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Season 8 Finale Special - Check Up w/Dr. Drew Part 2

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Just now, SuzyLee said:

And once again Jo outshines the rest of these jackasses.  He comes out onstage in a collared shirt, a nice jacket, and an actual pair of dress slacks while Javi and Hulk are dressed either “stylishly” tattered rags and the same plaid shirt that I wear when I clean out my garage on Saturday afternoon.  Color me impressed, Jo.  *fist bump of solidarity*

Not to mention offering support to Javi, who was a total asshole to him for no reason not too long ago!  He's really grown into a class act!

I thought it was weird how Briana's family seemed to actually be pretty fair toward Devoin compared with how she was talking to him, but maybe they saw how they were coming off on TV and toned it down?  The only calling out Dr Drew has done in years was noting to her that Nova can't get to know Devoin's side of the family if Briana won't let her see them.  Briana was on the attack for sure, she seems scared to let Nova build an attachment to anyone outside their household.

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Who is the Teen Mom? Roxanne or Briana? Because Roxanne just takes over the conversation. I get it, I'm a mom and I want to be in control,but geez, back off lady. No wonder Brianna has a case of arrested development. She doesn't need to deal with her own problems when she has Roxanne to do it for her. 

Jo is so over Kail except for custody. You could just see him choosing his words carefully. 

What the hell is Leah wearing? Is that a cape?

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Wow. Where did this calm, mature, rational Brittany come from? I loved how the one who seemingly has her shit the most together (at least in that household) was the only one on stage taking accountability for not. Roxanne was actually subdued for her. Devon? Button your shirt bro.

Did Jeremy always cuss that much? No comment on the "rekindling". So be it indeed.

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There might be a special that sometimes air after the reunion like @CRAZYCHICKENmentioned up above. 

Unseen Moments is on now, and the girls look way better than they did on the reunion. I think the Ashley is gonna have to get us some video. They almost spilled about the Kail showdown, but kept it vague as always. Ugh!!

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59 minutes ago, druzy said:

We all know what this means:

Kanal posted this during Briana's segment. 

I didn’t watch Brianna’s 30 minute segment. ? What happened? She took up the whole show.  These have been the worst reunion episodes by far. I’m bored. 

Edited by Mkay
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Briana seemed semi reasonable during the season unlike her mom And sister but she was really in bitch mode tonight . Her sister shockingly agreed with devoin and went against the coven . There is something seriously wrong with that mom . She acts like a 13 year old . 

I know Javi and jo don't want to upset  the beast , but just be honest and say it bothers you that kail thinks it's ok to just keep piling on the baby daddies . They tip toe around her for the sake of not pissing her off , but who cares ? You're not in a relationship with her . Also , javi would leave or cheat on whoever he's with for kail . For some reason he's actually into her 

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The night of drinking and chaos was a special for New Years.  So, I have a feeling we won’t see the balloon popping night until that time. That’s why David called it a fake party.  

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Where was the Great Spotted Oaf for the "happy bye-bye" shot?"

How in in the name of all is holy, can Roxanne make her left eyebrow go up so high? John Belushi would've been jealous... 

Karl and her many chins were acting quite the bitch on this edition.

Miss Brianna of the same wildly overdone disco glitter eyeshadow that everyone was wearing (seriously, was that the only one the makeup artists had?) You are a dolt.

Also, Brittany? GET A GOOD BRA. You're far too young to have 12 inches of cleavage. Shudder.

Jermy? Leah? Snooze.

Chelsea and St. Maci of Budweiser? What was the point of that?

Teen Mom 2 Reunions -overpromising, underdelivering.

I actually dozed off during this one.

That is all.

Edited by pheebs
Forgot a parenthesis. Oops.
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39 minutes ago, Mkay said:

I didn’t watch Brianna’s 30 minute segment. ? What happened? She took up the whole show.  These have been the worst reunion episodes by far. I’m bored. 

When Dr. Drew asked Briana about her relationship with Javi she said they were just friends. It was the way she said it. 

