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Floribama Shore - General Discussion

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10 hours ago, Racj82 said:

I also forgot to ask about Kortni. Besides the poundage, she is literally sick every season. What is up with her? 

I had a friend who got really drunk last year at a company Christmas party and sat on a toilet seat covered with urine and a week later she was in the hospital with septicemia. We know homegirl frequently urinates on herself while intoxicated and infrequently bathes so I wouldn't be surprised if that's what's up with her.

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4 hours ago, UniqBlue69 said:

I had a friend who got really drunk last year at a company Christmas party and sat on a toilet seat covered with urine and a week later she was in the hospital with septicemia. We know homegirl frequently urinates on herself while intoxicated and infrequently bathes so I wouldn't be surprised if that's what's up with her.


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If this is the cast they ended up with, can you imagine the rejects?

I saw part of the last season, where Nilsa washed Kortni in the pool.  In the pool.  Does Kortni wait for her mama to wash her?  It seems like her mama does everything for her.  Without this show, what exactly would she and Amy do?  I think the others would somehow manage to have some sort of income.  Kortni would rely on her mama, mooch off of her.  Amy?  I agree she's dumber than a hoe handle, and she thinks it's cute.  It's not.

They trashed that cute house in PCB.  This gorgeous house doesn't stand a chance.  Did they really move locales due to being kicked out of so many places in PCB or was it due to the hurricane that devastated the area?  

I've watched just parts of the show as it's like Jersey Shore without any of that show's original charm.  They make JS look like geniuses, too.  That cast had some common sense.  I don't recall them puking and peeing all over so much nor were they kicked out of almost every place in Seaside.

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17 hours ago, hoosier80 said:

I've watched just parts of the show as it's like Jersey Shore without any of that show's original charm.  They make JS look like geniuses, too.  That cast had some common sense.  I don't recall them puking and peeing all over so much nor were they kicked out of almost every place in Seaside.

Jersey Shore's cast was lovably air-headed - these fools are belligerent alcoholics perpetually one outburst away from jail time.  

Remember when Snooki peed at the club and it was replayed 100 times? Now that happens five times an episode. I gagged when Nilsa helped Aimee twist the pee-soaked part of her dress to the side, then slapped on some hand sanitizer as an afterthought.

I used to think Candace was the only rational one, but I'm 100% over her. Shrieking and threatening to fight everyone over not getting the room she wanted? Are we 10?

"Yay! More of Kodi's fake producer-driven crush on Candace!" said no one.

Does Nilsa really have a stuffed alligator?  If so, I can't believe someone would try to copy Snooki so exactly.  Why not at least try to bring a different animal if you are going to be "the chick in the house who needs to sleep with a stuffed animal" ?  

This show is interesting when you consider on a meta level - its a new incarnation of Jersey Shore. There are common elements, but also massive differences.  The original JS crew seemed to share a cultural identity and family background, whereas with this one, there is a lot more variation.  I feel like this group subconsciously, or even at times consciously, feels they need to emulate JS. 

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Nilsa - totally jealous of Gus's GF.  Maybe not of her personally but the fact that she isn't getting all of the male attention within a 25 mile radius.

Amy - I'm sure Kirk & Kodi really loved the conversation about her BF's weiner!  To quote Jersey Shore AWKWARD!

Candace - Take the rage down a notch.  Does it really matter who sleeps where?  You're all in the same damn house.

Kortni - noticeable difference in her weight from last season.  What's the saying...Fat & Happy?  Not that I think she is fat but its a definite change.  And why always so sick?  

Kodi - Dude, Candace is never going to happen!  

Kirk - too normal, needs more drama

Gus - You cheated

Jeremiah - Why does this guy look so different?  And the mental state is alarming.  A big change from last season.

