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Season 8 Unseen Moments

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You know that drone was a neighbor fucking with them. Like the paps would go to such lengths for THAT. At least Nessa sorta started to call Jenelle out for comparing herself to the Queen!! Nessa needs to commit to her line of questioning though. 

I didn't know they slice your balls open for a vasectomy. They were so high. 

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I loved the moment when Chelsea was asked if she was also stalked by paparazzi and she said no, never, no one wants to come to South Dakota but you could tells she was thinking that the paps left her wedding alone because the risk of someone being murdered mid-ceremony was fairly low. 

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I know right who would have thought that inviting a gossip mag to cover your wedding and then calling off the wedding in a blazing row the night before would have created interest in the event. For my next wedding I know what to do so I will be famous, I learn so much from Janelle she always has great parenting and relationship advice.

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1 hour ago, crazychicken said:

I know right who would have thought that inviting a gossip mag to cover your wedding and then calling off the wedding in a blazing row the night before would have created interest in the event. For my next wedding I know what to do so I will be famous, I learn so much from Janelle she always has great parenting and relationship advice.

You should start purchasing anything off Etsy that has “wedding” in the search title.

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2 hours ago, CaliforniaLove said:

You know that drone was a neighbor fucking with them. Like the paps would go to such lengths for THAT. At least Nessa sorta started to call Jenelle out for comparing herself to the Queen!! Nessa needs to commit to her line of questioning though. 

I didn't know they slice your balls open for a vasectomy. They were so high. 

I may have to watch this just to hear the Evil Bitch compare herself to Queen Elizabeth. She said they slice your balls open when they do a vasectomy? They must have some sadistic urologists in NC, huh? Anyone married to a man that had one knows it's two teeny, tiny incisions that you can barely even see. The doc that did Mr Lovesnark's snip job told us about a colleague that used a technique with a little crochet hook thingie that left nothing more than a pin hole. Of course, UBT wouldn't consider having no dam fag cut into his man globes! Gittin' spayed is wimmins stuff! He's so ignorant, he probably thinks a vasectomy is the same thing as castration. I'd castrate him and I know Great Kazu would hold him down while I dipped my dull knife in their septic tank before I started!

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It seems Leah only knows how to cook spaghetti. It is the only true meal I have ever watched her serve to her girlses on various episodes. The rest of the time it is junk food, fast food, canned food, or canned frosting. 

Javi putting Kanal on blast. lol  It just proves she was stringing him along. When Chris didn't want her, she wanted to run back to Javi. Silly ass ho. 

Edited by GreatKazu
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6 hours ago, Miss Chevious said:

Leah, stop putting makeup on your girlses all the time. Just Stop. 

Drinking game. For every time Nessa says "got it!". You'd be comatose by the first commercial break.

They are too damn young for that! 

And omg, yes on the "got it." It gets under my skin. Nessa in general is the human embodiment of an alarm clock or nails on a chalkboard. 

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So David is super weirded out about an IUD. They both SAY they're "done", but I notice she didn't say he's "sliced up his balls" yet. They're still waiting and seeing. Okay. I think he wants to get her pregnant again. I can totally see him to be the type to lie about getting a vasectomy. 

OF COURSE Jenelle got her baby's name by typing "Baby girl names" into Pinterest. OF COURSE she did. There is not one original thought in that woman's head. (I typed it in right now, just for kicks. Top names - Adalynn, Nova, Paislee, Reign. Have ALL these bitches been on Pinterest????) Notice how when they asked if any of the other moms did any cute surprises for their kids, Jenelle's story was about getting Maryssa a bed set similar to Aubree's??? She is a scary stalker, y'all! 

And they have a drone. She probably flies that thing up to SD and spies all over Chelsea's life. Bahahahha! I bet there wasn't even a paparazzi drone flying over her compound. "The Queen shoots down drones". Bitch, you aren't even fit to SERVE the Queen. And no one cares about your tacky-ass wedding. 


Speaking of names, where was Kail's sensible friend when the name "Lux" was being floated around. I mean, thank God she shot down "Nine", Egypt", and "Murphy". But you really dropped the ball, girl! Poor kids. They got a mom who uses Twitter to make permanent decisions for her kids. And she didn't even come up with Lux all on her own!!! Apparently she stole it from a friend who didn't end up using it. She's the worst. 