I agree, the reunion was boring.

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Briana: "I'm tired. I need a vacation." 

Drew: "With two kids you don't get to go on vacation."

Tell that to Kanal. With TM money these moms can do that and then some. Stop talking as if these are your average young, single mothers who are having to work ordinary jobs without any perks such as free trips. 

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I did appreciate the shade the blue cards directed Drew to throw at Briana

"Nothing much has changed huh? Still at home? Still getting knocked up by losers?".

And good on Devoin for also calling Briana out as a loser. You're not winning at life baby girl.

Edited by Brooklynista
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I’m about to watch the part 2 in a few minutes but I’m already preparing to fast forward through Maci’s “special appearance” as her monotonous voice grates my ears. Her holier than thou and self-proclaimed wisdom is not needed. Gawd, I’m so over the TM OG girls. They’re so boring, negative, and lazy and don’t need to be appearing on TM2 shows.

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Brianna's life is too much drama? She needs a break? How about you stop CREATING drama? 

For once, I thought Drew was on the right "side". Well, we don't necessarily need sides. I think both Devon AND Briana have some serious flaws. But I don't like the way the Coven is with him. Briana claims Nova can't go see his family because she doesn't know them. But how else will she GET TO KNOW them, if she isn't allowed to go visit? Could Devon have fought harder for his kid? Yes. But I don't, for one second, believe that Briana hasn't done everything in power to keep that kid to herself. She really seems to have the mentality that if she isn't WITH the father, the kid belongs to HER. And the father can then see HER kid at HER discretion. 

Yes, Devon needs to get his license, pay CS, become more stable. But I don't think it would kill them to go drop Nova off on a Sunday afternoon so she could get to know her other grandma, aunts, etc. 

And we can see that Briana is prone to exaggeration. She claimed Luis has only seen Stella twice since she's been born. But even WE know that ain't true. We've SEEN him at her apartment a lot more than twice. That was before he went on the road, of course. But at least he's providing. 

I did like that Brittany shut down any comparisons between Devon and Luis. "That dude is like 35". Hahahaha, I laughed. So hard. But it's a valid point. He was a grown ass adult when he knocked up Bri. Not a high school kid. He should have already HAD his shit together. 

At the end of the day, these women will never be happy. I feel so badly for those little girls. 


Javi and Kail have recently been talking about getting back together? I bet when she saw that her newest baby daddy wasn't in it for the long haul, she started trying to guilt Javi into raising another kid. Don't fall for it, Javi! But don't go after that scumbag, Briana. Ew. 


Leah and Germy seemed VERY flirty with one another. That's all I gotta say about that. 

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*deep breath*  Where to begin?  Disclaimer:  I fell asleep during Chelsea's segment.

Garbage Pail Kail ~ Like I said last week, she looked like something that crawled out of a dumpster.  However many years ago this garbage show started, I never would have predicted that 1) it would still be around this many years later and 2) that Jo would evolve into who he is today.  He dresses well and he has such calm and patience.  Love everything about him.

Brianna ~ What was up with the jacket draped over her shoulders?  My theory is it didn't fit.   The coven is just too much (as usual).  I loved how Devoin said he doesn't see Nova very much because with Brianna it is her way or no way.  Brianna went nuts denying that then spent the next 10 minutes giving validity to his claim while simultaneously denying it.

Chelsea ~  I don't know what the world would do without St. Maci of Budweiser and her special brand of patient wisdom.  NOT!  Remember how Joan Rivers would do the exaggerated gagging herself with her finger?  I was doing that the whole time Maci was running her mouth.  Whatever.

Leah ~ it looked like Jeremy was sprawled out on his back in a bed.  The camera angle was so horrible that I couldn't comprehend what he was saying because I was too busy trying to figure out why he was lounging in a bed.  ???  Corey wasn't much better.  He was sitting at the kitchen table but the camera angle was horrible.  Good grief, man.  Grab a big pot and sit the camera up on it.  They really needed Tyler Baltierra to direct them and set up their shots.