On a side note - I love it when the cast says "they found a house".  Umm, nope MTV is footing the bill & we all know it. That house is way too nice for them!  They all looked a fool that first night at the bar.  All the guys looked like they had either spilled or puked on themselves.  Candace was ridiculous trying to "fake Id" her way into the bar.  Jeremiah was so proud that he puke & rallied!  I could go on & on.

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On 11/15/2019 at 4:59 PM, LibertarianSlut said:


Candace still looks good the way Gus still looks good--they both have fine bodies, but their bodies don't look nearly as good as they used to.

First two seasons, Candace was tiny.  She was, maybe, 105 lbs, tops. All sinewy muscle tissue.  No fat at all.  Remember her false modesty at having to compete against Nilsa in the bathing suit contest in Mexico when Candance had like the sickest body ever, and Nilsa, um, didn't, and Candace placed?

Candace is still in good shape, but last night when she was wearing that red and white outfit, our girl had a full-on FUPA going on.  There's also a lot more gathering of...stuff, like fat and skin, in her talking heads when she wears the tube tops, which was never there before.

She looks like she gained between 10 and 15 lbs, none of it good.  Over course she still has a good body--by far the best female body in the house by a factor of 10!--but she wouldn't stand out in a spring break crowd anymore.  None of them would IMO.

Nilsa is gorgeous- her body is perfect. She has got all the right curves in all the right places. Great skin too!! The only thing that looks bad is her lips - she needs to just stop with her face or she will ruin it. I read somewhere that she has been hanging out with Angelina from JS - please dont listen to her or ruin yourself like she has Nilsa. You had some work done and it was an improvement but now you are perfect so stop !! 

Nilsa is smarter than all the females in house and has a better personality . JMO 

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Yeah, Nilsa is my favorite too, has been since season two.  She's very human.  You can see her vulnerability even as she is spanking herself on the crotch, which she seems to enjoy greatly.  She's weird.  I wouldn't know her in real life, but compared to someone like Jeremiah, who is just completely fucked up and doesn't know it, I'll take her.  I agree Nilsa has probably the prettiest face in the house; she just has to get the makeup on her face to not look so yellow and to match her body.  That part's weird.  As far as her body, she doesn't have any waistline to speak of, and it looks like she got bigger, but if you like it, I love it.  That's what makes the world go round.

Speaking of fucked up lips, I watched Jersey Shore, all six original seasons, and I suffered through that first Family Vacation season, and I don't understand why this group would compare disfavorably to them.  The Jersey Shore crew was violent and always drunk.  Ronnie was arrested for hitting a guy, Mike gave himself a concussion knocking his head into the wall, Paulie fucking scared me when he would yell at women at the top of his lungs with veins popping, freaking Sammi and Jenni fought each other, and while I can't think of a violent instance for them off the top of my head, Snooki and Deena showed their entire undercarriages to everyone in Italy.  Vinnie was no prize either.  Manipulative asshole who pouted whenever he didn't get what he wanted.  I wouldn't be caught dead watching it now.  I literally cannot look at some of them, like Jenni, without turning away in disgust.  What person who is around 30 would voluntarily fuck up their face like that?  It's totally unfathomable to me.

I think these guys are better than Jersey Shore.  They're funnier.  Jersey Shore had an almost melancholic feel to it at times.  This is brighter.  The Jersey house felt very heavy to me at times, especially when Sammi and Ron would fight and stuff.  These guys fight amongst themselves, but they keep it moving.  I also think, as pathetic as these Floribama people are, they are generally being themselves.  I think the Jersey people, especially Paulie and Vinnie, were very fake and I couldn't stand it. 

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Episode 3:


"It's My Birthday"

After fighting with Codi, Candace invites him to lunch to work out their relationship; Kortni returns from the hospital and loses it on the roommates when they're too loud.

Episode 4:


"Tryna Have a Good Time"

The roommates try to protect Codi while calming an enraged Gus; Aimee can't help but think the worst when Dillon doesn't pick up his phone; Jeremiah invites a girl over for a Sunday Funday.

Airing November 21, 2019.