Oh, and since SHE hates surprises, she never does them for her kids. Nice. That would be like if I (who LOVES surprises) threw a surprise party for my husband, who HATES surprises. Don't treat your kids like they're you, KARL. 

It seems like she's still been playing mindgames with Javi pretty recently. She makes him take her out to dinner, then bawls about how messed up things are. Yea, when she realized her baby daddy wasn't going to settle down and play house with her, she thought she could guilt Javi into raising another kid. And spare me your whining about whose friend was whose first. This isn't the first friend who's cut and run for Javi's side. That should tell you something. 


I don't know why Briana thinks her cricket prank was so fucking funny. I hope Luis's landlord saw that footage and sues her ass for the extermination fees. I just watched this horrible show on Animal Planet called "Infested", where crickets had taken over these people's home. They were cave crickets, but still. A nightmare to get rid of. She's so lame. And she took her fake adoption story to Cate and Ty, just to try and get more exposure. I really cannot stand her. 


I could watch clips of Addie for days. "I got some donuts....and I'm doing to the house". But "I need cigarettes!!!" was not funny. My husband is an ex-smoker, so I don't want to get all judgy. But I hope Leah really impresses upon them just how bad her habit is. 


I laughed so hard when the other girls were talking about all of their vacations and Nessa asked Chelsea what they had done and she was basically like, "We can't go anywhere. MY husband WORKS". Get it, girl. I love that Cole sings that Happy Birthday song all crazy, and called Aubree "princess". They're all so cute. 

Edited by ghoulina
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10 hours ago, CaliforniaLove said:

I didn't know they slice your balls open for a vasectomy. They were so high. 

At least he didn't think they cut them right off, a la Lydia on RH of OC. So.....David is smarter than one person. 


9 hours ago, Miss Chevious said:

Drinking game. For every time Nessa says "got it!". You'd be comatose by the first commercial break.

Or anytime she improperly pronounces the "th" digraph. 

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I still think Addie is hilarious cause she shows just what kind of kid Leah and Jeremy raise, one that raises herself. Dare I say, she's more feral than little Sophia! The gimme cigarettes had me laughing though cause again it exposed Leah's fakeness. Leah was just laughing at Addie but then she saw the cameras and remembered to play perfect mother. She's such a bad actress. I hate how fake Leah is being this season. Everything she says and does in front of the cameras is calculated. I actually preferred past Leah because at least then we were getting some realness, and we weren't subjected to any Pinterest quotes masqueraded as motivational speeches.

I do have to say that it was adorable when Nova told Brianna to open her mouth so she could say hello to the baby. That was hilarious! I would say I'd like a show that focused more on the cute kids and less on the infuriating mothers but I wouldn't want those kids exploited even more than they already are.

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I had to search baby girl names on Pinterest. The ones in my search were Haelyn, Haisley, Ensley, and Blakeley.  So in other words,  no real names. To stay on topic, Leah would have to add an A to all these “names” to make them work for her. 

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Bedtime Routine: Jenelle was so fucking envious of Chelsea's cute ass bedtime routine.

There's no fucking way Leah reads to her kids and she says "I read." Yeah, I read too. And if I let him, it's book after book after book. I have to set a limit before we start.


Jenelle and David talking about vasectomy was like listening to HeeHaw. She thinks his ignorance is so fucking hilarious, but she's just as dumb. 

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37 minutes ago, guilfoyleatpp said:

Bedtime Routine: Jenelle was so fucking envious of Chelsea's cute ass bedtime routine.

There's no fucking way Leah reads to her kids and she says "I read." Yeah, I read too. And if I let him, it's book after book after book. I have to set a limit before we start.


Jenelle and David talking about vasectomy was like listening to HeeHaw. She thinks his ignorance is so fucking hilarious, but she's just as dumb. 

lol at your Hee Haw comment. So true! 

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Leah is a terribly innattetive mother. In the scene talking about the last day of school Gracie doesn't have her seat belt on and while Leah is driving and talking about their upcoming vacation Gracie is struggling to put the seat belt on but probably was riding around unsecured for awhile before she finally buckled it and Leah doesn't even notice her child isn't strapped in. 

Aubreys segment was cute. 

Briana needs to grow up. 

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11 hours ago, Miss Chevious said:

Drinking game. For every time Nessa says "got it!". You'd be comatose by the first commercial break.