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11 hours ago, SuzyLee said:

And once again Jo outshines the rest of these jackasses.  He comes out onstage in a collared shirt, a nice jacket, and an actual pair of dress slacks while Javi and Hulk are dressed in a combo of “stylishly” tattered rags and the same plaid shirt that I wear when I clean out my garage on Saturday afternoon.  Color me impressed, Jo.  *fist bump of solidarity*

Yet he gets shunned for wearing sweat pants on a Sunday. In his own home. 


11 hours ago, FlowerofCarnage said:

Javi continues to be a simp. If I had an ex who treated me the way Kail treated Javi is no way in hell I would entertain listening to their problems.  

"Is there an issue with  the boys?" "Somebody dying?" Nope, then comes the dial tone!

I LOVE that when she called because she thought someone tried to break into her house, he told her to call the police.....then showed up 45 minutes later. 

Why doesn't she call any one of her oddly named friends to come sit with her? Why her ex????

9 hours ago, heatherchandler said:

I loved Dovoin: “Honestly, Drew...”

Ha!!!  Not Dr. Drew, just Drew.

He's spot on. I never call that asshole "doctor"! 


22 minutes ago, AirQuotes said:

Corey wasn't much better.  He was sitting at the kitchen table but the camera angle was horrible.  Good grief, man.  Grab a big pot and sit the camera up on it. 

Unfortunately he lost all the pots to Leah in the divorce. And we all know SHE uses them as chairs. 

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I was shocked at the coven! Did aliens come and inhabit their bodies?? Brianna was showing her ass though. I hate the way she talks and what a bitch she is. I wish Brittany was the teen mom featured, and we didn't have to see Brianna at all. I was also surprised at how much I agreed with everything Brittany said.

I agree with everything else that has been said in regards to them. I just really really do not like Brianna in any way, shape, or form, and it makes me pissed at Javi for going along with whatever they are playing at. 

Onto Kail, I can't believe Jo said he doesn't like seeing Kail with other men. I really hope that just came across wrong cause it sounded like jealousy but surely not, with him having Vee. And y'all called it before  that Kail was sucking up to Javi trying to get him back once Chris disappeared. And I can't believe she was telling Javi not to lie when he said he wasn't attracted to her anymore but then when Drew (I'm gonna go with my man Devoin and just drop that whole "Dr" title lol) asked Kail if she was still attracted to Javi, she was like no, immediately. So Kail wants Javi and Jo and whoever else to always be attracted to her and vying for her attention while she holds no feelings either way. What a bitch!

Jenelle was the only one bringing any kind of drama tonight with UBT acting a fool. I was shocked that everyone else seemed to be able to speak normally and answer questions in a civilized way. Way different reunion than I'm used to seeing. Well Brianna was acting a fool too but her family was better. I even thought Roxanne had toned down the crazy a bit. 

As for Leah, she's dumb as a box of rocks so of course she's giving it up to Jeremy. I see Jeremy going back and forth between Leah and his gf for a good while. Again, Leah is dumb as shit for being with him. Although personally, I do think it would be best for Addie and the twins if they could work it out and get remarried but this childish run around shit is not what I'm talking about.

Chelsea, well, she looked good. Aubree, Watson, and Cole are adorable. Snooze. 

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So that was it? Janelle and David get to vacation in LA for her 5 minute segment where she storms off? Must be nice. 

I want to see Kail try to 1) get a job in media in LA and 2) try to bully the court to let her take the kids. Neither one stands a chance of happening. 

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9 minutes ago, AmandaUnbidden said:

Onto Kail, I can't believe Jo said he doesn't like seeing Kail with other men. I really hope that just came across wrong cause it sounded like jealousy but surely not, with him having Vee. And y'all called it before  that Kail was sucking up to Javi trying to get him back once Chris disappeared. And I can't believe she was telling Javi not to lie when he said he wasn't attracted to her anymore but then when Drew (I'm gonna go with my man Devoin and just drop that whole "Dr" title lol) asked Kail if she was still attracted to Javi, she was like no, immediately. So Kail wants Javi and Jo and whoever else to always be attracted to her and vying for her attention while she holds no feelings either way. What a bitch!