On 11/19/2019 at 6:41 AM, Witchz said:

Nilsa is gorgeous- her body is perfect. She has got all the right curves in all the right places. Great skin too!! The only thing that looks bad is her lips - she needs to just stop with her face or she will ruin it. I read somewhere that she has been hanging out with Angelina from JS - please dont listen to her or ruin yourself like she has Nilsa. You had some work done and it was an improvement but now you are perfect so stop !! 

Nilsa is smarter than all the females in house and has a better personality . JMO 

I thought this was a set up for a joke. Honestly, I couldn't tell.

Nilsa is a constant shit stirrer, too damn needy for attention, she keeps trying to make chi Chi's up a thing and it will never be a thing. She doesn't actually add anything to add to the show. A lot of these people have me questioning how they got on TV though. I don't find her smart as all. She's proven herself to be quite dumb at times. Candace is the smartest in the house by far even if she could be over dramatic.

Can't stand Nilsa and the hate doubles when her and Aimee team up to play the victim.

Just my opinion obviously.

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On 11/22/2019 at 10:08 AM, Mahamid Frauded Me said:

I am finding this season so unlikeable, why are they all madder than hell?  Courtney should call her momma to come get her sorry ass and take her back home. Gus's girlfriend is a whiny, crying, immature baby, its obvious its taken its toll on him. 

And Gus's girlfriend literally sounds like a fifteen year old. Both in voice and maturity. I judge people more and more by who they choose to date. Between her and Nilsa, Gus has shit taste and is not ready for any kind of relationship.

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4 hours ago, Racj82 said:

And Gus's girlfriend literally sounds like a fifteen year old. Both in voice and maturity. I judge people more and more by who they choose to date. Between her and Nilsa, Gus has shit taste and is not ready for any kind of relationship.

I know!  I can't believe the girlfriend allowed her picture to have been shown last week.  She comes off as such a baby!  If she hadn't shown her face, she would just be "Lisa."  Now she's going to have to live this down for life.

Listening to Lisa, I thought he was either under 18 or totally crazy.  Does anyone have any info about this chick?  

What the fuck is wrong with her and what the fuck is wrong with Gus?  I was so glad Kortni finally told the btich off, but it only put off the inevitable.  I know this is bad, but I want Lisa to come to the house sooo much.  She obviously won't, because she's a baby (either literally or figuratively).

Gus is such a douchebag.  He is totally fucked up.  He obviously has some inferiority complex about his upbringing, which I don't give a shit about.  He is going to wake Kodi up, start shit, say "this isn't amateur hour," Kodi's going to slap a pretzel out of his hand (which was hilarious) and say "call your bitch girlfriend" and Gus is going to threaten to slit Kodi's throat, but Kodi is in the wrong???  Where they do that at?

Amy, Dillon is out fucking.  And using drugs.  This won't turn out well.

Candace was very good this episode.  The shit with the lamp was funny.  Gus putting Lisa on hold to prop up a whole damn lamp and Lisa not missing a beat with her sobbing was high comedy.

Kortni was such a bitch about the damn pancakes.  Candace did well not to get out of character, and to just let Kortni be the asshole.

Kirk is alright.  He gets really, scary angry, but he drops it and acts decent the rest of the time.  I'm pretty sure he's closeted, which would be the source of some of the rage.  If he is, I wish he'd just come out.  I think everyone would be there for him.

I thought it was so funny that they went to the gym, but wound up drinking.  Kodi was going like 1.5 mph on the treadmill.  I thought the only people who worked out that way were over 70.  I was laughing.

It's really bothering me that everyone keeps trying to physcially restrain Gus from cheating.  Who gives a shit?  Let him cheat!  It's inevitable.  Let him make his choices.  He's grown.

OMG, on the cab ride back, did anyone notice Nilsa was making an argument to Gus that he was wasting his time on the wrong people?  So...you want him to waste his time with you, Nilsa?  That's very...romantic.  