Nessa thinks a 50 year old woman is really old. I guarantee when she turns 50 she will say 50 is the new 30. 

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1 hour ago, guilfoyleatpp said:

Jenelle and David talking about vasectomy was like listening to HeeHaw. She thinks his ignorance is so fucking hilarious, but she's just as dumb. 

I also didn't appreciate him going on and on about how terrible IUDs are and how if he were a woman he'd never put that in his body. Fun fact, David: you're not a woman and your opinion is stupid. If you've never lived in a body that can become pregnant, you don't know what it's like to walk around with that possibility hanging over you, or what choices you'd be comfortable making to prevent it. I'd be astounded if that jackass can tell a cervix from a Fallopian tube, even with an anatomy book in one hand and a tiny OBGYN in the other  

Now I KNOW Jenelle is basically terrible at preventing pregnancy or doing much for her existing offspring beyond not killing any of them (yet?), don't get me wrong! But if she's actually attempting to use a safe, effective, almost idiot-proof form of contraception, how about we as a society agree to say nothing but POSITIVE ENCOURAGEMENT to her about this?! Not to mention any stupid David fans out there who internalize this 18th century horseshit and decide that since the swamp cowboy thinks they shouldn't use an IUD then they shouldn't. 

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16 minutes ago, JocelynCavanaugh said:

I also didn't appreciate him going on and on about how terrible IUDs are and how if he were a woman he'd never put that in his body. Fun fact, David: you're not a woman and your opinion is stupid. If you've never lived in a body that can become pregnant, you don't know what it's like to walk around with that possibility hanging over you, or what choices you'd be comfortable making to prevent it. I'd be astounded if that jackass can tell a cervix from a Fallopian tube, even with an anatomy book in one hand and a tiny OBGYN in the other  

I agree 100%. The ignorance in that scene was beyond, even for them. 

Was I the only one doing the *cough* BULLSHIT *cough* when all the girls claimed to actually be on some form of birth control? 

I like that when Jenelle was attempting a lighthearted story about life in their household, it involved mimicking her & David yelling at the kids. 

I enjoy that we as viewers of TM2, now have the "Aubree tradition" of seeing a staged scene of her birthday. I would have cut a bitch at that age if there wasn't a full on cake in front of me! 

Addy, I think I need a cigarette too. 

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I laughed so hard at Chelsea’s bedtime routine as my household has the same trouble. Our bedtime routine was getting so out of hand that it was taking nearly an hour to tuck the kids into bed. Each night it was one more song and one more book. One more turned into 3 then 4 then 5. If we keep that up we would have to start bedtime immediately after dinner haha. We reduced it to two songs and one book bam “get into bed!” All of this following the nightly bubble bath and teeth brushing.

It must’ve been awkward for Briana to listen to Kailyn and Javi going back and forth on working things out. Was this filmed BEFORE Javi and Briana began dating? I don’t feel sorry for Briana...just wondering because her and Kailyn seemed cordial with each other.

I really want Briana off of my television screen. I really hope MTV is second guessing adding her as she hasn’t increased the ratings and people are skipping her segments. They cancelled Teen Mom New Jersey before airing so hopefully we’ll get a surprise that they cut her out.

Leah looked amazing. Her stylist is on point. That’s the ONLY compliment I’m giving her lol. 

Edited by Calm81
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2 hours ago, HooHooHoo said:

I had to search baby girl names on Pinterest. The ones in my search were Haelyn, Haisley, Ensley, and Blakeley.  So in other words,  no real names. To stay on topic, Leah would have to add an A to all these “names” to make them work for her. 

These 'names' are absolutely terrible. Good lord people are dumb.

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1 hour ago, Calm81 said:

I laughed so hard at Chelsea’s bedtime routine as my household has the same trouble. Our bedtime routine was getting so out of hand that it was taking nearly an hour to tuck the kids into bed. Each night it was one more song and one more book. One more turned into 3 then 4 then 5. If we keep that up we would have to start bedtime immediately after dinner haha. We reduced it to two songs and one book bam “get into bed!” All of this following the nightly bubble bath and teeth brushing.

It must’ve been awkward for Briana to listen to Kailyn and Javi going back and forth on working things out. Was this filmed BEFORE Javi and Briana began dating? I don’t feel sorry for Briana...just wondering because her and Kailyn seemed cordial with each other.

