 yo man with a wife and 3 kids at home.  There is no excuse for drinking until drunk af in a g.d. bar. 

If the show wasn't already over I'd have been expecting an announcement.

I predict we won't be seeing him for a bit.  Not until he has gotten his mea culpa down pat so he can repeat it precisely.  I just hope he believes it as much as he'll expect us to believe it.

And as for the SPN Family?  In a real family this is the time for tough love and a frickin intervention, not 'oh poor you' and snuggles.  And if he, or any of his people have a head on their shoulders, they will address that, too.  Along the lines of it was my fault and I don't deserve your blind devotion in these circumstances because I f*cked the pooch, and I hurt (at least) 2 people by attacking them and I shamed the family.

ITA with this entire post-and especially the last paragraph-which is why I feel that the smart move would be to skip the con this weekend. The fans would understand and if he goes, you have to know that it's going to just turn into a 3 ring circus with all the Poor Jared, We Love You Anyway fans taking center stage, which is not fair to the fans who are there for reasons other than JP and who spent just as much money on their tickets.

And even if he asks them not to bring it up, it's highly unlikely that they will comply and Creation has been very lax at enforcing anything of that nature in the past.

On 10/29/2019 at 4:54 AM, Hana Chan said:

 The level of public castigation is a little out of hand.

On 10/29/2019 at 9:04 AM, gonzosgirrl said:

What public castigation? Honestly, I think he's being treated more than kindly. The articles are stating facts (as they are known) and I've seen very little negative slant on them. I am NOT saying I think he should be pilloried, I'm saying he hasn't been. Pretty much every response to it has either been the OTT fan-worshipping (or its opposite) nonsense, or a general he-done-messed-up-but-we-still-love-him sentiment.

Yeah, it's getting more attention than a private citizen would, but this is the age of the cell-phone video and nobody is getting away with anonymous ass-hattery any more. 

I have to agree that I think he's gotten off relatively easy in the public/fandom domain.

In fact, I think that Jensen has gotten more hate from the lunatic fringe of JP's fandom for not being a good enough friend/brother to him-which is another reason that I think he should skip the con this weekend.

But I don't think he will now. And his PR people will probably encourage him to go seeing how it's all shaking out.

Edited by Myrelle
  • Love 10
57 minutes ago, Myrelle said:

I feel that the smart move would be to skip the con this weekend.

I have mixed feelings about this.  On one hand, I agree it would be better for Jared to avoid it for the reason you said, but if he did that leaves Jensen to shoulder the load.  Because, screation is very lax in enforcing its rules.  Plus, the gold panel questions are completely unscreened. 

It wouldn't be fair to Jensen if he's left to handle it.  I'm sure he will support Jared but it shouldn't be on him to deal with fan reaction.

The ideal situation, would be that both Jared and Jensen be in agreement and address the elephant in the room, by saying that it being dealt with, and then using the words no comment if asked.

  • Love 4

By all appearances, Jared is back at work, the con is proceeding as scheduled, the press was exceedingly fair to him, and his fans love him more than ever. If the only repercussions here are financial, I can't see any lessons being learned - at least not good ones. He is a golden man-child.

As @Myrelle said, I see more fan blow-back out there for Jensen than for Jared. It is indeed a strange world we live in.

Edited by gonzosgirrl
  • Love 12
9 minutes ago, ILoveReading said:

I have mixed feelings about this.  On one hand, I agree it would be better for Jared to avoid it for the reason you said, but if he did that leaves Jensen to shoulder the load.  Because, screation is very lax in enforcing its rules.  Plus, the gold panel questions are completely unscreened. 

It wouldn't be fair to Jensen if he's left to handle it.  I'm sure he will support Jared but it shouldn't be on him to deal with fan reaction.

The ideal situation, would be that both Jared and Jensen be in agreement and address the elephant in the room, by saying that it being dealt with, and then using the words no comment if asked.

There are steps and measures that creation could take such as screening the gold panel questions and asking the audience to save the We love you always and unconditionally Jared comments for letters andor social media, otherwise there's going to be the usual slew of "I don't have a question, but I just wanted to say to Jared...*see the above*..." comments.