That woman Jeremiah brought home was so normal!  Nilsa was being so nice to her too.  Nilsa is so weird.  She was fixated on Jeremiah, then his brother, now Gus, but she couldn't care less about Jeremiah anymore.  She can't flip that off-switch with Gus?  

Now that they're fame-adjacent, there are so many other guys out there who would date Nilsa and Amy, and treat them just as poorly as these guys (because I think they both crave poor treatment deep down, unlike Candace and Kortni).  So...move on?

Also, I find it so frustrating how available Nilsa makes herself to Gus.  If she would just walk away, just once, he'd be following her like a little puppy.  But she gives all her power away.  Of course, once Gus became re-interested in her, she'd lose interest, so lather, rinse, repeat!

Gus is scum.  He doesn't even seem to want to date or fuck these girls he meets at bars.  He just wants the adulation, because he is so insecure.  He needs to be wanted and worshipped, and as soon as that box is checked, he can leave the bar and go home happy.  That's some pathological shit that's not going to be easy to get past, and I hope whoever marries him knows what they signed up for (and hopefully they'll live in a state where marijuana is legal, just in case).

I don't mind the anger and the fights.  They amuse me.  I'm sure if it had been two episodes of eight people getting along, I'd be asleep.

Nilsa's blue and white one piece faux snakeskin bathing suit was everything.

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I have so many things I could say, but everyone else has said them.  So all I’m going to say is: why does Jeremiah look so different this season?  It’s weirdly distracting.  I keep analyzing each part of him.  First I thought his upper body was larger; then I thought it was smaller. Then I thought it might have been his hair, but that wouldn’t account for such a complete difference.  It’s just weird.

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^I think it's his hair

How Cody became the villain for daring to call Gus' girlfriend a bitch after Gus continually berated him IN HIS BED and then chased him around the house is beyond me.  Plus, his girlfriend is a whiny bitch.

Three things I can't help but wonder: 1) what will happen to these people when the show stops airing  2) how much $ do they make each season (my guess is ~$30k, and 3) why do I keep watching??

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This season is so funny!  This show is really a hidden gem, as long as you have zero expectations.

Kodi passed out on a residential street, Kortni's entire letter to Candace, Candace being passed out and pushed on a luggage rack, some guy named Bill proposing to some woman named Elisha in sky writing and Kirk saying, "Bill's white, it's an interracial couple; it's you and Candace!"  This stuff all had me cracking up.  Oh my God, what about Nilsa drunkenly telling the camera that now that Gus is broken up, he can have these (and then she flashes her funbags for the camera, just in case the subtlety is lost on us).

The bags in the cabs went too far.

I thought the woman Jeremiah brought home was so normal, except one of these things is not like the other:

  • Jesus is foremost
  • I'm really into fitness
  • I don't have casual sex (unless I'm hammered)

Ok, Kirstin, or whatever your name is, you qualify for taking Kortni's spot while she's gone.

Gus, I am soooo glad Lisa hung up on you and didn't call back.  Smartest thing she's ever done.  I'm hoping the mom calling was a red herring.  Hey Gus, why aren't you calling the women you meet "baby girls" this season?  Did someone clue you in to just how creepy you sounded?

I am so glad that girl he brought back to the house didn't fuck him!  Also--smartest decision she's made in her life.  Gus didn't want to fuck her anyway. I don't get any sexual energy off of him.  Like, I don't think he gets "horny."  I think he just wants to rub up against emaciated blondes and have them tell him how hot he is.  He has nothing to offer.  No wonder his family rejected him in Tallahassee.  This happens across the species all the time--animal parents can sense that their offspring are inferior and they abandon them for the greater good of the social order.  Sounds about right.

 I see a spark of...something in all the other cast members.  They are total underachieving losers who may never live this down, but they show flashes of humanity, cheer, thought, kindness, and humor every so often.  Except Gus.  He's just a sad sack who is constantly feeling slighted by life.  He's not educated, he's not interesting, he's not interested, his look is very generic, he likely sucks in bed, and I have doubts about his hygiene, but he's so goddamn into himself and his poor little Gus feelings.  