Jo went on to say it was because of Isaac.  He was trying to be careful with his words and I think he said too much because he doesn't want to upset Garbage Pail Kail.  He did end it with he feels that way because of how it affects Isaac.

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I FF'ed Briana's segments (they wouldn't make sense since I skip them all season), but the ugly coat on the shoulders thing is something Kim K has been doing to hide her self-proclaimed fat upper arms. It doesn't really help; it just looks uncomfortable and restricts their movement. 

Edited by JocelynCavanaugh
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11 minutes ago, AirQuotes said:

Jo went on to say it was because of Isaac.  He was trying to be careful with his words and I think he said too much because he doesn't want to upset Garbage Pail Kail.  He did end it with he feels that way because of how it affects Isaac.

Oh gotcha! That makes much more sense, and then I agree with whoever above said that they're tired of seeing Jo and Javi tip toe around Kail. They act almost like domestic abuse victims, oh wait. . 

Edited by AmandaUnbidden
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I just finished the part 2.


You know Maci, I wonder if Ryan’s family is more upset about their family troubles being aired on TV or that YOU sit their preaching about their son and his substance abuse problems without ACKNOWLEDGING YOURS!

Ms, queen thang that couldn’t put the alcohol down long enough to grow a baby. Until you own up to YOUR substance abuse problem I don’t want to hear your advice for Chelsea.

Chelsea also looked like she could careless about what Saint Maci Bud Light has to say and is wondering why MTV is forcefully attaching Maci to Chelsea’s storyline. Chelsea was just being cordial but in her head she’s thinking “will this monotonous speaking b’yatch shut up as I know her ass is probably drunk on stage as we speak”, and daaaamn, Maci looks so much older than Chelsea when there isn’t much of an age difference.

Leah really looked cute in the reunion special. I know a lot of you still think she’s on the pillses and I have no proof of her being off of them but she does look a lot better than she has in years - baby steps, I hope it’s not for show. The girl can clean up nice for these specials.

Briana can go suck a turd. There is no reason why she can’t take Nova to Devoids house for a few hours long enough for her to watch “Finding Dory” while eating popcorn with her dad. I know it’s not fair to have to do the heavy lifting on raising a child then to have to then DRIVE your child to the unfit father but you do what you have to do if you truly feel bad for your child not having an involved father. Drop Nova off and get that break you’ve been bitching about.

The only problem I see with dropping Nova off at devoids moms house is if there were illegal activities going on which neither party has said there was so she’s being lazy and spiteful. And don’t give me the “Nova is shy” nonsense as you THROW A CAMERA crew in her face at 4am and have her on stage in front of a live audience - go take several large seats with your fake ass with that one, nice try!!! She’s too shy for her dads family but not for millions of viewers!?

Edited by Calm81
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1 hour ago, AirQuotes said:

*deep breath*  Where to begin?  Disclaimer:  I fell asleep during Chelsea's segment.

Garbage Pail Kail ~ Like I said last week, she looked like something that crawled out of a dumpster.  However many years ago this garbage show started, I never would have predicted that 1) it would still be around this many years later and 2) that Jo would evolve into who he is today.  He dresses well and he has such calm and patience.  Love everything about him.

Brianna ~ What was up with the jacket draped over her shoulders?  My theory is it didn't fit.   The coven is just too much (as usual).  I loved how Devoin said he doesn't see Nova very much because with Brianna it is her way or no way.  Brianna went nuts denying that then spent the next 10 minutes giving validity to his claim while simultaneously denying it.

Chelsea ~  I don't know what the world would do without St. Maci of Budweiser and her special brand of patient wisdom.  NOT!  Remember how Joan Rivers would do the exaggerated gagging herself with her finger?  I was doing that the whole time Maci was running her mouth.  Whatever.