I just don't think those kind of things could be avoided no matter the rules/laws/requests that are laid down.

But if he weren't going I think there would have been an announcement by now, so we'll see how it's handled, but somehow I just feel like it's all going to turn into just another JP love and snuggles fest more than anything else.

  • Love 1
8 minutes ago, Myrelle said:

There are steps and measures that creation could take such as screening the gold panel questions and asking the audience to save the We love you always and unconditionally Jared comments for letters andor social media, otherwise there's going to be the usual slew of "I don't have a question, but I just wanted to say to Jared...*see the above*..." comments.

I think the best thing would be for Jared to stand up at the beginning of each of his panels and make a statement, explaining what happened, thanking everyone for their support and ending with, "I really don't want to talk about it right now, so I'd appreciate it if we could let it go for now."  I'm sure the audience would respond with all the "we love you"s and Jared could acknowledge them all at once and (hopefully) the audience would move on.  (Though I'm sure every question will begin with an affirmation about the speaker's support.)  

  • Love 3

Whatever lessons he needs to learn are subjective and are really between him, his loved ones, and the people involved in the incident.  He hasn’t tweeted about his unhappiness with service workers in a couple years and, while I do feel he has some anger issues that need to be addressed, I don’t have a huge issue with his con persona.  Some do, and that’s a perception issue. If a fan was anti-Jared to begin with, then anything he’s done is wrong.  Implying that he’s somehow “getting away with it” is quite disingenuous, when all of the details aren’t known and will probably never be known to the public.

Edited by BlueSapphire
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36 minutes ago, BlueSapphire said:

If a fan was anti-Jared to begin with, then anything he’s done is wrong.

'Anything he's done' is hyperbole. You don't have to be anti-Jared to find his behavior wrong.

Since you edited, I will too.

I did not imply anything or use passive aggressive language. I explicitly wrote 'by all appearances' and listed those things which are known facts. We don't know what other consequences he may face, but speaking to what's out there right now, I stand by my opinion.

Edited by gonzosgirrl
  • Love 10

Sorry, my wording wasn’t the best there.  I don’t agree at all with what he did this past weekend, but there’s no evidence to support he’s getting a slap on the wrist.  He also isn’t responsible for what some fans say, and all three actors have some fringe elements who take things to the extreme.

  • Love 1

Well, someone posted video taken of Jared having his friend in the "headlock" and needless to say, at least some of the earlier reports apparently are not totally accurate. Am putting on my "big surprised" hat.


Yeah, he's totally wasted, but I'm hitting pause on this whole mess until it's resolved. But clearly he needs to ease up on the drinking because a 6'5" drunk is a lot for anyone to try to handle.

Edited by Hana Chan
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1 hour ago, BlueSapphire said:

I don’t agree at all with what he did this past weekend, but there’s no evidence to support he’s getting a slap on the wrist.

You're right. There's no evidence to support that he's facing any real consequences at all, apart from whatever the court eventually deals out.

  • Love 5

New video was posted of Jared and the supposed "headlock" and all I'm going to say is that maybe taking a step back and waiting for more facts before we make our conclusions might be in order. He's totally wasted, but at least part of the initial report isn't totally accurate.


  • Love 1
9 minutes ago, Hana Chan said:

Well, someone posted video taken of Jared having his friend in the "headlock" and needless to say, at least some of the earlier reports apparently are not totally accurate. Am putting on my "big surprised" hat.


How does that change anything? It was always reported that the headlock-guy was a friend trying to diffuse the situation. That actually looks like a second/different time, because there are no other people in frame in this video.

She's saying 'maybe things just got out of hand' based on that video? When that's obviously not all that went down.


Edited by gonzosgirrl
  • Love 7
5 minutes ago, Hana Chan said:

New video was posted of Jared and the supposed "headlock" and all I'm going to say is that maybe taking a step back and waiting for more facts before we make our conclusions might be in order. He's totally wasted, but at least part of the initial report isn't totally accurate.