Nilsa, the smartest thing you ever did (if you stick to it)?  Is putting Gus on ice.

Kortni and her tonsils are boring, except "chi-chis up for Kortni!"  I love chi-chis up.  It's so funny and unpretentious.

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I’m done watching this s**t. It was fun for a while to snark on these ugly, disgusting losers. But I’m beyond appalled at how they treat service workers - cab and ride share drivers in particular. Maybe there are barf and pee bags (wtf?) in most taxis now...but it’s fucking gross and condescending af the way they act. I don’t care if these guys are compensated for the rides - it’s disgusting that MTV thinks it’s cute to show these floribama assholes doing what they do. I’ve always said - you can tell a lot about a person by the way they treat service people. And these guys are goddamn fucking gross. Not funny. Not cute. I’m done with these gross, fat, ignorant and uneducated losers. Fuck mtv for making redneck trash people rich. Between this and teen mom...I guess it pays to be a 9th grade, promiscuous hs dropout. It’s a Kartrashian America and I’m sad.

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I feel like I'm alone here.  This is like a Pink Floyd song.  Hello, is there anybody out there?  Just nod if you can hear me lol.

Once again, I was somewhat entertained.  Sort of a filler episode.

Team Lisa.  Girl, dish that shit to TMZ!!!!  Aw poor Gus, you called Lisa, so she asked you to talk, instead of kissing your ass?  Cry me a fucking river, buddy.

Gilsa = snooze.  It's not a thing; it's never going to be a thing.  She'll hang out for him to ignore her for all time.  Both pathetic.  The group is so wrong to continue to enable this charade.

I admire all kinds of figures, but I tend to find people who are lean and in shape more attractive than flabby people.  That said, there was nothing approaching feminine or attractive about Alyssa's abdomen.  I noticed it in an earlier episode.  Gross, frankly.  It didn't even look human.  It looked like armor.

This "hog sense" thing...not gonna lie, sounds really redneck.

I was so happy that Nilsa was able to meet someone!  Then Gus had to ruin it like a bitch.  I have a feeling there was a lot of footage left on that cutting room floor.  Jeremiah, as a Florida man, wouldn't have been defending Nilsa's guy if he had just came in and insulted Florida men apropos of nothing.  Gus was being a baby, because only he should be allowed to get opposite-sex attention, not Nilsa.  

Nilsa, you self-sabotager!  You're on the verge of getting some, and you run away???  If you're not allowed to go to a hotel with the guy, just fuck him in the backyard or something.  I'm usually not enthusiastic about casual sex, but if the best way to get over someone is to get under someone, by all means...I mean, Nilsa really needs to do something to stop being so dickmatized by Gus.  It's at like a 911 level.  At least make out with the guy.  Have a freaking deep talk.  Anything.

Team Jeremiah 100%.  I wouldn't even care if he was dead wrong.  Gus is so long overdue for an ass kicking that it overrides all else.

Candace's rainbow colored nails were perfection.  Best part of the episode.

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Why are these people so angry all the time?  makes the show so difficult to watch.  

Gus - blech, ex- girlfriend LISA -  you should be glad things are not working out between you guys.  Now I’m not giving you Lisa a pass - your behavior as a WOMAN was not a good look - but  his behavior is horrible, so disrespectful, no accountability for his actions - girl move on.  let Nilsa have him - the two of them deserve each other. 

nilsa - why do you try so hard?  Your Interactions with Gus are so desperate and pathetic. 

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Oh man, this show. It's such garbage, and yet so hilarious.

One of the funniest bit has been the juxtaposition of Gus's girlfriend's melodramatic sobbing with the roommates stumbling around the room in drunken oblivion, knocking over lamps and mumbling about food on their shoes.