I really want Briana off of my television screen. I really hope MTV is second guessing adding her as she hasn’t increased the ratings and people are skipping her segments. They cancelled Teen Mom New Jersey before airing so hopefully we’ll get a surprise that they cut her out.

Leah looked amazing. Her stylist is on point. That’s the ONLY compliment I’m giving her lol. 

Kail says the ratings dropped.  Brianna said the ratings increased.  

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I don't see anything funny about what Brianna did putting crickets in Luis house.  It is the exact opposite of funny; it is sleazy and disgusting.

Yeah, and then someone asked something about her "prank"? That wasn't a prank. Toilet papering a house is a prank, egging the house is vandalism. What Brianna did was "egg the house". 

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20 minutes ago, AirQuotes said:

I don't see anything funny about what Brianna did putting crickets in Luis house.  It is the exact opposite of funny; it is sleazy and disgusting.

She also put a rat. She showed a photo on Twitter with laughing emojis.

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Jen-yell having the Neanderthal use their drone to "chase" the other spy drone away.  They have altered thought processes.  Jen-yell is most definitely not a celebrity and no one gave a shit about her tacky wedding.

Edited by AirQuotes
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4 hours ago, kira28 said:

Leah is a terribly inattentive mother.

You know....I think that may be Leah's problem in LIFE, not just motherhood.  She seems inattentive as far as basically everything she does.  She's inattentive at life/adulting. Her husband-boyfriend-man only holds her attention for so long before she has to cheat. School only holds her attention for so long.  Her MLM only holds her attention for so long until she goes to another MLM. Her career goals are the same, too.  She has the attention span of a toddler.  TM money has basically allowed her to flit through life without ever having to commit to a job, goal, making a marriage work (by not cheating on the breadwinner), being sober so she can support the girlses, etc.

I have adult ADD and I don't think that's necessarily what's going on with Leah. Her problem seems.....different.  But it's like she's a toddler who is going through life where she's attentive to something for a little bit, then she starts to half-ass it, and then on to the next thing.  Maybe sometimes she cycles back to something but then repeats this all again (see: returning to Robbie's bed and likely Jeremy's from time to time).  It's like she half-asses everything after about ten minutes of doing something. She can't commit to doing  more than half-assing anything or any attempts at anything in life.  She's just never matured somehow as far as being able to complete anything long-term or be attentive to anything.  I think inside Leah loves her daughters & isn't inherently a "bad" person like Jenelle, but....there's just no "there" there.  (I hope what I'm saying makes sense. Sorry for the word vomit.)

3 hours ago, GreatKazu said:

UBT going on about it being a terrible idea that any woman would put anything inside their body.

It is terrible that any female has ALLOWED David to insert his spotted oaf penis inside their bodies. 

Exactly. I'm also pretty damn sure UBT has no problems with the fake boob implants Jenelle has put in her body, though. Have a seat, David.

Also...this just speaks so much about how UBT feels about women in general. Color me shocked that David is one of those men who has strong opinions about what women should do with their bodies and thinks he's entitled to have any sort of say about women's bodies as a man. 

Just throwing it out there again for Jenelle - get your tubes removed (not just tied)! They'll send you home with some good painkiller prescriptions! And you'll have an excuse to be waited on hand-and-foot and lay around looking at your phone for a while! Do it, girl! It's a relatively easy surgery and I don't regret having mine done AT ALL. 

2 hours ago, Emkat said:

These 'names' are absolutely terrible. Good lord people are dumb.

Okay...I had to go search Pintrest girls names now, too.... Ensley popped up in my search as well.  So did Maisyn.   MaIsYn.  My whole generation (and those younger than me who are procreating) is so damn extra with these youNEEK-ass ridiculous spellings and names. Way to make sure your kid has to tell everyone ever how to spell their name and correct misspellings. I honestly want to high-five other parents in their early 30s and 20s when I see that they've named their kids names that are actual names or are spelled traditionally (and at this point I consider spellings like "Jenni" just as traditional as "Jenny" because it isn't ridiculous like "Jhenyii" or something.....ya'll know what I mean...like "Aubree" for "Aubrey" is nothing compared to some of these spellings).  I want to give extra high-fives to any teen moms who don't saddle their kids with ridiculous names or spellings!