As I said in the other thread, this looks like a separate 'headlock' from the one on the TMZ video - there are no other people in frame on that one. So maybe he did it twice? In any case, it was always reported that the headlock guy was a friend trying to diffuse the situation, not the guy(s) he hit in the face.

  • Love 8

The headlock was on a friend. It is not part of the criminal complaint. So that proves nothing. That isn't one of the two victims. Both "headlocks" are of the same person - his friend who was trying to calm him down.

And the original reporting actually said that distinctly - Eyewitnesses on the scene tell us that at first, Jared allegedly struck a bartender in the face from inside the establishment ... and that a friend tried calming him down outside, but got put into a headlock after a standoff, which you can see here in the footage.

Edited by Bobcatkitten
  • Love 10
31 minutes ago, Hana Chan said:

New video was posted of Jared and the supposed "headlock" and all I'm going to say is that maybe taking a step back and waiting for more facts before we make our conclusions might be in order. He's totally wasted, but at least part of the initial report isn't totally accurate.


If I was that dude I'd be more worried about Jared throwing up in me then the "headlock". Holy crap, it's a wonder he was still standing, that dude was seriously Wasted.

As for the mugshot controversy I had 2 thoughts, 1 - that's one of the best celebrity mugshots I've seen, 2 - he was sober enough to pose like he does for photoshoots or that pose is just so ingrained he does it unconsciously.

Edited by Morrigan2575
  • Love 5

I’m pretty livid really. It may be the right choice but only because he made the wrong choice in the first place. And now I’m consoling my sister who dropped $2,000 on this weekend just for a chance to meet him and thank him for being so important in her life these past 15 years. 

  • Love 1

God, parts of this fandom are just such a trash fire.  Jensen’s aunt and Jim Beaver have been dragged into this, and now I’ve seen comments like “I want a Jensen solo panel” and “I want Jensen and Rob, Alex, Misha, Jason, or whomever.”  Such entitled fans.

  • Love 3

Some fringe fans have implied that the incident at a con where Jensen broke down the door because he couldn’t get into his hotel room was because he was drunk or impaired or violent in some way.  I guess Jensen’s aunt saw some of it on Twitter and posted comments.  The explanation of what actually happened is on YouTube under the Montreal con stuff, and of course those fans are liars.

Edited by BlueSapphire
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11 minutes ago, BlueSapphire said:

Some fringe fans have implied that the incident at a con where Jensen broke down the door because he couldn’t get into his hotel room was because he was drunk or impaired or violent in some way.  I guess Jensen’s aunt saw some of it on Twitter and posted comments.  The explanation of what actually happened is on YouTube under the Montreal con stuff, and of course those fans are liars.

I've seen this in many places, none moreso than a fairly famous 'J2' fan who knows very well that Jensen's event wasn't even on the same planet as this incident. Somehow the 'whataboutism' makes her feel better about Jared I guess.

  • Love 7
12 hours ago, Myrelle said:

I would suggest you read through this thread again. 

To me, this was clearly an escalation of what he's been doing sporadically for years and what's not in here is that often these things seemed to also occur/coincide with a possibility of the spotlight being shifted away from him.

I'm not going to give examples because, frankly, I'm over talking about it, but  check the timing of these things. They're called triggers and he needs to learn to recognize his better, IMO; as should his loved ones, if they don't know them.

ITA with this entire post-and especially the last paragraph-which is why I feel that the smart move would be to skip the con this weekend. The fans would understand and if he goes, you have to know that it's going to just turn into a 3 ring circus with all the Poor Jared, We Love You Anyway fans taking center stage, which is not fair to the fans who are there for reasons other than JP and who spent just as much money on their tickets.

And even if he asks them not to bring it up, it's highly unlikely that they will comply and Creation has been very lax at enforcing anything of that nature in the past.

I have to agree that I think he's gotten off relatively easy in the public/fandom domain.

In fact, I think that Jensen has gotten more hate from the lunatic fringe of JP's fandom for not being a good enough friend/brother to him-which is another reason that I think he should skip the con this weekend.

But I don't think he will now. And his PR people will probably encourage him to go seeing how it's all shaking out.