I will admit to having a bit of a soft spot for Nilsa- not that she isn't as tragically flawed as the rest of them, I just find myself rooting for her. I would love to see her find someone and lose interest in Gus (and his reaction to that). 

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The threats to kill are so interesting in light of the fact that there was more security there than at a New Kids on the Block concert circa 1990.

"Florida guy" calling Gus out on being 5'8" and 150 gave me life though.

I was so glad Kodi and Kirk stayed out of it and laughed.  Would never happen on JS.

How does someone conveniently rage and flex at the same time?  Ew.  

Why is Jeremiah so upset at Gus that a random guy insulted the guys from Jeremiah's home state?  Like I said last week, I think we're missing some really important footage.

Oh,so the plot thickens--Gus was living in Arizona with Jeremiah and his brothers?  Why didn't we know this in advance?  There's so much they're keeping from us, like the way they keep referring to this as "summer," when we know it's spring, because Nilsa would have been arrested by now if it were summer.

I can't believe how entitled Gus is--Nilsa was supposed to stick up for him while she's trying to get over him?  Whatever Gus.  If she'd stuck up for him, he'd say he doesn't want her making moves on his behalf or some psychobabble.

I saw Jeremiah's side when he finally articulated it.  If he really was escorting the guy outside to talk sense into him and Gus called him a bitch, after all their history, that's ugly.

Jeremiah was acting a little too much like Mike Sorrentino this ep.

I...won't be trying beta alanine anytime soon.

Candace was good about the boot situation.  She was angry enough that is was entertaining, but she didn't lose her mind, like some people...

Nilsa is reality TV gold for many reasons, not least for being able to twerk upside down.  

Kristen's not very pretty.  She's alright at this second, but her bone structure suggests that five years and and one or two kids kid from now, she'll be a full-on horse face.

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1 hour ago, snarts said:

Prime example of roid rage. Both the anger & the bacne.  

That's exactly what I thought. I bartended for six years and worked a different job at the same bar five years before that, so I've seen plenty of fights. The worst fight I saw was a man on steroids who is built just like Jeremiah and lost his mind in the same way. The veins popping out as he screamed were the same. My manager, who is ex-navy, is one of the strongest people I know and he had to hold steroids-guy back. He admitted to us afterwards that he was really struggling. Everything about the Gus vs Jeremiah fight reminded me of that night.

The bromance montage they showed of Gus and Jeremiah, as if a couple had broken up or someone had died, cracked me up.

Everything else- these people are crazy. That's all I've got for now.

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12 hours ago, CDC said:

My manager, who is ex-navy, is one of the strongest people I know and he had to hold steroids-guy back. He admitted to us afterwards that he was really struggling. Everything about the Gus vs Jeremiah fight reminded me of that night.

On the other hand Candace said she was having trouble holding Gus back. lol! Gus got real badass as soon as security took control of the situation. 

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I don’t like Kristen.  She’s way too thirsty.  At first I thought she could bring a tiny amount of decency to this show—like the tiniest amount possible—but I was wrong. 

It takes away from the show that someone—Gus—went on The Challenge.  I don’t remember anyone from Jersey Shore doing that.  It takes way from the reality of eight people from the same region of the country coming together and acting a fool.

I didn’t enjoy this episode.  There’s a lot they can do to amuse me, but The Maddie Hour is not it.  She was right about Gus not leading Nilsa on when they’re drunk.

Yes, Nilsa, you are advancing the cause of women.  Maybe you can twerk on Capitol Hill.     

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15 hours ago, LibertarianSlut said:

It takes away from the show that someone—Gus—went on The Challenge.  I don’t remember anyone from Jersey Shore doing that.  It takes way from the reality of eight people from the same region of the country coming together and acting a fool.

Agree. It's also made him think he's some VIP and act like an arrogant douche.

1 hour ago, Mahamid Frauded Me said:

I don't miss Kortni one bit

 Me either. Can we permanently replace her with Mattie?