Haisley also popped up.  Jesus God Leah, Ensley's name is nowhere near as bad as it could have been if Jenelle got it from Pintrest. I remember Jenelle telling Barb she liked the name Lydia when she was pregnant by Nathan (before they knew Kaiser's sex). One day Endtable is going to see that episode and ask Jenelle why she didn't stick with the name Lydia:



Endtable: "Jenelle, why didn't you name me Lydia? It's actually a name! And people couldn't make fun of me by calling be Endtable or Egglsey! You told Jace's mom you liked the name Lydia! I also wouldn't have to spell my name for everyone since everyone can spell Lydia!"

Jenelle: "First of all, call me mom! I'm your mom, not (insert David's family member who eventually ends up with custody of Ensley here)! I picked that name! Duuuude, why are you SO MEEEEEAN to MEEEEEE!!!!"



(Sorry for the long post!)

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
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14 hours ago, GreatKazu said:

It seems Leah only knows how to cook spaghetti. It is the only true meal I have ever watched her serve to her girlses on various episodes. The rest of the time it is junk food, fast food, canned food, or canned frosting. 

Javi putting Kanal on blast. lol  It just proves she was stringing him along. When Chris didn't want her, she wanted to run back to Javi. Silly ass ho. 

I haven't seen her make spaghetti but I'm sure it's nothing more than dried pasta and a jar of sauce. When I make spaghetti, I make what my kids called "all day sauce". I start my spaghetti sauce in the morning and simmer it all day.  When the mood strikes me I like making my own pasta too. 

I think I may watch this episode. Is there anything on it that will make me want to throw something at the TV?  

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13 minutes ago, Maharincess said:

I haven't seen her make spaghetti but I'm sure it's nothing more than dried pasta and a jar of sauce. When I make spaghetti, I make what my kids called "all day sauce". I start my spaghetti sauce in the morning and simmer it all day.  When the mood strikes me I like making my own pasta too. 

I think I may watch this episode. Is there anything on it that will make me want to throw something at the TV?  

In re bolded part: Yes, any parts featuring Nessa and the girls. Except Chelsea. lol 

Oh yeah, no doubt Leah is just boiling water for pasta. I saw meat in her sauce. She likely cooked it and added it to the pasta sauce from the jar. It is still something better than the crap she feeds them 90 percent of the time. The other ten percent is spaghetti.  Two episodes ago she served them spaghetti during the scene where Addie ate that tub of fake butter. 

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23 minutes ago, MyPeopleAreNordic said:


Haisley also popped up.  Jesus God Leah, Ensley's name is nowhere near as bad as it could have been if Jenelle got it from Pintrest. I remember Jenelle telling Barb she liked the name Lydia when she was pregnant by Nathan (before they knew Kaiser's sex). One day Endtable is going to see that episode and ask Jenelle why she didn't stick with the name Lydia:


(Sorry for the long post!)

I'm gonna  go ahead & give Jenelle the benefit of the doubt & assume she watches RHOC.  No way I'd name my kid after that bee-yotch!!!

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16 minutes ago, GreatKazu said:

In re bolded part: Yes, any parts featuring Nessa and the girls. Except Chelsea. lol 

Oh yeah, no doubt Leah is just boiling water for pasta. I saw meat in her sauce. She likely cooked it and added it to the pasta sauce from the jar. It is still something better than the crap she feeds them 90 percent of the time. The other ten percent is spaghetti.  Two episodes ago she served them spaghetti during the scene where Addie ate that tub of fake butter. 

We call that Hillbilly Spaghetti in Lil Italy. *Never on a Sunday Rule*

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35 minutes ago, Maharincess said:

I think the words "except Chelsea" are my favorite words to read here. I sure do see it a lot. 

".......Except Chelsea" could really be the title of the show in the later seasons. 

I'm proud of how far our girl has come from the early seasons. 

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I just put baby boy names into Pinterest cause I'm bored as fuck. 

Kashton. Emric. Ryker (makes me think of the jail they always sent creeps to on Law & Order SVU.) Caelum. 

PLEASE  let these women stay off Pinterest for any future baby names. Orrrr....just stop having babies. 


FTR, I like unique names. My children's names would be considered somewhat unique (except the middle one, his gained popularity in recent years). But there's unique and then there's insane. Also, I don't mind if the spelling isn't exactly traditional. As long as you can still figure out how to pronounce it!!!! If you spell a kid's name  Aiydan, is it pronounced like Aiden or Ay-DAN? 

Edited by ghoulina
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