Leah ~ it looked like Jeremy was sprawled out on his back in a bed.  The camera angle was so horrible that I couldn't comprehend what he was saying because I was too busy trying to figure out why he was lounging in a bed.  ???  Corey wasn't much better.  He was sitting at the kitchen table but the camera angle was horrible.  Good grief, man.  Grab a big pot and sit the camera up on it.  They really needed Tyler Baltierra to direct them and set up their shots.

I’m pretty sure he was in a hotel room or his camper for work.  But, I’m sure that room had a chair, table, something he could sit in.  He’s over this show. 

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2 minutes ago, Mkay said:

I’m pretty sure he was in a hotel room or his camper for work.  But, I’m sure that room had a chair, table, something he could sit in.  He’s over this show. 

I may be alone, but I LIVED for Germy lounging on the bed, giving single syllable answers, cursing up a storm. Drew doesn't deserve ANY kind of respect, IMO. And I'm pretty over this show too. He was the physical manifestation of what I'm feeling inside every time I watch this shit show. 

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16 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

I may be alone, but I LIVED for Germy lounging on the bed, giving single syllable answers, cursing up a storm. Drew doesn't deserve ANY kind of respect, IMO. And I'm pretty over this show too. He was the physical manifestation of what I'm feeling inside every time I watch this shit show. 

We were laughing at my house. Hahaha Germy is another one in the franchise who more or less said Sure he’d like to see his daughter, but he has an actual Job.  Something none of those girls understand. 

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24 minutes ago, Mkay said:

We were laughing at my house. Hahaha Germy is another one in the franchise who more or less said Sure he’d like to see his daughter, but he has an actual Job.  Something none of those girls understand. 

Yeah but he also didn't deny that he puts seeing his girlfriends over seeing his daughter.

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2 hours ago, ghoulina said:

I did like that Brittany shut down any comparisons between Devon and Luis. "That dude is like 35". Hahahaha, I laughed. So hard. But it's a valid point. He was a grown ass adult when he knocked up Bri. Not a high school kid. He should have already HAD his shit together. 

She seems to be the most reasonable of the three of them...

Devon has declined to button up his shirt and it makes it hard to take anything he says seriously...

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2 hours ago, Mkay said:

We were laughing at my house. Hahaha Germy is another one in the franchise who more or less said Sure he’d like to see his daughter, but he has an actual Job.  Something none of those girls understand. 

Didn't Germy make it a point to say (a few episodes back) in a scene how he finally has a girlfriend who understands that he has a job and it entails him being out of town? Such a dig at Leah. 

Nova is a lot like Jace. She is not shy. She is apprehensive. She is worried about being around Devoin only because she sees how much her mother reacts negatively to him and talks so much shit about him. Nova no doubt loves him and is afraid of showing any feelings for him for fear of setting off her mother much like Jace is afraid to say how he feels to Jenelle. Nova has been shown to be reluctant to hug Devoin which is why she has to be prodded and pushed to show him feelings when he is around. Briana tells her to hug her dad, to thank him for the gifts he brings, etc. That child was sitting at the booth as her dad sat at that lunch to celebrate her first day of school and there goes the bruhas ruining that moment for her as well. She knew not to be happy or excited because she knew it was just a matter of time before her mother and grandmother would ruin the moment. 

Edited by GreatKazu
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2 hours ago, AmandaUnbidden said:

I was shocked at the coven! Did aliens come and inhabit their bodies?? Brianna was showing her ass though. I hate the way she talks and what a bitch she is. I wish Brittany was the teen mom featured, and we didn't have to see Brianna at all. I was also surprised at how much I agreed with everything Brittany said.

I agree with everything else that has been said in regards to them. I just really really do not like Brianna in any way, shape, or form, and it makes me pissed at Javi for going along with whatever they are playing at. 