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On 12/19/2019 at 9:43 PM, LibertarianSlut said:

The threats to kill are so interesting in light of the fact that there was more security there than at a New Kids on the Block concert circa 1990.

I like that phrase! Showing the security is definitely new for this show, but a regular occurrence on The Challenge. And it appears that here we have just as much security for one-third as many people as The Challenge, which is interesting. 

I need more on this Jeremiah/Gus off-show backstory. There's way more going on than they are sharing with the rest of the class. 


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I’d rather have them end the season or make the show a half an hour than have them get “jobs.”  I love these small business owners who suddenly need to hire eight people.  

The whole mock trial was so funny, especially production doing the Floribama version of The People’s Court.  

Kodi has become one of my favorites.  Candace is also having a good season.  I’m so glad they’re not pushing a romance storyline for them anymore, because it’s so obvious she’d never give him the time of day in real life.  I’m over Aimee.  She’s an introvert and who overcompensates when she’s drunk.  That’s why she went to jail.  She has a very eerie smile.  It looks like a dog baring its top teeth.  I was surprised how relieved I was to have her gone.

Clark Kent, er, Jeremiah getting so mad because Gus ordered a lot of sushi?  Dude, just pay for it and don’t let it get under your skin.  I’m so sick of the constant tension about something that happened in Arizona playing out on the show.

I think Jeremiah is actually less mentally prepared to have a physical altercation with Gus than Gus is with Jeremiah, and both are shaking in their boots.  They’re totally scared of what could happen if they took even one hit to their precious little faces.  Kortni is someone who is not afraid to fight.  These two have been jawing for four episodes now.  Someone take a swing or permanently shut the fuck up about it!

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4 hours ago, Jack Sampson said:

Gus' tough guy act reminds me of Justin Bieber, it works really well when you have security around.  IRL he'd take a beating from any of the guys in the house.

Notice the way he was "fighting".  No punches, just pushing and even then his arm ends up in a sling.

Ah, but punches get you thrown off the show.  RE: hyperextending your shoulder: it isn't a sign of weakness, rather, it's an indication you've over-rotated your shoulder.  

He's small, and his strength hasn't really been exhibited, but IMO his 'toughness' has.  He wasn't feeling any type of way about his exchange with Jeremiah, while Jeremiah was facially shitting his pants.  Little Gus is tough, and he's scrappy.  [Food for thought:  the average height of a U.S. male is ~5'10", the average height of male U.S. Marines is ~5'6".]



Kinda rich for Nilsa to say Mattie was keeping Jeremiah company because she has a crush on him because no matter who was right, Nilsa was sticking with Gus.. because she has a crush on him.   I still hate how unapologetic Aimee is about her violent outbursts and battery charge, and I was inexplicably annoyed by the "I am a service crab" label on Sherman.  

Punk ass move to agree to buy dinner and then back out when the check comes- bigger punk ass move to let someone else pay for that dinner, particularly when that someone else has been your only ally in an imaginary persecution.  I hope Jeremiah gets his ass handed to him. 

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I wish we knew the backstory on Gus and Jeremiah.  Something seems to be missing.  They broke up over that drunken altercation with Florida Boy?  Not buying it.

And why do the other roomies think its ok for Gus to be a dick at dinner and order all kinds of food knowing Jeremiah has been appointed to pay it.  I don't think Jeremiah went back on the bet for losers to pay for winners.  I think his roomies screwed him by telling him he needed to pay for Gus's dinner and sat by and said nothing to Gus when he ordered all that food to chill out and be real.  They all sat there just waiting for Jeremiah to go off and the boys get into it once again.  Then they all act surprised the two get into!!!  What has Jeremiah done that all his roomies don't seem to like him anymore?  Well, other than having Roid Rage the night Florida Boy was there.  And if I remember correctly Gus started that shit to begin with.  Something is going on that they are not telling us.