Has Jensen said anything about this??

19 hours ago, Myrelle said:

a 3 ring circus with all the Poor Jared, We Love You Anyway fans

This is what I don't get.  I'm a fan of the show.  Obviously.  But, I don't pretend like I know any of these guys or what they're like.  They are absolute complete strangers.  I don't know them any better than I do some guy I've never heard of who lives 3 states away.

I also don't know what happened that night, and again I don't pretend to.  But, I see all these comments everywhere, about how JP is a good guy and this isn't like him and he would never do anything like this so it was obviously all the other guys' fault.  Blah blah blah.   I actually kind of worry about the other guys' involved in this, because if/when their names are released, they are going to be dragged through the mud by rabid fans.

Again, I'm not saying he's a horrible person, because I don't know that either. But, I also don't know that he's a saint.  Because I don't know him at all.

  • Love 9
7 hours ago, S Cook Productions said:

What?? Why??

He wished a career ending injury on him.

10 hours ago, BlueSapphire said:

I’ve seen comments like “I want a Jensen solo panel” and “I want Jensen and Rob, Alex, Misha, Jason, or whomever.”  Such entitled fans.

These type of posts are made at every single con.  Why is it so wrong to make them about this one?  Should people not be able to express their desires and wants? The con is going on.   People are disappointed that they won't see Jared, but shouldn't they be able to express what might help make up for that disappointment. 

Saying I want a Jensen/Rob panel doesn't automatically translate to "yay, Jared's not here."  It could just mean, I enjoy watching these two interact. 

People ask for mix ups all the time.  It's not always about Jared.

Edited by ILoveReading
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My sympathies to all those, especially everyone doing their first con, who've scrimped and saved to get to SPNDC.  I hope Creation step up to the plate with some backbone (for once!) and protect Jensen etc. from the comments and questions that are likely to come from the more 'intense' members of the fandom.  God bless Jake and Alex for stepping up to the plate (yes, I know they're getting paid, but they're also disrupting their own lives).  From what I've seen and read of Jared, I don't think he would have been emotionally ready for what would have come his way had he attended, so it's probably best all round.  I hope he gets time to reflect, see what a pillock he was, and make it up to his wife and kids - poor Tom and Shep will be getting an early lesson in the fact that parents are human too, unfortunately.

  • Love 6

I don't see anything wrong with fans wanting other specific panels to make up for the loss of Jared. They paid money - a lot of it - and there are no refunds for admission etc. Saying you want a Misha/Jensen panel isn't wrong. Just trying to find a silver lining. 

  • Love 15
5 minutes ago, Bobcatkitten said:

I don't see anything wrong with fans wanting other specific panels to make up for the loss of Jared. They paid money - a lot of it - and there are no refunds for admission etc. Saying you want a Misha/Jensen panel isn't wrong. Just trying to find a silver lining. 

Sometimes mixing up panels is a good thing.  I've find J2 panels have gotten stale.  Its the same questions over and over.

  • Love 8
2 hours ago, Katy M said:

This is what I don't get.  I'm a fan of the show.  Obviously.  But, I don't pretend like I know any of these guys or what they're like.  They are absolute complete strangers.  I don't know them any better than I do some guy I've never heard of who lives 3 states away.

I think it's partly a byproduct of all the conventions they do - some fans (at least many of the ones I've encountered on Twitter) truly do think they know what these guys are like.  And they want to defend/protect them at all costs.  It's bizarre and disturbing, even for online fandom, which is by its very essence kinda bizarre and disturbing lol. 

I've even seen the argument that the actors have no idea how much the fans are being (over)charged for these events and that no one should ever mention it to them because they'd hate that their supporters are being gouged.  I just find that incredibly naive.  These guys aren't just actors, they're businessmen who are there to make money.  I literally saw someone say, "Please don't mention to Misha how much his meet & greet went for.  He doesn't like knowing people spend so much to see him."  You're trying to protect the feelings of a millionaire who is being paid to meet you? That's nuts to me lol.  These guys are making bank off of fans, they aren't just showing up to these things out of the goodness of their hearts. They seem like good guys, but they aren't clueless, defenseless woobies in need of coddling lol.