Onto Kail, I can't believe Jo said he doesn't like seeing Kail with other men. I really hope that just came across wrong cause it sounded like jealousy but surely not, with him having Vee. And y'all called it before  that Kail was sucking up to Javi trying to get him back once Chris disappeared. And I can't believe she was telling Javi not to lie when he said he wasn't attracted to her anymore but then when Drew (I'm gonna go with my man Devoin and just drop that whole "Dr" title lol) asked Kail if she was still attracted to Javi, she was like no, immediately. So Kail wants Javi and Jo and whoever else to always be attracted to her and vying for her attention while she holds no feelings either way. What a bitch!

Jenelle was the only one bringing any kind of drama tonight with UBT acting a fool. I was shocked that everyone else seemed to be able to speak normally and answer questions in a civilized way. Way different reunion than I'm used to seeing. Well Brianna was acting a fool too but her family was better. I even thought Roxanne had toned down the crazy a bit. 

As for Leah, she's dumb as a box of rocks so of course she's giving it up to Jeremy. I see Jeremy going back and forth between Leah and his gf for a good while. Again, Leah is dumb as shit for being with him. Although personally, I do think it would be best for Addie and the twins if they could work it out and get remarried but this childish run around shit is not what I'm talking about.

Chelsea, well, she looked good. Aubree, Watson, and Cole are adorable. Snooze. 

I was disgusted by Roxanne but Brittany seemed to reign herself in. I was impressed by her for once.

2 hours ago, poeticlicensed said:

So that was it? Janelle and David get to vacation in LA for her 5 minute segment where she storms off? Must be nice. 

I want to see Kail try to 1) get a job in media in LA and 2) try to bully the court to let her take the kids. Neither one stands a chance of happening. 

She'll try to pull the same stuff that she did when she moved Isaac to Delaware. I hope Javi doesn't give in and not fight for custody.

2 hours ago, Calm81 said:

I just finished the part 2.


You know Maci, I wonder if Ryan’s family is more upset about their family troubles being aired on TV or that YOU sit their preaching about their son and his substance abuse problems without ACKNOWLEDGING YOURS!

Ms, queen thang that couldn’t put the alcohol down long enough to grow a baby. Until you own up to YOUR substance abuse problem I don’t want to hear your advice for Chelsea.

Chelsea also looked like she could careless about what Saint Maci Bud Light has to say and is wondering why MTV is forcefully attaching Maci to Chelsea’s storyline. Chelsea was just being cordial but in her head she’s thinking “will this monotonous speaking b’yatch shut up as I know her ass is probably drunk on stage as we speak”, and daaaamn, Maci looks so much older than Chelsea when there isn’t much of an age difference.

Leah really looked cute in the reunion special. I know a lot of you still think she’s on the pillses and I have no proof of her being off of them but she does look a lot better than she has in years - baby steps, I hope it’s not for show. The girl can clean up nice for these specials.

Briana can go suck a turd. There is no reason why she can’t take Nova to Devoids house for a few hours long enough for her to watch “Finding Dory” while eating popcorn with her dad. I know it’s not fair to have to do the heavy lifting on raising a child then to have to then DRIVE your child to the unfit father but you do what you have to do if you truly feel bad for your child not having an involved father. Drop Nova off and get that break you’ve been bitching about.


I just caaaannn'tt with Briana. Who does this bitch think she is? We've been working with you? Now we have to start all over? Why aren't these dudes GOING TO COURT? Why do they bow down to that trashy bitch (channeling Catelyn) who seems to think that only the Coven has rights to this child? God I want Devoin to get custody just to watch Roxanne stroke out. I can't stand these bitches "I'm putting YOU on child support" is the sentence I hear the most from Briana. Why not get a better job, B? You need to get your life together too. I think she wants to be supported by the idiots that got her pregnant. Good luck.

Edited by AmyFarrahFowler
double words!
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2 hours ago, AmandaUnbidden said:

I wish Brittany was the teen mom featured, and we didn't have to see Brianna at all.

Brittany had the sense six years ago to get that abortion and has used birth control since. *slow clap*

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19 minutes ago, AmyFarrahFowler said:

Why aren't these dudes GOING TO COURT?

They will most likely hit the courts in 2018 because now Briana will receive TM/MTV Cash and the fathers can receive child support from Briana. 

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