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Just now, gaPeach said:

I wish we knew the backstory on Gus and Jeremiah.  Something seems to be missing.  They broke up over that drunken altercation with Florida Boy?  Not buying it.

Wasn't the story that Gus moved to AZ to share a place with Brothers Jeremiah, and that one of the trio totalled Gus' car that he'd just shipped there and refused to pay for it? And that Jeremiah hadn't had his back then, and still didn't have his back (because he went to comfort Nilsa's date who called him trash)..  I feel like that's the story he told Codi and Codi said he wouldn't have forgiven Jeremiah if he were in Gus' shoes.  

I had been waiting patiently for the Candace tumble down the stairs, now I feel bad that I was looking forward to it. Glad she was not seriously injured and she took it in stride, even saying it was pretty funny. I like seeing this "goofy" side to her, she seems to have a fun personality and stole the Floribama Court spoof. Glad she isn't with Gator 1234234124232 Southside anymore.  Still don't miss Kortni and her stank attitude. Aimee needs to stfu about her sex life, nobody wants to hear that.    

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6 hours ago, Drogo said:

Wasn't the story that Gus moved to AZ to share a place with Brothers Jeremiah, and that one of the trio totalled Gus' car that he'd just shipped there and refused to pay for it? And that Jeremiah hadn't had his back then, and still didn't have his back (because he went to comfort Nilsa's date who called him trash)..  I feel like that's the story he told Codi and Codi said he wouldn't have forgiven Jeremiah if he were in Gus' shoes.  

 I agree that this is the information we’ve been given in drips and drabs, but why did we have to put the pieces together like six episodes in?  That is such bad storytelling.  How come, when the show opened and the cast was updating us on their lives (Aimee and Kortni have boyfriends, etc), Jeremiah and Gus didn’t say they had been living together and this is what happened...?  Why are we learning about it in bits and pieces in what I assume is the back half of the season?  

I don’t know, maybe there should be a rule that the cast can’t live together or even spend a substantial amount of time together off camera if it’s going to inform their conduct on the show.  And someone totaled Gus’s new car?  Then...you sue that person, unless, of course, you were doing something illegal as well.  I don’t understand Jeremiah “not having Gus’s back” in something so serious.  Did Jeremiah have information about his brother’s guilt, and refuse to testify or something?  If that’s the case, this should have been disclosed to the viewers at the outset at the very least, and maybe one or both of them shouldn’t have been invited back if there was too much inside baseball for a viewer to follow, which appears to be the case. 

I was loving this season until the bizarre, highly choppy fight over Florida Boy that came out of nowhere and only then did we find out there was this whole backstory between Jeremiah and Gus to which we weren’t privy.  Now I feel like watching the show is a job where I have to parse every interaction for subtext, and it’s really not what I’m trying to do here, so...fail, show!

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I think instead of plotting to piss Jeremiah off they should have all split the bill. Gus wouldn't want that shit done to him and neither would any of the other roomies. We are talking around 60 to 70 dollars for one person. That's just wrong and then Gus has to get personal about it. No one else was stuck paying for that much for their person.

Gus has been in a shit storm every week. First with his gf, then Codi, then FL dude, Jeremiah, Jeremiah, then plotting against him with Kristen, then this. Like quit being petty. The girls probably paid 10 each for Nilsa and maybe Codi paid 20 for Kirk. I didn't hear one mf stop Gus and say look that's wrong, they all egged his egotistical ass on and smirking and shit about it. No wonder Jeremiah feels the way he feels, all this time he had Gus and then Gus jumped to conclusions and now is being a petty child.

Edited by toodywoody
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That dinner thing was completely inexplicable. "Losing team pays for the winning team", case closed, no room for argument. What if the roles had been reversed & Nilsa had to pay for Jeremiah who is 3x the size of the other people on his team? And for Gus to bring up Jeremiah being a man of his word? Bitch please. How unbelievably mentally deficient can these people be?

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