  • Love 19
18 minutes ago, TaraS1 said:

I think it's partly a byproduct of all the conventions they do - some fans (at least many of the ones I've encountered on Twitter) truly do think they know what these guys are like.  And they want to defend/protect them at all costs.  It's bizarre and disturbing, even for online fandom, which is by its very essence kinda bizarre and disturbing lol. 

Yeah, I'm definitely sure that is part of it.  People see actors in a slightly less acty environment and assume that is their 100% true persona.  I'm not saying that it necessarily isn't, I'm just saying that isn't necessarily

19 minutes ago, TaraS1 said:

I've even seen the argument that the actors have no idea how much the fans are being (over)charged for these events and that no one should ever mention it to them because they'd hate that their supporters are being gouged.  I just find that incredibly naive.  These guys aren't just actors, they're businessmen who are there to make money.  I literally saw someone say, "Please don't mention to Misha how much his meet & greet went for.  He doesn't like knowing people spend so much to see him."  You're trying to protect the feelings of a millionaire who is being paid to meet you? That's nuts to me lol.  These guys are making bank off of fans, they aren't just showing up to these things out of the goodness of their hearts. They seem like good guys, but they aren't clueless, defenseless woobies in need of coddling lol.

I'm sure the prices are listed and they are aware of at least the ballpark if not the exact figure.  Yes, they are working when they meet you. That's why you're meeting them at a convention and they're not inviting you over to Sunday dinner or accepting your invitations.  I mean, if the quoted person really thought it was bothering Misha that much, I think she'd be surpirsed to find that on being told he's not going to pull out a wad of cash to reimburse the "gougement."  If you don't want to spend that much to meet an actor, then don't. If you do, well, then, it's probably worth it to you.  Gouging is a word that should only be used for necessities.  Anything else is a choice and if you don't want to spend it, you don't have to.

  • Love 3
35 minutes ago, TaraS1 said:

I think it's partly a byproduct of all the conventions they do - some fans (at least many of the ones I've encountered on Twitter) truly do think they know what these guys are like.  And they want to defend/protect them at all costs.  It's bizarre and disturbing, even for online fandom, which is by its very essence kinda bizarre and disturbing lol. 

Fans do tend to think they know them, because at the cons they hear all the stories they tell about their lives, and they see the pictures on Instagram and Twitter, and even the (somewhat) negative stories tell are humorous or uplifting.  They don't get to see or hear about family problems, or drunken fights or anything really negative until it hits the press.  And that's why it seems OOC--because from everything they've heard and seen, they're such warm, tender, caring family guys that it *must* be either a mistake or a one-time thing.  

Fans only hear one side of the story, and it's the side the actors want the public to see.  They do have to please their fans in order to keep getting hired.

I'm not saying that there's necessarily a lot of terrible things going on BTS or at home--some may be exactly as they seem.  But fans have to realize it's still a "public persona," and there's a lot more to people than they show--or want to show. 

I think that's why Jensen tends to seem more remote (or maybe thoughtful) at cons--he thinks about what he wants to say/show.  Jared tends to blurt things out and seems a lot more open, which makes him appear more approachable--but he's still not going to open up about anything he knows the fans might not like to hear.  (Just like Misha probably won't tell a fan that he thinks she's stupid or crazy to spend so much money just for a picture.)     

Edited by ahrtee
  • Love 12

Total agreement: we don't know these actors on any kind of a personal level, and to presume to is wrong on every level. And the obvious sense of entitlement and personal investment from some fans is truly disturbing.

But we're all here on a message board talking about those same actors (not just their characters), so we've invested in them as people, at least somewhat, supporting their causes, their endeavors outside the Supernatural world. Given that, I choose who I admire and support by what they show me - their 'public' face, which in today's world includes portions of their personal lives. I don't apologize for judging what they put out there for the world to see, any more than I expect not to be judged for my own public behavior. And I don't apologize or feel the need to defend feeling joy or disappointment or any other emotion when appropriate, either.

Edited by gonzosgirrl
  • Love 12

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